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396 · Feb 2017
Colm Feb 2017
If I could box up all of the words
The most beautiful ones that I've found
And send them to you in the mail
I would do it without hesitance
Because beautiful words don't belong in my world
And I'd much rather see them alive and well
In the hands of a fluid reflective girl
Who might just meld them into song
In a world where such words actually belong
True story... (:
396 · Jun 2018
Phenomenal Distractions
Colm Jun 2018
Having children of my own, somewhere, someday.
Will be to me, the most phenomenal distraction from self which could ever be...
Because what else do you have to live for (besides faith obviously) when you're 50-60?
396 · Mar 2017
Colm Mar 2017
Off the western side of the eastern trees
Bounced back my feelings
And for the first time
Echoed throughout, inside of me
And I am appalled by what I heard
Not what I see
For a visual person... This is of interest to me.
395 · Aug 2019
Colm Aug 2019
College is
A peaceful mind
Because it's years
And years
Of nonthinking

Free of judgement
And greatly
At a price
Often bought
Tuesday 12 - Back when you're just starting out. You know nothing... And that is great.
Colm Jul 2017
Where the trees arch over the road way
And meet, just above the dusty street
The road which never was called upon to be modern
As the whirling winds and tempered dust stares back at me
This is where you will find my heart
At least for one week out of every summer
Lost among the wild things, and memories
Although I will never be as tall as such trees
I will try and grow, for more than me
The former me
I'm trying. I'm always trying. Hopefully my future counterpart is doing the same.
394 · May 2016
Colm May 2016
My shoes are empty, no rhythm or beat to fill the soles.
My energy tank is drained and dry,
And my crutch, my sugar, is attempting to consume me whole.

I push for something, try and try,
But designs escape me everytime.
As time reveals that I am tired, and tested by my own desire.

I beg for sleep to make me whole,
And yet I must and must persist.
To fight the battles new and old, and find my way throughout the mist.

I persevere and do persist to pull my art out of nothingness.
Until the sun on this day sets,
I will create until I rest.
The title is kinda ironic. Because it's often needed. :D
393 · Feb 2019
Anything But Such A Sign
Colm Feb 2019
Sweet as fruit
And looking too
Until the sun crashes down
Upon pale skinned youth
And reveals the burnt, the blunt
The obtuse truth
Give me anything but such a sign
I've no language left for you
Anything But Such A Sign
393 · Mar 2019
Colm Mar 2019
High ceilings breathe better
Walls of nothing or all
Speak loudly without ever having to scream

With balance hinting at perplexity
And a defining edge to rest your head
Surrounded by most of these

Just as the minds eye needs a self reflection to see
And the breath within needs also to breathe

And openly up

And such high ceilings are perfect for these
392 · May 2017
ALL of this
Colm May 2017
Someday I pray
I'll be given the chance
To explain it ALL

And I will not hesitate or second glance
Or question myself
In that moment when it presents itself

I will not falter
I will not fall

I will simply speak and share with you
ALL of the memories and ALL of the understandings
Which I've built up here
Inside of it ALL

Will you be the one to hear my voice?
Will yours be the name I get to call?

God only knows, although I dream
And can guarantee, that it will be, ALL
Because there's ALways more.
392 · Jun 2017
In The Mood
Colm Jun 2017
When I'm like this
I can paint on the wind with a feather brush
And mix the colors fervently

Though I do not stain

I can hold the canvas however I please
And hang it on a lively tree
Just for you to see

*The way which these creations have made me
Because a creator creates....happily.
391 · Apr 2017
That Time of Night
Colm Apr 2017
Did you ever question why it is
That I like to walk alone outside?
Late at night and underneath
The hailing Stars witch glow so bright
Do you ever wonder why that is?
Perhaps because I won't let a roof
Separate my thoughts from you
And the only way to send them through
Is via the open air
Which always seems to be alive
At that time of night
No note (:
390 · Oct 2019
The Earth In Love, Ingénue
Colm Oct 2019
White ivory
Tapping down grey city streets
On a sparking hill once wild and free

The earth in love
And her daughters eye smiling quietly
Beneath flowing hair and golden sunlight

Their countenance
Making Monday breathe more easily
With the promise of afternoon sunshine to be

389 · Sep 2019
First To Strike A Match
Colm Sep 2019
Doors close like conversations
Cold as attics below basements
So we are an abandoned home
Until I light a candle and rekindle
Always me
This is about some of my friends in real life. Perhaps it's my distance, or I truly am either intimidating or odd. But I always feel like they wait for my signal. To talk. To reconnect. To ask how I truly am. Not how is work and such... But how I am.
389 · Jul 2021
Colm Jul 2021

QUESTION, yourself.
See vertical. And hurry up.
389 · Jan 2020
Goodnight Dear New
Colm Jan 2020
Honest buttons sewn instead
Cute, on quiet shirts in collared beds
In lime low light
Now settled and still
Neath smiling patient seen
And all I wanted was to keep
A screenshot, a memory of such
For a moment full of sleepy pixels to fill
Goodnight dear new
I say and I adored the scene
I like this. I'm excited. Goodnight.
389 · Aug 2019
Colm Aug 2019
Care, without a world in the air

And one leg propped up upon the other

      As if the universe didn't exist

      As if the words and thoughts were as one, unminced

And so I am introduced to you once again

My future friend

Tuesday 12 - Was in a meeting
388 · Jun 2018
When In Love
Colm Jun 2018
BE, like a quiet wind through the cattails. BREATHE, like a cloud in the minds sky.

SOUND, like a hallway in the grandest library. And TRUST, like parachute lines.

HEAR, like the rustling deer in the bitterroots. HUM, like it's noone you'll find.

SLEEP, like the deep pooling waters of green. And SIGH, as if he were only there in mind.
Or she. If you're like me.
388 · Dec 2018
Sunday Last
Colm Dec 2018
Like the hazy screen
Projected off the fog and green lights of a Sunday night

I am en route to you

Although sometimes stopped
At a red light
Like the green. I am a colorful, unmatched focus, which cuts through.

Jump into the fog.
388 · Jun 2017
From The Bottom
Colm Jun 2017
Feel the sand beneath your feet
See the waves above your head
Like the pressure in your heart
So deep
You’re the only one who gets to see
The sea this way
As it is
Crashing, rolling, underneath
How you stand beneath the oldest beast
Ever to be brought down upon the earth
Looking up. Breathing in. Are you a fish?
388 · Sep 2021
Oddly True
Colm Sep 2021
Life is tearing yourself down
And building yourself up
In a better, stronger, image
Not of self
But of selflessness
TOD set
Colm Sep 2019
All we see, when we look at the bright blue sky, is the effects of the sun
The results of her radiant all being purpose
You must look closer to find
That the stars were never on hiatus
In the first place
The Stars Were Never On Hiatus
386 · Aug 2021
Silent Dusk
Colm Aug 2021
At the end of the day
Say nothing
It is the end
And over
Speak only of what you will do at the dawn.
386 · Jan 2018
Natures Grasp
Colm Jan 2018
With horizons like shoulders
Stands the image of the self
In the self-perceived mind

Until called like ringing
The mountains asleep
Undisturbed in dew and time

So the woodsman knows and is awake
To the truest of nature
The societal eyes

And at the feeling of ever
Need it depart

He flies

Into the mountains to live a life spent alive
I've been reading too much E.E.
385 · Jun 2019
Colm Jun 2019
Quicker than the blink of a Firefly
Brighter than the summer days and nights
Quieter than a Brook trouts breath
And more beautiful than the gradient sky
Are the words which I've yet to hear from you
But look forward to
Most fervently
Fervent Series (1/10) - 06/23/19
385 · Sep 2019
Know Now
Colm Sep 2019
The goal is not
To write as your most exaggerated self
The goal is to write the least like yourself
And the most like the feeling
Which you now know
The goal, no, the feeling is now
384 · Nov 2018
Strike True
Colm Nov 2018
A lance is such a different thing
In a different age
Perceived by those who turn and ride off, away
But best?
What is the best way in modern day?
To avenge unrest, to strike and sway
In a time when the world throws words away
Catch truth and cradle it in trust
Till the strike rings true
Till the passive armor falls and is stripped away
384 · Mar 2017
Loving Arms
Colm Mar 2017
How patient are the arms of the trees
To hold out and hold on
To the weight of the weighed winters snow
In place of their own
Their children, their leaves
Which have long since left left for the distant ground
Having moved on to another town
How they’re holding on and beholden now
How kind are these?
Such winter trees
Tis the truth.... :)
384 · Mar 2017
This Way? Or That?
Colm Mar 2017
What can I say
When things are this way?
Not much I’m afraid
Make a comparison to the difference, be it night or day…
Tell you that it will not always be this way…
Because only we as a race can say
And determine what it means
To be loved and to love
At least in this, this certain way
So what can I say?
When things are this way
Just be wise and be true
When you question that way
To be this... Is to question all of that. Continually. And for as long as you exist. Don't carry the weight of the unquestioning.
384 · Jul 2019
Change Doesn't Walk Inward
Colm Jul 2019
So many wait
For another life
To walk into their own
Just to change the self

When really they
Are the only person
Who can pull apart the former fabric
Who can lend a mending hand to help
Change comes from within
384 · Jan 2018
At The Base
Colm Jan 2018
I'd travel to the most secluded meadow.
The last one before the mountain steeps and the trees die out amongst the rocks.
Not to swim in the lake or the lesser pond.
But to pull a single flower for you.
What else could exemplify this?
The rarity of your beauty to me?
Looking at it as it is
384 · Dec 2017
Luminous Colors
Colm Dec 2017
Wash over with your iridescence
And waver slowly just above the scene
Mere feet away or miles now, I cannot tell?
Though your iridescent qualities may be seen
Forever in the waters quelled
The presence or lack of saturation is always most apparent. Not in her eyes, but in her thoughts.
384 · Apr 2017
To See
Colm Apr 2017
Don't think that I'm being brave just for me

Well perhaps initially, it was so

But to see the kind of person I will

And most definitely would like to be

Be it down the road

That will take time in order to see
I'm discovering that when I'm impacted. My subconscious is enamored. Then I start to practice and never stop. Until I become whatever it is I've envision. That's it. That's my song. :p
384 · Sep 2019
The Twelve Loves
Colm Sep 2019
We love the rain
We love the night
We love the heart
We love the sea

We love the snow
We love the sun
We love the quiet
We love the trees

We love the dawn
We love the song
We love the sands
We love the birds

We love the warmth
We love the cold
We love the girl
We love the earth

How we love and love
And for a short while, our world
This is the shortened version of the twelve earthly, distractive, loves.

Each one gets its own individual poem, two of which are available right now.

Just taking my time and enjoying each one.
383 · Jan 2017
Colm Jan 2017
I'll find no rest in this old home
Another house beneath my feet
Like sands which shift on a foreign shole
I am the comber of this beach

With every night alive I wake
To wind which howls
And a bed which aches

Though guilty as my leave may be
I can no longer sleep within this place
And the memories are are that's left (:
383 · Mar 2018
How To
Colm Mar 2018
Love her like your ideal love
Like the dream of how she’ll love you
But an ideal is not an excuse for this
You must explain what love means to you
This is How
383 · Jan 2020
Just So You Know
Colm Jan 2020
Dear ethereal nothing
Having become rather fond of never
You will find me in an aching muscle dream
The kind which lasts no more than fog
And clears like eyes with only blinks
Observe my lostness if you must
Find in it an ounce of head turn on my behalf
Or not, regardless
Look around and see this hollow earth
These steady hands which know no more of thought
Than your heart of dose of sound
A letter wish this also reads
But just in case your ethereal being has yet been freed
I end this lay and say lay down my pen
Addressing this to the cosmos through
And to no one in particular, this
I still do
Just so you know
I still do
383 · Jan 2017
Fat Cat
Colm Jan 2017
Let the fat cat, from the alley back, in philly ****. And scatter all of the mice and men, who dare and defy the logic that, his impact, is in fact, where it's at.
To which I say - The heck with that.
383 · Mar 2017
Go Home
Colm Mar 2017
When my thoughts run away with me
And I don't know which way I should go

Once I receive the insignificance I so badly wanted
And all I want, is to be left alone

When every corner of my existence is thick with dust
Having flooded my mind, this temporary home

I find his words alive again, and I am reminded
That I must decide once more to go home
Who says you can't? Not him. For he answers all questions. And cleans more perfectly than I ever could. (:
383 · Dec 2018
Of Mine, Of Mind
Colm Dec 2018
Take me away from my own mind
I cannot stand
Another second
Another instance of time
Spent sitting inside  
The same old thoughts and lines
Of mine
Of mind
Of Mine, Of Mind
382 · Feb 2021
Steps (or the lack thereof)
Colm Feb 2021
Don't step to me or dance in bare feet
Climbing ladders to try and see my eyes
Or mountains to find some semblance of my breeze

I'm taller than you, but not by birth
Or by choice or selective meanings, no

My style is tall and trim and sleek
Sharper than steel and whetstone combined

"Where" ask, you've been seized?

I am the stars you cannot keep
The ocean sands you could not settle
And no such gift is equal to mind

This is me (in step)
382 · Jul 2019
Coffee Shop Sitting
Colm Jul 2019
When you see me sitting there
          Forgetting life

It’s partially to be seen
     But also to be
          More than away from the self-trapped in skin

     But I’m NOT
          In that moment again
I AM But I’m NOT
382 · Jan 2019
Remembering A Fellow
Colm Jan 2019
Give me a quiet day
Where someone remembers
The tallness of trees
And the will to stop and speak to them
To wake them up and then
Sometimes it's the littlest things
382 · May 2017
If With Me
Colm May 2017
I’d place this song between your ears
Your fingers in-between my own
I’d turn this world of our inside-out
And Upside-down
Just to find you a place that you'd call home
Chris Kasper - To someone you don't know
382 · May 2018
Colm May 2018
Your time
My time
Never Ours
But I have to believe above all else
In God and his timing
Which does not faulter
Which knows no human bounds
In this I trust
And nothing else
That moment when you realize your role. How it hasn't changed as you would've hoped. His plans are not your own... But they could be better. If you're brave enough to just let go. To be blind and yet follow as you so often claim to be.

Silly self.

Sad thing is...

I thought I had...
381 · Aug 2020
How Writing (Told) Goes
Colm Aug 2020
Give me nothing
But time
Everything within

  This wanting to be of something
    And there will be neither writing
Nor ending

   For a summer storm

But combined

      And in giving me a required aim
  When there is sound to be found

And creation to pro

  Then the writing will flow
As if out of a struck desert stone
      And swell
How Writing (Told) Goes
381 · May 2019
Faith Is
Colm May 2019
Is looking into the darkness
Knowing that it's not sea, but sky
And trusting that there are stars

Is an outreached hand on high
Knowing that no such embrace will come
But grace, will arise

And choice
Is the soul struggling inbetween
Weather or not to believe
In all which exists beyond our own eyes
Stars can only be hidden
381 · Aug 2017
On Shelves
Colm Aug 2017
When I look at all of their accomplishments
I see me
I see the potential I could be
The time inside therein intertwined
Most strenuously
And yet
I know my motives are not pure
And so I wait
For calling to be
On a shelf because
Selfishness will not endure
But a calling will last for forever
An authors lament
381 · Apr 2018
How They Shine
Colm Apr 2018
You speak of stars
As if on first name
No closer you are to me

Yet I am in my own atmosphere
Just waiting to breathe
And fill my lungs with thee

Forget, no don't
The memory in mind
Of when tingling spines aligned

No starlight impedes
Be it out of reach
How your words once made me shine
No comment. Least here in this manner.
381 · Jul 2018
Small Minded, Self Toil
Colm Jul 2018
Fell beings are we
Who delicate our time
Not to those causes which are above us
But to the strength of arms
And the will of the mind
For our own success
Do we see it, whatever IT may be
What small recesses our minds have.
381 · Apr 2017
Bright Eyes
Colm Apr 2017
If smiles were salutations then we've conversed a hundred times
Our paths always crossing briefly never seeking to intertwine
The mountain air calls out to us both to walk, to run and hide
And the words that seem to escape us both perplex me every time
As seasons change and years fly by the truth resonates inside
That despite our newfound friendship we will never cross the divide
The gap that separates two hearts but hinders not bright eyes
Bright Eyes is one of many from a bygone era. I'm not done writing new stuff. Just wanted to share these two or three old favorites.
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