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Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Internal Monologue

I guess I am truly getting old.
The time has come to let the old me go.
My face of youth no longer suits.
No longer feeling bullet proof;
More like feeling twenty-percent proof,
When I wake up, still in pieces.
I am sure I went to sleep hours ago.
I’m sure I did, I swear it.

My body does not feel rested.
It’s begging out to,
Get your head tested,
If you think I am moving right now pal!
You’re joking!
I ain’t moving unless there is an earthquake
And even then I will only be shaking,
But I won’t get up yet…
I love this bed.
I am setting up camp,

She has not got up yet.
Don’t leave her all alone.
Turn off your phone and hold the water flow.
Just go back to sleep.
But I really gotta ***!
No you don’t, just hold it in.
It’s far too warm for that cold room with the sink.

So lay here with her until she wakes up
And when she does, ask her for a back rub.
I don’t know what you did last night,
But it feels like I slept on a log.
Ignore the dog that is scratching in the kitchen down stairs.
He can hold it in too, unless he hears you, walking down the stairs.

Look.  She will wake up in twenty three minutes,
So give me a rest before the invasion of the kids,
The barking dog and the wifely orders;
The chores, the D.I.Y., the school run
And planting those borders!
The shopping’s today and outside looks so grey
And so very, very cold.  
I’m feeling too old; my body aches.
I think in bed you should remain,
Just for a little while longer.
You know you ain’t getting any younger.
So close your eyes, just rest them a while,
So when she does wake you up,
With a word of love,
Or a shout,
Or a shove,
You can greet her with a kiss and a friendly smile
And don’t forget to say:
“Morning love.”

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
In the midnight of our lives.

Through clarity eyes, I find what I am seeking.
Through no desire fall in love, I free myself of necessity.
I once was strong of heart, but now I am a weakling.
Life has always been a struggle,
But I will not let it get the better of me.

In a world without love we would all live without reason.
Freedom of the mind is a journey on a search for enlightenment.
I speak only for myself, expressing the view of one person,
But I wish to become a voice for the voiceless
And say what needs to be said.

Spirits fly through my mind
And they have vanished before they are found,
But they lift me from the ground
And allow me to float inside a cloud.

The certainty of uncertainty, is as sure as calamity.
Think nothing of the compliment I give to you,
It is well deserved and truly
A reflection of your heart
And the love you have shown me with your words.
On this star-crossed Earth, we are doomed to forever serve.

But somehow we survive, late into the nighttime of our lives
And in our midnight hour, we leave this land we have walked upon
And become eternal before God’s eyes.
Heaven takes us in and removes all of our sin.
We win, we are forgiven;
We smile now we are all kin.

Peace, love and empathy shall become our reality;
In the world we dream of, it exists alongside charity.
It becomes the norm; it is written, promised and sworn.
Love is the reason I was conceived;
Love is the reason I was born.

I am an angel, walking with the living
And I love you all.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

I am a lost soul in need of a way to go,
Because I cannot see my way out, from inside this black hole.
It has a hold of my soul
And it keeps dragging me down,
To a place I no longer want to be trapped inside;
But still here I exist, without a way out.

I don’t know how to escape because I have lived here too long.
This place of fear; this place that I live does not feel like home.
I am driving a car, but I cannot steer, just wail;
I am a passenger in the driver’s seat and I am stuck on rails.

Many lost souls to meet and we are all in need,
But no remedy is forthcoming, so we continue to be,
The wanderers, forever moving forward,
Into an unknown future.
What does fate have in store for us?

Are we to speak words or are we to remain silent?
How are we to wed when we have never been in love?
All I can catch with my love net is my own wasted breath
And as I confess all my dreams to you and yours;
I crash to the floor spent.

No spirit energy left;
No strength left to stand proud,
So towards you I crawl and drag myself towards your feet.
When I arrive before you, all I am able to ask,

Can you see me?

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
In your opinion

If I was your opinion, I would change on a daily basis
And sit myself next to anybody with the latest look.
If I was your opinion I would count for nothing at all;
You’re so alternatively a part of the in-crowd that I think you ****!

In your humble opinion, you are everything and more,
But in my humble opinion you are worth nothing at all.
The thoughts you think are right;
They are the thoughts you have been told.
The thoughts you think, are not your own.

They tell you what choice to make; be a fake.
Be what they want you to be; it is you I hate.
They are the norm, the ones you must follow,
But it is you I detest because you are so hollow.

You want to be them, because they have popularity;
This is why you must be hated, by all of society.
Cast out from the in-crowd for wanting to be in.
You are pitiful, you are a waste of a life and you are sin.

You have no opinion of your own and you care about your phone,
So I feel nothing for you at all, because you are a no-one.
You want a nice car and a beautiful home,
But you live behind a curtain that covers your soul.

You cannot let them see the real you,
Because it is black inside that heart of yours, so go be used.
Leave me here to have opinions of my own…
By the way you don’t have a good phone.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
I say the wrong thing

I truly appreciate the words, but there are never enough.
There are never enough words; there are never enough.
My body aches for understanding,
But I have no knowledge of so much stuff.
You get what you give out, so I deserve nothing less.
You get what you put into it,
So take what you need to find from inside my head.

You do things you like, but I won’t do that.
I would give you my opinion, if I could only take it back.
If I read what you write and it is something I like,
You might find something in my words,
That just does not sound right.

I have no foresight, just a vague idea.
I am just a fool, so misunderstood, so never too clear.
I can write, but I cannot speak.
I know you hear, but my intentions you cannot see.
Every screaming piece of me, is only shouting out for peace!

I cannot meet your expectations,
Nor can I quote the Romantics.
I cannot know just what you want from me;
I can only give you, all of this.
Every single part of me, I throw this down at your feet
And all I ask is that you please understand that I come in peace.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
Is Becky my Holy Grail?

It’s been raining tears of joy since I met you.
You could be the one I’m already given to.
My fate is parallel with our future;
Your story similar.  Your faith I wish to nurture.

So please listen to my words of truth,
When I say I will love you.
Just give me time; I’ll wait the rest of my life,
For our family for all time.
My destined soul mate of my forever heart,
I’ve waited a lifetime for my true lady.
I’ve been to Hell flown through time and space,
Now I could go straight past kiss to babies?

My destiny angel stands before me waiting for me to be truthful…
I could love you.  I could love your kids.  I could stay faithful.

You give me release, like a jay of ****, in a time of need.  
Please feel the warmth of my empathy.
You need me, I need you more.
I need your love, for your words are pure
And if truthful every word you have said is;
Then I shall doubt no more.

My soul is for sale and already on show.
My love belongs to Becky, for she is my holy grail.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
I see

I see pictures on a blank canvas.
I see images inside your image.
I see the tranquility within the madness.
I see a beautiful world only I can envisage.

I see words where none are written.
I see winter gardens on a mid-summers afternoon.
I see Macintosh before it was ever bitten.
I see colours of sunlight when all illumination is from a moon.

I see history designing your future.
I see the past repeating here and now.
I see technology; forever advancing roots of a router.
I see an empty space, with floating ice mountains in the background.

I see Fuji rising over Emoji.
I see all in jigsaw pieces.
I see connections where no attachment should be.
I see the perpetual wave;
Beauty never ceases.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
I see through

I see fire, I see you;
I see the passion inside of you.
I see rain, I see the truth;
I see the tears pouring out of you.

I see through;
I see you too.
I see the love that is inside of you.

I see truth;
I see beauty.
I see you and me together endlessly.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
I see through

I see fire, I see you;
I see the passion inside of you.
I see rain, I see the truth;
I see the tears pouring out of you.

I see through;
I see you too.
I see the love that is inside of you.

I see truth;
I see beauty.
I see you and me together endlessly.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
I see you

I see you in candle light.
I see you in the day light.
I see you every time I close my eyes.

There are others with bigger smiles for me,
But you hold no deceit.
There are others who claim to be more passionate about me,
But it is you that I truly need.

I may not be right for you,
But you are perfect for me.
Nobody ever said this was going to be easy.

I am waiting on you to make the call.
Are we eternally bound, or are we nothing at all?
I no longer have judgment in what I see as love;
But I see you, I see you with me,
I hope one day I am looking in the mirror
And I hope in the reflection I am looking at us.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2019
I swear to lie.

To you I’ll make no promises
And I swear I will tell no lie.
As I place my hand on Gideon’s Bible,
I still fake truly showing you what I hold inside.

For you I’ll wear no wedding ring
And for you I’ll walk the line;
But for you I will never go missing,
Because I would find you every time.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
It ain’t heavy Babe

Writing lines so soft they can never be heavy.
Driving along in my Beetle; dreaming about a Chevy.
Time to begin again; getting ready.
Lovin’ ain’t as easy as they all say it is.
Still I’m heading out west, looking for something steady.

Been rolling my whole life through, with love on my mind.
I’ve climbed every hill that stood in my way,
And I sank into every ditch that I could find.
My heart is a heart-seeker, but my lovin’ eyes have been blind.
I believed in the unbelievable; wasted so much time.

Could have been a contender,
If only I had the talent to succeed.
I could have made something of myself,
If only I knew just what to do with this plasticine.
Sang songs of love and sang songs of hate.
It all took every piece of me.
Wrote poems about my every day, every day
And all my nights and in all my dreams,
But still I am left here waiting, praying for her love.
Love is a boulder, upon my shoulders,
And I’m feeling heavy…
Maybe I should do something good.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
It began with you

It began with the words;
Never before seen or heard.
I spoke them to her
And now she is my reason for remaining on this Earth.

It began with her;
She helped me through.
It began as a friendship,
Now I love you.

It began with a conversation;
It led us into another station.
As I finally got off the runaway train,
I had found my salvation.

It began with you
And with you it continues.
I hope it will end with you,
My lover, my love, my wife…
The one love I truly knew.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
It doesn’t matter.

Falling from the sky like a meteorite.
I’m losing sight of what might have been,
Because it has never been seen.
I have never had focus, because I never had to look,
For my inspiration, it rains down upon me;
So quick to admit defeat, so I throw away my books.
When I should be more promising,
No promise is kept,
Just swept aside and forgotten;
Until eventually I will have nothing left.

On a course towards love, it is my destined reality,
So I am waiting for a change of fortune;
I’m still waiting on reality.
No pop up picture book ideals, to be seen within my dreams;
Just reality biting me, it sinks its teeth in deep.
So no hope can I search for,
Because I know there is no cure,
For the lack of wishes I am granted;
Feet firmly planted, outside opportunities door.

No advance, no way;
Never been paid to read a page.
Never told there is a way, I just leapt into the future,
With a blindfold over my eyes;
I let the spirits take me over to the other side.

Somebody stole my bicycle,
So I could do with a lift to the next town over;
No time to look over my shoulder.
Eyes firmly fixed on what is to come;
I have already experienced a lifelong slump.
Now the curve is getting steeper and as I climb I do rise;
One hand upon the mountain top,
One more step to take into the light.

Find a word that rhymes,
Forever search for insight.
Stay locked inside my own slide show.
A film study, a flick book;
Life is just passing on by…

Without hope there is only loss;
I lost my hope a long time ago,
But the call of love is eternal,
So I will continue to scribble inside my journal.
One day somebody will find it in the rubble
And hopefully they will say,
He never stood still.

He kept on trying,
He kept on writing;
If only they knew how much more I need to find…
Pour all of your thoughts into my head;
There is plenty of empty space that needs to be filled.
I could never give you a reason,
So please stop asking;
I wish I could, I hope you will,
Pick up a pencil, pick up a pen;
Use a keyboard or a quill.
Speak a thought just once and they may like what you write,
Or they may think,
Well that was just a complete waste of my time.

An eclipse of the mind, wrestling with a need for a tongue twister line.
I need advice every time I make a decision;
Did I say that right?
Can you see where I am going or am I just losing you with my ways?
Shall I continue to say or just fade away?
Some people use a password as the password;
If you see this as just a blur,
Then you will never see the words that I am trying to say…
Would that it were.

Smash the glass, we are in need of an alarm,
Because as I lay here dying in your loving arms,
I’m spinning riddles around my ball of yarn
And nothing makes sense to the follower of patterns;
They could never understand that is does not matter,
If any of this even matters!

All that matters is the matter at hand we sit upon,
In the evening air, under this sunset sun.
This is not a perfect picture painted purposely peculiar,
It’s just a work of art or an apprentice piece.
A doodle or a riddle, a non-logical use of the vernacular;
It is only my dreams of an exploding star,
Scattered throughout the universe…

And that is all it will ever be.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
I think

I think,
Therefore I am wrong,
I think.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
It physically hurts.

I thought about you leaving,
Ten minutes ago.
Do you have any idea when these tears will stop?
I thought about telling you that I love you,
But I know if I did,
You would be gone.

I thought about giving up
And never again getting out of my bed.
I think I should stop thinking about you.
I have lost too much.  I can only see the end.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
It’s all about you.

You are beautiful;
You are wonderful.
You are definitely one of a kind.
Because you truly are, beautiful
And you truly are, so wonderful
And with your love in your life, you feel so alive.

You’re the best of the best
And you’re all there is.
You are the narcissist.

And as the narcissist stares deeply into the pond,
Never realizing, he is already gone,
He has been lost inside his own reflection.
Casting no image, the unknown word humility, is without action.

Mirror man walking towards himself with pride.
He is going to fall through to the other side.
So self-aware, yet so see through.
His heart is invisible,
As is his wife…
Staring into the blue.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
It’s all so easy.

It’s much easier to degrade me,
Than it is to emulate me.
It’s much harder to love me,
Than it is to hate me.

It’s much harder when you have to think,
Than it is to go with your feelings.
It’s much easier to give up,
Than it is to follow your dreams.

It’s much easier to agree,
Than it is to state an opposite opinion.
It’s much harder to come to an agreement,
When you’re always aggravating each other.

It’s much harder to live,
When you don’t have a home.
It’s easier than you think,
To leave the bad thoughts at the door.

It’s much easier to become free,
Than it is for them to bind you.
It’s much easier to think like me,
All you have to do is whatever you can do.

(C)2005 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
It’s better

It’s better if I am not around people;
They are all much happier that way.
It’s better if I avoid conversations;
I have nothing to say.

It’s better when the rain is falling;
I understand the rain.
It’s better if I never existed;
You will have to read my brain.

It’s better if you don’t try to understand;
I have no more empathy.
It’s better if I never find out,
What you truly think of me.

It’s better than me,
The version you see,
When we first begin,
To meet.

Once you get to really know me,
You will all see,
Why it’s better without me.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
It’s in her eyes.

Sprinkle fireflies in the night sky,
To illuminate the secret path into my lover’s heart.
She could become mine if the stars were to align
And lead her towards me,
For at this moment she is still afar.

Still, I hope one day she will fall for my charms.
After a blind leap of faith, I will catch her in my arms
And I shall be rewarded with the one that I have always wanted
And no day will ever come to pass where we must be separated.

If she is for me as I would be for her,
This love will conquer all.
A blessing is yet to be heard.
Love will set you free if you just hear its call.

All I need is to see her reaction, when she is talking about me.
Some feelings you cannot hide.
So take this box of rose scented chocolates,
My heart and all of my empathy!
For far too long now, this love has been hidden.
For far too long, I have been holding it inside.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Oct 2020
It’s nothing personal

It’s nothing personal; I hate the entire human race.
It’s the way they talk, the way they act,
I hate the look upon their face.
In fact I hate everything about you all.
Like I said before, it’s nothing personal.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
It’s simply magic

It’s just a little bit of magic, to enlighten your world;
It’s just another illusion, to fool the boys and girls.
It’s just another magic hat trick, with a rabbit inside;
It’s just another cut the woman in half trick, where nobody dies.

Because it’s magic, that’s all it is.
It’s simply magic, that’s all it is.
It’s simply magic, that’s all it is.
It’s simply another confidence trick.

Yeah, because it’s magic, that’s all it is.
It’s simply magic, that’s all it is.
It’s simply magic, that’s all it is.
It’s simply another confidence trick.

So if you want a magician, to fool the kids,
Then just give him a call and he will come and use magic.
With a pack of cards, or China’s Great Wall,
The illusionist will show you the impossible.

Because it’s magic, that’s all it is.
It’s simply magic, that’s all it is.
It’s simply magic, that’s all it is.
It’s simply another confidence trick.

Yeah, because it’s magic, that’s all it is.
It’s simply magic, that’s all it is.
It’s simply magic, that’s all it is.
It’s simply another confidence trick.

I think you’ll like it, not a little but a lot.
He tries his best, to put on a good show.
His bag of magic tricks, hide the secrets he’s got hidden
And how he does it…nobody knows.

Because it’s magic, that’s all it is.
It’s simply magic, that’s all it is.
It’s simply magic, that’s all it is.
It’s simply another confidence trick.

Because it’s magic, that’s all it is.
It’s simply magic, that’s all it is.
It’s simply magic, that’s all it is.
It’s simply another confidence trick.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
It’s that time of year
once again.

It’s that time of the year; it is here once again.
It’s time for the kids to be opening presents.
It’s that time of the year; it is here once again,
To get all you wanted and some things you didn’t.

So we thank you Lord, for giving us Christmas;
So we thank you Santa, for bringing us presents.
So we thank you Jesus, for giving us Christmas;
So we thank you Santa, for bringing us presents.

Because we couldn’t cope, if we didn’t have toys,
To make the girls happy; as well as the boys.
The Christmas party, another affair;
It’s time to relax and let down your hair.

It’s time to remember, those who aren’t loved;
We must mock them and jeer them, for they are not like us.
It’s time to forget, the stress of the cost;
Three months of anticipation, will soon be forgotten.

And now the wrapping is on the floor, the box has been discarded;
Whole days are wasted preparing the lunch,
Or to drink at the Christmas parties.
Then New Year comes and we make false promises;
Just a day after Christmas day,
Yet another argument has started.

The presents we loved have lost their shine;
Since we went back to school
And saw their presents were better than mine.
The poorer families were happy on Christmas day;
But consumerism took that happiness away.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
It’s the end of the world as we know it.

As the world falls down and begins to burn,
Everything that is moving, stops moving.
Everything that moves became a thing for the ashes to find;
All that which is living, is dying.

All the people underneath become surrounded by grief,
In the broken land that is so full of sinning.
In an unknown time there is no hope to be found…
For the living.

In the darkest hands,
There lurks a shadow of a man,
Who moves alone without wings.
The soul without a soul is still living.

Now he haunts himself,
As he walks throughout this Hell.
In a place he no longer knows;
He can never escape from himself.

At the end of the world as the fires burn alight
And the dark souls steal souls, as time comes towards an end,
We have no way out of the demons eyes,
That surround our lives, in the end times…
Still we are the living and we are without friends.

In our hour of need, we find ourselves on our knees;
Praying to the forever unseen, in a land without peace
And all that remains are the lives that we lead
And a promise of salvation, once our souls have become clean.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
It’s the hope that kills you.

I don't wanna be there for you.
I don't wanna have to save you.
I don’t wanna be the one you need,
Because I will only ever hurt you.

I want you to be strong for you.
I want you to be ok.
I want you to be able to get by fine without me,
Because we both know I’m not here to stay.

Stuck to you, so you think you can’t leave,
When I know you can because I have seen it in my worst dreams.
You were gone and I was deceived.
The story never changes, love is my disease.

I offer you a part time love.
It’s never going to always be good,
And one day you will eventually lose my trust,
Because my love is broken, and I am not enough.

My love is truth spoken in riddles.
I will gladly meet you in the middle,
But do not put all your hopes on me,
Because my love is only temporary.

If that is what you want and that choice feels right,
Then I will drop all I have to do this night,
And I will be with you before the morning sun.  
Never stop believing in me and I will leave you stunned.

I will travel across this land to end up with you,
If that is what you need;
Because all I want to be,
Is whatever you need me to be.

I will be like the others, a false impression.
I will confess to you my reasons for the depression.
I will never learn my stupid lesson!
I will hurt you with my pain…
This is my confession.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
It’s the way you make me feel

It's the way you make me feel.
It's the way you make me feel so bad.
It's the way you make me feel.
It's the way you make me feel so sad.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
It’s up to you

If love is all it takes to cry, then why do we need tears at all?
If love just leaves us wondering why,
Then I will once more stand to fall.
If love is forever torn from my hands,
Then I will still remember every love I ever had.

Without a love I will never be myself;
I need your love to heal my heart…please help.
Your love can give me all the wealth;
This love thing can free me from this Hell.

A secret heart is not shatterproof;
A beauty so hard to find is what I find in you.
A date with a destiny that we never knew
And now I know who to love…you are my biggest clue.

In lights I see you immortalized;
So bright you shine new sights into my eyes.
I am telling you I love you; can you send me a sign?
Could you love me too, or shall I just leave and die?

So high with love, so low without;
So happy with you, so sad inside my head.
If I can earn your love, can you tell me how?
I do not want this love to go to waste;
Let this love live and not be left for dead.

The love songs are all about how I feel.
The poet’s words say the words I want you to hear.
Let this not only be a dream and allow this love to become real.
My thoughts I can only share with you,
But only if you stay near.

Love is all about the choices we make;
Do you want my love, for each and every day?
Or shall I just watch you walk away?

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
It was just my imagination.

In all the worlds that I have seen,
The sun’s rays have never shone so bright,
As they do right now on this planet of ours.
I pray to see this day last throughout the night.

Eternal sunshine is needed to reveal,
The lady I see in the depths of my mind.
Her voice speaks of echoes of fondness,
My fond memories of love are lost; never again will I be healed.
But if I could find a lady like her,
Maybe I could find a way to once more smile.

I wish I could love her and once more see the ladies smile;
No tears does she ever shed, for she is strong of heart.
She is capable of inner strength, whilst I am fragile
And forever locked within my own broken heart.

A gift to her I wish to bring,
As a peace offering; she is equity.
The lady I have never met drifts into my soul
And makes herself at home.
Hopefully, permanently; not just temporarily.

She is Gothic of soul and dresses like a Goth
And that will draw me towards her always,
In a desperate search for love.
She is the last hope of the hopeless,
Who has been ready to give up.
I dream of her when I am awake
And she swims inside my blood.

She floats inside a vessel; she is created by me inside my brain.
She breathes oxygen into my lungs
And sends love flowing through my veins.
She is a figment of my imagination,
Who I am desperate to somehow make become real;
Just so I could once more feel loved.  Just so I could once more feel.

I want to embrace her,
But she is a non-entity who is out of reach.
Still I am searching for a way to meet her,
Each time I go to sleep.

I am thinking about her as I lay in my bed,
But she knows nothing of me and she never will.
My thoughts will be about her, until I forget.
She will spring back into my forethought’s,
Whenever my body is still.

And still I shall love her with every ounce of my heart;
For she is my last sense of light, as I drift off into the dark.
Soon she is gone from my head;
I tried hard to not forget,
But I can think of this kind of love no longer,
For she is real only inside my imagination and not inside my bed.

My ghost of a love drifts away from my attempts at amity.
She floats away into the never to become just a memory.
This is a tragedy.
She is a vision, lost way up in the ether,
Disappearing like a rocket ship shot into space.
She was here once, now my sweetheart has evaporated
And left my soul without a trace.

Gone like the wind, she has blown through my heart.
I felt her breeze blow through my life
And now she and I shall forever remain apart.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
I’ve Seen The Future

I've known the truth, since the day my eyes were opened,
That this world is amazing, yet equally frightening.
Since I saw Michael Jackson, dancing on The Soul Train TV Show.
Since I saw E.T. die, because he couldn't phone home.
Since I saw Neil Armstrong, land on the moon.
Since I saw Uri Geller getting paid, to simply bend spoons.
The truth will set you free.  Your ignorance will blind you.
If you’re lost in the darkness, his light will guide you.

All my young life, I believed what I was shown,
Until my life scarred me and now I know.
This whole thing is an illusion, were just part of the plan;
But even if that’s true, I'm still a man,
Who can see such beauty, in such bitter sadness,
Who can't be happy, even when surrounded by happiness.
Experience teaches us things, we don't want to know;
But if you learn from your mistakes, you will know it's time to go.

My friend died of a heart attack,
Is there no way I can bring him back?
I want to learn immortality, so I don't end up like that;
But I don't want to live forever, for Heaven sounds quite a laugh.

It was written in a book, two thousand years ago.
The prophets spoke of things to come
And Jesus was the star of the show.
He sacrificed himself, to free us all from damnation;
But now were condemned to end the world.
There is gonna be a termination.

Einstein lead us to the bomb, that condemned all human beings;
For power leads you to be evil, there can be no happy ending.
The end of the world is nigh, they've been saying for years;
Now their words will become reality…the end is here.

(C)2005 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
I want

I want someone to watch romantic comedies with;
I want someone to give me a reason to live.
I want someone to sleep next to me in bed each night;
I want someone to join me in this fight.

I need to find a lover to take my blues away;
I am just a boy and she is just a girl and I know what I want to say,
But I don’t think today is going to be my day to say it;
So I will just have to stay infatuated.

Lift me up with whispered compliments;
I do not need them, but I savour them and take them.
I want to tell you perfectly what I really mean; what I have to say.
But I couldn’t find the right words, so I love you;
No!  That’s not what I meant to relate.

I want to be with you if that is what you choose;
My heart is in your hands, it is up to you.
I think you are beautiful and would like to see how things go;
I want to be with you, I want you,
I want you to give me a chance to let my true feelings show.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
I will get through this.

I will run through the pain and I will rise above the flames.
I will thank the Lord above, the day I truly feel safe.
I will open my arms and embrace the beauty of her face,
The day I can truly live again in this wonderful place.

I will get through this, I will fly up high;
I will get through this, I will raise another smile.
I will get through this, if only I can truly try,
To live again my friend, then I will once more feel alive.

I will travel on, in this little mixed up life of mine
And I will rise up one morning, to see the sun shine.
I will kiss the morning, whilst wearing nothing but a smile,
Because life does go on, so you can once more have a life.

Life is way too short to let your fears hold you back;
You need to look after your body to prevent a heart attack.
You need to find something to love, so you can truly relax;
Then you will find your Heaven once more
And at long last once more laugh.

I will get through this; I will fly up high.
I will get through this, I will raise another smile.
I will get through this, if only I can truly try,
To live again my friend, then I will once more feel alive.

As the rain falls down like the tears falling from my eyes,
I remember that time when the sun did truly shine.
It lit up her eyes like the radiance of her smile
And it made me feel at ease, like the water to the fire.

I will conquer my demons and stop all my negative thoughts
And I will remember the good times, like that time they acted cool.
I will stand up proud and remember how they touched our lives,
Like a ray of sunshine, they showed us our paradise.

I will get through this; I will fly up high.
I will get through this, I will raise another smile.
I will get through this, if only I can truly try,
To live again my friend, then I will once more feel alive.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Feb 2020
I will not be quitting you

I’m not ready to be quitting you;
I still need your love.
You may be ready, but I will never be,
Ready to give up.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Mar 2019
I will only give encores to an all female audience.

This is dedicated to all the beautiful women in the world;
Especially those I have had the pleasure of meeting.

Oh my!  Maya;
Would you be mine?
I am in love with you truly;
You are the light of my life.

Much love to the beautiful woman with the blonde braids,
To every beautiful face,
To anyone who ever thought I was worthy;
To red hair Rachel from the Surgery.

To Gemma; you are beautiful.
Much love to the Dark Night Girl.
To Vicky you know who,
I will always love you.
To the beautiful redhead who always has a boyfriend;
I’m over you at long last, so let’s just be good friends.

To every gorgeous woman who ever looked twice at me;
For the beautiful black woman, who smiled just for me,
As I turned back a second time, to defy love at first sight.
For Sarah…only thanx for saving my life.

For every woman who I have ever thought beautiful.
I love you all truly; I give you all whatever you wish for.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
I will wait.

If love is searching for me, then I will not move.
I will wait here, doing nothing, until she comes into view.
I will wait here a million years if she is worth the wait.
I will patiently remain, even if she is a thousand years too late;
Because I hope she is running to be with me.
I desire her love, so patiently,
I wait to embrace,
To see her face,
So I can know the day I found her.

I will wait until she arrives
And if it takes until the end of time
And I only get a second to look into her eyes,
Then I will wait…
Because she will have tried to reach me;
So it must be,
Possible for her to truly love me.

If love is searching,
I will not be deserting.
I will wait patiently, even when I am truly hurting.
I will wait…

…For you.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
I wish

I wish I was better, but never, but never,
Will I ever be better if I’m not with you.
I wish forever that Heaven was never,
So far out of reach when I need to be though.

I wish this life didn’t have so much strife,
When I’m lacking a light to shine down on me.
I wish the knives were not pointing at mirror eyes,
Being held behind lies of a man of misery.

I wish I was free, but that will never be,
Because all I believe is the total deceit.
I am trapped in this being, always dreaming of seeing,
But always so blind to a utopian dream.

I wish I could talk, like I was wielding a sword,
But I am too lyrically weak to stop you being bored;
So I will take this door and close it behind,
Desperately hoping you walk through it, through kind.

I wish I was you, just to not be me,
But that will never be; I am not that clean.
I wish you were *****, so I could be flirty,
But it is too early to speak of such things.

I wish you were near, so you could hear,
My pitiful cry for sympathy.
I wish you were here, to be my seer.
I wish you could show me it will get better.
I wish you could show me how to see.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2019
I wish it all away

As my mind fills with your pain;
I wish it all away.
I wish I could be the one,
To heal you today.

But something tells me, you will never be able to heal;
Only continue to feel, what you just couldn’t take.
I know the pain is real.

I see you suffer down in the dirt;
But I could never cure the hurt,
You feel when you are around me.
Because I could be good and you’re not ready to hear,
Or see the goodness inside of me.

You think we live in a cold dark world;
Because that is all you have ever known.
But I am here to show you that,
At last you have a place you can feel at home.

I see the scars in your attempted smile
And you tell me that is has been a while,
Since you have been loved and not just used.
But I am here to prove to you,
That I could be the one you need to change;
To become the person I see inside you.
If you would let yourself out of your self-imposed cage.

Locked away from love, you need to be released;
So let me be the one with the key, to set you free.

(C)2015 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
I worship at your altar.

I worship at your altar my love,
For you are truly wonderful.
Phenomenal does not even catch your vapour,
Too quick to fall in love with you is the true believer.

But Goddesses are there to be worshipped
And I kneel before you my Queen.
For I am forever enslaved by a dream of your kiss
And shall bear your symbol, through thick and through thin.

Through anything I would carry you,
If my aid you should ever need.
Just think of me and never be alone or blue;
For I shall always be your faithful steed.

The one you can depend upon, to be there automatically.
I would sense that you were not ok
And I would try to make you happy.
I would never let you feel alone, for I am always with you.
If you ever need anything at all, then I shall fetch it for you.

I humbly beg for your touch at night.
In my bed beside me sleeps an angel.
I would simply roll over and hold you tight
And never let you come near any danger.

I shall protect you until the end,
Be you wife or nothing or my best friend.
Whichever you wish, anything you can have,
I shall always be here for you; I wish you to never feel sad.

Unless we are watching a romantic movie together;
I love them like I could love you, let us be together forever.
One long ride through life, with you at my side;
Our family forever even after I die.

I shall always protect you in any way I can
And I would lay down my life to protect your children.
I believe with you I could become a great Dad,
But I don’t even know how you feel about me, my chosen.

My light in the dark, the devourer of my heart (it is yours),
Forever; all I ask for is your love…evermore.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
I wrote this just for you

You alone will find meaning within my words.
My poetry is just for you.
Your interpretation is right and the only interpretation that matters…
To you.

What you think is so important;
I agree with you, it is.
Whatever you find within the rhymes of my poetry;
You are the seeker and you will find what you need.

Go find the truth, beneath the words;
Learn to read more poetry and you will find joy inside him or her.
Write your own words and they will not know you are a nerd;
Speak from the soul
And you will become anything, when your words are heard.

The fires are burning; you are the worm that is turning.
When you have left school, you shall continue learning
And in the end, we all become more;
This is not the end of forever…we are the beginning.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Jack and Jill: Enter the Matrix

Jack and Jill, took the blue pill.
The truth they cared not for, the truth they ignored.
Their minds couldn't handle, what their brains didn't believe.
The truth stood in front of them, but they knew nothing is free.

They thought if they learned,
What wasn't meant to be known.
They would become slaves and never see home.

Stood on top of a hill, Jack turned to Jill.

Did we make the right choice?
Should we have had our eyes opened?
Just think of all the things, that we could have learned.
But what was the cost, a life time of slavery?
In life nothing’s given; foolishness is bravery.

Think of all of those heroes, you read about at school.
They died for a cause, surely that makes them fools.
Sure they found their fame, but only in their deaths;
I'd rather be unknown, than take my last breath.

But forever more we must know something is missing.
Our lives are a lie, our entire existence.
Scared of learning, or scared of the consequences?
Regrets all we have now, the truth could have been splendid!

Our chance has now passed, through fear of being slaves,
But we're trapped in this matrix, a slave to the wage.
Money and possessions, that’s all that we crave.
The heroes may be foolish, but at least they were brave,
Enough to at least try; I think we’re the slaves.

A glimmer of hope, shines right there in front of us
And we turn our backs, through fear and mistrust.
We could have been Gods!  Better than our fellow man.
Now were just numbers, working for 'Uncle Sam'.

We could have flown, like birds in the sky,
Slowed down time, dodge bullets and not die.
We could have lived forever!  We could have been just like Neo!
Now we’re just worms, to be eaten by the eagles.

I hate you Jack! You made me choose wrong.
I hate you Jill! I ignored it for a home
And a life with my wife.

We climb each day for a bucket of water;
We can hardly even feed our baby daughter.
Jenny's her name, her brother Joe's on the way.
What would they choose?  Would they choose the same?

But our families ok, they won't know that they’re slaves.
They'll love life at home and they'll visit our graves.
We must teach them, nothing of what we know,
For they would grow to hate us and then they would go.

Our house is just fine, with the orchards of wine.
A family business for a hundred years,
Their lives will be the same.
Never wanting for anything, they will have all they want;
But they can never leave, for this is our spot,
Where my mother gave birth, like her mother before;
As will Jenny, as did I and as will many more.

For life is a circle, what goes around comes around.
Repeating history, is what we have found,
To work for generations, our family has survived.
We’re born here.
We live here.
And it's here that we die.

(C)2005 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Jessie J

What can I say about the sponge to my head?
Well she is beautiful, even if she will not wear a dress;
That is he Emmeline Pankhurst right I guess,
But like I’ve always said,
Jess would look good in something silky and red.

She is not sure who she is going to be, yet,
But mark my words she is someone I will never forget.
You just need to talk to her and languish in her words.
When she leaves with my heart, she takes with her my breath.

Anything I can do, she can do also.
Our thoughts are mutual in so many degrees.
When she reappears, I am alive!  Wow!
It’s the glint in her eye, the way of her smile,
The way she spins me 360.
It’s the smoothness with which she glides through my mind.
It’s the ever-loving beauty I find when I hold her inside.

If I had to choose a word to describe only her,
I would need quite a few, because others are unworthy of my allure.
She is my black hole, she draws me towards,
And for her I would stand before any harmful sword.
With her I am in a meadow, dew washing away my sins;
With her Heavenly words, I am mesmerized and wallowing.
She is one I would never betray,
But she is also the only one with whom my true feelings I cannot say.

If I trained her to do my job in my stead,
She could do it so easily, for she is the best yet.
Many have come before her, but what she does she does with aplomb.
The way she stole my heart, blew me away like a bomb.
Nothing remained but my amazed face.
There is something perfect about her that I just cannot place.

She doesn’t yet know exactly what she does want,
But if she wanted I would like her to become my one.
I want to make her happy, because with only her I think I could.
There is a little romance inside my heart and with her it could be good.
The thought of holding her hand makes me smile.
I wish my feelings for her I didn’t have to deny,
But if I spoke my truth she would run a mile,
Because let’s face it, I’m just another guy.

I remember her hands, the way they change from day to day.
Once black nails to get my attention, quickly followed by blue.
The last time I saw this beaut,
I guess her fingers were painted ****,
But I cannot say **** without showing my truth to you.
Her smile does something to me; she is my joker,
The magic card, my face made for poker,
Will one day find its voice and speak…
Only joking, I cannot say what I desire,
So we will never be.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

The yellow brick road stretches out in front of me;
I think it’s time to go fetch Dorothy.
I am the Tin Man whose heart has been stolen;
I am the fearful lion who can no longer roar.
I am a scarecrow without a brain, alone in a field.
I am what I am; my love life is no more.

Gone is the goodness of past lovers and love.
All that remains is a shell; I am a husk.
I am a ghost inside my mind’s prison;
I see many colours inside a prism.
I am somewhere over the rainbow;
I must make a decision.

What next on this journey?
I listen to Journey.

I’ll take the midnight train going anywhere…

It takes one step forward to start a thousand mile journey.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

Love is in the air and today brings the sunshine;
The clouds spread apart before my eyes, revealing paradise.
In just a moment I will begin a new life;
Heaven is full of love and oh so good, that I can tell no lie.

Joy is found everywhere.
It can even be found, when needed, when you never expected it.
Somehow I was able to find joy,
In those days when my life was being wasted.

And now I have risen up on giant eagle wings;
I have flown high above the world, upon this huge beast.
I have been carried up and away into the sky;
All it took to reach this beautiful place was my saving sacrifice.

Now joy I have found, as I am surrounded by this light;
In those darkest of times I doubted, but now I am found.
Upon a cloud I sit with an angel at my side;
She speaks of love, life and magic
And I simply smile, because she is so profound.

I used to believe joy was only falling in love on Earth;
But now I am above you all, I can see everything for what it is worth.
In this new world of beauty, peace and love;
I have found my worth at last and they tell me my heart is good.

I may not always say the sweetest things;
But the things they say are sweet to me.
So who am I to question this place?
When the love radiates, from every face that I see.

No longer those confused faces, down there in your land;
No longer confusion reign’s…now I understand.
No longer together with those I loved down there;
But they will join me in their own time,
So I will be patient and I will always care.

In peace I am found, happy on the inside;
Guardian angels relax in the sunlight and I have all the time.
No need to worry about what will happen in the future;
I can see it, it is beautiful…this is my happily ever after.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
Juan Marques Lopes

Juan Marques Lopes lives in Vain;
To move one day is his only wish.
Free himself from a poor life with his wife,
For he knows he can do better than this.

One hundred years have come and gone,
Since the day that he was born;
To a Shepard’s daughter on a farmers land.  He was her only son.
Three decades ago he received a bite to the neck
And thought he would die from the blood loss.
For the pain to stop and to save his own life;
He said he'd sell his soul whatever the cost.

One moment of weakness and his soul was the Devils;
To do as he pleased, just to not die like this.
Freedom from death must come at a price;
For a vampires thirst craves the deadliest kiss.

Juan killed all his friends then he killed his own family;
To feed his thirst for blood and for power.
Three times a day, he must feed on their blood;
For he sold his soul to Satan, this is his last eternal hour.

(C)2005 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2019

Feeling so weak with no chance of release,
Standing in front of the Juggernaut.
You charge at me and I break down and plead;
Why won’t you stop what you are doing?  I can’t take it anymore!

Juggernaut, Juggernaut;
I cannot stop the Juggernaut.
Everything that I have been taught,
Never prepared me for the Juggernaut.

There's a dragon on my tail
And it’s breathing fire down on me.
There is a failure to acknowledge,
The things we never took the time to see.

In all the worlds that I have seen,
The Juggernaut is the biggest thing.
In all the dreams that I have dreamt;
Nothing destroys like the Juggernaut
And now there is no time left.

You cannot run from the Juggernaut;
It will smash straight through your life and it will carry on its course.
There is no escape from the destruction that it will cause;
Time has become a Juggernaut and soon everything will be no more.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Julia Roberts

I worship you.
Your beauty is divine.
Simply unbelievable;
You are the fruit of Eden’s vine.

The one who could love;
The one who could be.
The one who could be worshipped,
For eternity by me.

Not just a woman,
Much more; that’s for certain.
You make my heart purr like a tiger.
I kneel before you.  I give in.

Your beauty is blinding me,
It’s crippling my insides.
I’m burning with desire;
My passion is on fire.

No one can be so beautiful,
It just can’t be real.
Is this a mirage I see before me?
She must be there, for my heart she doth steal.

I gladly offer my soul to you
Julia Roberts…My Goddess.
I’m in love with you…
But please shave your armpits.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Just another day.

Another day of hurt;
Another day of pain;
Another day of sorrow;
Just another day.

Another day of heartache;
Another day of love walking away;
Another day of tears;
Just another day.

Another day in Hell;
Another day of feeling the same;
Another sad tale of woe;
Just another day.

Another pathetic poem;
Another day of going insane;
Another day of feeling jealous;
Just another day.

Another day to end it all;
Another suicidal thought;
Another day of rain;
Just another day.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Just a phrase

I can’t help it,

It’s in my notebook,

Under useful phrases,

To use when drunk.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2018
Just before

New romance, is there anything more enjoyable?
At this moment in time for me this feeling is undeniable.
I understand that love is better than this,
But the anticipation, waiting to see her,
Dreaming of a kiss is pure bliss.

I love love, but it has to start somewhere,
So I am going to enjoy this moment without a care.
Just hope and happiness before I confess,
A few questions needed first, before splendid, or drat!
What a mess.

I know one day I will be deflated,
But in this moment in time, I am elated!
So I will look forward, instead of back,
Because one day love will appear and that will be that.
I will speak and she will hear
And then I will hold her for a thousand years.
Inside my heart for she will be forever loved.
It may all be a fantasy right now,
But to me it sure sounds good.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Just holding on

I’ve been spinning around;
I’m so lost in this town.
Still trying to find perfection;
Looking for direction.
I need a guiding hand to push me like you mean it!
I want you to help me, to tell me exactly what I need to be!

Still searching, still searching; why can I not have love?
I am forever failing in my endless searching,
For that thing that everybody else does.
Fading in and out of life as today’s people just pass me by on their way,
Without a ‘Howdy do’; I never hear a word that they say.

Words of wisdom mean nothing to an amoeba who cannot hear.
All your helpful secrets you keep inside, while pushing me so far away.
When all I need is for you to pull me near,
I see you successfully running your life into the ground
And leaving me to my own pain.

I cannot speak about thoughts that I can never let myself speak out.
I keep my ******* lock-box when all I want to do is shout!
All of this it eats away at all of my love, but never my pain.
I feel the same old sting of insecurity every single day.
So scared of falling to pieces; no faith left in my brain.

All I keep inside just leaves me to cry.
The agony of being me!
This loser, freak, shall forever be nobody.
Holding on by only fingertips;
Just holding on to shattered reality pieces.
Holding on by fingertips…
One day soon I will surely slip.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Just one look

You’re a luminescent light in a dark grey world.
No bling necessary; it pales into insignificance next to your beauty.
Metal on hand, that piece does not suit you.
A classic band of gold I think you would suit.  You suit me.

There is no need to advertise your full time commitment.
It is clear from your beauty, you are already meant,
For another to love, but all sane men would look in the hope,
That there had never been a tan line on your ring-finger…but no.

These eyes do not lie or deceive.
True feelings left to their dreaming,
Of what might have been,
If only there could have been a way;
And one day I will forget you…but not today.

No other has come along who could ever replace,
Or compare to thee.  They are less than could be.
I know you will never be mine,
But all wandering minds are fixed on thou
And all of thine divine beauty.

In a far off land lives a travelling man.
He once saw you as you passed by his window.
Since that day he has scaled mountain tops and mined his way,
Through all the gold, always asking, do you know?  Do you know,
Who she was?
Once seen, never gone.
Unfortunately you will always remain,

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
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