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Aa Harvey Apr 2018
My garden

Bright white lights, shine in the night;
Lighting up the blackened sky.
A single pool in the calmness of space;
Some stories say he has a face.
His moonlight shines upon us
And lights up all my man made grace.

The flowers I planted beneath the old oak tree,
Have no need of false light, to be seen.
For nature has no need to be nurtured;
It's a natural beauty that has already been created
And cannot be improved, for it has already been perfected.
Its genealogy has no need to be altered.

It's strange to see the pool in the sky,
Shining upon the pond I bought to life.
To see the fish swim in their world,
Not knowing of the land they will never walk upon.
The birds on the fence, the fish may never see;
May one day take their life and end their forgotten dreams.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
My heart alone to break.

I cannot see the signs, so tell me; let me know.
I cannot see how you feel in time to stop you needing to go.
I only wish I could serenade you, but that can never be.
I only wish that you could one day love me,
But that is only fantasy.

The reality is I am not good enough to be loved by somebody so fine.
The truth is mine, the secret heart I hide.
These feelings I keep, deep down inside,
Will forever stop me from being with the woman I truly like.
I cannot, I never will, I couldn’t speak the words;
Those that only my heart can create.
I wish I could, I really want to,
But I only have dreams that break.

In the end, love is just pretend.
Nothing based on anything more than illusion.
So I remain without a girlfriend,
Existing inside a delusion.

One way love does not exist.
It takes two to kiss.
My heart alone to forever break.
Do you even notice?
I fall alone to shatter into pieces;
Regrets are all I have left, as you are my lost witness.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019
My last hope.

In a world of death and chaos, you are a sunbeam.
In a war against the senses, you are serene.
In another midnight of madness, you are our last hope.
In a land without true love, you stand with the many, as one.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
My last witness.

Let my body hit the floor;
I can’t take it anymore.
My whole life-time I have been at war;
I can’t take it anymore.

Everybody wants to fight;
What is wrong?  What is right?
All I want to do is write,
But everybody wants a piece of my life.

Sinners come and sinners go;
Everybody feels alone.
What’s so good about your phone?
Let them fall and let them go.

Burn it down and start again;
My fixation is the pain.
Nobody is all the same;
Parts come undone, then they are gone!

Punch a wall and break it down;
Fools become surrounded by clowns.
Oh my God I hate this town!
All love dies, so let it go!

Love is war and will destroy;
She’s a girl and I’m a boy.
Fools for love will feel joy,
But love will tears us apart, in the end!

Life is so hard to take;
As tears fall I feel my heart break.
Why can I alone never feel safe?
Every day is exactly the same.

I am in pieces;
Words are meaningless.
All the wrong choices,
Have become my only memories.

My last witness,
Lacks forgiveness.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2019
My liar

I need you to give yourself to me completely.
Anything less and we will not make it last.
I need you to have only one lover and it can only be me;
If you want me to love you and to give you all I have.

I need you to need me, like I need to want your body.
If you do not feel the same way,
Then there are plenty of other men out there for you;
Leave me to remain a nobody.

But if you think you want me to be your burning desire,
Then tell me
And be with me.
Be the fuel to loves Molotov cocktail
And the ignition that makes me glow;
Be the spark to my inferno.
Be the match to my forest fire.
Be the inspiration to my wishes,
But never be my liar.

Be honest with me
And you will have me as yours;
But I will always keep one eye upon the exit door.
For I will be gone if you decide to test our bond;
Love is fragile, so treat it kindly, or it will be gone.
I am fully committed to leaving, or love
And all it has to give.
But I will not stand still, to be knocked down,
By a cheat who cannot be true to their promise.

One chance only, to stay faithful, truly.
I am one step from leaving, so do not disappoint me.
If you cannot be truthful and truly stay faithful,
Then I will be gone and our love will die like a blown out candle.

Passionate about being passionate,
But not willing to take a chance, through fear of regret.
Honestly, I just cannot take another hit of a liar’s carbon;
I have inhaled enough false roses to build myself a fake garden.

I am alone, because love left me to my dreams;
But nightmares are true memories of what real love is.
So love me or lose me,
The choice is yours; so choose now.
Here is my soul;
Here is my heart.
Here is my mind…
So tell me; are you in…
Or are you out?

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
My Love

Did I ever show you my favourite place?
And did you ever notice the smile on my face,
When you came back to me, after you’d been away?
It was complete relief that you’d come back again.

If I ever hurt you deep inside
And you hid the tears I made you cry,
Then my lady I apologise;
But I hope you’ll know that I never lied.

And you’ll never know what you mean to me
And you’ll never know why I let you go
And you’ll never know why you must be set free;
From me, my love and all my sorrow.

True to you, even when feeling blue;
My silence only ever hid the truth.
Those things I couldn’t say to you;
For I feared you’d leave me, then what would I do?

When you held my hand I felt warm inside.
I’m complete when I have you at my side.
You’re the only one in whom I can confide,
But without you girl, my heart would surely die.

And you’ll never know what you mean to me
And you’ll never know why I let you go
And you’ll never know why you must be set free;
From me, my love and all my sorrow.

But now you’ve gone away, I’m a hollow boy;
My comfort blanket has been destroyed.
They’ve taken away my favourite toy.
Now the tears continue to fall like rain;
I can no longer feel any joy.

So I sit here staring at the wall,
With a lack of empathy for this world;
For my love is gone.  I can’t go on anymore.
So I’ll say goodbye to my one and only love.
We could have been so much more…

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
My love song.

This is my love song,
For you and you only.
Even if all I do is wrong,
You would still be right for me.

I want to love you more,
Than anyone has before.
Come on and hold me close,
For you I would simply adore.

This is my love song, for you my beautiful.
This is my love song, for you are truly wonderful.
All my love; all my love;
You have, all my love, for you are beautiful.

Kiss me on the lips,
Because your touch I miss.
I love your everything;
My angel you are priceless.

This is my love song,
For you and you only.
Even if all I do is wrong,
You would still be right for me.

This is my love song, for you my beautiful.
This is my love song, for you are truly wonderful.
All my love; all my love;
You have, all my love, for you are beautiful.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
My Medusa

Throwing words away into the ether,
In search of a seeker.
Did you meet her?  Have you seen her?
Does she still believe the holes in her net are catching no suitor?

My Medusa is caught in a mirror.
A reflection of her former self; from sweet heart to sinner.
Now cast in stone are her army of lovers,
All standing proud, never moving on;
Trapped inside her thoughts forever,
Deep in their endless slumber; never completely gone.

All memories compared to me;
All seem to win eventually.
Surrounded by snakes; her endless din,
Are screaming at me, to go on, leave!

But love is my shield,
I trust in her virtue.
I must confess the way she makes me feel;
I must suggest a rendezvous.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Mar 2019
My mental ******

My mental ****** sends shivers down my spine.
Don’t speak that word again…It will send me blind.
You are still speaking to me, after saying that word.
I can’t hear you right now.  I’m in Heaven and it’s all a blur.

My body is tingling in anticipation.
Will she speak another word as seductively attractive?
Or will she just leave me in peace, so I can enjoy this?
This pure contentment.  This pure bliss.

This feeling of unadulterated ecstasy,
To be found in her word.
She is still talking and looking,
As I drift through my Heavenly mind field.

Thinking of a context, in which this word would work best.
I shall not think of it again…yet.
I shall simply put it to the back of my mind.
It is filed under ‘******’ and its secrets are mine.

For she clearly doesn’t see the effect she has on me.
Please do not say that word again, yet.  I have had my release.
My jaw dropped open and I let out a sigh.
She spoke.  I gasped.  I messed up my best line.

I was going to tell her, she is so beautiful;
But the words didn’t get past the nerves.  
It’s a little uncomfortable.
Being so close to a Goddess;
But not being able to touch.
So I shall leave now and hope another word,
Can add such fire to my lust.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
My missing piece.

Sometimes I’m crying ******* the inside;
I’ve been thinking about you running through my head,
From time to time.

And if you can hear me, I’m here for you
And all that I hope for is that you can hear me.
I hope to have just one more chance to see you smile
And one more chance to tell you, I love you, my missing piece.

If we make it through,
All the crazy days will fade
And we can start anew;
Because we both deserve the truth.

Just one more shot at love,
Just one more look.
Surely after what we had together,
We can learn from our mistakes and once more share a hug.

Yeah, we could find us, at last;
We could make each other happy again and forget our painful past.
Do you remember that September?
When our love had just begun to bloom.
The rain was falling down all around us,
As we sat inside our own cloud, speaking only truth's.

I found you up in Heaven and we stood together as one;
Underneath our own personal sun
And then we built our own little connection;
The two people will merge and never see another separation.

Nothing can truly take away what we were;
For I could never have become Him, without Her.
We are both just two pieces of one love
And we have waited far too long to meet again,
So this is no time for us to be giving up.

It was written on my bones,
Like the writing that runs all the way through a Blackpool rock.
The whole way down, deep inside is written your name.
It’s never faded from my memory
And you have never faded from my view of what we lost.

It just got complicated and caused us so much pain,
But now you must surely realise, that you and I are nothing without love
And without you to love, I will never smile again.

You are a star sign from up above;
All knowing, all seeing, everything I need to find love.
I guess I’ve got a touch of the love bug,
Because I am still infatuated
And can never be sated,
By any other imposter;
A failure to love her.

A failure to function without the lover I had once hated.
We crashed apart, when we should have crashed into each other;
I crashed upon the shore, a wreck, when I lost you my lover.

I need you in my brain, because you flow through my veins;
You have always been a part of me.
When all is darkness inside my head, you shine a light ahead
And I can take all the love that you have to give,
Because you give me such clarity.

You and I until the end.
When the walls are gone, we move as one; on that you can depend.
We are Siamese, indeed!  So we can once more find our way.
Stuck to each other like a wife handcuffed to a husband in chains.

We are committed to a love that is free;
I never stole your heart, because you gave it to me freely.
Pretty in pink, perfection is priceless.
You are my snowball effect and my love only increases
And nothing less, could pass the love test.

We were building a new life;
We spoke of giving birth to another and raising a child
And whilst I am so stupid and so fearful for the fragile,
With you I believe that anything could be possible.

So overwhelming, this love;
I have never questioned where your love comes from,
My beautiful gift from God.

So listen carefully, right now;
Because this is our time and this is our last chance to dance.
There is no reason to ruin a destined love.
We are united as one; we should be together at last.

Some people come and go and they can go,
But it is only with you that I have ever felt truly at home.
Never divided; not a chance.
Our love is the only love, so far above all others,
So much more than it was; just a fleeting romance.

Your natural beauty suits me;
I wear you on my sleeve, on my heart and on my mind.
So if you can hear me, then I will say this clearly…
I love you and no other will I ever want or need.
I am all yours; do you want to be mine?

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
My most beautiful Muse

To my most beautiful Muse,
We are yet to meet, but I see through,
Your pain; for it is clear to hear,
Within your most delicate of words.

So softly spoken,
With no need for reaction.
Simply speaking the truth,
About this undeniable attraction.

This connection between us.
I see words pour between us and from us.
All around the world, love becomes much clearer to see;
To all of us,
And the love of lust, this thing brings to us,
Proves that love is the greatest of all aphrodisiacs,
That are known to us.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
My nameless love

I could fall deeper and deeper into your eyes for a lifetime.
As I stare into you, I feel truly alive.
With each passing moment,
We are each only wasting such precious time.
We should be together, we exchange glances,
We dance around each other’s feelings, acting like we are alright…

…but all is still wrong, if I have never spoken those words;
I must confess my soul speaks volumes, never seen, never heard
And inside all my thoughts I keep finding your image.
Allow me to love you and I will forever see your love as a privilege.

Let love’s choir raise the roof!  
The two of us could have found somebody to be true to.
But with love there are no definite answers,
Until your hand has been shown;
Has your heart already been enraptured?

With breathless words, I try to speak.
With forgotten gestures, I remain so weak.
With distant wishes, it is always you that I seek,
But still I am this geek; blessed are the meek.
Please share with me what it is you foresee.

Can you picture me holding your hand,
As the world moves all around us, a loss to all plans?
A break in the code,
A glitch in the system.
Lovers swear an oath which has no need to be written.
These promises are to be made, for love never truly fades.
Is this real love or not?  Are we lips to the grave?
We could become all we each could ever need.
My maiden, oh so fair.  Do you too need to be saved?

Let us each shout!  “I want you bad!”
Give me the gift of true love, the likes of which I have never had.
A love that lasts; an unbroken pact.
An oath or bond never broken;
Cure me of my sad.

Light up my heart with your star, set fire to my passion.
I am burning for you, my theatrical attraction.
My muse, my actress, my play on words…
My nameless love.
Let Aa be the bee to your bird.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
My Poetess

Rain fall, close the doors,
Keep us safe inside with the warmth.
Love is found within your flaws.
Dream a dream and it will be yours.

Timeless, try your best;
Do not forget what they all said.
Priceless is the heart inside your chest;
Not many people can truly explain what they feel inside their head.

Curvaceous and ****;
Still I need to find out what hides beneath the skin.
On the outside everybody can see the beauty that I see,
But I want to know every part of you, completely.
What do you hide within?

Take my hand, I need your touch.
Could you be the one with whom I fall deeply into love?
Hoping for a change to lift me up;
A new direction I would take with you, if I could.

A mystery to me, you still remain nameless;
Unknown answers to questions I could never confess.
I find in you the voice of an angel, with Mona Lisa’s smile
And you are wearing Marilyn Monroe’s dress.

The artist would snap his paint brush in two,
After painting your ****,
Because no beauty could compare to
My Poetess.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
My Requiem.

To my witch, my retribution; my inviting audience.
By night fall of this day, I shall have become your Prince.
Your equal in a title, so impossibly imposing.
I implore you to see within yourself;
Let this jester enamour you, with a wickedest of wit.

The scalding maiden of charm and beauty,
I beg for you to allow me to be worthy.
Please encourage my encroachment, for I am simply a roach;
I lament at your yearning, to see my heart burning; and I a ghost.

For as you cast me down, with a demon in your eyes,
The banshee’s cry and wolves howl in the night.
The screams of those in love,
Fill the minds of those with no guide.
The succession of your family’s honour shall be immortalized.

Cast in stone, but never cast aside;
I call on your soul with my requiem.
I have gathered your disciples; the enslaved stand in line.
They are willing to die; they are the sultry condemned.

My genteel, voluptuous, lascivious, constant;
Let us wander into the dark and find our family of opulence.
Let us bring silence to their feast and raise the dead.
Our concerto for the stalwart soldiers,
Grows even louder with the taking of each final breath.

I am your zealot, with the foreboding forecast.
A love like ours shall never last.
For your soul is nomadic; it’s devotion solely to lust;
Your lust would become the ruination of love.

But my lecherous libido, still feeds my ego
And my hearty ***** tells my brain what to do.
Such a torrid torment of the needs of the female,
But I deplore you to see I love you.

I wish you to kiss me in the morning light,
As we both climb back into our coffins.
Two coffins as one, we lay hand in hand in the afterlife;
Our eternal love, eternally bound;
Shall never be allowed to go rotten.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Mar 2019
My sacred silence

A hole is all that we leave when we go.
When I lie at the end in my bed of sorrow,
I will have nothing to show, except for my words;
The worthless garbage written from hurt.

The madness reigned on every page,
And at the end there is nothing left.
All that remains after all these days,
Are the thoughts which I have emptied from inside my head.

As years fly by and people die,
The list is forever getting smaller.
Who will be with me when I finally die?
Will there be anybody left who loves me when my time is shorter?
Or a single person who even cares.
I cannot see it for I am aware,
That in the end my wish to remain silent,
Will leave me alone with only sounds of sirens,
And people pushing down hard onto my heart;
Which will beat no more.  The love gone afar.

A long time since past,
Lost to the fact,
That I never wanted to just talk anyway.
I ask you, please; what more is there to say?

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019
My soul is hurting

Looking at the world with open eyes;
There is too much to despise.
If all you see is truth in lies,
Then love will break your heart, as it did mine.

My soul is hurting, my heart is sad and depression is my darkness.
I can no longer carry on living with this.
Love is light, love brings me happiness and love is the only cure.
Love is gone, love no longer exists; I no longer go through doors.

I walk the roads alone at night,
With no hope left in sight.
I have fallen too many times for no love,
That I no longer head towards any light.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
My substitute

If I was to be published then I would have no need for a wish.
If I held my own book in my hands,
Then that would mean that I had accomplished something.
If you were able to feel my poetry,
Then you would find me smiling.
I would always be smiling when I met up with you;
If only I could be.
If I ever succeed, then please accept a thank you from me.
If I never make it, then my existence will have counted for nothing.

Only time will tell if I ever did anything right.
With you on my side, I will at least have an eye,
On my future writing; you are my reason to try.
I hope one day I will be able to write something that everybody likes.

Fly on a wire; dance on the moon.
Sky dive into a career; parachute.
Become a light up in the sky.
Your name in brights; I love seeing through your mind’s eye.
You see all that I could be;
You believe in me like I never did.
I hope I do not disappoint;
All I have ever been is me.

Now through rose-tinted eyes I look at life.
So sad to be lost without a wife.
The one thing I always wanted, I will never have…
Please do not be sad.
I am where I am meant to be.
I may not have love,
But I love poetry…
It is my substitute for love and all other things.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
My Ugly Face.

I can only look at myself, when my eyes are closed.
My ****** up eye, is no longer exposed.
No reflection repeating in the mirror.
With my eyes closed,
My beauty becomes all so much clearer.

Such peace can be seen,
After toking on my green;
But I must open my eyes
And see the real me.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
My wasted heart

Growing older, with memories on my mind.
Wishing I could have had more time to share,
With the women I have loved.
Laughing at love with open eyes, now I am no longer blind.
Romantic comedies are my painful addiction
And my love life is so unjust.

Sing me a song and I will take it to my heart.
Let the backing singers sing along and let their voices be heard!
My wasted heart has forever been lost in the dark.
Will you become my guiding light
And let me see clearly through the blur?

I want to find love, so inside a film I look.
Can you help me find the love I seek?  
There are too many books on love.
All I want is you; let me into your life for a while.
Dance with me under a disco ball and I will try to make you smile.

Raise the trumpets, bang the drums;
Clap those hands and sing about love!
Let my wasted heart find those three words it wishes to hear.
Surely I deserve a little piece of happiness too.
Am I ever going to find a real and true love that will never disappear?
Before you depart and vanish from my life,
Let me leave a thought inside your mind…

Could you fall hopelessly head over heels with me?
And could I be someone you could be with?
I would like to know, how do you feel and what do you see?
When you have come to your decision, could you give me a hint?

If we had never met and you had never known of my existence,
Would you have missed out on something that you could desire?
If you were working as a waitress in a cocktail bar
And I had never asked for your assistance,
Would I have made a mistake if I had never told you,
That you are what I require?

Would my love have been wasted, without you to love?
Or would you make the first declaration inside a crowded café?
You can leave and forget me, but I would never give up on love,
So before you walk away and waste my heart once again,
Please remember how you felt when we first met…

Before I become a stranger and I sadly walk away.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
My wasteland

This is my wasteland,
This is my grave.
This is my graveyard,
I can no longer be saved.

This is my funeral,
This is for real.
This is the end of me,
This is how I feel.

The pain and hurt reflects your love, as clear as mud
And in my dying mind I know you could never be mine.
I did all I could but it was never enough
And now I am all out of time.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
My words

Look at my words and see what you see;
I see me, just trying to speak.
Hear my words and speak my verse;
Find what you seek to find within my words.

I have no doubt that the truth will out
And you will see that you are not free.
The truth is out there but it is as yet unwritten,
So take the future in your own hands and write your own opinions.

Send your words out into the atmosphere;
I need my words out there for people to hear.
I live in a world of obscurity,
So my words are all I have to give
And the only piece of me I need you to see.

I’m waiting for an answer from God,
To a question no-one has ever asked.
Here are my words; it’s up to you what they do for you.
Here are my words; I wrote them in a flash.
Thoughts without thinking; rhyme without reason…
This is all I can do.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018

I am still not good to go,
I am still way too weak.
I need to rest my broken bones,
It’s been one Hell of a week.

If I find myself inside a picture box,
I will be lost to the stars and I will look so far gone.
Coyote with an Acme anvil to the head;
I’m feeling dazed and confused and I am in need of my bed.

There is not long now until this day is done,
So fix me up with caffeine and a soak in the tub.
I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders,
It is dragging me down.
Depression seeks my name;
Rainfall beneath a black cloud.

When I need a change, I just can’t catch a break.
I’m starting to feel my age as every part of me aches.
I hear the crack of my joints as I fall to lie down.
I raise an arm with a remote attached;
My legs have given up on me now.

I can’t go any further, but I am home at last,
So I wish you well with your adventures,
But now it is time I took a nap.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019
Naturally Evil

I have given up on love, I’m done.
I have seen enough.
I watch people claiming to be in love,
Living ordinary lies.
I see people pass each other and genuinely fake a smile,
As they tear apart each other’s lives.

I’ve seen the mighty heart fall to the weak,
In the hands of the cruelest defeat.
The hand of the person they are holding hands with,
Is the hand that will strangle them with a kiss.

I’ve seen mountain’s moved as living proof.
I’ve seen the worthlessness of this cause.
I have been a man with truth absolute.
Love is a nice idea, for you and yours.

The reality is, it is yet to exist.
I have seen ‘true’ love disappear.
The oceans of tears that have been cried,
Couldn’t stop the break-up of the year.

I have sunken beneath the waves,
And seconds later been replaced.
A rendezvous was so easily arranged…
I saw it on your face.

Left hand waving goodbye, right hand dialing.
Left hand blowing a kiss, right hand lying.
Beckoning and greeting as you are leaving.
I have seen them come and go, believe me.

The buttons on the dress,
The fall of Adonis.
The Fairy Princess,
And now gone is,
All the pointless love!

Earthquakes roar, there is nothing more.
No rise, no fall, just dust.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Oct 2018
Natural Rhythm.

Hey Mr. Guitar, keep on strumming them strings.
Then play me a song that will keep us all moving.
Keep all of the ladies, just a shaking their thing;
That will keep everybody in the room dancing,
To the natural rhythm.

I’ve got a natural rhythm in my heart and soul;
I’ve got a natural rhythm in my head.
I’ve got a natural rhythm in my heart and soul;
I’ve got a natural rhythm as I lay here in your bed.

Bounce to the rhythm of all of the drums.
The drumbeat booms against your chorus of twiddling thumbs;
Demanding your attention at the top of their voice.
The low beat shriek, as we bang on the drums.

Come on everybody and dance to the beat;
The natural rhythm, that flows through you and me.
The invisible hand, that guides our every step,
Makes you bounce to the beat of every word that I have said.

I’ve got a natural rhythm in my heart and soul;
I’ve got a natural rhythm in my head.
I’ve got a natural rhythm in my heart and soul;
I’ve got a natural rhythm as I lay here in your bed.

Keep on banging the drum to the sound of my rhythm;
Keep on dancing and keep on giggling.
Keep on keeping it real, for the people in the street;
Keep on keeping it banging, to the funkiest beat.

You see I got this natural rhythm, that’s in all God’s men
And you also got the rhythm in your head, in your head.
‘Cause the rhythm of my rhyme, will drop right on time,
As long as the sun is shining and I'm feeling irie eyed;
As long as the bongo’s keep on banging in the smoky background,
As long as to be rich, means more than acting the clown.

You see the rich get the women, because to be rich is to be a ****
And this is the best way to get the women.
Flash a *** of cash at the latest one you think is pretty;
Tell her you are loaded and pay her the money.
Buy the woman you like; moneys all that you've got.
I'm happy being poor; it's freedom at no cost.

I’ve got a natural rhythm in my heart and soul;
I’ve got a natural rhythm in my head.
I’ve got a natural rhythm in my heart and soul;
I’ve got a natural rhythm as I lay here in your bed.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Navajo Spirit

The Amazon is amazing, so why are you still destroying,
Its beauty and your integrity?  You are a monster devouring.
This natural beauty is in our way;
So we must destroy to build again.
We must cause Mother Nature incredible pain;
For she has given us all these trees and this ****** rain.
A forest stump wouldn’t complain about anything.

Oh no!  A Navajo!
We must kick them out of their homes!
We come in peace,
Shoot to ****!  Shoot to ****!  
We come in peace,
Shoot to ****!

Er; Captain.  Yes what is it?
This thievery is taking longer than expected.
What!?  Do you think I am an idiot?
No Sir; it’s just, we haven’t got enough biscuits.
What about Jaffa Cakes?  No Sir, we’re all out.
Well what about meat?  It’s all dead and cannot be eaten.
What do you mean?  It’s obviously dead. (Clout!)
Ow!  Sorry Sir, I mean it has gone rotten.

Well find some more natives and buy some more meat.
We can’t Sir; they have disappeared, since the last broken treaty.
They haven’t been seen and new supplies we just cannot get.
Doh!  Why did we have to be such ****** stupid English Men?
Now we shall all starve because we couldn’t share the land;
The winter is coming and we have no friends.

Oh hello…I am Amity.  I am a Navajo.
You look rather ill…where is your home?
England, I think; please help me I’m starving.
Oh of course, wait a second and I’ll get cooking.

Here take this, it will make you healthy.
Cough!  Sorry.  I never meant to scare you.
Oh you didn’t, don’t be silly.
I just saw you lying here in need;
So I thought I would come and see,
If there was anything I could do.

You’re too kind, after the way my people have treated you.
Oh don’t be silly, you gave us money,
To help us arm ourselves against you.
Such irony really, when we could just have been friends.
Here smoke this peace pipe, it is completely free…
I’m seeing visions…

I see us as neighbours, living beside each other in peace;
I see a time of change in the wind beneath our dreams.
Let us live in peace and never forget history;
For the Navajo Spirit has always been at home
In the Land of the Free.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
Never better

You were crazy, just like me baby.
You were my lady and you set me free permanently.
You were crying, just like I was.
I was dying, just for love.
All we had we too soon lost,
But what we had defined everything about us.

You were in pain, so you kept on hurting me.
You walked away and destroyed my life of peace.
You were amazing, until you ended everything.
I never replaced you with a better being.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Never found.

Circle of friends, broken in time;
Hear new words, lost in a rhyme.
Discover truths, before unknown to you.
Want for it all, to have meant something true.
Times passes by, too quickly for two.
Summer is dead and now winter’s in bloom.

Angel tears burn like ash on the ground;
Fading away like a shooting star never found.
Angel tears burn like ash on the ground;
Fading away like a shooting star never found.

And now all I know is I!  Don’t!  Want to go!
All I know is I!  Don’t!  Want to go!
And now all I know is I!  Don’t!  Want to go!
All I know is I!  Don’t!  Want to go!

Like a lightning bolt sent straight from above;
**** on their daisies to **** them off.
Search for love like you are searching for God.
All I know is I will never do enough!  So!

Give me your love; I need your love.
I’ve already given up!
I can no longer go in search of God,
Because I lost my faith and I have fallen out of love.

And now all I know is I!  Don’t!  Want to go!
All I know is I!  Don’t!  Want to go!
And now all I know is I!  Don’t!  Want to go!
All I know is I!  Don’t!  Want to go!

Love is dead and all hope is lost;
I have no faith when it comes to trust.
Love breaks the heart and you can never do enough;
So be never found!  Never found!  Never found in love!

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Never let me go.

Do not bring me flowers.
Cry no tears for me.
I never want to see you wearing that black dress,
Because all that I want, is to live.

Do not have a wake; wake me up!
Do not let me go, when I am in need of a hug.
Do not forget me, when I become a ghost.
I want to be standing beside you, when you make your next toast.

Embrace me now, before I disappear.
I do not want to go away; I am happy here.
I like being near, so do not let me fade from your view.
Never let me go…
I still need you.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Dec 2018
Never met someone like you before

I never claimed to be perfect;
I only claimed this was worth it
And if we didn’t do it, then tell me who did?
My silver bullet Princess, my darkest dream,
You make me feel complete.

A shot through my heart and hello or goodbye.
We will not be finished by this sunlight,
For we will continue to search, maybe in vein,
For love eternal; eternally loves slave.

If the skies keep on falling down on me,
Then how am I supposed to live, not grieve?
I am living at the end of tomorrow,
Too fearful of new beginning’s.

All I am selling is worthless to your soul
And in the end we end up with what we began with long ago.
The things on this Earth we gather to our hearts,
In time become worthless when compared to the stars
And all we cherish only to become lost,
We wish to keep, or take back, but are unwilling to pay the cost.

At my weakest point, still I reach for your love.
If we never did meet, then would we ever have known trust?
I trust in you because love dares me to;
I risk it all on the roll of a chance dice,
Hoping your hand will carry me through.

It’s our differences that define us,
So let our similarities forever bind us.
Two hearts beating as one;
An endless love built on trust.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Never mind

He’s a cool cat, as a matter of fact
And there ain’t no doubting how you feel about that.
Whilst I am just a pig wallowing in the mud
And I will never be good enough.

She is an ice Queen;
She ain’t no nice day dream.
She will only cause pain
And she is coming for me.

I don’t want you;
Your love is worthless.
It has lost all its meaning because you are an adulteress.
You are no Princess.

Still she is coming to ruin my life,
But I have my garlic and cross;
She screams, I cry.

What have we become when this is all we have?
You can take this love back;
It ain’t worth Jack.

Once it was overwhelming,
Now it is depressing.
Love is not what it used to be;
You have ruined everything.

This curse on my soul leaves me in the dark,
As to how to find sunlight,
When you have my heart.

Tear it apart!
Do me a flavour.
You can keep it, I mean it!
Adios!  See you later!

Still she calls and still is my hand.
She never gave a ****,
So never mind her plans.

Oblivion is calling;
Let me be gone to absentia.
Let her desire me and miss me;
Give me amnesia and dementia,
So I can just forget her.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Never Satisfied.

Why do we always want the women we can’t have?
Why are our choices of lover, so appallingly bad?
For the ones we want the most, usually only let us down
And the ones we don’t really want,
Are the only ones who want us right now.

Even though we know the one who lies,
Next to us in bed isn’t good enough
And they’re only here for tonight, to feed our lust for lust.
There are so many out there, that we lust after;
Even though, we already have a lover.

So we become paranoid, that we can’t satisfy our partner
And they will go look for another.
For they, like us, think the grass would be greener
And somehow forget the contentment,
We feel, when alone with each other.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Never the never

If all was to disappear in front of your eyes,
Would you still reach out for me?  
In an echo chamber I am only ever,
Calling out for you to hear the words that I need to speak.

If I was to whisper, into a gale force wind,
Would you find a way to hear the words that I say?  
If I am gone in the morning light, as you open your eyes,
Would you still reach out for me?  
Would I still be near...?
Would you find a way?

You resonate, around my mind,
When ear plugs are in, to drown the din,
Of everything that I can’t help but think.  
When I am blind drunk you are still the only one;
A sight for sore eyes, that feels right inside.  
I keep you next to my heart, to never be torn apart,
By your absence or absinthe; a step too far.  

We are in a three legged race to the finish.  
Broken wishes, broken promises;
Never heart’s in broken pieces.  
We regenerate each other every day with the words we each say
And in the way we move in tune, so soon, I am with you again,
As without you could never even be considered.  
All the love, I have to give; if selected,
I would never again have a heart of wither.  

With or without, you are priceless; no selling out.  
Counting diamonds as they escape from your mouth
And leave me intent on making this last.  
You are my first; you will be my last.  
You take me past the past and into forever.  
I am statue, made human by you.  
Brought to life by your promise of never the never.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
New beginning

Lights in the dead of the night sky;
The music plays waking the neighbourhood.
Electronic radio-waves leave no place to hide;
Wipe away the sleep from your eyes for good.

The noise is inside you now and forever;
Words of poetry dig deep into your soul.
You take apart their voice in any weather
And you are found wherever you may go.

The hands that feeds reaches into your head,
Leaving you without will; enslaved by a song.
You have become the beautiful word, never will you forget,
Or forgive them for not arriving sooner.  It has been too long.

Until now the sound had always been missing,
You were longing to hear the heart beat inside your chest.
Reawakened by love like you had never been listening;
They spoke to you like no other has ever said.

All the ends are now attached;
All the pieces fit at last.
All the words have been connected together;
Lyricists open up your head, releasing you forever.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
New doors

Seeking council, in need of guidance.
Pen or pencil, no more patience.
Cold hard fact and solemn truth daily.
Only speak your piece and do not owe me.

Speak your mind or pay me no mind.
Go let it out if you need to shout.
Just say exactly what you mean,
And what you need,
And what you see.
This is no time to hold a mystery.

Without the God’s honest, there will be no witness,
To your digress, or rise, to becoming blessed.
So words are written down in the dumps,
Or upon high as you glide through life.
Will you live it hard and wear your scars,
Like victory bars,
Or hide from those who look upon us from afar?

A major award; a minor detail.
Lies are in the slips.
A missed step could be fatal,
So do not be little.
This is no time for conceding to defeat.
Wear that gauntlet as a fist,
And smash through clouds,
Because life is not always what it seems.

Sometimes life rocks and I am still rolling.
All legal now,
No word is stolen.
Only open,
To new doors.
Walking endless corridors.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
New line.

I don’t need drugs and alcohol to open up my mind.
I don’t need to tear holes in the sky,
To see what I have lost inside.
I don’t need to crash into the ground to know I need more time.
My poetry grabs hold of me and I exist,
With every new line.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
New world story

In this new world a story was told;
The story spoke of love and life and times to come and go.
It broke apart any thoughts of always being alone,
Because the idea of a new love was enough to repair my broken soul.

It’s a lover’s world and she smiles endlessly,
Because inside she knows all things in this world belong to her.
It’s not a man’s world anymore, the new world changes continuously;
I am ok living in her world, because I know her worth.

Piece by piece we used to seek a new solution,
But with time came the realization that things would work out ok.
Day by day we learn and gain new intuition,
As another nightfall becomes morning,
The sunshine lights up her face.

Through rose tinted glasses I have learned to change my ways;
No more living in bad memories of forgotten days.
I will seek her love for the rest of my life
And every nighttime shall end with a lovers embrace.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
New Year’s night

There is a fire burning and people are drinking;
People are dancing and people are singing.
Auld Lang Syne; it’s another year gone.
So cherish this night, because it will soon be done.

The snow is falling all around us and many friends are merry;
So give everyone a hug and kiss those cheeks!
Come on now, feast upon the many cherries and berries;
Swig from the tankard and have yourselves some meat,
Because this is a celebration, so enjoy the feast!

Hold the one you love and greet your neighbour’s as family,
Because soon enough you will be back at each other’s throats.
So give them your blessings and wish upon a star;
Offer everyone a piece of peace
And see this New Year as a chance to end the feud
And as a chance for new relationships to grow.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018

I just wanna ******* cigarette,
I just wanna ******* smoke.
I just wanna ******* cigarette,
Before I have to quit my job.

I just wanna ******* cigarette,
I just wanna ******* smoke.
I just wanna ******* cigarette,
Because this place is a ******* joke.

I just wanna ******* cigarette,
I just wanna ******* smoke.
I just wanna ******* cigarette,
So I think I’m gonna go home.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

Lost in the world, searching for answers.
Why do we only live once?  Why are there no second chances?
What is the meaning of life?  What is our purpose for being?
Why do we not yet know?  Do you know the reason?

A search for enlightenment, using many different teachings;
I must find the answer, by using any means,
To reach a state of enlightenment and find my nirvana.
So I'll ask someone who knows; can you hear me Buddha?

To find your nirvana, follow the teachings of Buddha;
Buddha gained enlightenment, so you must become a Buddhist.
Buddha was an atheist, searching for his Heaven;
A way to be free and stop repeated reincarnation.

To reach a new state of consciousness,
You must become free from life and your attire.
Your possession’s you must leave behind and you must forget your desire.
To find freedom from life, you must want for nothing;
Then you shall become free, from eternal suffering.
From the pain of the circle of life being repeated;
Because Heaven can't be reached, if you’re always reincarnated.

To find enlightenment, forget human treasures;
To raise up into the sky, you must not crave possessions.
Trinkets or money or power keep you trapped and without insight.
They stop you leaving this life; they stop you reaching the light.

Buddha’s Buddhist’s, practice his teachings
And they lead their life in the way in which he believed,
Was the right thing to do and he did do it right;
Buddha left this world enlightened…he walked into the light.

To find your nirvana; to raise to a new state of consciousness,
Is to die as a man and then pray to go to Heaven and be blessed.

Maybe there is life after death
And maybe I will fly up and face God.
Maybe anything is possible...

But when I learn the truth, I will be gone.

(C)2005 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Nobody but me and my crow.

A black crow flies at night, hidden high above the city lights.
Looking down on us all, like we are beneath it as it soars.
Nobody knows the crow’s thoughts, but we want to so we try;
But our own interpretation of the crow in the sky,
Shows us no truth at all.

Flying past the moon, it is gone before we know;
As it falls down towards the ground, is it in its death throes?
Or is it safe and sound as it catches the air like an arrow?
As the people walk below, alone, they are lead forward by its shadow.

In the middle of the night when all is dead to the world,
I can hear the crow calling out into the void.
High and low it has been searching for an unknown mate;
Now, as I see them, they are an omen of a future destroyed.

Now as I stand here preparing for death,
I struggle for thoughts and gasp at a breath.
As my body shivers under the moon, I fall;
Snow underfoot, through an empty forest I crawl.

Death is in the air.
Nobody left to meet in this forest.
They are all gone to nowhere;
So there is nobody left to save my soul
And nobody left to care.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2018
Nobody can tell me

Ain’t nobody gonna tell me how to love you.
Ain’t nobody who can tell me how to live.
There ain’t nobody I’d rather be with.
There ain’t nobody I can truly forgive.

Women are beautiful creatures,
Sent from God up in Heaven to teach us,
How to love and how to be loved;
You are divine and love is a must.

It’s so much easier for me to commit, than it is for me to lie.
I await you each and every night.
I have been lost; so on I go, heading into the darkness.
At a loss to all those who say they care;
I am left alone to break the hardest.

Your Devil’s in your details and your words are only false promises.
You live inside a house of liars; you only wish you could forget,
But I do not forgive and you are nothing to me now.
Walk away like all the others, I am used up anyhow.
Your heart is a reminder of broken oaths.
Let me leave and watch me burn as I go.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Nobody expects.

The meaning of all that has come before,
Is merely the prelude to the story of my life.
If all we become is the thing nobody ever foresaw,
Then wouldn’t that be such a joyful surprise?

When nobody expects,
We can easily become more than they thought.
We become more then they know we are capable of,
When we teach ourselves how to impress them all.
Nobody expects it, so nobody can be prepared,
So the truth is their only answer to your words of despair.

Why can you not aid me in my darkest of times?
When all I need is a sunbeam to shine on my life.
Why can you not hear me call aloud to the butterflies of love?
They are gone now; they flew away from me.
All beauty has disappeared;
The birds are silent and the bees no longer buzz.

Stuck in my ways with no chance of taking my chance to dance,
Because I cannot dance, so I can never hold a hand.
Seen through eyes of contempt, because I refuse to attempt,
To smile and move towards you, through fear of neglect.

Ignored for being silent;
Resented for trying to speak.
Nobody expects anything,
So I will never disappoint you when you expect nothing of me.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Nobody heard the clock strike…

I allow my mind to wander, to show myself a new story.
Self-portrait a picture of reality, or let my imagination draw me,
Into the darkness and beyond; into the never seen.
A leap into the unknown, every time I open my mind
And close my eyes to dream…

Every thought different; we are all of us, unique.
We see our dreams so clearly; they are our own stories.
Sometimes we love, what it is that we see,
But nightmares can come too, for the unlucky few.
So to glimpse into a deep well is to risk a view.

Do we peer into the dark?  
Do we follow our hearts?
Do we believe what we see?
Or do we take our minds off of who we really are?

We are dreamers of dreams, creators of stories;
Painters of pictures.  
Nobody can say your dreams are boring.
That is for you to decide for yourself.
Will you enjoy tonight’s sleep?
Will you have a pleasant dream?
Only time will tell…

And so you tell your favourite dreams,
To any being who is willing to listen.
As you feed your words into their machine mind,
Time is always ticking…

As you once more sleep inside your dreams,
You might wake up tomorrow
And have forgotten all that which you have seen.
Tomorrow’s dream is already there;
Patiently it is waiting.
It could be replaced with the news of today,
But the dreams of the future are already there…

I think it’s time I was sleeping…

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
No bone

My skull has gone, no bone;
Just an open mind of the fallen Sun.
I collapsed in your arms and you held me close,
Just like I always dreamed you would.

I feel your hand upon my brain,
It’s funny but relaxing.
You feel my insistence for you again,
As the waves in my mind start you laughing.

We are connected, two people as one.
Come here, feel love and never feel alone.
Let me grow extendable arms, so I can wrap my arms around us;
My arms fly around you and I many times, entrapping us in love.

Stuck together forever, my love cannot be severed,
I Love You!
Didn’t you notice, that we made a connection?
A telepathic, subtle, intelligent discussion;
A meeting of the minds, blind to the eye, but there for certain.

You know what I think somehow.
I guess it’s written all over my face.
So you know I am telling the truth to you now.
I love you…I love her…I love (…) for she is my grace.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
No faith in love

I don’t believe in love anymore;
Love has been stained it is no longer pure.
Love was my life, but not anymore,
Because I have lost my faith in love.

You broke my heart apart,
When you said you had to depart.

I struggle to get myself out of bed,
Because there is nothing left, except the pain inside my head.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
No Future

No future, no future;
There’s no future for us to look forward to.
No future, no future;
There’s no future for us to chase.
No future, no future;
There’s no future for us to save.

Live your life like a Shakespeare tragedy;
Romeo and Juliet, staring death in the eyes.
Knowing their love is doomed and that there is no remedy;
The time has come for the world to say goodbye.

A black hole portent in a humanity dream, is showing us our future;
Our world will be swallowed because of our past.
In our present state, we are destined to failure;
There is nothing left to take and we cannot give it back.

Love or hate, feelings are forever changing.
All we can sing is, there is no tomorrow.
The end is nigh, those words are still ringing;
All we ever had they took from us and now we are all left without hope.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
No medication

No more medication, no more sedatives.
No more manufactured state of bliss,
Is needed here for I have found my peace.

If all you bring is negativity,
Then keep your thoughts away from me;
For your negativity can no longer hurt me.

For I feel nothing for you anymore,
Whilst feeling everything for her, the next girl.
She is naturally kind when she goes au naturel;
All I want from you is that you go to Hell.

There is nothing like TV to kick you in the teeth
And bring you down to your knees, down to reality.
Watching romantic comedy movies,
Is no longer possible for me.

Life is a roller-coaster with its ups and downs,
But you enjoy the ride sometimes, when love is in the air.

It all happens in an instant,
Blink and you will miss it.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
No more

In darkest gloom we wander still.  In a midnight hour we fall.
As the light begins to fade from our eyes, we are breathing still.
In the end, in our darkest hour,
All we can do is fall…

We climb out of the hole and naturally search for the light
And the warmth that engulfs us and breathes into us.
In every dark hour we pray to see the light
And still we search for the reasons that made us become us.

Without this search, mankind would lack a true meaning;
Without a goal, we would remain less than we are.
Throughout our lives we go off in search of new meanings
And as we rise and we fall, we become all that we are.

New experiences rebuild us; our experiences define us.
Still we are searching for what it is that makes us.
What are we to you and what will we become?
What were we to you and what have we as a species become?
In hope we march onwards, wishing to make a change.
In fear we advance no more;
Their steps forward are full of the fear of change.

With age we learn to love and with age our love will grow;
With age we remember more or less and still we continue to grow.
Thoughts without feelings only hurt those we love;
Actions without thoughts will lose us their love.
Through a valley of broken hearts, onward we walk;
When you have walked all over us, will you continue to walk?

In pieces you leave us, shattered into dust;
In time we learn to repair ourselves in rooms covered with dust.
With strength we come back and live our lives once more;
Forward into the future!  Forward once more!

Forever forward into a big bad world;
Onward, forever onward!  We become one with the world.
No longer taken for granted; our lives shape us and refine us.
We morph into what we were meant to be when they gave birth to us.

Mother Earth and Mother, Mom, raise us up from the ground.
When we are lost, they will find us
And teach us how to stand our ground.
Believe in what you believe and fight for your rights;
Because in the darkest of nights, their might will either crush us,
Or make us prove to them that we are right.

With words we can change the world.
What are words without a pen?

In love we let go and give ourselves away;
But when our time has done its ticking, we all fear being taken away.
Desperately we cling to any kind of heart beat that we can keep;
It was ours once, so it shall remain ours always.
This is my life, my castle, my keep.
A man’s thoughts are his own and taken from those he has heard;
We are slow to realise what we have lost, when we let go of love,
Because of what we think we have heard.

Then this life is over and the clock ticks its last tock, one last time.
If I could do anything differently, I would change it all!
And I would still be left begging for more time.

I would remain blind to all the opportunities I had to do things better,
But I would try; I would try!
And I would try once more to make things better.

In the silence we fall, once more to the floor.
In our darkest hour we are lost
And we become no more.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
No reflection of you in me.

Clothes as black as pitch; hair dark as night.
In fear you find me, ******, alive.
Quick of ***** thoughts, hidden from your sight;
You do not like us, but we don’t mind.

You hate us for our individuality,
Because you yourself lack your own clarity.
We live in the shadows;
The sunlight is our enemy.
Beneath a moon is where we belong;
The lost children of an Eden long since gone.

With palest skin and blackened eyes,
We cherish the fear we cause; we love being despised.
With cloaks dragging behind us, we sharpen our fangs;
Our nails are nine inches, our songs only for the ******.

Your rainbow has lost its colour;
Rain washes away all your suns
And in the end we are your nemesis,
Because we are having so much fun.

Go follow their path; we shall lurch along through this dead garden.
We are bitter on the outside; our love is pure, your love purely stolen.
Forget forget-me-nots and leave the carcass there to rot.
We have fire in our veins.  We are found; you are lost.

In the Devil’s eyes we are immortalized;
You have no right to have any kind of effect on my life.
Stay away from us or become covered in words drenched in filth;
You keep putting us down, but we are standing still.

We stand alone and think like a colony;
We defy your social etiquette and your idea of society.
Do what you have been taught;
Follow footsteps, learn to walk.
You are so quick to pass judgment,
Whilst clearly knowing nothing at all.

With witches and vampires we make a connection;
No reflection,
No reflection,
No reflection,
No reflection.

You see no reflection when you look into my eyes;
No part of you to relate to, no illusion of paradise.
No morning glory; no have a nice day.
We are worthless; we are depressing; we are miserable…
So you say.

I will say what I mean, without needing to be mean.
Do you understand what I mean, when I tell you, you are so clean?
You say I am worthless, but you are nothing.
A scream in the night lets you know you we are singing.
Give me a ***** riff, run a nail down a window;
In the end we all have to go,
So let go of your ego.

There is no reflection of you inside of me.
There is no reflection of me inside of you.
There is no reflection of the light that you seek,
Because you cannot see the real me and you are see through.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
No regrets

Broken again.
Something should teach us to change our ways.
My sanity is insane, again;
But life is on the way.

A **** starts the race for the future.
Impatience won’t let us just sit back and relax, I’ll wager.
For experience teaches those who are not blind or deaf,
To the words that are wasted on most students.
Or so you think, until you pass the test,
Or leave the class,
Then suddenly you remember something,
From your sub-conscience.

So use your conscience to guide you through the slime,
You will have to swim through, throughout your lifetime,
Because happiness is worth all the stress,
So live your life with no regrets.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
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