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Poet X Sep 2019
I swear I’m not a love poet but

loving you
makes me scared of dying .

I know what it’s all about now,
I get why the sun rises
and the moon sets.
I understand why the stars shine
and the birds chirp.
I get why the heart beats
and the lungs breathe.

I get it now,
why I’m alive.
loving you is the only thing I feel good at .
1.7k · Aug 2019
Death wants to live too
Poet X Aug 2019
I assume we are scared of death because we don’t want life to end

but Death wants to live too,

The sun has to go away
For the moon to be able to shine .
Ya know?
Poet X Sep 2019
but dear,
if we humans were only ever meant to be beautiful

we wouldn't have been born in
the dirt .
you don't need to change .
1.5k · Aug 2019
what wakes you up ?
Poet X Aug 2019
its always been a wonder to me,
what keeps everyone waking up every morning ?

what gets you out of bed?

what can be so strong
that overcomes the want to not exist .

or is it just me ?
1.4k · Jun 2019
loving too much
Poet X Jun 2019
I was told
I love too much
to the wrong things
too often .
I wonder when I can learn to love right too
1.4k · May 2020
the butterfly effect
Poet X May 2020
what if the butterfly never flapped its wings?
for fear of creating a tsunami,
i say **** the tsunami
flap your wings,
tsunamis will always be tsunamis and
a butterfly was made
to fly.
be who you want to be, **** the consequences.
Poet X Dec 2019
One where stars don’t die
Hearts don’t break
Angels don’t fall
The sky isn’t crying
And souls can’t shatter
I was asked to write a happy poem
But I can not preach what I do not know
I can not write a happy poem.
1.3k · Nov 2019
perfect disease
Poet X Nov 2019
I mean
I suppose love is a disease.

there are the symptoms,
the racing heart
constant thoughts,
and if your a writer
countless poems dedicated to them
or your love.

I suppose love is a disease
but if its you,
its not one I would mine
1.2k · Jul 2019
i'm trying, i swear .
Poet X Jul 2019
believe me,
i've tried to sleep .

i long for that nothingness
i'm allowed to feel .

but every night
my mind betrays me .
just want to close my eyes,
and feel alright.
1.2k · Jun 2019
Poet X Jun 2019
i used to think it was a pathetic thing,
to be scared of dying .
then the universe gave me you
and i never wished to be more alive .
thank you, universe
1.1k · Jun 2021
Poet X Jun 2021
you do not deserve
to be written about
Poet X Oct 2019
it’s my fault really
I gave you the sticks
Taught you how to throw the stones
and you broke me .
Poet X May 2021
in attempt to immortalize you
i spoke to stars of you
to the sun and the moon
told them of all your glory and
they told the trees who told the birds who spoke to the fish of all oceans
i wrote your name into my soul as though it was my own
i spoke to the whales of you
of all your beauty
of your smile,
which challenges even the seas with it's depth.  
in an attempt to immortalize you
i carved your name into stone
and said a prayer to the gods of old and young

in a attempt to immortalize you
i succeeded
so you may live on
long after
humanity joins the dust
you said you never wanted to die
Poet X Jul 2019
the people
the.. bodies
the humans..
the faces,
too many
too many faces.

I thought maybe I would be okay,
that I can do this on my own,
but my mind betrays me once again,
my lungs and heart go faster than I can carry them.

there's no way out,
I'm in too deep
yes I'm drowning

but nothing
can save me .
Poet X Jul 2019
i imagine the only time
these fingertips have nothing left to say,
is when a heartbeat no longer carries them .

not even then .
794 · Jun 2019
Poet X Jun 2019
the way I repel the morning
and make love to the night,
I may just be becoming an
insomniac .
794 · May 2019
heart throbbing songs
Poet X May 2019
after a day long enough
that could be mistaken for a week,
I lay my ear to your chest
your heartbeat has to be my
778 · Aug 2019
tears or bullets ?
Poet X Aug 2019
the sky is crying so hard
these tears feel like bullets
and sound just the same .

i have to ask
who is she trying to **** ?

if its humanity
i admit,
i do not blame her .
tears or bullets?
I dont see a difference.
Poet X Aug 2019
i admit
my life has become an
endless blur of days
and nights
conversation i never had
and poems i have yet the strength to write.
660 · Dec 2019
things that are hard for me
Poet X Dec 2019
It’s hard, being in love with you
Being constantly reminded
You’ll never want me

It’s hard
That I see you
As the most perfect human being
That I’ve ever laid my eyes on.

It’s hard that I want to kiss you
Every time you open up your mouth to speak.
I want to make love to you
Give you all the pleasures my flesh can give.

It’s hard especially
Being in love with you
You’ll never want me .
635 · Nov 2019
Poet X Nov 2019
it's quite a challenge for me
to look in the mirror and not point out
all the things about my body
I wish to change.

the first thing I see are my imperfections
and I wonder what kind of peace
what kind of universe
could exist where I don't feel this way.

Probably one
with no mirrors.
630 · Nov 2019
edge of the world
Poet X Nov 2019
I think I have begun to reach it,
the edge of the world.
whether it is flat or round
everything must come to an end
so I have begun to reach it,
the edge of
the world
of this world
of your world
of my world.
I'm **** near the end
im so close I can caress the stars
with my fingertips.
up here
the oceans have taken the size of a mere moon.
and I think what world
must lie beyond
but I how ready I am to leave his one,
or if there even is a world
I have reached the edge of my world
and I could not be more ready to
Poet X Jun 2019
i was so naïve as to think,
i would grow old
with my high school sweet heart
and grandchildren .

i have accepted,
in this day and age..
I may
not live long.

i just pray,
my parents
don't have to mourn
their daughter.
~ the girl who may just die tomorrow
615 · Jul 2019
so much more worth it
Poet X Jul 2019
I know my insignificant soul
and these poems
that are my lifeline
will melt into oblivion

but it just makes life so much easier
so much more

so much more

living . .
603 · Aug 2019
come, see my soul .
Poet X Aug 2019
I offered you my poems,
my equivalent to
being naked .

I was bearing my full nakedness to you,
To you,
Who looked away at the sight .
well **** , that hurt .
600 · Jul 2019
Getting Lost
Poet X Jul 2019
How easy it is,
To get lost in a universe
that is entirely your own.
it’s easy, trust me.
583 · Nov 2019
another poem about you
Poet X Nov 2019
your teaching me
exactly how to hate myself
and with each flaw of mine you
point out I fantasize over
the lack of yours
so maybe I shouldn’t be falling for you
I definitely shouldn’t be falling for you
I shouldn’t, but I am.
576 · Jul 2019
no, i'm fine.
Poet X Jul 2019
what a cursed existence this is,
to long for the eternal rest
but never having the courage
to put myself there .
no, i'm fine.
Poet X Oct 2019
if you have ever had a panic attack,
the gasping
racing heart
tingling limbs
and crashing mind,
then surely
you know what it is to die.
pretty ****, I know.
538 · Jun 2019
the urge to write
Poet X Jun 2019
i need to
or these words
like my # of sins

bury me.
526 · May 2021
Poet X May 2021
you are so beautiful,
a soul as pure as sunlight
and a smile that challenges even the sea with it's depth.

you have captured me and my heart,
a feat many have tried and none have accomplished.

you are the kind of person worth writing about,
a poem worth speaking
a song worth singing
a dance worth expressing,
a canvas i would love to paint.

i imagine being allowed to love you is alot like runners high,
or any type of high.
but this poem is far too long,
and i have promises to keep,
and miles and miles to go
before i sleep.
my first love poem in a while
522 · Sep 2021
Poet X Sep 2021
i suppose its inevitable
that even you
of all people

would let me down too
so much for forever huh
509 · Jul 2019
i'd rather just die
Poet X Jul 2019
many preach of being immortal as a cure,
but i see no greater curse
than living--
not even living;
simply existing
until the Earth itself
takes its' eternal rest .
i have never been afraid of death anyway.
490 · Aug 2019
drowning . .
Poet X Aug 2019
I think we call relate to drowning
even if you can swim ,
even if you love water,
even if you feel dry
even if you feel nothing but and endless ocean of nothingness.

if you’re human,
and even if you are not
You know what it is be surrounded .

you know what is to be consumed

to feel like a god
to feel like a mortal
to feel like prey
to feel like predator.

if you’re human,
And even if you are not
you know what it is to drown

and not want to come up for air .
471 · Dec 2019
no more love poems
Poet X Dec 2019
It’s funny,
For a person who does not believe in love
I sure do write about it a lot
The same way an atheist
Makes jokes about
Praying to God.

For a person who does not believe in love
I sure do write about it a lot,
They say you can not preach
what you do not know so
I guess I’ll find
something else
To write about.
468 · Aug 2019
truth, i guess .
Poet X Aug 2019
i just don't think there is any metaphor,
i don't think i can censor or hide this

i don't want to die,
i just wish i never existed in the first place.
that's all .
426 · Nov 2019
my unspoken poem
Poet X Nov 2019
I long to tell
all the things I think of you

like how beautiful your soul is
how even on the days you forget
how to love yourself
ill love you enough for the both of us.

I long to tell you
how I lied when I told you I don't believe in love
because I believe in you,
and that's the same.

but I am a coward,
and you will not read this poem
And I will not read it to you.
424 · Aug 2019
bleeding, but not broken .
Poet X Aug 2019
a heart is not a bone,
i suppose it can not be broken .

it's a muscle,
strained far beyond its proper use .

it does not work the same anymore,

i'd be surprised
if it wanted to work at all .
Poet X Oct 2019
all these poems I write
start with I,
I swear I’m not self centered
but they say write what you know.
So in a desperate attempt
to learn this soul of mine
All I write about
is me.
And you,
Yes, I write about you.
I write about the beauty of you.
Of how I would love to leave fingerprints on your heart and caress your soul .
I mean if you would allow me
To love you
Poet X Oct 2019
sticks and stones
have broken my bones
but your words
Always hurt
406 · Jun 2019
just me myself and i
Poet X Jun 2019
I learned at a young age,
that the only person that is ever going
to always be there for me,
is me .

~ the girl abandoned too often
405 · May 2019
New Wounds
Poet X May 2019
A night
Before this star-lit morning,
The sky
Above our chaotic
Little valley
Sliced her own wrists
Bled destruction,
And blamed it
On us.

I am convinced,
She was telling the truth.

~ the girl who wants to understand her world.
395 · Jun 2019
war or love, can't tell.
Poet X Jun 2019
even today
I can't tell if the ocean
is raging war
on the shore,

or  every wave
is a desperate attempt
to get back to his lover.
~ the girl watching some kind of battle
Poet X Dec 2019
I was asked the question:
“what do I do when I no longer find life beautiful?”

and it had never been a thought to me
whether or not life was beautiful.
it just was,
the same way the sky was immortal
and the stars endless.

so if for some reason
you no longer find life beautiful
turn to the stars
to the moon
ask for wisdom from the ancient tree Adonis.
beauty lies somewhere
even if
You have to look for it.
387 · Jul 2019
falling without gravity
Poet X Jul 2019
and if we were in the endless exosphere
i'm sure I would've fallen for you even then,
despite not having gravity.
383 · Jun 2019
dancing to you
Poet X Jun 2019
once I come across a song I love
I stop listening to it,
I fear
I will get tired of it .

but I still melt whenever the melody that is your heartbeat plays
and your voice--
******* your voice,
still makes me want to dance.
382 · Dec 2019
Poet X Dec 2019
I miss you,
I miss your flesh and
even your bones
I miss your face and
Terrible jokes
I miss you the same way a body misses it’s soul
And when your gone,
I decay just the same.
Now that I’ve fallen for you,
I can’t imagine myself
Without you.
I’ve never been religious, but this must be hell.
371 · Jul 2019
fuck it .
Poet X Jul 2019
and if the rules of the church
are the only way i'll get into
         to hell
                    with that .
360 · Aug 2019
let me burn
Poet X Aug 2019
i do hope dying is a lot like falling asleep .

its not the pain,
the loneliness
or even the after
i'm afraid of .

i want to melt into an endless oblivion
let me be a star
let me burn until i having nothing left to burn anymore  

its the living that scares the hell out of me .
360 · Sep 2019
a plead from an insomniac
Poet X Sep 2019
let me drown in the
vastness of my own consciousness .

let me sleep,
sleep once without waking up tired .

tired from the same feelings
that left me tired the night before .
a plead from an insomniac
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