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Jan 2023 · 1.7k
Look at the State of You
Secret-Author Jan 2023
Look at you, you stupid b*tch,
Hanging from the rafters,
Despite being cold youre still
So fat, one too many afters.

If I had to list all the ways
That you so let me down,
The first one would be long ago
That you refused to drown.

Look at you, you're so fat,
And don't you blame the baby,
It's been eleven days since you
Had him, go on a diet maybe.

Look at you.
Just look at the state of you.
Dec 2022 · 603
Now is Not the Time
Secret-Author Dec 2022
When you dress in black and cloak
your feelings with your tears,
Remember all that time you had,
the days, the weeks, the years.

Now is not the time to bring me
flowers in a bow,
That took so long amongst the weeds,
a journey bloom from sow.

When you sit up front and centre
and then go on to say your piece,
Do not think of all the times
you mentioned to me least.

Do not say I was a good, kind wife,
or a sweet and loving mum.
Think instead of the long list
of ways that I'll ruin our son.

Now is not the time to bring me
flowers in a bow.
Not now. Like this?
In front of everyone I know?

Instead just let me lie in peace
and slowly start to rot.
And just like now I can see out my days
as a girl that life forgot.
Oct 2021 · 1.0k
Rhetorical Questions
Secret-Author Oct 2021
If I were to die, and leave this place,
I know you would still resent the look on my face.
The way that I'm such a stupid ****,
Far too annoying to not shout at or hit.

But if I were gone, there'd be questions I'd leave,
To think you could replace me, might be somewhat naive.
See to you I'm a bug, a cockroach, a flea,
But I'm also a butterfly, if only to me.

But if I were gone, there'd be questions I'd leave:
Who will you shout at, threaten and deceive?
What will you throw your shoes at now?
Whose things will you take?
Whose spirit devour?

Who is going to look you straight in the eye,
And say 'it was a rhetorical question, I know the reason why'.
Nov 2019 · 176
If Only
Secret-Author Nov 2019
Hello world, that loved me cruelly,
It's time to say goodbye, so truly,
No more shoes put on my feet,
No more people to meet and great,
As it stands I've had enough to date,
To know that this should be my fate,
So when you see me, say goodbye,
There will not be a hey, or hi.
May 2019 · 258
Secret-Author May 2019
Don't be afraid.
The apostrophe is purposeful -
It connects you to your neighbour,
Although this is your terminal
You're permeable. Like the apostrophe.
I pass through you. Like aircrew
Only here for the flight, and not the
Destination. I digress. I must alight.
This is my terminal, and we are not connected.
Do not be afraid.
Hope is difficult to find, and even harder to bottle.
May 2019 · 384
In My Town
Secret-Author May 2019
The time has come, the girl did say,
To speak of many things,
To see the tower and the palace stand,
A home to Kings and Queens.

Now the sun is here to shine it's fearful rays on me -
The girl most royal of all.
To be fair and wise, and beautiful,
And to break all protocol.
Secret-Author Apr 2019
Like every day,
Oh, so lonely.
Or who can say
Towards who knows?
On this sea.
Sailing alone.
I cannot be.
I cannot move.
Apr 2019 · 507
Secret-Author Apr 2019
I want to swallow myself whole
and feel this pain implode on itself.

I want to bite my flesh
and spit poison on the street.

I want to claw my face off
and look the way I feel: an old onion.

I want to die now
and take this weight off these tired feet.
Jan 2019 · 330
Secret-Author Jan 2019
I am nothing to no-one.
Like a comet, you cannot find me.
Only catch a glimpse.
Out of the corner of your eye.
As I disappear in a blink.
To someone else's space.
Jan 2019 · 898
Secret-Author Jan 2019
Every time I feel myself falling, I try to grab onto you.
Slipping my arm through yours, hand locking around your waist.
Broadcasting your warmth from every pore - I relent, knots unwinding
for that second before you steel up tall, lock your chin, and frown.
Then you shake me loose. I can see on your face that you don’t want to push me away
Which is why you’re not. You’re shaking me over the centre of the earth
But it is my gravity that will claw me down and **** me.

This is your epicentre. The point where all your earthquakes start:
You did not push me down the hole. You merely shook me loose over it. Differentiation.
Hey so lately I've been struggling a lot with my partner. We don't go to bed together anymore. Anyone who reads my poetry (so no one) will realise that perhaps it hasn't been good for a while. Last night he came to bed at 07.30am - we hadn't even been out. This is not the life I look forward to.
Nov 2018 · 1.0k
I am Untitled
Secret-Author Nov 2018
This is the bottom.
For months, I have felt this hollow tunnel inside of me. It has been the only constant for a while. Like a wind tunnel on fire.  

Steadily I have felt worse in ways I never imagined. Each morning has been harder to get out of bed; I genuinely can't remember a day that didn't start with me bent over the toilet. Yet I stand, shakily. Sometimes covered in ***** - and I clean myself up.
I get in my car. And I drive to work.

I am empty inside. I have no story. I have no melody.
I am untitled.
Oct 2018 · 215
Disgustingly Natural
Secret-Author Oct 2018
I do not bruise, and never have
Yet the pain is always there
Like bacteria on my skin
Part of me, disgustingly natural
Overrun, even, parasitic
Entirely accepted
Like this agony

It is agony, heartache
Do you see me? Do you?
It has been a long time since
I last looked in a mirror
Perhaps I have aged
Which is disgustingly natural
Like this agony
It has been 6 hours since I have spoken.
It has been 8 hours since I was last alone.
May 2018 · 598
The Mirror
Secret-Author May 2018
Do you see me? I think I am right here.
My thoughts don't reach you; they are just shadows.
Casting on to fear. I hear you. Loudly.
Clearly, I am gone. You are gone. Savaged.

Damaged yet perfect. A grandfather clock
Stuck in '15. Foreboding. Relentless.
Silently screaming my regrets with its
face. I love you. But do you see me now?

You don't hear me. Although I burn alive
like space debris until I dismantle
into pieces. Scattered places I can't
see. I guess that's why you don't see me now.

I often find myself thinking out loud:
Do I even see myself? No, I don't.
Having a hard time lately.
It will pass.
Feb 2018 · 314
1. The Rolling Stone
Secret-Author Feb 2018
The most love I ever felt was when my Grandad died.
Growing up I never had my parent's affection. I think they tried for so long to get pregnant that by the time I came around they were over it.
I didn't mind so much; I never knew anything different.
The thing that hurt the most, was watching the world continue to spin. Seeing my cousins at Christmas, attending people's birthday parties, watching a girl in the supermarket fall over... to see her mother pick her up.

I remember once crying at a friend's house because I had forgotten to bring the ketchup from the kitchen. That was when I learnt that small issues become big problems by small people.
Few friends visited my house. Sam stopped when he saw my father deliberately burn me. Becky stopped when he yelled at me with such force, that she started crying. A girl at school once proudly told the class "her parents don't love her", and they quickly learnt not to ask me what I was doing for my birthday.

I felt largely alone. But it was okay; I had resigned myself to this fact at a young age. My Nan, Grandad, Aunts and Uncles used to keep me at arms length. It was something I always felt, but was largely unsaid.
Then, my Grandad grew ill. Our relationship had always been strange, but that was typical for me. I loved him, that I knew. And although he wasn't particularly affectionate towards me, sometimes going as far as to be outright cold towards me - memories still existed. He had taught me how to swim. He taught me how to ride the bike the girl next door gave me, and although my parents sold it the same weekend, I still appreciated the effort.

I went to my Nan's house almost every day. He went from his chair, to a specialist chair the hospice bought it. That they turned into a bed in the living room, where he stayed.

There was one night when no-one was around. My Nan had gone to bed, and my Mum had popped out to get some food before returning to do the night shift. I sat there, and I had this now or never moment. I told him I loved him. I told him all the ways he had changed me, whether he knew it or not. I let him know all the happy memories I had because of him, and I thought, **** it, and  told him I was sorry if I had ever done something wrong, to make him not love me, or to think less of me. I never meant to change anything. And do you know, lying there in bed at 11pm at night, nearing the end, he began to cry.
Silent tears; calm tears; tears that accompanied his hand in mine.

The next day after work, I went back to my Nan's house. He had been talking about me. All day. He didn't speak to me when I went in. He grabbed my hand, pulled me close to him, and demanded I feel his words. He told me he loved me. He told me he had always loved me. He told me that he should've raised me, he should've taken me; stepped up and loved me. It was the last real conversation he had with anyone: my ear in his mouth.
He died two days later.

My Mum later told me that Grandad had told her she didn't love me, had never loved me, and that she should have loved me as much as he did. "You ruined her childhood." This recognition and flicker of love had ballooned up only to pop before it could be contained.

It's hard to know how to end this now, because there is no closure. Just statements: facts. He saw it all along and did nothing, and that hurt. But in those last moments, he chose me.
I once read that when warm air meets cold air, the different temperatures and densities can't mix together and so it causes adverse weather: lightning, snow, even tornadoes. That's what happened to me in that moment. A tornado started spinning inside of me, only it wasn't even touching the sides.
I once read that when warm air meets cold air, the different temperatures and densities can't mix together, and so it causes adverse weather: lightning, snow, even tornadoes. That's what happened to me in that moment.
Aug 2017 · 418
The Liar
Secret-Author Aug 2017
You are a frequent flier,
On a plane made out of glass,
And if lightning is the truth,
You fly low to let it pass.
Advertised as "together",
Destination: to our dream,
Yet whilst I sleep so peacefully,
You know not all is as it seems,
Then when the truth does find you,
And shatters you apart,
Remember as you tumble high,
Your vessel also holds my heart.
A poem regarding the compulsory lies entwining my relationship.
Only in the light do I realise this plane is made of glass.
Aug 2017 · 1.0k
The Memory of Ky Reed
Secret-Author Aug 2017
Sometimes my mask slips.
You can catch me off guard
and shine light onto parts of my soul
that I thought only I could see.

You might expect the reaction to be groggy;
Dusty after so many years of being hidden.
But I take in that light like air - necessary,
staring straight into the possibility of a kindred spirit.

It happened once. And that tiny breathe of air,
so innocuous, sent me spinning and
started a hurricane. Part of you resonated with me.
Your truth had the exact same heat of mine.

The same forest wood feeding the flames.
Except you elaborated, and I realised that we
were entirely different wildflowers,
in the same bunch but mismatched from root to petal -

Just grown in the same decrepit soil.
It felt like you had comforted me by wrapping
a soft woolen blanket around my shoulders.
I am allergic to wool, and all it does is burn.

Darkness, again. Yet,
I remember you at times, Ky. When the world feels
so dry it seems nothing will grow,
I remember that you sprouted in the weeds, too.
Spoken Word Poetry
Jul 2017 · 673
Everyone Else
Secret-Author Jul 2017
It shouldn't be a problem and it is.

I should be happy, but I'm not.
If I were a seaside, I'd be one time forgot.
Swings rusted still, and women of an age.
Same season all year, like dried ink on a page.

Getting overtaken, doesn't mean you lose.
It only meant you shone so more when came the time to choose.
Wind can be so vicious as it stings across your face.
A gentle stabbed reminder to always know your place.

Eventually what you will find is your heart does turn to stone.
Or constantly you feel the pain has seeped right to the bone.
Now at this point it really is so much easier to say.
Just leave me here and I'll wait in peace until you've had your day.
Jan 2017 · 1.4k
Harri's Keeper
Secret-Author Jan 2017
I will walk with you, to the end of this earth that does not welcome you.
I will shine a light in every dark corner where you see hurt and pain.
I am yours to sit with for as long as you have to.
Until you can feel whole again.
Jan 2017 · 880
Secret-Author Jan 2017
The first time I said his name, he asked me how I knew him.
I was thrown. I knew him and I knew Kim.
What we've been through -
Your family and I;
I often lay awake at night and toss and turn and sigh.
I felt like taking his head in my hands and saying
"Your brother - he was mine."
But I didn't.

He lives in the house next to my parents.
And knew me until I left. Bereft.
Then he sees me now -
and acts as if he doesn't know me.
Like he hasn't held my hand or cried,
Well that's what's really thrown me.
The tree in your garden. It's planted for him.
With me at the window, watching tiny you and Kim.

We used to sit in that garden, late into the night.
Until everyone was gone, left with nothing but starlight.
Oh, what we've been through -
Your family and I;
To this day I lay in bed and sometimes have a cry.
So I was thrown, to the bone, and feeling so small...
When I realised that in your mind,
- I didn't exist at all.
Spoken Word Poetry
Jan 2017 · 614
The Beginning
Secret-Author Jan 2017
I waited for you to come outside,
Like I had waited for you in bed.
My hand went numb from reaching,
As you sat and got drunk, instead.
Dec 2016 · 596
The Deep Blue
Secret-Author Dec 2016
I don't know who I am anymore.
Not only that, but I can no longer see the light.
So I wandered the Earth until I reached the shore,
And swam straight into the night.

It was cold at first, but now I'm numb.
It seems I swam the whole night through.
And amidst the abyss and the crashing waves,
I realised I was swimming, to you.

But now my limbs are finished.
And my weary eyes are closing fast.
And as I sink slowly downwards,
I realise I was chasing the past.
Nov 2016 · 1.1k
Secret-Author Nov 2016
Should you add
another cloud
to rain above my head,
I'll bring the light
to make it shine
and create a rainbow,

And should the day
turn into night
before we've had our time,
I'll sing for the stars
and the moon above
to see the black sky
Nov 2016 · 638
Secret-Author Nov 2016
I delete almost every word I write
As though I can eradicate the feeling.
But I can't. It doesn't work.
Nothing changes. And nothing feels right.

I don't know what it's like to be you
But for me,
I am sitting in this room,
With all the people I love,
And I want to cry myself to sleep in the middle of the day.

They don't notice that I'm here
But the second I go to leave they cry out.
I'm the elf on the shelf,
Or the cookies you leave out for Santa.
You know he won't eat them, I mean,
**** - he's not even real.
But you can't not have them there.
That would be wrong.
I am your favourite piece of furniture.

Discard me, and get it over and done with.
It's more humane than making me sit here and watch you live your life.
Oct 2016 · 1.7k
Secret-Author Oct 2016
Brother, the stilts you stand on scare me.
Towering high to rip down our sun
And leave us all in darkness.
You shout down at me fast, and passionately.
You feel this in your heart, but my God
Can I feel the beat through my entire body.
It should be shaking the melanin right off
Of your middle class skeleton, strong
With the calcium of tall men's lies.
Take those stilts off, and walk a mile
With us, fighting our bodies to fetch
Our water, brown and thick with their ****.
I am appalled. Life is dangerous enough,
Without people like you, blending into the night,
With only your wickedly naive eyes giving you away.
Oct 2016 · 1.1k
Shut The Fuck Up
Secret-Author Oct 2016
Whatever I did, or said, to make you think
That every moment of your life must be painted
And etched onto my soul, I apologise.
You can stop now. Stop, look, and blink.
Ask yourself if I want to be acquainted
To all these stories where a part of me dies.
I don't ******* care.
You're still talking.
Shut the **** up.
Oct 2016 · 330
Three Months
Secret-Author Oct 2016
Three months of us
Three months of you
But mainly months of me
They were so long,
And wonderfully weary
But I had that time to see

How to have the moment
Make it last,
And then truly make it shine
How to smile with you
And be alone
And learn to love what's mine
Oct 2016 · 1.2k
This Mistake
Secret-Author Oct 2016
Spoken Word Poetry.

Prosecute me.
Feed me to the wolves.
I cannot live
              with what I have done to you.

I am beastly.
Pale behind the curtain.
Thick with the deceit
              you have cut through.

You are calm.
In this sea of heresy.
You are the light in my day, illuminating.

That's why it's frustrating,
And grating,
When I think of us copulating.

Systematic mating.
              Somewhat creating.

All because I am hating
Who you have made me in to.

This pulsating,

Alienating instead of
                          a l l e v i a t i n g
                          this excruciating complexity.  

I was detonating.

And it -
           it was fascinating.

Not it.
That was just penetrating.

Suffocating and terminating my bond with you.


So that I could begin accelerating

And clearly  a r t i c u l a t i n g
Who I really wanted to be.

It was   i n c a p a c i t a t i n g.
And yet intoxicating.

Because you are what I want.
Despite it all.
I want you.

So prosecute me.

Please feed me to the wolves.
I cannot live with what I have done to you.

You are calm.
Whilst I am on fire.
Sep 2016 · 829
A Different Light
Secret-Author Sep 2016
You see this world.
This I know to be true.
But you see refractions
And shadows of other yous.
Your cries are misrepresented
Seen as horror in the night
But I know that it's just Peter Pan
Making faces in the light.

You are different.
I'll give you that.
But differences are just
Glitter in the cracks.
Some may say that
You are wrong,
But you're not, their
Imagination is just gone.

You are beautiful.
Scars and all.
Scars especially; it's
Strength, not a downfall.
Hold on to the colours
Dancing in your head,
Because without them, girl
It will all be grey instead.
Sep 2016 · 1.3k
Secret-Author Sep 2016
I miss you,
And your smug smile,
The way you'd hmm
At every thought
And possibility.
Time was irrelevant
With you at my side,
Seconds were oceans,
And minutes were the sun.
I loved the world
As it was with you,
Dazzlingly confusing
Yet so simple.
It was topaz.
Yet so beautiful.
Like you.
Sep 2016 · 786
This Ghost
Secret-Author Sep 2016
Penance comes to me on the eve
Of the second coming,
Awash with promise and horizons
That have never seen the night.
I know my own name clearer
Than any punch I've ever felt;
Or slamming door where I am
Standing on the wrong side.

My name is Amelia and
I am stronger than any storm
You have ever weathered;
More powerful than a hair in
Your mouth, or smoke in your eye.
I stand before you as Atlas,
Holding up this world with the sheer
Determination of someone prepared to die.

I can see the new world through
The same eyes that used to show me
Darkness more terrifying than the day,
When light would fall into every crack,
And bounce across every word I said.
Now as I move to meet my maker,
I do so calmly, yet without caution.
I know my own name now.
Sep 2016 · 339
I Can Make This Happen
Secret-Author Sep 2016
I can make this happen
Just by being me
I will survive, I am alive
And soon they will all see.
I can make this happen
I'm a tackle on the line
I'll have a wriggle, make you giggle
And soon you will be mine.
I can make this happen
I'm a diamond in the rough,
Gunna get it, I'm the right fit
I know I am enough.
Sep 2016 · 333
Secret-Author Sep 2016
“I hated him most
for not having the courage
to ruin us grandly.
To break all the dishes
and burn down the house.
Instead he sunk quiet
into the arms of a beautiful,
weak little bird.
Denied me my spilled blood,
my great war, everything
except his confession.”

                     — Clementine von Radics
Sep 2016 · 402
For You 10W
Secret-Author Sep 2016
I shall create this world
So you can be free.

10 Word Poetry
Sep 2016 · 545
This Space and Time
Secret-Author Sep 2016
Spoken Word Poetry

The words just don't come together
I choke.
And it's easier for me to think
If I'm not really looking.
But instead
If I just keep to myself
With my head down low
Everything seems to work.
Time passes by
Rather than this stagnant space I'm used to
Where I can feel myself  letting you down.

It's horrible,  truly
A dull ache in my heart that is always there.
The steady beat of disappointment
Not. Good. Enough.
Not. Good. Enough.
Not. Good. Enough.

But I am O.K
In lots of ways.
Just the ways that are not conventional.
Or useful. Well,
Not to you anyway.
I know I have a beauty in me somewhere.
Just the words don't come together
I choke.
And it's easier for me to think
If I'm not really looking.
But instead
If I just keep to myself
With my head down low
Everything seems to work.
Time passes by
Rather than this stagnant space I'm used to
Where I can feel myself letting you down.

It's horrible, truly
A dull ache in my heart that is always there.
The steady beat of disappointment
Not. Good. Enough.
Not. Good. Enough.
Not. Good. **Enough.
Spoken Word Poetry.
Who I Am
Aug 2016 · 405
Secret-Author Aug 2016
       beauty. Achingly perfect in a way I can't control
So perfect, you make me vulnerable.

Vulnerable to
              a vortex of emotions made so completely for me
      that I can't helped but be pulled into you.
So dense are you, that I am weighted to this ground
       in a way that is perfectly designed to expire.
                            I so admire
                                            this magic that you have,
Where I say words to you
                                       that I haven't ever said to myself.

Trembling from my mouth
I see the colours growing true
A vivid sense of clarity, reality
All because of you.

And we are so young. And beautiful.
                  And for a short time we were free together.
                                In our room,
                                         With your flag and my heart,
                                                    We had everything.

I miss you.
Sometimes, I miss you so much that the world around me cracks,
             Which is to say, that everything shatters into a million shards of pain,
                           Which is to say,
                                        my heart breaks.

In a world without your bottles or i love yous,
       Your steadying hand, or your legs on the balcony at night,
                oh charlie girl
                            It's hard to remember what it was like to have you at all.
I miss you every day that passes by with only your face to keep me company.
Aug 2016 · 1.2k
The Aviator
Secret-Author Aug 2016
I became an aviator to explore all I wanted to see,
to feel the sun upon my skin and wander strong and free.
And learn about this life so far the things I already knew,
be brave enough to trapeze this world and see the oceans blue.
Eyes cloaked and squinting under all the sunshine's might,
a sense of dazzling clarity from both senses and the light.
Hello new dawn hello new day and hello to new me,
tethered oh so heavily when I used to be at sea.
Long may this greatness stay with every moment passing through,
and blown away the fog will be that blurs life's glistening hue.
Dreaming that the sun will never settle into night,
or that my wings will fail me now or cause me to alight.
Aug 2016 · 552
Secret-Author Aug 2016

The thoughts in my head
                            And the tingle of my skin
                                                     Do not belong to you


My feet do not follow
                            The commands of your voice
                                                       Or the desires you express to me


The words that leave your mouth
                                    Do not belong to me
                                                      Only I belong to me


I do not mean that
              No matter how much you tell me
                                    That you know what I mean


In a world that tells me
                             That I am wrong
                                              I will not stop telling myself
                                                          ­               *Just how right I am.
Aug 2016 · 437
Secret-Author Aug 2016
I love you as certain dark
things are to be loved,
In secret, between the
shadow and the soul.

                                                - Pablo Neruda
Aug 2016 · 1.0k
(3) Is It Just Me?
Secret-Author Aug 2016
Do you ever feel overcome?

A work of art made of a million layered stencils
Where nothing makes sense until the last dot dries

Nothing, no one,
                               abstract, confusion,
                                                      ­             dot dot dot,
                                                                ­                        and then,

there it is.
                       THE MASTERPIECE.

A violent bruise of emotion that is so
                                                              ­      S T R O N G

You see colours.
                            Light peels across your eyes

Fazed. Dazed.

Feeling everything at once
                                             you take nothing in

Numb to everything
                except -
                        your heartbeat

We are so perfectly broken -
                                        that it
           ­                                        almost

                                                        looks like we are complete.

And we are.
I am.

In so many way.
                       So. Many. Ways.

It's just,
            I mainlyyy

                                         Don't feel

And I spend most of my time,

                                  Left wondering,

Is it just me?
May 2016 · 2.6k
(2) Is It Just Me?
Secret-Author May 2016
Do you ever feel confused?

I see a million different
            r      r      r      r      r      r      r­      r      r      r      r
            o     o      o     o     o      o     o     o      o     o      o
            a     a      a      a     a      a      a     a      a     a      a
            d    d      d     d     d      d     d     d      d     d     d
            s     s       s      s      s      s      s      s      s      s      s        ­in front of me.

Yet I hesitate to move.

All are entirely d i f f e r e n t,
                                                       yet distinctly the same.

I can make out face
                                     f a c e
                                                 f a c e s
                                                             ­           in the distance.

But they merge together
                                            into every possibility.

They are:
warm.     cold.      livid.       smiling.      
                                                  ­           mine.     yours.   ours.

All  S M I L E at me.
Some show their teeth.

They are:
there.      here.    nowhere.       everywhere.        
                                           ­                                   past.    present.      future.

All  H I S S  at me.
Some have no tongues.

They are?
living.     dead.    or somewhere in-between.

Where your prejudice is my pain -

                          The grey reflected so brightly
                                        from your black and w h i t e  eyes.

In a space where your victories make me warm,

                           Or when your pain is bursting
                                         through my own heart,

Only then will we truly understand what road we should take.

For we are all one.
                          We are all the light

                                                   all the dark

                                                           ­     and every road.
Mar 2016 · 1.0k
Secret-Author Mar 2016
Is it a twist
That you're looking for?
Combing through
The graveyard floor.

As you say one thing
But do another.
Being a foe
Instead of a brother.

You know what's real
Yet you hunt for lies.
You see the truth
But then close your eyes.

So don't try to tell me
That you don't believe
Or  that you're afraid of a loss
You know you won't grieve.

Look at me now
Look at my face.
See the love
You can never erase.

For I will love you
In sickness and in health.
And follow you eternally
Through hardship and through wealth.
Mar 2016 · 3.1k
(1) Is It Just Me?
Secret-Author Mar 2016
Do you ever feel frustrated?

I'm overcome with a million words
                                                                ­that I know I'll never say.

Time stops around me,
But my brain is  a l i v e.

Thoughts gather,                
                                                  ­               aornud
Until I can't make sense of what I'm feeling.
E v e r y t h i n g  becomes me.
I'm a deep, wide river
                                dried up in the sun.
Somehow barren,
                              ­        drowning.

I'm walking along this road,
                                                     not going anywhere.

I'm living each day of the year,
But it's routine, copied,
                                            routine, copied,
                                                         ­                   routine, copied

The same    t i c k,    
                                    t o c k,    
                     t i c k,  
                                    t o c k,

Until I can't make sense,
                                          Of where I'm going.

I am nowhere.

I'm spinning in every direction,

Standing on top of the world.
                                                                ­                L O S T

But here
All the same.
Mar 2016 · 476
The Hidden Valley
Secret-Author Mar 2016
There is that one summer. This is mine.
I always longed to have that experience in time.
Where you wake up in the morning,
Every day,
And get out of bed,
And always say:

"Today will be good, today will be mine,
Everything will be okay, and the sun will shine."
And the weather is grand! As you knew it would be,
But it's not just the weather,
It's you.
And it's me.

This is happiness. This is me when I'm whole.
My story's re-written, and I'm the main role.
I know how to breathe here,
How to be me.
How to be loved,
And how to be free.

Let's all go back again. Just one more time.
To where everything's golden, and everyone shines.
Where you wake up in the morning,
Every day,
And get out of bed,
And *know it's OK*.
Mar 2016 · 619
Secret-Author Mar 2016
Oh how I miss the way you'd smile,
And keep up the mischief all the while,
The way I knew you inside out,
And understood what made you shout,
What left you sad and broke your heart,
And even broke your bones apart,
And despite all the worries and the pain,
I'd give anything to do it again, because
You made me better, and made me true,
And taught me to be strong without you,
So that over the years, on every day,
I can wake up each morning, and be okay.
Secret-Author Mar 2016
I cannot move
I cannot be
Sailing alone
On this sea
Towards who knows
Or who can say
Oh so lonely
Like every day
Mar 2016 · 545
Secret-Author Mar 2016
He doesn't care about you.
It's the middle of the night
And he closes the door.
Forgets that you're here,
Waiting in the darkness.

He doesn't care about you.
In a second, you don't exist.
You're gone.

He doesn't care about you.
Because he closes the door.
And forgets you.
Just like that,
He doesn't care about you.
Mar 2016 · 496
The Things I Do
Secret-Author Mar 2016
A break so fine,
                           That dust can't find you.
No glue can keep your insides in.

Scattered and lost, with memories fading,
The last hope for porcelain,
                                                  is lost.

Traveled and weary, bare feet bruised,
I still ask, can I fix you?
                         Carry you home?
My back was built for only you.

I sing to your chorus.
                                     Lonely notes,
Filled with hope, and longing.
Slow, smooth, steady.
It is too late.
                     There is no hope,
                                                    There is no end,
                                                            ­                    "You can't love me."
Mar 2016 · 478
Different Hearts
Secret-Author Mar 2016
The wall shall not divide you,
Not in terms of one or two,
Instead it shall be loved ones,
Who hold the heart sliced through,
And should they share their daily bread,
Or offer sips of wine,
One must remember, that after all,
I am not their kind.
Aug 2014 · 1.2k
You, Love
Secret-Author Aug 2014
you deserve flowers on the pillows
and kisses in the morning

you deserve cold noses
drinking hot chocolate in the snow

you deserve to be sheltered in the rain
with the world’s last umbrella
and never left to forget, just how truly loved you are.

— The End —