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492 · Jan 2015
I Will Keep Going
Lady Bird Jan 2015
I might get a little lazy
even if its kicked a little crooked
I wont let it stop my flow
I'll still keep the ball rolling

I might come across some obstetricals
things might get a little puzzling
I might even confuse myself but
I'll put the pieces back together

there might be a few rocks on the path
I might crack the boulders or rip the seems
but each shattered pebble I'll toss aside
stitching everything right back in place
489 · Jan 2015
Fragile inspirations
Lady Bird Jan 2015
my inspirations are fragile
they do vanish quickly!
from my head onto the paper
when my thoughts begin flowing
I do not think about grammar first
if I were to check my grammar before
I've finished my thought all would be lost
it wouldn't be wroth the write
if the imagery was not there...
I feel I lose the "poem" if I stop in mid thought
but when it's all done I do try to go back to edit...
I believe if I cant find the poet
I have to become the poem
me as a write it becomes my duty
Inspired by "Juneau" --
from his profile message --
*I post most of these poems as I write them so that means I don't proof read them. If you ever see a typo let me know, I won't be offended. Thank you.*
475 · Jan 2015
Itch - Haiku
Lady Bird Jan 2015
her nose had an itch
so she started to scratch it
it began to bleed
freestyle, haiku, bleed, itch
466 · Nov 2015
Hollow Core
Lady Bird Nov 2015
gray clouds cover the moon
creating the dark of night
all his fears screamed of their
pain with all of their might
while the howling wind
penetrated his soul
to its hollow core
as he failed to take a breath
the feeling of nausea came
with his fear of death
456 · Dec 2016
Lady Bird Dec 2016
a cry for help and solitude
trapped isolated loneliness
tares in the depths of pain

crying for the past and new
deception despair and hatred
echos in the heart with fear

crying for the lies amd truth
spreading and sparkling light
never letting revenge take over
456 · Apr 2015
Hit And Miss
Lady Bird Apr 2015
it all began
with that kiss
secured in your arms
is were I use to be
my heart it's beat
was only for you
yet you heard it
and stil you flew
in just one blink
scared like a fly
you've colored me
to black from pink
what I wonder is why
all I wanted to do
is share that kiss
and love you for you
but yet there it was
a huge hit and miss
I have never heard this song before until now ...but I was inspired by ---
"Everything that I want, I want from you, but I just can't have you"
443 · Apr 2015
Dream Land Of Words
Lady Bird Apr 2015
through the wet ink with every stroke
thoughts are echoing page after page
one by one turning the surface of desire
as the poet sleeps in a dream land of words
439 · Sep 2016
Woke With A Smile
Lady Bird Sep 2016
his figure standing in the bed room doorway
in such excitement clutching the covers
passing the moonlit window of silver light
that picked up every detail of his bare skin
putting his finger to your lips
whispering "Shhh don't say a word"
climbing in bed pressing his body against yours
sending shivers down your spine
then you woke with a huge smile
his  text then came through....
""I'm always thinking about you""
421 · May 2016
No Ride Home
Lady Bird May 2016
Has something like this ever happen to you ?

woke up in the sand
the music stopped playing
the fun was gone
the party was over
grasping the sand
looking into to the ocean
shadows mocking the embarrassment
was too drunk to even notice
being left there all alone
so called friends didn't care to wake you
looking into the sunrise weeping
searching for a pay phone in close reach
realizing someone stole your wallet
walking off the beach with no ride home
410 · Dec 2014
A Scratch
Lady Bird Dec 2014
A mirror
..... with a
scratch .....
..... is not
unbearable .....
..... stand and
face it .....
..... fix it
make it .....
..... clearer !

No one .....
..... is perfect
people .....
..... can change
so don't .....
..... overlook
the qualities .....
..... a scratch
can sometimes.....
..... hide !
376 · Jan 2018
Ticket Of Life
Lady Bird Jan 2018
strands of gray in my hair
always a smile on my face
with such a heart of gold
stress it is everywhere
yet I still feel old
I'll say this to us all
age is just a number
a ticket of life to hold
376 · Sep 2015
Déjà vu
Lady Bird Sep 2015
sometimes things feel unfinished
it's just not over yet
Its something not to remember
yet it still wants to be known
revealing itself in the present
causing confusion and trouble
somehow it found an empty
space in the present time
reflecting itself from the
mirror of the past time
looking for true closure
happening all over again
It's  ..... Déjà vu .....
365 · Jan 2018
Wish Upon The Moon
Lady Bird Jan 2018
wishing upon the moon
hiding in the shadows
darkness silently moves
across the nightly sky
the pale moon undressed
right before my eyes
so much beauty in bold
the truth shall now rise
I call on dawn's true gold
with a single wish of desire
363 · Jan 2018
Clock Strikes
Lady Bird Jan 2018
tick--tock-- strikes the clock
in circles two hands flow
counting seconds to minutes
then minutes to hours yet
moving just so very slow
with every minute that tick-on by
the more "tocks" we think we have
the less time we actually do
no matter how hard we try
there is just no way we can
slow or speed it up the clock
it still will tick and tock
quickly tocking and slowly ticking
both fast and slow never stopping
time seems to continue
and yet forever flows
we lose a little and gain alot
on and on times goes
INSPIRED By Xaviera Allan's poem -- keep time --
361 · Jan 2018
Unfulfilled Promises
Lady Bird Jan 2018
ankles bound in silk
once walked with fierce
now in an endless chase
grasping midnights anguish
along the edge of darkness
the deep illusions escapes
waiting to unravel the soul
the ears perk up listening
to the spoken whispers
held down and under
steel bars around the heart
broken in conjunction of
never fulfilled promises
351 · Sep 2018
You Are...
Lady Bird Sep 2018
a powerful
radiant soul
a promising positive
treasured heartbeat
a thrilling pleasure
indulging in beauty
you are…Be(you)tiful
I Was Given This Prompt: Be(you)tiful
340 · Mar 2017
Lady Bird Mar 2017
non stop thinking
thoughts to decode
answers deep inside
and memories untold
endless mind wondering
Existence endless wondering thoughts decode untold inside answers
339 · Jun 2017
Time's Yearly Tune
Lady Bird Jun 2017
the music of night and day
here, there, everywhere
lightness and darkness
within time's yearly tune
a slow yet beautiful sway
the sun verses the moon
around the Earth they run
not a race yet in rotation
one fading behind the other
as the ticking hours toc away
around the calender's notation
of yesterday, today and tomorrow
molded together by mother nature
337 · Dec 2014
No Reason Why
Lady Bird Dec 2014
Friends were what we use to be
I was there for you as you were for me
we shared and passed secrets;
saw almost everything eye to eye
buddies we were you and I;
as a cobweb to a blinded fly
so complete, round as a circle, all in one loop
now two lonely lost feathers just blowing on by
do we even know what broke our friendship hoop
I received a letter one day with no real reason why
and all I found inside was the sad words "Good-bye"
332 · Dec 2014
A Riddle Within A Poem
Lady Bird Dec 2014
What Am I?

Drips of joy and some of pain
peel me and find yet more restrain
but if you expect something deeper
water won’t cover up my given name
you will shed many drops from your eyes
so don't take these words by surprise

I know I may be a nuisance
within the growing fields
many may have complained
of my aroma and sight
I can't help how I was named
by God's given Light

who I am is just who I am
liked or disliked I am all the same
and I go by no other name
Can You Solve This Riddle?
325 · Dec 2014
Lady Bird Dec 2014 burning questions... twitchy fingers...
they entice me with new things
I can smell the strong aroma of


there is one simple two-lettered word
that can change an entire sentence
it is best used when put with the word "what"
it can express the most curiosity in such a way that

What?...Who?...Where?...When?...Why?...and How?

could not possess alone
they are all good questions but
many people use this tiny word
to ask one simple question

What if…?

while chasing his trepidation and being
propelled by his unusual desires
he didn't notice that knowledge
had such a strong aroma...

Curiosity Is Innocent !!!

it never meant to **** the cat
but what brought him back was

323 · Jan 2017
Grasp Of Strength
Lady Bird Jan 2017
a safety pin held her heart in place
no longer was it picture perfect
it has been split down the middle
in between somewhere somehow torn
the lingering pain and hurt is there
pulling and tugging at the pieces
shattered not stitched nor tailored
yet a safety pin small and worn out
soon to lose the grasp of its strength
with every breath it might come apart
an yet continuing to beat is her heart
pin safety heart parts pieces strength torn shattered grasp
321 · Jan 2018
...If You Knew It...
Lady Bird Jan 2018
if you knew it you
wouldn’t want to wait
if your not too busy
don’t take it for granted
today might be all you get
it isn't promised tomorrow
you’ll surely regret the day
if it never comes
just in case you’re wrong
take the extra time to
spare a minutes or two
don’t let it slip away
stop and say these three
special and wondrous
words of "I Love You"
319 · Aug 2018
The Unknown Land
Lady Bird Aug 2018
the brightest of nights
are lost in the shadows
cloud’s are sighing arched
over the unknown land
waving knowing that star
will fade and the sun will set
the eyes are remembering
the act of its beauty; yet the
heart will never forget

holding on to the sky;
staring a little longer
just can’t help but drown
in the hues of silence
nothing describes it better
than the unreality of the moon
holding the world together
Inspiring Image --
305 · Sep 2018
Time And Earth
Lady Bird Sep 2018
time is a funny thing yet even
the Earth doesn't like it sometimes
when the blue sky has lost hope
rain drops tears that fall from
gray clouds that hover and mope
the wind blows a misty whimper
a gusty and a breezy attitude
thunder then throws a temper
crashing with a loud tantrum
lightning strikes random rods
packed and full of emotions
and all together nature's tune
storms Earth up a bad mood
yet it amazes me how Earth
spins and hits nothing
305 · Sep 2018
Lady Bird Sep 2018
slowly cracking not
yet lost its control
the heat it keeps rising
with no hesitance of just
warming yet its flames
of distrust craves the burn
of the wild fire’s temper
I Was Giving The Prompt "FIRE" In  32 Words Exactly
303 · Sep 2018
A Sea Of Tears
Lady Bird Sep 2018
eyes so scared
they weep the
tears that run
falling so hard
cutting so deep
drowning within
every drop of this
a see of tears
sorrow's empty
hole full of tears
  leaking the pain
sadness swallows
the heart with the
constant crying that
causes inflicted scars
decorating a reddish face
with melancholy eyes
it is impossible to hide
the portrayal of fragile
hopes and stained dreams
like the rain tears fall
and they just wont stop
every moment is dimmed
with pain clawing the depths
of a heart struggling to keep
the pieces from breaking
the head hangs so low as
despair and hatred fills the
pit of the shattered soul
a cry for help is a cry for solitude
Inspiring Image From --
297 · Dec 2019
The Light Of Life
Lady Bird Dec 2019
personality can be a life taker
full of weight; a heart stalker
a manipulator; a mirror breaker
hold on to the pieces
smooth and sharp
love from others around you
can glue the shards back
yet cracks my still show
no one is perfect for the
light of life still will glow
stay positive; have faith
don’t let go...
289 · Feb 2017
Bare Loneliness
Lady Bird Feb 2017
lingering in the dry air
that passes each branch
it stands within loneliness
yet staying strong and bare
it still shows its beauty
loneliness bare alone branch beauty tree strong lingering
289 · Aug 2018
Walls Of His Heart
Lady Bird Aug 2018
he kissed her yet still
felt the pain of acrimony
when saying his goodbye
he just can’t let go
however he wondered
was it possible to avoid
the shattering pieces of
the effervescent confusion
filling the walls of his heart
285 · Dec 2017
Away They Flew
Lady Bird Dec 2017
snap snap snapping away
three birds upon the wire
in my backyard the other day
so high up in the sky on
the tall electrical tower
tried to capture just what I see
camera pointed up with no flash
in the grass on my blanket was me
each flap after flap they all flew
hoping each bird did not clash
three directions to fly they knew
my computer had a virus so I sent this as a text to myself (11-15-17)
I was in my yard with my camera on a blanket snapping pictures
I have to check my SD card to actually see if I got a good picture of those birds
282 · Aug 2018
Written Therapy Session
Lady Bird Aug 2018
paddling madly
like a lost sailor
dark thoughts rises
hovering my mind
yet I fill blank pages
pondering so drenched
foggy words they crash
waves of true emotions
in my determined mind
yet across this journey
miles away exploring the
gloomy woods in my brain
the white paper it shines
forming inspiring shadows
a written desired path with
a destination thats unknown
through winding roads entwined
confusion of purpose and reason
I keep traveling the mapped blue
lines leading the writer inside me
the words I write takes the wheel
durning my written therapy session
278 · Sep 2018
A Close Look
Lady Bird Sep 2018
everything seem in the distance
but with a closer look within
the deep shadowed darkness
coated with fear flowing and
penetrating in ash and smoke
with the choking pressure
trapping souls in chains
of barbwire with no chance
of escaping the crumbling walls
of sorrow that hovers in the fog
reflecting on yesterdays’ rain
forming behind the red flames
are blazing rays of panic fading
every where the hopes of surviving
yet the confused minds attempt to
conquer the emptiness left behind
in ashy shadows covered in silent
screams and invisible tears deep
down inside the empty space
of the reflected silence that remain
mirroring the unsolved yet darkened
dreams the hearts crying every beat
I saw this inspiring image on google.. ---
276 · Oct 2016
Lady Bird Oct 2016
shadows riddled with creepiness
the eerie flapping of bat wings
not one single star that glow above
nights skies of hovering darkness
in whistling wind brittle trees crackle
nothing but puffs of stale air sings
eyes guarded seeing supersizing fright
in every corner are passing silhouettes
across faces painted mask hang to scare
howling, moans and screams running feet
fooling pranks and gags galore of fun
smiles and laughter from trick or treat
children hunting candy in the night
Halloween, night, fun, children, scare, gags, trick, traet, creepiness
271 · Dec 2017
Hologram Of Doubt
Lady Bird Dec 2017
slick and cold hearted
making tears fall like
hail in an ice storm
stealing sweetness from sugar
without touching a grain
a diamond once a beautiful soul
broken shadowed in false hopes
a hologram in a world of doubt
a heart without any answers
depraved forever
269 · Jan 2018
Lady Bird Jan 2018
stripped love
rinsed in pain

a silenced heart

absorbing hurt
just falling apart

still breathing with
agony poring rain

every beat un-zips

feelings deep inside

yet in the chest
is where they hide
258 · Aug 2018
Lady Bird Aug 2018
stimulating melting colors of the soul
drowning in beautiful insatiable drops of
the emotions awaking the many powerful
senses of lust, ecstasy, passion and
the desire for true love
254 · Jan 2018
Empty Pages....
Lady Bird Jan 2018
yet there to unleash our unspoken thoughts
catching them before they vanish and disappear
yet will always listen absorbing words from our soul
that may want to escape our frightened, shy or silenced lips
yet unclogs and un-twist confusion from our mind
with help from the "Ink Pen" one of its many handy side-kicks
yet has the power to preserve almost forgotten memories,
stories from our past and knowledge we pass down through the ink
yet waiting for our writing hand to choose a weapon of choice
the ink wants its turn to touch the white paper; our battle field is ready !
blank wide range of free space; the pen taps breaking silence
there isn't much we can do now but pour our words into the pages...

....Empty Pages No More ....
252 · Dec 2014
Pocket Of Beauty
Lady Bird Dec 2014
the sun light went out
when he broke my heart
it sat there before me
as the moon fell apart
in his pocket of beauty
yet nothing could dent my joy
loving him was my duty
such an unworthy boy
235 · Jan 2018
Friendship Caressed
Lady Bird Jan 2018
a gust of beauty passes
over each swaying branch
of its strong rooted trunk
listening as the whistling
wind caresses the many years
of their true friendship together
232 · Sep 2018
Reality and Imaginative
Lady Bird Sep 2018
dreams of the future and the past
all shines under the sky of the mind
a touch of transparent curiosity
lingers a glimpse of light and with
every step imagination hovers right behind
intertwining the prisms of hopes and dreams
shining rain-bowed paths though skies of infinity

if one were but mind alone, a spirit of thought
then would things imagined be real?
can the mind stand upon a rainbow bridge
and cross over to lands beyond? or should
one fall back to the gravitation of reality?
all depending on weather an open mind can or is willing
to weigh the gravity of a rainbow full of light and color
or the *** of gold underneath; the scale between the two
"Reality" and "imaginative"

can one man alone move a mountain?
he can sit and dream of a world without one
or rise, and make his dream a reality
if he's foolish he could take up a shovel
and continue dreaming; if he's wise, he could
rally an army and conquer the mountain
if he's powerful, with a click of his fingers;
"****" the mountain is gone;
but it all was first a dream
a "*** of gold at the end of a rainbow"

there is a piece of rainbow
for everyone upon a magic cloud
a dream world elusive as a butterfly
a place where only they know
a world only their minds can go
an open mind dreaming the dream
reaching for the stars making it happen
following, believing in the beauty of the
231 · Aug 2018
Altered Trust
Lady Bird Aug 2018
a sense heavy wind
blowing the memories
with poisonous spirits
wandering aimlessly
altering foggy trust
visions of a shattered
mirror with broken pieces
to remember or forget
230 · Oct 2021
Love Letter
Lady Bird Oct 2021
his pen takes the wild side
giving me the butterflies
seducing me with every word
I smile feeling so complete
when my heart skips a beat
we’re making love on paper
each and every time we write
spilling our ink like passion
across the hot moisten sheets
thoughts seeping through the
secret places of my body from
the invisible ink of his tongue
strolling caressing up and down
exploring lines between my thighs
strong and powerful yet gentle words
lancing pages galloping ******* peak
spacing legs wide for his touch to seek
every word sailing veins feeding my mind
guiding my senses with such a soft touch
his lance pen of ink slides coursing my body
excelling deep down my chambers of pleasure
fueling an ending stream of our burning desires
savoring the unbridled passion melting us as one
215 · Sep 2018
Lady Bird Sep 2018
crumpled paper
shoved in the corner
of the desk drawer
holding in thoughts
not meant to be seen
fingers unfold and unravel
the darkness of hidden wonder
while scanning eyes slowly
read between the lines its
true meaning was discovered,
understood and delivered
yet this paper tossed a side
still its words will remain the same

....C R U M P L E D....
214 · Sep 2018
Lady Bird Sep 2018
a gentle touch
so vivid
held in so deep
this moment of passion
a promising sweet taste
of true love
214 · Oct 2021
Tumultuous Moment
Lady Bird Oct 2021
flowing with sweet whispered melodies in my ears were his words
holding me tight as if I was in his arms listening to his heartbeat
touching me with such passion as if he was using his hands
searching for just the right place to control; arousing my valley’s bloom; burning with his desire arching my spine feeling his passionate fire; caressing me as I feel his galloping warmth across my skin; longing for his trotting steed riding and charging his oh-mighty lance; combined with lust building up that tumultuous special moment; pleasing me as I return to him the pleasure moaning his knightly name; only his written words can whisper so sweetly to his devoted maiden
204 · Aug 2018
Bridge Of Promises
Lady Bird Aug 2018
waiting along the bridge
listening to the whispers
and illusions of the heart
beyond waves of promises
walked with high hopes
unfulfilled yet never kept
201 · Jan 2018
Lady Bird Jan 2018
a glimpse of light
with every step
a lonely silhouette
hovers right behind

a gust of gloom
transparent emotions
absorbing sorrow
a tender whistle lingers

an unsolved pathway
confusing the head
an overloaded heart
just cries instead

all alone and empty
darkening a lost soul
with unknown hope
and bitter dreams
201 · Jan 2018
Lady Bird Jan 2018
Do You See What I See?

hidden within the shadows camouflaged
behind lines of jungle vines slithering
slowly and silently waiting trying not to be
seen with eyes piercing determination
a black serpent ready to pounce on its prey
I Was Inspired By This Image From --->
199 · Sep 2018
Lady Bird Sep 2018
a puzzled face so flushed and bent
thinking over it hard and so effected
with a broken heart saying goodbye
to the broken soul that gave up
yet no one really knows why
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