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World turns quiet at night
no more noise on the streets
it turns to slowness
but it is loudest inside
The soul speaks in me
Thinking is thundering
raining with hard emotions
it is too much, too soon
lingering feelings churning
while looking at the moon
  Jun 23 Druzzayne Rika
No one can keep up
with the evil deeds
done in our names.
Traveler 🧳 Tim
World's on mute, stuck on replay,
A hazy dream where thoughts decay.
Words get caught on a tangled tongue,
Stuck in slow-mo, everything's sprung.

This tangled mess, a constant drag,
Reality's a one-way lag.
Roots keep tripping, memories blur,
Like a glitching screen, all askew.

Flashes of visions, a fractured show,
Lost in the static, nowhere to go.
Excluded, a glitch in the grand design,
An empty shell with a hollow whine.
I want to excel
but my thoughts expel
We both repel
But we are stuck here in a jell-o.
  Jun 1 Druzzayne Rika
in a world of make believe
lie on lie ever deeper
the mind will rebel in the end;
illness often the consequences.
At this age adulting is just
stopping yourself from quitting
right this moment.
Rejection hurts like it does
envelopes me into deepest sadness
pinching me within the chest
spreading the despair in every inch
grabs the heart and crushes it
with the strength of my palm.

Rejection makes me wish I cease
and cancel the existing life lease
Mundane things loses interest
and the state becomes quite desperate
I could go on but to feel this again
the gut wrenching pain

Quite nothing to gain
Quite everything is vain.
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