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6.4k · Jul 2019
Affordable Healthcare?
Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
In an ideal
would high-quality healthcare
be made available to every person
free of cost
or at least affordably?
3.8k · Jul 2019
Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
Is one type of friendship
people cooperating
to facilitate each other’s
joy and happiness?
Like friends
who play tennis together:
Like friends
who help each other study:
3.3k · Oct 2021
Carl D'Souza Oct 2021
I once rode a horse along a lovely beach.
Its hooves flicking waves and sand
onto my hands and feet.
I enjoyed the breeze through my hair,
I breathed deep into my lungs,
I breathed the smell of ocean spray and horse hair
and fun!
3.2k · Aug 2019
Better Than Me?
Carl D'Souza Aug 2019
When I was a youth
I thought people were better than me
because they were
richer than me,
had more status than me,
and were more handsome than me;
but now that I’m wiser
I ask: Are they joyful and happy?

A rich man
may be driving a splendid red Ferrari
but is he joyful and happy
or is he on anti-depressant drugs?

A government official
may have status and authority
but is he joyful and happy
or is he on anti-depressant drugs?

A movie actor
may be famous and handsome
but is he joyful and happy
or is he on anti-depressant drugs?
3.0k · Aug 2019
Being Kind To Suffering?
Carl D'Souza Aug 2019
Are we all
Some of us suffering more?
Some of us suffering less?

Does being kind
to suffering
reduce the suffering
and increase happiness?
Yes it does.

Am I happier
when I am suffering less?
to optimise my joy and happiness
should I be kind
to my suffering?
Yes I should.

Am I happier
when others around me
are suffering less
and are more happy?
Yes I am.
should I be kind
to other people's suffering
to make them happier?
Yes I should.

To optimise our joy and happiness
should we be kind
to each other’s

In a joy-and-happiness-society
would every person
be kind
to every other person’s
2.7k · Jul 2019
Quality Circle
Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
Jim, Clara, Lizzie, and Tim
are sitting comfortably
around a work meeting table
drinking delicious coffee and
eating delectable sandwiches
which their manager provided for free;
these employees love their manager.

Jim, Clara, Lizzie and Tim
area engaged in a ‘Quality-Circle’:
A group of employees
who meet regularly
to consider ways of improving
their workplace.

Jim, Clara, Lizzie and Tim
conceptualise themself
as not slaves but cooperators
with their manager
to improve
the functioning of their workplace
for the benefit of the employees,
and the benefit
of the shareholders, customers, suppliers
management and
their whole society.

Jim, Clara, Lizzie and Tim
are exercising joyful creativity
to identify problems
and discover solutions
which they will diligently implement
to improve their workplace,
to increase their joy and happiness
in their workplace:
by increasing ease of their work,
by increasing efficiency of their work,
by improving quality of their work,
by increasing productivity,
by increasing customer satisfaction,
by improving environmental impacts,
by increasing profits.

Jim, Clara, Lizzie and Tim
realise that a continuously-improving
well-functioning workplace
provides them secure and enjoyable employment;
so, participating in the joyful creativity
of a quality-circle
striving to continuously improve their workplace
makes them feel
joyful and happy.
2.0k · Feb 2021
Carl D'Souza Feb 2021
I feel
so many feelings
all the time.

I am
a feeling being.

I need
to feel
to understand
the meaning of my experiences
in comparison to my needs and aspirations.

my feelings
happen intuitively
and prior to careful evidence-based reasoning
and so my feelings are not philosophically reasonable
and so my feelings are dangerous
if I use my feelings to define what reality is.

I protect myself
from unphilosophical unreasonable feelings
by never enacting my feelings,
by never reacting motivated by feelings;
rather I use my feelings
only as information
that I am having feelings
and so my needs and aspirations
may be affected in some way
by my experiences
which led to my feelings;
then I reflect
on my experiences
to philosophically reasonably discover
how it is most useful for me to feel
to achieve my optimal joy an happiness.
2.0k · Jul 2019
Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
says we all should have equal dignity,
but is that the way we think
in everyday life?

I live in a big house in wealthy suburb
and you live in a small house in a poor suburb:
Should I have more dignity than you?
Or should we have the equal dignity of fellow human-beings?

I drive an expensive sports car
and you drive a second-hand sedan:
Should I have more dignity than you?
Or should we have the equal dignity of fellow human-beings?

I wear a bespoke suit
and you wear an off-the-rack:
Should I have more dignity than you?
Or should we have the equal dignity of fellow human-beings?
1.9k · Aug 2019
Trusting Doctors?
Carl D'Souza Aug 2019
When I feel sick,
I don’t understand
all the complex details
of medical-science,
so I have to trust a doctor
to cure me;
but I trust with trepidation
because doctors are human
and so unomniscient and fallible;

I do my best
to apprise myself
of the medical-science
about my health-condition
so I do not have to blindly-rely
on the doctor,
and so I can make wise choices
about my healthcare
to optimise my health, joy and happiness.
1.8k · Aug 2019
Carl D'Souza Aug 2019
I take a bite
of a ginger and chocolate
and chew
pungent ginger
and sweet chocolate;
soft crumbly cookie pieces
roll over my tongue
as I chew;
my mouth waters
and the flavours
of spicy ginger and delectable chocolate
mix in my mouth.
1.8k · Jul 2019
Toilet Cleaner’s Daughter
Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
I am a toilet cleaner’s daughter
My dad’s occupation isn’t cool
I am a toilet cleaner’s daughter
So I work very hard at school
I am a toilet cleaner’s daughter
My family struggles to survive
I am a toilet cleaner’s daughter
I dream and strive towards a better life
I am a toilet cleaner’s daughter
I dream of doctor, lawyer, even cooking food
I am a toilet cleaner’s daughter
I don’t want to be a cleaner too
Carl D'Souza Oct 2021
Quinine is used as medicine
to treat malaria in humans,
and quinine was originally derived
from a species of plant
named Cinchona;

I wonder
haw many new medicines
can be discovered
in plants, animals, insects, bacteria and
in all the species
of living-beings
on this wonderful Creation
we call Earth?
1.7k · Nov 2021
Mothers Work Too
Carl D'Souza Nov 2021
Claire is cleaning fragrant poo
off her baby's buttocks
and she feels
"this experience
fulfils my need to have children
and makes me happy
but it's work!"

Claire's husband arrives home
and she asks "How was your day dear?"
and he says "I've had a long hard day at work,
and I'm tired
please give me my my dinner."
He does not asks how her day went
and Claire feels
disappointed and unhappy
that her husband
thinks that she does not earn money
and therefore what she does is not work.

As Claire
puts a white plate of steaming steak, peas, carrots, potatoes
on the dining table for her husband
she says "Would you ask me how my day went?
Mothers work too."
1.5k · Aug 2019
Carl D'Souza Aug 2019
When others behave negatively
towards me,
my compassion is steadfast
for myself and others
because I am aware
that only with a compassionate attitude
can I achieve
joy and happiness
for myself and others.
1.5k · Oct 2021
Carl D'Souza Oct 2021
When I am
I drink
pure cool water
and I feel
a relief of thirst;

I feel
I feel
1.4k · Feb 2021
Warm Summer Day
Carl D'Souza Feb 2021
I am
laying comfortably in my soft bed and
cool summer breeze is
wafting in through my open bedroom window
blowing over my body
cooling me down;

I am
1.4k · Oct 2021
Time Off Work
Carl D'Souza Oct 2021
In an ideal
would every working person
get time off work
to rest,
to rejuvenate,
to play,
to self-entertain,
to self-educate,
to care for and improve one's mental-health,
to travel and explore,
to do family-joy,
to do friendship-joy,
to do romance-joy,
to do joy and happiness activities?
1.4k · Jul 2019
Monsoon Floods in India
Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
A father carries on his shoulders
his 3 year old son,
as the father walks waist deep in
monsoon floodwaters
seeking to escape the floods
and carry his child to safety.

Monsoon floods
happen every year in India
and every year people are in flood-distress.
I wonder
what is the solution to flood-distress?
Better infrastructure like concrete drains
linked to concrete waterways
linked to reservoirs
which save water for the dry season?
I wonder
who will build this infrastructure?
How will this infrastructure be built?
Who will pay for this infrastructure?
The development of poor nations
like India
is a mystery to me.
I wonder
how poor flood-prone villages in India
will develop the needed infrastructure
to prevent monsoon flooding?
1.4k · Nov 2021
Carl D'Souza Nov 2021
My economics textbook says
resources, products, services are scarce
and should be distributed by market-relations:
those who can afford to pay money
get the resources, products, services
and those who cannot afford to pay money
do not get the resources, products, services;

But I think
my economics textbook
has a scarcity-mentality
which looks only to the short-term;

I think
the human aspiration
should be
over the longer-term
to strive with optimism to achieve
an abundance
of resources, products, services
distributed by market-relations and by any way
so that every person
can get enough to be happy.
1.4k · Jul 2019
Danish Havarti Cheese
Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
I am eating
slices of delicious
Danish Havarti Cheese:
nutritious with calcium and protein;
my tongue is enjoying the taste
my stomach is enjoying the nutrition.
1.4k · Jul 2019
Affordable Housing?
Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
In an ideal
would high-quality housing
be made available to every person
or even free of cost?
1.3k · Oct 2021
Carl D'Souza Oct 2021
As I raise my morning coffee cup
my right bicep muscle flexes
and my right forearm muscles flex
and I am
my muscles flexing;

I play
a music video
on my kitchen television
and dance
around my kitchen
flexing every muscle
in my body
and I am
1.3k · Aug 2019
Thinking for Myself?
Carl D'Souza Aug 2019
When people accuse me
of being abnormal
because I think for myself,
I steadfastly continue to think for myself
as I am aware
that thinking for myself
is the only way
that a unique me
in my unique situation
can achieve
my own unique joy and happiness.
1.3k · Oct 2021
Carl D'Souza Oct 2021
In an ideal
would every person
care for
their own feelings
and the feelings
of every person
in their society?
1.2k · Jul 2019
Reversing Climate Change?
Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
I just watched a news report
about ‘Direct-Air-Carbon-Capture’
which removes carbon dioxide (CO2)
from the Earth’s atmosphere
to reverse climate change:
Big fans **** in air
which is passed through liquid
which absorbs some carbon dioxide (CO2)
then the CO2 is extracted from the liquid
by chemical reaction to form
solid pellets of calcium carbonate,
thereby removing CO2 from the atmosphere.

One Direct-Air-Carbon-Capture (D-A-C-C) plant
can extract 1 megaton of CO2 every year
from the atmosphere –
which is equivalent to 40 million trees;
It would take 40,000 D-A-C-C plants worldwide
to stop further climate change.

I wonder
when will global society
become desperate enough
to avoid bad climate change events
like cyclones, droughts, floods
that governments will spend the money
to build these 40,000 plants
and save us all from climate change.
1.2k · Feb 2021
Warm Summer Night
Carl D'Souza Feb 2021
I am
laying in a soft bed,
out through my open bedroom window
at a eucalyptus tree
gently swaying and shaking
in the cool summer breeze
which is wafting in through the open window
blowing over my body
cooling me down;

I am
1.1k · Jul 2019
Appreciating Society?
Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
I realise and appreciate that my joy and happiness
depends not on my work alone
but also depends on the work of thousands of people
in a well-functioning society surrounding me.
For example:
When I’m using the internet
I appreciate that thousands of workers at the internet company
are working to bring me internet.
When I’m using water
I appreciate that thousands of workers at the water company
are working to bring me water.
When I’m using electricity
I appreciate that thousands of workers at the electricity company
are working to bring me electricity.
When I’m shopping at the supermarket
I appreciate that thousands of workers at the supermarket-company
are working to bring me groceries.
When I need my garbage collected
I appreciate that thousands of workers in the government
are working to collect my garbage.

I wonder
what are all the social-processes working
to support and facilitate my joy and happiness?
1.1k · Nov 2021
Moving In Society
Carl D'Souza Nov 2021
When I was young
I assumed
and naively believed
every person was being good
and I lived in a 'society of angels':
people who were seeking my happiness
and their happiness
and the happiness of all people in society;

Then I experienced
people attempting to exercise power
over me
and I learned
society is currently organised
by people exercising power over people
even when it leads to people's unhappiness;

And I experienced
people attempting to exercise rule-based authority
over me,
people who expected my behaviour
to conform to rules
they create and enforce upon me,
and I learned
society is currently organised
by people enforcing rule-based authority over people
even when it leads to people's unhappiness;

I dream
of a happier society,
a society organised
by authorities and citizens
who are people seeking their own happiness
and the happiness of all people in society.
1.1k · Jul 2019
Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
I just watched a news report:
there’s a heatwave in Europe
over 41 degrees celcius!
Forests are on fire,
people are uncomfortably sweltering,
the old and sick are dying,
climate change is happening!

I wonder
when will society
become desperate enough
about dangerous climate change
to stop using carbon-emitting fuels
and instead use renewable energies
like solar, wind and hydro?
1.0k · Jul 2019
Bad Habits?
Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
Are bad-habits
actions we do on impulse
without carefully thinking
whether we should do these actions?
Do bad-habits
lead us away from joy and happiness?
Towards unjoy and unhappiness?
Like overeating makes us fat and diabetic?
Liking smoking cigarettes gives us lung cancer?
Like alcoholism wrecks our life?

Should we introspect
to become self-aware of our bad-habits?
Evaluate our bad-habits?
And reform our mind
to expunge bad-habits from our mind?
1.0k · Jul 2019
Sweet Corn and Chicken Soup
Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
I am eating delicious
sweet corn and chicken soup:
sweet crunchy corn,
soft flavorsome garlic,
stringy delectable egg,
tasty chewy chicken,
and hot savory broth
which warms my torso;
I am enjoying
the experience
of being alive
while eating.
938 · Jul 2019
Pig Factory Farming
Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
I just watched a mini-documentary
on pig factory farming using
extreme confinement of individual pigs
in ‘gestation crates’:
I saw each poor pig
trapped within metal box-grates
which pressed against their flesh
stopping the pig from turning around
stopping the pig from walking around,
each pig suffers their whole life
standing in one direction
or slumped down on the ***** floor.
I saw pigs with open wounds, pressure sores, infections,
bleeding gums from biting the metal bars.
I saw pigs screaming in distress
Or suffering slumped down depressed.
I saw trapped pigs going mad
banging on the metal grates
distressedly trying to break free
and failing and slumping down depressed.

I ask myself
is there a humane way
to farm animals?
Such as free-range farming?
923 · Aug 2019
My Love’s Clothes
Carl D'Souza Aug 2019
Everything my love wears
is beautiful
because it’s on her.
918 · Feb 2021
Milk Coconut Chocolate
Carl D'Souza Feb 2021
I am
gently munching
fine European chocolate
of a milk-coconut flavour:
I am feeling
the texture of coconut flakes
on my tongue and teeth,
I am tasting
the sweet milky chocolaty flavour
of the brown soft chocolate.

I am
909 · Jul 2019
Striving In Every Situation
Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
If I am rich,
then I’ll strive for joy and happiness rich;
If I am poor,
then I’ll strive for joy and happiness poor.
If I am popular,
then I’ll strive for joy and happiness popular;
If I am outcast,
then I’ll strive for joy and happiness outcast.
If  I am famous,
then I’ll strive for joy and happiness famous;
If I am unknown,
then I’ll strive for joy and happiness unknown.
873 · Feb 2021
Love Interest
Carl D'Souza Feb 2021
Wonderful You
are the best lady
in the world
for me
to be with.
870 · Aug 2019
Carl D'Souza Aug 2019
tastes nice:
with tiny nourishing pips
which squish on my tongue
as I swallow.
830 · Feb 2021
Carl D'Souza Feb 2021
When we dialogue
you pose questions
which interest my mind
and evoke in my mind
useful answers
that I can use
to achieve my joy and happiness
and the joy and happiness of all people.

I appreciate you
and our dialogues,
807 · Oct 2021
Carl D'Souza Oct 2021
I am
on Hello-Poetry
and I am
when I get
a Bell.
802 · Feb 2021
Milk Hazelnut Chocolate
Carl D'Souza Feb 2021
I am
gently munching
crunchy hazelnuts
which taste delicious
as they break apart on my teeth,
bits of hazelnut
passing over my tongue;
the hazelnuts are covered in chocolate
which melts on my  tongue
as I gently munch
and savour the taste of
sweet milky creamy brown chocolate.

I am
792 · Jul 2019
Civility versus Nastiness
Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
Sharon posts a photo of her new baby
on social-media and
Nasty-Jim comments
“That’s an ugly baby!”
Sharon feels shocked, insulted, appalled.
She hugs her baby protectively,
feeling hurt.

Sharon posts a photo of her new baby
on social-media and
Civil-Sheryl comments
“Congratulations on your beautiful baby!”
Sharon feels joyful and happy.
She hugs her baby warmly
kisses him on the head
and says “I love you little one”.
783 · Jul 2019
Romantic Pianist
Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
A female concert pianist
is playing at Carnegie Hall in Manhattan
Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata and
Debussy’s Clair de Lune and
other romantic melodies
which soothe the aching modern hearts
of her modern urban audience.

She’s 35 and still unmarried.
She’s never met a romantic man
who loves her
like she enjoys being loved:
Romantically like the Moonlight Sonata and
Claire de Lune.
It’s difficult to find a loving husband
in an unromantic world.

During the concert
in breaks between playing pieces
she longingly scans the audience
for a handsome romantic single man
who’s waiting to love her
like she enjoys being loved:
Romantically like the Moonlight Sonata and
Clair de Lune;
but all she sees are couples, mostly old.
It’s difficult to find a loving husband
in an unromantic world.

After the concert
on the taxi-ride to her hotel
the bubble of romantic melodies has burst
and she inures herself once more
to the modern car-horns and truck-roars
of busy city streets.
It’s difficult to find a loving husband
in an unromantic world.

She gazes out the taxi window
at modern urban pedestrians
hustling and bustling on crowded sidewalks
rushing to their business appointments
ambitious for their career success.
It’s difficult to find a loving husband
in an unromantic world.
780 · Feb 2021
Fear of Loss
Carl D'Souza Feb 2021
When I fear
I accept the course of destiny
and this acceptance calms me down;
then I proactively prudently strive with optimism
to do whatever I can
to avoid the loss,
and this striving I enjoy.
765 · Aug 2019
Someone Antagonising You?
Carl D'Souza Aug 2019
When someone is antagonising
my joy and happiness,
I do my best
to remain calm and unperturbed,
and refocus my mind
on calmly striving to achieve
my joy and happiness.
759 · Feb 2021
Nice Neighbourhood Happy
Carl D'Souza Feb 2021
It is a warm summer day
with a clear blue sky
and white fluffy clouds floating by;
I am
walking down my home street
and enjoying the cool summer breeze
blowing over my body
cooling me down;
I am enjoying
the sight
of front-yards with tall trees and shrubs of many varieties,
the sight of two storey mansions with designer architecture,
the sight of neatly mown lush-green front lawns;
I am enjoying
the auditory experience
of a quiet peaceful neighbourhood,
with a gentle breeze rustling leaves on trees
and birds tweeting
around my quiet home street;

I feel
759 · Aug 2019
Is Recycling Necessary?
Carl D'Souza Aug 2019
Do we need
to be joyful and happy?
Yes we do.

Do we need
like plastic-bottles and aluminium-cans
to be prosperous
joyful and happy?
Yes we do.

Is there a finite-supply
on the Earth
of many materials we use to enjoy prosperity
like plastic and aluminium?
Yes, many materials are finite.

do we have to recycle
like plastic-bottles and aluminium-cans
to maintain sufficient supply
to achieve joyful and happy prosperity
into the future?
726 · Feb 2021
When I'm Unhappy
Carl D'Souza Feb 2021
When I am unhappy
about some aspect of my life,
I still enjoy
the basic experience of being alive:
the stimulating
tactile sensations and
introspective ****** experiences;

I still enjoy
striving with optimism
to improve my situation
so I can be happier;

I still enjoy
being happy
about those aspects of my life
which I can feel happy about.
716 · Jul 2019
Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
A parent in a supermarket aisle
slaps her toddler hard and
the child screams in pain and shock.

A teenager walking along a busy street
drops the wrapper of his chocolate-bar
on the footpath.

A woman in a cinema-theatre
in the middle of the movie
calls on her mobile-phone
her son to tell him about the movie,
disturbing the other movie-watchers.

A man walking his dog along a street
takes his dog off the leash and
the dog barks aggressively and lunges
at frightened pedestrians.
Carl D'Souza Aug 2019
I resist
the temptation
to become fond
of politicians
who entertain me
with clever lines
said with likeable energetic-charisma;

I do my best
to evaluate
how a politician’s policy-proposals
will affect
the joy and happiness
of myself
and others in society.
687 · Aug 2019
My Love’s Voice
Carl D'Souza Aug 2019
Her voice
is the most beautiful
in the world.

which makes me feel
I would enjoy
and be happy
being in harmony
with her.
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