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944 · Jan 31
Archer Jan 31
It isn’t fair anymore
You get the fun of wanting to be alive
You get the pleasure of living
You’re not trapped
Why do you get that right?
Why wasn’t I allowed that too?
Did I do something wrong?
I was just a baby
I want to do something to make it up
Something to show I deserve it just like you
It just isn’t fair anymore
You get that joy of not being stuck
I can’t see
It’s too dark
Explain to me how that’s fair
Why does everyone get that but me
The food passes by
But what’s the point
Why do I need to prove myself?
Show how much I need this
I don’t want anything
It’s a right
Not a privilege
Can I stay with you?
There’s enough room for me too
I’m tired
When I sleep it’s okay
But I can’t sleep all the time
671 · Feb 13
Family Dinner
Archer Feb 13
You’ll never eat alone
If you’re a cannibal.
503 · Jan 31
Pulling up grass
Archer Jan 31
I pull up grass and feel guilty about it
I know it’s not bad.
So why can’t I stop?
The blade just keeps looking up at me
“Why did you do it again?”
“It hurts”

There’s scars on the yard from the last times
It’s fine.
I’ll water it when I feel better
So why can’t I stop?
The silver just keeps looking at me
“Why’d you do it again?”
“It hurt”

I pull up the grass and feel guilty about cuts
The lawn will grow back
I cover up my arms and legs
The ground is barren and mowed to dirt
So why can’t I stop?
The blade stares
470 · Jan 31
Greedy lover
Archer Jan 31
You’re such a greedy lover when
You’re lovin her
Holdin her down
Stealin her crown
And power
Deflowerin every flower
When you devour
From your tower
And hour after
Hour after
Hour after
While you cower and
Cower and
Cower and

You’re showerin her with kisses
After missin her
Hidin away
Sayin you can’t stay
And pray
‘Bout preyin on every prey
That you lay
Without a place
Out of place out of
Leaving without a trace a
Trace a
Trace a
Of your face
In her space

You’re a disgrace for tryin be
It’s distasteful
You say you gotta face full
of “empathy”
Say you have “emotional telepathy”
Work with me
Can’t you see?
Hour after
Hour after
Hour glasses
Are what you need
She’s not free
From your greed
You’re a greedy lover when
You’re lovin her
414 · Feb 1
Years Prior
Archer Feb 1
And I’ll cry harder when they return
You fill my heart with hatred
Hate for you
Hate for how I feel
My feelings of hate
Hate themselves too

And the feelings are textile
And the feelings are nauseating
You filled my head with tears
That you got high off of
397 · Feb 13
Sea Urchins
Archer Feb 13
So you ****** up,
he spoke up. He shrugged as if it were no big
deal, but really it was; it was a huge deal.
No big deal,
his face betrayed his tone.

Uhm? No- really it is, it’s a huge deal,
I protested.

Okay, bud, take a breath…
He threw me a sheepish smile
That I pathetically fumbled.

‘Take a breath’?
I echoed with a scoff.
‘Take a breath’?!
I grabbed a hand full of my hair with each arm and squatted on the concrete.
First you said ‘the worst she can say is: no’;
and now you tell me to ‘take a breath’?
I tucked my head between my knees
and stared at the white paint
that had begun to fade off the parking lot.

Well, yeah. I, you know,
he chuckled.
I was certain he was doing that stupid thing,
where he scratched the back of his neck,
even if I couldn’t see it.

I groaned,
You don’t know.

Okay, this is embarrassing… Get the hell up,” he crouched down and yanked us both up by my wrists.

Is everything you say a lie?
I took a long and dramatic drag on the word “lie”,
pulling my arms away from his grasp.

So she called you a b#tchless, d#ckless, f#ggot who would die such a big ****** that your wiener would invert at even the
slightest touch of a woman,
no big deal,
he repeated once more.
All he got in response was another groan.
He leaned against his Toyota before trying to remedy the situation,
I mean, you know, who hasn’t been called a-

I really don’t need to hear you to say it again.

He chuckled and scratched the back of his head. “Right, sorry. Probably not helping, huh?

Yeah, no.

For some reason,
this kid just did not know when to
shut up.
Well, I, you know there are plenty of other fish in the sea, right?

Yeah, but no angel fish wants to go out with a sea urchin!
I gestured to myself before pressing my stomach against his car.
We’d been at school far too long after the bell.
I was sure some of the teachers suspected we were doing crack,
or something.

he started, looking to me at his side.
He stepped off his car and
opened the passenger side door for me.
Then, I guess you just gotta find
another sea urchin.
Archer Feb 1
Moonlight shone through the windows
and onto the floor in long,
The shadows from the leaves in the trees swayed back and forth like they were
dancing with the cold
The moon was their spotlight, my front yard was their stage
and they danced
The trees savoured every moment with the wind, for they were each other’s lives,
and could not dance
The trees cried when the wind was not there, and the wind came to wipe its tears,
and then
359 · Feb 7
Archer Feb 7
I’ll be gone by morning
Leave no trace
Gone by morning
You’ll be mourning
335 · Feb 3
Archer Feb 3
The words that you’ve forced upon me are sad
I’ll take them anyways but you should know
That you can’t take them back
309 · Feb 12
Drive Responsibly
Archer Feb 12
Shards of metal make one
Crashing horns make fun
But spinning out of control makes none
303 · Feb 7
Archer Feb 7
I hate your touch
I hate your words
I hate your hands
I hate your chords

The music was blinding
I hated that too
The passion was frightening
I hated that you

Tried taking advantage
Of naivety
I hated it
Hated that

Your touch scares me
Your words scare me
Your hands scare me
Your chords scare me

I hate your face
I hate your mouth
I hate your stance
I hate your sound

The music was crying
I hated that too
The passion was dying
I hated that you

Tried laying blame on
My comfortability
I hated it
Hated that

Your face scares me
Your mouth scares me
Your stance scares me
Your sound scares me

I’m scared of all
You say and do
I’m scared of you
And I hate your you.
297 · Feb 18
Hics & Sobs
Archer Feb 18
Her voice was
Chipped away like
An axe
A log
271 · Feb 14
Valen Time’s a Ticking
Archer Feb 14
I couldn’t bring myself to do it
So what?
Love comes around and goes around
High school was never meant to last forever
Four years in hell
Is better than an eternity of being dead
That wasn’t always my outlook
So what?
People grow and I should be no different
Single on valentines again
For the fourteenth year
Is better than an eternity of being dead
264 · Feb 20
Archer Feb 20
Funny how in love you can be
Just for no one to laugh
259 · Jan 31
Archer Jan 31
The feelings are all too familiar
Rough couches
Brown so bright it’s orange
So cold it burns
So soft it cuts my skin
I can’t recognize it
The feelings are all too familiar
Archer Jan 31
And yes I do want someone
I want someone to hold me and
I want someone to hold
Someone to laugh with
Someone to cry

And yes I do want someone
I want someone to talk to and
I want someone to listen to
Someone to learn from
Someone to love

And yes I do want someone
I want someone to be with and
I want someone to be away from
Someone to watch smile or
Someone to watch frown

And yes I do want someone
I want someone to work and
I want someone to stay
Someone to help us
Someone to understand

And yes I do want someone
245 · Jan 31
Her with I
Archer Jan 31
Her voice like a song
Running its fingertips through my hair
Ivory chords and wind blowing
Orange-coloured like that of dawn
Soft like a laugh and syrup

Her music isn’t just noises, and all along
It twists and dances like spells in the air
Emerald notes and feeling flowing
Blue-coloured like the sand and sea’s bond
Sweet like love as you try to keep up

She swings bright and long
Skipping in the sky with me, kind and fair
Quartz singing and so much heart showing
Violet-coloured like the rest of them, gone
Short like time we have, siphoned from our cup

But I’m a cacophony compared to her song
It’s all just noises and all along
I cry when I fall, harsh and long
I’m a cacophony when compared to her song

But I can’t hear the music playing in my hair
It’s angled and tripping over all of the air
I see what she sees, but it’s mean and not fair
I can’t hear the music that plays in my hair

But I fail and it’s dusk when she is the dawn
It’s low tide and the water breaks its bond
I run and I scream and my sound is gone
I fail and it’s dusk when she’d rather be dawn

But I prefer plain and not sticky sweet syrup
It’s hard to try but I must and I cannot give up
I wish for a drink, but from my still empty cup
I am quite plain and not sticky sweet syrup.
231 · Jan 31
Archer Jan 31
Come to our sweet song
You travel far from home
Rest your eyes a moment
Stand clear from falling stones
Our passion in our hearts
Is undeniable
Rest your eyes a moment
Sail closer to the shore

Drifting Moon
And Fleeting Tide
Rest your eyes
And wipe
Your cries

Drifting Moon
And Fleeting Tide
Rest your eyes
And mind
Your smiles

Come to our soft melody
You traveled far enough
Rest your soul a moment
Steer clear from sea that’s rough
Our dedication in our hearts
Is undeniable
Rest your soul a moment
Sail closer to our shore

Drifting Moon
And Fleeting Tide
Rest your soul
And try
Your lies

Drifting Moon
And Fleeting Tide
Rest your soul
And hide
Your skies
227 · Feb 3
Shadow in the Sand
Archer Feb 3
There’s a shadow in the sand
That refuses to follow my feet
They’ll kick the grains and dust away
But also refuse to eat
My little shadow claims they’ll be fine
And refuse any hand of help
They promise not to run too far
Or at least too far to be felt
They’ve been near my side
They’ll dance and they’ll play
Even if not close
But one day I’ll wake
And my little shadow in the sand
Will have been washed up in the waves
Archer Feb 15
Like how you run your fingers through my hair and stare at me with that smile of yours
when you think I’m not looking,
like how you light up whenever you see me
and you always rush to try to find me
and get up in my space?
Like how you spend time with me,
how you stay over at my house and I stay at yours?
Like how you get worked up over video games, and how sometimes
I can’t tell if you have a crush on me or are just an a##hole.
Now I know,
you’re just
198 · 1d
Archer 1d
You know those
Moments of
In between the
Of hammers?





That’s kind of
What my
Feels like right now
194 · Feb 14
Ice Cream Heart
Archer Feb 14
Ice cream
sounded like a splendid idea, and
God, was it.
So, I caved,
so what?
I should be allowed to accept the things
my friend offers me.
Maybe my heart hurt from rejection,
but it was nothing shoveling
cold dairy into my gullet with
that same friend
can’t fix.

So, I ****** up,
I spoke up.
My shoulders tensed and my grip around my spoon would surely leave an imprint for a minute.
While it most certainly is a big deal-
a huge deal-
it’ll get better,
I swallowed.
Not mint chip,
but saliva that I hadn’t even realized accumulated.
It will get better. Right?
I looked to my friend for advice.
Sure, it tended to be
less than helpful,
but it was advice nonetheless.

Well, I,
He leaned against his forearms on the
holding his own spoon in one hand and
bowl in the other.

That sounds confident,
I remarked, but I creased my eyebrows.
It would get better.

Yes. Yeah. It will get better.
He gave me a smile and leaned back up;
the stool legs whined as he shifted against the counter.

It was consolation,
kind of,
but it still was consolation.
I’d completely biffed on confessing my
undying love and had basically hit rock bottom.
And you know what they say:
“the next step above rock bottom is eating
ice cream
with your bros.”
I stared at the green clump of
ice cream
in my bowl.
Some chips were sludging out of it due to it melting.

I do envy you,
I tossed my words to him,
though my face was
aimed down and at the bowl.

Why’s that?

I chuckled and shook my head before
picking up a scoop of
ice cream.
You don’t have to deal with rejection as
pathetic as mine,
with that I bit the
ice cream
off my spoon, though avoided scraping my teeth against the metal.

I couldn’t help but notice how he avoided my observation the same way.

he chuckled after some time,
I don’t.

I raised an eyebrow.
Something felt off in my stomach, and it wasn’t the countless bowls of mint chocolate chip
ice cream
I had consumed.
I plastered on a smile.
Got some secret love life I don’t know about?
A little crush on a girl?

He scoffed and punched my shoulder.
It didn’t hurt.
he rolled his eyes and ate a bite of his
ice cream.
He swallowed before continuing.
That’s not for me,
his voice lowered.
He must’ve noticed me staring because he shoved my bowl closer to me and looked away quicker than the speeds I drove at.
Focus on your
ice cream.
You’ve practically eaten the whole tub of
mint chip anyways.

I narrowed my eyes at the back of his head.

Archer Feb 19
If I take one hand, and place it in yours, are we sharing hands or are we sharing a moment?
It seems that so many times, one person may not see enough of the other to truly respect and understand the intentions and thoughts of each other.

We may be frightened and lose sight of the goals and opportunities we are presented.

I look forward to the future, don’t dwell on the past, and cherish the present.
And it is all already with you.

So frequently one may be clouded and not see the beautiful things and beautiful people around themselves.
So frequently we convince ourselves of worry and angst and
so frequently we blind ourselves of any escape we may have.
188 · Feb 1
Drowning in dread
Archer Feb 1
Drowning in
From toes to
Falling a
From end to
Weeping clear
Indulged in
Loss of my
Losing the
Illegal mar
High priced tar
Corrupt and
Mauled and
Hicking up
Filling cupped
Screaming in
Shouting in
Drowning in
From toes to
186 · Feb 20
Archer Feb 20
Falling in love
When that’s what it feels like:
You know you’ll hit the ground eventually and break all your bones
Just for the floor the come out from under you
And                             Fall                             Again
176 · Jan 31
Stopping. Singing.
Archer Jan 31
Little petals fell from the tree above us;
their paths were so long they were narrow and so unpredictable they had to have been predetermined.
An invisible breeze traveled through our hands, heads, and hearts.

I looked to my lover on the left of me.
The teal and yellow sky behind her,
paired with the little pink flowers just out of focus casted a speckled shadow on her face.
Her eyes conveyed sadness
but smile held strong.
Cigarette burns were pressed onto her flushed skin.
It was warm but she wore a black cardigan
with a feathery collared shirt below it.

I stopped singing years ago,
she chirped up.
Her words did not address me
and neither did her gaze;
both floated on the wind just the same as the petals did.
I don’t cut it,
my notes crack,
I can’t sing as high as I should,
even in church I’d fear I might just stumble like a clumsy fool.

sure as ever,
her voice carried a sweet melody that ran their fingers through my hair while they swam in the wind.
Each vowel held a hidden harmony.

Really, there’s nothing to it-
that’s what they say.
The rhymes and rhythm were all out of place, but I stayed,

her throat grew firm, yet full of cheer forevermore,
Until I didn’t.

She turned to face me but something stopped her.
Perhaps the wind,
perhaps herself.
I suppose I must’ve stopped once you’d gone.
Her bronze hair shook on her head and she pulled her legs up,
creating small waves in the grass
just as her voice had.
Words didn’t mean the same, neither did any music I could share.
they’d say,
‘such a beautifully sad thing that you gave up,’ they’d say.
And I do think it true,

admitted she whilst resting
her arms atop her knees,
chin atop her arms, and
head atop her chin.
I did,
she strained her words as soft as syrup,
give up.
Her back moved to and fro’, pressing against the bark of the apple tree
then not,
then pressed,
then not.
What is an artist without drive?
A singer, when she can’t hear her own music?

said I,
such a beautifully sad thing you don’t recognize yourself.
My head shook like the branches above.
What a smith you are, love.
You say your voice cracks,
yet each pitch it jumps onto is more delicate than the last.
You claim inability to reach the top,
but you can sing for yourself.

My lover’s velvet covered legs pulled closer to her chest and she lifted her eyes to listen.
I’m not necessary for your song.

What, pray tell, do you mean, love?

I reckon you never did stop singing.
Archer Feb 3
Every bill passed
Every law enforced
And every punished person
And every broken door
Every wall built
Every motion managed
And every battered woman
And every mind damaged
Every code of conduct
Every regulation
And every callous worker
And every police station
Every constitution
Every consequence
And every carried hate crime
And every document
Every proclamation
Every orange dictator
And every child taken
And every righteous debater
All of them have suffered
All of them are dead
And all of them are falling
And all of them have bled
166 · Feb 24
Archer Feb 24
It doesn’t sound quite the same
———The recording
Without the applause
164 · Jan 31
Archer Jan 31
Blank pages
Scattered brain
Even greater scattered words
Slurry falls out of my skull, into my mouth
Like tumbled rocks
Schrödinger’s paragraphs
Both written and not
Until I decide to sit down
Pen in hand
Pencil in hand
Paper staring
Eyes staring
Scattered brain
Even greater scattered words
And thoughts
161 · Feb 1
Archer Feb 1
And I think I love an orange boy
But I think I like an lemon girl
Yet a little lime like me
Is a bit too citrusy
To have either of them like me back

And I think I want some lemonade
But I think I’d like some OJ
Yet my lime’s not sweet it’s sour
So hour after hour
They just leave me alone to sleep
151 · Jan 31
Mom & Dad
Archer Jan 31
She can sleep in my bed
He can rest on my head
She can answer my ‘whys’
He can ask me for tries
She can comfort my sadness
He can translate my madness

But it’s not that easy
Love lies when it listens
Love cries and love dies
Love hides its decisions
Love’s unwise and love flies

She can light up my heart
He can shine in the dark
She can heal my disease
He can warm up my breeze
She can shield me from rain
He can help me with pain

But it’s not that easy
Love leaves after staying
Love does freeze and love sees
Love believes when it’s praying
Love deceives and love thieves
137 · Feb 1
Things of my dreams:
Archer Feb 1
Tiny people made of candy
Realms where there is never drought
I can live in worlds so dandy
It’s getting closer, let me out
Angels, art, and magic beasts
Mer-people swimming in the kelp
Elves, enchantment, pink faeries
It’s getting closer, please come help
I sleep on a bed as soft as cake
The knight which has their sword unsheathed
Lakes are made of chocolate shake
It’s getting closer, I can’t breathe
136 · Feb 14
In Inconsequences
Archer Feb 14
In the end, if you’d just think to think before you
You wouldn’t’ve done a thing
Or hurt a person
Unfortunately, we don’t always get what we want
As shown by today
Being a snow day, and so
You did it. You did the thing
And hurt a person. Multiple persons
I guess it’s just expected
You’ll be accepted
And forgiven
130 · Feb 1
Archer Feb 1
I’ll smile
For attention
And then **** it
Within seconds
Cause you’re dumb
123 · Feb 20
Flags on Fire
Archer Feb 20
“You dated a girl and she became a man”
Was always
121 · Feb 7
Marathon Mountain
Archer Feb 7
It can’t make it
It can’t go on
It’s numb
It’s giving up
It’s tired
It’s forced to keep moving
It slumps up
It takes a step
And another
It walks
It walks
It walks
It walks faster
It tripped
It cries
It sits down
It looks ahead
It wants to keep walking
It stands up
It walks
It walks faster
It’s running
It slows to a steady pace
It made it
And It can’t tell the first line it makes it
116 · Feb 13
Archer Feb 13
We come into this world
Expected to find our way and fight
So that’s what we do:
Meet expectations.
114 · Feb 19
In finite infinitely
111 · Feb 13
Whimsy Wisdom
Archer Feb 13
You can stand up to your fears
By making them
105 · Feb 14
Joy Ride Enough
Archer Feb 14
Boy was he oblivious.
Sure, I was dense,
but at least I could admit it.
I could also admit that
I was a little hurt
each time he
chose to ignore my pokes and prods.
I get to listen to him go on and on about this one girl-
who I don’t even care that much about-
and he gets to go on and on about her.

Obviously, I’ve got to be there for him.
Everyone should be there for the ones they love. But ****,
does it hurt when the ones you love
at the heart that throbs for them.

I refused to let the ride home be silent.

Did you want some ice cream or something to make you feel better?

A groan of a reply.

I didn’t bother to give him a glance.
I squeezed the steering wheel and kept my eyes glued to the road,
though I’d rather they be glued to him.

You should come over,
I spoke, though it was almost
drowned out by the whiny screech of my brakes.
I took the opportunity to look at him.
He did not meet my eyes.
Instead, his arms were over his chest and he stared at the window at some old car wash
on the right side of my Toyota.
I think you could benefit from a break 

about that girl.

I don’t know, man,
a sentence at last.
I have homework probably.

The car ****** forward as the light turned green, breaking my companion’s eye contact with
the gas station extension.
My eyes lingered on him for a moment before
I scratched the back of my neck.

C’mon, it’s Friday,
I urged.
You deserve a chance to take your mind off
that girl.

He threw his arms out.
She’s not just some girl!
She’s an absolute beauty who
barely knows I exist! Like I said,
angel fish,
he gestured to the air to the right of him,
Sea urchin,
the same hand now met his chest on the “sea”.

I shook my head.
I think you give that
too much credit, you know?
She called you slurs…
I brought the car to a cruising speed when I noticed we were alone on the road.
And, ‘cause, y’know. I think sea urchins are pretty f#cking awesome.
I snuck a glance at him.
He was staring at his lap;
his brows were knitted and his eyes looked as if they would fall out of the sockets.
…I think I’m a sea urchin as well.

He snorted and sat up straight to look at me. “Really?
He smiled,
dimples showing.
You can’t be a sea urchin too;
you’re too perfect to be one.
His head of brown hair shook and
one of his matching brows raised.

I grinned.
This guy?
I brought a hand off the steering wheel and ****** a thumb towards my chest.
I was a careful enough driver to
still be focused on the road.
At first glance you might think I’m some sort of reckless delinquent
who only cares about
getting girls and
getting drunk.
That couldn’t be further from the truth.

Well, maybe not perfect,
he smiled towards me, rolling his eyes.
I let my gaze meet his before snapping back to the street.
But definitely perfect enough..

I mumbled and scratched the back of my neck,
Ice cream?
Archer Feb 1
Expectation and desire,
Of an outcome in a situation.
We might do anything
To push ourselves in the right direction
Stubborn like a wanting child,
Defying their mother.
Optimistic and undiscouraged,
We demand some things we cannot have.
Do not give up hope,
But there are certain wishes that will not come true.
104 · Feb 1
Archer Feb 1
The solider’s ‘sorry’s
A writers cries
Drown the world in tears
Fear fills our hearts
The apology buried in fires
99 · Jan 31
Stuck Here
Archer Jan 31
Cleaning up your mess
As you get undressed
Do you know how stressful
It is?

All alone
You sit on your phone
I just want to get home
But sure

Could be worse
You still have your purse
And I still have my pursed
Lips, still

Why, I feel so queer
While you cannot hear
My silenced tears and


Archer Feb 24
I’ll discuss
The disgust I feel
When I see
Your ugly mug
85 · Feb 19
Star Spangled Death
Archer Feb 19
O Say, can you see
By the bonfire’s cries
What so fearful we strayed
As our kingdom was vain?

Whose broad stripes and bright stars
Ran from perilous fights
O’er to isolation
Were so anxiously leaving?

And the rocket’s red glare
Was a sign we don’t care
Still we gave up the fight
With our flag draping there

O Say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O’er the land of the “free” and the home of the “brave”
74 · Feb 1
Archer Feb 1
One of them is hoping
The other one is moping.

The one that isn’t moping
Wishes they were coping.
72 · Feb 17
Something Else
Archer Feb 17
Respect, love. Genesis 2:24
Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh
But there’s something else…

70 · Feb 24
Slowing the rolling
Archer Feb 24
Keep having more opinions
And I’ll just
58 · Feb 12
Prophecy in 10s
Archer Feb 12
Two heavenly hands hold hues of their own
A hell in the night we live all alone
The greater and the lesser light will see
She here with her one and he with his three
He sleeps and wakes up to discover names
The unfortunate truths of life are blamed
When they choose to allow her to have this
Cathar reveals itself, tetractys
A maiden resides and is instead shown
Not pen, but pencil to see The Lupeon
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