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2.5k · Jul 2016
The Dreamer
Is the dreamer
Who keeps going back
To a time before
His brightest dreams
His darkest nightmares
2.5k · May 2016
Little Dreamer
Little dreamer
Dream me a fountain
I'll throw the coins
And our wishes will come true

Little dreamer
Dream me the moon
My life is dark
When I'm not with you

Little dreamer
Dream me your love
I'll let you have mine
When your eyes are closed

Little dreamer
Dream me the world
And we'll make houses
Out of fairy tales

Little dreamer
Is dreaming all you can do?
Oh, little dreamer
Maybe I dreamt you
2.2k · Aug 2016
Liar, liar
Liar, liar
An acquired taste
Your mouth is fire
Your past a disgrace

Liar, liar
I trust only you
Your story I admire
And your lies, too

Runner, runner
You'll do as I say
I was a goner
Since I told you to stay

Desire, desire*
Nothing, is what love is
Perhaps I'm the liar
We can't run from this
1.9k · Aug 2016
remembering peter pan
and perhaps, one day
you might have liked to grow
and share your Neverland
with someone you’d come to know

but was life ever fair
to boys who were lost
granted, you discovered yourself
but at what cost?

they said to never say goodbye
and to never go away
but they forgot to warn you
sometimes life won’t let you stay

and you’ll never be forgotten
because we all believe
with a bit of fairy dust
in our Neverland, you’ll forever live.
Remembering Michael Llewelyn Davies, one of the boys who inspired  J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan.  This poem is dedicated to him and to Jonathan Ferrara, an author whose upcoming book  inspired me to write this poem.
1.9k · May 2016
Tell me,
Do you judge yellow
For being yellow and not green?
Do you judge sugar
For not being salty but sweet?
Do you judge a dog
For not being a horse or a monkey?
Do you judge a Ferrari
For being a car and not a ship?
If you don't judge these things
For being nothing else
But what they can be
Tell me,
Why do you judge a boy
For loving not her but him?
Why do you judge a girl
For the color of her skin?
1.7k · May 2016
Let Me
Let me be your rock
Lean on me when the world
Tries to push you over
The ledge

Let me be your escape
And I'll replace all the memories
From your lonely days
That still haunt you today

Let me be your armor
I'll place myself between
You and the rest of the world
I'll make you feel safe

Let me be your treasure chest
You can tell me all your secrets
You can give me your heart
And I'll give you all my keys

Let me be your someone
And I'll let you be mine
You've been no one for too long
*But with me, you're finally home.
1.7k · Jun 2016
The clouds are crying
Was it not raining
Just minutes ago?

I could swear my eyes
Were dripping with tears
But I didn't want you to know

You were always at your best
Under a cloudy sky
I won't let my weakness show

But it's time to say goodbye
There's rain in my eyes again
Oh, how could I stoop so low

I put the flowers on my cheeks
Instead of on the ground with you
Maybe with my tears they'll grow
And I'll keep them, as I let you go
1.6k · Jul 2016
you’re still here
your clothes are still in the closet
your ***** dishes in the sink
but your mind isn’t near
it’s living in a parallel world
with its monsters for company
i speak but you can’t hear
some other voices fill your head
and you listen to them instead
i reach out but it’s clear
it’s hard to drag you back
from that place you have imagined
where perhaps you want to stay
why return to all this fear
when you’ve got a better place
somewhere where you can heal
without all the disgrace
your face is blank, your eyes don’t shine
you look at me but you see through
yes, your body is still here,
but not you
1.4k · Feb 2017
if looks could kiss
seeing you there
smooth skin, long neck
reminds me I still care
about all the pretty things
i'd forgotten were there

and so, tiny flower,
with the biggest heart,
if looks could kiss
our lips would never part
1.4k · Jun 2016
Boundaries & Consent
The noise stops
The sky is clear
Once again
Your hand drops
To my hair
Your mouth is near
But there's no sound
Your eyes, they speak
But I hear silence
All around
I'm not weak
But without you
I lose ground
Your presence
Brings peace
Don't care for much
But you I'd miss
Your lips on mine
No better touch
C'mon ******
I'm in a rush
The noises start
Our lips part
My mind won't stop
Your hands drop
I didn't say no
But you back off
You already know
If we go too fast
You'll move slow
Our love will last
Give it time to grow
1.3k · Apr 2017
The Stag and The Fox
prince of the forest
growing inside of me
antlers feel like gold
to my searching fingertips

stag caught in headlights
warning signs on hazel eyes
yours were even bluer
than the bluest skies

hunters with silver knives
chasing our bumpy trail
but your hooves fast as light
they chased to no avail

young deer kissed the fox
yapping at its feet
predator and prey
in peace can finally meet
1.3k · Jun 2016
Those Were The Days
Those were the days
We'd collect stones
That fell from the sky
Pieces of the universe
On the palm of our hands

Those were the nights
We'd stand on your roof
And you'd show me the stars
As if you weren't a galaxy
In my eyes, already

Those were the days
You'd save me from the others
Who couldn't understand us
Because we were abstract paintings
And only made sense to each other

Those were the nights
My dreams were filled with you
Two kiss covered bodies
Entwined together on a bed of love
Not even time could tear apart

Those were the days
Those were the nights
Now they are but memories
From a lonely mind
1.2k · May 2016
Nothing lasts forever
Everything is overestimated
Love is blind to your pain
Happiness is fleeting
Fear is a wall people hide behind
Everything is an obstacle
In your self-righteous path
The games they're obsessed with
Are to you a mere distraction
From the boredom of your existence

He's the exception
He makes you feel painless
He is the candle in the dark room
That is your soul
He is the lifeboat that keeps you
From drowning in your thoughts
He is the cactus in the flower killing
Desert that is your mind

So if you don't care about anything
Enough to hate it
And everything is overestimated
He is nothing
This must be nothing
**And nothing lasts forever.
1.2k · Feb 2017
children of disease
we're used to disappointment
our eyes shine brighter
without lights to guide them

we'll hold hands when we're done
when the moon isn't  the only thing
capable of outshining the sun

the night whispers in our ears
and the days rush forward
turning into years

we're used to disappointment -
we can't find stars in clear skies
so we don't need them to guide our eyes
1.2k · Jun 2016
Weep for me
Weep for me
And for all I could have been
And wanted to be
But please don't waste your tears
Weeping for someone
That I never wished was me
1.0k · Jun 2016
Deadly Things
How pretty is a deadly thing
Under your control?
How much pleasure does it bring
Your damaged, darkened soul,
Having such a pretty knife to hold?

Oh, aren’t deadly things the best?
When the terrors come at night
And they lay your mind to rest
When he sleeps by your side
And you don’t need them to fight
Did he pass some kind of test?

Oh, aren’t deadly things beautiful?
You protect when under protection
Low self esteem but looking dreadful
So you add him to your collection
Judging by the way he gets you
He must be a deadly thing, too.

Oh, aren’t deadly things the best
Sleeping peacefully on your chest?
1.0k · Jun 2016
You're a papercut
Only when I look at you
Does it hurt
998 · Aug 2016
i thought i had
a tattoo of our
love somewhere
deep inside me
but maybe our
passion was
ink from a pen
a heart shaped
drawing on the
surface of my
pale skin that
a river of tears
washed away
after all those days
I begged and begged
for you to stay
and you didn’t
997 · Jun 2016
Come closer, stay close
Come closer
I’ll trade a secret
For your story
Pinky promise
You’re not a threat
Aren’t you tired of running yet?
One, two, three more tries
Let me cut you a deal
One, two, no more lies
And I’ll let this be real

Come closer
Your lips against mine
Keep your silence
But don’t tell me you’re fine
Keep your hands to yourself
But keep telling me ‘yes’
Tell me you want this
As much as I do
But if you say 'no’
I’ll be fine, just like you

Come closer**
We’ll walk through fire together
And then we’ll take turns
Healing each other’s burns
963 · Jun 2016
I know how this ends
I know how this ends
Violent words with sharp edges
Cutting through a fragile mind
The poison of loneliness
Never one to be kind
Towards a beating heart

I know how this ends
Thunderstorms and hurricanes
A waterfall of thoughts
Echoing through his head
Where once music played
Now there’s screaming instead

I know how this ends
Never mind how it began
He knows not what he’s doing
Too numb to make a plan
It’s himself he’ll end up losing
Unless you offer him a hand
955 · Jun 2016
It’s Saturday night
And you call me a fool
Because I’d rather stay home
I don’t live to play cool

It’s still Saturday night
And you drink as you dance
Your arms wrapped around a body
As if you ever stood a chance

It’s almost Sunday
And everything has changed
You went out to have fun
But a gun is pointed at your face

It’s almost Sunday
And blood has been shed
This was your safe place
Now all you see is red

It’s Sunday morning
And the world isn’t fair
The culprit was a weapon
That shouldn’t have been there

It’s Sunday morning
And I’m calling you instead
But you don’t pick up the phone
Because you’re dead
The US are not a safe place to be right now with these gun laws. If you defend them, I'm sorry, but you're not right. People hate on other people's sexualities in other countries as well but they don't walk into clubs and start shooting them, why? Because they don't have guns. Sure, it's the thought that kills and not the weapon, but it's much harder to ****** people without one. The day before this, some random guy shot a singer in the head 3 times after her concert. Today another guy was caught with weapons as he was driving or something to the LA Pride Festival. This is not right. These people should not be allowed to carry weapons. My condolences to the families of the victims from the mass shooting in Orlando. I once wanted to live in the US, I'm not sure about this anymore.
946 · Sep 2016
The book is out!
Okay guys! A bit sooner than I expected, my book is out!
Here’s the summary:
“A hero or a villain
To them it’s black or white
You’re a spectrum of a person
And none of them are right”

Alex’s Spilled Ink is a compilation of Alex’s poems, divided into three parts: heaven, earth and hell.
Heaven. Dip your hands in the warm, crytal water and reach for the words at the bottom of the lake. Inspiration. Hope. Love. Which will you take?
Earth. Keep your feet on the ground but look up towards the sky. What do you see? The moon, the stars, life passing by?
Hell. Fire burns but so does passion. You fight your battles and sometimes you lose. Hurt. Pain. Grief. Keep on fighting, there’s no excuse.

Alex's Spilled Ink is available only on every amazon (free on kindle unlimited!)

I hope you guys like my little compilation of poetry!
Summer sky
It's warm outside
Between the trees
Where we both hide
And tell our stories

I fell for you
Your own meteor
With a burning heart
Catch me before
We part

The hatch is open
Let's float in space
Our problems so light
This is our place
We shine, so bright

Float, float away with me tonight
891 · Mar 2017
find me where I'm most alone
before my fleeting feelings
turn to stone

don't let me turn the other way
if you ever think I'm slipping
hold my gaze and make me stay

hold the coffee to my nose
the warmth smells like home
and keeps me close

don't you ever say you're sorry
for taking care of me
for helping to melt away
the ice I was meant to be

*be my compass
guide me for our sake
for you're already the direction
I want my life to take
886 · Jul 2016
Hardcovers and Paperbacks
You are a mystery novel
I read over and over
You put up such a strong front
Yes, you're a hardcover

I am a good listener
Your stories make up for what I lack
Fragile and easily ripped apart
I am but a paperback
849 · Jul 2016
The last leaf finally falls
A tree sheds her last tear
But even naked she knows
She might bear fruit next year
stand your ground
because he won’t understand
why he still hasn’t found
who you are and what you’ve planned

hide away
for he can’t know
that you’ve decided to stay
because there’s nowhere to go

forget that feeling
because he might feel it, too
you need to keep running
he can’t get attached to you

and once it’s too late
he won’t let you fall
you’ll see how funny is fate
and how unpredictable is love,
after all
808 · Jun 2016
Drawings of You
I was trying to draw a picture
I had of you on my mind
Went through all my greens and blues
But none were the right kind

I picked up different pencils
Nothing I did felt right
Your hair bright as the sun
My colors hadn't enough light

I stopped for a moment
Allowed myself to feel
With the memory of your smile
My drawing became real

My hands worked on their own
And the lines clicked into place
When I finally opened my eyes
I was staring at your face
806 · Nov 2016
tragic kindness
and at the edge of madness
they offered him a hand
tragic acts of kindness
for with him
they later
792 · Sep 2016
Light up the way
An arm around my shoulder
Guide me today
Stay until we're older

We know we can survive
Daylight won't end
*Tomorrow we'll thrive
Today we pretend
784 · Jun 2016
It gets better
It's early in the morning
Rays of sunday light seep through the windows
And the white walls look celestial
When they're being kissed by the sun
He's asleep on your bed and he's facing you
You count the seconds until his blue eyes
Snap open and meet yours
The man who would never stand still
Looks peaceful, resting at your side
You tentatively reach out
Your fingers ghost over his eyelids
Over his cheekbones, over his throat
Never quite touching, but close enough to know
That what you see is not a hallucination
But your new reality
And a couple hours from now
A hot cup of coffee between your tired hands
You'll settle next to him on the couch
You'll feel the warm weight
Of a cat resting on your legs
You'll pretend not to notice when someone's head
Falls on your shoulder
You'll pretend not to care
When he presses a feather like kiss on your hair
Whispers 'good morning' against your neck
And you'll pretend that the shivers
Are from the cold morning breeze
But the pink shade that slowly takes over your skin
Betrays your careless façade, and he smiles
You've always been good at telling lies from truth
And there's nothing false about the way
He touches you when you say it's okay
And you know this is not a dream
Because your dreams have always been haunted
Yet there are no ghosts here
Nothing but a safety you didn't think you'd achieve
A sober kind of happiness you didn't believe
Would ever become your life
And yet
It did get better.
You're honest, but why?
All I can do is lie
Still so much you can't see
Yet you put your trust in me
(For you, I'll be the best I can be)

Oh, you fragile boy
You think you're so strong
Thrown around like a toy
Been running for so long
(Oh, I'll prove you wrong)

Been knocking on your wall
Would you please let me in
No, you're not that tall
You can't easily be seen
(We can be better than we've been)

I don't know how this goes
Haven't tried it before
We've had our highs and lows
These feelings I want to explore
(They're too strong to ignore)

Shake my hand
This is what we sought
I'll make this our land
How could I not,
After all that you've fought?
(I'll fight for you with all I've got)
inspired by the foxhole court series, one person's in italics, the other in bold
744 · Jul 2016
The Beauty and The Beast
Cruel beast
They call you
Blood thirsty fist
Not afraid to die
Protect what's yours
Make grown men cry

Unlucky life
You lead
Hold on to that knife
Look at what you became
Your world was poisoned
Keep your head in the game

And now he's come along
But not on a white horse
You sing him a song
About a promise and a key
This liar believes in you
And in all you could be

A happier life
You lead
Drop the knife
Look at what you've become
Not a knight in shining armor
But he's home
734 · Jul 2016
Your throat is tight
Don’t you feel the need to breathe?
Before your face turns blue
Do what they say is right
How unbelievable is it
Fixing your mind with glue

It’s fine, they promess
Even if you’re seeing double
And the nausea is too much
You just want to suffer less
Isn’t this worth the trouble
When you’re in a rush?

Life is about to start
What’s broken needs to heal
What’s lost needs to be found
They tear your mind apart
Can’t even tell what’s real
But it’s alright, you’ll come around
726 · Jun 2016
It'll be okay
Wash your eyes
And say goodbye
It's just another day

Nothing lasts forever
Keep holding on
Turn the other way

Enjoy the moments
For moments pass
And time won't wait

Dry your face
You're the writer
Don't believe in fate

Close this chapter
Let things go
When they can't stay

Wash your eyes
And say goodbye
It'll be okay
715 · Jul 2016
Your heart is frost
But your soul was sweet
The one who broke you
I desperately need to meet
If I tell him you’re lost
Will he come and fix you
Or will you just never fit
My missing puzzle piece?
711 · Jul 2016
Without You
Star gazing isn't the same
Without you there to tell me
We'll both be stars someday

The ocean doesn't look so blue
Without you there looking at me
As I drown in your eyes

My heart doesn't beat as fast
Without you there to promise
You'll take care of it

The sun isn't as bright
Without you there to give it
A reason to shine

But lies don't hurt as much
Without you here
To tell them
684 · Jun 2016
"A kingdom, or this?"
Sunlight hair
The smartest mouth
His touch a dare
You crave it, no doubt

All of his skills
No one can match
Attention kills
But his you catch

Outside a snake
But you see through
He makes the mistake
Of wanting you

In bed, a cat
Skittish but bold
He leaves claw marks
All over your soul

Holds you in his kiss
Oh, how you want to be his
What is it that you'll miss
*A kingdom, or this?
Inspired by the Captive Prince books
683 · Sep 2016
and you might wake up early
and curse your life
but watch the sun rise
over the darkest clouds
and then you'll realize
you've simply been awake
at all the wrong hours
This is what happens when I have to be on a train at 6.30 AM and actually watch the sunrise. It is much less poetic when you're not a morning person.
679 · May 2016
Not Meant To Be
You're part of the sea
You move with the waves
As birds move with the wind
There's a mermaid's tail
Where two legs were supposed to be
Instead of eating fish
You keep them for company
Your hands look like mine
Slender and smooth
But yours are efficient as fins
Half boy, half creature
But you fell in love with me

I've got sand between my toes
And I barely know how to swim
We can run in opposite ways
One towards land
The other towards water
And we'd never be able
To follow each other
You try to teach me
And I listen carefully
But there's only so much
A lion can learn from a deer
And so I drown as I tell you -
*You're part of the sea
I am but a human
And you are but a fish
Some things just aren't meant to be.
Because I read the book Teeth by Hannah Moskowitz and I'm feeling weak so I had to write about it.
679 · Jun 2016
We'll meet again
Where have you gone?
Maybe you're still here
The stars still whisper your name
Whenever the sky is clear.

Where have you been?
Everything else is the same
Time took you away
But I'm the only one to blame.

Where am I going?
I'll jump off this cliff
And into the sea
Where perhaps, my darling,
You'll be waiting for me.
677 · Jun 2016
Hide & Seek
I trust a candle
Not to burn me
But you're flammable
And you set fires
When you speak
So your words and I
We play hide and seek

I trust the waves
Won't knock me down
But you're stronger
Than the sea
And I stumble
When you're around
So I keep you far from me
659 · Nov 2016
diamonds in my mouth
when they speak of your soul
as monstrous, as unkind
i stare at them in confusion
for you don’t really come to mind

both victims of a kindless crime
it’s no surprise we lack the tender
touch that others seem to crave
to which we won’t again surrender

i’ve got diamonds in my mouth
and by your tongue were they delivered
they’re rougher, there’s no doubt,
than the look your eyes have whispered
655 · Jun 2016
Club lighting
Hurts less than the sun
When the mind is intoxicated
With ***** and lust

Sweat and body heat
Feel better than summer's warmth
When your skin is craving touch
Instead of sunscreen

And when you wake up
You decide that
Headaches and memory loss
Are still better than heartbreak
652 · Jun 2016
Maybe I've had too much to drink
But your touch used to leave me
Dizzier than all these glasses
Only you're not here anymore
And alcohol fills the empty space
Like you, it's got a bitter taste
And I'll regret it in the morning
648 · Apr 2017
there shall be no ignorance
in my fair, lonely skies
for love might be blind
but justice is all eyes
631 · Sep 2016
come morning
all the things you’ve won
cannot compare
to the delicate smoothness
of her hair
or the way she treats you
with so much care
and know that if for a minute
a blink of an eye
you think of her as just another
star in your sky
she’ll make sure to remind you
that come morning,
stars say goodbye
618 · Jun 2016
James Dean
Fancy suits and fancy cars
Rooms full of people, empty places
James Dean, Heath Ledger, Robin Williams
Real money, fake lives, empty faces

As role models or investments
All these people are looked upon
Coffee, drugs, take another shot
I know it hurts, the show must go on

Lights, camera, action
Acting on and off set
Caged birds , flying high
Their only pause was death
Watched the movie 'Life' about James Dean and got inspired. I recommend it, it's a beautiful movie.
609 · Jul 2016
the world doesn't care
the sun is setting
far behind us
the world moves on
why can’t I?
your hand is slipping
my face is sinking
the credits are rolling
and I try, I try
you disappear from sight
the moon is still just as bright
but the night doesn’t feel right
it’s a lie, a lie
(because the world doesn’t care
if you say goodbye
life is unfair
and I cry, I cry)
602 · Apr 2022
a whole new us
an unbelievable sight
an indescribable feeling
tell me what would you do
if i didn’t hold you tight
i can tell you the truth
take your heart and confuse it
walking, running, and tumbling
on an unstable ground

it’s a new us
our neverending story
nowhere else to go
but here with you
i’m not afraid the waves will swallow me

understand when i say
we will get our chance
tearful, fearful, but beautiful
a journey we can see

it’s a new us
there’s nothing keeping us here
i’ll chase you anywhere
i’ll be right there
will you catch me when i fall?
inspired by A Whole New World (Zayn ft Zhavia) can be sung with that melody
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