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201 · Apr 2019
French Braid
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
as is a        
                              French Braid.

Which strand                  
                          should I pick;
which one                  
                         should I use?
Or should I                    
                       just let go
and let them                

   l   o   o   s   e  ?
Inspired by my French Braid...
201 · Apr 2019
Chasing life
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
I've been running,
after life.
I want to tell it to
slow down.

But I've learned one thing:

won't wait

So you just gotta keep up.
199 · Dec 2018
Seasons of Love
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
Love knows no seasons.
Love knows no time.
Love can blossom at anytime.
199 · Apr 2019
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
To be
old and wise,
you must first be
young and stupid.
198 · Jan 2019
I want to say...
Masha Yurkevich Jan 2019
I want to say
'I love you'
but I'm afraid
of what you'll think.
Will you
just sit there
and look at me
and blink?
Will you smile
and hug me
and tell that
you love me too.
What you'll think,
I don't know.
But I love you,
and that's something  
that I think
you should know.
Unsure of how to say it...
196 · Dec 2018
Never Forget
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
There is a moment
in my life,
that I will never forget.
It was the moment,
that you
I met.
196 · Feb 2019
Masha Yurkevich Feb 2019
Let us
be the salt
in life.
To add
to those around us.
I guess you could also say let us be the sugar to add sweetness to those around us, but I chose salt. My lunch inspired me...
195 · May 2019
Thoughts of You
Masha Yurkevich May 2019

The thoughts of


fill my mind.

Keeping me away
that I've been assigned.

Not like it's a bad thing thinking about you, but now it's become daydreaming.
194 · Apr 2019
Waste of Time
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019

A waste of time.


I gave you all I ever had
in hopes
to gain your love.

But all you did was
steal my heart

and leave me feeling
It's fine. I knew you weren't the one.
I'll keep looking...
194 · Feb 2019
Stop for a while
Masha Yurkevich Feb 2019
When I look
at your
I think that the world
should stop
and look
for a while.
To see the smile that
I am seeing.
To feel the feeling that
I'm feeling.
Your smile
is not
your smile is
193 · Dec 2018
Happy until...
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
We are
always happy
we find out that
has something
193 · May 2020
Growing Old
Masha Yurkevich May 2020

If you're
of growing old,

just remember,

some people never
the chance to
grow old.

I decided to go for something a little more serious today...
191 · Jan 2019
Masha Yurkevich Jan 2019
The past
is in the past.
That's true.
it leaves
on the future.
190 · Nov 2019
Friend Poem #1
Masha Yurkevich Nov 2019

Every time you help me out,
I just wanna get on top of the world and shout:
Thank you God for this great friend!
And may this great friendship
never end.

I'm planning to make more...
190 · Jan 2019
Masha Yurkevich Jan 2019
Without love,
this world would always hate.
Without light,
this world would always be dark.
Without kindness,
this world would always be mean.
Without happiness,
this world would always be sad.
Without beauty,
this world would always be ugly
Without hope,
this world would always be hopeless.
Without peace,
this world would always fight.
Let us be
the good of this world;
the light,
the peace,
the hope,
the beauty,
the love,
the kindness,
and the happiness.
Let's change this world for the better,
starting with us.
And so that one by one,
this world would be full of greatness.
190 · May 2019
Where she will remain
Masha Yurkevich May 2019
My vision starts to blur;
my words start to slur.

The world around me starts to go at a snails' pace,
and I forget where I am,
this country, city, or place.

The words you're saying make no sense to me.
Strange feelings flood me, such as happy, anxious, and very angry.

I'm not sure what's going on,
all I can tell is that I want my mom.

I'm yelling,

her name.

Suddenly she's next to me,
and I know that's where she will remain.
P.S. This was just a bad dream...
188 · Jan 2020
Love Saves Lives
Masha Yurkevich Jan 2020

In a city,
not too distant,
stood a building that
had been abandoned.

The place where boys
would run and play,
a place that youngsters
called a hideaway.

But early one day,
something great happened there.
A mother cat made that
place her lair.

The children could not have
been more happy when,
the mother cat gave birth
to five little kittens.

And everyday the
same would repeat:
the kids would come running back
with a small bit of meat.

But then one day
a diaster struck.
And all the kids ran fast,
little feet kicking up dust.

The building was in a cloud
of thick black smoke,
as second by second the
flames arose.

The crowd watched in awe
as the fire grew wings,
and no one said a word until:
"The kittens!"

A young boy lunged
for the door,
but his parents stopped him,
not letting him go any further.

The children clung to their mothers
and began to weep,
all until they all heard a
quiet squeak.

Beneath the door was a little crack,
and out of it came
something fuzzy and black.

"The mother cat!"
The children exclaimed.
And in its mouth she held
one of the little kittens she saved.

Little tear-streaked faces
ran up to the cat,
gently taking the little
kitten that it had.

And into the flaming building
she went again,
to save the other four that
were calling for help.

Seconds later she emerged,
carrying one more,
similar to the other one
that she had before.

In she dove once more,
as the flames licked the building,
determined to save each and every one
of her precious little kittens.

After some time
she again appeared.
Then dropped the kitten
and again disappeared.

And no one saw her
for quite a while.
Thinking that perhaps,
she had perished in the fire.

But then,
through the thick black smoke,
the mother cat had
finally showed.

With all her children
now being safe,
she dropped to the ground
and took her last breath.

But the children weren't
going to let her die.
They picked her up
and brought her inside.

Two months later,
the kittens are unrecognizable.
They live at the fire station,
an example that nothing is impossible.

And inside the station
is the best part of all,
the mother cat wanders
with her head high and tall.

The perfect example
that love does save lives,
and that love, above all,
will always survive.


188 · Jan 2019
Will be
Masha Yurkevich Jan 2019
will be boys.
will be girls.
But watch out for
so you don't
become a
Boy or girl, anyone can become a fool. Don't let that be you.
185 · Dec 2018
Handle with care
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
Handle with care.
Play life fair.
184 · Apr 2019
Black Hole
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
you a
black hole.
You drew me in,
my heart and soul.
But you could not love,
for that part was fake.
And all you did
was make my
b r e a k .
180 · Dec 2018
Christmas Spirit
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
always on
Christmas do you
need snow. Not always on
Christmas do you need lights.
Not always on Christmas do you
need a tree. Always on Christmas do you
need a Christmas Spirit.
I guess that for some in warmer places snow is not always a need for it to feel like Christmas. And others might celebrate Christmas in other ways, not necessarily with trees and lights. But in whatever ways you celebrate, may your Christmas be a merry one.
Merry Christmas to everyone.
180 · Dec 2018
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
If there ever comes a day
when we can't be together,
keep me in your heart
and I'll stay there forever.
178 · May 2019
Save Paper
Masha Yurkevich May 2019

Save paper.

Don't do homework.

My new excuse...
176 · Apr 2019
I wanted you to...
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
i wanted you
to see
but you wouldn't open
your eyes.

i wanted you
to believe,
but all you wanted to you was die.

i wanted you
to feel,
but you ****** away.

i wanted you

to love,

but you didn't go that way.
You've  strayed away.

So I guess you're not foe me. I've tried to do so much for you, but you just threw it all away.
176 · May 2020
Feelin' Good
Masha Yurkevich May 2020

My hopes are up,
my dreams are high.

I feel so good
I think I can fly!

I just feel so good, and for no reason! :)
175 · Dec 2018
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
Hold on tight
a little longer,

what don't ****
you makes you stronger.
174 · Jan 2019
Thinking of you
Masha Yurkevich Jan 2019
of you
brings me tears.
I love you
so much,
I don't want you to leave.
At least
if you leave,
promise me you'll
never forget about me.
Because I'll never forget you...
174 · Nov 2018
i cry
Masha Yurkevich Nov 2018
i cry, and no one knows.
i cry, deep at night into the pillows.
But in the morning i get up
and keep my mouth tightly shut.
And to my parents and my peers,
i look as though i haven't shed any tears.
i cry, and no one knows.
i cry, but can't let out my sorrows.
i don't think anyone can see,
what's really going on inside of me.
Because even i don't know,
what's going on inside me,
today or tomorrow.
171 · Jan 2019
Masha Yurkevich Jan 2019
when we want
it's just better
to let go.
170 · Dec 2018
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
line the streets,
covering the frozen earth
underneath. Trees, like veins
stand still to greet the rain.
The wind whispers quietly,
making the weather feel more
ugly. But I don't mind this
dreary weather because
sometimes it just
makes me feel
It's almost Christmas, and there's only rain. Rain that keep on washing away whatever is left of that precious snow. But I guess you really don't need snow to make it feel like Christmas, you just need the spirit.
169 · Feb 2019
Dumb Memories
Masha Yurkevich Feb 2019
I have so
dumb memories
that hang with my heart.
I think that I
should get rid of them
but I don't know
where to start.
Like that time when you said something
real dumb
and made me laugh,
or that time
when I was so angry,
I broke
your pencil in half.
Oh, that time
when we were passing notes in class
and the teacher
found out and got us in trouble
real fast.
Or that time when
we said all those horrible lies
just to get us
some free alone time.
Thinking of this,
I've made up my mind.
I'll keep these memories and never
leave them behind.
I have a whole collection of these dumb memories, but I will never let them go.
165 · Feb 2019
Masha Yurkevich Feb 2019
In life,
you do not lose friends.
You only find out
who the real ones are.
And perhaps make some new ones.
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
When life
gives you lemons,
you can't just give them back
and say you want chocolate.

Because life
throws things at you
and you just need
to learn to take them in.
163 · Dec 2018
Before bed...
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
I keep on waiting
until I will be with you.
When you will come into
my room before bed,
tell me good-night,
kiss me lightly on the cheek,
and make things feel right.
163 · Dec 2018
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
My brothers and I have a nickname.
MNM; that's what we became.
Masha, Nik, Mike,
all in order, too.
Its funny but true.
Haha. Yeah, funny. MNM, Masha, Nik, Mike. Its pretty cool how it even goes in order in age.
160 · Jan 2019
Only Human
Masha Yurkevich Jan 2019
I'm only human,
so don't ask me
to be perfect.

I'm only human,
so don't ask me
to be everywhere at once.

I'm only human,
so don't
160 · Jan 2019
The words I speak
Masha Yurkevich Jan 2019
The words I speak
might not mean a whole lot to you.
But to me,
they speak the truth.
You do not
have to listen to them,
but I will speak them anyway.
159 · Apr 2019
Forgive you?
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
Of course
I'll forgive you!
You're my dear friend!
I love everything we do together
and the time
that we spent!


But no,
now you've gone a bit too far.
You're not longer
such a big pleasure.
I don't want
to be next to you
or see your face.
Because what you've done
is not something
I can erase.
You've changed too much. And the things you've done I'm not so sure I can forgive you.
158 · Jan 2020
Masha Yurkevich Jan 2020

To break

the rules

you must first

master them.

156 · Apr 2019
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019

it will never be perfect.

make it work.

156 · Jan 2019
Same Everyday
Masha Yurkevich Jan 2019
for me is the same.
Wake up,
know what to expect,
go back to bed,
same old thing again.
But I am here,
waiting for something exiting to apear.
Maybe I should just be glad that I'm alive and well in the first place...
154 · Dec 2018
Happy Holidays
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
People celebrate in many different ways.
Some with trees and displays,
others with candles and lights.
But in whatever way you will celebrate,
may your holidays be happy and great.
Happy Holidays!!!
153 · Jan 2019
Comes Around
Masha Yurkevich Jan 2019
What goes around,
comes around.
So if you throw enough
bad into this world,
sooner or later,
it will come back at you.
153 · Dec 2018
Why? Just why?
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
I may only be fourteen,
but I ponder about many things.
Like why do you have to keep on
paying for your car after you buy it?
It's your's, isn't it? It's not like in five years
your car damages the road more.
Why do you have to keep paying for your house?
Its just standing there;
do you have to pay for it to get older?
Why do you have to pay for your drivers' license?
It's your's once you get it, right? You've worked for it.
Maybe some things I just don't get yet.
Maybe some things I will never get.
I just don't get it. I think and think and think about it, but I still don't get it. Just a few out of the many questions that keep me up at night. Maybe it's just me.
152 · Sep 2019
The Gloom in Your Eyes
Masha Yurkevich Sep 2019

The dull look of your eyes,
full of hatred
for the whole world.

What has happened to you?

Why is there no longer
that sparkle of love,
that shimmer of happiness,
that glitter of fun,
that glow of kindness.

What has happened to you, my friend?

you are no longer who you were.

And I,
whatever happened,
am not sure.

People change. Let's just hope they change for the best of ways, not for the negative.
151 · Dec 2018
When I die...
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
When I die,
I don't necessarily want to be
a legacy,
a story,
just someone with a lot of money.
I just want to be a memory.
Someone who lived their life free.
Someone who lived their life worthy.
Someone who made their life into a fun journey.
I don't want to be someone
who swam in money and fame.
I don't want to be someone
who thought that life was a game.
I just want to be remembered
for doing something for this world.
For letting my voice be heard.
I just want to be
remembered for being
who I really am.
150 · Apr 2019
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
Digging through the things
you left.
Paychecks, bills;
it's such a mess.
The sight of your name
still brings tears
to my eyes.
I still don't know what brought you
your demise.
I come across a small yellow paper,
my hands shaking,
I wish I could see straighter.
I slowly read
the words on the page,
and my heart quickly fills with rage.
You shouldn't have left,
you should still be here!
Look what you've done!

I wipe a tear.
The yellow paper still in my hand,
so I decide to read
over it again.

I love you, my dear daughter. And I'll do anything for you.
     Wherever I'll be, I'll keep you with me.

I read it again
and again,
and again.
Those sweet gentle words still resting
in my head.
You might not be here with us anymore,
but for some reason
I feel better than before.
Going through the things that my uncle left before he passed away. It is much harder than I thought it would be.
148 · Feb 2019
Masha Yurkevich Feb 2019
Around the corner,
here it come,
it's big dark hands ready
to grasp me by
the neck.
I look at it,
it looks at me,
what is happening?
I think.
Just as it was
about to grab me,
I twisted free from my fear,
running like I never ran before.
I look behind me;
it's still there.
I run faster,
and faster yet.
Then I stop.
And it stops too.
I sit down;
and so does it.
I run like the wind,
missing steps on the stairs,
causing me to fall.
It falls on me.
I never knew I could be
so scared
of my own shadow.
True story, just in case you were wondering.
147 · Dec 2018
Deadly Dreaming
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
I don't think I should dream anymore;
it hurts me,
more and more.
My dreams bring me up so high,
and then something goes wrong
and my dreams die.
Dreaming is deadly;
it could **** you.
But you shouldn't give up on your dreams,
because each one has its own value.
Keep on dreaming...
147 · Mar 2020
Masha Yurkevich Mar 2020

I know
you might
be far

but for me
you are always

No matter
the distance
no matter
the time

for me you
are always
right here.

Right here in my heart...
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