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49.6k · May 2015
Marijuana Girl
Xan Abyss May 2015
She was only seventeen
In a town called Mexicali

Purple lipstick, hair dyed green
Wouldn't let her leave without me

And she liked things obscene
That I won't talk about here

But her **** you wouldn't believe,
So I had to keep her around...

My marijuana girl, my marijuana girl
Her eyes lit up
When I lit up
My marijuana girl
My marijuana girl, my marijuana girl
Smoky dreams
and tequila screams...

...My Marijuana Girl...

She was a wild thing indeed
Life carried by the wind

A little wink is all she needs
To drive a holy man to sin

My bloodshot eyes were hypnotized
My head started to spin

She can blow you up or calm your heart
Like nitroglycerine

My marijuana girl, my marijuana girl
Her eyes lit up
When I lit up
My marijuana girl
My marijuana girl, my marijuana girl
Smoky dreams
and tequila screams...

...My Marijuana Girl...

*Mi chica marijuana
My marijuana girl
26.0k · Nov 2014
Injustice (Warning: Offensive)
Xan Abyss Nov 2014
No Justice, No Peace
If we can't get it from the Court
then we'll take it from the Streets
No Justice, No Peace
**** the Police
and what you believe!

Whatever happened to Revolution
Being the American way?
When your voice remains unheard
For which you suffer every day,
Your life is constantly stepped on,
Your rights keep getting taken away,
And in spite of the lies they spin to protect your oppressors,
You still keep the rage at bay
Because you are not
Above the Law
and neither is anyone else.
So taking matters into your own hands
Isn't going to help.
You entrust the justice system
to do what it's supposed to
Even though you know it never has
and is probably never going to.
But if you haven't done anything wrong and the Law doesn't serve you,
and only seems to defend the people who've already hurt you,
then honestly I think it's insane and completely absurd to
not only expect the People not to react,
but to honor a *curfew

Do you hear us yet?
Oh, it's inappropriate?
You don't wanna talk about it?
You don't wanna think about it?
You don't wanna deal with it?
Well guess what?
Nobody ******* does, nobody ******* would, nobody ever ******* could.
But for the people who don't look like you -
Aryan Beauty Standards
Hair of Gold, Eyes of Blue
Fair-skinned, light-skinned
European skeleton,
It was never a choice they had.

Oppression doesn't pick you
Based on qualifications
Any more than Privilege does,
If you think this case
Is not about race
You better check your Privilege, cuz.

I love my home, America
But I hate what it's become
Land of the greedy, home of the afraid
Kingdom of the Loud and Dumb
****-shaming, victim-blaming, race-hating, race-baiting
Sensationalization of the worst crimes in the nation
Religious intolerance, homophobic misogyny, blatant racial discrimination
Can't get with it, can't hang
At least not in the lynch mob sense
I am blown the **** away
at the grievous absence of common sense.

So when they lit those flags on fire
in the center of the town
I understand, and I can't blame them
the flag is truer up in flames now
And if they so decide to burn
the city to the ground,
I understand, and I can't blame them
I would wanna burn it down

*No Justice, No Peace
If we can't get it from the Court
then we'll take it from the Streets
No Justice, No Peace
**** the Police
and **** your Beliefs!
This is about what you think.
11.4k · Oct 2014
Moon of the Black Goddess
Xan Abyss Oct 2014
Tonight I will fall down upon my knees
To pray before the goddess of enchanted ebony
Her divine rays of dark beauty I embrace
Bathing blissfully in her enigmatic grace

I enter the sanctum
Her sacred place of healing
Ecstasy consumes me
Enraptured by the feeling

When the Moon of the Black Goddess
Shines Her light upon me
Then the Love of the Black Goddess
Drowns the world around me

Tonight I worship at the Temple of Her Light
I sacrifice my flesh to the goddess shining bright
The fire in my soul erupts and sets aflame my mind
On holy nights like these when the cosmos re-aligns

I enter the sanctum
Her sacred place of healing
Ecstasy consumes me
Enraptured by the feeling

When the Moon of the Black Goddess
Shines Her light upon me
Then the Lust of the Black Goddess
Burns the world around me

I submit myself to Her, naked and unguarded
Prepared to be consumed and then possibly discarded
For in her presence, all the evil in our pale existence
Vanishes from memory in a single instant

I enter the sanctum
Her sacred place of healing
Ecstasy consumes me
Enraptured by the feeling

When the Moon of the Black Goddess
Shines Her light upon me
Then the Mists of the Black Goddess
Shroud the world around me

The Moon of the Black Goddess
Cast thy spell upon me
The Moon of the Black Goddess
Looming right above me
The Moon of the Black Goddess
I give my flesh to worship thee!
For the Moon of the Black Goddess
Is the only place
I can find peace!

When the Moon of the Black Goddess
Shines Her light into me
Then the Tune of the Black Goddess
Becomes the song to set me free!
Wrote this for a lover.
10.7k · May 2015
Aquarian Mermaid
Xan Abyss May 2015
Like the gold at the end of a rainbow
Lives an angel off the coast of San Diego
A dark skinned beauty with a sunshine halo
Found her in the water and just had to say hello

Her siren voice still echoes in my head
Whispering my name so gently
with her bated breath
Her blinding smile is still burned into my eyes
Even in the dark of night
or against the great blue sky

On a vacation escape from reality
I found her, or maybe she found me
We fell into an ocean of sensuality
Until we were lost at sea...

Aquarian Mermaid
I swam in her lust
and I drowned in her love
Nautical Erotica
Wishes granted
By the gods above

Dearly beloved seraph
Enchantress of the Sea
Sing your magic siren song
Heavenly, to me...
Angel of the Oceanborne,
Navigate me home
Across these waters treacherous
Everywhere I roam

Her siren voice still echoes in my head
Whispering my name so gently
with her bated breath
Her blinding smile is still burned into my eyes
Even in the dark of night
or against the great blue sky

Aquarian Mermaid
I swam in her lust
and I drowned in her love
Nautical Erotica
Wishes granted
By the gods above
For my favorite mermaid. :)
10.5k · Jul 2014
Confidential Bride
Xan Abyss Jul 2014
You feel my eyes burning into your soul
You feel my body heat out in the cold
You feel my breath down the back of your neck
You feel my presence at the foot of your bed...
You hear me creep across your house at night
You hear me move when you turn out the lights
You hear my heartbeat, baby, while you sleep
You hear my laughter echo in your dreams...
Hello, baby.
I've been waiting.
To give you the love that you've been craving.
Sweet Valentine,
In bed, enshrined.
It's my time of night,
You're mine.
You see my shadow glide across your ceiling,
I see your hair stand up from how you're feeling.
You've seen my figure moving through your home.
I've seen how you are when you think you're alone...
Hello, baby.
I've been waiting.
To give you the love that you've been craving.
My precious *****,
Alone once more.
It's that time of night,
I'm yours.
Separate your knees, please,
And let me slip inside.
This is not a dream, my sweet.
Your eyes are open wide.
Get down on your knees for me,
My confidential bride.
This is not a dream, my queen,
Now open wide.
A seductive stalker love song in the making.
10.0k · Sep 2014
Xan Abyss Sep 2014
There's a skinny European ballerina dancing for me in my room
And I don't know what to do
Her eyes a piercing blue
There's a pretty European ballerina dancing for me all alone
There's a feeling in my bones
A burning kept in stone
There's a single European ballerina dancing for no one but me
The only thing I see is
Her radiant beauty
There's a lovely European ballerina staring me in the face
My demons held at bay
Transfixed by her grace

Burning brightly as I
stare at the dancer divine
My eyes are full of fire,
aglow in the darkness of night
In the light
She catches my gaze in her sights
My pretty European ballerina
Waits for me to cross the line
The ****** tension poem.
8.4k · Oct 2014
"Be Concise"
Xan Abyss Oct 2014
'Be Concise,'
She said,
So that's what I did.
Does it get more concise than this?
Answer: yes, actually. That poem took 4 whole lines.
7.4k · Oct 2014
Phantoms of Samhain
Xan Abyss Oct 2014
Darkness, it falls like a massive leaden shroud
Over this quiet valley as the dusk  infects the sky
Pleasant faces fade into the shadows of the night
As the demons of the dead and dreaming come on out to play
Howling at the moon
Swarming through the streets
Lurking in the shadows
On this night of Halloween
Carve the faces, light the candles
Offerings must be made
In the cold October moonlight
To the Phantoms of Samhain
If you fail
If these ghouls are not appeased
You will be...
by the spirits of the dead!!!
The Tempter's Chosen
And kin to the Grim Reaper
Children of the Darkest Night
Steal mortal souls to feast on
Ghastly transformations
Amidst accursed corpses
We are possessed by the evil of tonight's demonic forces!
Carve the faces, light the candles
Offerings must be made
In the cold October moonlight
To the Phantoms of Samhain
If you fail
If these ghouls are not appeased
You will be...
Taken by the spirits of the dead!!!
By the light of the orange moon
In the dark of the purple night
We linger in these shadows
And wait there, until the time is right...
On this night of Halloween
We roam your city streets
And among the masks of plastic
We can finally be free
So carve those faces, light your candles
Offerings still must be made
In the cold October moonlight
To us Phantoms of Samhain
And if you do not heed these words
And refuse these simple deeds
Well then, my friend
You will be,
Taken by the spirits of the dead!
And if you do not heed these words
And refuse these simple deeds
Well then,
My friend,
you will be
Taken ...
Taken to the grave!
Taken far away!
*Taken by we, the Phantoms of Samhain!!!
Largely inspired by Trick 'r Treat, and also just the late October Halloween vibe.
6.5k · Oct 2014
Crystal Lake
Xan Abyss Oct 2014
I never asked to be ugly
dunno why it made me so hard to like
My own peers
they killed me
while our adult supervision got high.
I had no friends when I went away
to the place mom told me
I had to go stay,
"It's a happy place," I remember she said,
"Called Camp Crystal Lake."
Sounded nice
enough at the time.
Crystal Lake. A family fave.
Nowadays, when you hear the name
You don't think of a sunshiney place
full of laughter and happy children
You think of misfortune
you think of my face
and if you think of visiting,
You better not stay
For more than a day,
Or the children will play
on your grave.
This is my home
and I'd rather be alone,
With the dead animals
and my mother's bones.
A small homage to Jason Voorhees.
5.8k · Apr 2018
Ogre King
Xan Abyss Apr 2018
I am the Great Connector
I was born to unite The Horde
I am the Great Collector
Of souls felled by my Axensword
They all call me subhuman
And revile me as a beast
But they do the same to you and
For that they'll pay the price
(No Peace)

We are strong, We are brave
Though they wish to see us caged
We are wild and Untamed
And we will never live as slaves

Conquerors, We Are One!
Same blood in different skins
At last you'll see, when the victor is me
I am the Lord of our Kin
Wastelanders, Join the March
The World will burn as we sing
When the battle is won, I'll announce to everyone
"I am the Ogre King!"

I am the Great Divider
I was born to brew up storms
I am the Annihilator
My path was forged in war
My reign began in chaos
In Bloodshed, so it ends
All this Strife has nearly left me with
No Kingdom to Defend

We are Violent and Enraged
Now that we have been Betrayed
There are Consequences Grave
For Manipulated Faith

Revolution, it has come!
Same blood but different sins
The Empire Falls
And all Hear the Call
For A New Order to Begin
Decapitate the Tyrants
& Slaughter those who Resist
When the battle is won,
At the top of my lungs, I'll cry
"Long Live the Ogre King!"

I am the Great Destroyer
The Throne is mine to take
I will be king at any cost
Dead nations in my wake
I am the Great Conniver
With Sinister Designs
Never cared how much is Lost
So long as what is Left is Mine

We are rabid and insane
From lives of misery and pain
Now that the world's ablaze
We fall into our cages

These Horrors have just begun
Same gore from separate veins
What have we done,
To our daughters and sons?
A History Bloodstained!
We threw our lives into this war,
And lost more than we gave
When the killing is done,
I'll tell everyone,
"The Ogre King is slain!"

Now Our Planet is a Grave!

"The Ogre King is Slain,
Long Live the Ogre King,
I Am
The Ogre King!"
Lately I've been inspired by the goings-on in my tumultuous homeland to start writing Epic Fantasy lyrics that double as political protest songs.
5.4k · Oct 2014
Hell to Pay
Xan Abyss Oct 2014
She is the Devil
Standing in the Doorway
Constantly reminding me
of the Debt I've yet to pay
She looks like Heaven
Divine and Catastrophic
Hellcat and Rogue Apostate
Tells me,
"There's Hell to Pay."

Gotta find a way
Gotta get away
I'm in deep too and there's Hell to Pay

She is Satan in a Red Dress
and Six-Inch Stilletto Heels
Crimson-Colored Lipstick
With matching Sharpened Nails
Her Clawmarks in my Skin
Remind me every day
That my soul belongs to Her,
and there's still Hell to Pay

Gotta find a way
Gotta get away
I'm in too deep and there's Hell to Pay

She is the One Unholy
She is the Queen of Time
Her Love Burns on Eternal in the Furnace
of my Mind
My Spirit is her Claim
From now until the End of Daze
Ours are the Hearts of Evil
And still there's Hell to Pay

Gotta find a way
Gotta get away
Running outta days until there's Hell to Pay

Leviathan Cross
Forever in Her Flesh
Her Eyes, Ablaze with Hellfire
Gaze into the Abyss
No Matter how Savagely
I Ravage Her and Damage Her
She always Returns
for yet another Massacre.

Gotta find a way
Gotta get away
Running outta days until there's Hell to Pay
A little Faustian lust poem while everyone's still in the October spirit.
5.1k · Feb 2016
Tonight (the Witch)
Xan Abyss Feb 2016
Tonight, the Witch Awakens
Tonight, the Witch Returns
Tonight, the Souls Forsaken
Come back around to watch us burn

The morning air is warm, but today's wind brings a chill
I can sense the coming storm of vengeance and evil
Black leaves on the breeze, a crow ****** in flight
And a sanguine shimmer to the gold in the glistening sunrise

Tonight, the Witch Awakens
Tonight, the Witch Returns
Tonight, the Souls Forsaken
Come back around to watch us burn

The afternoon Infernal, it seems they've all gone mad
To chaos doomed eternal, could it be we've all been had?
This town is somehow different, a plague across the land
You can hear it in the trees, you can feel it in the sand

Tonight, the Witch Awakens
Tonight, the Witch Returns
Tonight, the Souls Forsaken
Come back around to watch us burn

At Dusk, in desperation, the sun gives up the ghost
The spirit of the sorceress descends upon the coast
The Wicked and the Innocent - both paralyzed in fear
Children of her enemies, your judgment day is here!
4.9k · Oct 2014
The Burning Within
Xan Abyss Oct 2014
She is like a fire in my soul, I crave her
Flesh against flesh, only she livens me
A slave to my lust, entranced by her beauty
I have a need to see her in pain
And in my mind, these visions I have of her
Kneeling before me, expectantly waiting
With bruises and bites, the marks of my love
Unsatisified, my longing increases

An ordinary name turns to a divine symphony
When uttered, but only with her in mind
This goddess I must make my slave
Though she'll be forever the one in control

Waking dreams of sordid acts
Fill my mind each night and day
I close my eyes and watch her body writhe
With agony and ecstasy
I pull her closer into me
And feel a pleasure so intense I wonder if I've died

She begs me to call her a *****
My hands around her neck
As I feel each breath travel in and out
And study the curve of her back

Consumed and enthralled, she whispers my name
My name is the sound of victory
Dark queen of desire, let us bathe in this fire
Of passion burning blissfully

In this, our inferno of celestial sin
Where unbridled lust meets uncovered skin
Her deafening rapture that shakes her throughout
Is all that can quell my burning within
This was one of my first 'lust odes' ever written, and it was written for/about a 'lesbian.'
Xan Abyss Sep 2014
I'm Archie Andrews with satanic tattoos
The Lucifer beneath your cute suburb
I'm the devil who hides inside the back of your mind
And you hate me but you love the way I hurt,
Don't you baby?

My venom is still in your veins
Withdrawal is driving you insane
There's only one cure for the pain
And you'll never be getting that again

I am your EVIL
And though I tried to make amends
Your bitterness will never end
So I guess this is
Good Riddance

I know you miss me but you're still with him now
You hate me - but you keep on calling me, somehow...
When you get drunk, it's all "I need you, baby!"
But once you sober up I know **** well you'll ******* hate me
All over again....

My venom is still in your veins
Withdrawal is driving you insane
There's only one cure for the pain
And you're never getting that again!

I am your EVIL
And though I tried to make amends
Your bitterness will never end
So farewell
and Good Riddance

All over again....
4.4k · Aug 2014
Cold Sex
Xan Abyss Aug 2014
All I want to do to you
Is make you feel alive
All I want to give you is a reason to survive
All you seem to ask of me is derision
Hate and scorn
I don't want you to hate yourself just to be my little *****

You're giving me dead love
You're giving me cold ***
Romantic as a cadaver covered in dirt and sweat
You give me dead love
You give me cold ***
Beautiful as a suicide victim giving in to death

All I try to fill you with is passion, burning bright
And yet your eyes stay darker than a silent, moonless night
All you seem to need of me is abuse
And carnal war
I can't stand to hurt you
But I need a little more
3.6k · Oct 2014
Lives Therein
Xan Abyss Oct 2014
In the dark we wait for death to claim us
In the confines of these rusty chains
In the shadows she destroys our hope
So beautiful and yet so hideous

A thousand dawns have come and gone
So many lives have withered
I taste the taste of hopeless air
The taste is stale and bitter

She loves to see the blood that flows
From the wounds in our weary flesh
No smile will cross her face
Until she hears us scream in pain
As the sand in the wretched hourglass fell
Such agony became my friend
For the snow white teeth in her wicked smile
Is now all I have left

My pain, it fades
My thoughts, they decay
Ignite & burn away with the sin
One look in her eyes
And I am hypnotized
By the blackness that lives therein
My skin becomes gray
My life slips away
The flickering flame dulls within
I remember my life
And am horrified
By the blackness that lives therein

And I am lost in the dark therein
Where my shadow exists no more
I don't remember why I wrote this, and I wrote it forever ago.  Is it even any good? Idk.
3.3k · Oct 2014
The Princess and the Goblin
Xan Abyss Oct 2014
Once upon a time...
You & I lived lives divided
Until by fate we were united
When we first lit the fire
Once upon a time
I would watch you from a distance
Desired you, but stayed resistant
To the Urges that would cloud my mind
with Wickedness, persistent

Your perfect fairy wings
Fluttered lightly in the wind
And though I did the best I could
My thoughts were wrought with sin
And I desired you like mad
For the Angel that I had
Left me burning despicably
With wretched flames within

And You
were so
Your Body
for the Taking.

Guarded you were
Behind Gates of the Dragon
Yet I watched you intently
Plotting my Ransom
Waiting on the right moment to strike
To steal you away from your
Protected Life
And to take you back with me
Into my Cell
In the dark and abysmal cave where I dwell
To teach you the ways
Us Creatures gain pleasure
To make you my Slave
And to ransack your Treasures
And then came the day
That you broke away
From the Chains
That held you to where you were safe

I saw you
And watched you
and Stalked you
While you were out searching the world
And then,
When you were finally in reach
And we were Alone
I snatched you away
from the flowers and reeds
And stole you back with me
into my home
A cold and depressing
Dungeon of Stone

Your protector was gone
And you were all mine
When we were alone
Lost somewhere in time
And to my shock, and utter surprise
You became the flame that lit up my eyes
And slowly but surely as days slipped by
I became yours more than you became mine

And then, you escaped
or did I let you get away?
You emerged from my cave
Beautiful, unscathed
I just couldn't bring myself
to be one you hate
When your love is so sweet
I just couldn't betray it

But then, I thought
of you out in the world
On your own
My sweet pixie girl
And I couldn't
Handle the thought
of a Monster like me
Dragging you through the mud
Coveting you
the way that I do
But most of All
Tasting your Love

Staying put was so much harder than
trying to be your Guardian
and Rescue you
and Shelter you
from any more Hate or Abuse

And now I see my sins
Led me out of the darkness within
Into the sunshine of your life -
Where I found the Source of Light
I needed to keep me alive
And I feel like I owe you my life

And now you're free from my Prison
but I guess, so am I, in essence
In the end, the Fairy
Showed the Goblin,
He longed to be a Prince.
An allegory straight from the heart.
3.3k · Apr 2015
Desert Rats
Xan Abyss Apr 2015
Out here in the wasteland
Our hidden world is small
Everybody knows disaster
But nobody cares at all
It's too much like paradise here
Or maybe we're just too high
But if you live where the burning sun
Kills the clouds in the sky

You know what they call us
You know what we are

Desert Rats,
we mingle with the homeless
Desert Rats
and party with the rich.
Desert Rats
We live for the moment,
Desert Rats
And we don't give a ****

We're a young town, rich with history
From PS to Coachella, and all stops in between
Like an acid trip in a fever dream
It's like nowhere else in the CV scene
It's too much like hell sometimes here
Or maybe we're just crashing
But if summer feels everlasting
And winter brings a wealth of disaster

You know about the Desert Rat life
You know what we are

Desert Rats,
we mingle with the homeless
Desert Rats
and party with the rich.
Desert Rats
We live for the moment,
Desert Rats
and we don't give a -- ****

Palm Springs
Cat City
Sky Valley
Thousand Palms
Bermuda Dunes
Palm Desert
...everywhere else
In the CV where the d-rats dwell,
It looks like heaven but it's hot as hell!

This is where we come from
This is where we belong
A song about home.
3.1k · Apr 2015
Captain Redbeard
Xan Abyss Apr 2015
Fierce and bloodthirsty I am
and I'm always on the run
I'm an infamous but legendary man
and I'm always on the ***

No mercy do I have for those
Who attempt to bar my way
through the seven seas to my treasure troves
In life and blood they pay

Captain Redbeard
I will **** to make my name
Captain Redbeard
I will **** to stake my claim
Captain Redbeard
I'm a man of cursed fame
Captain Redbeard
and I will die alone in flames

Once a commander of the Navy
I went renegade when they betrayed me
and now there is no hope of escape
for the traitors who pray each day for safety

One for the admiral
One for the king
Two for the governor
and more for the Queen
When the Crimson Captain
Horror of the Seas
Finds you, your fate is bleak

Captain Redbeard
I will **** to make my name
Captain Redbeard
I will **** to stake my claim
Captain Redbeard
I'm a man of cursed fame
Captain Redbeard
and I will die alone in flames
An ode to my inner child.
3.1k · Feb 2016
My Desert Rose
Xan Abyss Feb 2016
Desert Rose, she grows in the light of the moon
She glows like a ghost amid wandering ghouls
Beautiful and rare, she loves the desert air
and I love to see her bloom after the rain falls

Be my Tree of Life
Be my Peace of Mind
She's my Healing Light
At the end of every night

Desert Rose, her eyes of crystal-clear skyblue
I don't wanna be anywhere but here with you
Against your ivory skin, and to caress your spun-gold hair
The starlight in your smile burns right through my despair

You're the only one who understands me
And still there's sunshine in your eyes
You're the only one with whom I can be
Who I truly am inside

Be my Tree of Life
Be my Peace of Mind
She's my Healing Light
At the end of every night
Oh, darling
Be my Tree of Life
Be my Peace of Mind
She's my Healing Light
At the end of every night
the first genuine love song I've written in a while.
3.0k · Apr 2018
Castle in the Sky
Xan Abyss Apr 2018
Castle in the Sky...
Castle in the Sky...
Castle in the Sky...
We can go there
And watch the Angels die

Castle in the Sky...
Castle in the Sky...
Castle in the Sky...
We can go there
& get away from life for a while

Castle in the Sky...
Castle in the Sky...
Castle in the Sky...
We can go there
To Escape the Tide of Eyes

Castle in the Sky...
Castle in the Sky...
Castle in the Sky...
We can go there
Whilst the Heavens Cry

Castle in the Sky...
When We Die
Castle in the Sky...
When We Die
Castle in the Sky...
When We Die
Castle in the Sky...
We can go there...
When We Die!

Castle in the Sky...
Castle in the Sky...
Castle in the Sky...
We Can Go There When We Die
Castle in the Sky...
Castle in the Sky...
Castle in the Sky...
We Can Go There
When We Die!
When We Die!
When We Die!
We Can Go There
When We Die!!!
Maybe my simplest piece yet. It was actually originally improvised as Rogue Ogre lyrics.
3.0k · Oct 2014
Xan Abyss Oct 2014
Let's face it,
You're honestly
Pretty Basic.
Don't call this racist,
Cause that's not the case, *****.
The Issue's
Not Racial
There's a cultural Basis.
There are
'Basic White *******'
Of  any Race
you can find
in LA
(which, by the way
Is every single race).
Everyone who's not a basic white *****
can spot a basic white *****,
Caucasian or not, it's
based on Identity
not Color or Shade.
You're not an Oasis
of cultural expectations,
and you have no idea
how your Entitlement
is Enabled
but it's okay,
Cuz you see, Babe,
The rest of us still need to
Assimilate into
The Culture that made you.
And as bad as this may
Make you feel, I'll just say
there's a good chance that this
is the only form of 'Hate'
you'll experience
Basically a poem about white privilege. Inspired by something I saw someone post.
3.0k · Oct 2014
Let the Strangers Be Scared
Xan Abyss Oct 2014
**** it then,
Let the strangers be scared.
I wanna bend you over a chair,
Lift up your skirt
Rip off your underwear
Wrap a hand around your throat
Grab a handful of your hair
And bury myself deep
As I feel you gasp for air.

I want to beat you, but not
out of Anger or Hate,
I want to treat you like a Queen
until you plead
to be *****.
And then I will Take You
Violate You
Invade You
Your Body
Is a Temple
I'll Pray at
And then Raze.

I want to leave you,
Drenched in sweat
Raccoon Eyed,
Hair a mess

While you recover,
I'll recharge-
and like a Lover,
I'll tend your Heart.
Until you can move
And tell me you have
The Energy
And I'll throw you back down on the Bed,
With the same violent intensity.
I'll love you with a vengeance,
My battering ram at your gates
As I conquer your sacred kingdom
in this
Incendiary Embrace.

My lust for you is Oppressive,
but my Love burns brighter than All
I want to be the Tyrant of your Body -
Absolute Control.

I want to hold you down by the wrists
and stare in your eyes as you cry my name
Drink in the dance of your perfect ****
As I assail you with pleasure and pain
I long to feel the quake of your legs
As ****** consumes you again
Heavenly Daughter of Eve,
I'll ******* like a Child of Cain.
An attempt at being overtly ******, inspired by my feedback from the last one.
2.9k · May 2015
Beware the Shadows
Xan Abyss May 2015
Skilled in the art of bloodshed
A rogue of the ancient clan
a sinister viper striking silently with a deadly hand
The sound of his blade in the distance
Is your only chance of escape
Before the Ancient Assassin comes to sever your life away

Nothing to live for, nowhere is safe
Stick to the light if you wish to escape

Fear not the weapon but the hand that wields it
Beware the shadows if you value your life
Silent and deadly he strikes in the darkness
Beware the shadows and you may survive

Once the proudest warrior in the clan of the Black Sand
A master of the prehistoric art of hit man
Black he feels inside, no beauty left in life
Vengeance and destruction - his last will and command

Nothing to live for, nowhere is safe
Stick to the light if you wish to escape
Far from the shadows, stay in the light
For when darkness surrounds you, you will surely die.

Fear not the weapon but the hand that wields it
Beware the shadows if you value your life
Silent and deadly he strikes in the darkness
Beware the shadows and you may survive
2.9k · Oct 2014
A Whisper in the Void
Xan Abyss Oct 2014
A light in the dark shadows burn with a spark that ignites to a bright shining flame. The dead lie in groves of lost winter souls that wander with visionless aim. A rising relief ensues in the reef of the green and colorless gold. A raven takes flight in the deep death of night to escape from the black hell of old.
These wandering, murmuring, children of god storm wrath from the heavens and **** what is good. Devour the light as they drain all the life from the world we once called our brood.
Take us away. Drain us, defame us.
A whisper in the void.
Take us away, lock us away, **** us.
A whisper in the void.
Psychonatural Antichrist, bleeding the truth from false prophets. Summoning hellfire, demonic intrigue, desecration and violence. Infernal release, a smiling god weeps and a glare of rage seeps from beneath.
In an eternal sea of stones will they forever reap.
Death will be paid to the ones he learns to hate.
Black velvet draped across the coffin of grace.
Take us away, far and away.
A whisper in the void.
Take us away to destroy and remake.
A whisper in the void.
A whisper in the void.
Enter the darkness. Into the abyss. Far away. Thermonuclear enslavior.
Stay awake. Remaining.
Give your soul to the unknown, bleed into the black night air. The savior will come soon, to take you to His room, and liberate you from despair.
Suffocate quickly, quietly. Swiftly, so no one may hear you, or catch you dying. Slip away faster and faster the tighter you squeeze the noose around your neck.
Give yourself away. Death is your escape. Death does not betray like life will.
Give yourself to they, the keepers of the fade with intent to save and desecrate. And as they say, they will be they, and they will **** and humiliate. Break you down, drag you around, deny, defy and utilize. Every last bit will wallow in **** from the hate you created and ate from.
Suffer in pain, annihilation.
A whisper in the void.
Burn alone, in isolation.
A whisper in the void.
A whisper in the void.
A whisper...
Stream of consciousness piece from two year ago. Have fun trying to figure it out, I know I do.
2.7k · Feb 2015
Ghosts of Hollywood
Xan Abyss Feb 2015
Walking to work, I saw Joan Rivers
Blowing me a kiss today
Through a store window on Indian
With that smirk you can't mistake
I crossed on Tahquitz Canyon drive,
Said "hi" to Lucille Ball,
and passed a smiling Elvis Presley,
rested against the Welwood wall.

This is where the ghosts of Hollywood dwell
Is this a Hollywood Heaven or a Hollywood Hell?
But this is where the ghosts of Hollywood dwell
the Shangri-La where the angels fell...

On a fountain's edge across the street,
Sits a grinning Sonny Bono,
and just north of there you'll find 26 feet
of Marilyn Monroe shadow.
and Frank Sinatra's voice is still heard
Crooning through the air at night,
while here forevermore at the El Mirador,
you'll find the pensive eyes of Albert Einstein.

This is where the ghosts of Hollywood dwell
Is this a Hollywood Heaven or a Hollywood Hell?
But this is where the ghosts of Hollywood dwell
the Shangri-La where the angels fell...

When the stars die,
they might fall from the sky,
but they never truly disappear
cuz you'll always find them here.

This is where the ghosts of Hollywood dwell
Is this a Hollywood Heaven or a Hollywood Hell?
But this is where the ghosts of Hollywood dwell
the Shangri-La where the angels fell...
An ode to Palm Springs.
2.3k · Oct 2014
The Demon Loved An Angel
Xan Abyss Oct 2014
Once upon a time there was a lonely creature
Mind always shrouded in darkness
Hopeless was he, without a prayer for salvation
Dwelling forever in the abyss

But then one glorious afternoon
An angel's light broke through the gloom
They were both far from home
In a land they didn't know
She held out her hand
And asked him to follow

And the demon loved an angel
She brought salvation to his pain
The demon loved an angel
She was his white rose in the rain
The demon loved an angel
His heart no longer black
The demon loved an angel
But she could him back

They journeyed together in a far off land
Where all they had was each other
It was there amongst forests and lakes
The one fell in love with the other

The demon and the angel, together but alone
The demon's cold and bitter heart, no longer made of stone
The angel brought him peace
Showed love to a beast
From his pain emancipated
From his sorrow, now released

And the demon loved an angel
She brought salvation to his pain
The demon loved an angel
She was his white rose in the rain
The demon loved an angel
His heart no longer black
The demon loved an angel
But she could him back

They knew they had to return home
But he could not say goodbye
The thought of losing her forever
Ripped through him inside

But in the end, they parted ways
And he returned home
Back to the abysmal gloom
Once again alone
Before long she disappeared
Never to be found
Then the pain, the sorrow and loss
Pulled his soul back down...

And to this day he wonders why
Why he couldn't say goodbye
And to this day he's lived a life
Of joy and sorrow, peace and strife
But since that day he's watched the stars
And can't forget the ancient scars
Try as he might, he can't let go
Of the day so long ago....

That the demon loved an angel
She brought salvation to his pain
The demon loved an angel
She was his white rose in the rain
The demon loved an angel
His heart no longer black
The demon loved an angel
But she could never love him back
I wrote this when I was 16. It' the best thing I wrote at that age.
2.2k · Apr 2017
The Crimson Captain
Xan Abyss Apr 2017
Ian Garrick, he sailed the Seven Seas
or Captain Redbeard, as he's known to you and me
He loved riches, as well as flesh and wine
But death and destruction are what filled most of his time

Captain Redbeard, despised and feared
Ian Garrick, he died at sea
The Crimson Captain, he came to be
The Dread Phantom Pirate King
Without Mercy

The King’s Commander, the mightiest to sail
Remembered just by title in his enemy's folktale
Died in battle, attacked to no avail
But still saw the captain fall
Beyond the Pale

His eyes were gold as fire
Demise, his sole desire
His eyes were gold as fire
Demise, his soul desired

In nightmares, Ian Garrick lives
Captain Blood-N-Gore
The images his name still gives
of Horror, Hell and War
Are bound to silent darkness
In the Depths of Nevermore
Until a poor fool summons them
In suffering, Reborn
Part of a much larger literary piece I'm working on.
2.1k · Oct 2014
A Forest of Frozen Clowns
Xan Abyss Oct 2014
A scene too obscene to be believed
when it's seen
Like an acid trip intersecting with a *******
Where reality becomes a second thought
And you and I were caught
or maybe lost
in the crossfire of hungry hearts
I breathe you in whenever you're around
there's a code to my heart that unlocks with the sound
of your voice in a humorous shout
through the crowd
But what once was so loud
it shook me to the ground
burned so bright it may have burned out
the Chaos is Dead - All is Quiet now
And where there once was great noise
as joy did abound
is stricken with silence
like A Forest of Frozen Clowns
Matt Braunger gave me the title to express what's been happening to me lately.
2.1k · Aug 2015
Beloved Cynthia
Xan Abyss Aug 2015
Her visage shines like a diamond of despair
Lost I become in the dark pools of her eyes
Pale as the tundra, shining figure in the fog
Her aura thrilling, filling me with lust beneath the sky
As though in a dream
She wanders ever nearer
In the darkness and the fog
I can see her ever clearer
And like a freezing gust of wind
She throws herself upon my flesh
Her dark lips caress my own
Her face is beautiful as death
My beloved Cynthia
Her touch is cold as ice
Oh, my beloved Cynthia
In darkness we're entwined
My beloved Cynthia
My pain all fades away
Oh, my beloved Cynthia
In shadows I embrace
Oh, my beloved Cynthia!
This rapture is filling me
Killing me softly
The sorrow is fading
As sweet death consumes me
Beneath shining stars
My soul leaves my body
And falls to the ground
With her ghost still upon me
Beloved Cynthia
Forever mine
Beloved Cynthia
Two souls entwined
Beloved Cynthia
A beautiful end
My beloved Cynthia
United by death
I wrote this when I discovered that Cynthia means "The Moon Incarnate"
So just.... know that if you're tring to name your daughter and you read this..
2.0k · Oct 2014
A Regular Madman
Xan Abyss Oct 2014
They call me a raving lunatic
My mind is poor and sick

Manic vagabond, mystic sorcerer
Snake Oil Salesman, Son of Lucifer
Given wings of Raven feathers
Cursed to live in stormy weather
Chaos lives beneath the color of my painted teeth
I've a dark mind indeed, of morbid persuasion
Come sing along to your damnation
Ride the cannibal sensation
Devise a way to survive the game
Or you won't get out alive again

Alchemy infernal, elixir of dark might
Inhale the emerald Smoke of Jesterian Light
Given to us a seventh sight
Arise to conquer the lies this night
Our darkest night

A beast, a fiend, a wicked thing
I'm a regular madman
A creep, a dream, a demon seed
A regular madman

Follow me through the thick of the trees
Over roots and rocks and dying leaves
To a darker realm of mystery
Where everyone is a freak like me

A better place, you'll see
A better place indeed
An old song about.... (?) ..... I originally wrote for a project that never got used because that project  became instrumental instead.
2.0k · Oct 2014
Thanks for Giving Up
Xan Abyss Oct 2014
Times are tough and tensions fierce
Nothing's rare as love
Our world is on the cusp of change
So thanks for giving up
Oh, you freshman Wiseman
Oh, sophomore sage
Thank you for sharing the wisdom
You've gained in your old age
"Our generation has failed"
You say, observer that you are
"We have nothing to take pride in
Like the generations before"
Oh, you teenage prophet
Your knowledge knows no bounds
Our generation is hopeless
Or at least that's how it sounds
In 14 years of living
It seems you have assessed
Your generation's future
And with great success
At 14 you knew equality was a pipe dream of the past
Hatred and bigotry are the only things that last
You're already too jaded for beauty or romance
Your generation failed before it even had a chance
So thanks for giving up before you can even drive a car
For quitting before you're old enough to vote or go to war
Throwing in the towel before you're allowed to drink at the bar
Waving the white flag before the battle even starts
I had dreams in my generation
We had ideas for my generation
We did things, in my generation
For things we believed would help my generation
But my generation is still very young
The battle's barely started but that means it can be won
So I can only imagine how yours must feel
If you've already given up
So thanks for the surrender, really
I'm sure it's all that could be done
Giving up must have been so much harder than
Finding something to believe in.
Some kid posted some self-important poem about how 'TOTES ******* THIS GENERATION IS, DAWG!!!' and I felt like writing a reply.
2.0k · Feb 2016
Sweet Devil
Xan Abyss Feb 2016
Honey-sweet blasphemy, touch like ****** poetry
Scratches, bites and ecstasy - look at what you do to me!

Sweet Devil, my love
Sweet Devil above
Sweet Devil below, come unto me
Sweet Devil , oh my
Sweet Devil, so fine
Sweet Devil, are you in love with me?

Feline, non-divine, I love the way I make you shine!
Kiss me briskly, you frisky little ***** of mine!

Sweet Devil my love
Sweet Devil above
Sweet Devil below, come unto me
Sweet Devil , oh my
Sweet Devil, so fine
Sweet Devil, are you in love with me?

Bloodstains on my bedsheets
Clawmarks in my back
You're a savage - I'm a beast
Have you ever been ****** like that?
Rogue Ogre lyrics.
1.9k · Apr 2015
Xan Abyss Apr 2015
Quasimodo, ringer of the bells
Quasimodo, hidden in his hell
Watching from the bell tower as life is squandered daily
Nobody seems to understand the truth of human frailty
But there they chime again!
It's that time again!
You know Quasimodo's still alive
Because the Bells are right on time

In the shadows of Notre Dame
A monster stalks our halls
A giant, hulking, hungry mass
Searching for ****** girls
It's the truth, don't you believe it?
The beast is out there creeping
It's much easier to see
than the demons we all keep
Under lock and key
Inside you and me

Quasimodo, ringer of the bells
Quasimodo, hidden in his hell
Watching from the bell tower as life is squandered daily
Nobody seems to understand the truth of human frailty
But there they chime again!
It's that time again!
Quasimodo's still alive
Because the Bells are right on time

A monster forged in hate
was a man who died for love
and though he suffered the slings and arrows
of the cursed world he lived above
Quasimodo died
as Quasimodo lived
Believing that the gift of love
was the best gift we could give.

Quasimodo, ringer of the bells
Quasimodo, dying in this cell
Lying in the crypt with arms wrapped tight 'round his beloved
Embracing his dark angel as eternally as love is
But it's that time again!
Why don't they chime this time?
The Halls of Notre Dame are still
Quasimodo must have died...
An ode to the 'Modo.
1.9k · May 2015
Xan Abyss May 2015
Have you ever seen a tapdancer slip?
They smile but their eyes glaze over
Because they know
They've ruined the show
And it eats them up on the inside

Reminds me of you and everything you do
All the lies you'll defend to the grave
All you really are and everything I see
I can tell, to your past, you're a slave

So dance little tapdancer, dance
Dance little tapdancer, dance
Dance little tapdancer, dance

One day you will slip and fall
And it will end once and for all

Have you ever seen the look in my eye
When I see through all your *******?
You know I know it's just a matter of time
Til you make the wrong move and slip

I will be there, of this you can be sure
To see you fall flat on your face
I am aware, of all the pretty lies
The world will see you disgraced

So dance little tapdancer, dance
Dance little tapdancer, dance
Dance little tapdancer, dance

One day you will slip and fall
And it will end once and for all

And when you hit the ground
Don't you dare speak my name
This is just what happens when
You try to lie & cheat the game

And when you are alone
You'll hear a voice inside
A laugh that chills your soul
You'll know that voice is mine

So dance for their smiling faces, tapdancer
Dance, while you still can
You know the phrase, the show must go on
Don't stop or you'll ruin the act

Just dance, little tapdancer, dance
Dance, little tapdancer, dance
Dance, little tapdancer, dance

Soon enough you'll slip and fall
So be prepared to lose it all.
spoiler alert: they slipped.
1.8k · Sep 2014
Xan Abyss Sep 2014
In a world full of gods and monsters
Where do you stand?
In a world full of gods and monsters
Where does your loyalty land?

Are you an angel? Spreading forgiveness
Across the wretched globe
Are you a demon? Spreading deception
Poisoning our hopes

In a world full of gods and monsters
Where do you stand?
In a world full of gods and monsters
What do you demand?

Will you rise to face the tyrant, and fall in the name of justice?
Or will you bow before the might of the unstoppable forces?
Death will come for all of us, but those who fought the fight
Will be remembered always, gods and monsters of the time

In a world full of gods and monsters
Where do you fall?
In a world full of gods and monsters
Do you fight at all?
In a world full of gods and monsters
Who claims your soul?
In a world full of gods and monsters
Are you divine or infernal?

Will you align yourself with the light and crush the shadows as they rise?
Or unite with the darkness of night  to bring about a new sunrise?
Do you stay with these ancient ways of the gods above the earth? Or will these creatures kept in hiding finally emerge?

In a world full of Gods and Monsters
Where do you stand?
It's a world full of Gods and Monsters
Do you understand?
1.8k · Feb 2016
Weathered Wolf
Xan Abyss Feb 2016
Where is my love? Where is my child?
Where have they gone to, and where am I?
Where is my daughter and where is my wife,
Have they forgot me, after all this time?

My body lies under ancient stone
Encased in a box
Away from my home
Is there a Knight who can save my soul?
Take me back to the land I know

I wait and I long for my home
Under the sign of the Weathered Wolf

Here in my grave, not alive but awake
Weary and restless all the same
Where is my love, where is my life?
Do they miss me, are they still alive?
How long has it been? Have they gone with the wind?
No rest from the questions in my mind
Somebody please,  come rescue me
My soul is tied to the wrong side of the  sea

My body lies under ancient stone
Encased in a box
Away from my home
Is there a Knight who can save my soul?
Take me back to the land I know

I wait and I long for my home
Under the sign of the Weathered Wolf
A song about Chief Long Wolf being estranged from his home, prior to Elizabeth Knight finding and repatriating his remains.
1.8k · Feb 2016
unexplained night terrors
Xan Abyss Feb 2016
...i hear them howling cries of terror
in the vortex of my dreams
in the dark i feel them nearing
on the wind i hear the screams

there's something in the shadows
there's a monster in the deep
and i sense the presence of an evil
approaching in my sleep
in my sleep...

there's a terrible truth, i don't yet know
a sight i've yet to witness
but i feel it creeping through my mind like an ever-present sickness
my blood runs cold
my hair stands up
and i can feel the wicked
upon my flesh
within my soul
a sickly, black enigma...

something our subconscious knows
but is unable to show...
strange phantoms lyrics,.
1.8k · Apr 2015
Stockholm Syndrome
Xan Abyss Apr 2015
I promise myself
you'll break
if I keep pushing hard enough.

You are an angel of liberation
How could you ever love **** so hateful?
It must be a lie, it must be fake
But I can make it true if I break you

Heavenly creature, let this creature come to you
Smother you and shovel all his wretched love in you
The way a golden goddess glows, mortals always follow
And only through destruction could she love a fiend so hollow

At your weakest, I strike
A predator in love
I convince myself you'll feel the same
If I damage you enough

I will teach you to love me
So that you can teach me why
What a Demon's meaning is
In an Angel's Eyes
A metaphorical self portrait of the obsessive, destructive, vile lunatic I am.
1.8k · Mar 2016
Motor HeadRush
Xan Abyss Mar 2016
I took way too many pills tonight
And I'm driving way too fast
I'm drunk as **** and smoked too much
I'm just trying not to crash
This car is way too full
Of people and contraband
But the road is open and the night is young
So I'm gonna scorch the land

Motor head rush - My engines burning
Motor head rush - Wheels are turning
Motor head rush - Turbo mode engage
Motor head rush - this may be the day

I'm on way too many drugs right now
To be going a hundred miles
I didn't even realize until now
My passenger has me in her mouth
I'm just trying not to die
And take this car out with me
But if tonight should be our night
We go out in a blaze of glory

Motor head rush - My engines burning
Motor head rush - Wheels are turning
Motor head rush - Turbo mode engage
Motor head rush - this may be the day

If tonight should be our last
If this ride ends in disaster
I just want you all to know
How I love you so....

Motor head rush - My engines burning
Motor head rush - Wheels are turning
Motor head rush - Turbo mode engage
Motor head rush - this may be the day

This may be the day
That we die!
Lyrics for a Rogue Ogre song that was never completed.
1.7k · May 2015
Snake in the Grass
Xan Abyss May 2015
Good Christian Woman
You heavenly creature
You look so good that the beast within me wants to eat you
Sweet holy honey
Let me slither into your view
I wanna sink my fangs deep into your forbidden fruit

I am the snake in the grass of your garden
Let my venom poison your mind
I have always been inside you
Trust me, leave your chastity behind

Hey! Good Christian Lady!
What are you afraid of?
Come here, I wanna show you what the Devil's kind are made of!

Good Christian Woman
Give yourself 
unto me
This is my blood you drink and this is my body you taste
My ****** Mary
I wanna be your God
You act pure but I know what you want behind that facade

I am the snake in the grass of your garden
Let my venom poison your mind
I have always been inside you
Trust me, leave your chastity behind

Hey! Good Christian Lady!
What are you afraid of?
Come here, I wanna show you what the Devil's kind are made of!
Hey! Heavenly baby! 
Let me drive you crazy
I wanna drag you down with me into the depths of Hades
1.6k · Jul 2014
Fuck Nihilism
Xan Abyss Jul 2014
**** humans.
**** animals.
**** political parties.
**** anarchism.
**** art.
**** science.
**** religion, faith and spirituality.
**** music.
**** noise.
**** sports.
**** nerdy ****.
**** drugs, **** and alcohol.
**** sobriety.
**** vegetarianism&veganism.;
**** the meat industry and hunters.
**** feminism.
**** patriarchy.
**** the War.
**** pacifism.
**** your body type.
**** junk food.
**** fitness.
**** nationalism.
******* if you hate your homeland.
**** your belief.
**** your non-belief.
**** your pseudo-belief.
**** your job and **** everyone without a job.
All of us are wrong and do not deserve to live.
But then why does it matter?
It doesn't.
Nothing does.
I, we, all of us and everything spinning away in this perpetually expanding universe,
100% is equally worthless in the scheme of existence.
The infinite gaping void of time will swallow it all and destroy it inevitably.
That is entropy.
Everything will eventually cease to be.
Our jobs, families, lives, and our entire history not just as a species, but as an entire solar system, will eventually mean zilch forever.
Nothing matters, it never really has and it is never really going to.
But we're all here, aren't we?
So what are we gonna do?
Because it's the only thing that matters? Nothing?
Why does it have to matter?
If everything is equally worthless and insignifcant in the grand, cosmically entropic scheme of this progressively more and more infinite universe,
Then who the **** cares what we care about?
If nothing matters, why does it matter?
It doesn't.
Nothing does.
So are we going to sit around and waste away because we know nothing will last forever?
Deny ourselves of the (albeit completely worthless and unimportant) experiences that this universe has to offer?
**** ***?
**** love?
**** music?
**** art?
**** cinema?
**** great food, cooked who by people who love to cook great food?
**** writing, and poetry?
**** sports, the thrill of the game, the roar of the crowd when the underdog scores a goal for their country?
**** culture?
**** trying new things and going new places?
**** creating new life? Raising a family?
Seeing your children graduate?
Who cares that it makes you happy, right?
That you exist in a realm where you are able to feel joy?
Or euphoria?
Or ecstasy?
How about,
**** that negative *******?
The universe is the most incredible thing in existence -
Because it IS existence.
There is nothing worse, and nothing greater, there is only what is.
And what is, is beautiful,
and Terrifying,
and Magical,
and completely,
Reality is infinitely fascinating, wonderful, divine, tangible, wicked, dangerous, and intoxicating.
And human beings are all too lost with their heads to the ground
Or the sky,
Peering into cracks and shadows,
Chasing dragons and vices and dreams,
Searching for perhaps the only thing in existence,
Which truly does not exist:
to see it.
Being crushed and destroyed and surrendering their hope, and faith and love in the universe once they do not find it.
Humanity, and perhaps all intelligent life,
(though we may never find out)
Is distracted by the questions,
"Why am I here?"
"What is the meaning of life?"
And thus hindered from ever finding it
in their own
1.5k · Oct 2014
Xan Abyss Oct 2014
She smiles at him as he enters
A sign of affection reduced to a dim glow
The way she bares her teeth these days
Has turned more feral than feminine

Her eyes are glazed, and no longer vocal
A vacant gaze, without love or pain
Silent at last, dead screams of disapproval
Disgorge their own spirits, which soon evaporate

And as they burn in wretched silence
All is swallowed by a swirling void
Shades of crimson defile her ****** grin
As she stares limply, lifeless and broken

This cul de sac
This neighborhood
This city of sins and secrets,
No place worth mention,
And no place
for a Lover's Heart.
This is one of my favorites of my own pieces. It tells two different stories at once, and yet both stories come from the same place. Poetry!
1.5k · Feb 2017
Scream of the Butterfly
Xan Abyss Feb 2017
Ride the Serpent, baby
Into the Great Sea
Ride the Devil, Angel
Into the Deep Sleep
I came from outside
With a universal mind
And you and I can fly, my darling
We need only to die

Ride the Serpent, baby
Into the Great Sea
Ride the Devil, Angel
Into the Deep Sleep
My friends on the inside
Pour us fountains of red wine
"Alive!" She cried, and I was mystified
By the crimson in her eyes

Persian Night, babe - fly with me
See the light, babe? Cry with me
I wanna taste your fearful tears
Show me your eyes and open wide
When the ancient witch appears
We can howl like beasts of the wild

Come back, LA Woman
I'm sick of doin' time
Is this the end?
Can someone find me reason for a rhyme?

"We are but clowns in a cosmic circus, degrading ourselves for a silent, uncaring audience. Their Collective gaze dances across our fragile flesh like so many knives on fire. We bleed. We burn. Our healing begets new ailments. We continue to suffer. We continue to survive. We never stop smiling. The circus is all we have. To lose the horror is to lose the Majesty as well. We must not quit. The lights have not gone down, and we hope they never will. We cannot afford to lose our audience. The Show Must Go On."

Persian Night, little angel!
Fly with me!
See the light, little angel?
Die with me!
I want you here, obscene
For all eternity
For I long to hear the scream of the butterfly!

So turn off the light!
Turn off the light!
Turn off the light and see!
Turn off the lights!
Turn off the lights!
Turn off the lights for me!

...Ride the Serpent, baby
Into the Great Sea
Ride the Devil, Angel
Into the Deep Sleep
Turn off the light and climb inside my universal mind
And finally we can be free
An homage to Jim Morrison.
1.5k · Oct 2014
Dreams of Demons
Xan Abyss Oct 2014
Do demons ever sleep?
    If so, do they ever dream?
Or do they just live in us,
   Only as real as we allow them to be?

In my dreams
of demons,
Sorcery of Horror
Takes hold while I'm sleeping
I wake up screaming
In the oblivionic darkness
Cold sweat and shallow breathing
I don't know what it means
but I think Nightmares could be
A gateway for your mind to see
into the Dreams
of Demons...
Late night, mostly asleep ramblings
1.5k · Apr 2015
The Omnipotence of Death
Xan Abyss Apr 2015
Death walks
on two feet
Saunters up
to you and me
Death comes
In night and day
In sun and rain
In joy and pain
Death comes for us on our day
In our way

Whisks you away
Takes you away from the pain
Whisks you away
Whispers are all that remain

Death comes in every shape
Death comes in any form
Silent as a shadow
And violent as a storm

Death crawls
on all fours
Has no mercy
for kings or ******
Death comes
For rich and poor
For saintly and sinful
Despised and adored
Death comes to all things in time
Just wait in line

Whisks you away
Takes you away from the pain
Whisks you away
Whispers are all that remain

Death comes in every shape
Death comes in any form
Silent as a shadow
And violent as a storm

Into our hearts
And through our veins
Into our art
Death lives
Inside our souls
In all of life
It waits and grows
Death comes each and every day
Hides until it's time to play
A nihilistic love song about the infinite power of death.
1.5k · Jan 2016
the GRIN
Xan Abyss Jan 2016
I want to be Paganini
I want to be Alexander the Great
But I'm only Pagliacci
A Faustian soul in sorrow and hate
And this is not a surrender
I will never stop fighting this war til I die
But passion is burning my heart to embers
Smiling wide hides the chaos inside

Aimed for the stars
Just to crash upon the moon
And reconstruct my broken pieces
From the ashes of my doom
I am reborn through death and madness
Scion of Nihilistic Sin
In my wake, I leave a trail of sadness
Soon all will hide inside THE GRIN

Choirs of Damnation!
Your Maestro has arrived at last!
Majestic Orchestration,
Barking dogs and shotgun blasts
The sound of frenzied feet as they pound the city streets
It's a symphony of victory against the riot police

Fear me, heroes
For I am near thee
Come one, come all
Hear ye, hear ye
The Jester dances on your Graves
the Joker wears the Crown
And the man who has the final laugh
At last will be the Clown
Character poem.
Xan Abyss Apr 2018
She dances like a diamond in the wind
And sings like a symphony of birds
She knows the ways of Magick
And how to Summon Shadows
with her words
Her blades are like a part of every limb they are attached to
A Natural-Born Performer
with Unusual Tattoos

In every town, she is found
The Raven-Haired Metal Maiden
Wilder Lore is always born all around her
But no matter where she goes, she never stays long

Silver Girl in the Circus of the Moon
The Song and the Dance & the Smile of Doom
A Jester of Death & a Friend of the Tomb
Silver Girl in the Circus of the Moon

Her Kiss of Steel, most deadly
As Swift and Silent as she is Serene
Seductive & Bloodthirsty
She Slays with Grace like a poison dream
One look can **** you faster than a dagger to the throat
But she prefers to Wage her Wars through the Sorcery of Notes

In every town, she is found
The Raven-Haired Metal Maiden
Wilder Lore is always born all around her
But no matter where she goes, she never stays long 

Silver Girl in the Circus of the Moon
The Song and the Dance & the Smile of Doom
A Jester of Death & a Friend of the Tomb
Silver Girl in the Circus of the Moon

Red is the Color
Of the Lust in Her Eyes
Artistic Brilliance
In taking Wicked Lives
Young & Old
Lowborn or High
Of All who might Fight
None will Survive

One look can **** you faster
Than a thousand burning arrows
One song will make you hers
For better or for worse
One dance can mean disaster
Or a majestic miracle
She can be a Blessing
And she can be the Curse
New lyrics about a character im working on.
1.4k · Jul 2016
The Red Slayer
Xan Abyss Jul 2016
Killer since childhood, wicked since birth
An alien in my own skin
Prisoner kept in a filthy cage
Rotting in a cell within

But then salvation came at last
In a suit of sentient slime
Devastation like a nuclear blast
And now it is my time

Demon God... to me you belong
I am strong... with the power of Chthon....

Don't go making deals with demons
If you're unprepared to pay
The Price
is always human life...
With no hope of escape

Dont you see?
Nobody can trick me
You should have just stayed away
cuz Now you're toying with the power of hell
And The Devil himself wants to play

Drunk on power and high on life, as the prophecy foretold
Your psychopathy and mine entwined
With the might of the Darkhold
Set off on a gruesome course
In blood I'll find my fame
The world will know through use of force
That Carnage is my name

**** of the earth and bane of the stars
Society made me decay behind bars
Until, what dark sorcery be this?
Symbiotic Synthesis

Savior of the Reptile Cult
Every fight is a full-scale assault
Black Magic Grimoire, Messiah of War
I am the reaper of souls
A song for Cletus Kasady.
1.4k · Apr 2017
Xan Abyss Apr 2017
Confined inside the tundra
Frozen beneath the dirt
Uncovered by a digging team
Unleashed upon the earth
Ancient in Origin
In Nature, a War Begins
Prehistoric Breed
Awakens now to Feast

From the soils of Lapland
It is freed
Citizens of Denmark!
Run and flee!
Terrible Lizard
Frenzied Feed
New Dragonslayers
Make it Bleed

It stands five stories tall
Armored scales, unbreakable
Weaving a path of destruction and hate
Nothing but death in its wake
Scandinavia meets her fate
Progress made a fatal mistake
Acid venom and neon flames
We will never forget the name...

High North Kaiju
It will find you...
New season of MST3K on Netflix!
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