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Jul 2019 · 265
How January Ended
Always Ally Jul 2019
Why is there so much warmth touching cold nose tips in the frost of the morning;
Pressing foreheads together to share our secrets.
I beckoned you and the winter and we were both waiting for a spring that would never come.
Even if the storm outside raged you left snowflakes; strange, unique, & special.
So precious to want to touch and keep forever but too easy to melt.
We left it all in the cold; preserved and safe. We both walked away taking the warmth and melting with each step.
Mar 2019 · 327
Are you tired?
Always Ally Mar 2019
Everyone says they're tired.
But what does tired really mean?

Are you tired of feeling ignored?
Are you tired because no matter how hard you try, you're still just not ******* good enough?
Are you tired because you let yourself be vulnerable and you got your heart broken again?
Are you tired of thinking about him even though it's been years and you've moved on?
Are you tired because you don't feel your love being reciprocated the same?
Are you tired about being sick?
Are you tired of being alive?

I've been tired all my life.
I just want to lose myself in my sleep.
Mar 2019 · 414
Always Ally Mar 2019
You convince yourself to stay where you are
because you're afraid of wading in waters you don't know.
You believe it won't be better than where you are now,
but you know you're not happy
You deserve better.

You feel ungrateful for what's be given to you,
but you matter too.
Unhappy is unhappy.
Don't let it sit. Don't let it dwell.

You convince yourself that certain things outweigh the others.
The small things matter too.
You're allowed to be upset,
but you'll never allow yourself.
You deserve better.
Jan 2019 · 217
The Screaming
Always Ally Jan 2019
I wish I was important
I wish I felt it deep in my bones
Drop everything important
Here for you, - -actually here for you, important

It’s always at times when I need someone the most that nobody is ever around
“I’m here for you”
But are you?
Words are words
But the words screaming in my head are louder.
They screech their twisted words and dig their claws into my brain.
But you’re here for me right?

I don’t see you though. I don’t feel you. I don’t feel loved. I don’t feel anything. I’m empty except for the screaming.
Jan 2019 · 183
Always Ally Jan 2019
I wish you were here
I was I was a priority

I want to mean something
I wish to fade away gently

I wish I didn’t need things
I want to live less selfishly

Most importantly
I wish I wasn’t here
Jan 2019 · 238
Lovely, little moments
Always Ally Jan 2019
Lovely, little moments
Feeling that you love me
Knowing that I love you

I found I never was at home
Unless you were there
Putting your arms around me
Lying next to you

This isn’t our beginning
Most certainly not our end
Remember how you confessed you liked me
Remember when I felt the same way about you

Lovely, little moments
Every moment with you
Jan 2019 · 450
I Fear Me, Dear
Always Ally Jan 2019
And tonight I go to sleep with a heavy heart

Burdened and not wanting to restart

Rest for ages and age bringing death

I fear what comes but I dare not take another breath

Am I ungrateful for a loss that does not outweigh gain

But a heart is a heart that will not easily change

For even a small loss can cause the greatest pain

I fear me, Dear

I’ve gone insane
Nov 2018 · 350
Fade Me Away
Always Ally Nov 2018
It's the calm and stillness
To make me realize how
Stormy I am inside
Thunderous and crashing waves
The kind that wears away at
The cliffs and change the landscape
I feel like I'm being worn
By my own sea
But even still
Waves of emotion are better than the
Calm, the quiet
That's what really rips at my roots
And tears me from the soil
From which I got my nutrients
I'm starved of oxygen
Yet to be free of my restraint
Inside the ground and hugged by the waters
I don't mind this peace
I'll let it fade me away
Nov 2018 · 990
Always Ally Nov 2018
Alone isn't physical
it's emotional
it's mental
I'm always alone
in my head
telling lies I turn into truths
I'm never not going to be alone
I'm never going to get better
me, myself, and I
Nov 2018 · 259
Always Ally Nov 2018
Waiting is just a pain
and disappointment
I only have so much patience
You make me get my hopes up
Wishing you'd do all the things
I've seen on TV
This is reality
This is my reality
Maybe I want too much
But maybe it's what I deserve
And you've got nerve
To keep me waiting
Sep 2018 · 424
Is this sweet love?
Always Ally Sep 2018
Substantial are the ways to show love
To feel love and let it sink in
Let it run in the veins and tear through the heart

Touches now tattoos of memories
So sweet and lingering
So searing and painful

Greater than a God above
I worshiped you and gave in
Sewed together my pieces to once more be torn apart

I could always love you with ease
You who could never love me or anything
What love is this that leaves me empty but feeling full
Sep 2018 · 553
A Step Further
Always Ally Sep 2018
Sweet dreams of lost ones
Those who we can no longer find
                                 A place to be safe
                                 Hoping you will be fine
                                             Trying hard to breathe
                                              Not knowing what will last
                                                     But the future will be brighter
                                                        ­                The past is just the past
Sep 2018 · 701
Willows of Halloween
Always Ally Sep 2018
Somewhere in the willows
You hear it through the walls
Starts as a whisper
But then it soon calls

Make your way to
The adventure that awaits
You are the key
That opens the gates

Troubles and trickery
A daring little spell
Bring your wits about you
Hope it goes well

Witches are brewing
Skeletons will dance
Vampires are preying
You'll be put in a trance

Haunted are the willows
Who call out your name
Answer to them
You must finish the game
Sep 2018 · 298
You've Softened My Heart
Always Ally Sep 2018
Everytime I say goodbye
My heart hurts to leave his side
I know I shouldn't cry
But I'm just not satisfied
With leaving without a word and just a sigh
I love him too much and I don't know why
Our love comes easy we don't have to try
My o' my
Sep 2018 · 209
Lonely Okay
Always Ally Sep 2018
You fake okay to ease the ones you love
If you don't you are the burden
You fake good health to forget you're in pain
If you don't you remember the medicine destroying your body

Remembering the happiness you had and the lack thereof
The gift of life was never a guerdon
To feel nothing and to feel it all the same
Nobody nobody nobody
Sep 2018 · 377
Distant Love
Always Ally Sep 2018
I wish you were here
Near is such a luxury
To kiss you and hold your hand
Understand it means so much to me

My desire is a fire's flame
Blame it on how beautiful you are
You're so tender and forgiving
Having you in my life is like a dream

You are distant, My Love
Love you ever as much still
Think of you often
Soften my heart's will

To see you soon
Moonlight on your face
I will embrace you
Blue when you leave again

You are distant, My Love
In my heart you are always near
You are distant, My Love
I wish you were here
Jul 2018 · 354
Fake Love
Always Ally Jul 2018
You love me
The me you think of
The one you think I could be
You love me
Who doesn’t exist
Who doesn’t become a reality
You can’t love me
I’m real
Jun 2018 · 700
Heartbreak Dream
Always Ally Jun 2018
Where is it
The hand to hold
Why is it
That it has gone cold

You are gone
From your place next to me
You chose it this way
You made it to be

Am I not enough
Feed my anxiety
Is she more for you
Are you less for me

Let’s put an end to this
Before I put an end to me
Wake up
Wake up
From this bad dream
Nov 2017 · 247
Wonder When I Wake
Always Ally Nov 2017
I wonder how much people can change
And how through all these years
I've stayed the same

The only thing that passes me by is time
And I'm trying to my best all the time
But I have to wake up and realize
I'm not fine doing fine

I'm such a simple girl
With complex emotions
So simple isn't my world
Too many situations

"Help me" I wish I could say
But I'm silently wasting away
Jul 2017 · 457
Real Love
Always Ally Jul 2017
I want it to be love
Oh desparate heart
I want it to be you
But what you is real

If you hold my hand
What a great start
If you be closer
I know you would feel

For me, a thousand kisses
For you, a golden throne
I want it to be real
But I'm really
Do I only love the you in my head or you as you truly are
Jan 2017 · 609
Zero One
Always Ally Jan 2017
It haunts me.
It haunts me.
The way you breathe my name.
Your touch still lingers on my, and oh my I can't believe you stayed sane.
I grow old with the cold, but at least that I know I can find you now.
I breathe you out.
I breathe you out.
I see you now.
I breathe you out.
I breathe you out.
I can win.
Jan 2017 · 625
In Your World
Always Ally Jan 2017
Everything** will be okay;
as long as you stay by me.

When your world is a blur
and you feel unsure;
you can count on me.

I know you just need a friend.
I'll be there til' the end.
You can wait and see.

The world can still be beautiful,
but you've always been beautiful to me.
Jun 2016 · 2.5k
Oh Moon, Oh Goddess
Always Ally Jun 2016
Oh Moon, oh goddess;
why do you weep?
I know too well of your lonliness.
I know too well about the darkness that surrounds you.

Little light lingers from the end of a day.
The same light that approaches you.
It shuns you, pushes you away.

You believe nobody sees you, but
I know many who admire your
shimmery shine.
Plenty look to your silent beauty.

Oh how the stars are yours and nobody else's.
For they are just as dazzling;
yet you outshine them all.
The glimmer even at a glance of a sliver of you
is enough to allow a decadent sigh.
Always Ally Jun 2016
You are my thoughts in the morning
You are my thoughts in the night
For you I'm forever yearning
But I mostly hope you'll be alright

Even at my own sacrifice
I want you to smile again
For God granted us this life
So we must give and take what we can

If you should think of only sorrow
Please let me lend you a hand
Please wish to wake up tomorrow
Please don't give up yet
Nov 2015 · 518
Postlude to Us
Always Ally Nov 2015
Somewhere along the way I lost you
In a crowd of a hundred
Waited for you to find me too
But that's not what you did
Is it me imagining you said I love you
Did we not talk all through the night
You never kissed me
Or told me it'd be alright
Music takes you away from me
Even when it's the one thing
That connects us and let's us fall in love
Without lyrics but I guess that's never enough
I'm lost in the rhythms
And you already played the song
I was a piece that you played
without the notes there's no reason for you to stay
Aug 2015 · 1.0k
Freak Show
Always Ally Aug 2015
Welcome to the freak show
The freakier the better
For all who come never go

Ladies of great strength
Men of half the normal size
Performances at length

Come during the day
Beware of the night
For you might over welcome your stay

Welcome to the freak show
You'll never get away
Aug 2015 · 425
#12 for Help
Always Ally Aug 2015
The rain is coming down hard
The windows are blurred
Can't see out into the yard
Only thunder to be heard
She sways into the living space
Light of the lamp casts eerie shadows
Something seems out of place
She's not quite sure though
She turns the radio down
Then comes a crash
She turns around

Hello, you've called #12 Neighborhood Watch. How may we assist you?

Yes, there's something suspicious going on

Please Miss, tell us what's wrong?

Mar 2015 · 3.5k
Always Ally Mar 2015
Breathing out
In order to breathe in
I know nothing's wrong
But I'm not convinced
I can't let it out
And just let it happen again
Mar 2015 · 2.3k
The One I Blame
Always Ally Mar 2015
It is me
At fault
For having high hopes
For having great expectations
It is me
Whom I'm mad at
Because I allowed myself
Because I believed
It is me
Always me
Always my fault
Always wrong
Am I right?
Always Ally Feb 2015
I'll be the girl you'll forget
The quiet one with things on her mind
The one who prefers whiskey to wine
I'll be the girl you leave behind
I'll be anything and nothing to you
Pass by move on with your life
I'll be yours even if only for a moment
Whenever you feel it is right
Feb 2015 · 581
2 am
Always Ally Feb 2015
Listen to music
Calm down
These things won't matter
Dec 2014 · 502
Hush Love
Always Ally Dec 2014
I won't tell you I love you
But I'll show you
Dec 2014 · 510
I Still Look For You
Always Ally Dec 2014
I still look for you
I always have
I always do

Whether far or near
The rest of the world is blurry
Only you are clear

I still look for you
Where we met
Where you left

No matter where you go
If you are lost
Only I will know

I still look for you
Because  my heart belongs to you
I tried to pull away
But I still look for you
And I want you stay
I still look for you
I still need you
Dec 2014 · 448
Always Ally Dec 2014
I'd like to celebrate you dear
For you are all I hold near
But push you away I do
I cannot handle my love for you
I'm scared
I won't take the fall
Would you answer
If it is I who'd call
Take my hand
Lead me away
I was never meant to stay
Dec 2014 · 578
If I Am To Love You
Always Ally Dec 2014
And if I am to love you
With great might and understanding
Understand that I am a person too

Strong as I can be
I too have feelings
So please don't hurt me
Dec 2014 · 4.5k
Never Dreamed Of That
Always Ally Dec 2014
She dreamed of leaving
But was stuck in a deadbeat town
One day she went outside
The next she was never found
Dec 2014 · 771
It's Not Fair
Always Ally Dec 2014
It's not fair
To tell me I burden you
I didn't ask for this
I'm trying my hardest really
Do you think I want this?
Did this on purpose?
I want to be the girl who talks to people without hesitation
To speak my mind
To get up and dance
To not cry when I'm alone
Not be unable to breathe when I feel the slightest bit of social awkwardness
Not be offended by everyones' joke and jab at me
Which usually leads to more crying and hating myself
I don't want to look in the mirror and hate what I see
I don't want you to think I'm off putting because I'm quiet most of the time
I don't hate or dislike you
I hate and dislike me which is why I could never talk to a person like you
I don't want to love feeling second best at everything
I don't want to be treated differently because of my physicality and mentality
I don't want you to leave
I don't want you to feel like you have to fix me
I can't be fixed
Pain is relentless and forever
I stare for long periods of time contemplating my death
But I realize I can hurt the people that hurt me
I am weak
I am sad
I wish I could stop feeling this bad
Dec 2014 · 450
Always Ally Dec 2014
You can't pull me under when I'm already down
And that gives me a strange feeling of satisfaction
Being at your lowest means only going up or staying where you are
Sadly it's more comfortable to stay sad
Madly easy to stay mad
Bad habit of being bad
Here thinking I was safe
But my mind was never a good place

Can't shut it off but at least I can shut out the world
That's good enough for now
For now all I know
My days are numbered
But if they were cut short
I'd be okay
Know that I'll be okay
It's better for me and you in a way
I didn't ask for any of this
Truth be told I never needed it
Still it found its way to me
It's just my personal tragedy
Dec 2014 · 1.1k
The Astronaut
Always Ally Dec 2014
You're so set on destroying yourself
And there's no place you'll stay
You've pretty much given up
Claiming all you need is space
But I'm afraid you'll float away
Wherever you may be
Gravity,darling, gravity
Won't bring you back to me
Always Ally Nov 2014
The flowers wilted within her heart
Tree leaves fell from her eyes
A river ran through her veins
Stones were overturned in her brain
Sunlight beamed between her teeth
Petals colored her lips
Wind stirred her like a tornado
A beautiful disaster indeed
Nov 2014 · 827
The Seasons of Charlie
Always Ally Nov 2014
It was winter
Snow fell
Your lips turned blue

It was spring
It rained
You wore rain boots

It was summer
Sun shined
You swam in the pool

It was fall
Leaves changed
And so did you
Nov 2014 · 2.8k
Daybreak Dawn
Always Ally Nov 2014
Is my heart a petty thing
You are a petty crook
You steal glances at me
My heart is one of many you took

Goodnight used to have luster
When it was shared between our lips
Now you fall to her
Her seductive smile; the curve of her hips

Is my trust a petty thing
Or have I mistook
The truth we shared the lies she told
You reeled me in on a hook

Love her but remember me
One day you'll be wishing
To know where I'll be
I'm long gone on daybreak dawn
Nowhere to be seen
Jul 2014 · 549
You're In Love
Always Ally Jul 2014
You know that feeling when time freezes
You're hand starts to shake a little
You can't help smiling when you know for a fact how stupid you look
They're the only thought on your mind first thing in the morning and last at night
Jul 2014 · 7.9k
Hazel Eyes
Always Ally Jul 2014
I fell in love with your eyes
The same ones that sparkle
Through all your years
I love how they crinkle
When you gently flutter your eyelashes
I'm completely hypnotized
I see all your feelings flash
behind those hazel eyes
Jul 2014 · 635
You Could Be Here
Always Ally Jul 2014
I'm lying there but I'm still imagining you at my side
Maybe you're reading a book
Maybe you're rubbing your eyes
You could be yelling at the tv
You could be crunching too loudly
You could be here but you're not
Jul 2014 · 771
Battle of The Mind
Always Ally Jul 2014
If I close my eyes you're here

But I'm not real

But you're here and you're alive
You're breathing

But I'm not real, I'm not alive

But touching you feels real
Your hands, so soft
I remember them being soft

Don't you understand
This isn't really me
I'm gone

I don't understand anything
You're here and why can't that be okay

Because I'm not really here
it's not okay for you to go on this way
You must let go

I tried and isn't that worth something
Can't I be allowed this moment of bliss with you

I'm not real
This isn't real
Let go Milo, let go
I'm dead and you must let go

I'll never let go
You're gone but my love will never leave
Forever is a simple thing
Death isn't an easy thing, When you lose somebody, it takes its toll on everyone. Some people react differently and have different ways of coping.
Jul 2014 · 1.2k
I Always Thought
Always Ally Jul 2014
I always thought imperfections were beautiful
And you didn't need to be perfect to be loved

I always thought pain was temporary and necessary
In order to know true happiness

I always thought love fought through the hurt
Because love is a surviving thing

I always thought you'd be here
But I guess I was wrong

I always thought many things were true
But that was before I lost you
Jul 2014 · 654
Always Ally Jul 2014
Body, mind, and soul
All grow tired
All grow old

Heart strong as a lion
Once so true and brave
Lie six feet under in a watery grave

Life and death
Work then die
Look forward to a future that leads to our inevitable death
Wonder why we try
Mar 2014 · 2.0k
She Is Better
Always Ally Mar 2014
It makes me sad to lose you
You were something I never had
Never will have and thanks to her
She's not to blame
That I am sure
Only myself
Because she is better
Mar 2014 · 4.1k
Always Ally Mar 2014
My mind flickers on
The slides start to spin
Music starts playing
The movie is about to begin

So dim and blurry
Can't quite see what it is
It looks like eyes
Or that shirt of his

I reach out to grasp the fleeting images
They darken and tear
Please don't leave
You'll be lost again in there
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