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987 · May 2017
Druzzayne Rika May 2017
Clarity stays near confusion
If you look beyond the haze
you'll get to meet her too.
983 · May 2017
passed away
Druzzayne Rika May 2017
Another day
passed away
without giving me
enough time
to start my dream

Another night
passed away too
with fright
over nightmare
I dreamt
977 · Apr 2017
Nature's land
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2017
I had walked on this lands
when I was young
The green nature ,
magnificent horses ,
multicoloured birds ,
the blue sky ,
tall trees , scattered sunrays
and wild flora and fauna
accompanied me on this walk
around this beautiful island .
This nature's land
976 · May 2018
Different Perspective
Druzzayne Rika May 2018
If you end up becoming a hero;  
You are automatically a villain.
975 · Jul 2021
Hugging the skies
Druzzayne Rika Jul 2021
I fell. Hard.

On the floor.

It was gravity's fault.

I did nothing wrong.

I am heavier than I seem.

The sky won't tuck me in.
966 · Feb 2018
Inner journey
Druzzayne Rika Feb 2018
the real nature
hidden beneath many layers of skin
there is truth
deeper in those myths
many doors
to the same corridor
met each other
quite a lot of times.

Many scene changes
the travel lengthens
along grows like and dislike,
dark and white.

There are many dimensions
the time relative
evolution and decline
and all the unknowns undefined.

There is the pride
with the many passions
dragging us towards another illusion
the mirage stays for the eyes.
Existence questioned
time blinks away
only in grasp of enlightened
others effort futile
this chance while.

Acceptance will keep the peace
no appeal, no appease
keeping still
the background wheel
initiating the end of the suffer
meditating to get better.

The inner light
shaded and dim
concentrate to ignite again
to the right bright
remove the leftover dirt
all that spins it
and revive the lost spirit
the one hidden beneath.
955 · Mar 2017
To be happy
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2017
I see my chance to be happy
              walking ahead of me
But there is a possibility  ,
                that I might get hurt.
Should I run behind
                or should not risk it
This dilemma runs in mind
                               and my thoughts aren't kind
951 · Sep 2020
How do I write it?
Druzzayne Rika Sep 2020
Where does the right side of history originate?
933 · Nov 2017
game lost
Druzzayne Rika Nov 2017

Everything I do,
Everything I change
I try
so many different things
as the day begins,
all my efforts go down
as sun sets.
I lose interest
and feel so much dismay,
the boredom
the worthlessness.
Internally I get the feeling of unexplained grief
it doesn't go away
I do not know the origin of this feeling
but it slowly feasts on me
consumes me
and I lose this game everyday.

931 · Aug 2020
longing boat
Druzzayne Rika Aug 2020
It is much suited, isn't it
the separation
it brings its own melody
the only thing
Everyone who listens
feel the same
It is the same longing
we all feel
all the same for all the difference
deserted in middle
met again in the same boat as travellers
finding place to soothe the thirst
rhythm of the same beat
echoing in the same heartbeat.
927 · May 2022
Druzzayne Rika May 2022
I breathe
a sign I take to assume that I still live
among so many monsters
hiding in plain sight.
So well mixed with the society
It is time for sheep to dorn
Wolf's clothing
To feel one with the crowd.
924 · Apr 2017
Broken thoughts
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2017
I try and recycle my broken thoughts
To construct a poetry
though most of them stay in drafts
some of them
get to shine
896 · Mar 2017
significant things
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2017
Somewhere around the globe
An earth shattering discovery is being made
and somewhere else,
a new chemical is synthesised ,
In some hospital ,
a life is being saved
and in a house somewhere far
A little boy is crying ,after he failed
While on the street ,
someone found his phone is stolen
And in a cafe nearby ,
a girl is sipping her coffee daydreaming
And at the same time ,
while along with some significant things take place
I sit across my laptop
scribbling some verses while I eat chips
894 · Jun 2023
Druzzayne Rika Jun 2023
Real person will bore me,
You play many roles
in the fantasy of mine.
Driving me insane
with your every spoken line.
874 · Mar 2017
The little child
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2017
The little child in me has grown
The childish aspiration ,silly dreams  all gone
All you can see when you see me now is frown .

As I tried reviving that child in me
Back to become the person who I used to be .

Many attempts ,
Failed to turn me as innocent
My thoughts are not the same , my heart is different

The  little  child  was  blind  to  the outside world I have seen
And the child could not survive how I was living

As the days passed
The child died , leaving me to mourn
And now I feel forever alone
855 · Feb 2018
Druzzayne Rika Feb 2018
Blank expression expresses enough thoughts
the unlived unemoted invasive grows
undefined remaining unused words
undelighted lazy curves
untriggered to any stimuli
selected to roam mindscapes
honest to the truth.
850 · May 2017
Druzzayne Rika May 2017
Praises and flattery
works their magic once
then they start becoming
848 · Mar 2017
Gossip [10 words]
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2017
The words are floating in the air
Gossip is everywhere
848 · Oct 2017
my path
Druzzayne Rika Oct 2017
I'd like to disappear once again
let people wonder in vain
give a reason to be someone's pain
that is how I was trained.
I'd like to take the blame
with feeling no shame
burn in the fiery angry flame
try me to make me tame
but effect won't be the same.
I'm far gone to be sane
my path is not on that lane.
823 · Apr 2017
Late hour
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2017
Late hour ,
Underneath many stars ,
She drove her car
out of the city

The buzz
and the rush
turn'd her fuzz'd
that she could take no more

She was passing tiny towns
singing loudly old songs
on the road empty
driving fast ,far away .

Left the town without a phone
just useful and important possession
To be all alone on her own
To be free from all her boundaries

She had no map in hand
but she will not halt the car till dawn
something that will feel like home
A place of rest and calm .
820 · Jun 2018
not you
Druzzayne Rika Jun 2018
I breathe every second to stay alive
fill my lungs with air
not you.
814 · Mar 2017
Right Words
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2017
People gifted with voice
Stop making all the noise
Do not speak words to abuse
Just to keep your self amuse
Understand yourself in their shoes
Change your perceptions and views
Then choose the right words to use
799 · Nov 2017
Druzzayne Rika Nov 2017
Why to test the gravity              

                          again and again
                                             by falling down?
794 · Mar 2017
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2017
Women are not a different species
They do not need a special day
Why can't you respect and appreciate her ,
love her and treat her equal everyday?
777 · May 2017
Every Night
Druzzayne Rika May 2017
Every night I wait for you
The only one ,
which can give me peace
take away the restlessness
away from fatigue, stress
Make me dream
as far as my imagination takes
be with me as day breaks

Though some nights
you come late
Make me count stars and sheep
then take me away in trip

But still the only thing I yearn at night
and some times , at other times too
is to sleep , a nice amount of sleep
Sleep away too deep
777 · Dec 2017
Druzzayne Rika Dec 2017

the nice toys we are
much like puppets
quite the entertainment
destinies pulling the strings
and we are dancing to tunes
all under its powered reins
what control we can
the life we spend
*I        I
I          I
I          I
I        I
776 · Dec 2020
This year, no pretense
Druzzayne Rika Dec 2020
It is feeling
the genuine one

The year I've been me
No pretense
No act
I was never fine,
I've seen me be scared me

The confidence coat I've shed
I can see the marks
where I've bled
It is all on open
I am healing this time.
Druzzayne Rika Nov 2019
I don't need more negativity in life
I have enough in me already
I am cutting you off
Avoiding till cannot
774 · Mar 2017
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2017
Poetry connect lives ,
each word
fill a canvas with
different shades .
It draws the outline
of many emotions .
The art drafts
the stories of lives
people all around the world
768 · Mar 2017
Why do I ..
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2017
Why do I
ask for more
When I do have
enough ?

Why do I
look around
when I know
there is no
happiness to be found?

Why do I
speak lies to myself
when I already
know the fact ?

Why do I
make my life
unnecessarily difficult
by expecting
a lot more from me ?

Why do I do the things that I do?
What am I trying to do , trying to prove ?
Nothing makes sense to me ,
I do not make sense at all on reasons ,
why I do things that do not help me .
768 · Apr 2017
fire [10 words]
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2017
The fire gives the warmth,
         as the storm rages on.
757 · Apr 2021
I need to cut the strings.
756 · Oct 2022
Fun fact
Druzzayne Rika Oct 2022
People keep dying
Every century, year and this second
Be it be outbreak, poor healthcare or war
Lives are lost,
People keep suffering
History is filled with pages of red
Injustice alike, discrimination
Torture and slavery
Our contribution to the future,
It is quite the same
Along with carbon emission
and other deadly things
Humanity brings humanity down
It is a fun ride without the fun
754 · Aug 2020
No views || Glitches
Druzzayne Rika Aug 2020
Am I even visible,
I see no view coming
Is this a glitch
Or just how it is, it is.

Suddenly there is a jump,
but there are numbers reading
This place is forever changing
Am I vain to keep a track of count
But there is no count
and then suddenly there it is
But it is static now.

It seems everything is fine from outside,
I get no notification for the poem I sent out
I do not know, should I even post it?

The people I follow,
I don't see them on my homepage
Their works are available,
but not simply accessible.

What features come, what goes
update us about
I am curious.

it is just me,
am I invisible to all?
Has anyone observed these glitches on this portal?
745 · Oct 2020
Pages of my Life
Druzzayne Rika Oct 2020
Skim through the pages of my life,
Skip through the lies I've been entwined,
It is the story of the girl trying to please
You, me and everybody, trying for your love.
I loathe the very picture she becomes,
It is very like she wilts without your approval,
She'd be giving pieces of her to all,
but next day, naturally, she finds herself in trash.

It isn't kind, the life she creates with her head,
her best attempts causing natural disrupts,
the purpose to be everyone's friend,
makes her enemy of her own self.
She lost everyone, love and inspite
and despite everything, she writes another write.

It is terrible, what I do with her,
She has been ruining everything for me,
Her and I, together, we make a lonely picture.
Skip this, and be free from this.
The end chapter, what went by,
no one knows, maybe she died alone
in the worn out sweater she had grown,
She hoped, her end might have pleased them all.
733 · Apr 2017
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2017
Long time back ,
When I was little ,
I read a story ,
A fairytale

Once upon a time
They lived happily ever after
The End

And my young mind believed
That is how my life will be
when I'll grow up .

And then I realised
this is not how
Realtale ends .
'FairyTale' is the word I found on the eighth page of my book
728 · Mar 2017
I'll miss
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2017
An image , I see  
from where I stand
The coloured sky
and beautiful land
The birds fly
and winds blow
The sun shines
this place glow
and I walk there slow
taking my time with the peace
Something I know I'll miss
725 · Jun 2023
In a pickle
Druzzayne Rika Jun 2023
Little little did I know
I was caught unprepared
And I wouldn't lie, you know
It is a truth, no one can deny

That I was in a pickle,
A real pickle, you see
And I didn't know what to do
So I just stood there, like a fool
718 · Sep 2020
Smiling face
Druzzayne Rika Sep 2020
I am smiling,
        An exercise I do with mouth
My teeth clear white.

I am smiling,
        Looking so happy
What a perfect disguise.

I am smiling,
        what a beautiful day to
have all my sad thoughts come for me.

I am smiling,
         It is a practice
an ongoing progressive learning.

I am smiling,
          There is absolutely nothing I can do
Here, I smile to you too.
707 · Apr 2017
Writing a program
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2017
Writing a program
is just like
following your dream

You know what you want
as your output
but it takes time to figure
which path to take
and you start with whatever you have.

You never realise the errors
you make along the road,
and sometimes ,
And you don't realise them,
till the end.

Some errors , you know
you solve them easily
And to debug some ,
you have to change the direction
And some errors , may make you rewrite    
and restart all over again .

But when it is all over
and you reach the place you want to
The satisfaction and excitement
makes up for all the problem faced
And we get ready to make
a new code, follow a new dream .
701 · Apr 2017
not prepared
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2017
I am standing
somewhere halfway
to the end
and I don't think
I have lived enough.

More half path
left to travel . .
and I am tired
knowing something
will come soon
something ,
which I am not prepared of
692 · Oct 2017
Spooky place
Druzzayne Rika Oct 2017
there are pumpkins moving around
the candle lights bright the surround
blood red fountain spinning in middle
people going to this haunted house over the hill

no one visits the castle any other day
but dressed vampires and ghost in black and grey
dance around feeling home in this spooky place
today, the other world get mortals embrace

They get to be the normal, not the one odd
today, nobody cares about the screams and shout
the transformation and apparition
today, no one believes those vision

They'll fall for the traps,
blend within the gaps
tricking and treating strutting around
the atmosphere lit with the hooting sound.
688 · Apr 2017
charm of green
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2017
Earth's natural beauty
faded away somewhere
Manmade creativity
took houses on great heights
but took away the charm of green
686 · Mar 2017
The voices
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2017
I could not ignore
the voices inside my head
who calls my name
and things they said

They target my insecurities
they show me pity
They know where it hurts more
and these voices , they echo
and it becomes , too much to endure

They feed on my sadness
they do love to make me feel less
They whisper in my ears
with high conviction
Things that no one should hear

These voices , they do not go out
they know everything about
each secret , all regrets
and keep reminding me again and again
every second , without giving me rest
685 · Oct 2023
The love fall
Druzzayne Rika Oct 2023
Attributes of autumn surround,
As love's sweet malady astounds.
My heart beats faster, breath drawn deep,
As love's embrace I long to keep.

Oh, cure this love that makes me yearn,
My soul with fervent passion burn.
Like leaves that fall in golden hues,
My love for you will never lose.

But autumn's chill can bring me fear,
Lest love's sweet bloom should disappear.
So calm my mind with love's embrace,
And banish doubt with tender grace.

My love, my heart, my autumn dream,
Together through the seasons gleam.
For though the leaves may fade and fall,
Our love will stand forever tall
680 · Apr 2017
New Technologies
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2017
I love new technologies
all erupting every next day
with new features
and temptations

But all these technologies
are baby monsters
growing day by day
to achieve mass laziness
trapping the world
in the maze of addiction
making them lean on them
for every little things
These monsters will together,
one day,
achieve world *******
680 · May 2017
Druzzayne Rika May 2017
is difficult to construct
It comes naturally
or doesn't .
679 · May 2017
Druzzayne Rika May 2017
Your enemies keep you in thoughts
more than your loved ones
678 · May 2017
Druzzayne Rika May 2017
try and fall
       not try
**** your dreams
677 · Nov 2017
She's not dead
Druzzayne Rika Nov 2017
Time forgot her,
but you didn't  
she still lives in the memory
her imprints on the places she touched
her thoughts in her diary full of poetry
her last words carved in the cemetery
and the smiling photographs in your album
still keeps her alive
she's that birdie flying
and that butterfly lingering
always buzzing in your mind
she's still part of your life,
she won't die till you do.
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