Gruesome blotches
On a picturesque scene.
Man, Woman and Child
Are called forth to  die
For the ask  of their country.
Why do we wage wars ,
Against humanity?
When we need t o focus
On poverty, starvation, and teen pregnancy.
The war tunes
Would forever blast along the
Decrepit streets.
Yet no one wonders the lasting effects
On the evil this  plagues the society
On the  generation to come.
Do you know how it feels,
To have your family ripped
From your fingertips
Because of the war between nations.
As a form of compensation
The family receives almost like
A pat on the back and a hug.
As if this will bring  family member back.
Why are we so violent?
I would cry and pray for
For an eternal unity
By  the fragments of society
Who needs other to interlock hands
Until all wars have ceased to exist.
I have not lost anyone to war but this IÂ Â for all th ose who has.