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16.6k · Nov 2014
Exam Day
Sydney Ann Nov 2014
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I copied your exam,
*And I failed too.
Also from my best friend Krystal  XD
13.7k · May 2015
Falling Out of Love (haikus)
Sydney Ann May 2015
Falling out of love:
Back to reality, oh
there goes gravity

He was my gravity.
Does my gravity miss me?
(I chose to let go)
10.5k · Feb 2015
Sydney Ann Feb 2015
I wrote this little piece for a creative writing class
8.8k · Nov 2014
Chocolate Milk (Part 2)
Sydney Ann Nov 2014
Mu chocolate milk has been removed
My parents are so hard to fool!
They saw my mostly chocolate milk
The bottom caked in choco-silt
And now my happy wants to wilt
Goodbye my tasty chocolate milk!
8.1k · Nov 2014
Chocolate Milk (Part 1)
Sydney Ann Nov 2014
Chocolate milk how can you be
So creamy, sweet, and chocolatey
I see you in my dinner glass
The perfect way to make time pass
Oh man I love you chocolate milk
You're finer than... the finest silk?
Ironically I'm allergic :(
Dedicated to my little sister
find #milk for part 2 TWIST ENDING!!!
6.8k · Feb 2015
Rhyme Acne
Sydney Ann Feb 2015
Writer's block has clogged my mental pores
Oily ignorance I cannot ignore
Technology is fogging up my mind
Leaving me no time to unwind

I looked in the mirror today
And guess what I saw

My ugly, stunted imagination's face
Full of gross digital zits
I'm really starting to miss
My former wit
I've got to get out of this keyboard-y place
6.6k · Jun 2015
Days Will Blur
Sydney Ann Jun 2015
Lights will flash
Tempers will stir
Beauty will dance
Days will blur
                           Until life ends.
6.5k · Apr 2015
Midnight City
Sydney Ann Apr 2015
Once there was a midnight city
Where trouble never lurked
Moonlight swam throughout the streets
And I let it take me home

I who live amongst the shadows
In your deepest inner dreams
I who am a nameless figure
Who speaks with silent screams

A magical moonlit midnight city
Immune to plagues like pain and pity
My homeland I do hold dear
The secret place I'll never fear
4.3k · May 2015
Existing (haiku)
Sydney Ann May 2015
Existing is tough;
why don't we all just give in,
do the trees a favor
3.5k · Mar 2015
Dear Cat part 2
Sydney Ann Mar 2015
But mistress! The bin is intriguing
I'm sorry for all my trouble
and the doors can be oh so deceiving
when they shut I take tumbles
but I go on believing
you'll love me double
when I make my way back inside
3.4k · Jan 2015
You Know Who's Awesome?
Sydney Ann Jan 2015
Starry Night
Her poems are mind blowing
3.1k · May 2015
To Be Beautiful
Sydney Ann May 2015
There is always a chance for you to be beautiful.
You will always be you, you will always be perfect.
You do not need to seek out beauty,
It's true, what they say,
about it being inside
you just have to stop looking.

Let it go,
for as soon as you see that beauty externally means nothing
you will be beautiful from the inside out

Hey, burning hot pizza with soggy insides *****.
**You will be the pizza that is warm all the way through and really perfect looking on the outside!!!!!!!
3.1k · Dec 2014
Sydney Ann Dec 2014
Truth: We call ourselves deep
Sometimes: We call others shallow
But really: We are the shallowest of all
                                                           **For we wear our hearts on our sleeves
                                                         ­  Inflate our pain
                                                            ­And  pine for that                          which we do not             deserve
3.1k · Jan 2015
New Year
Sydney Ann Jan 2015
            Is in
                                       And I am finally
                                                         ­            Free
                                                      Fr­om Hell
                              To have a life
**And truly live
Happy Holidays everyone!!!
2.8k · Jan 2015
Sydney Ann Jan 2015
I can't believe
How spoiled I am
I have a bed to sleep in
Yet sometimes I want more.
Such a brat!
Thinking I deserve these things
While people who work
100,000 times harder than me
Die every day
Without the things I take for granted
Things I never even think of
Why am I alive
If I'm such a waste of resources
All the wealth in the hands of the few. Very saddening.
2.8k · May 2015
You (haiku)
Sydney Ann May 2015
I want to do something
to make you proud of my mind.
Will you **** me trying?
2.7k · Jun 2015
A Haiku Collage
Sydney Ann Jun 2015
Feeling utterly
unknown and unloved today.
It gets tedious.

Freedom is the prize,
and I guess love is the cost...
walking in-between

I'd almost trade my eyes
to have a normal lifetime
unique to safer

Let the calling pull
drift with direction in mind
follow waves to purpose
2.5k · Mar 2015
Haiku #4 March
Sydney Ann Mar 2015
Pick me up and take--
Take me to my grave so I--
I can die in love
2.5k · Jan 2015
You Know Who's Awesome?
Sydney Ann Jan 2015
Vanessa Gatley
Her words of encouragement make our days awesome and our smiles wider
2.4k · May 2015
Noteworthy (haiku)
Sydney Ann May 2015
When will my work be noteworthy?
Noteworthy... Oh honey please,
spare me the *******
2.4k · May 2015
No need for a title
Sydney Ann May 2015
it hurts so much,
but I don't feel anything.
The tears don't come
even as I beg them
Sydney Ann Mar 2015
Dear Daughter:
I've cleared out the paths for you.
I figured you'd want one of the more trafficked ones.
I packed you some snacks for the road,
some shoes to walk on,
some friends to walk with.
You are the first born,
I wasn't sure what to do for you.
I'm sorry mom,
but on the road I've chosen
(not what you wanted for me)
I am on my own
but no one owns me here
2.3k · Dec 2014
Dearest Roland,
Sydney Ann Dec 2014
Ye are not alone
Hear me, If ye will,
For I too have become one of the last of my kind
And my world falls apart
Just as thine own
And though we chase not the same Tower,
They are but one

Yes, Charyou Tree, come reap
I too have given up everything for my Tower
And if they knew,
They would demand I renounce my precious tower
But ka like the wind
Carries me forward
And I believe you understand
Why I know
I will draw
My last breath
On the path of the beam
The Dark Tower, written by Stephen King
(Unless you have read, you will never know)
2.2k · Mar 2015
Sydney Ann Mar 2015
If              v
   the     a      e
         w              s         to                       today
                         were             come                     would                 would
                                                           ­                           you        or        you
             ­                                                                 ­              drown            drink?
Sydney Ann Jul 2015
Why does every emotion live across the street from me?
I stare every day
over my morning coffee in this blank apartment
trying to stay awake,
And the apartment across the street has a window,
an open window,
and I spy inside and glimpse the colors.

I remember having those here living with me.
How though
can I trust memories of feelings I've forever lost to the next building?
Can I?
I feel their echoes.
But when I go downstairs the pancakes will be flavorless and
blandly white with gray thick
nothing syrup
drizzled all across them. I'll have to eat
to stay alive
but don't think I like it one bit.
2.2k · Apr 2015
Sticks and Stones (1)
Sydney Ann Apr 2015
Sticks and stones
for fear-filled bones,
I was shaking from the start.
Your words could ****
or keep me still,
but your silence tears my heart.
For the whole series check #stonesandroses
2.2k · Jan 2015
Pins and Needles
Sydney Ann Jan 2015
It is not this onion I wish to *****
But your heart and mind I wish to stick
You'll think of me night and day
Until with words you arrive and say
"I love you"
2.2k · Dec 2014
Sydney Ann Dec 2014
Oh look!
Upon that rock,
  A dream does lie
   I stood in shock
    as it dashed into flight
     I watched it's silhouette
      On the setting sun
       Not long now
        'Till night will come
         Catch it
           It's not too late
            Dear child,
             You haven't a moment to wait!

              Said the sea,
               And the sand,
                And the whispering breeze
                 So I raced down the beach
                   And I chased down my dreams
                    And now I couldn't be happier
Written while I was dating Polar Opposite
2.1k · Mar 2015
Haiku #2 March
Sydney Ann Mar 2015
Butterfly will you
protect me from my darkness
carry the light to my heart
2.1k · May 2015
'Salem's Lot
Sydney Ann May 2015
Do it quickly,
God forgive me
Her eyes drifted dreamily
His teeth worked against her neck

Lord of the flies, favor me now
... had already pooled in it, something viscid and alive
I am the resurrection of death
He's undead, Ben
We must go through bitter to taste the sweet

Now your end.
and the blood that pulsed from his chest turned black

Look out!
You killed the master!
I'll be back
They were in the streets, the walking dead
They go crazy on the inside.
2.0k · Mar 2015
Sydney Ann Mar 2015
The struggle
is putting words into
groups that
sound right flow
nicely picking
the right words and
putting soul into
it that's how you win
1.9k · Mar 2015
I'm Sorry Mom
Sydney Ann Mar 2015
I chose
the road
less traveled

and you probably
don't know
what to do

forgive me
it is such
a wonderful
place to be
1.9k · Mar 2015
Sydney Ann Mar 2015
he never lets
anyone in

and probably
never will

he keeps it locked
away inside

so good at secrets
no one is even suspicious
1.9k · Mar 2015
Haiku #3 March
Sydney Ann Mar 2015
Children Broad Ripple
is burning and the girls are
getting sick off huff

ing glue up in the
bathroom while their boyfriends pick
and darling I'm lost
Margot and the Nuclear So Sos
1.9k · Jul 2015
The Waves that Wash Us
Sydney Ann Jul 2015
Just another rant about society
Here goes
Yes sir, yes I'd like to submit a complaint
as I stare at my shoes, my hypocritical shoes I walk in
All I am able to read these days is about love
People write
about love
lost love and the
Will someone show me
their life?
Because today that's what I need
A break from the self created waves that wash us
Seriously though send me a link
1.9k · Jan 2015
Sydney Ann Jan 2015
On those mornings,
and days,
that last for years
where my head is foggy
every second,
foggily upset
and unable to grasp
what the real problem is
if there is an actual problem to begin with
the best thing to do
is not make any decisions
'cause you'll regret them
1.9k · Apr 2015
Sydney Ann Apr 2015
Graphite poisoning
stains my fingers
my skull is left cracked.

Paint is evidence
that my hands are creating
storing my soul out there

you need to play life
not the other way around
take back the garden

sleep is not sleep when
your brain never rests during
your unconsciousness.
1.9k · Jan 2015
Sydney Ann Jan 2015
Soon someone will love me
Soon someone will care

Soon someone will kiss me
Soon someone will dare

Dare to love me
Dare to hear
All my secrets
Secret fears

Fears that hurt me
Steal the air
Soon he will love me
I know he will dare
1.8k · Jan 2015
Sydney Ann Jan 2015
Letting people
Into my heart
And onto my body
is a scary violation
And a vulnerability.
Allowing a person access
To everything
How can I?

Maybe I have trust issues... I just don't know how to deal
1.8k · Nov 2014
Sydney Ann Nov 2014
Rainy rainy wet
Splashing through the mud
Feeling bold
My feet are cold
A muddy fate is set
1.8k · Nov 2014
Sydney Ann Nov 2014
What is the world
When you look
With no eyes?
Sydney Ann Mar 2016
My poetry is ****
I apologize to you
1.8k · Apr 2015
Thought Process
Sydney Ann Apr 2015
Day 2 to no prevail
with infinite available
my thoughts are, going
No pressure , Zero gravity
Speaking my mind
In freaking rhymes

I'm bored
Can't even call
up a chord

It's dire,  yet today
I'm impossibly smiling

but I'm afraid
this can only work once
the same                                
Comes out      
Every time

My train of thoughts
looks like graphite
trains are _  I don't

(The following was written in the margins)
So now I'm
going Sideways
my life is sideways
but no one ever got
I found this in my Creative Writing class notebook. I tried to type it up exactly how it was on the page so ^ there it is ;)
1.7k · Mar 2015
Your Soul
Sydney Ann Mar 2015
Better wrap my legs around you
'cause your eyes send me a blast
Better try to catch your breath
and put your fears in the past
Yeah you'd better close your eyes
I mean it'd be a big suprise
If I stole your soul
and was the cause
of your spirit's slow demise
1.7k · Mar 2016
The House is Empty
Sydney Ann Mar 2016
Quiet throughout all the rooms
I sing to drywall
1.6k · Apr 2015
All Angles (x4)
Sydney Ann Apr 2015
Freestyle:                                My heart
                                                         Coming alive
                                                        Finally maybe
                                                             I can live

my heart is coming alive
again yes it's awake now
my old radiance                                      

                  My heart is coming alive
                                                                                 again, it's on fire,
                                                                                 finally I can maybe
                                                                                 reclaim my significant
                                                                 brand of crazy

Sentence:        My heart is coming alive again, finally maybe I can be free

Literal             I feel so good again and the future doesn't seem so scary anymore
1.6k · Feb 2015
Don't Fix Me
Sydney Ann Feb 2015
I am radiant
   So do not rationalize

                         I shine like stars
                           through brilliant bubbles
                        of light and love and patience
                   if you rationalize me
               I become just a weak light bulb,
            struggling to illuminate
                even the smallest empty room
                      on my own
1.5k · Jan 2017
Sydney Ann Jan 2017
One day we will all be gone
The only whispers that fill the halls
Will be the wind
And several cockroaches
The walls will remember us
But to the air and bugs
We have never existed
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