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3.9k · Dec 2015
farhan Dec 2015
Shinchan, Shinchan we are his fan
He’s a tot but swanks as a man

He is too minute and he is so cute
Shot in the arm can put you in dispute

He pranks and clanks with pals or alone
Be it his school or be it his home

Mitsy his mom shouts as a norm
Harry his dad scouts to reform

Pranks and clanks both gets flop
When Mitsy gives him a pop on his top

Our fun gathers when he does not stop
And another one goes on top on his pop

Pops and shops is what he gets from his mom
We never go sad be whatever his form

Shinchan, Shinchan we are his fan
We will love him as much as we can
2.8k · Sep 2018
The Unknown City
farhan Sep 2018
The unknown city
Enveloped in dark
So black even light would fear
She walks on barely visible
Standing still felt more frightening
She feels numb
She looks down and her legs missing
She see busses and cars
And trams and trains
Being driven by people and their eyes missing
There was sky but weather
There were trees but leaves
There were owls but feathers
There were bats all crying
She wanted to breathe and her nose missing
A strange sound plays somewhere around
Squeaks of abandoned seesaws and laughing clown
Playing an opera of horror
She wants to scream
Her voice choked
An immortal horror takes over
She hears a ring
A doorbell ring
She breaks her sleep
And realize it a dream
The bell kept ringing
She goes to the door
The door won't open
She looks at her bed
She is deep asleep
She shakes her up
She won't wake up
Tears roll on her cheeks her cry was missing
She wants to scream
Her voice was missing
She opens the door
The other side was missing
She turns around
She was missing
In the unknown city
2.2k · Aug 2020
Nature's Garb
farhan Aug 2020
She's wearing rain, and
Fragrance of petrichor;
The best beau for her,
Is life.
Credit for inspiration Sheena (S S).
1.4k · Aug 2020
What's a Casino?
1.3k · Apr 2016
I Love You
farhan Apr 2016
She –
You directed frustrations to me
Frustrations bought irritation to me
Now tell me what to tell my heart
What is this, a life or a weather’s chart?
Tell your heart, life is like a weather chart
Many times sunny, as many times dark
You got puzzled and you got confused
But you’re my love, you’re again excused

How did it occur?
Never after me you were
Destiny I was going into
Lost my way and it ended on you

I am crazy or crazy is me
I know not what way and no destiny
Simply it feels our path is common
How thoughtful of you
May be you are crazy or crazy is you
That sense of your ambiguity is what got me you

Now that my hand is in yours
Will you say what you had to say?
Something I had to say
Looking at you, hey!  
Lost, what I had to say

Was it the confession of your love?
Or the intention to keep me in your heart
And a promise that you will never depart
Or you love me, you simply wanted to say?
I accept as true
It was my confession of love to you
And that I intend to swap my heart with you
With a promise I will never depart
And that I love you with all my heart
1.2k · Nov 2015
Suggest a title
farhan Nov 2015
YOU made men to lead the race,
Bequest him with pride and ace;
For him you made the trees and taught him to graze,
Then why O’ lord you put him to this disgrace,
To raze and blaze, the haze and the nature’s face

YOU made him sneak speak and smart,
Bequest him with amazing skills and magnanimous art;
For him you erected the forests and Oakwood’s mart,
Then why O’ lord you put him with that heart,
That preys and disobeys thy inimitable nature’s cart

Whilst razing and blazing, preying and disobeying,
He got bothered of his survival and living;
For him you then again made him to earn the dollar and the sterling,
To put it for the make-up and the filling

But O’ my lord, he, in tranquil kept himself fooling,
That he benefits thy nature with his meager darlings.
1.2k · May 2019
The Broken Mug
farhan May 2019
I have few mugs
Porcelain mugs
All alike, same in color
I pick one and prepare coffee
Cannot distinguish the one used before
All were alike, same in color
I wish to make one my favorite
But any mark I make would be artificial
How I wish? A natural mark would separate one
Today I observed one with a slight difference
A minor crack at the brim
The mugs are washed
A mishandle would have caused
It is not ugly
It is no less useful
Naturally made, just a slight crack
Now both useful and notable
It is now my favorite mug
True for humans isn't it? We are all usually alike. A slight inconsistency separates us from the crowd. So long as we are useful and and not ugly from within.
1.1k · Jul 2020
farhan Jul 2020
Poets always exist,
Such as rocks
And the statues within.
1.1k · Jun 2019
farhan Jun 2019
Feet Lies,
Head Flies.
The gravity acting on head is negligibly less than on feet.
1000 · Nov 2015
farhan Nov 2015
“Words fall short ever in my heart,
Lines from my lips really fails to start,
When I try to pen you with, lexicon’s art.
Rhymes are scattered all in the sky,
Like a fleet of scurrilous beautiful butterflies,
To comprehend you but, I do not qualify.
Hours now my canvas is unspoken,
Scribbled your name just as a token,
Only to realize then, your name in itself, is a poem.”
954 · Mar 2021
farhan Mar 2021
Each soul is a wound, then death is healing.
935 · Jun 2021
farhan Jun 2021
The Ocean is the mirror of the Sky.
898 · Sep 2018
farhan Sep 2018
Life originates in pleasure
Begins in pain,
For some ends in treasure
For some ends in vain.
835 · Apr 2016
farhan Apr 2016
…the Earth stood still cause of thee…
…and the sky gazed out of glee…
…when you gave a loving glance at me…
…my darling…my love…yes that glance at me…
…i was wandering in the dessert of pain…
…for the desire of your smile and rain…
…like a mirage was your beauty and then…
…you gave me a loving glance at ten…
…O’ you beautiful where have you been…
…i got your way to my heart clean…
…End of roads and none between…
787 · Apr 2016
Undersized Frustration
farhan Apr 2016
So what some have bought the future today
We are scared the most today ever than yesterday
Others say a better today than the yesterday, so what,
Are we not scared the most ever than today?

Men seek pleasure from what yesterdays’ disdained
Greed we had but now ingrained
Take the trial of love, and see,
Are we, are we not sure, that we will be detained?

Geeks are making life elegantly comfortable
Innocent of the price that will be paid by our dependable
In the placates such as these, on the doomsday,
Can we be sure, so sure, we will be salable?
690 · Apr 2021
What is Risk?
569 · Jun 2019
farhan Jun 2019
Mirror is, perfection,
Beauty is, a cracked mirror serving the purpose.
567 · Oct 2018
farhan Oct 2018
I am,
In the desert of solitude.
Watering plants of memories,
With tears.
Fertilizing them,
With smiles.
In a hope.
Atleast one flower,
Could be so beautiful as you.
565 · Dec 2015
My Dreams - My Family
farhan Dec 2015
Far somewhere when day ends
The bride of eve prepare to make love
She comes quietly
Helps me fill the garden of my dreams
Helps me to light up the candles of my dreams

Sometimes I feel too heavy to breathe
And comes my eyes filled up with tears
Sometimes I feel she touched me with love and a tease
I try a lot to see but she isn’t around

Sometimes I wonder why certain hearts just can’t meet
And sometimes why certain hearts are bonded for forever
There is a sweet confusion however, why my rude heart being mine
Bears the pain of an another heart which is not mine

Heart of mine knows my secrets so blacken
Why then I wonder my dreams turned so golden
My dreams are my only family now
To ****** even the reflection of my dreams, no body can know how.
557 · Feb 2018
519 · Nov 2015
farhan Nov 2015
..what if all who’s ever born,
..what if everything that’s ever created?
..what if all that’s ever existed?
..what if all that is universe? happening inside a dust?
493 · Feb 2018
farhan Feb 2018
I couldn't find myself within me,
I was displaced by her within me.
480 · Aug 2018
farhan Aug 2018
When I am sad
I look into you and smile
When I am happy
I look into you and I laugh
When I am angry
I look into you and I am calm
You always reflect the truth
You show all that is behind me
And that is on me
How is it then always
When I look into you
I never see my eyes moving?
408 · Nov 2019
farhan Nov 2019
Devil died.
He found himself alone.
In heaven.
Out of the misery and hatred I see all around, I see devil as the least sinner.
408 · Nov 2018
Life 2.0
farhan Nov 2018
From the graveyard shift of death,
We're granted a vacation of life.
Expanded from an earlier poem of mine on life. This is one way to look at it.
393 · Jun 2019
Success & Failure
farhan Jun 2019
Success finds story,
Failure rests in cemetery.
every success story finds a matching narrative such as hardwork struggle but failures die peacefully
391 · Oct 2018
Court of Love
farhan Oct 2018
In my court,
You were guilty.
But you pleaded not.
I was the lordship,
And our love was your defence
None was the prosecution.
And the result was your absolution.
A constant stream of arguments flow in my head (the court) as to whether she should be guilty of leaving me or not. I myself argue from her side that she should not be guilty. And that I put up a defence strong enough that the other voice shuts up (prosecution). I fight for her against myself.
388 · Jul 2020
farhan Jul 2020
Sometimes I think,
Whether Satan is an impostor of God.
355 · Sep 2018
Without Her
farhan Sep 2018
She is missing,
Peace is nocturnal,
And night never happens.
349 · Jun 2019
347 · May 2018
farhan May 2018
Thou anger thyself
When anger cooleth on others
345 · Feb 2018
World Without You
farhan Feb 2018
She left my world, why visit me in dreams?
Were my dreams more beautiful than my world?
328 · Nov 2018
My Suicide Note Saved Me
farhan Nov 2018
I sat down – to write.
On a white sheet with graphite.
Behind me a stool.
Enough to raise me – a fool.
Up above a fan.
Soon will suspend a man.
Is that it? I say.
No more a day after today.
The sheet is dry.
And I jot the letter ‘I’
I rehearsed this note.
A thousand times by rote.
Is this how it was to end?
Or this is how it is to end.
This sheet of paper and thyself.
Have traveled separately
To find a purpose on this table.
Was the purpose to write a suicide note?
And then hang self while the note watch me die?
I began to write,
And what I write, I read
And what I read, I begin to like
I befriend the sheet and graphite.
The graphite says, “I won’t give up until you do”
The sheet says, “Neither I until you two.”
And I say, “For you two I will never too.”
I go behind and climb the stool.
Held the blades of the fan and dust them,
Switch on the fan and the blades rotate.
Air fills the room and papers begin to fly.
I smell the air and say,
“My suicide note saved me.”
Some of it rhymes, some of it won't.
315 · Apr 2018
Nature's Clock
farhan Apr 2018
Nature is a giant clock,
Where lives ticks like moments,
Every second, a destruction,
Every second, a moment of creation.
What then life is, the beginning of an end.
310 · Jun 2019
Heaven & Hell
farhan Jun 2019
Heaven and Hell, the two
Both derived from one, any clue?
From far it appears a spherical blue.

Split that blue you get the two,

Goes to heaven,
Birds, animals, rivers and who?
Beautiful mountains but none of you.
Way to hell,
You and me as none were true,

We ask hell,
For what sins we deserve you?
"Mwahahaha!", bellows the hell.
You thought the world was due to you,
You made the world a living hell,
For all except for you.

Now enough is the call,
By those mighty few,
Heaven goes to them,
And I am left for you.
blue=earth, you=humans
304 · May 2019
Mutual Silence
farhan May 2019
They meet often
Sometimes to talk
Often silent
To exist together
In their own
When silence is mutual
More comforting
Becomes an emblem
Of a great relationship.
299 · Jun 2019
farhan Jun 2019
A soldier
Is only remembered
When he dies in battle.
298 · Sep 2018
Tears Never Die
farhan Sep 2018
When we cry.
Tears flow.
Becomes vapor.
Flow as rain again.
Goes on and on.
Tears never die.
292 · Aug 2020
On Children and Raising
farhan Aug 2020
Treat children like birds so they fly,
And not like darts to hit the bullseye.
290 · Jul 2020
farhan Jul 2020
Times fly
Comes July
Arrives rain
Tears drain
Drops pitter patter
Echoes of separation scatter.
282 · Oct 2020
farhan Oct 2020
In the beginning,
Life cheats death
Death wins eventually.
280 · Jul 2019
farhan Jul 2019
Everything contributes to death.
273 · Sep 2018
farhan Sep 2018
Reality is that I was trapped in a dream permanently.
A shower thought. I am always fascinated by dreams and life. When we see dreams everything appears real till we wake up. What if life and reality is we being permanently trapped in a dream. As Buddha says, "The mind is everything. What you think, you become". Or the very famous proposition by René Descartes, "I think, therefore I am".
268 · Aug 2020
farhan Aug 2020
You are dead—
If you see yourself somewhere—
Without a mirror.
264 · Jul 2020
farhan Jul 2020
me: "Why do we learn?"
Him: "To become a beneficial storm."
262 · Apr 2021
farhan Apr 2021
Happiness received last lasts forever.
246 · Jun 2019
First Man
farhan Jun 2019
Nature made
the first man
without *******.
244 · Feb 2020
farhan Feb 2020
A blind favors no color.
Me: What's your favorite color.
She: White, Black.
She: I like every color.
Me: (I like every color) - this is acceptable.
Me: I like colors my eyes can see.

That's when it occurred to me that a blind person will not have a favorite color. Blindness can be a boon. Often what merely appears good to our eyes is favored.
244 · Jun 2019
farhan Jun 2019
Not even the present you is better than you.
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