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247 · May 2019
Masha Yurkevich May 2019
Children fed,
stories read.

Doctor visits made,
new toys bought and played.

Favorites dishes cooked,
memories from childhood.

Energy spent to play,
children asking for different things everyday.

Hugs and kisses given,
those little moments that you'd give your heart for your children.

School projects made,
cookies baked.

Sleepless nights with tears,
happiness mixed with fears.

Patience thin as paper,
but children can make it thinner with their behavior.

Punishments and fights,
feels so wrong but you know it's right.

our very best friends.

They always know what is the best.

Through the stress of life and dealing with us,
they will never give up.

Happy Mother's Day to all those mothers out there! You are a superhero and much more!
Though your children may not always say it, they love and treasure you so much! :)
247 · Nov 2018
What i really, really want
Masha Yurkevich Nov 2018
There are lots of things I want;
                   memories that don't haunt.
People that don't lie,
                   life that doesn't die.
People that will love,
                   a person with truelove.
People that will care,
                   a world that will share.
People that will be honest,
                   everyone keeping their promise.
People not fighting,
                    everyday being new and exiting.
People that will love each other,
                     pain from which we can recover.
A world without crime,
                    not worrying about time.
Hearts that won't break,
                   bodies that won't ache.
A man that will love me,
                     a world where we can be free.
A place where people can be heard,
                     a place where people watch their words.
Families that will get along,
                     a world where there will be no wrong.
What has our world turned into? Everyone being judged, everyone being so unkind, everyone being hurt. Why don't we do something? Why don't we start with the "man in the mirror".
247 · Jan 2019
Together Forever
Masha Yurkevich Jan 2019
Together forever
is something
we say.
But do things
really work that way?
Or is it
one little thing
that breaks us apart,
and we never
come back together
the way
we were
at the start?
247 · Dec 2018
I'm Sorry
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
I'm sorry, Mom,
for all those unnecessary things I said.
I'm sorry, Mom,
that I made you cry until your eyes were red.
I'm sorry, Mom,
I hurt you with my words.
Because right now,
inside me things really hurt.
Being a teenager really isn't easy. I often say things that I don't really mean and hurt other with my words.
246 · Jan 2019
Talk and Listen
Masha Yurkevich Jan 2019
in such a way
that others love
to listen to you.
in a way
that others love
to talk to you.
246 · Apr 2019
Beautiful sunset
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
purple; bubble
gum pink. Soft, gentle
lavender, bright orange
a bit. A beautiful sunset;
the end of a day. I
hope to wake up
tomorrow and
see it
245 · Jan 2020
Masha Yurkevich Jan 2020


244 · Feb 2019
Next Time
Masha Yurkevich Feb 2019
Next time,
                    next time.
Just keep in
that next time,
there might not be a
next time.
243 · Sep 2019
Masha Yurkevich Sep 2019

It left.

Too fast.

Just enough for us to feel the heat,

but not enough.

The fragrant aroma of
daisies and roses,

and the warm ocean water in which
we dipped
our toes

Nights under the starry sky.

on the gentle grass,

But now the days are getting shorter,
and winter is just
around the corner.

And without the sun,
the earth doesn't grow.

Just like without you,

my heart is cold.
241 · Feb 2020
Bruised Bananas
Masha Yurkevich Feb 2020

Isn't it
strange how
bananas are sweeter
where they're bruised?

Why don't we take that as an
example, and be kind
even to those
who bruise

241 · Feb 2019
Blue Sky
Masha Yurkevich Feb 2019
Blue sky,
warm day.
My sadness is supposed to
go away.
Yet it lingers in
my heart;
wanting to stay.
It does not hear me say:
please go away
239 · Apr 2019
Person F
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
A, B, C, and D,
started getting along
and were
somewhat happy.
Who knew that a
Person F
would come and make
such a mess.
The letters started fighting,
No one liked that
Person F
who came and made so much distress.
But little did the letters know
that there were
letters still to show...
Person F is here!
For all who read my last poem about letters, here is the Person F you've been waiting for! I know it's not exactly in alphabetical order, but I hope you can still enjoy it!
238 · Feb 2020
Fun Fact
Masha Yurkevich Feb 2020

For every
you are angry,

you lose
60 seconds
of happiness.

238 · Nov 2019
Questions without Answers
Masha Yurkevich Nov 2019

one day,
everything that
doesn't make sense
will finally make sense.
Questions will be answered,
and we will be satisfied with what we hear.

Or maybe, we will always wonder
what the answers are.
Maybe, we will
always have

It came out, and I felt as if i had to share it.
237 · Apr 2019
I'm on a hunt...
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
I'm on a hunt.
A hunt for love.
scratch that,
I'm on a hunt for true love.

I'll swim over every lake,
I'll climb over every mountain.
I'll do anything it takes
to find the one I love.

The one who will love me,
the one who will care.
The one who will treasure me,
the one whose heart I can share.

I'm on a hunt,
a hunt for true love.
And I'll do anything
to find the one
who will bring me
And I'm starting now...
236 · Jan 2020
Masha Yurkevich Jan 2020

If you can park it

and not turn around
to look at it
as you walk away...

you haven't bought the right car.

I have nothing to say...
235 · Mar 2019
Begging for Spring
Masha Yurkevich Mar 2019
All this snow.
All this  cold.
All those
All those sunny hours.

That's what I'm waiting for,
the spring.
Come on,
let go.
please, no
more snow!
Dear winter,
though I love you, I think I'm ready for spring...
235 · Mar 2019
Small Town
Masha Yurkevich Mar 2019
Small town.
Familiar faces.
I would pick this place
out of all places.
Where kindness is contagious
and love spreads like fire,
this is the place
that makes me like
a writer.
What can I say, I just love living in my small town! It inspires me so much!
233 · Apr 2019
Keep going
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
"Ugh, I feel like I'm doing this all wrong!"

I say, frustrated,
looking at my math paper.
The boy
in front of me turns around
and says,
"I feel like I'm doing life wrong, and I still keep going."
My quote and inspiration for today. Thank you, my classmate! :)
232 · Dec 2018
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
is better
231 · May 2019
Preparing for Parenthood
Masha Yurkevich May 2019

A good way to prepare for
is to talk to rocks because they have similar
listening habits.

Yep, I'm guilty of being a rock to my parents sometimes...
230 · Mar 2020
Masha Yurkevich Mar 2020

You never know what reality


until reality

Thanks, COVID19.
226 · Feb 2019
Masha Yurkevich Feb 2019
That feeling
of guilt
just keeps on bringing
me down.
But one question
still remains
in me:
why do I feel the guilt
that you
need to feel?
222 · Mar 2019
If you want to...
Masha Yurkevich Mar 2019

If you want to, then you will.

~ A fellow pianist

It was said in Russian, but I tried my best to translate it.
221 · Apr 2019
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
kindness acts
as a house for me. Your
kind words make me feel warm
and cozy on                 the inside.
Even when                       there's a
  blizzard outside        my window,
   with      you      I      feel      warm.
What do you think? It's still just a draft, but I just wanted to get the thoughts of others.
221 · Mar 2020
Rock Bottom
Masha Yurkevich Mar 2020


you have to lose everything



and hit the rock bottom

to realize what you've done.

But hopefully we'll find out before we get that far.
220 · Jan 2019
Real Pain
Masha Yurkevich Jan 2019
the pain is real;
and these
are scars
that won't heal.
220 · May 2020
Weird Mom
Masha Yurkevich May 2020

Having a

weird mom

builds character.

219 · Dec 2018
Merry Christmas
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
May everyone's days be merry and bright.
May you be that star that lights up the night.
May you be happy in your life,
with your children, husband, and wife.
Merry Christmas to everyone.
219 · Sep 2019
Fix It
Masha Yurkevich Sep 2019

Flat tire?
Give it some air.

A tear in your clothes?
Stitch it up.

Dead car battery?
Use a jump start.

Ripping tights?
Add a drop of nail polish remover.

Loose nail?
Use a hammer.

Clock stop working?
Change the batteries.

Bleeding finger?
Get a Band-Aid.

Squeaky door?
Use some oil.

Not feeling well?
Go see a doctor.

Broken heart?
Not a cast,
not any amount of duct tape,
not any doctor,
not any batteries,
no type of stitch,
no kind of Band-Aid
no matter how much money you have,
will never fix it.

But if anyone has any ideas, I'm ready to listen.
219 · Jan 2019
Your words
Masha Yurkevich Jan 2019
I love
                  the way
your words
                  are short.
But a
                            great meaning
   stands behind
                       every word.
218 · Oct 2019
Masha Yurkevich Oct 2019

You said you never would.

You said it be real pain.

You said it'd cost too much.

But now my tears are


like rain.

You're causing me to fall apart.

I knew there was something about you
from the start.

Yet something about you...

I have no idea...
217 · Feb 2019
Masha Yurkevich Feb 2019
no clouds,
warm weather
melting the ice and snow
Similar to the way
that your
melted my heart
Just a smile, but a big difference...
217 · May 2019
Welcoming and Strong
Masha Yurkevich May 2019

You loving arms
are always
welcoming and strong
no matter what
I did wrong.

214 · Jan 2019
One little thing
Masha Yurkevich Jan 2019
Just one little lie
that breaks
us apart.
Just one little sip
that makes us all drunk.
Just one little smoke
that makes us addicted.
Come on,
have a drink;
it's just a liquid.
Come on,
have a smoke,
what, are you still a kid?
It might just be a liquid,
and I might still be a kid,
but these are just a few of the things
that get us killed.
213 · Jan 2019
Like Weather
Masha Yurkevich Jan 2019
Why do things
always have to change
like the weather?
One minute
it's cold
and then it's hot.
Just like
one minute things are good
then another
their not.
212 · Dec 2018
He smiled
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
He smiled.
Not a regular, normal smile.
Not a smile that showed all his teeth.
It was a smile that would make you feel on top of the world.
It would make you feel like the only person in the world.
It would make you feel speechless; dumbstruck.
It was a genuine smile; a true one.
Only there was no one to return that smile to him.
212 · Dec 2018
It rained today
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
It rained today.
Not water, not just rain.
It rained bullets;
f l y i n g through the air.
The grass was dotted with red.
Not beautiful roses;
but with hearts that bled.
The sky was filled with stars.
Not ones that shine;
but ones that leave scars
211 · Jan 2019
What's wrong?
Masha Yurkevich Jan 2019
You ask me
what's wrong
but I know that you
just don't care.
It won't make a difference
in your life
if I tell you how I feel.
It won't change you
and it won't make me heal.
But I'll tell you
what's wrong.
Here it is:
My life is turning upside down.
I no longer smile;
all I do is frown.
I can't seem to get a grip,
and everything around me
is seeming to slip.
No now seems
to want to listen to me
and I feel trapped; not free.
I can't seem to
open my eyes
to see what's really going on.
I want to find a person
who will listen to me
and really understand the way I feel.
I want someone
that I can trust,
someone who will make me feel loved.
It feels a little better now that I've said that...

210 · Jan 2019
Too hard
Masha Yurkevich Jan 2019
I feel like I try
too hard
to be who you want be to be.
But you should learn
to appreciate me like this,
because I am me.
Masha Yurkevich Jan 2019
Is there
a positive side
to everything?
What about arguing,
what about pain?

What about yelling,
what about shame?

What about crying,
what about illness?

What about heart break,
what about forgetfulness?

Is there a positive side
to everything?
209 · Jan 2019
Used to be
Masha Yurkevich Jan 2019
We used to be
such enemies,
but now,
we're such great
I'm really glad
that's the way that things played out
in the end.
208 · Feb 2019
Masha Yurkevich Feb 2019
I try
to keep on smiling,
even when
stabs at the heart.
It might not
be easy,
but I want you to know
that I'm alright.
Just trying to keep that smile on my face...
208 · Dec 2018
Poor by Giving
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
No one has become
poor by giving.
If only we gave more to those in need...
207 · Nov 2019
The Inside
Masha Yurkevich Nov 2019

His hair was

His teeth could use a brush.

His clothes was old and tattered.

From the outside he looked quite dangerous.

His face was scratched and *****.

He looked hungry and thirsty.

But no one knew that he was a genius,
because they had judged him on being homeless.

His mind worked fast,
but all people thought was that he was an outcast.

And no one even wanted to talk with him,
because we people judge on what we see.

But if only we could forget
that money,
does not make you a wealthy
We all judge. What would it be like if we didn't?
207 · May 2019
Held Down
Masha Yurkevich May 2019
i don't wanna hear it again;
i know how it's going
to end.

tears and pain;
my heart being held down
by a
c  h  a  i  n  .

but I'm going to
c u t
that chain
and soar free in the sky.

you can't hold me down,
but all you can do
is try.
Cause I'm gonna fly.
205 · Feb 2019
Masha Yurkevich Feb 2019
don't forget that.
are yourself,
and no one else
can beat
204 · Feb 2019
Bringing you down
Masha Yurkevich Feb 2019
Do not
let your
bring you down.
use them as an
to rise higher than before.
203 · Feb 2019
Of you
Masha Yurkevich Feb 2019
When I see you,
my heart skips a beat.

When I hear you,
I'm all ears.

When I speak with you,
I stutter a bit
and lose my words.

When I see you smile,
I smile back from ear to ear.

When I shake your hand,
I want to hold
it forever.

When I think of you,
I can't stop.

When I dream of you,
I am left
A special someone...
203 · Mar 2019
Only for us
Masha Yurkevich Mar 2019
The pretty
The people and crowds.
The hours
All to only bring us
to another end.
The tears
The money and cost.
The tissues
None will ever heal this wound.
It's only
for us.
To you it is
With every second,
your body only gets colder.
But for us,
it's only a sense of
Because up there, you are enjoying yourself with God. While down here, we're still mourning and crying.
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