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797 · Nov 2018
All I Can Do, Around You
Colm Nov 2018
Struck speechless
Stretched for words I am
As I have never been
This close to you
And all I can do I can do is grin
All I Can Do, Around You

797 · May 2017
Walking Shoes
Colm May 2017
You think I'm used to being me?
You think I'm comfortable in these shoes?
Walking time and time again,
Down that old hallway, without you?

Well I'm not.
But ironically enough
No longer do I expect you
Or anyone for that matter
To tell me how to be myself

To tell me which shoes to buy or to wear
Because I simply walk
As I once was taught
And always will

To stride alongside with a loving air
Until I find the most tolerable pair, of shoes
The most close to comfortable I can bear

By which I mean of course
A very inspiring and impressive pair
Because a man needs good walking shoes
If he is to live his life some-wear
Left, right, left.
794 · Aug 2019
Colm Aug 2019
It’s a quiet town just waiting to be
Infatuated with you

Waiting around
788 · Apr 2016
Colm Apr 2016
Debt is a weight upon my chest,
Which pulls me back into the depths of consciousness.
Like an undertow of unwanted stress.
Be it car, or loan, or home, it's debt,
Which remind me of what I've done best,
Which is guess that the money I've chose to invest,
Is the money which put my name top of the test.
In a classroom I sit and assess my progress with the rest,
Who all just like myself put their names top the test.
In my car which I drive I feel like I’ve progressed,
When in truth plastic cards might just leave me a mess.
In a house with my wife one day I will recess,  
Even when the bank owns my own years to invest.
What is best, who decides how much our children invest?
In their future, their savings, their sheer happiness?
Is it just them or us?
Have we taken such tests?
What is best?
An experience?
Because those we possess.
Heck I have them myself when I'm home and half dressed.
In the kitchen at midnight, that's where I invest best.
But I digress.
Flip the desk.
Now I'm the one giving the test.
I'm a grown man, a graduate, what will I tell the rest,
Of the youth of tomorrow who are looking for zest?
What is best?
Don't ask me.
I was never one for tests.
Although yes I have used, this instrument known as debt.
The results can be devastating, if you don’t know what’s best.
Updates - 9/9/16
787 · Feb 2017
Colm Feb 2017
From the last scribble
To the last scrawl

The last storm which lasts
Beyond the last hope in all

Like a lasting song
Or the last lengthy drawl

Let the artist draw last
What is meant to be drawn
At the first moment... And the last. I will find smiles.
786 · Dec 2018
Breathing Mist
Colm Dec 2018
Like a forest breath
Breathe out with me
With a gentle hiss

As you cup your hands
Hear the hallow hall  
And the hushing kiss

Breathe out with me
Into wooded abyss
This breathy mist

Breathe out with me
Breathe out with me
This breathing Mist
Breathe out with me
782 · Apr 2016
Restore My Mind
Colm Apr 2016
Darling verse would you distract me?
Take me away from this wretched place,
And return to me my sense of self?

Restore my mind and all that it holds,
Rekindle a fire within my veins.
And bring me back to the days of old?

To a time when life was young and alive.
To a life that I lived on the other side,
Of this placid coin, would you turn once again?

And restore to me to my place amongst men?
Would you bring me back to this present day,
And then gather my sorrows to whisk them away?

779 · Jul 2016
Colm Jul 2016
Sourness escapes my lips,
Pulling tails around my waist,
Into my oldest shoes I slip,
Italian beasts from a bygone age.

My eyes are full of nothing today,
That is except for weariness,
And perhaps a little tiny streak,
Of something resembling  belligerence.

My clock was screaming out dismay,
And I displaced it on a whim,
Desperately searching for a way,
To snooze until a different day.

But no sirree that couldn't be me,
Because this morning I believe,
That I've too much reliability,
To let such sourness ruin me.
Some mornings... Haha
778 · Mar 2021
A North Carolina Man
Colm Mar 2021
Tall, once grown
A tree needs neither sap nor season
To pine

(for her)
776 · Aug 2019
A Heart Tree Haiku
Colm Aug 2019
Inside every tree
Once grown, is a seed of life
And death yet to be
Tuesday 12 - How we all have the potential to live and die ... YUP.
774 · Mar 2017
Like An Arrow
Colm Mar 2017
Desire a man who walks a straight path
Keen as the cutting edge
Straight as an arrow and deep to sink
That way in him you may always be found
Like the mountain pass
Taken higher than the clouds  
And never disgraced, degraded or sunk down
774 · Apr 2019
You Jelly?
Colm Apr 2019
How they float and fray and sting at random
A serious catch they are not in any specific way
Sporty or otherwise, directional
You jelly?
You should be
At least the bending spine know it's own winding way
With a dorsal not carried by every tide
Or captivated by the time of day
You jelly?
You should be, hahaha!
Laughing profusely
Colm Jan 2020
Bright fire turns to ashe
Sunlight turns to dark of night
And night to mourning
For it's loss of another
Moonlit loverboys embrace
57577 - How sweet
772 · Jan 2017
Ask Hush
Colm Jan 2017
Dear Hush,
What is a movie which I must,
See and such?
Something idealistic,
And not so hush hush.
If you'd tell me in a minute,
I'd appreciate it much,
I appreciate your time,
O' Misses o' Hush.
LOLz - She'll never find this huehue
767 · Jun 2019
Standing Corn
Colm Jun 2019
Somewhere in a meadow
Beneath the rows of fielded corn
Between the sky, above a water way
Where a million tiny ears are born
And listening to the winds of voice
To the cackle of crows driving away a hawk
Living there, somewhere amongst a meadow seeded
Are a thousand, growing, listening stalks
All born to stand, but not to walk
It's no crime to stand. Not all are meant to walk.
763 · May 2017
Loud Mouth
Colm May 2017
You keep on spitting it out
From your couch "my friend"
Because you know where I'll be

Working furiously as ever before
Until all of the flaws are ironed out
And there's nothing left of you but your mouth

Just sit back and relax as you always have
And then comment on what THIS is really about

How I did what I said, and I said what I am
When I jumped up and stomped on the top of these clouds

Hopefully then you'll discover quite quietly how  
To have a sensible song tucked away in your mouth
There will always be doers and there will always be sayers. And that gap often frustrates one or the other. The speaking Vs. the action.
759 · Sep 2019
Colm Sep 2019
If no one reads
If no one comments
It still exists
It still IS
756 · Dec 2018
Colm Dec 2018
Not the aimlessness
Or the constant lack of questioning
None of that
But I’ll always remember her raven hair in a spiral stair
And the jealousy in her sister’s eyes
She did Have Nice Hair...
754 · May 2017
Perhaps This Road
Colm May 2017
Signing up for this certain road
Foreseeable or not
Be it windingly long, or deafeningly smooth
Makes no difference to me
Because to get to the end of it
To the end of it all
And to drive on like this
Is to get to be with, and be beside you
We do not know why, how, where, or for how long the other feels called to wait. We can only see our side of the equation, and ask when the moment seems right. *patiently* I'm waiting for such moments. Lord please help me wait for confidently.
Colm Oct 2019
Someday I'll play this song for you
Someplace where only you will hear
And only we will see
Appearing suddenly as a mountain fog in the morning Spring
And you'll know the breadth of my thought breathed for you
The gifts I once created too
Long before we were we
Trying to be more truthful. In order to catalog. To move on until the dawn.
752 · Mar 2017
Colm Mar 2017
I am thunder
I am lightning
I am a length of the Willow whip in the wind
Ever cracking in the air and striking
That’s how I like to live
When I’m on point
And on the edge
No one can withstand the imminence
The ultimate outcome
When I assume this stance
Ask anyone of my dominance
And they’ll assure you of such prominence
Because when I unchained myself
The thunder rolls
And the strike looms
752 · May 2016
Departing Train
Colm May 2016
His eyes implied, as he placed his hand on the windowsill, same as mine.
Just resting on the other side of a sheet of glass.
Much stood between the two of us.
Though back in time there was no distance which could separate our minds.
Once torn away, how did my pain reflect the same, inside and out?
How did our moment slip away like the quiet night?
My attempts in vain to remove the stain of the sacred heart.
His departing train which waivers in the snows embrace.
And bears my hopes for us away, into the dawn. Into the garish light of day.
I wait for him in the station stained with falling snow.
Until the time has stripped away the bitter cold.
And only memory remains, to find my hand and gently hold.
Written from her perspective. :D
751 · Feb 2018
The Other Half Of The Moon
Colm Feb 2018
In case you ever wonder
Where the other half of the moon goes (to rest)
It's on my chest
Just to the left
So long as I am under you and your spell
Looking up past the tress.
748 · Aug 2020
Youthful Trees
Colm Aug 2020
When you grow like a tree over property lines
  And are drawn into a yard unwanting and free
    It’s not the sharpest saw which cuts the deepest ties
      But the quiet in moving away from beneath
We've all been there (at least most of us have). And you learn from it quickly, or slowly if need be. Time passes by, and you grow like trees. Slowly in learning.
747 · Jun 2017
Spilling Words
Colm Jun 2017
Where does the desire come from?
To send someone words on a paper screen?
Where does the inkwell saturate, and settle deep?
Mixing until you’re your dammed up thoughts
Break loose and spill out onto the ground
Flooding the valley at hand below
For when you spill yourself onto a page
You need to be comfortable with the mess you’ll create
It’s inevitable
But why should you worry about that anyway?*
I mean it, I say this with a laugh but…
Does any of this matter anyway?
Why should you withhold and hold back?

The rushing words
The kind which actually meant to be swept away
How to write with Sean - You just write until you are. And then one day you realize that you've always been to a certain degree. And forever will be. You! (:
742 · Feb 2017
Dance Again
Colm Feb 2017
Remember when a woman’s walk
Her poise and chance
And most importantly, her ability to dance
Is what drew her outline and intrigued
Every able bodied man
Single or not
To look at her
To wish to offer her a hand
And yet as I am
An able bodied modern man
I hate who I am
Not because I can, but because I cannot dance
Half so well as I like to think I can
But perhaps…
Under the right circumstances
If I could see the shooting star before it descends
And ultimately lands
I would possibly
Almost definitely
Try and practice dancing again
739 · Mar 2018
Daffodils In A Meadow
Colm Mar 2018
Dress a word up like a flower
Still it stems from me
      Water it till the world devours
      Every petal for a bath
      And float in it
      Like the daffodil sea
Eternal is the sun by day
How it seeps and soaks the skin
But flowers cannot burn at sea
They can only ripple in
       Be it tide-ward manner ever present
       With omnipresent tense
For as roots draw water from the deep
So will salt bring waters end
Daffodils in an endless meadow. A sight I doubt I will ever get to see on this earth and in this human lifetime. But thankfully, this life, isn't the only thing to live (and live well). Gracias!
738 · Jan 2017
She Loves Baseball
Colm Jan 2017
From brews, to baseball, to the Caesar salads we both like to eat

You were the potential just out of reach
The distant hope, the fear internalized
The not knowing when, or how, or if, we would ever meet

For once, for real, instead of on screens
Like the reflections in my galleries
I see you now in photos with him
Seeing both what is and could’ve been

Yet there you are by your father's side
Striding down the aisle inside, of another man’s church
Another man’s mind    

I just hope that he loves baseball like me
And that he can paint the corners outside
Almost perfectly, just like a Rembrandt

Though I missed you this time by a single stride
I never felt like the game began
Because we both looked down that distant road
And you, glanced back, at a map inscribed

On that, with this, I bid you goodbye, and wish you well until the 9th
Best wishes. In earnest.
737 · Apr 2017
Across The Sky
Colm Apr 2017
The truth is written there
Clear as day and yet shrouded as the night
Across the sky
That I am the only one who knows
Who I've written about
And why
Because this is me being honest. This is me telling the truth without being either inclusive or exclusive. It simply is the way that it is. And that kind of OK is alright with me. For now at least. :)

The writing is there is you understand my kind if elvish. ;)
733 · May 2016
Colm May 2016
Though other introverts may shy, I will learn to appreciate such things.

I will link experience to metaphor, and liken this noise to the birds which sing.

Some unaccompanied, and some with voice. Some with the lyr atop the strings.

I learn this though its not in nature. We humans are such fascinating things.
Written in a crowded room
729 · Mar 2019
Colm Mar 2019
Bending like the Willow frame
Waving at me
Like the friendly greeting of a winding lane
All the while knowing
That it's not even your sound which calls to me
It's just the winds of life
Whistling through the outstretched trees
Grasping at experiences which have yet to come
But in time will be
With all of the sounds and windings of a meadow stream
Your curvature and me
721 · Jun 2016
Colm Jun 2016
My head it aches, like a Halo wrapped tightly around my head.
Like an angel who tried to pull the wool around me, but now I wear his crown instead.

Pressuring me, my every thought, pounding beats out like a drum.
Oh metal band I bind with you, to make my wandering mind go numb.

Pull my attention back to you, you show me a hue of blue above.
On such a day when skies are gray, I crave the Raven not the Dove.

Just send me to a quiet room and remove my Halo from above.
These former halves no longer two, the pain humanity hates yet loves.

Pulling attention back to you, demanding time and time again,
That I lose sight and sacrifice my focus on the task at hand.

Depart from me oh aching head, let me for a moment begin again.
To see the morning without hindrance, and be the mind I've always been.
For all those who have a headache - Boy I had a doozy the other morning!
720 · Jul 2019
Her Amber Crown (A Tanka)
Colm Jul 2019
By green in water
Blue in eye and mind alike
With gentle shimmer
Gleaming is the ray above
This, your autumn crown alive
her amber crown written as a tanka
719 · Aug 2019
A Girl Named Sunrise
Colm Aug 2019
Gentle dawn
Tilts her head to a simple side
Just like a lover

Her embrace and longing kiss
Opening wider than a day is long
And a night is alive

With ease and gentleness alike
Her hand comes to rest
On my resting knee

As I gently reach for a single moment
Turned memory
Which can be savored for eternity
A Girl Named Sunrise, daughter of mother nature. Dawn for short.
717 · Jul 2017
Can Opener
Colm Jul 2017
Like a can
I desire to open myself up
So that someone may taste
And partake in the difference
But none can see
No none can see
At least I believe
In the difference in me
Can Opener
717 · Oct 2019
When The Rain Clouds Burst
Colm Oct 2019
Where painted rivers pick apart
The rocks and earthy soil

Carve bolden paths into meadow lands
With a crashing winding coil

Puddles form
And land deforms
Opportunities rise
And tidings fall

As beneath the growing chaos storm
My mind unwound
How I cannot help but be feel now
When the rain clouds burst on the Texas soil
True story - And the storm held off, thank God
717 · Jun 2016
Walking Away
Colm Jun 2016
Someday I'll walk down this dusty road,
And you'll never again see the likes of me.

Amidst my flight I won't turn around,
I won't even be tempted to take a glance back at you, my history.

Because you are nothing more to me than a memory.
Which is stored away inside the cavity I call my mind.

I would pass you by in another life,
Because you do not value the values of mine.

I lied, I tried, and sacrificed the important parts of me to try,
And complete the whole of you inside.

When really this wasn't my place to stay,
And the soles of my shoes were just passing through.

At the end of this road, I will keep my word,
I will walk away, slowly from you.
Author's note: I've since walked away, and now I'm here! :D
711 · Apr 2016
Message In A Bottle
Colm Apr 2016
I cannot help but wonder,
About you and where you are.
A person who sees truth in me,
Behind the mask and scars.

You're someone who speaks in silence,
And someone who knows the sound,
Having heard another heartbeat,
Be it simple or profound.

Yes you have heard and you can listen,
Even if it’s just to me.
Because of who you are in earnest,
Apparent truth within your plea.

That is your words are wise and waiting,
Searching desperately to find,
Another pen another heartbeat,
To match your own in ink and mind.

709 · Jan 2019
Colm Jan 2019
Like the luminous points beyond the sky and on the screen
I see the stars just below your eyes
Winking quietly back at me
I saw your shoes behind the line
I’ve seen your face a hundred times
But now only in my mind
The rest of you is left behind
You lay there passed out on the couch
Words falling from your mouth
Maybe you like to drink too much
I could see you losing touch
709 · Mar 2017
Colm Mar 2017
Some days I just don't have the words
So I ask him to provide for me
All the pros for my failing verse
And unfailingly he does this for me
Because he always simply is
As I will never ever be
Half as clever as my God can be
705 · Nov 2018
Appearance Below
Colm Nov 2018
Looking at an author

It’s in the cheekbones
Below the eyes
Beneath the subtle shades of truth
It lies
To hide the self
Hiding itself
Yet worlds
Worlds are presented as such
So as to think
That they reside inside

And sometimes they do
Who? A girl named door of course.
703 · Apr 2017
The Deepest Realization
Colm Apr 2017
The real question is not
“What will they do for me, once and when?”
But throughout the years
Throughout the struggle and the turmoil
Which is this human existence

I ask of you

“What instead have you been doing for them?”
To prepare yourself for this honest moment
In order to give something back
Instead of just having hallow words
To send and rescind

What then will you do?
When you finally understand?
And stand alongside this  
The deepest realization known to man

In my mind it's this. To realize that love... Is not about you. It's not about your fleeting feelings (which may wither and fade). But it's all about the choice, and the realization of what you can do for them. But there are always more questions even after this...
701 · Jul 2019
Breakfast Haiku
Colm Jul 2019
Good scrambled eggs can find
More competency in hand
Than that within mind
A competent chef doesn't mean that they're a complete person. Or that their eggs should be yours for life. And vice versa.
701 · Mar 2017
Supreme Power
Colm Mar 2017
Clear my mind oh sovereignty
Untwist the roller coaster which I've built up in my mind
And make it straight as the mountain tops
Which you created in the olden days

For I am weak and weary from my own insufficiencies
And I need your light within my life
In order to illuminate the coming day

Would you clear my mind oh sovereignty
And bring me back to the same old street
Where I used to walk as a child, be it still sinfully
I'd pad left and right with my childish feet

Would you clear my mind once more for me
So that down your path I may once more see
I ask because I am not.
700 · Dec 2016
Colm Dec 2016
All that I want, and think that would be best to be, right now, is out in front of me. Presented here within these words, which I crafted deep from within. And to say that I in some way, am too much for you right now. That is cowardice towards what ere could be. So don't claim to know what a word really means, when you want to craft alongside a wordsmith like me.
Remeber... I'm not a machine.
693 · Jan 2022
Only One Altar
Colm Jan 2022
One God is
E n o u g h
In my life
I do not
Wish to worship
Her as well
Newry Set . 9
688 · Jul 2021
Glow, A Haiku
Colm Jul 2021
A silent heart calls
Along wires out humming low
Like power lines hot
Wires, and saki with juice
684 · Apr 2019
Towards The Surface
Colm Apr 2019
I am a bubble fluctuating
On its way to the surface, evaluating
How it will be to be one with sky again, once I am out of the sea
I’ll be bursting free and culminating into a timeless cloud
Into the air which was always meant to be me
Yes, towards the surface I go to be free
Free - Bubble
683 · Sep 2018
A More Youthful Me
Colm Sep 2018
Before the autumn comes
Before the trees are torn by the harsh winds
And the world is consumed by leafy snow

Before the fires edge and burn out slow
And dark soiled Earth is turned to rust

Before the autumn comes again and then
I will find myself
Once more and last
In the springtime of my youth the pass

For there my fate will not be determined
For all are falling, all are fast

But before the autumn comes again
I will outstretch my strong summer arms
And try and hold the winter back

In the springtime of my youth to pass
In October I do battle and each war is always different. It's no longer about making enemies or friends. It's not about ME or this frail human history. It's about the blessing of being able to try and fail. The freedom to be without restraints for a few days (like when I was a younger guy). That freedom to me means oh-so-much.
682 · Feb 2019
Colm Feb 2019
When words sprout limbs
And grow as trees in the summertime
Steadily until they bare their fruit
Then my thoughts will be hanging within reach
Would you pluck them as you'd pluck some fruit?
And take a tiny bite of me
Or at least of my thoughts?
Would you, wouldn't you?
Would you, wouldn't you?

This might be a duplicate... I'll look into it later.
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