About time the pretty smiley ones spoke out
I used to look at them like
"They need a reality check, they have no idea
What pain and torment
A girl like me has gone through
What it's like to be cheated and lied to
Spat on and *****
What it's like to regret waking up each day
Only to face the cruelty of a hormonal imbalance"
Oh but they do. Only they deal a lot better
Than me.
They put on a brave face and deal
Just deal
Because they may LOOK like they have friends
And a home
And love
But inside they are just like you
Just like me
And it's about time they got honest and started speaking out
And helping others
**Like me
To all you gorgeous smiley creatures like me who deal. Speak out, don't be afraid what someone's gonna think or BELIEVE, let your demons breathe.