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Aa Harvey May 2018

When I leave this place, remember me.
I never accomplished anything,
But I kept on writing my poetry.
I wrote it just for you and all for me…

Sitting in a bar, she drinks whiskey and gin.
I don’t drink myself, but she can do her thing.
As I watch her dance, I sit here and think,
She sure is beautiful; I am so glad she is my perfect, beauty Queen.

She has always been there since the days of no cash
And when I have nothing to say, she can always make me laugh.
My sweet Marie, my pretty thing;
My sweet Marie can always make my heart sing.

In my pickup truck, she picks me up.
We have got a show to see tonight, that we sure do love.
There’s a man on stage,
Talking about the olden days.
Marie gives me a hug and we reminisce.
Those memories, they still remain;
She can take me back to the beginning with just a single kiss.

We met in a bar in a rundown part of town;
We made some money and I own that bar now.
‘It’s a bad investment’; that’s what they all said,
But I smile at them all and say “You’re a long time dead.”
I’ve only got one life to live
And I have found Marie, my pretty thing;
So you can all worry about the money,
I’ve got all that I need…
My sweet Marie.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

We should go on a date; I won’t be late.
Then you should go drinking with your mates.
Tell them to meet you at eight.
If that night you meet somebody else,
Then you decide you want to be with me,
We could maybe make it last six months,
If we are very lucky.

But if you get drunk and decide I am the one,
That you truly want to be with;
Then I will love you for a lifetime.
Maybe one day would could raise our kids,
To believe in love, just like we did…this time.

I only need one love;
That is all I am searching for.
There are many doors we could go through,
Many choices to make before,
I decide and you decide if we have found the truth.

I wish you all the best with your search;
I hope you find somebody who makes you feel loved.
I sincerely say I want you to be happy;
You uncertainly say, you would like a family, maybe.
I hope you find whatever you are searching for;
I want to find true love with you, for good.
I want a woman I adore.

If you choose me,
Then I choose you too.
The choice is yours…
My choice is,
I do.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2019
Marriage is a joke.

Under moonlight we spoke of an exchange of new sensations;
In the secrets of loves code, we created a conversation.
Into a series of unknown’s, we allowed ourselves to fall
And all in the hope of finding ourselves in love.

Musicians know the score is strumming my pain away;
If a she-devil wants to take me for a ride, then I shall happily go.
We are all lonely on the inside and waiting for just one big day;
Congratulations to you all!  I shall raise a toast!

To the bride and groom;
Let their love be doomed!
To the drunk father of the bride; have another drink!

To the best man, the worst of us all.
Get on with it, we need to consume,
This terrible food the groom’s mother has made;
What is this?

Is this really true love?  It will never last.
I give it a month before they are creeping behind your back.

Again she smiles, in denial,
Like she did when she first lied, on the day that you first met.
Now she is losing you from her memory; a drink and kiss takes it all.
She could have stayed with you,
But the more you do, the less is said.

A regular in a pub and a regular in love;
The last time you truly loved, it broke your heart; remember that?
Oh look there is your new love, being asked to dance;
Put a slow record on, get nice and close
And forget the love that you have.

She wants new things;
New lovers and a new reason to smile.
So your love is no more
And this thing you have always believed in, will only last a little while.

Beauty is forever fading and it will soon die.
In the days of our lives,
People always do as they please and they are empty on the inside.
You will never find true love, no matter how many times you try;
The phone rings, the lie stings…
I hope you live a long and bountiful love life.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Maturity will set you free

Where I once was blind, I now can see
And maybe you should pity me.
For a youth I am no longer,
For a man I have become.

Now I am much wiser and stronger than you could realize;
For I am now deafened,
To the distractions which keep you blind.
For my eyes have been opened
And fulfillment I can now find.

I was once like you, at the end of my childhood,
But now I have matured into adulthood
And no longer like a child, can I act.
I must act my age and become a wise man.

For the things a child craves,
Are merely trinkets dangled before us.
Now I see your gold and diamonds,
Are simply copper underneath.

And the things you lust after,
Are merely the first stepping stone;
Whilst I seek the waters edge and a release I have chosen.
For the choices I have made, have lead me to the other side,
Whilst you’re splashing in the water,
Desperately clinging onto your stone.

But there I have been and through time found my feet;
Now I walk through the darkness, with no need of light to see.
I no longer fear slipping and falling into the water;
For I have been here before, so seek a new path to follow.

I seek a better tomorrow to truly begin to live free.
For now I have escaped these childhood manacles,
That have entrapped me
And blinded me, but now I can see,
That I am now free,
To disagree
And maybe to teach.

In an effort to give you enlightenment;
So one day you too will be set free.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

I may be alone, but I am not lonely.
I may be at home, but I am happy.
I may not take drugs.

I love what I love;
I am love.
I loved the drugs once;
I have taken enough.

I stand here a man,
For that is all I am.
I need a helping hand,
To feel like a man.

Sun light in my eyes;
Day light.
Morning without warning;
My eyes!

Gone to never is yesterday;
What more can I say?
Memories are soon forgotten.
What was I saying?

Learn to advance,
Sounds like a plan.
Knowledge in our hands;
Take a tablet into the bath.

The future is bright.
The future is bleak.
The future is unknown,
So I cannot speak.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Maybe, baby, boy, man.

Darkness falling, images fading;
No more warnings, broken pieces still remain.
Fix the future; in the past I was a weekend warrior.
Music is my influence;
Stay young and invincible and discover your own way.

Music helps us to find the truth.
Electronic movements; under your world we are unique.
Keep on trying, see a way through;
Push the buttons and find the right key.

We are in boxes, going in rewind;
Memories remind us that today is our time.
Words find their own meaning when we have a dictionary mind.
Thoughts become numbers we see on a coded matrix line.

Another number who hopes to shine;
I’m a lucky man, who has found his place.
Different voices that are new to our eyes,
Show us how to become the person we are,
Before we reach our grave.

Timeless entity, we wish we were.
Hopes and dreams change as we evolve.
Imagination brings love to her,
But she cannot see me waving my soul.

Paint by letters with alphabet spaghetti words;
Send me a signal using neon lights.
Show me how to become seen when all I can be is a blur;
A maybe, baby, boy, man who is still out of her sights.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Maybe…just, maybe.

There are a million reasons why I could love you
And I will spend the rest of my life searching for a million more.
Every day I would go in search of something new to love about you,
Because all that I need is to give you my all.

As the morning sun rises, a new reason begins to take form.
I will continuously fall, deeper and deeper into love with you;
Every day, from dusk through past dawn.
Every time we have a conversation, the connection between us grows
And as the years pass us by, we will always be better off together
And always we will be poorer, for being alone.

We are the right combination of two people,
Who are meant to be with each other.
I am supposed to fall in love with you
And I would love it if you were my lover.

In a world of uncertainty, love is always worth the risk.
Imagine what the two of us together could be,
If you thought you could fall in love with me…
Maybe…just, maybe.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

You have no ******* idea,
What it's like to be me.
You simply couldn't comprehend,
That this is the way things have to be.
Every day feeling more pain,
The pains getting worse, it gets no better.
Every day is now the same
And it will be this way forever.

No regrets due to no memory,
Except the things that scarred our lives.
No new life can there be for you and me.
I overdose nearly every night;
But they keep keeping me alive,
And for what?  I just don't know.
Just to continue this daily punishment;
I'm still alive, so on with the show.

I'm walking through the town,
Careful to never make eye contact.
Never being recognized by anyone
And I'm never coming back.
I hate everyone in here
And I hate every stranger I meet.
I hate everyone I left behind
And I hate anyone who knows me.

I have to make small talk,
Whilst they have nothing left to say.
Their deepest conversation is about makeup
And who they ****** last Saturday.
They’re lucky they'll never feel this;
This bitter hatred in my soul.
If they walked only one day in my shoes,
They would pack up shop and they would go;
To wherever the journey ends.
Maybe the fiery pits of Mordor
And they would jump like angelic lemmings,
Just to end this life; this bore.

You meet a beautiful girl,
But you can't go up and speak to her;
Because your heart has been torn from your chest before.
You've now become a beautiful bore.

You fancy them all, yet you don't want any of them.
You could love them all, but you can't take the risk again.
So you throw in the towel
And become a celibate monk in a monastery.
Now you can't get hurt anymore;
No ******* woman can ever harm me!

But you'll never find love,
Get married and have children;
But you’re resigned to a life of struggle,
And you wouldn't want them anyway.

What?  Have a kid grow up to be just like his father.
The guy who doesn't know his family,
Has no job, but loves his baby’s momma.
The woman he'd die for is just using him for cash;
Because the kids real father, has gone and packed his bags.

She's in the last chance saloon,
Because she can't afford a kid;
But this must be her lucky day,
Because she's going out with Stupid.

So come on now boys and girls,
Please slit my throat as I sleep;
Because tomorrow is just another day
And believe me, you don't know me.

The man you used to know,
Died a long, long time ago.
Now the heart is dead inside,
But the body still moves on.

His girl has ripped his heart out,
After selling his soul.
He was convinced she was his girl,
But she's just another '**.

His brain is in pieces, his energy gone.
He no longer has faith
And he will no longer fight on.

He finds happiness in depression,
It's always been this way for him.
It's all ****** up, his life is chaos;
This is normal life for me.
But if everything’s alright for him
And the world and he spin as one,
He packs his bags and darts through the exit;
Heading back to the norm.

Chaos and pain and tragedy and suffering;
These are a few of my favorite things.
Peace, love, friends and family;
No longer mean anything to me.

I crave for nothing,
So there's nothing I need.
I don't require any of the products sold on T.V.
I don't need a wife and a kid, or a million pounds.
I'm happy alive in a world of nothing;
It's the other people who bring me down.

(C)2005 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

I need someone in Heaven to shine a light on me.
I need an angel to shower me with love continuously.
I need a Goddess to show me pure empathy.
It doesn’t matter what I want, it’s not all about me!

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

I haven’t got time to be wasting time;
More determined than ever to live this life right.
No more mistakes, no chance of letting up.
I am a rocket of burning gasoline;
Light me up and I will fly above.
My one way ticket proves there is no return,
To the man I used to be;
I have left him behind, with memories of her.

I have got to live faster, learn faster,
Learn how to become better;
More important now, than ever.
It could be forever.
I am no longer knocking on opportunities door,
I am running through the walls,
Like a wrecking ball; destiny calls.
I was smashed into oblivion,
Caught every single piece.
Rearranged it all before I hit the ground,
Then I offered you my peace.
I rearrange the words and put them out from me again.
I rewrote the script, going to make it my own way.
Get a better job that pays.
Find a better way of life somehow.
Find a woman as I am running up into the clouds.

Horizon calls so I leap into the sky.
Like a bullet train, I am moving faster than ever.
Going to find myself a way,
To find a better word – Zephyr.

I want to be amazing, so that is what I have to be.
Be good to me and I’ll keep it friendly.
Stand in my way or try to hold me back,
I’ll fold the edges of the universe and draw a new map.
Time to be through the stars immediately.
Time travel; space monkey.
Are you following me?  
Then hold on tight because I have got to zoom!

Go faster!  

Going to charge into the future,
With a trail of spoken words left in my wake.
Words that mattered then, matter now;
Why else would I say it?  For my sake?
No more holding back, open mind, open eyes,
Life is a one way track, like a train on rails,
With no stops en route;
I break!
Through the sound barrier with a sonic the hedgehog boom!
And I shake the room, into view,
Waking up statues.
Pick an expression and stick with it.
I ain’t coming back anytime soon.
Just passing through, from me to you,
I bid you adieu.

Step one, step two,
On through the thousandth step,
Like an ostrich running,
In a sun-bright morning,
I’ll burst into view and take your breath away,
I’ll pass right through; I’ll see you again someday,
Like a blur of a man that you think you recognize,
But that man ain’t me anymore;
I have disappeared…goodbye.

I have evolved constantly, in every way;
A new page, a fresh face, a new day.
Everything is getting better man.
Peace, love and empathy ain’t just going away.

I have no time to say it better,
Better, better change;
Improve the person you are.
A woman with class, intelligence, beauty
And one fine…laugh.  Ha, ha.
See I want the best that I can have
And if that means looking back at the history of me,
Then okay; I’ll find a way, maybe.
Adjust the car mirror,
I only know my freeway to loving you.
Stars in my head and the motor city in my heart,
My feet are spinning faster than anybody ever knew.

I leap over hurdles
And with a three step hop,
I am forever dodging curveballs,
With a dot, dot, dot.

I am running home,
Got to get there soon,
So put on Ok Go!
For the one moment and enjoy the show;
I ain’t got anything better to do.

I ain’t got time to make a video of science;
I’m writing word after word, after word…you should try it.
I know one day, this will all stop…

But I ain’t done all this writing yet,
So I will carry on;
‘til the break of dawn when I see my home
My eagle-eyes see her smiling,
Waiting for me,
With me;
She tells me “you have no need to be alone.”

I will raise my kids to know write from songs,
‘til I have no words left inside my head,
Until the day I forget.

I will find a way for them to see…
When love is a reality,
Life becomes a dream.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2019

I want to write you something that means something,
But all I say is meaningless;
Less to me and less to you.
I struggle to get myself out of your bed, because of my head.
I am trapped inside a box of thoughts.
Which question to ask of you?
No answer to ‘We need to talk.’

Leave me lying here in my own pity;
The dreams I keep inside my head.
You orangutan through one night stands;
A love like this is without love.
Break a promise to be a man
And you will see a divorced wedding dress,
So drenched in mud.

This is how it all begins,
So this is how it will all stay.
You can never remove those stains, those sins;
So tear apart every syllable I just have to say.

Your lies are on fire!  I vow to change;
You and I have never really felt the same.
I say what I need to get you off my chest;
You hold me down with promises.
Tell me when I have passed your test,
So I can admit the truth; that it is you who is worth less.

Less than friendly and now a part of the family.
A part of the furniture; surely soon to be less than all I have.
Prepare to take a grand piano, to the head
And I will tell you where you need to stand.

Stand apart, we are never near,
To understanding the words we never speak
And the thoughts we never hear.

I cover up the bruises on my heart,
To hide the shame of loving love.
I leave behind all the memories of what we are…
By simply giving up.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019

De ja vu.
De ja vu.
Things happen sometimes that have happened before.
Find a way through.

Not all destiny paths lead to the same finale.
Life improves with age, but always slowly, gradually.

I am not as young as I used to be.
I am not the same version of me.
I improve with age, fading every day.
I am not your remedy, but we could find a way.

I self-repair with your care.
I need your help as well.
I know what I need and just like air,
I float along giving life to all who I can tell.
Help me to help you out of your Hell,
So just like you I can repair.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

There is an old grey man sitting on the floor,
Looking at his reflection in the mirror.
He thinks to himself: What could have been?
What could I have changed?
To change the past and the things that I've seen?

No man deserves to see, the things we saw.
A collective unit, marching to war.
Thankfully now, I don't recall it all,
Just the men that I had killed.
I saw them all, with that look on their face,
That look that just makes me, feel so ashamed.

They were just kids, the same as us,
All just playing, at being soldiers,
All knowing the seriousness, of it all
And still all of us, were willing to ****,
Or be killed, by another kid with a rifle,
Just like the first one, that I killed.

But here's my best friend, to make me feel better,
Hello, Jack Daniels, I'll just get you a glass.
Ah that's better, I can't think anymore,
I think I'll just change the video and watch something else.

Oh what's this in here, Saving Private Ryan?
Oh, I haven't seen this in a while.
I'll just put it on and pour another whisky
And after this, I'll go to sleep.

Hmm, that's better, time for a drink I think,
Ah good Ol' Jack, always a good drink.
Oh it's six in the morning; I'd better get up,
Think I'll have a drink and then go for a walk.

But first I'll have a drink and see what's on the Telly,
Where's the ice, **** this weather.
Ah good Ol' Jack, let's see what's in the video shall we?
Oh it's that film I put on last night, when I fell asleep.

Saving Private Ryan?  Oh I haven't seen this in a while.
But remembering the lads, always makes me smile.
I'll just put it on and pour another whisky,
Then maybe I'll have a little snooze,
Before I get something to eat.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Messages written on paper planes.

I've been sat here thinking;
Thinking about drinking.  
I've been sat here drinking;
Drinking my life to the stars.  

I think that I have fallen.
I feel like I have fallen to the ground.
The people they are all calling,
But I cannot answer right now.  

My head's in pieces;
No memories.
My hair’s receding;
I guess that's just the way it is.
My heart has been aching for a million years!
I'm through with waiting;
Waiting for true love to cure all my tears.  

These pictures I show you,
They just ain't what they used to be.
These stories I am creating,
I hope they allow you to see the real me,
But until that time I will carry my torch.
Until that time I will be searching for love.
Until that time,
I will crawl on all fours to kneel at your door;
Until you find me and I see your hands raising me up.  

The books that I am writing, the lies I have told;
The truth I've been hiding, to protect my soul.
The visions I had, before I grew old.
The memories I made…where did they all go?  

If love is out there somewhere, send her running to me.
If there's nothing out there for me,
Then I'll say goodbye and leave.
If all there is to find, is yet another lie,
Then let them all begone.
Put Lauryn’s Miseducation on and just leave me alone with her songs.

It's written down on paper, but it's a paper plane.
It's carved into the stone face, but it's hidden away.
It's written in the stars!  But the time is midday.
If all I need is really out there…
Then please send your message my way.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Miguel The Poet

I saw a poet die tonight, I see this every day.
Another man on another film, why must it be this way?
Any man can be something, it's impossible to be nothing,
The homeless drunk sleeps in his cardboard box,
His life is now in ruins.

But he was something once and he's still something now,
But his worth to this world, floats away into the clouds;
That cannot be touched, only seen from a distance,
When you stand in a cloud, you no longer exist.

He's gone from this world but his memory lives on,
In the mind of the coroner, but not for too long.
Tomorrow he becomes, just another deceased no-one,
But this time last decade, he really was the man.

He had a family and I'm sure he had friends,
But his funeral was empty and nobody cared.
But the preacher read the service and they buried his body.
Dead men tell no tales, but once upon a time he was a somebody.

Miguel the poet was a Portorican someone;
The story of his fight will forever live on.
His poetry is written down, for future generations to study,
Miguel the homeless drunk, will forever be somebody.

Injecting drugs into his body, to open his mind,
Drinking liqour from the bottle, ignoring all time.
For time stands still, when your life's in a daze,
But the Portorican poet, no longer surfs the waves.
His crest has fallen, back into the sea,
But Miguel the drunken poet, has inspired me.

Maybe I'll inspire you, to write down what you feel,
To notice your surroundings, to open your eyes and see.
The world is unbelievable, inspiration is all around,
Miguel’s inspiration will be remembered, now I've written it down.

(C)2005 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Milk a cow of all its milk

Milk a cow of all its milk.
Silk feels like a Dairy Milk Silk.
Fire your conscience and burn in Hell’s eternal fire.
Hire yourself a team of lawyers, if you decide to get any higher.

Mean what you say, but don’t be too mean.
Leave a puddle of tears in a tantrum,
When you have had enough of smoking your leaves.

Times they are a changing.  I think it’s a sign of the times.
March to war to administer peace,
Before the funeral march in March.

Water down your bottled water,
Before you get a problem like before.
Mother Nature is trying to tell you,
It’s time for you to become a Mother.

Dance a dance of lust and romance,
With anyone who loves you to dance.
Build up your hopes and fill up their lives;
Be happy together in the restaurant, before you get the bill.

Daughters don’t trust anyone;
For even a saint can bring the slaughter to your daughter.
Dress a Queen in a wedding dress.
An ant is still just an ant, even if you have named it Anne.

Break a promise to yourself of independence.
Fix it up with make believe and find a new romance;
A new way to dance the horizontal mambo.
Work for free, to find release,
Of money causing problems…Oh!
And don’t forget to quadruple,
Your first and last by-pass.
Sell your soul to Santa Claus;
Mom’s gone to Iceland to buy some Reindeers in packs.

Phone home E.T., there is no-one home.
Speak a little louder, use a megaphone.
Space – The Final Frontier.  
If you need to find some space;
Face the music, sing an encore,
Replace your hate with a smiley face.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Mission improbable

When we are given too many options,
Concentrating on a single event could become difficult.
We are truly trying, but our concentration is anywhere but here
And there is no placebo that can lift us from our slump;
So all things are half-hearted, no plans stuck to, never fully focused
And all the things that we wanted are never found by us.

Love passes us by, with no wink of the eye
And time becomes a locomotive, speeding into the twilight of life.
Our thoughts are off in the distance, places all seem so far away;
When we should be in the here and now, without delay,
We are only ever thinking of a future that has not yet arrived
And then sooner or later, it is always too late.

With one eye on the window, we will only miss our train of thought
And all those classes we take, they will all fade away.
We will have forgotten all that they taught.
Day dreaming of sleeping; too tired to be awake.
Words on the vapor,
Float away into space.

Reaching out for wisdom;
Lost words in need of someone to speak them,
Drift throughout our minds and disappear into oblivion.
You could be one in a million, but if your heart is in two places,
Then all will count for naught,
If you only, what if, or maybe.

Struggling to be here with a crystal ball kept in your pocket.
A pocket full of poesies tell tall tales of space rockets.
From all that, which came before,
We have walked through a thousand doors or more.
If we always have our eyes closed to what could be,
Then we will have learned nothing
And the things we feel will all just become a chore.

Take a second look at a second chance.
Did you succumb to the will of another’s opinion, perhaps?
Silence your lips; put your head phones on,
But do not play another song until your work is done.

Strike while the iron is hot;
Write it like it is the last thing that you have got.
Grab reality by the horns with both hands and feet,
Before it is all too soon, gone to be lost.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018

You know I've got nothing to say,
But still you're reading this anyway.
You think you might miss out on something;
Well peace be unto you and have a nice day.

I need to show love; I still have stars inside my mind.
Who knows? Maybe she will like what I write.
I will try to be precise and never say exactly what I mean to say;
Love is everything to me, so be on your way
And have a good life, if you are bringing hatred to my door,
Because I don’t have enough empathy left to waste on someone like you.
Call me what you want and think you know the score.
Do what you want to do and I'll do what I can do.

I am for real, morning and night;
I like what I write and what I am doing.
I am obsessed with a love I can never have in my sights.
Say what you want about my words;
I will continue to write and I will not be suing.

People have opinions and your thoughts are right;
Even if you don’t like my poetry, you still have my love.
I love what I do and these are my thoughts that I write;
So judge me, hate me, or love me.
Say what you like, but never be misunderstood.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

You were standing alone with your mind on your phone
And you never saw me as I walked on by.
You were staring deep into your screen and you never saw me,
So I just kept on walking on by.
With your head in your Facebook, I never got a second look
And I guess I missed out on the first.
You are so deeply engrossed that you missed me the most;
You love having the best phone and that makes you the worst.

With your head in the cloud you are never around,
So how can I compliment you tonight?
With your eyes never here and always there,
It just seems to me that you do not care;
So I wave you goodbye and walk out of your life.

Now your battery has died and the power has been cut,
You finally notice me walking on by.
You think I really do like him, but he does not even notice me,
With that woman and a ring on his hand.
You have missed out on love
And it was all just because,
You were connected to your mobile phone, not this man.
So you never had the chance to connect to romance,
Or the love that I know you could have had.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Monkey In A Tree

I am a monkey sat way up in a tree,

Looking down on humanity.

You wish you could climb up here and be as high as me;

But you have evolved so much, you’ve begun to decrease.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Monkey, Monkey : Part One

Monkey, monkey, climbing up a tree,
Eating a banana, or laughing at your friends ***.
Monkey, monkey, with your friends and family.
Monkey, monkey, you’re so happy and free.

Monkey, monkey, chewing on a leaf.
Monkey, monkey, swinging through the trees.
Monkey, monkey, your so hairy.
Monkey, monkey, you live in bliss.

Monkey, monkey, you look so funny;
Monkey, monkey, you’ve got such a happy grin.
Monkey, monkey, you’re so cheeky;
But now little monkey, you’ve been caught by me.

Monkey, monkey, don’t fear me;
Monkey, monkey, stop screaming!
Monkey, monkey, worried about losing your family;
Monkey, monkey, you’re no longer free.

Monkey, monkey, welcome to the zoo, your sanctuary;
Monkey, monkey, imprisoned by me.
Monkey, monkey, you will make me wealthy;
Monkey, monkey, you will make me happy.

Monkey, monkey, you’re there for them to see;
Monkey, monkey, behind bars sat in your tire swing.
Monkey, monkey, why aren’t you happy?
Monkey, monkey, do something!

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Monkey, Monkey : Part Three

There’s a monkey living by the sea with me
And I love this little monkey, he, he.
He is so funny every time I hear him squeak;
He sings out aloud so freely and he lives in a tree.

My little monkey is so funny and funky;
When I’m ****** out of my tree, he sleeps next to me.
I roll on the floor and he jumps onto me;
But he scratches me, like he is scratching a flea, from his hairy skin.

Slowly, slowly catchy monkey; set my monkey’s free.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Monkey Monkey : Part Two

Apes are our equals,
So set free our people!
Let them find the freedom they have never had.
Let them live once more in paradise.  
Treat them as you would a man.

The chimpanzee is just like me.
I think I’m related to the monkey in this theory.
So set the Baboon free!
Plant a tree!

Build a home and tear down your zoo.
Let my people be with their own;
Not just here to entertain you.
The monkey mind is the equal of mine,
They have such ingenuity.
The monkey mind is free, compared to mine,
So set my people free!

Lock us up in your cages, or let us become free.
Let us be free to ***, wherever we please.
In this concrete jungle of yours, we can no longer await death.
We can no longer live here, in such a filthy mess.

Set the monkey free from captivity!
Let it do as it wishes and it will make itself happy.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Mood swings.

First thing in the morning,
I want to sing I love you to the world.
By the mid-afternoon, I wish it would rain atom bombs.

By the evening, I follow a horizontal mood path
And pray to fall asleep, before midnight,
When my depression I know will come back.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Dec 2018

Upon this death I see before me,
Four stood soldiers waiting patiently.
Beneath my feet I guess there could be,
An empty space of contemplation.
I built this place for only my eyes to see.
I come here occasionally when I need a vacation.

I am bound to watch the day pass.
I plead ignorance with such sincerity.
Because I stole a broach, apparently, in the past,
I am tied to the mast, by the quarter mast.
Nobody believes in me and as the sun burns my eyes,
I cannot close them for they hold no water inside.
The lid upon my soul is dry,
But I am yet to truly sink into the depths of my subconscious.
I can still hear them talking all their meaningless phrases,
Sounding like a thousand drunken babies,
As I honorably sink deeper into the abyss.

Communication breakdown, silence of the ages,
And all is but a single drop in the ocean; gone are all the praises.
This life of mine hangs in the balance and from the rafters.
I would not jest simply for the amusement of laughter.
With a face of iron, I am all done a-lying.
Stoically I still proclaim to tell the truth from upon high,
For soon I will be dying.

And then I spot the villainous rake,
And all of his duplicitous, surreptitious plots,
That wrap around their feeble minds,
Like the coil of a snake’s tail; their will is soon gone.
So they follow him into the darkness so blind;
Tongue tastes like dust from the burning sunshine.
It intoxicates all the other ship mates into seeing guilty.
Through all their mistakes they have misjudged me.

I am not, nor have I ever been, an infallible being,
But I was never ever seen to steal anything.
I never truly took, because I never truly looked, deep into the chest.
They ripped out my heart in search of plunder through contempt.
Now I stand here lost and all alone;
Shattered through not only a lack of food, but my lost home,
Has been taken from me, by those who would lie.
Why try to enlighten those who will not hear my side?

If I ever speak of this tale again,
Then you should know, I know your face, for it caused me this pain,
And on the day when we come to rest upon the shore,
Or even if we sink, slowly to the ocean floor;
I will remember all you took from me and I will rise with rage.

My silver piece, my one of eight,
They stole it from me and tossed it into the silver plate.
The trust of my shipmates broken this day,
When the end truly comes I will rise again.
I will point a solitary finger in only your direction,
And you will have to look away to hide your guilty expression;
But I never mentioned, just left them guessing.
We are all dead men walking, this death is a blessing.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

The more you write, the more you will be able to write.
The more you do, the easier it will be to do.
The more you try, the less you will need to try.
The more you read, the more you will write.
The more you hear, the more you will be able to see.
This is my way to write poetry.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Morning is broken.

Electric blue; suffocate my words.
Drowning like a fish, gasping for air.
The hole I will lie in is golden on the outside.
I have no life, I have no time; I have no chance to care.

Underwater bubbles never float into the sky.
Pressure cooker, need a cuddle, beauty begins inside the eyes.

Rip my head apart, I have a cavity;
Unclear to see all three degrees.
I only eat rice from a chessboard.
Skinny love; I overfeed.
You are just a dream to me, I imagine.
Methinks no drink from a grail can remedy.
I am ok without;
I am ok within.
I am ok with you.
I think.

Lizard tongues whisper fables to all with ears.
I have no gun, I have no mouth; I have no choice to speak or to hear.
I suffer in silence as I lie amongst the Guns ‘n’ Roses;
Plant my corpse alongside the mourning plants.
I am done picking flowers and my arm is already full of POEsies.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Mother Earth

Mother Nature gave birth to our world,
So we thanked her for the wood
And complained when it rained.

We’ve only just begun to burn,
Mother nature’s twigs.
We only need the trunks and tusks today;
You can leave the rest for the vultures and the natives.

Burn these trees, they are in our way.
That bird just crapped on me!
Thanks a lot Mother Nature.
He, he.

Move out all the animals, put them in a zoo.
Empty the jungle of life, so the bulldozers can get through.
Shoot them if they get in the way, no-one’s bullet proof.
Hey look!  A monkey!  Let’s shoot it with pollution…Shame on you!

Did you hear about Sam?
I know!  He got torn up;
By that thorny bush and that tigers lunge.
Mother Nature.  She never thinks of us;
While we work **** hard,
To bulldoze her jungles.

Mother Earth indeed!
She doesn’t care about us…
Her Destroyers.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
Mothers shouldn’t cry.

Hello Nan, I’m sorry I wasn’t there enough.
I miss you; God how I miss your love.
I try and try, but I just mess things up;
My heads becoming unglued, how do I carry on?

It’s all over the place, what’s forward or back?
Confusion falls all around us, what’s up with my head?
This can’t be real, come on your having a laugh;
I must be dreaming, am I still in bed?

It’s no dream, it’s the truth.  She’s dead and she’s gone;
She’s floating up above, to Heaven; her new home.
She’s been there all your life, from the moment you were born;
But she won’t be there to comfort you,
Through the grieving my Son.

Remember her best moments,
Like her cooking when you came home;
Remember the good times, not just this bad moment.
Remember the things, she taught us about life;
Remember her loving you, when you were just a child.

Always wanting the best for you,
But disappointed when we failed.
She could get angry sometimes,
But she could also make us smile.
You were like the Godfather, or Godmother of the family.
Without your guidance, where will we be?

Lost and confused, not really believing this is real;
Being forced to accept that you are not here; this is surreal.
I thought you’d live forever.  Not you; you can’t go;
Seeing all my life in an instant,
Wishing you were here for your Grandson.
Like you always have been, the permanent star.
Guiding us, leading the way for us;
Shining brightest for us all.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

I have been carrying a planet on my back for so long, it’s still trying;
Because every time I make it to near the top of Mount Mind,
I am destroyed; taken from mine.
A seed falls from a leaf,
As a once upon a time witness,
To the being that was, or is, or could be me.

I am stood here waiting for a reason to carry on;
But I cannot carry a world when I stand alone as one.
So I will share my burdens with you all;
Help me to help another, or help another,
If you hear them call.
We all need good neighbours,
I must get to know mine,
But time flies!

People lose belief in everything,
Shaded beneath the mango tree.
Nothing even matters anyway; right?
I just cannot see a way into the light.
I cannot motivate, nor can I hate,
When all I feel is in view for you to rate.
I cannot motivate myself to improve my health;
I need help to find a better way to leave this Hell.
Eating better, but still smoking;
I would laugh, but I’m not joking.

Fictional love behind the steering wheel.
Driving force in need of being healed.
We begin again too many times to make a difference.
Waiting on your world too many times to be of any consequence.
I took control of my own life,
By taking down the fences.
Waiting on your world to change.
Your TV no longer shows happy days,
When I am in need of being mended.

Waiting on a world,
Whilst I am trapped inside your zoo.
Without loving words we will remain as two,
When we should be as one;
Not gone.
One thought, one mind;
A sign of the times should shine.

Sing the sad tunes and remain in the dunes;
The claws in your back has not and will not be removed.
Skin too tough to ever be just right.
Life is our basic instinct.
The caged minds hide all their sunlight.
One move, one fall and all this goes away;
Away into eternal night.
This is no time for wishful thinking.
This is the only chance I have to live this life.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

Who’s to say what’s meant to be, when everything is wrong?
Who’s to tell me what to do and how to write a song?
Who are you to think you know me?  You are so far gone!
Drink your drink and fail to think and I will stand as one.

You want to fight, because I am right and you will never be.
You think you can convince me to think like you do,
But that ain’t happening.
Put me down with stolen words;
An intelligent thought without the feel.
Keep on talking, I am still walking,
Away from all the negativity, you wish you could force me to think.

I have no feeling towards you, because we are on different plains;
You are so far beneath anything I could ever fall down to,
So in a hole I will leave you and below you will remain.
You shout at me, because I will not talk any louder,
Because you just cannot understand me and you have nothing to say.

You cannot hear the words that I speak,
Because you are so cool and I am just a geek;
But still I see through that hollow thing you call a soul
And I have already been there
And done all the things, that you wish and say that you did.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Moving on

I’ve got a heart that is made of gold;
It’s buried deep and it’s all that I know.
I’ve followed my heart to the end of the Earth
And all I got was this lousy t-shirt.

I keep moving on to another place;
Another name, another face,
Another love that will fade one day
And when we fall out of love I will begin again.

I haven’t got enough time to throw it all away,
But their love is always searching for a brand new face.
I’m only here so they can remember feeling good;
I’m their stepping stone, from single life to true love.

No part of love will I become,
Because to me love is a stranger and it ain’t no fun.
Nobody wants to have my love,
So I guess I’ll just keep on moving on.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Mar 2019
MP3 guaranteed

I tore a hole into the darkness,
Found the presents, gonna regret this.
No surprises, faking selfies,
Happy families, searching memories.

Painting photo’s in the cosmos,
Letting go of red balloons.
Coming soon to your television room,
3D TV, dumb-watches, MP3 and digital zoom.

Whatever you tweet is not my concern.
Forward in time, mobile internet burns.
One last threshold ready to cross,
Sign your name on the dot, dot, dot.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Mr. and Mrs. Misery

Mrs. Misery, I’m hating this.
Mr. Misery, I’m faking it.
Mrs. Misery, for the sake of the kids,
Can we just not put an end to this?

Mrs. Misery, you’re just like me; admit it.
Can we just end our misery and escape from this pit?
Just for the sake of a little bliss,
Can we not just put an end to this world of misery?

Tear the baby from the Devil’s grip,
Save yourself before you get used to it.
You don’t want to live your life like this,
Wallowing alone in your own self-pity.

Speak the truth to someone else
And you will begin to see.
They are not all bad, it is true;
They are just a little crazy.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Feb 2020
Mr. Muscle

You might not lead a revolution,
But maybe you could inspire a change.
You might not lead a righteous life,
But every dog has its day.
You might not know the meaning of life,
But maybe your life will have meaning.
You might not understand your dreams,
But still we keep on dreaming.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Mr. Nobody

I am without a voice, in a world of decay,
Because I cannot say why things have turned out this way.
I am without a name, because today,
I am an unknown nobody without a face.

Nobody knows Mr. Nobody,
Because I am still nothing without your empathy.
I am without doubt the last on the list,
Of the kids who made it.
Success?  I gave it a miss.

Fade into obscurity to find a place of security.
A voiceless speaker; a muted T.V.
A picture of youth, a forgotten memory;
I never became all I wanted to be so I am still Mr. Nobody.

I have had an out of body experience.
I look down on myself with such contempt.
I wish myself away to a faraway place, so I can forget;
But nothing becomes of the hope’s I cannot hold inside my head.

The knives in my back are holding me back
And slowing me down, by bursting my bubble.
The wishes I had, only ever left me feeling bad,
Because love is too detached from the life that I lead
And it seems to be so unattainable.

Give me your love, so I can compare it to mine.
Your love is a sun beam and still I outshine,
Because I am a sign; the guide says I have a beautiful mind
And I am clearing all the broken heart land mines,
That will all explode given enough time.

Footsteps slip when we fail to kiss
And we are gone to become a nothing, when we should find our bliss.
Mr. Nobody cares, because it seems nobody cares,
About Mr. Nobody and why he stands there with that hopeless stare.

Searching for a real love, waiting on a friend.
Wishing to find a heart that will not deceive, or break; but bend.
A heart of steel to match his heart of stone;
I am a solid, truthful, oath writer,
Who vows to never become a broken bond…
This is why I remain alone.

Words are just lovely when we are feeling bubbly,
But lately I hate me, so the only word I like is misery.
We want to be happy, but only they can be;
We are destined to despair for eternity.

Scared of the world and scared of falling in love.
I will bury myself inside a room full of books.
No-one will come looking, because there is nobody left to care;
But in words I will be comforted by a dream of fresh air.

Stuffed into a book is a spell to free me from this prison,
So I chant the words aloud and I am transported to an island.
A fantasy land; a place to escape from the realism.
A place I can pretend to be visiting, but I will be staying until the end.

No wish to turn back and head towards what I had before;
This land of fiction is my only way out,
So put me back on the shelf, or leave me in a draw.
Let me stay inside this book, so I can hide from you all,
Because you are all so proud and mighty
And Mr. Nobody is so insignificant and his voice is so small.

An unknown voice whispers up from down below.
Hello?  Can you hear me?  I am without hope,
Down here in the dirt, hiding in these shadows;
But if you just pass me a glance and see the heart that I hold,
Maybe you could see me and take me into your heart.
Maybe you could love me…
Who knows?

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Mr. Sensitive

I’m so sensitive to her needs.
I’m so sensitive, I can’t believe,
That she is really going out with me,
When I am such a dweeb.

She is so beautiful and sensitive.
She is so sensitive and sweet to me.
She is so wonderful, I can’t believe,
That she is such a dweeb.

She’s a dweeb, yeah, but she is all mine.
She’s a dweeb in need and you know she’s right.
She’s a complete dweeb and she’s out of her mind;
This lovely dweeb is this nerd’s sunshine.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
Mr Whoever Invented My Keyboard

The stupidest thing ever invented
Is the power button on my keyboard.

Hours and hours of smoking and playing, lost to a mistake.  
I knocked it off the bed and lost it all!
You’re joking!

Well I agree with you then,
This invention is ludicrous.
Hey Mr. Whoever-Invented-My-Keyboard!
You’re an ****!
So shove this keyboard back up yourself!

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019
Muddy memory

Blood, sweat and tears, in exchange for notes.
Improve your situation, or have a smoke.
Try to relax your bad back at home.
Yesterday is already lost to ‘where did it all go?’

I lost the whole week and all I feel is weak.
Making money; got to fill this *** with honey.
Got to strive, staying alive!  Got to thrive.
Trying hard to buy a life.

Bought and sold is all I owned.
All is worthless when I am unknown.
Hundred films I am yet to watch.
I have no idea of the price of this priceless watch.

Nine Inch Nails engraved upon my wrist.
Suffering is the purest bliss.
Misery is right here with me,
Holding me tightly, suffocating me endlessly.
Oh how I love the misery.
It gives me focus, hocus, pocus, alakazam!
Breathing fire in a mystery van.
Cruising along to Dead Crows songs,
Along the road which just goes on and on and on and on...

Into darkness, seeking the freeway.
Loved to rock since back in the day.
Grew up with a guitar in my head,
Now I walk with The Walking Dead.
Station is stuck in a rut,
Driving on through puddles of mud.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

Music is today’s poetry.  This is still our hour.
Music lets us become free from all the grind of power.
Music makes us fall in love with a moment in time.
Music is a memory; words are made to rhyme.

People need to dance and at the end, clap their hands.
Music helps us say those words,
When we are without a way to make you understand.
Beneath balconies we stand, with a ghetto blaster in our hands.
It’s raining, it’s pouring, so come on down and dance.

The modern day poet is a wannabee lyricist.
The modern day artisan produces music.
Music creates muses, because that’s what music truly is;
An collective event where nobody loses.

The sound of a song will be loved by someone
And the classics never miss; they reach out to everyone.
If it hits, then it’s a hit.
If it misses, then just forget it.
If you can’t, then it starts to become a repetitive, repetitive.
You hear it so many times, you still don’t like it, but you sing it
And in the end, you don’t mind anymore…
Sure; go ahead and play it on repeated.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Musically yours

I can hear a lyre,
Singing behind the fire.
Liar, liar, pants on fire;
The Devil is a guitar hero and he lives down in the mire.

Music tells you what to think
And allows you to think for yourself at the same time.
Music allows me to say what I mean,
So this is why I write words that rhyme.

It's like splitting an atom;
What's yours becomes mine and I hope I blow a mind.
I had better write a song before the thought is gone,
Before I bid you goodbye with a peace sign.

As flames dance up and down in the mist,
A thought sparks into life.
Who is the demon?  The man or the myth?
Dancing in the bushes; dancing in the night.

Bushido fighter, samurai;
As time goes by I hear a tune.
Like a sword swiping through a jungle vine,
The words sink into my soul and wash away my pain and I am anew.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
My destiny.

Never known someone like you,
Never really knew I wanted to,
Until I saw you there.

Never been one to try,
Try and try as I might;
I found it hard to care.

But you came into my life
And changed everything for me.
Now it’s so easy for me to see,
You are the only one that I need.

You are everything to me.
You are my destiny.

(C)2015 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
My Elegy

What are we, but dust in the wind,
A single grain of sand, upon a beach.
The merest speck of light,
In the great sun’s dazzling rays.
A mere moment, in eternity,
A mere second, in a life time.

For today we are here,
Then tomorrow we are gone.
So remember to live life to the fullest
And capture and taste every sweet moment.
For they are few and far between,
But we remember them, as remarkable things.
But unfortunately for us,
They don't happen very often.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
My Everlove.

With your hands over my eyes, I am left to surmise,
That I will never again be alone.
With my soul in your light, I will forever be able to shine,
Because I stand at your side with pride;
My heart has found its home.

When the darkness appears, you banish it all away.
Your breath on my neck, those words that you say,
Allow me to be.
I am waiting on peace.
With your arms around me, my troubles all drift away.

The world fades away, we become one being.
Dreaming of seeing you again;
You give my life new meaning.
You are my reason to work even harder,
To write for longer,
To become stronger;
To become the epitome of me.
The best I can be.
You raise my spirits and release me;
I am free.

You are what I believe in
And when I see you I have to grin.
You force me to smile with your absence of guile.
Only truth spoken, pledges unbroken,
Trustworthy words; breathing emotions.

I want to breathe you into my heart.
I want to inhale your love,
Because I love all that you are…

You shall forever be My Everlove.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
My Everything.

Your eyes are your soul,
Your secrets they hide.
I’m lying here dreaming,
That you are my wife.

I’m wondering why,
The tears must be cried.
For us to accept that,
We are lovers for life.

Can we not just agree, that you love me,
As much as I love you?
Can we agree to disagree?
I’d really like us to.

In fact I’d like us to wed,
I’d like to live with you until I am dead
And gone; but not forgotten,
A love like this must not be allowed to go rotten.

I’d like to say you’re beautiful,
But that is not enough.
I’d like to say I love you,
But that doesn’t do this feeling justice.
So instead I’ll simply say how I see it,
My love, my lover, my life, my everything.

You to me are beautiful, ****, gorgeous,
Fantastic in bed and all together worth it.
Passionate and hot, with a ***** mind.
Amazing to touch, but heartbreaking if I were blind.

For I could no longer look you in the eyes,
I could never see between your beautiful thighs.
I would never see your beautiful face,
But if I could still hold you, then anything I could take.

For hugging you is heavenly.
Kissing you is divine.
Lying in bed next to you is what I’ve waited for all my life.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
My faithful love

I will have it,
Because Women will love it.

Love will forever **** you!
But still I lay down my life for love.

I may never find a wife…
But at least I’ve still got my good bud.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
My favourite dream.

Even in a daze, I can still picture your face;
Every day, I know I am moving the right way.
Without a doubt, I will never just walk away;
You make my Monday blues, turn into lazy Sunday’s.

Wish to see me and I will be there at your side;
Pray for me, when I have lost my way, from time to time.
When the sun is gone, I will kiss you goodnight;
You are my love, you are my muse and you are my morning sunshine.

If we are using bitter words, we will never advance;
I will speak a beautiful truth to you, if you give me the chance.
I will help you fly so high, if you just hold onto my hand.
If you have the time, I would like to show you my master plan.

You are in all my best memories; you remind me of being happy.
You are a sight for sore eyes and the only one I want to see.
If the world only knew you, they would know my reason to be.
You’re my lover, you’re my beautiful; you are my empathy’s release.

In a mixed up mind, you are my missing jigsaw piece.
I want to keep your love inside my heart;
You make me whole, my perfect fit.
When I am in your arms, I am at my place of peace;
So I will kiss you goodnight and as I do,
You will remain my favourite dream.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
My final line

The sky is black, the curtains have been closed.
I have lost all the love in the world; so empty; so alone.
The lights are turned out, the heating is off.
It was once so bright and warm here,
But now all that was and all my dreams are lost.

I am without a hope; nothing to see.
Everything gone; broken pieces.
The clock has stopped,
My world no longer spins;
Time is at an end and there will be no more beginning.
I pray for reincarnation, but I am without faith.
The only emotions I had, like my hair, they are all fading to grey.

The roots have cracked,
The branches have snapped,
The leaves have fallen,
The trunk is under attack,
From the cells inside;
No light shines from my eyes.

I can no longer smile, this is my final mile.
At the end of a short race,
I could never keep up with the pace.
My pacemaker heart needs another kick-start.
Hook me up with love;
Do you have her number?
Tell her I am going soon and this is no rumour.

But if she wants to be loved for a moment in time,
Then she should let me know if she wants to be loved,
Before I read my final line…

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
My final love

The final drips of the love in my blood,
Have gone into never; never to be seen again.
I have waited a life-time for someone to love,
But I have nothing left to give to a search forever in-vain.

I have climbed the mountains of obstacles,
That stood between me and my saving grace.
I have dived into the depths of my soul through endless waves.
I have searched every star for a light to show the way,
But there is darkness, there is emptiness, there is nothing but rain.

My heart was born broken and I have been forever shattered.
I have no happiness left inside of me, nor tears left to cry.
I have this ability to write a few thousand rhymes,
Not that it even matters;
So while I wait for extinction, I will write ten thousand new lines.

Hopefully soon I will reach the land;
I have already been banished from the gene pool,
For being a fool, but a fool for love never learns, until it is too late.
Since day 1 I have always wanted a wife and a kid to raise,
But now all I want is to reach sky high
And pluck every star from the universe,
Just to show you my curse.  Fade to grey.

The words I use are meaning less and less and less.  
Bad things comes in three’s,
On a daily basis for me.  
Keep your pity.
I only jest.

For eternity I suffer, so I will at least suffer gladly.
Say what you want;
It will be no worse than what I already think about me.
I am the endless stink; a stain on existence.
I pollute your illusions,
As I destroy my life…
Long live the delusions; love is a pretense has already been said,
So let’s pretend that it exists and is not just another lie.
Feed the fantasy, create a mythology;
You have to take a blind leap of faith into love,
So you cannot see the reality.

You all seem to carry your fake love in a handbag.
Your hand-grenade adultery,
And to adultery, only thanks.
You have made me see the realities of this thing called love.
Love is pathetic.  As pathetic as me?
Almost, but nothing is quite that bad.  
When is life good?

Love is a dream for the sad, to stop them going crazy;
I am driving this life-force over the edge, daily,
Because it doesn’t even matter if e=mc2!
All I find is the emptiness of space, death sounds so final;
I have spent a life-time so unaware.
With age we learn to be prepared.
I am nobodies equal.

A kiss to bliss;
A fading eternity;
The bottom of the rabbit hole,
I am forever falling down.
A thud and I am gone;
Didn’t even get to play my requested song.
Nor did I ever get to put on a crown.

You can take my soul for free,
It is so extremely worthless.
I have no thoughts left as I lie here in my dead-bed.
I am more useless,
Than the promise you solemnly made in a white dress.
I am guilty, of believing.  Off with his head!

One final thought for you all;
Forget about me…

Peace, love and empathy.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
My friend

In a land without beginning, I cannot think about the end.
In a world where I should have been winning, I could only pretend.
I cannot deceive you now and tell you that I have no gift;
I cannot lie to you now and say I have nothing to give.
I have to give you my words, so you can see the real me.
I am love, I am yours; I am more than just a poetic piece.

If Heaven came calling and I was never seen again,
Would I have left a good impression upon this world?
I hope you have been affected by the words that I say,
Because if I am taken or even if I am forsaken,
Then all that would be left to do was leave your mind behind to twirl.

We are all here for a reason and my reason is this;
Born to write, half the time, the rest I spend being in love.
If we cast aside our desires, then would we even have lived?
Love is my passion, it drives me forward and it stops me giving up.

I have said I am nothing, but something I am.
I could claim to tell the truth
And you could claim I am an impostor,
Or I could simply share my thoughts with you.
I could have kept silent, but I chose to stand;
Nothing is given, you must earn it and so that is what I will do.

No dramatics or lies, just blood, sweat and tears.
My books are growing, my words multiplying and I am but a pen.
As each night falls and each sun rises, I am slipping through the years.
But on the last day, on my grave it will say…
He was a poet, a lover and my friend.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
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