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Apr 2021 · 1.4k
When Air is Hostile
Dr Zik Apr 2021
Come towards my Lord!
A Zinet to escape from Covid19.
Apr 2021 · 1.4k
Dr Zik Apr 2021
Flowers smile with You!
It's a Zinet, a great gratitude.
Dr Zik Jul 2020
Dawn will come
Dr Zik Poetry
'Zinet' is the shortest modern genre in English poetry (rhythm or un-rhythm).  This poetic form is developed in the second decade of 21st century.
Dr Zik Jul 2020
Dr Zik Poetry
'Zinet' is the shortest modern genre in English poetry (rhythm or un-rhythm).  This poetic form is developed in the second decade of 21st century.
Jul 2020 · 404
Miseries Of The World
Dr Zik Jul 2020
Dr Zik Poetry
'Zinet' is the shortest modern poetic form in English poetry (rhythm un-rhythm). This poetic form is developed in the second decade of the 21st century. It is a popular form of unrhymed American and Pakistani poetry, which have got popularity and evolved in the 21st century.  It is being rapidly adopted by modern and busy civilizations as a powerful literary tool to express emotions. "Zinet" consists of a single line having up-to seven syllables, giving logical effects and known as a complete meaningful poem.
“Haiku” a Japanese short poem is of three lines while couplet written in “Urdu Ghazal” having a full independent theme on its own, can also be considered as a shorter poem than Haiku in this regard.

But the nomenclature of short poems namely “Ziket” and ‘Zinet’ is the breakthrough in this regard.

The best writers of these poetic form are John Stevens, Richard Riddle, Born and Ernie Hudson
while following are among the world-famous poets who like and writing comments (appreciation) in the favour of writers.
Walter W Hoelbling, Timothy, Rose, Krista DelleFemine, Mack, carol rose james, Ajamu Collins, Donna Jones, Star BG, Jamadhi Verse, Pradip Chattopadhyay, Liz Balise, Kim Johanna Baker, Marian, Jae Okios, Loghain Carvó, david jm, Raj Arumugam, SøułSurvivør, wordvango, David Patrick O'C, Joe Adomavicia, Sally A Bayan, A Lopez, brandon nagley, RW Dennen, patty m, anu, Santiago, Sia Jane, Jimmy Hegan, K Balachandran, PoetryJournal, The Poetic Philosopher, MS Lim, Pax, Maggie Emmett, adhi das, Asim Rafiq Mulla, Pamela Rae, Vanessa Gatley, L Seagull, Sameer Denzi, Stephanie Stoychevska, Lori Jones McCaffery, Akinwale damilare ayomikun, Zoe Nikolopoulou, Traveler, Crazy Diamond Kristy, Sylvia Frances Chan, SG Holter, Musfiq us shaleheen, RW Dennen, Neva Flores Varga, Nikki I, Jack, Michael S Simpson, Jennifer Humphrey, Flower Scent, CG Abenis, Isabelle, raen, TinaMarie, Babu kandula, Hilda,   S-zaynab-kamoonpury and Zoe, Paula Lee.
May 2020 · 1.4k
Dr Zik May 2020
I need Your refuge
O' my Lord
Dr Zik"s Ziket
May 2020 · 1.6k
Dr Zik May 2020
It is very simple but powerful and inspiring word could be a "Zinet", the shortest new genre named in the second decade of 21st century.
May 2020 · 597
Dr Zik May 2020
I am your wish
travel between two milestones
in search of You
A Ziket from Zikorean Poetry
Book: Simple Words
Poet: Dr Zafar Iqbal Khokhar
Apr 2020 · 760
Dr Zik Apr 2020
Everyone is stunned
as passing through the graveyard
no comments at all
Dr Zik's Poetry.
Apr 2020 · 569
Dr Zik Apr 2020
Social distance is the best,
Waving hands and, not shaking
You can touch your, lovely heart
Keep a distance, of 6 feet
Social distance is the best

To keep safe your, inner side
Dust mask is the, best to use
If you need to, touch a thing
Gloves are the best, as tactic
Social distance is the best

If you are with, the hands naked
Tissue paper, you should use
Give up all type, wandering
Social distance is the best

If you are in, dire need of
Cooking, washing, or cleaning
Be determined, with full care
Social distance is the best

Go to market, for a while
On fix hours as decided
Your getup should, as guided
Mask n glasses, hands in gloves
Social distance is the best

Come in hurry to, clean yourself
Twenty seconds, wash your hands
Destroy all things, which you can
Social distance is the best

If shows these lights, your character
It will be a great honour
I will salute to, you man
I will with you, as a fan
Dr Zik's Poetry
Apr 2020 · 711
Dr Zik Apr 2020
Lines on palms
to show direction

to unknown passenger
Van to allow a ride

Life a road
towards You

Eyes to see the path

Ears to listen
words unsaid

Nose to smell
flowers untouched

Life a road
towards You

Feelings to show

Sense to chain the feet
Vision to see you

Wish to talk
to own You

Life a road
towards You

Vision to have
your company

Heart to have You
Hands to solute You

Life a road
towards You
Zikorean Poetry
These are continuous Ziket poem. 'Life a road towards You' is a poem that have Ziket's structure and poetic flow and tone.
Apr 2020 · 367
Dr Zik Apr 2020
Love, affection, compassion!
Gift of a tolerance,
modesty, good deeds!
sacred humour, aim, target
travel, destination!
humility and humanity,
sacrifice and help for all
L, V and U type all roads
are all the safety mirrors,
during the sacred journey
towards You!
O my Lord!

Bless us
Dr Zik's Poetry

An Extract from the Book: SIMPLE WORDS
Poet: Dr Zafar Iqbal Khokhar

The title is an extract from Dr Peter Lim's Book's Title;  (collection of 163 poems and 100 haiku under Lim Meng Sing (Amazon, kobo, kindle, eBay) Victoria, Australia)
Thanks Peter!
Apr 2020 · 561
Dr Zik Apr 2020
I can see all things
You are transparent, O Lord
All things are opaque
Dr Zik's Poetry
An extract from Book: Simple Words
Poet: Dr Zafar Iqbal Khokhar
Dr Zik Apr 2020
Smoke suffocating, screams letting deaf
babies’, moms’ and, old ones are helpless

Blood spreads everywhere, from the bodies.
Stop lynching, and give up hatefulness

look at world from Warsak Road, O man
Palestine, Kabul, Iraq, leave them

spirit is one, dialect is not same
His devotee doesn't accept defeat

think in hurry, when you find, morn, eve
your slaughterhouse, tactics are useless

they will not be able to withstand
and will welcome as the Berlin wall
Dr Zik's Poetry
Book: Thirsty Words
Poet: Dr Zik
It is a translation of a poem written in Urdu, " JAZBAT" from the poetic book "Rah Takti Ankh  راہ تکتی آنکھ" of the poet Dr Zik.
16 دسمبر 2014 ء میں پشاور کے المناک واقعہ، اورمعصوم شہداء کی یاد میں
In remembrance of tragic event occurred by the cruel terrorist's attack in
Peshawar Pakistan since 2014. There were blood splashes, dead bodies of innocent children, sounds of crying persons everywhere in school in Peshawar on Warsak Road.
16 دسمبر 2014 ء میں پشاور کے المناک واقعہ، اورمعصوم شہداء کی یاد میں

متھے اَکھاں، بے حِس مُورَت، پتھر دل وِچکار۔۔
نفرت بھانبھڑ ورگی بھڑکے، لالچ دے بازار۔۔۔
اَگاں بھڑکن، دھویں اُٹھن، مچے چیخ چکار۔۔
بچے بِلکن، ماواں تڑپن، بُڈھے نے لاچار۔۔
ہر پاسے رَت ڈُلدی ویکھی، لاشاں دے وِچکار۔۔
من جا جنگلی، شہری دی گل، نفرت چھوڑ دے یار
وارسک روڈ توں پوری دنیا، ویکھ لے دنیا دار
فلسطین، عراق ہووئے یا ہووئے کابل کہار۔
لکھاں بولیاں بولدے تد وی اِکو جئے جذبات۔۔
اُس دے رستے چلن والے مندے نئیں اُو ہار۔۔

اَج کل چھیتی شام سویرے کر لے سوچ وچار
تیرے سارے حَربے، ناکے، مَقتل نے بیکار۔
ٹُٹ جاوَن گے جَھل نئیں سکدے عشق دی اِکو وار
منہ دی کھادی جیویں شوہدی برلن دی دیوار۔۔۔۔
شاعر: ڈاکٹر ظفر اقبال کھوکھر
کتاب: راہ تکتی آنکھ
Apr 2020 · 485
Dr Zik Apr 2020
The Rise has not a fall.
Only He has the rise
Fall is a matter of materialistic height.
Spiritual Rise has not a fall
Because Everlasting Life has transformed its boundaries.
Therefore, the final limit of such rise is also hidden from the matter.
An Extract From:
Book: Sada si batain (سادہ سی باتیں)
Author: DR Zafar Iqbal Khokhar
عروج کا زوال نہیں ہوتا۔
عروج صرف اُس کو حاصل ہے۔  جسے زوال نہیں
زوال فقط مادی عروج کا خاصہ ہے۔
روحانی عروج کو زوال نہیں کیونکہ لازوال نے اس کی حدود وضع کر کے اسے دائمی بنا دیا ہے۔
لہٰذا ایسے عروج کی آحری حد بھی مادے سے پوشیدہ رکھی گئی ہے۔
Apr 2020 · 256
Dr Zik Apr 2020
Emotions speak to some extent
Letters far beyond
Dr Zik's Poetry
A Soft Imagery expressing Ziket
I know that I don't know except a feeling of humility O My Lord.
Apr 2020 · 404
Dr Zik Apr 2020
Thanks God
Dr Zik's Poetry

Book: Simple Words
Poet: Dr Zik

A lovely and matchless gratitude expressing "Zinet" is in my mind.
Really we all say, "Thanks God".
Mar 2020 · 524
سرگوشی WHISPER
Dr Zik Mar 2020
آئینے میں خود کو سنوارتے وقت جو انسان نما عمارت نظر آتی ہے۔ اس کے گریبان میں جھانکنا اور اگر ہو سکے تو دل کے دروازے پر دستک ضرور دینا۔ اس عمارت میں جیسا بھی انسان ہوا۔ مخاطب ضرور ہو گا۔ اُس کو جاننے کی کوشش کرنا اور اگر پہچان سکے تو اچھا ہے۔ ورنہ تنہائی میں اور ایمرجنسی حالات میں اُس پر نظر ضرور رکھنا۔ جب بھی غلطی کرنے لگے گا۔ تو اللہ سب سے پہلے آپ کو جاننے کی توفیق دے گا۔ لہٰذا آگے بڑھ کر فوراً بڑے ادب کے ساتھ اسے روک لینا اور بہت نرمی سے میرا پیغام اس کے کان میں سرگوشی کے سے انداز میں سنا دینا۔ کہ
"میرے بھائی! جس کی طرف تجھے لوٹ کر جانا ہے۔ وہ دیکھ رہا ہے"
An Extract From:
Book: sada si batain  سادہ سی باتیں
Author: Dr Zafar Iqbal Khokhar
Mar 2020 · 417
Your Light
Dr Zik Mar 2020
Deep dark night
Helpless, state

Miserable plight
Cool and bleak

Wintry landscape
Unknown faces

Cruel blow
Strange air

Poisonous water
Stinging earth

Strange paths
Motionless movements

Voiceless calls
Senseless imagery

Weeping cries
lyrical emotions

All jerks, activities
Noises, announcements

Agreements, decisions
Every deal and done

Heartless, motionless
Helpless state

Miserable plight
Voiceless calls

All with my pangs
Only calling You

Make the all norm
With the warm sun

Illuminating rays
Eliminate darkness

The Merciful Lord
Dr Zik's Poetry
A Prayer to get rid of Covid-19 A pandemic of 21st Century
Book: Simple Words
Poet:  Dr Zafar Iqbal Khokhar
Dr Zik Mar 2020
Keep listen, attentive all
Be helpful, keep up morale

Odd Fever, you feel a Cough
In your Throat, feeling Sour, Rough

Give defeat, to Pandemic
Keep distance, use tool n trick

Stay   at   home, to quarantine
Be helpful, to soul     refine

We solute, Philanthropist
Staff, Nurses, Doctors on List

Stay at home, Be Patriot
Play with kids, Feel bliss  a lot

Keep us safe, Bless us O' Lord
Keep us safe, Bless us O' Lord
Dr Zik's Poetry
An Extract from: Book:   Simple Words
Poet: Dr Zafar Iqbal khokhar

This poem is a prayer and tribute to the Philanthropists and Medical Staff, Doctors, Writers and Obedient Persons of the world.  We are all same. We are all suffering from a pandemic. We are all helpful. We are all praying.
Dr Zik Mar 2020
ایتھوپیا اور تھر میں پائی جانے والی بھوک و ننگ کی صورتِ حال کے خاتمہ کے لیے کی جانے والی کوششوں میں بہتری کے لیے فکر انگیز دعائیہ نظم ٭
جس کے ابتدائی اشعار 1984ء میں مری کی سیر کے دوران لکھے گئے اور جب دنیا کی بے ثباتی اور غربت و افلاس کی طرف نگاہ اٹھی تو نامکمل نظم کے ساتھ ایک افسردگی کے عالم میں جہلم آنے کے لیے  واپسی کا سفر شروع کر دیا۔ یہ نظم کافی عرصہ کے مشاہدات، تجربات اور معاملات کا نچوڑ ہے جسے مکمل ہونے میں 35 برس لگے۔

اِک روز کہیں دُور کی! وادی میں گیا تھا
واں سیر کی خاطر میں بہت دیر رہا تھا

جب حُسن کی رعنائی میں! فطرت کا سماں دیکھ۔
محسوس کی اِک تازگی! قُدرت کو عیاں دیکھ

لگنے لگا ہر دم مجھے! منظر وہ پیارا
تھا میں جو اکیلا تو مرا! دل یہ پکارا

کتنا حسیں سماں ھے! پیارا ہے خوب تر
مسرور ہو رہا ہوں! جسے دیکھ دیکھ کر

مخمل کی طرح نرم نرم! گُل ہے، باس ہے            
اُمنگ ہے، ترنگ ہے! دِل میں اِک آس ہے

تاروں کودِل کےچھیڑکے!تازہ ہوا چلی
پتے سے، گُل سے، ٹہنی سے! سُر، سازسےبھری

ایسی دل و نگاہ کی! پاکیزگی مِلی
غم، درد، آہ، واہ جیسی! روشنی مِلی

پھر یوں ہوا! کہ یہ نگاہ! اُدھر بھی جا پڑی
رونا جہاں کا دائمی! بہبود عارضی

کیوپِڈ کرے گا کیا؟ جہاں! شیطاں کی چال ہے
بُھوک اور ننگ ہے، جہاں! جینا محال ہے

ہونٹوں پہ خشک پپڑیاں! آنکھوں میں یاس ہے
اور پیاس سے نِڈھال ماں! بچے کے پاس ہے

معصومیت! کہ جس کی! فرشتہ مثال ہو
مظلومیت! یزید کی جیسے! یہ چال ہو

لاچار ماں ہے بچے کی! یہ سوچ سوچ کر
پانی کا کیوں ہے؟ کاروبار! بُوند بُوند پر

جو مر گئے ہیں، اُن کو! دبانے کا مسئلہ
بے کس کی بیکسی کو! چھپانے کا مسئلہ

جو چیختا ہے کرب سے! بُھوک اور پیاس سے
کرتا ہے اک سوال وہ! اَپر کلاس سے

اپنوں کو دیکھ دیکھ کے! غیروں کو دیکھنا
جِن کے لیے کٹِھن ہے! مصائب کا جھیلنا

رونے کو، خوں کو، بُھوک کو! قِسمت کو دیکھنا
راہ تکتی آنکھ، موہنی سی! صورت کو دیکھنا

ایتھوپیا کو دیکھ  کے! تھر کو بھی دیکھنا
کیا ہر جگہ ہے؟ ایک سا بچہ! یہ سوچنا

A Question?

Once I went to a valley for a walk
I wandered there for a long time

When I saw the natural beauty
And felt recreation and freshness

The scene was so charming and cute
As I was alone! The heart shout out with joy,

“What a pleasant scene it is!
I am feeling immense pleasure to see that

The flowers with fragrance are soft like velvet.
I am young and hopeful, so sing in the heart

A breeze touched the cords of my heart and soul
Leaves, flowers, branches with musical sound

And filled my heart and eyes with purity
I found grief, pain, ah, wah! Like Light.

Then sudden! The sight was changed, and I saw
The place where cries are unending and welfare temporarily

Cupid is a child against devil’s tricks
hunger and humiliation, where! It is impossible to live with

Dry scabs on the lips! There is despair in the eyes
and a thirsty, weak mother! The child has

Innocence! That's it! Angel is an example of
oppression! Like Yazid's doings! This trick is

Helpless mother of the child! Who is thinking about
why this water business is! Drop by drop

Those who have died! The problem of burying them
The problem of hiding the helplessness of the helpless

He! Who screams with pangs, hunger, and thirst,
he asks the question! To the upper class

Look at the deserving! If you have time?
Who are unable to face hardships

Crying, blood, hunger! Look at destiny
The eye! Looking at the way, look at the cute face!

Look at the Thar! No doubt, after Ethiopia!
Is it everywhere to see, a little child the same? Think about this!
1: ایتھوپیا براعظم افریقہ میں پایا جانے والا ایک پسماندہ ملک ہے۔
2: تھر براعظم ایشیاء میں پایا جانے والا پاکستانی پسماندہ علاقہ ہے۔
1: Ethiopia is a backward country found in the continent of Africa.
2: Thar is a backward Pakistani region found in Asia.
1: ایتھوپیا براعظم افریقہ میں پایا جانے والا ایک پسماندہ ملک ہے۔
2: تھر براعظم ایشیاء میں پایا جانے والا پاکستانی پسماندہ علاقہ ہے۔


Dr ZIK's Poetry
اِک سوال............ A QUESTION
Mar 2020 · 481
Dr Zik Mar 2020
We are happy with You
O my Lord!  Bless us
Dr Zik's Poetry
A beautiful Ziket
Hi to all my friends and sorry for coming late.
Actually I was busy in travelling.
22 March, 2020
Jan 2018 · 4.0k
Dr Zik Jan 2018
I admit your beauty Lord
Alive and matchless
Dr ZIK's Poetry

It is the shorter poetic form of poem than Haiku (Japanese). It is a popular form of unrhymed American and Pakistani poetry, which have got popularity and evolved in the 20th century. In this type of genre a complete poem comprises of two poetic lines; first line contains up to eight syllables while second line contains up-to five syllables and it is also last one.

First "Ziket" is written in English.
I admit your beauty Lord
Alive and matchless
“Ziket” as a new genre has full capability and capacity to express every type of poetic feelings concisely in a few words speaking volumes.
It is the shortest poetic form in English literature. It is a popular form of unrhymed American and Pakistani poetry, which have got popularity and evolved in the 20th century.  It is being rapidly adapted by modern and busy civilizations as a powerful literary tool to express emotions. "Zinet" consists of a single line having up-to seven syllables, giving logical effects and known as a complete meaningful poem.
“Haiku” a Japanese short poem is of three lines while couplet written in “Urdu Ghazal” having full independent theme on its own, can also be considered as a shorter poem than Haiku in this regard.

But the nomenclature of short poems namely “Ziket” and ‘Zinet’ is the breakthrough in this regard.

The best writers of these genres are John Stevens, Richard Riddle, Born and Ernie Hudson
Walter W Hoelbling, Timothy, Rose, Krista DelleFemine, Mack, carol rose james, Ajamu Collins, Donna Jones, Star BG, Jamadhi Verse, Pradip Chattopadhyay, Liz Balise, Kim Johanna Baker, Marian, Jae Okios, Loghain Carvó, david jm, Raj Arumugam, SøułSurvivør, wordvango, David Patrick O'C, Joe Adomavicia, Sally A Bayan, A Lopez, brandon nagley, RW Dennen, patty m, anu, Santiago, Sia Jane, Jimmy Hegan, K Balachandran, PoetryJournal, The Poetic Philosopher, MS Lim, Pax, Maggie Emmett, adhi das, Asim Rafiq Mulla, Pamela Rae, Vanessa Gatley, L Seagull, Sameer Denzi, Stephanie Stoychevska, Lori Jones McCaffery, Akinwale damilare ayomikun, Zoe Nikolopoulou, Traveler, Crazy Diamond Kristy, Sylvia Frances Chan, SG Holter, Musfiq us shaleheen, RW Dennen, Neva Flores Varga, Nikki I, Jack, Michael S Simpson, Jennifer Humphrey, Flower Scent, CG Abenis, Isabelle, raen, TinaMarie, Babu kandula, Hilda,   S-zaynab-kamoonpury and Zoe, Paula Lee are among the world famous poets who likes and writing comments (appreciation) in the favor of  writers.
Jan 2018 · 1.2k
Dr Zik Jan 2018
You are so matchless
Beauties and words are useless
All over the world

You are most precious
No fame and fun are worthwhile
All over the world

You want You select
No one dare access You
All over the world

Your delivered call
No one dare to modify
All over the world

You are mighty Lord
We are in need of mercy
All over the world

We bow in prayer
Bless us peace everlasting
All over the world

Sun sets after all
But Your love has no downfall
All over the world

Bless enlightened path
We are all in search of You
All over the world

We obey at once
No one dare disobey You
All over the world

Bless us Your will
We bow in Your love O’ Lord
All over the world

You are caring us
You are almighty my Lord
All over the world

You are Merciful
You are Bountiful my Lord
All over the world

We have countless gain
You are first and final Lord
All over the world
Dr Zik;s Poetry;
These are humbly written lines and hi to all of my friends after a short interval again in the circle of my honorable well wishers and readers.
Nov 2017 · 552
Dr Zik Nov 2017
I am satisfied
In Your love lovable Lord!
Source; Satisfaction
Dr Zik's Poetry
Nov 2017 · 484
Dr Zik Nov 2017
I am a your will
I'm not eager to deny
Love and commitment
Dr Zik's Poetry
Nov 2017 · 2.6k
Dr Zik Nov 2017
You are!
The source of
Pleasure and calmness!
I recall You!
In deep city noises
I request You!
In deep dark nights
I talk with You!
In a solitude
I smell You!
When I wander about
I have You!
When I need You, Lord!
You are the answer!
Of unseen questions
You are the solution!
Of upcoming problems
O! my Lord!
You are!
The source of
Pleasure and calmness
For the heart
That recalls You!
With and within heartbeats.
Dr Zik's Poetry
Nov 2017 · 420
Dr Zik Nov 2017
You are with me Lord!
Universe is seeking You!
I need not at all
Dr ZIK's Poetry
Nov 2017 · 881
Dr Zik Nov 2017
I've donated world
For the sake of my Lord's smile
Else nothing worthwhile
Dr ZIK's Poetry
Oct 2017 · 571
Dr Zik Oct 2017
Dilemma is not!
Against my will, faith or way
Coming toward you!
Jul 2017 · 5.8k
Dr Zik Jul 2017
Sunsets every eve
Sunrises every morn
Day splashes light in dark
Seeds peep out in hurry
Birds tweet in joy-full song
Departure needs forgiveness
Arrival bows in norm
O’ my Lord!
Bless me
My dear mother passed away on Monday, June 19, 2017. May Allah (God) bless her with Jannah. Amen!

Dr ZIK's Poetry
Jul 2017 · 975
Dr Zik Jul 2017
What a beauty of a flower showing!
What a fragrance of a flower mentioning!
What silence of a bud can offer?
What a dawn whispering!
What a dewdrop capturing!
Can You say?
It is not about You.
O’ my Lord!
It's all about you Lord
Dr. ZIK's Poetry
Jul 2017 · 1.1k
Dr Zik Jul 2017
Where no one can disdain
Where no one feel be scorned
Where no one try to brag
Where no one feel helpless
Where no one try to fight
Where no one try to get rid of
Where no need of a barren land
Where no need of desert insight
Where no need of any shyness
Where we would ready to hear the truth
And take it as a tweet of bird
Where flowers’ beauty and fragrance
Can lessen pangs and sorrows of
This cruel cunning ugly world
And we would start to dance in breeze
With the jocund company of You
When a tiny, an innocent
Shining and transparent dew drop
That cannot miss a chance in hurry
To make a snap impatiently
Be a witness!
Bless us O’ Lord!
Bless us a chance
O’ my Lord!
Dr ZIK's Poetry
Jul 2017 · 679
Dr Zik Jul 2017
A single moment
Spent in Your remembrance
Is more precious than
Those spent in whole life
O' my Lord!
As the remembrance can not be donated
Dr ZIK's Poetry
Jul 2017 · 1.3k
Dr Zik Jul 2017
I am facing gigantic obstacles during travel towards You
Which make me more vigorous and resolute!
O’ my Lord!
And I assume them as mile stones
Dr ZIK's Poetry
Jul 2017 · 901
Dr Zik Jul 2017
All the zigzag routes come toward You
So the right path is the destination of all twisting ways!
As the center point of a circle is One!
O! my Lord!
Dr ZIK's Poetry
Jul 2017 · 800
Dr Zik Jul 2017
You have made me asterisk
O! my Lord!

I'm not a blot
on the canvas

I've been bestowed with the title
"Highest of creatures"

Till now your smiling face
Grants me contentment
Dr ZIK's Poetry
Jul 2017 · 624
Dr Zik Jul 2017
A travel between two milestones
How long it is!
O’ my Lord!
Dr ZIK's Poetry
Jun 2017 · 791
Dr Zik Jun 2017
Shining stars have got light from You
and started twinkling
You have bestowed night with stars,
Morning with heavenly dawn,
Flowers with a sweet smell,
Birds with alluring tweets
But when I saw my inner sight
I felt a **** and attained a divine light
And felt a bliss
So after that
I am unable to see
anything except You
O! my Lord!
There is nothing
outside of Your circumference
in the universe.
Dr ZIK's Poetry
Jun 2017 · 1.3k
Dr Zik Jun 2017
I'm unable to stop
Falling soft pearls
From eyes at night
You're not about to stop
Falling dewdrops in
The morning
O' my dear Lord!
Both are unshakable signs of
Everlasting love
And the morning star is witness
Dr ZIK's Poetry
Jun 2017 · 569
Dr Zik Jun 2017
O! my Lord!
Make my followers
coming towards You!
Be able to beware of
my passion!
Be able to become
sustainable, unshakable
Critics are invited to make positive criticism through messages and their comments
I am waiting with full devotion and eagerness.
May 2017 · 451
Dr Zik May 2017
I am fed-up of being dweller of enclosed walls
There should be no limits of start and stop
As air is to breathe and beauty is to love
So call me as I am waiting eagerly
To come towards You
In no time to eternity
O' My Lord!
Dr ZIK Poetry
Apr 2017 · 925
Dr Zik Apr 2017
I can say what I want
I can go where I want
I don’t leave as I don’t want
I often feel!
I have You in my heart
O my Lord!
Apr 2017 · 471
Dr Zik Apr 2017
I bow my head before You
When I face pangs of life
I feel You smiling.
I feel an ease.
I feel inner bliss
Apr 2017 · 912
Dr Zik Apr 2017
Somebody find You in a dew
Somebody wander about into the woods
Men are wandering
Here and there in search of You
I am too in search of You
But the track and style is varied.
They go far, beyond themselves.
I feel and dive inward myself.
So I find You in my heart
They remain wandered about.
And I feel pleasure in my solitude
Dr Zik's Poetry
Book: Simple Words
Apr 2017 · 826
Dr Zik Apr 2017
Life is to feel inwardly bliss
That’s impossible without You
I am to borne pangs of life.
Death is travelling towards You.
You are waiting. I am coming
I am satisfied.
O! Lord!
O! My Lord!
Apr 2017 · 362
Dr Zik Apr 2017
I recall You in time and
Feel bliss in no time.
Dr Zik's Poetry, "SIMPLE WORDS".
Apr 2017 · 451
Dr Zik Apr 2017
Link between my soul and body is temporary
So my pangs of life are mortal
Link between my soul and You is immortal
As You and Your link is time-less.
Link, mortal, mortality, temporary, immortal, soul
Apr 2017 · 617
Dr Zik Apr 2017
I listen You through thundering
I see You winking through flashing.
I feel You through fragrance
But no one knows the secret
I have You in my heart!
Satisfying and smiling!
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