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1.7k · Jan 2019
Huddled root to root
Karijinbba Jan 2019
Not all tree roots
need to be long or thick
to be strong mighty ever lasting.
trancending time and space

The strongest tallest trees
have SHORT roots tightly close interconnectedly
with many tree roots
by one amazing fact

being rooted from underneath very close to one another
Huddled in short proximity
it's how the strongest tallest trees thrive stronger live longer.
across time and space
lungs on earth for humans.

Nature teaching showing why
even poets lost in solitude
are as derooted weak trees
they shrivel and die

Here at Hello Poetry
we may willfully become stronger tightly rooted together
to grow taller stronger mightier
or perish for lack of unifying interconnectedness.
huddled root to root

I perceive a disconnection on H.P, among many poets
with thick long roots yet unable to stay connected with
one another in rampard discord  
some expecting benefits without any other concern but arrogance
and selfishness

Trusting unison powerful
indestructible succeeds interconnectedness.

Why not huddle up together
closer so noone deroots us.

i hunger for your view on this.
Nature is teacher at best
intermingling tightly
so closer in proximity
poet to poetess poem to poem
so that i may follow you
confident follow me
huddled up
root to root.
revised: 01-07-19
Union is power
I thank everyone who reads
very few honor me with your reposts
and i feel like a star when your own awesome impecable poetry
ignite brain storm magnificence
pure mind bending magic
i am learning from your greatness and i feel honored. In fact i learn even from those who jump the gun to judgements instead of asking me questions i am very sociable.
Karijinbba Sep 2020
Your Joy is my joy
Your happiness my own
Our beginning bittersweet
Premonition of it's end.
Those I love the most
think of me today.
My dearest darling
beloved forever
Omnipresent remain
our treasure tree of life
our paradise lost and found.
By: Karijinbba
~Copy Rights apply~
Sep-2020 revised 03-21.
1.6k · Mar 2019
Speak to me sweetheart
Karijinbba Mar 2019
Nothing hurts me more deeply,
then your
physical silence
so dead calm
not knowing
if you're living
or colder
in your grave

Speak to me
I love you so.
By: Karijinbba
All rights reserved
Indifference as cold
as forgetting
an absent loved one
a painful un necessary tactic of "less is more"
in the solitary life
of a precious lover
left behind. Hate me
I beg you,your rancor hurts me less then being forgotten!( Revised comment 03-22-19)
1.6k · Sep 2021
Karijinbba Sep 2021
Spirit soaring
not just flying by
my own sky
bit shy yet bloom fully
with pride in petals few
freedom beauty
before the fall
Enter mine eye
apeacing, kind
bubbly as champagne
willow it's all right
on this mirror wall
a note by and by
yours or only mine.
La rose magnifique.
trust exults
of love's rose in bloom
1.5k · Aug 2018
Chinny Chin
Karijinbba Aug 2018
"Chin chin chinny
Chinny is in love
in love
with whom?
one might ask!
In love with life it's plain to see
also in love with me!*
~unto forever"
across the miles time and space mind soul heart
belly, thighs
and in the midst
spirit breaths of life
yours and mine joined live.
~All rights reserved.~
~~Unbequieted lovers ~~
poets:P/C/ham &Anilegna S.Gbba
1.4k · Jun 2021
Last Knight sought.
Karijinbba Jun 2021
My ancient Lancelot.
*Love is patient love is kind,
it kept no record
of wrong doing piling high."
Reminiscing my first poet, sigh;
sweet cane dust sprinkled
on a table's body inch by inch.
Tracings followed little food
reduced to crumbs
Saving hunger and thirst
for the last dance, Knight sought.
True lovers lost and found.
Come lovers unrequited long
find a new dancing floor
dance till the end of love.
I've saved the last dance
for an ancient true Knight
sought long and by and by.
A lifetime I've traveled hard
fed by my lover's light in eye.
It's time, see me renewed
in my new Hindu Knight's light
and sigh.
By Karijinbba
for so long I traveled in the ghost
of my knight's love in eye.
(Rddpc-Rk/ RddBba.)
I stand alone young in heart
for a dance on a final castle floor.
1.4k · Jul 2021
Cherry Pie honey bee.
Karijinbba Jul 2021
Oh beloved Ruler jpc-RDD,
Since I fell
into thy honey ***
I am some honey bee
stuck on thee.!
I can't stop writing poetry!

Gosh I think I am
becoming thee!
Sweet Honey PA pie bee.
Yee art stuck on me!
Angel Cherry Rick piepppp.
I wrote another ice on fire
cherry pie getting yee higher
Dipped in ice frost
with cream on fire.

Served piping hot inked
In buttery poem dipped
In sweet pie honey bee
for me and for thee!
1.3k · Apr 2021
Karijinbba Apr 2021
And my twin flame wrote;
"So, it's either too soon
or too late for love?"
Later realizing
who had sent that poem
I gave my true conscious reply
But it was too late
I missed my mark in poem
and sadly before
without meaning to do so.

An ancient script on stage
at the Hilton resurfaced from
that glorious Sunday.
Mother's Day missing the mark,
fame and great fortune!
I so adored you beloved.
You changed my world
Yes everything had meaning!

"True love is timeless
without beginning or end"
It's never too soon, nor too late.
In spirit in the beginning
and from that Hilton labby
Glued together twin flame lover
I wished with you to be.
My darling!
Timeless is true love.
By: karijinbba
All rights Reserved-74-95.
REVISED April 2021.
1.3k · Oct 2018
A woman of substance
Karijinbba Oct 2018
I couldn't realize my greatness
much less your fascination in me depicted in your own eyes
and much less see yours
and a lot less understand then that I could have helped change earth.
I had no idea I could change my life debating if changing it between my real identity and the one the world gave me would even be a wise thing to do
naturally I was a small enchanted frog with a Queen of the forest stolen crown left in some small macabre pound
Impossible to hap across your huge ocean to be kissed and reign as a new Queen of Kemah
much less know
I had the power of love to help me govern your heart your spirit soul but I knew I was your
twin flame and I loved you at first sight.
Until I believed in myself I realized my greatness and yours plus the dreams you described
while alls gone to worp speeds
and black hole law witches
all beauty remained vissible
tangible neverending!
thats the magic of knowing
true love. It never dies.
I just never found anyone able to love me with the same passion ever again.
The many times I tried to move on even you and women you trusted played the authors of malice and treachery setting me up with your contacts to be used betrayed deceived and trashed,
so I live unmarried and free
knowing good and evil
deep in my core intuitive.
I am just a woman of substance,
to my here and now, that's me
and dear it hurt long and bad at times wishing I was never born but I preffer solitude from humans!
I still wish to thank you my precious true love,
you too universe for the rides!
the good and the bad
I am so eternaly grateful
just a woman of substance.
1.3k · Jul 2021
Kemah beloved
Karijinbba Jul 2021
Two Men's vibes
burning reach my Evez ice.
Two my diamond cave enter.
underneath my water fall.
Vibration's from beyond,
  two distinctive voices won,
ever twirling on and on;
deep as violins his pitch fiddle
his electrical guitar's timbre
command starry skies above!
My tantrick abyss below.
I love thee two, lovers mine.
Punjabi voice lover divine.
I thirst for yours all's mine
Our stars wisely magnetized!
Both cosmically energized.
A state of knowing is ours.
dancing eons on two poles,
to twirl on and ages on,
the mornings and eves long.
I twirl on two magestic poles.
Long shiny studs hard as steal!
First pole's twirl echoes longer
Kemah lover elite's older
  ancient memory hunger!
Implant blue pill chip slumber.
From willow tree, past pole lover
to renewed beloved my forever Kemah twin oaks
two glistening poles
I am art twirl divine

from past to present LOVE
Lives on and on!
By Karijinbba
All Rights Revised 7-29-21.
1.3k · Aug 2021
Heart- less
Karijinbba Aug 2021
My heart flat lined today.
No ICU needed.
it's the only way to go on.
Transformer Cimi Death my other name says my Mayan zodiac
birth chart and I go flat,
in a terrible amnesic shock.
when reality hits I no longer remember nor feel pain
I am sustained by a strange
heart rhythm beat.
I did it once before
very long time ago and
it worked for years.
phychogenic amnesia
There's no feeling no love
no hate no hope no dreams
no waiting for love to be real.
No bridal chambers no gold key
exists to open this gold lock.
My cave of wonders is sealed.
In essence it's another
kind of passing on.
I need it here,
not to stay flat on line.
By: KArijinbba
Karijinbba Mar 2020
Help yourselves dear poets
if you have fever use filtered martinelly apple juice or any brand you got dilude it with water a glass every hour
it has boron it heals cutting fevers fast I used in my children tylenol can harm liver.
for the stronger health users go
organic carrot and (beat juice-
-optional) if you only want water distiled is best one gallon add 20 drops of oregano leaf oil
and only drink this is antiviral.
fir one day or two
If you tolerate take on raw garlic two or more Clove's blend them in filtered, or boiled or distilled water or even Gatorade electrolyte or smart water

add cayenne pepper or any hot peppers you have like cayenne it's good for heart
( no halapeños they irritate intestinal lining ) add sea salt to taste cilantro if you have add two yellow lemon juices freshly squeezed one hole mandarine or small organic orange
add ginger root fresh a finger size slice
add turmeric fresh root
you have apple cider vinegar with the mother in
add some one tablespoon
add multivitamin mineral
and vitamin C ascorvic acid
8f no lemon available.

if you feel anxiety check thyroid it controls brain chemicals add a thyroid supplement vitamin to shake open capsule and blend all these and drink five onces
every 3 hours.
it's anti virulent immune system booster
200 mg of vitamin B complex nightly in powder form will stop your restless leg syndroms help nerves and good sleep add but D3
If you dear find milk thistle it heals detox liver tastes great open one or two capsules in glass of water I drink this daily.
Stay blessed all poets visitors friends you are much loved.
by Karijinbba
1.2k · Aug 2021
Gold Infinity Loops
Karijinbba Aug 2021
~Shawn -vs- Rd~
I AM just
an ancient lover Rd
I AM just an infinity loop
dreaming childlike
of you and me mature and free.
Anyones Gold key who can
turn and open my heart's golden lock
to rock my world, pierce my entrails
with his Angels's longest speer,
as the Angel messanger of God
did for Teresa, igniting into her
ecstasy and bliss across time
and space a saint lover
in disguise,
owns my heart, my bridal
chambers my good fortune spin
and two gold infinity loops.
By: Karijinbba
Karijinbba Jul 2021
Here is us in vortex divinely sligned
You read me like my book
I wrote a million times,
In secret, yet, never alone
Dreams of lullabys for us amor
We read each other's mind!
We've  become poems divine!
We travel in virtual modes, for now,
To deeply dig, in all you give me love.
In poem or in song, our verse exactly rhymes, divine it stems factly.
It's still *US * the memory aptly
in vibe lives true in yesterday's.
wings of love and marry gay.
Sweety pie

Angel k- Rd is also us.
It's HOW I love you cosmic grace
And no
It's never too soon or too late!
True love returns as Seasons do.
It's Fall yet we relax, not too late
for spring will soon return,
Like seasons my love returns
In vortex wing's  
of two halves in love divine
Re United
My Love.

1.2k · Sep 2021
Karijinbba Sep 2021
Twinoak beloved.

The long and winding road
That leads to your door
Will never disappear
I've seen that road before
It always leads me here
Lead me to you door
The wild and windy night
That the rain washed away
Has left a pool of tears
Crying on and on.
Why leave me standing here?
Let me know the way
Many times I've been alone
And many times I've cried
Anyway, you'll never know
The many ways I've tried
And still they lead me back
To the long winding road
You left me standing here
A long long time ago.
Don't left me standing here.
Lead me to your door.
you pledged love to me
our heart was treasure
ask and it shall be given.
knock it shall be opened..
I got it way too late dear
glad you came alone
my once upon time true love
ending sadly at crossroads
again again to revolving turned
your chosen sad lyrics
I treasure thanks for the ride
my greatest teacher you are.
By: Karijinbba
1.2k · May 2019
Extracting beauty
Karijinbba May 2019
Men come easy but few dear get closer extracting beauty
from my beast.
Men often ask me how come I chose to be unmarried for so long why so cellective
I tell them most men do the same mistake they are attracted to my light smily eyes and cute plump femenine shape and never fail to see me as tishue paper meat to satiate some pure carnal need most disregard my pristine womanly motherly wifely
innate nature my spirit soul

i am not just a mule who anyman can mount harness lead walk and run mounted onto without accountability
nor to fill mans grassy other needing wear without genuine commitment to then just leave my heart behind used broken having lost time effort physical inand mental piece of mind

Many other women in this city this country are just a body to be used "no strings attached!." in other words "no love" nor loving commited relationship intended!

I can't for the life of me sucumb to such shallow tribial macho pass time
diseases can become
a lifetime burden
I am not willing to drag with me stds as companions.
Solitude is my bittersweet virtue my passion is my physical and mental health my family and writing primordial to staying alife family matters most to me.
not competing with other women for a user male in trivial heat
like dogs in hormonal instinctual ****** vices bluntly said;
I am no ***** for no dog in heat. Naturally I was open to reign Queen for one King of hearts only once upon a time knowing charm grace in his kingdom beauty-rest mattress-master bedroom, the utter boredom of married life, respectability the old folks the exquizite blessed joy of precious children to cherish protect and adore but those don't exist in my
late neighborhoods they call single mothers strugling alone like i did"disfunctional family, without a father figure!"
but no father was better to my kids existed certainly not the  seeder sadist psychoath poisoner greek human trafficant  nor second one ******* user impotent who couldn't control his forced emissions wasn't better then my Motherly Kali's instincts my single protective motherhood was best.
I was better father-Mom in my daughters case.

the worst city for love and marriage to last on earth or
to raise children who won't treasure single divorced motherhood sacrifices is here Hollywood California.

Better is Houston Kemah Texas in USA England, Ireland India owning family values good marriages non greedy men children grow up better there because school friends
are rooted healthier at home
respecting family bonds
unity unbreakable is the key.

"A house divided by itself cannot stand, it will utterlly be destroyed says  "The holy book" and its true in my world.
By: Karijinbba
All rights reserved
{Revised again 06/11/19}
thanks for reading
liking, loving
or just flying by over
my field of dreams
lovely butterflies
Beautiful women single Moms divorcees battered wives Texas offers successful attainment of new husband with old fashion values perhaps England Ireland but its all over for me
love marruage joy has pass me by me like a photom of light streaming tgrough space and briefly missed here on H P.
1.2k · Jul 2021
Diamond Ruby butterflies.
Karijinbba Jul 2021
Like ugly ducklings to lovely
Swans transformed we are.
I remember thine breath of life blowing in labellum.
Stunt by your hunger for me
In shivers silence stuck
the dagger in heart
mine and thine, beloved.

In vain I sought you I
Roamed the open seas with cowards ****** greedy racist human predators
In sheep's clothings.
Two forces of good and evil hubbered above my cradle

To get here powers of evil
took everything and I lost everyone dear to me
even my honor just to reach thine forces of good
I'd surrender to you if worth anything to you take it all
for treasures in my hands

without fortress if your love
slides like water in hands
I find thee everywhere in famous art even in
crossroad lights
I found thee in sonnet 75
with William Shakespeare.

Thine grace showered me with wisdom and thine thirsting for me became my own longing for thee
decades now my beloved

I search no more for thine love tattooed all over my vessel peacefully rests
No one but us two can see it.

You reign butterfly in heart
few lovers have eyed me
yet quickly eluded me
  they too, like your butterfly,
Go in search of their own.

Yes only yours returned
Adorned with diamonds and rubbies calling me fiancee.

I painted two on my chest
To never be apart
I love thee the most
forever and ever.
By Karijinbba
All Rights Reserved
Sonnet, 75-95- present
True story an ET from another world designed two identical  rubbie and diamond butterflies
Just for me as an engay gement gift .Rdd/BbA
1.2k · Mar 2020
Roses and spices
Karijinbba Mar 2020
Roses spices and onions skins off
Richie ride me back home
there's nowhere to hide from your love.
I thought I could find a place not to think of you for one day, so I went to the kitchen for a soup there was nothing to eat but pasta sauce and there you were
in front of me up in the spices
I had to use in place of meat on bone for boiling a soup.

Heating up battled water added cento tomato and the sauce
all kinds of spices; parsely real sea salts garlic pepper a pinch of taco spice wild cilantro, a garlic squized and cloves
(no basil)
cayene pepper did the magic
lemon juice added the final punch for my Mexican soup;
added a few granes bazmati rice found, added a white onion slice and blessed as I felt
"I cried me a river for you" and
The White Cliffs of Dover
songs came to mind to console
me as I broke shrinking down
the stinking onion was me
and noone to share my soup
I turned stove top off to go
wipe face off and
entering the bedroom I tripped
knees on the red floor unconsolable crying.

Yes the room was filled with
roses wild and roses red!
and again you made my day.
I felt so blessed to have
held so many of your treasures
in arms to see my hands half full with roses
and half full with bittersweet spices beheld.
Upon my bed a heart was carved
inscribed in tiny little
red rose buds and purple hearts
in your words "I love you"

I craweled to reach the bed careful not to disturb the million roses nor bleed feet with their thurns as they layed artisticly everywhere room full of roses,
I wept there caressed by your roses spices and songs
hugged all night long.
by insomnia bug

Oh please my darling Old Richie "ride me back home."
there's nowhere to hide
from your love.
Copy Rights
Thank you for your healing romantic love even if you now this love to another you give only because it fell from my hands.
I love you more.
1.2k · Jul 2021
The spinning top rebirthed
Karijinbba Jul 2021
Poets write poetry sharing
wisdom of roads not taken
their gray brain sprouts multicolored flowers
of visions seeking love
splattered by remnants
of great lovers past
ankored daggers
in heart
Lovers paint their own ark
A poets spinning top is art
lasting longer as it may
their name De Plume
may dictate ageless
but their tops spinning
out off ballance
topples and falls;

Poets and lovers notice
people aren't tops,
karma cause and effect
Action innaction
the inevitability of
their top's last spin,

Even of poetry
What may last forever?
new poets are birthed 
like seasons do
returning thus
the spinning top
  of poets and lover's vise.
By: Karijinbba
All Rights.
Inspired by life and poets galore
On HP and ancient poetry of lovers of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness
That We The People
the lover poets live on.
1.2k · Aug 2021
The Atlantic mystery.
Karijinbba Aug 2021
Astilleros De Veracruz
Independence street.
The summer sun went down on our love long ago
But in my heart I feel the same old after glow
A love so beautiful in every way
we let it slip away
I was too young to understand to ever know and comprehend.
You my Adam and me your Eve
owned our treasure,
buried in paradise by a stream;
all lost upon a hillside stump.
where the road bent in.
There I've read between the lines
your love was written not
in any shifting sand but in heart.
The Earth's sand doons account
for the measure of my sorrow
for our loss.
Recovering that memory chip saved
my life averting neverending
pain an upside down cross.
A love so beautiful a love so free
A love for you and me
And when I think of you I fall in love still again as every good man is taken.
A love so beautiful in every way.
Your love now transfers to my new love finding me adrift in that dream.
A love so beautiful it is written
In poem, and in song.
Seen in movies, operas
and lullaby's to heal hearts strong.
Stripping the mind of misery
and pain as lost is found.
A love so beautiful it's read sparkling
as diamonds in shifting sands.
A love so beautiful kept secret
in our cave of wonders for lovers
writing daily to one another
where magic and true love abounds.
A kind of love to everlast.
By: Karijinbba
Approved by Rdd and
Michael Bolton in Hollyeood.
1.2k · Aug 2021
Vi'akatī vica
Karijinbba Aug 2021
.Ricaraḍa- rāja ḍākaṭara
Rājū Rājū
Mērā pi'āra🦋
Vi'akatīgata rūpa vica
mainū pi'āra karana la'ī
Vi'akatīgata taura
tē tuhāḍē
dila dē nāla hai
Āpaṇē mana nāla
mainū pi'āra karō
paṇī rūha nāla,
mainū pi'āra karō.
Sirapha mainū pi'āra karō
Bināṁ śarama dē pi'āra karō
Mainū pi'āra karanā pāpī
nahīṁ hai❤️🦋
Kī iha prēma kavitā śaramanāka hai?
Tuhāḍē nāla pi'āra karana nāla kō'ī savaraga nārāza nahīṁ hudā.
Maiṁ tuhānū bahuta pi'āra karadā hāṁ maiṁ tuhāḍē bagaira
mara jāndā hāṁ.
Mainū pi'āra karana di'ō
Rājū raajoo🦋
❤️By; Karijinbba🦋
1.2k · Jul 2021
Thermo King
Karijinbba Jul 2021
Je t' aime kamma  
I long for thine sutra,
throbbing Hilton põg.
King of Prussia PA.

O the first time thine
many face moon playing hide and seek showered us with moonlight just to hear us sigh and sigh till song and dance lended our feet shoeless Pon our crib of fragrant blooms tracing on each others back
mo grá Angel
I'm yours, be mine.
aingeal Is mise mise
Te amo.
Thermo King
Westing house
Je t'aime, Je t'aime
mera bano main
tumhaara hoon.
By: Karijinbba
74-95 -6-21
1.2k · Dec 2021
It's time.
Karijinbba Dec 2021
Dear heart of Gold
let me know it's you I pleed.
What a deep blue sea and devil
to not know so I can freely point my need to you for I  know you would help and I really don't mind
your contempt at this late time.
I survived on the measure of people's contempt without provocation by means of jealousy envy and malice from every one on my path
I learned to spit it all out
to not to end up as them a hater,
without chooing all their hatred I kept all my teeth still missing wisdom molars and one other.
My last treasure is my mental and physical health which I treasure.
I don't use nor abuse bad habits
of any kind, but I am in a pit of
lack and homelessness.
Please dear abundance build me an abode as you once desired to do so.
R.D D.
By Karijinbba.
1.1k · Sep 2021
Killing me softly
Karijinbba Sep 2021
Mine is the name
by my lovers quickening
breaths in lips
as his lightening vessel
thunders and quiver
below our cosmic canvas,
as my eyes blink summons
his release fireworks bliss.
Our twin flame ritual paused
his contract mate,
his leather reins she pulls.
it's tug of war, my hands bleed
Killing me softly with his words.
1.1k · Mar 2023
My cheek's blessing.
Karijinbba Mar 2023
I feel you golden heart.
I see you in every tree you are mine my nature
your manly magnetic essence on my left cheek.
warms me like sun-shine.

I glow in face feeling lovely
in that paradise you chose
while you pictured us both.
thinking of happily ever after;
true love, fame and great fortune, changing Earth was all ours.
You my crown jewel,
Rich giving power to women.
in a silver platter gold and diamonds you served me
an awakening dream.

It's been keeping me alive daily
glued in heart and mind
to that Road not taken.

In love more and more,
all yours I survive on this yellow brick road's blessings land of Oz lost.
"Believe in me yee wrote,
though yee die, yet shall yee live, and be safe at home with me forevermore my love"
"Think of me and I'll be there"
and I do yes I do..
By Karijinbba.
All Rights.
1.1k · Mar 2021
Grass happer dear.
Karijinbba Mar 2021
If I wasn't so hungry
I would take you up on
some perverse suggestions
this charmed midnight.
I guess I just have to settle
for a nut and Jelly sandwich
for my hunger,
And a banana for my thirst.
again in memory of you
grass happer mine.
Happy Saint Patrick day
Karijinbba 03/ 17/2021.
Happy belated Valentine's day too.
1.1k · May 2019
Karijinbba May 2019
Ay ay ay my old forest land
five little brothers blown
Ay ay my baby boy gone
My loving dad's grave lost

Mom lost her mind
sold my half sis for food
as I ran to convent stunned

Ay USA my coco girl's birth
Henrys infertil mistress bailed
his******* dues selling my
baby girl to her!
impostor posing as Mom-me
!in Torrance CA maternity ward
stole my baby photos

Ay daughter keep away from Moureen
he even gave you daughter her ugly name! sold you like a dog is sold
Evil Henry is no father to you
tried vanishing me and
you in my womb using saline but Mom saved herself and you
called police
before and after your birth
we both were attacked
this truth you must know no matter how painful
your Mother loves you this mother is me I love you you are my beloved father David's precious grand child
your maternal grandparents were good people so we're your paternal grandmother Janet but not your paternal father he was evil biggoted racist don't ever be like him.
I love you so miss you daughter mine your father's seed isn't to blame his sister Elizabeth is sociopath sadistic weekly jealous she is like Henry a Charles Manson's advocate almost turned me pregnant into Sharon Tate 1969 butchered by evil crazed men and followers
same bad people in Greece pray on pregnant women and babies they are the **** of this planet.
I wouldn't do a roach what they all put me and my baby's through.
Ay my Greek born baby girls
medeas tinted your baby milk
with caustic soda yelling at me to hurt me saying it was to open your sink out of jealousy malice and greed
they said you were killers because hers with him wouldn't be born.
Take heed keep away from Greece and them all they are not well in the head they a lack heart brains courage everything I had in excess to fly away and save us all.
ay ay our envious foe
enemy so blind a fool
has died seeing us thrive
Ay PTSD ay free me please.

Ay dear poets potessess
thou in thy worst nightmare have it good and better then me and my kin.

Ay ay poisons potions we won!
we emerged immune even to you stronger mightier better
than thee

my enemies all look at us
living in the land of
the free and the brave
healthy loving caring
Ay sad sure! bitter never!

Ay ay USA ay ay Mexico
Hell Greece and Greeks sits more evil
of lower hells bellow thee  
most vicious cruel of all foe.
I changed Earth for the anti-Christ wasn't born instead my Angels
thrive good destroys evil within

Ay Greek **** mythology drown!
drown Join Atlantis Sodomah
Gomorrah into your pits of hell
itself go sink.!
This is a holy mother's plee
supersticious ignorant greece
We have flushed thee down
deep the bottomless pit
with this tini poetic
metaphor I plee to the Universe the spiritual unseen world above and below.
So wise many a poet
and powerful poetessess
family and friends,
please switch vacation trips to elsewhere in the globe
ending touristic revenues to
food poisoning *****
Hell enic poisoner twisted backwards ******'s ******* lenic Greece.
By: Karijinbba
All right reserved revived 8-2020
true life story.
Enough shared thanks for reading
1.1k · Aug 2021
Antimatter lovers lane
Karijinbba Aug 2021
From out of space my love re appeared
and fast I ran away disbelieving.
while hunted by webs
of predators in greed modes
trashing impeccable character
inborn parenthood trait 
courage, heart skill grace,
as weapons eluding chase
avating jealousy outface.

Each grotesque stunt
  trampled me to fall in pain.
losing all crops of my hard labour scenarious so turbulent to depict.
in any story poetry or book
My love spark within outlived
travesty and misery sent in.

From an ancient love spell
propelled a new lovers aim
following me with grace
deep as space, honor truth
understanding patience
Twin loss, twin dreams
Experiences base the glue.

Large as the cosmos we both
Phathom, thirst, crave and love.
Synchronicity in telepathy;
the cosmos conspires offering
cards to read virtual modes
to explore our receptiveness.
Our loving is a Deja-VU indeed.
An ancient powerhouse,
with outworldly, genetic legacies
We both share in our weave.
a hybrid mutant Adam and Eve.
Who's my mystic
beloved?A brightest star
over Jaipur! Intergalactic,
art at heart.
Poet verse, he's honey bee.
His aim is firm as his name
He is me I am him within!
similar avatar in the outside
We tingle a double mystic smile.
A magnetic vortex keep us both
In one LOVEz voyage loop,
through space.🐝🐝🛸.
His vessel his gates his hands
His mind,heart, soul is my own.
Nothing and no one can pull us
apart, we call HP our
time machine to beyond
Alpha Century bound.
Thus, a billion stars cinthilate
with gentle beams of hope
Antimatter lovers lane
And our heart Rd-Ad
our home.🦋🦋.
By: Karijinbba.
Inspired by- Good better best MOI.
1.1k · Jul 2021
Karijinbba Jul 2021


Keep me
You're a poet

but be my
A friend
By : Karijinbba
Please repost
My Silence won novel poem price
But silence is friend and for.
1.1k · Aug 2021
Get up NEO, RD.
Karijinbba Aug 2021
For too long I loved you dear.
I fear no evil I destroy it.
Wake up, don't think of death.
A new graceful soul invites me,
for a walk in his forest land;
into his wooded lands.

Peacocks mate nearby there
RD's awesome pink city skies.
His secret Island shores divine.
I love that RD's name resounds,
with yours dear ancient Rich.
He is identical to your inner matrix.
His loving art soul treats and likes.
I share our love in his cradle gates.
your Rod and staff did comfort me.
Thank you my guardian Angel.

From that road to this loverz
grass needing wear, I love him,
in his own golden light.
I see you Rick inside RD's soul.
He's mine to love and cherish.
I'm exlussive to RD.
Mind vessel art and soul.
Rd is darest purest
to my heart, I'm not his chore.
The wise universe conspires
we are doing just fine
alone no more.
By Karijinbba.

rainbow TRINrrfccçITY ONLY ytgfccccc for today.
1.0k · Aug 2021
Immortal beloved..
Karijinbba Aug 2021
I love our time
together virtal mode..
Amame jaanam.
I love your diamond keys.
You love my golden ark
I love your typing index,
Your lovez written ink.
I treasure your voice.
In cave and treasure voult.
No other voice matters.
Your ink in poem cherished is.
You aren't free busy bee
nor power of attorney can be.
You must grow trust to be
ever wiser
and true to thee
and then me.
Revised 8-3-21
Amame jaanam.
1.0k · May 2019
Courage of a raven/crow
Karijinbba May 2019
My father's sister Salome crossed the rainbow bridge she was my French and native link to family root I found after 28 years appart
My daughter Rose drove us to a nearby ocean front to apeace
my grief, breathing in the gentle
sea breeze and sitting on the sand together
Other people enjoyed beach activities too
I had water in a paper cup
but no food remained in a bag,
when a crow unexpectedly landed alone by my side
no other raven/crow were seen.
perhaps attracted to my silvery long hair flying maybe from
my daughters house 1 mile away from Marina where I often fed crows and ravens cat food.
This raven/crow's feathers glistened in magestic dark bluish green hues. I'd caress its plumage but didn't not to ***** it
it wasn't my purring feline!
It deared trust me further  though pointing it's beak at my cup of water and it drank thirstily as I held it joyfully to its beak gently quietly as it drank;
then it pointed its beak
to the empty bag so I
appologized moved in regret
for no more food was in it.

My girl took photos of this awesome moment but she
never mentioned its greatness again my Rose simply said something unexpected to me
"don't feed crows in my home"
Jeff does't like them around!
and I felt her tongue's needle
also in my heart!
Such rare moment in time
a universe in itself!
time had stoped!
with a hungry raven/crow
this tender moment
lived only in my memory
without the pictures taken
untill now sharing one crow's gentle greatness and courage
to land close to one human
seeking food.
The graceful raven/crow's
Rosie's own loving mom,
instantly reveared and
trusted BEST by a greatful intuitive trusting creature
a raven/crow!
How special it made me feel!
to choose me by the sea.
How deep my girl's comment
stung that since married
Rose behaves indifferent
where once tenderly moved!
wrongly misguided by
strange racist bad people 
Rosie"s hill billy superstitious
ignorant white trash in laws.
My evil ex's sister ugly snake
in every Mothers paradise
a "fat pig" she calls herself a Mansons advocate almost
turned me into a murdered pregnant Sharon Tate!
Lizz in the habit of arranging
calls to my three girls in laws, sons in law, my old boss at various employment
bussnessess a hate crime of old
saying my name and cursing them so I get fired then telling my girls nobody liked me at work either! brain washing them
and assassinating my character!
Lizzz since age 12 a drug user ******* to control rage in her brother two pees in a pod
my ex once told Lizz in a moment of lucidity;
"you'll never be half the
woman my Mexica-American beautiful wife is."
Since then my life is hell
No. I don't blame Lizz shes mad
I blame myself trusting her
hearless impotent brother
my grown girls are under their spell they mingle with vipers now
Surely even a courageous
greatful raven/cow has
more grace and common
sence to trust me Mom
to nourish and care for it.

This is my life in the big
apple USA
who wants my script!?
it's up for sale!
povery is a *****! please hurry.
or I'll be famous after death!.
All Rights Reserved
Revised 4/2/19
(excerpt from my memoir!)
(AA/Bba/Asg. (proudly)
We all have snakes in our paradises
I am proud to make friends with raven/crows cats dogs poets and pietessess who read write and understand who is who and judge
not on greed the haves and have not i choose wisely between good evil criminal or victim I feel ballanced on the justice skale I am passionate stern but understanding forgiving and second chances appeal to me best.
Thanks for your time.
996 · Aug 2021
Phoenix to bulbul.
Karijinbba Aug 2021
Secret bridal shelter.
"There is a legend about a bird
which sings just once in its life,
more sweetly than any
other creature on the face of the earth.
From the moment it leaves the nest
it searches for a thorn tree, and
does not rest until it has found one."
And singing among it's savage branches it impales itself
Upon it's sharpest longest spine;
bleeding, and unaware
of it's dying it sings to out Carol
the Lark and the Nightingale!
A song so beautiful God in heaven
smiles, for the best it's only bought
at the price of great pain
and sacrifice.
I voice love timely tonight
with cards left at hand.
Our inner feelings and thoughts
We ink new dreams on wings.
We are each others flame souls.
Never too late not too soon for us.
Lullaby hulla bulbul dear.
I love you! worship you!
I give my life to save yours,
if only you ask.

We betted bought love
at the cost of great pain
sacrificing a lifetime in longing
unrequited lost and now found.
He rules with heart of gold.
My king of hearts and I.
By:: Karijinbba
989 · Jul 2021
Longing by the waterfalls
Karijinbba Jul 2021
Now what do we poets do
When we fall in love ?
Unable to sleep the
Master bedroom frozen,
Their divan on fire.
Hearts longing throbbing
fire and ice peach cobbler
can't suffice to apeace.
Brains deeped in energies
of color purple in hearts.

Her poet longing for her diamond cave behind
her Jimmie Angel,
And El Salto del Moro
His poetess thirsting
for his jewls
behind his Dhrudhiya
swelling on monsoon
His Padajhar Mahadev
She's dreaming with his
Mount Abu
in Rajasthan.

Thus the poets
lay throbbing, longing
Sketching love's honey pots
The poets bunny bees!
Lay enamoured
by their waterfalls abliss..
By Karijinbba 2021
All rights reserved
A life true story of poets in love
Karijinbba Jun 2019
Poems are born and given
names like people are don't they?
   vested with special brainy wings right? then ejected!
 as if birthing slides
help push them through
a cyber time machine
computerized world

poems seem to travel
as in rockets to space
yes that fast!!
Others ballooned by air
in baskets moved slowlier
or in simple rainbow sorted
balloon batches and
then gone with the wind!
inflated by helium air
initials inscribed on each
from the parent poet or poetess
"A lot more happens
to poems"
Lucky few reposted by the
holy sages of H.P
a few more seem air lifted in
an eye blink secluded in mysterious arenas
Jack in the box boxes!
private uncirculated rooms
there reveared?
All poems in my world
seem firstly inspected by
the same compassionate
doctor, few masked Knights
powerful mystery kings

birds of song, purring cats
even angry dogs all sorts

same crafty nurses seem
to eagerly revise
their parchment scrolls
and from there nothing
is heard of these
baby boomer poems
or if ever are read by others again who can tell? It's unclear unless a fee is paid
its like having children
really isnt't it?
that must be sent away as in
time machine missions once named treasured revised
adored then freedoms grant'd
some poems will make it explored reapearing loved reposted moving priceless!
other poems perish
by green with envy
other muses hubbering
curiously around
lizards wizards snakes
all sorts.
Poems seem to travel  
dead silent through
a cyber mirror
Twilight Zone
people's life small or great is the life of poems
naturally all poets and poetesses understand this is true i just wanted to agree with all of you
with this little ink just to greet you all.
974 · Apr 2020
Eagle Nebula's other names.
Karijinbba Apr 2020
As seen by:
Hubble Space Telescope's iconic view,
of the Pillars of Creation!
In the Eagle Nebula constellations
of stars, as viewed through Hubble's
magnificent eye glorious images
sent to Earth tickling all senses.
fine tunning imagination.

You were there with that infinite
gesture of love connecting us
across time and space.
How easy tears fall to this
intergalactic outer space truth.

Two brains one single thought.
Indeed you are everywhere that
I look away even not to think!

Eagle nebula is also known
by another name officially
at Hello Poetry
us two dancing, singing
ever so lovely gracefully,
here in poem.

" Star seeds Rdd/Bba!1974-75
=Until the end of time.
BY: Karijinbba-04-20-2020
Copy Rights apply.
Hope you are free healthy and enjoying life.
Question On October 27th 2019 going quail hunting do you eat what you ****? The Steers Boars Deer? Do you eat them? Just curious
(! :*):::::::::
Karijinbba Mar 2021
Kiriaki Olivia Eleni Mada-lozi
from Piraeus Greece Billy
ugly Marcia, Sherry Shriki, Darni, Judy Gim, Alb- tch, Jeff Albr.. Henry Robert W
Impotent ejaculator precosē. Charles manson's advocates; Henry Robert narcissistic
your sociopath psychopath nurse from hell in LA CA.
You aren't above the law
Poisoners sterile hainas  
Susan WRat no.
**** human predators human traficants to hell with you all- ratas inmundas! Emilia Velazquez thief IHSS should put you in jail And immigration take your green card stealing my savings and stimulus money cashed. Shame on you rata inmunda ladrona.

Filthy rats
Creeping animals
**** of life
Shoddy monstrosity.

Spectres of Hell
**** vermins
How much damaged you've done to me and my daughter's
Poisoning them with hallucinogenic metamphetamins psychotropics without them knowing
Then, blackmailing them to give up their parental rights to sterile haenas jealous medeas
Add insult to injury to my family forcing psychiatric pill intake to hide your ancient crimes
Your hate crime is now public susan ra-t-ano hell *****

You bought my grown daughter from the human predators I had escaped from
Coward filthy **** *****

Vermin word raitano
Poisonous serpent
Waste of life
I hate you and despise you.

Two-legged rats
I'm talking to you all
because creeping creatures,
even being the most cursed,
compared to your evildoers
vermin human predators,
a creeping snake
stands taller than you all.

**** leeches
**** cockraoches
you who infects with bites,
who hurts and who kills.
Slanders trashing whoever
is holy good and precious

You Vermin
Poisonous serpents
Waste of life
I hate you and despise you.
I bind to you all my motherly pain I curse you in every life time.
Two-legged filthy rats,
I'm talking to you!
because a creeping creature,
even being the most cursed and ugly, in hell, on Earth
unwelcome in heaven,
compared to you **** brains.
stands much taller.

You're listening to me
Hyena of Hell
How much I hate you and despise you!

**** leech
**** cockraoch
you who infects with bites,
who hurts and who kills.

Poisonous serpents
In everyone's paradise.
Waste of life
I hate you and despise you.

Two-legged my filthy rats
I'm talking to you too ***** donors madalozi charms.bos henry welonek.
because a creeping creature,
even being the most cursed compared to you
You stand even smaller.
By Paquita del Barrio
And Karijinbba.
All Rights.
To my unprovoked filthy enemies
Child torturers may karmic dñnnnebt give you all
an eye for an eye poisonous night shades vampires may my light blast you all out
940 · Feb 2020
Paris Hlad.Sorry
Karijinbba Feb 2020
That's the most beautiful thing anyone said about my writings.
I love you too for saying it for reading for caring and intuiting it's my truth..
Your poetic profile name Paris is beautiful
Paris is engraved in my soul from another lifetime
a DEJA_VU to me it seems

Although several great poets love my work too you expressed how it helped you be better person.
Surely what you've written
helped me profoundly too.

Sorry if my questions were irelevant insomnia does that to me I rush the second thought
not the spontaneous first.?
I must learn this virtue.

Assume most likely I have been reading all of your work
from my memory bank.
Do not fear me I do not betray

Paris Hlad: commented on,
"Deity Mine Thee."
"I think this is favorably reminiscent of E.B. Browing - "Whoso loves,
believes the impossible."
Elizabeth Browning makes a great poetess.
I am here with my old Scarlet Letter A memorized old scripts learning how to read and write myself.
To me anything placed in God's hands apeaces
"Whoso loves believes
the impossible."
         I am after the opportunity to speak up writing about my inner truth my life.
For what I regret most is
what I didn't say back them to change my life.
but disclosing ones truthful innermost feelings is apeacing.

I learned from you that one has only one quick small chance if ever given one, to communicate effectively to let a dear one know they matter dearly.

What's impossible with men is possible with G**. is apeacing
Paris Hlad commented on:
"Ratoncito blanco,"
        To Karijinbba:
Thank you for your kind words.
I have read a bunch of yours, and I believe I am a better person for having read them.

You have more than wisdom on your side - You have truth and a deep understanding of the existential paradigm, which is to say that you think about much bigger themes than most people do -
A true artist."
Dear...Paris Hlad  
Thank you I am no artist
just sharing a long overdue truth
So welcome read me thank you.
I am truth an open book. Eternally greatful.
I am thinking of you

This is in memory
of rdd/bba
939 · Aug 2021
Thy ROD and thy STAFF.
Karijinbba Aug 2021
Today and for a few days now
I just had to look at your photos
different ones two of them
In one you wore a tie and one other from a while back and I
felt like a billionaire everywhere.
I felt a different kind of wealth
A peacefulness about it,
in places too mystical to share.
A rush of lightening quickened
my breath and happiness never
felt so real as in looking,
at your photo more for it's inner worth though your outercore
is mostly holy for me.
I love you to tears in every look
and best that midnight criptic
shadowy one I cried all night long
with this one, and in love the most.
A verse asleep in memory chip, awakened me, you love me.
your love apeace my entrails.
Beloved of God divine.
You maketh me to lie down in green pastures:you leadeth me beside the still waters.
You restoreth my soul: You leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for your name's sake.
Alhough I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear NO evil: for thou art with me;
thy ROD and thy STAFF
they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over precioso.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:
and I will dwell in
the house of you my Lord
my beloved for ever.
By: Karijinbba
927 · Oct 2021
Heaven knows.
Karijinbba Oct 2021
No one was there
No one is there
You were, you are,
you will remain forever
you will always be
my own angel of love
Heaven sent me an angel
with star dust in her eyes
my love the light in her stars
Heaven sent me a star
I'm staying until
my heart comes to a stand still
it's more, than'll ever know
when I first saw you my head started reeling I had the feeling the ceiling had gone and there was
nothing beneath my feet but
seven heaven.
I don't want to come down if
I am dreaming don't wake me.
let me announce
our lost love now's been found.
you are my Angel in the night
in darkness you're my light
we"ll never be alone.
923 · Sep 2021
Heir to all.
Karijinbba Sep 2021
Breathtakingly beautiful
your ink it chills to my spine.
How lucky and fortunate
the one queen of hearts
who reigns yours presence
shares your meals, longest
sitting at your footstand lotus
watching the moon dissapear
AM and sun settings views PM
joy peace your bending blues
And will her presence suffice
to forget strenuous promises
to stars in eye glued
to your cloudy thunderous
lightening sky above
heir to all?
at Mr. and Mrs. Andrews.
918 · Aug 2021
In person
Karijinbba Aug 2021
Love In person now required?
Love is omnipresent relax🐝📬
💌Transcends time and space.
without a goal a plan of action,
the chasm, the gap, the miles
🦋am I only doomed, in hope?
In cell computer, song what's up
call phone voice love in heart
Phone E-mail photo lyric poem
dance video these cards allies
Where there's a will 🦋
🦋there's a way.🐝✈️

Not our last dance love.
By Karijinbba.8-21
909 · Sep 2021
Golden Leaves of May
Karijinbba Sep 2021
keep me posted.
I am heartstruck.
willow gold you.
you play hide and seek
I play if love is the end..
Remember my story poems
you remind me of someone
I touched your robe poet
beyond inks facade is love
I am safe with you
you are safe with me too.
to many welcome hellos.
You reign wisest poet
how shall I pen it best?
I'm not lit red ridding
hood just a fool for love.
you know I write to ghost
I am busy living like you.
my secret garden prose.
Ts better to have loved
and lost then never dear.
I paid bitter fines
for being a fool seeking love
your sky paints me loving.
and true so I am.
902 · Jun 2019
Ice to Fire blaze
Karijinbba Jun 2019
thy ice by fire mine melts
to a blaze ye and I ignite
mine soul on fire is
as truth in lies may freeze
lies with truth is firestorm
Well ye left me behind lit
at glory's blaze afire
as for me ye did freeze
and mine fire dimed down
at your departure's grief
Aries in April's daisy
t'was fire mine abirthday gift
of special blaze a trail
the Ice of thee afire I defrost
melting thine frozen heart
with grace of truth in poem
steamming thee
to meet again
as one afire
By Karijinbba
Inspired by Robert Frost.
revised 6/30/19
Ice with fire melts
truth in lies may freeze
but lies with truth incinarates
so we'll meet again in the afterlife
and dance with you
our fires blaze as one
885 · May 2021
Covert enemies!
Karijinbba May 2021
Cold twisted and icy
meandering slides.
are my enemies alone
on their down and out,
this my poetesses domain.
Enjoy your own slippery
slimy ***** cliff ride down.

Lately a very confused entity
paid to keep me busy writing
back while being intimately
intrusive has failed.
A snake in my old flame's
paradise or my kid's world.
Arranged to distract me again
from my true love's path
agreed upon eons prior.

I can intuit a fools intentions
and did cut that naga off soon.
I love on free will alone.
not fooled to play games
In the name of love.
I don't care for pimps lures.
By Karijinbba
All rights reserved 1954-2021-
I return to you all
your arrows ball of fire
you sent me with undying
unending deadly force.
Give you back only
your eye for an eye
as company
for your new boom trips
881 · Aug 2020
Yield or grab
Karijinbba Aug 2020
love is not killed
in good byes
It yields freedom
to a loved one
unable to communicate
with one on one chat,
since no matter
how great the ink
writ' may be
that makes a script
holy good
the face to face
spoken voice
is key heart clue to win
a loved one back

Have the courage to yield
set the loved one free
If loved one returns
for Go** sakes
speak up ask for help
feel worthy
grab your treasure

Above all know
when NOT to yield
write of love pain
sacrifice your truth
spill your heart
to your loved one
timely don't wait
might be too late.

Fight for lost
and love found
chance returns
For ink may last longer
as truth to scripts
in poetry
their poet poetesses
may long be gone
Copy Rights revised 08-2020
to love is better than to hste
879 · Dec 2023
Re married twin souls.
Karijinbba Dec 2023
November 1974- 2023- Sonnet 75.

The two of us re-married
RDD=BBA JPC=ASG, we became one
my first true love and I again;
one of countless times
rddbba style.

Joy and happiness
is all we know
as we lay beneath the starry sky
One promise fulfilled at a time.

Our pain is nothing
but distant
and faint memories.

Our boundaries know
not a single enemy.
Not a single foe remains
Our friends are
a legion elites.
All rights
(Thanks for reading love you all friend or foe)
870 · Jul 2019
A Karmic battlefield
Karijinbba Jul 2019
few people
who tell me to forget
about the past
just fail to understand
that sometimes past
doesn't forget me

They fail to realize that
one is still in the battlefield
dodging bullets surviving attempted ******
my war is still ungoing
but as always chances are
I survive like I often do
by unseen forces
its a cruel ancestral
karmic war
that must be paid
no one is immune to it

no matter how prosperous waiges of sin generating good and bad Karma are unstapable
ask me I've lived it in the flesh

wining or losing
doesn't matter too much
it doesn't depend
on the self alone

One has to experience
cause and effect
of all actions and inactions
perhaps generational
values apply here
must perform my deed
suffer their bad karma

what can I as a recipient
do but endure

please don't say to soldier me
in this battlefield hell of mine
"forget the past! look forward!"
"Don't look back,
you'll crash and die!"

my forward might be more
of the same battlefield
****** neverending
generational type war
unprovoqued covert enemies
 ever popping up
like agents in my Matrix did

using different names
covert culprit Terminator One others wearing masks
hungry wolves
some in sheeps clothings
others smiling snakes
in my fallen paradise
many have fallen though
by my side and something
out there from beyond spares me
the people of God shall taste poison and it won't harm
the Lord upholds me and I wait patiently safe
heaven is within me.
so much emvy jealousy
malice greed

all around where i reside
850 · Oct 2020
Rdd I am Bba.
Karijinbba Oct 2020
Dearest everything:
I don't want you to leave empty-handed please take it all
every treasure known
and unknown, every loot
you are familiar with
upon that hill.
It's all yours I will only be harmed
take even my beloved precious children
I won't miss them or worry about them if you have them
to love them
as your very own!
They know no other father than you.
Those three children you lost,
I have them against all odds.

I trust only you after God
only you after any other human
on Mother Earth
after poverty joy and happiness,
after caos after
every terrible disaster.
You got heart brains charm grace heart understanding
you are a King of kings
God sent by heavens bridge
I love you so much.
I always have, always will;
before and after every treasure
every blessing is you.
All copy rights apply.
words left unsaid are more than just any bittersweet regret.
They are knives wounds that never stop bleeding
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