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4.6k · Nov 2014
Emmanuel Coker Nov 2014
I cried today for the first time in years
I cried today, and they were real tears
I cried not because I conquered my fears
Or because I lost all that was dear

I cried today, shedding tears like the rain
I cried today, letting go of all the pain
I cried so much, again and again
And these were tears I couldn't restrain

I cried today, cos' I finally understood me
Knowing fully well all that I could ever be
I lived in the shadows where no one could see
A prisoner to my thoughts wanting to be free

I cried today and these were tears of joy
I cried today, knowing I am a new born
A freed man, that was locked in the skin of a boy
A freed man whose life has just begun

I cried today and they were real tears
I cried today for the first time in many years
4.3k · Oct 2014
The Right Decision
Emmanuel Coker Oct 2014
Put it to rest
Don't put it to test
That hatred of yours,
Deep down in your chest

Put it to test
Don't put it to rest
Those loving words you hold,
Deep down in your chest

For then, would you have emptied your chest
And completed your quest,
And you'll be rest assured
That your decision was the best.
Life is too short to hold resentments, forgive the ones who hurt you, and don't be scared to say 'I love you' to the ones you truly care about. They might be with you for one second, and in the next gone, never to be seen again....
4.0k · Apr 2015
Emmanuel Coker Apr 2015
I've got poetic licence
So I can right however I want.
Even if whatever I right doesn't make sense
I kan right with whichever font.

I use my poetic licence in whatever I right
An sometimes, de thins I right does not look write

I have de power power 2 repeat rhymes
Over and over countless of times
I use abbreviations in de mst unusual ways
My, commas, and!!!!!, escalations, marks come!!! as they may!!!!

I've got poetic licence cos I am a poet
I use it in odes, elegys, ballads, epitaphs, and sometimes in sonnets.
I am never rong.
And with my poetic license I will remain strung.
4.0k · Sep 2015
Tales of a loner
Emmanuel Coker Sep 2015
I know this isn't a phase
I think i'd just cover my face
Stop before the start of the race
And just never leave this place

This is who I am
I am a loner
3.7k · Feb 2015
The Blacksmith
Emmanuel Coker Feb 2015
The blacksmith

He sees what he wants and he approaches it
Strikes a deal with this item
And starts his work on it

'baby you are looking fat' he says, 'why don't you sign up at the nearest gym'
'baby, this make up is a bit much, why don't you cut down on it'
'baby, you should dress like this, I prefer mini skirts to long trousers'
'I don't think I like your friend, she makes me feel uncomfortable, stop talking to her'

He makes all this changes and more to his new item, looking now at the finished product, he detests the works of his own hands, but why, he created this, he made and shaped this item into his own liking, lo has he outgrown it?, like a little child, has he found a better thing to call toy?, like a blacksmith, he'd leave the works of his hands to attend to a new one....blacksmiths are not contented, they strive for perfection, the perfect sword, the perfect shield, the perfect girl.
Little do they know, to be perfect is to be contented.

Pray you don't come across a blacksmith :)
2.1k · May 2016
This world is not ours
Emmanuel Coker May 2016
This world is not my home
This life is not my own
Walking helplessly in this spherical dome,
I'd rather walk my life alone

This world is not your home
This life is not your own
Walking aimlessly in this spherical dome,
You'd better walk your life alone

This world is not our home
This life is not our own
Walking endlessly in this spherical dome,
It's best to walk this life alone
2.1k · Aug 2016
Greatest Fear
Emmanuel Coker Aug 2016
My greatest fear would be losing you
And if I do, I'll be the greatest fool
Because i feel true love with only you
And out of all these lies, that one's true

But nowadays it seems you are never pleased with whatever I do
Always bringing up a fight, yelling at me too
Showing me signs you want to see someone new
Telling me you want to end it, bringing it up out of the blue

So out of all these lies, this one is true
If you leave me, you'd be the greatest fool
And after i’m done crying for you
After the cold lonely nights, feeling sad and blue
I would move on, finding someone new
For my greatest fear is losing me to you.
1.7k · Nov 2014
To my Cutie
Emmanuel Coker Nov 2014
If falling in love with you is gonna make me the stupidest of all beings to ever grace the surface of this earth.......i don't think I'd ever wanna be smart.

Dear God i'm so in love with you...i loose all rights to own a brain whenever I get just a glimpse of your beautiful face, the thought of you makes my body ache to be embraced by you...if even for just a quarter of a second.

I'd bumped into you in class....yeah that was when we first met, clumsy me, and when I stood there, ready to apologize for being so clumsy, You smiled....., and as you smiled, I saw in those hazel eyes of yours what heaven would feel like, my heaven. I was lost. Your dreamy eyes kept me in a trance, an hypnotic trance I dared not wish to get out of....Yes!!..when I looked into your eyes, I knew it was you, and I knew I had to have you. This is more love than lust. I don't think I'd ever be happy with any other person. I want you and you alone. I want your whole being.
-To my cutie...(The best thing since sliced bread).
1.6k · Jun 2016
Not a fling
Emmanuel Coker Jun 2016
We rush things up skipping the foreplay
I obey all your commands, as you are the only one with words to say
Your legs arched up, move in a dramatic sway
You tell me to keep hitting it, because you like it this way

Telling me you are ready
I slide into you, making love to you steady
The beating on the zinc roof indicates the rain is quite heavy
And you whisper slowly into my ears, ‘that’s it baby’

The cold from the weather could not overcome the heat
From the *** we had, after moving to the dining seat
I should ask for your name, in case of the next time we meet
This shouldn't be a fling, rather it should be kept on repeat.
1.6k · Sep 2014
The Funeral
Emmanuel Coker Sep 2014
I am the wind that blows your hair
I am the sun up the summer sky
I am the water that flows in the spring
I am the brightest amongst the stars

Again I saw them grieve at the grave
A nice speech the eulogist gave
Oh dear friends, weep no more
For if anyone should ask
I am not there...
I did not die!!!
1.5k · Sep 2014
Cupid's Mistake
Emmanuel Coker Sep 2014
I lost your trust
You lost mine
The distance was much
Our love couldn't fly

Broken promises
Broken hearts
We told lies
We said byes

I miss your touch
Do you miss mine?
The touch of your lips
When it meets mine
1.5k · Sep 2014
Fall out of Love
Emmanuel Coker Sep 2014
How does it feel to fall out of love?
To wake up one morning, and say that you're done
Make up your mind, and tell me, it's fine
To fall out of love, 'cos you were never mine?

Love in itself can never be defined
It is a feeling that's blissful and divine
To love and be loved in return
I doubt, you'll ever see something as much fun

Don't you remember all you once said?
About our undying love and these feelings we shared
Do all these thoughts run in your head?
Or are they left blank, like my space on your bed

You woke up one morning, and said we were done
So I ask you, how did it feel, when you fell out of love?
1.5k · Sep 2014
I AM ME!!!
Emmanuel Coker Sep 2014
I am a man of integrity
A being of values
A man of chances
A risk taker
A people's person
The weak's solicitor
A man of great morals
A said adonis
The emir of greatness
I am a good people
Rhythm of the redeemers
A daring entrepreneur
And after alls said and done
Despite all odds
I AM ME!!!
1.4k · Aug 2016
She is mine not yours
Emmanuel Coker Aug 2016
I'd still love her with all her flaws
She is mine not yours
For her I'd break down many doors
She is mine not yours
**** your rules, **** your laws
Cos’ she is mine not yours
They say I am under a curse
Well she is still mine not yours
They say fighting for her is not a just cause
But she is still mine not yours
And for her my domino would always fall
Because she is mine and not yours.
1.3k · Sep 2014
The Painted Picture
Emmanuel Coker Sep 2014
I painted a picture in my head of me and you
Moving past all the obstacles that we've been through
Love is wicked in as much as cruel
But that wasn't the picture that I drew

I've been painting a picture in my head of me and you
Falling apart as we grew
I fell for you, and got bruised
And now my heart...wished only better, it had knew

I will paint a picture in my head of me and you
Two of us as one, a part of the lucky few
Who finally feels love, and bask in its morning dews
I will paint a picture,........ a picture of me loving you
A painted picture doesn't necessarily have to be what can be what will be.
1.3k · Oct 2014
Beauty sleep
Emmanuel Coker Oct 2014
I dream of a place with strawberry beds
Vanilla chairs
And chocolate stairs

I dream of a place with golden white songs
Silver dark lights
And diamonds that shines bright

I dream of a place filled with female angels so bare
Looking unclad
And oh! How much would I stare

I dream of a place filled with a thousand more dreams
Oh! How I would sleep
And dream a thousand more dreams
1.2k · Oct 2014
Frenemies :)
Emmanuel Coker Oct 2014
I found a friend in whom my secrets wouldn't part
I found a friend to push me 'round in a cart
I found a friend to hold me in my hands
A friend to follow me to no man's land
Never to leave no matter the weather,
This promise we made, while we hugged each other.

I found a friend, who strived to make me suffer
A friend who held my grip with evil agendas
A friend who left me in the middle of desserts
A friend who pushed me out in anger
I found a friend who loved no other
A friend who pushed me out with a cart
A friend in whom my secrets did part
1.1k · Dec 2014
I Cried
Emmanuel Coker Dec 2014
I cried today for the first time in years
I cried today, and they were real tears
I cried not because I conquered my fears
Or because I lost all that was dear

I cried today, shedding tears like the rain
I cried today, letting go of all the pain
I cried so much, again and again
And these were tears I couldn't restrain

I cried today, cos' I finally understood me
Knowing fully well all that I could ever be
I lived in the shadows where no one could see
A prisoner to my thoughts wanting to be free

I cried today and these were tears of joy
I cried today, knowing I am a new born
A freed man, that was locked in the skin of a boy
A freed man whose life has just begun

I cried today and they were real tears
I cried today for the first time in many years
This kinda took a lil bit of time to complete
1.1k · Sep 2014
The Dark Void
Emmanuel Coker Sep 2014
I am not aware of my being
I sometimes drift into a void of darkness
Moments soon, paranoia kicks in
I manage to bring out a smile
From the remains of what I call a mouth

Loneliness fuels the fire of sadness
My happiness refuses to quench
Moments later, I get lost
Not in the void, but in my thoughts
Thoughts as to why i'm not aware
Of my being??....No!
But the reason to my sadness
1.0k · Jan 2017
How To Wear A Torn Sock
Emmanuel Coker Jan 2017
Beneath the suede feel and nappa leather
Beneath the Jordan that sells for some many dollars
Rests a weary foot covered in torn silk
A little hole here
A little patch there

Beneath the Italian suit and that da Vinci scarf
Beneath the bear fur coat and the cashmere wool
Rest a broken soul covered with a broken body
A little wear here
Some many tear there
Don't be deceived by material things, some people are broken and damaged much more than you'd ever know. They just cover up pretty well.
1.0k · Feb 2017
The thing about her
Emmanuel Coker Feb 2017
There's something about her dreamy eyes
That makes you want to be a dreamer
There's something about her soothing tongue
That makes you want to be a preacher
There's something about her lovely smile
That makes you want to be a painter
There's something about her great physique
That makes you want to be a sculptor
There's something about her intellect
That makes you want to be a professor
There's something about her being
That makes you want to be
There's something about her
That makes you want to be her lover
991 · Sep 2015
No one understands
Emmanuel Coker Sep 2015
I don't think they understand
The thoughts that run in my head
I don't think they understand
The reason I lay awake on my bed

I don't think I understand
The thoughts that run in my head
I don't think I understand
The reason I lay awake on my bed

So why should they?
980 · Oct 2014
Dad was the monster
Emmanuel Coker Oct 2014
Dad is home again, little sister
Won't you run and hide away, little sister
He came back drunk again, little sister
I too, once felt your pain, little sister

Dad is home again, that monster
He's going up the stairs her way, to see her
He's had his way again, that monster
Now all she feels is pain, down under

Dad is home again, little sister
I already have a plan today, little sister
You see, he'll never hurt you again, that monster
I promise to keep you safe, always and forever

Close your eyes and sleep in my arms, little sister
For tonight, we sleep safe and sound with our maker.
976 · Sep 2014
Good Deeds
Emmanuel Coker Sep 2014
I am doing this for you
I am doing this for her
I am doing this for him
I am doing this for them
I am doing this for the lots of you
So if I perish whilst doing it
Remember I did it for you

But not a thing did I do for me.
942 · Dec 2015
Sweet Surrender
Emmanuel Coker Dec 2015
I remember what we did last night
I still picture you in those **** tights
******* pulled down in a brilliant flash
Unveiling what was once carefully stashed

The taste of your lips linger in my mouth
And you know I love when it makes a pout
We never really know what this is about
Even when everything seems to be going south

But what really matters is the fact,
That whatever we’re into doesn’t require a pact
So when I called you over to my house
You came running without your blouse

The ignition wasn’t off in your car
You stood by the door, looking hot as hell in your bra
Taking my shirt off and dropping it on the floor
You waltzed in further, slamming behind you, the door

I rose to meet your gaze as my hands fell on your hip
But you also rose to meet my pace and gently undid my zip
A little bit of nibbling and a series of selective pecks
I caressed your face and softly kissed you on the neck

You hungered and ached for me to feel you from the inside
Your knees grew weak, as my fingers went in with an easy slide
Moaning with pleasure as I took you on a pleasure ride
You pushed me over, telling me to hit it from the other side

It took a little of my time before I was finally done
I then laid on my back, eagerly awaiting my turn
You held on to my shaft, saying to me ‘let’s have some fun’
And before I knew it, your tongue was on it, in a circular motion

After you were done, you looked up to me straight
And as we stared into each other’s eyes like we were new soul mates
You climbed on top of me, guiding me to your holy gate
And I moved slowly inside, treading carefully in a foreign state

I laid you on your back and went in slowly and nice
And with every move I made, you had this look in your eyes
I whispered to you ‘I love you’, even when you knew it was a lie
But you didn’t care about that, cos’ you were about to *** twice

Every ****** I made, took you to a new height
I couldn’t get enough, cos’ to God who made me you felt tight
My muscles ached as I made love to you with all my might
And you didn’t let go, not until we were through with the night

What went on later seems to be a blur
I can’t tell how long we held on for
But I know it was a sweet surrender
When as captives of lust, we freed ourselves together
884 · Sep 2014
The Monster
Emmanuel Coker Sep 2014
I came as a friend
She doesn't need a friend
I came as an helper
She has lots of maids
I came bearing gifts
She threw them all out in a swift
But then, I came as a monster
And with her soul and heart, she took me forever.
853 · Feb 2015
Cool Kids
Emmanuel Coker Feb 2015
She said she was being real
She knew that cut would never heal
She thought about this as she ate her meal
And minutes later she took another pill

She's aborted her last
Her future has been destroyed by her past
She now covers her face with a mask
She knows her womb would never embark on any task

He felt he was being real
He smoked cannabis, and just wanted to chill
He drank most of those mixtures and popped many pills
His mates cheered him on, he felt the immense thrill

That operation was the last
His kidney could not work as fast
His future has been destroyed by his past
And he drowned in his sorrows....for his sorrows were vast

They thought they were being real
They future was destroyed by their past
They both took the pill
And they both died with their dreams at last
You have your fun over there at the cool kids table, I prefer my spot here with the normal people
845 · May 2016
You & I
Emmanuel Coker May 2016
Let the sun shine
Let the rain fall
You'd still be mine
And i'd still be yours

Whence comes the flat line
As the GRIM REAPER calls
You'd still be mine
And i'd still be yours
843 · Sep 2015
My Lady
Emmanuel Coker Sep 2015
Let me tell you about my baby
She's the prettiest girl I've ever seen
And my baby is such a classy lady
But she's not proud, 'cos pride is a mortal sin
My baby's got the key to drive me crazy
But she likes her place in the passenger's seat

Let me tell you about my lady
My lady acts tough, but she's as cute as a baby
And something about her that drives me crazy
Is that...she knows what she wants, there's no maybe.

Let me tell you about my baby
My baby is the best 'cos she makes me happy
She calls me her baby and I call her my lady
And we love each other like crazy
823 · Jul 2017
Do you?
Emmanuel Coker Jul 2017
Do You?

Do you miss the way things were between us?
Do you flinch with every passing thought of me being with another person, just as I flinch when I think of you
Do you ache with pain knowing my hands, eyes, lips and mouth would adore the graciousness of another being?
Do you playback series of different scenarios in your head about what might have been if either of us acted differently?
Do you miss me telling you “I love you” as we both bid ourselves goodnight in hopes to be reunited once again at the break of dawn?
Do you wish me happiness and joy in all my endeavors but wish you are always there to celebrate with me?
Do you grow jealous of the other being I would newly grow to love and share devotion with?

I just want to know if you do, ‘cause I do.
And if you don't, I still won't blame you.
I know we both said our byes, but it'll be a long time before my heart bids you adieu.
795 · Oct 2018
The dead ones are free.
Emmanuel Coker Oct 2018
Some days like today,
I feel weak, everything seems bleak,
And a voice inside me begins to say,
The dead ones are free.

Some days like today,
I feel like I've been cheated,
Off of the life I really wanted to live.
I cheated myself and I can't live with the consequences…
So the voice inside me begins to say,
The dead ones are free.

Some days like today,
I need help but I'm scared to admit,
I'm not suicidal, don't put me on trial,
Maybe if you can sit and listen,
Maybe you'd hear the voice inside me beginning to say…
The dead ones are free.
The dead ones are free.
The dead ones are free.
The dead ones are free.
And they want us to just see.
787 · Jan 2017
My keep
Emmanuel Coker Jan 2017
Sugar on your lips
I like the taste
My hands on your hips
Makes home on your waist

Pull me in close
Let's ignite a flame
You are a drug i overdose
I'm a wild dog you need to tame

Honey from your tongue
I take a sip
It is with you I belong
Your being is my keep
752 · Sep 2014
My Lord's Prayer
Emmanuel Coker Sep 2014
I woke up today
I can't say much of the people I slept with yesterday
Some woke with problems, while most passed away
But he gave me the grace to stay another day
I'm filled with joyful songs and words to say
Because through thick and thin he paved my way
Even though I was unworthy, he still chose to stay
I was pulled by the world and led astray
I realised this and dropped on my knees to pray
Father Lord, here I am do not drive me away
I have sinned and I know I've got my price to pay
I need your blood to cleanse me and wash this sins away
In only you I will trust for you do not betray
And in your cosy ***** i'll love to lay.

I know that Jesus 'still alive I can feel him breathing
So all I just gotta do is pray and keep believing
741 · Feb 2015
In all Honesty
Emmanuel Coker Feb 2015
In truth.. if I smiled as much as I use the smiley emoticon in a chat, or laughed as hard as when I use the various abbreviations 'lol' '*****' '****' and sorts, I think my life wouldn't be as ****** up as it is right now.
737 · May 2016
Drive yourself
Emmanuel Coker May 2016
Take the reins of the sail
Steer and evade life's falling hail
Be the king of the ocean
Set for yourself an easy going motion

Take the reins of the car
Take it and drive yourself very far
Swerve past every troublesome lane
Drive your life past the reach of pain

Take the reins of the horse
Set for yourself a designated course
Ride all night through the fiery storm
There'd be peace, when morning comes

Take the reins of your life
Make sure to evade all troubles and strife
735 · May 2016
Emmanuel Coker May 2016
Green is the colour of ewedu leaves
Green is the colour of herbal trees
Green is the colour of something green
Green is the colour of something I see

Don't talk so much as you drink your tea
The sight is obscene as I watch you eat
Don't make a smile or grin at me
‘Cos green is the colour of what's stuck in your teeth.
734 · Nov 2014
Smooth criminal
Emmanuel Coker Nov 2014
Just like how the Jesus in the Christian’s bible
Turned water to wine
I will hold you at gunpoint with my heart's rifle
And make all your being be mine
Emmanuel Coker Sep 2014
Mirror mirror on the wall
Might I ask a question more
Of which will be the saddest fall
A bullet between the core of my skull..,
Or a jump off the great china's wall?
I presume the latter would bring much greater fun
As it would end instantly if done with a gun
Yes, i'll like to bask in the moment.....more
Who doesn't cherish a battle won...
So as I fall from great china's wall
I would fill my head with thoughts of exotic halls
Beautiful girls, dances and malls
How greatly would I miss them all
So yes, all life would go by in a flash
As my body hits the floor with a splash
And then my soul floats up in bliss
Looking down at a'll miss.
Oh dear!!
713 · Sep 2014
The Lingering Darkness
Emmanuel Coker Sep 2014
It's dark, it's cold, it's lonely, it's home

Lights turned off, locked in my room
I stare with smiles, at the absence of the moon
I get familiar once again with the lingering darkness
It eases my pain and takes away this sadness
And as I stare into this oblique blackness
I think of bad and all beastliness
Devouring up every soul, giving up no kindness

In darkness, I find solace
In it, I find peace
In darkness, I plead no case
In it, I find me
The darkness is here
And it's come to stay
Do not be scared my dear
For if you're with darkness...there's nothing left to fear
704 · Feb 2015
Monster in Love
Emmanuel Coker Feb 2015
Why am I still holding on
You already left me before I realised you were gone
You made my heart a personal hell
And left me there alone to burn

I cried so hard during the nights,
I felt my heart searching for the light
Maybe at the end of the tunnel, right before that bend
It will be there for me, looking so bright

I hope you die and crash and burn
And then i'd laugh 'cos now it's your turn
A sight it would be to watch you cry
'Cos baby, your sorrow is now my fun
Immense sadness leads to sadism.... the aftermath of a broken heart is emptiness,...emptiness that breeds within itself a monster.
699 · Sep 2014
The Choice
Emmanuel Coker Sep 2014
It's a place filled with red
Burning flames hurting the dead
They didn't listen, but they heard
About the messiah, and all he said

It's a place filled with light
The Messiah's home, looking so bright
Golden gates made of white
Opened for only those who did right

The choice is yours
Hell is wide with open doors
Either stay wrong or right your flaws
Heaven is yours, if you abide by his laws
677 · Jun 2016
Emmanuel Coker Jun 2016
I am weak
Simply because I can't find what I seek
What I seek is not something that's bleak
It takes the form of a solid, bulky and thick
From a selection I was asked to pick
Not to slow to act, always think quick
From the start of the day, till the end of the week
Climbing up a smooth mountain at a bid to reach the peak

Sometimes late at night I start to feel sick
I feel it inside of me as it begins to kick
I was told not to utter a word, don't even speak
But I was dying inside, as my strength began to deplete.

It takes the form of a solid, bulky and thick
The thing I seek might be a little bleak
And because I won't find what i seek
I would always continue to remain weak
649 · Sep 2015
A lifetime with you
Emmanuel Coker Sep 2015
At twenty one
Life with you is so much fun
At thirty two
The only girl I'd still love is you
At forty three
In our family house, we sit under a tree
At fifty four
I can't get enough of you...I want more
At sixty five
You are still the only woman in my life
At seventy six
Sitting room is filled with our grandkids pics
At eighty seven
Your arms still remains my safe haven
At ninety eight
I hope we live a century...if none of us is late.
648 · Sep 2014
Good Deeds
Emmanuel Coker Sep 2014
I did good by the lots of you
You might deny this, even when it's true
I went down to raise you up
Fought against odds, to reach the top
Though the road was rough, we didn't stop

I gave more than I collect
Not a friend did I ever neglect
I tried my best to please them
But you see, that was a problem
Not every soul deserves a helping hand
Not every soul helps a friend drowning in quick sand
I've given my last
I'm leaving the past
And might you deny this, even when it's true
I know I did good by the lots of you
644 · Sep 2014
The End
Emmanuel Coker Sep 2014
The darkness is here
It's come to stay,
And with it comes fear
Inside the void I heard them say
We've come for you and all you hold dear
I'm scared friend, i'm scared
Why must the end begin with fear
It's been crushed, that hope for a brighter day
Alas, I am to go with them
To a place, farther than heaven's bay
Friend, I have no reason to stay
For in moments time I will wake
In another world, in another place
The end is here
634 · May 2016
No one is everything
Emmanuel Coker May 2016
No one is everything
We are all just bits and parts of a bigger something.
That's why at certain points, certain times and certain aspects of our lives, we feel the need to want others in our lives,
Because we need other people to feel complete.
617 · May 2017
Emmanuel Coker May 2017
I don't do poems
Or maybe I do
But I'm not a poet
And that's not true
My mistress is stressed
But she's a much better muse
And she asked for a poem
To spark up her fuse
But I'm not a poet
And that's not true
Because I really do poems
When it's for you.
You love me I like poems
586 · Sep 2015
Be My Wife
Emmanuel Coker Sep 2015
She looks beautiful in that light
She makes my soul want to take flight
She's all I need in a wife
She's all I need in my life

She makes me happy each night
Even when we get into deep fights
I hope I make her my wife
If not now, I pray in my next life

You make me happy each night
You make my soul want to take flight
I hope I make you my wife
Come this moment, come whatever life
580 · Sep 2014
Crimson's Demise
Emmanuel Coker Sep 2014
I always knew you had it in you
Driving a man insane with words of abuse
A note lies on the floor stating my demise
With reasons why I did this for you

I heard them banging at the locked door
Stepped into the bathtub, time was up
The water was cold, the blade was rust
Hands stretched as I took the first cut

1,....2,....3, I was gone!,
Never to feel the pain of a lost cause
550 · Jan 2017
Black nor white
Emmanuel Coker Jan 2017
…With her, he chose to see a colourful future

And with him, she chose to remain colorblind.
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