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Jun 2024 · 445
Mosh Microbiomes Jun 2024
From my father I got,
Anger, Self doubt, a lonesome tiredness of people. No discrimination.
He taught me to question everything
Even when there are no answers
Even when the question itself was the answer
There is no better built in confidence in the universe, like that of a man in his 60s
Having lived a small but loud life.
Full of oppressors and zero self love. A proud life
My father doesn’t always understand why I follow the herd
Having always been the Sherpa, minding his business on top of his high mountain
He tells me to get higher paying jobs in one breath, and that I’m still a baby in another
From him, I’ve learned the value of hard work
And the basics of computer
And how to yell for no good reason
My father loves me dearly and I miss him so
If only he knew how to love himself better
Then maybe I’d miss him more
Mar 2021 · 199
POP, goes my breath.
Mosh Microbiomes Mar 2021
if we can begin new every day
with our routine
with the dreadful evening naps
with every sigh & breath
inhaling, exhaling, and again

we begin & end things
with our decisions
with our relations
inhaling, exhaling, and again

do we even realise the magic we emit?
when we exhale and inhale again
there is no abrupt stop
there is no space for sorrow

there is no space at all
magic is the infinite connection
between endings & beginnings
this magic we must mirror

mirror it in our thoughts
in our oceans of chaotic emotions
in our burrows of structured actions
even after life

because surely enough, before you know it
POP goes the magic
inhaling, exhaling, one last time
before we hit refresh
Nov 2020 · 162
Work in Progress
Mosh Microbiomes Nov 2020
I cry for my mother
I cry for my father
I cry
Even when there are no tears left to shed

Have we spoken enough about family?
My existence, how odd
My life, utterly jarred
Only with worry and sorrow for my creators
Oct 2020 · 228
Blue Dot
Mosh Microbiomes Oct 2020
Everything looks lost in the sea
As if the sun never shone
As if the trees never spoke
Dark blue hands, pointing at me

All water is lucid like my dreams
Spinning with no centre
Speeding and it enters
Dying at the surface of the sea

Just a voice and a vibration
Keeping me grounded
Saving men surrounded
All come together, to get lost in the sea
Jul 2020 · 389
Sky is her limit
Mosh Microbiomes Jul 2020
Blue and black
She’s like a wallflower
Reflecting your shiniest self
Without any power

Pink and red
She’ll always be there
Just look up, up, up
But we don’t really care

Orange and purple
She absorbs every cigarette smoke
Does she know, she’s enough?
Standing tall, just for us folks  

Yellow and grey
She feels insecure today
Lightening strikes
And she smiles again tomorrow
Jun 2020 · 129
Mosh Microbiomes Jun 2020
There are spider webs
In my bathroom
Over the tank
Under the sink

They are so old and tangled
Indeed, a little tough to handle

But they look more at home
Compared to my pool of shedding hair
Going down the drain
Every day, a little by little

And somehow when I look at that
And then I glance at the webs
I can’t help but wonder
Who really belongs here

Who really has more of a purpose?
Is it their space or mine?
Or are we all just invited
To exist and exit?
May 2020 · 229
Four Walls
Mosh Microbiomes May 2020
At 10:00am, I wake up
The same four walls greet me
Walls that see my tea cup
Going cold on the window sill

At 5:45pm, I finish work
Just like how the bee ***** a flower
Honey, collected ultimately by some ****
Anyway, then I hit the shower

At 7pm, I see the sun set
So I send a little prayer
To the stars, although we have never met
But failing to see their end, I tell them I'm scared

At 1am, a little warning in the wind occurs
Saying it's ok to be wary but to stay put
To believe that when tomorrow recurs
The sun will be brighter & the moon will be afoot

At 10:00am, I wake up.
Mar 2020 · 317
White noise
Mosh Microbiomes Mar 2020
Excuse me, Sir,
If i could just have a minute of your time?
To tell you about the colour purple
It's fading. No, I don't need your dime!

Just your attention, ATTENTION
We march at dawn albeit some can fly
Together we can find the other dimension
Where the purple things go to die

Let's walk & talk, yes that's not rude
Yes Sir, I know you need to save your pension  
But next we stand to lose red & blue, isn't that crude
If we could only extend our observation?

Without purple, how will we embrace the rain
Our purple polar bears are dying, excessive pain
Purple lives matter, purple rights matter
Yes Sir, I understand you can't physically care

But Sir, saving purple today is essential
Tomorrow purple can save white, it has the potential!
Take this pamphlet at least, won't hurt
Have a good day sir, excellent purple shirt!
Mar 2020 · 160
No rhyme or reason
Mosh Microbiomes Mar 2020
Its a rare sight those extra brown beady eyes
Its a rare type  that washes my wary in a wipe  
Its a fearful deal  
That extra brightness I feel  
Its a wonderful day  
When the lost rhyme & rhythm stays
Dec 2019 · 369
Mosh Microbiomes Dec 2019
I looked in

the mirror today
She looked back at me,
Scared but kind of okay
We talked for a while

I finally asked her, what’s wrong
She trembled & said, “I may be broken, no..
Truly, we are all kind of broken.
But something is breaking away, everyday.”

Like a faulty guitar string
Out of tune, out of luck
Waiting to be pulled, plugged and played
Sep 2019 · 224
*blue sunflower*
Mosh Microbiomes Sep 2019
You're under the sky, shining
But also under the ocean, drowning
You're in a field of other shining sunflowers, swaying
But also hopeless & mindless & praying
You open your eyes and its all bright, yellow and green
You don't blink at all but its also dark, grim and unseen
sunflower fields love life glooms blues mood depression anxiety
Nov 2018 · 787
Mosh Microbiomes Nov 2018
Winter morning won’t you stay
Won’t you stay with me
All my life, I just lazed
Now I’m cold and cozy
Jul 2018 · 753
It’s getting too much
Mosh Microbiomes Jul 2018
No role models in sight
Choices I make aren’t remotely right
Keep on trying to correctly express
Keep on delaying things to process

Anxiety met me but I’m still mellow
Anger here and there, everywhere
The A’s met the B-reak down, not rare

Focus on yourself, work on your future
I don’t understand it.
You’re single, now be independent
I don’t understand it.

My independence, my future
My surroundings, my nurture
Depend on me
But I simply fail to see
Apr 2018 · 599
Modern day
Mosh Microbiomes Apr 2018
The greatest minds have repeatedly said
The matters of the heart are delicate & bare
So I looked & I looked, for the magical potion
Everytime a glimmer of hope shows, I think in slow motion

Wondering what this person would mean to me
Overthinking if I should just shut my brain & let it be
“Let’s see where it goes” if it goes, it never does
Let’s just have fun instead, ignore any real bonding or trust
Apr 2018 · 461
Shit, is my middle name
Mosh Microbiomes Apr 2018
Pick up your weight, it’s time
Slog, slog, slip & slide
Convince yourself, earn the dime
Put all your time on the line

My heart is in it? I don’t know
Who cares, it has nowhere else to go
Been silent for so long now
But stop, no slowing down now

Finally getting a little satisfaction in this
Less worries, the liberation is not amiss
Picking needles & sorting them one by one
Time’s up, reality is circling back, yelling


But I’m still here, you’re still kicking
This **** is not getting old, it never will
You’ve emblemed me, now I’m immune
If words could heart & direct my heart
I’d still be lying in bed, with emotions & reality apart
Jan 2018 · 1.9k
Mosh Microbiomes Jan 2018
You’d look at yourself
with eyes so doubtful
Not even blinking but
judging the ruins of others

What we weren’t supposed to do

You’d rather spend time
Staring at the dull vanity
Wasting the minor minutes
& then blaming your society

*What we weren’t supposed to do
Dec 2017 · 447
Mosh Microbiomes Dec 2017
Amidst the silent gloomy wind
Let hot chocolate warm your hands
And sip the whole year in a heartbeat
Nay away the bitter that may rewind
Nov 2017 · 743
Cough love
Mosh Microbiomes Nov 2017
Wish I was younger
In the thick of my stupidity  
Blindly gulping adrenaline
Now garbed in sour rigidity

It's just not nostalgia, its angst
It's just one cigarette, no stress
I'm better than this, my friends know
But can't ask them, they're unknown

People leave, yes I've been told
I'm no better. An island & me, I'm sold
And I rock myself to bed at night
And I kick my mind to be alright

But the sand is slipping faster now
The moonshine itching loud and how
And after all, I am still an imbecile
Ranting about love but a little less cynical
Sep 2017 · 425
Can't shake you
Mosh Microbiomes Sep 2017
Sudden giddy feeling I get sometimes
Tender nostalgia of your monkey smile
You say things that strike perfectly right
Wait, no wait, now there are endless miles

Packing unnecessary luggage in my head
Breathe and sigh, sigh, wait for a while
It's you, you're here, I run and unpack
The weight that's now a feather-sized file
Jul 2017 · 301
Mosh Microbiomes Jul 2017
Some things just slip, slip from my mind
Some priorities, lower than cherry wine
A few moments just alienating my brain
With its kindness, those words really pain

For so long, everything was just how it is
For so little, my heart couldn't fathom this
I'm with you just like crack & cheese
But lovely, I'm without any actual peace
Jun 2017 · 533
Lost leaves
Mosh Microbiomes Jun 2017
Tree branches held my sanity
Joy came as fast as the termites
Still intact, even in mere vanity
Snap, now blind to the fairy lights

Buried my conscious & roots too deep
And at dawn when I finally sleep
Woken by the dirt shaking in a disaster
Uprooted but without any conscious beneath
Apr 2017 · 924
Mosh Microbiomes Apr 2017
Wore the flattest shoes tonight
So I don't foolishly tumble
Adored the comfiest XL size
For if my chest begins to crumble

The white noise shot-out, let's run now
In the oversized grey tshirt, all is numb now
"Do you want? Need? Like? SAY something!"
I can ******* scream but now I barely mumble

Don't sympathise, I do that just fine for me
Hold back or let me go, either way you can't see
Shadows of the noise that I can't shake when I am still
So I run and I run, until it's a distant melody
Mar 2017 · 1.6k
Out of body experience
Mosh Microbiomes Mar 2017
Lakes and oceans and blue seas
All alike your body waves
Transitioning every second
Holding whales by your knees

Mountains and cliffs and hills
Ginormous how your body weighs
Descending every second
Shaking hot lava off for thrills

Galaxies and planets and stars
Cuddling your minute existence
Plummeting every second
Making forever feel like daunting hours

Us and me and you
Destroying nothing and everything
Perceptive every second
In constant debt to our bodies that's due
Feb 2017 · 1.1k
"Good Karma"
Mosh Microbiomes Feb 2017
If I sleep, breathe, feed
One thing & one thing only
Is that called dedication
Or just a bad possessed need

Either way isn't it a sheer blessing  
To serve a purpose, a deed
Finally you get a seat at the table
But the hunger is now just greed

Greed is pure, greed makes you win
Don't be fooled otherwise by the sheep
Frolicking away is the real true sin
Anyhow, galaxy will drown you deep

That's when you must hold onto the deed
Jaw deep into the gutter, now you see
Even when you spend your life in pure greed
It won't be enough until you learn to let it be
Dec 2016 · 778
Tomorrow maybe.
Mosh Microbiomes Dec 2016
Couldn't reach for the horizon today
Conscious but in a deep slumber
Jabbed by my mistakes refusing to fray
Calmed the chaos down to eery silence

I woke again with the loudest chaos
And the now demonic deafening silence
Gnaws at me from far far across
Consuming my horizon in defiance
Nov 2016 · 993
Mosh Microbiomes Nov 2016
That girl, she's loud,
Ignorant and proud
Liar, **** and nasty
Controlling and feisty
Unlike anything ever seen
She's a she and so obscene!
So instead support the man
******, homophobe, bigot
That's ok, I am still a fan
Why? Cause he says it like it is
Objectifies women, grabs *******
He might be ignorant, loud&prou;;
But he's a he so world, better watch out
He'll help all of us be great again
By flushing freedom down the drain
What can possibly be wrong with this plan
A bully building walls in disguise as a 'man'.
Oct 2016 · 703
Mosh Microbiomes Oct 2016
Trumpet made that jazzy sound
Anywhere is fine, noisy and not alone
Solace because the daydreams have ended
Away from trouble which is mostly my phone

Grey eyes gripping blue fairy lights; faces locked
Last call for drinks and the Trumpet stopped
Aggressively aware of the small room in between
Embraced the truth with a soul that's clean
Oct 2016 · 705
You vs Me
Mosh Microbiomes Oct 2016
They tell you to let go of your past
So you stumble & instead stress about your future
They tell you to live in the present
So you live care-free & adopt the sloth culture

They tell you to force yourself to be happy
So you go out and drink one too many
They yell at you to keep your eye on the prize
So you force quit all your feelings, be it any

It's more than okay, we are always learning
This is how we process things, this is how we change
But once try telling yourself, to embrace all that's returning
Because perfection is attained only by the truly deranged
Sep 2016 · 961
Spare Tyre
Mosh Microbiomes Sep 2016
Two broken teeth from a perfect cavity
Wrapped in her blue handkerchief
Jumping and skipping, defying gravity
Down the dingy lane, with an orange leaf

Bored of walking, she used the spare tyre
Cramped into it, she spun her own world
Along came the dogs, howling louder than fire
Down the dingy lane, now really wanting to hurl

After what felt like a lifetime, the spinning hushed
She stood up, looking for her hanky with eyes wild
An old man found it, grabbed her hand & her face flushed
Down the dingy lane, with missing front teeth, he smiled.
Sep 2016 · 419
Mosh Microbiomes Sep 2016
All the *****-sprite infused nights
Hours spent before we finally hit the lights
The loud murmurs still pursuing the dark
And then we cursed the tipsy rusted spark

The rush when we stood on that roof-top railing
Stupidity dawned on us later, completely failing
But if I had to do it all over again hon'
I'd first say this is the stupidest idea ever
And then I'd jump the **** on.
Sep 2016 · 653
I got my back.
Mosh Microbiomes Sep 2016
Stop it, get it together
Don't, don't pluck more feathers
Work, mould, hold yourself now
Cause he's shaping his whole world,
Without you and how.

You're worth a billion symphonies & more
So grip your dignity and shut that door
If that's the love you think you never had
Cry out to the universe and it'll tell you,
You're utterly mad.
Aug 2016 · 388
All about Her (1)
Mosh Microbiomes Aug 2016
Her real confidence can make the thorns shriek
Her grace, make the roses bloom for weeks
But ofcourse, she's dwelling in her awkward fears
She woke up everyday in a box with her 'perfect peers'

Sit up, talk dont taunt, oh please learn to take a joke
Maybe wear something else, what's wrong with your face
Oh no, another poem on girl problems, that topic's broke
Just like the concept of personality in the 'human' race

Yes, sure, in this little world there are bigger issues at hand
But won't you please believe, maybe they are all intertwined
Especially when she's not paid as much for her added poise
Especially when she's not even spoken & you muffed her voice
Aug 2016 · 701
Mosh Microbiomes Aug 2016
Lie down and eventually bury yourself
Twenty pages, your mind is someplace else
Marry your mind to the old bookman font
Escape to a reality that will never haunt

Caricatures of your imagination
Yes, probably a big white hoax
But cults&planets; couldn't have been unearthed
If man stayed under his 'real' invisibility cloak.
Aug 2016 · 243
Mosh Microbiomes Aug 2016
Snap, there you go again
All that yoga, all in vain
Four glasses of wine down
Successfully pushed everyone around

****, they're going to flip out
Call my name but don't shout
Yes, call me insane
Sure, no misery exists in my pain
Aug 2016 · 674
Mosh Microbiomes Aug 2016
Today, I will talk loudly
The thoughts are already shouting
Today, I will dust myself
The people are already doubting

No matter, I will conquer
For isn't my mind, my whole world
No matter, I'll comb my hair
Too late though, all has curled

I still anticipate glory in gore
I've to just make it through the night
Tomorrow too, I've to be my own muse
My mind is my only escape, can't keep it sore.
Jul 2016 · 865
Mosh Microbiomes Jul 2016
Cigarette-smoke blowing off balconies
And off our rusty intimacy
Took your hand, took a twirl and fell
Into an ocean of what we called taboo

I never swam to get to the coast
The incalculable company I chose
I never yelled out to lend me a boat
Just felt happy going in circles with you

Promising to take me to your favourite places
I warned you about the reducing space
Holding me fiercely in front of the Sharks
You loved me like I was your favourite place

One fine day I stumble across the coast
As hysterical as a blind man who can see
But I want to again swim away with you
So I turn towards you and start drowning
Cause nobody really fell into the ocean with me.
May 2016 · 1.0k
Mosh Microbiomes May 2016
Who's to know right from wrong
If the wrong is all your eyes can see
Your mind is stuck on that one song
Hateful song that sadly gives you glee

Who's to know the correct faction
Empty passion filled with no voice
The sweet nothing mansion of options
The deceitful proof of choice

Who's to say if you will exceed
Jammed in a pocket full of confetti
In the end, even after you bleed
Blasting with colour but no identity

Who's to say you're special
Special only if you do the obvious
So start pacing in dimensional
Basking in uncertainty will make you glorious.
Mar 2016 · 765
Of better seconds
Mosh Microbiomes Mar 2016
When the teeth and tongues
Not caring about the stained uniforms
Basked in pure orange candy joy
I believed for a second in something
They call happiness.

When the 40 something lady, after a call
With all her sweaty glory in the train
Smiled at the wallpaper of her daughter  
I believed for a second in something
They call inner peace.

When the sun goes down
And the problems in my mind unravel
I don't really find happiness or peace at all
But I know that I believe in something
They call, hope.
Jan 2016 · 493
Mosh Microbiomes Jan 2016
This small fraction
Of my bed that I give you now
with all my lovin'
Carve yourself into it

The way you stab your body
into my eyes and then all of me
with all my lovin'
Gnaw your way to it

I lust you not
but I love all of this
with all my lovin'
Now show yourself to me

Thankful this mind escape, I am
Thank you for making me untroubled
Even if only for a moment
You're all that I want there to be.
Jan 2016 · 946
Mosh Microbiomes Jan 2016
You don't question,
the ocean running into the shore
You don't wonder,
the way the sun burns in the sky

I don't question,
you not kissing me when you come back home anymore
I don't wonder,
why your eyes don't burn when I dress pretty

How did the ocean stop going back to the shore
How did I become just another object sitting in the house

We are breathing different air under the same **** roof
We are being different beings even after we vowed to be one

This is not comfort, no
This is a settlement without any negotiation having taken place.
Dec 2015 · 338
Mosh Microbiomes Dec 2015
My silence is not my weakness
My thoughts are not my prison
I am free, free and young
Liberated only because I can choose

I choose to be okay
I choose to be wary of love
I choose to get out of my own labyrinth
I choose all the wrong things

The mere idea of not having a safe zone
The single thought of no gravity beneath
No net to fall down into
Feels liberating but yet isn't

Isn't because I am okay
I am wary of love
I am all the wrong things
****** back up by my own labyrinth.
Nov 2015 · 380
Mosh Microbiomes Nov 2015
Will it stop, if I begin to end it
Will it reduce, if I carry all the weight in my words
Will anybody care, if I die and I didn't see the **** light
It's an epidemic, humanity is an epidemic.

All the animals are blindly running, they can't seem to stop
The nature is just present, carrying them
But the animals will traumatically **** each other, never stopping
And the nature will just be present, static.

Why is our faith so conflicted
Why does time go by without telling us
Warning us that, this is not your world
And this is not your time, sweet child.
Today is not your day, sweet child.

Go back to bed and never wake
Because the only dynamic thing in the world
Is what you dream about.
Nov 2015 · 523
Temporary trifles
Mosh Microbiomes Nov 2015
Just in that moment
It was all meant to be
We couldn't have ignored it
The light, so bright, blinding me

We had to see, you were there
Your whole body and soul
Touching me passionately
But leaving things untold

Your hesitance around people
Died the heat out between
Though I was still craving
The timing had to intervene

But just in that moment
It was all meant to be.
Nov 2015 · 356
Mosh Microbiomes Nov 2015
It's tough right now
to accept that I'm whole
To be alone with you
And whole without you

Wide laughs, crying hearts
We never thought about full stops
Happiness couldn't contain it
Us, falling in love tonight

Eventually I looked into the mirror
Loved so hard, I saw your half
Your skin, like acid, skinning me
Your teeth, like claws, digging into me

My mind prisoned by my body
Tried to ignore it but it took a toll
But alas, we are growing over and over
And I stand alone but a complete whole.

— The End —