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3.1k · Mar 2020
Over coffee
Dez Mar 2020
Over coffee I saw the world
Over coffee I saw troubles
Over coffee I saw secrets unfurled
Over coffee I saw the impossibles

Over coffee the day broke
Over coffee the day did pass
Over coffee the day moved the slowpoke
Over coffee the day was forecast

Over coffee one can think
Over coffee one can work
Over coffee one can drink
Over coffee one can make artwork

Over coffee I made love
Over coffee I made a kiss
Over coffee I made a paper dove
Over coffee I made this
So many things to do
And no better way to do them
Then with a cup of coffee in your hand
2.0k · Mar 2020
Kissing girls #2
Dez Mar 2020
Kissing girls is like drinking whiskey
It some times can be risky
But it warms you inside
And can fill you with pride
And after both your voice maybe a bit husky
1.5k · Mar 2020
Kissing girls #3
Dez Mar 2020
Kissing girls is a form of art
And it is a way to steal their heart
Be careful friend
For a broken heart is hard to mend
So don't kiss and dart or you will tare them apart
1.4k · Mar 2020
Kissing girls #1
Dez Mar 2020
Kissing girls
Is like diving for pearls.
Some times when you reach for one
They hold on and your done
So much for kissing a girl
741 · Apr 2020
When things fall apart
Dez Apr 2020
When things fall apart pick up the pieces and make some art!
563 · Feb 2021
Dez Feb 2021
It is not that loathsome sin of murmuring
That I am constantly loathing
It’s the fact that I’m not praising

The trail comes but I cover my eyes
And grit my teeth to bare the lies
Instead of fixing them on the one who hears my cry’s
558 · Mar 2020
Dez Mar 2020
Where I want to be is never were I can be
Why is the forbidden always the one I can only see
In my sight but out of my reach
And now the memory hangs like a leach.

Take of thy desires
No one will be the wiser.

Withhold thine hand
You never know where sin will land.

To the voices ever near
To which do I give ear?
They do pester me at every choice
Which do you give the greater voice?
542 · Oct 2020
Dez Oct 2020
Oh how wicked is my sin bent heart
Daily should it be struck through with a dart
For when it is not crucified it does dart
To the sin, for which my savior was pierced through the heart!

Oh let me not be so fickle my Lord
Let me ever stumble backward
For yet a little slumber I can not afford
Else my poverty shall be the reward

Let it not be I who blasphemy’s by doing that which my Savior
did died for
You have given me a way therefore
help me walk by the strength which is yours
Oh this prayer do not ignore!

So, let I pray thee, your servant never slumber
Let me not rest from good labor
Rather provoke me, as a good father to your work evermore
If weary I shall rest in thee

Every day help me put to death the pride that be sets me
It is I who doth fight against my self!
I surrender it to you my farther!
Give the victory as you have promised

Not for my glory!
For I know it is not on my own that I even have this desire
But so others might see your glory reflected in this shattered mirror!
Then they shall glorify you!
And all magnification shall be yours!

Oh my God so let it be!
535 · Apr 2020
Bold Statement
Dez Apr 2020
I can keep up
So shut up
I may seem weak
But that’s just me bein meek
Quit with the talk
Don’t be so shocked
The truth is you don’t know
What’s buried down low
So back down
Because you don’t know what you unbound
You’re tuff stuff
But I’ll tear you apart, I don’t bluff
481 · Mar 2020
For a friend
Dez Mar 2020
I weep for a friend
But I cannot mend
The feelings of hurt
Their tears on my shirt
But all this pain could not break them only bend

You poor thing
I wish I could stop the sting
But I am only a man
And will help as much as I can
So on me all your burdens do fling

When you are weak
And it is shelter you seek
Find a place in me
And I hope to be
A place you may rest throughout the week

So in times of need
When others hurt you with many a deed
You can come and cry
And never will you have to say goodbye
For it is I, who for you, would bleed

Come now
And please allow
For me to help
For this is heartfelt
For my desire is to help some how...

Just give me a way
And I will stay all day
Don’t worry about others
They have their mothers
In the end it will be okay

I’ll hold you so close
You’re stronger then most
I’ll be here for you
As long as you want me to
Through it all I’ll be as stable as a post

All for a friend
That I hope to mend
All for their sake
Would I put all at stake
For I know what it is like to be at your wits' end.
472 · Jan 2021
Dez Jan 2021
Being Lonely
is just me longing for you
Together we were lovely
But what am I if we don't make two
450 · Apr 2020
Description of Myself
Dez Apr 2020
I was asked to describe myself
So took a dictionary from the shelf
And I read the definition
Of a word I thought best fit my disposition
Failure was the word I thought best
The descriptions said, “lack of success”
I closed the book and looked at my questioner
And confessed I am on the road to no where
And in faling to prepare
I have prepared to fail
So I guess this is the way I say beware
Even good looking trains derail
Even those who look like they have it together are falling apart. Many people have told me I am a good young man and I will go places in life. But I feel as though I am not that great and in truth I have not prepared much.
427 · Jan 2021
What form
Dez Jan 2021
What form of art do I chose today?
Is music my way
or shall I paint the suns golden ray
I think I shall write today
424 · Jan 2021
Dez Jan 2021
Heart break
Can you just love for loves sake
You asked for a break
But this smile I can’t continue to fake
Remember at the lake
You promised the ring to take
I had thoughts of a wedding cake
But you left me and said it was a mistake
For pity sake
Don’t let my heart break
420 · Feb 2021
I’ll tell you
Dez Feb 2021
They said write a poem about love
They said it was a feeling
They said it was an action
They said when you have it you’ll never let it go
They said if you have it you know you do
They said... I’ll tell you if I ever find it
411 · Apr 2020
A word from the departed #2
Dez Apr 2020
I called him friend, I called him Lord. But it is he who I did offend, for he is the Lord. It was he who I kicked off the throne, and I declared my life my own. Yet I professed to him to be my Lord, but it was a false front, in truth I was alone. It was only wrath that I had stored, but to none but he and me was it known. All of this was inward, now I shall reap what I have sown. On this sinking boat are we all aboard, yet we look around and each others characters and sins do we condone. As we are headed downward, because we are cursed by our father and are flesh and bone. So take care that we don't solely profess him to be Lord, but that cast on him all our sins and believe in him alone.
God is a friend to the righteous, but a terrible enemy to the wicked.
409 · Apr 2020
Just A Game
Dez Apr 2020
I cry and often for get to ask why
On some days I’m fine
But it’s times like now
That I find out
That life is just a game
And I am trying to figure out
Why I came
393 · Apr 2020
The Unknown Soldier
Dez Apr 2020
Help me I cry
Don’t leave me here to die
But they left me to lie
So goodbye
Tell my country I said hi
It was worth their freedom to die
Thy freedom is why
I did come here and sound the battle cry
Forget me not when you pass by
For my tomb is unmarked under the open sky
And thereby I'll never truly die
For I'll always be a passing memory to testify
Of all the names that were forgotten by and by
393 · Mar 2020
Morning (Haiku)
Dez Mar 2020
The glorious morn
Broke forth to adorn the day
With light, what a sight!
384 · Mar 2020
You do walk Open
Dez Mar 2020
You walk through life with your arms wide open
Which means you catch quite a beating.
But to tell the truth
If you walked through life secluded
You’d miss all the blessings
And you’d be second guessing
The purpose for your living.
For in extending your arms
You catch the falling charms
That others do miss
By simply making a fist.
382 · Mar 2020
Dear paperclip
Dez Mar 2020
Dear paperclip
You never slip
All day you hold
Documents untold
No one ever stops to thank
The one who is of little rank
But I shall stop and pay my dues
To the one who is now my muse
So thank you dearest friend
For all the help that you lend.
377 · Apr 2020
Never Capture
Dez Apr 2020
Capture emotion
For it often fleeting
But what passions
Fill my soul!
What zeal does fill my very core
Capture it I try
But so quickly it does fly
And I am left wanting
But when it comes again
For I know it will
I will try once more
To catch what I adore!
372 · Jan 2021
Dez Jan 2021
When your head left my shoulder
The light left my heart
I felt colder
this is what its like when we’re apart
As I get older
I realize with a start
That to leave you just tears me apart
369 · Mar 2020
Dez Mar 2020
We stared at the stars
For that was your home
You came from heaven
To dwell with me, a heathen

Why? I’ll never know.
But at the time I never wanted to go.
Then came a devil,
And I chaste her for she was on my level.

I know not why
I was so foolish to say goodbye!
I left you alone,
And now I’m skin and bone.

For in leaving you, my love.
I lost my life, now your above!
Do not accept me back,
For sense I do lack.

I now I know I was wrong
And now do sing this sorrowful song.
I seek your forgiveness,
Accept me not for I deserve the stillness.

So this is my recognition
Of my wretched condition.
Thank you for coming to the low,
And for the part of heaven you did show.
To the breakup's that were my fault.
361 · May 2020
Dez May 2020
Stay with me
Just long enough for me to see
That you truly love me
Sorry I’m needy
But I want more than your pity
I need you to love me
I guess that’s the key
But only you could unlock me
So stay with me
Just long enough for me to see
That you do truly love me
335 · Apr 2020
A lovely face
Dez Apr 2020
Sin has a lovely face
but a bitter taste
Touch her you can
But you never know where you will land
331 · Apr 2020
In life
Dez Apr 2020
In life we are born and we die
And in-between we figure out why
327 · Mar 2020
Touch a Heart
Dez Mar 2020
To touch a heart
is to be a part
of a work of art.
314 · Apr 2020
Dez Apr 2020
Dear God holy you are
And surpass me by far
Your thoughts I could never understand
But one day I shall see you in glory land
Where I shell utter praises evermore
For you are not some made up folklore
You are the King of Kings
And on you rests my whole being
My words to fall short
Of giving a report
Of your greatness and might
Of which I now do write
For though I now compose
Feeble words to up lift he that arose
One day I shall sing
Praises for eternity to the king
But for now I shall be content
To write my words
And worship you with the birds
And point to you
The only God that’s true
Praise be to your name
None other is the same
I close with this
Though your glories I could ever list
That you are ever great
But you came to earth and set your own fate
To face the cross
And to suffer loss
To save me from they wrath
And to set me on a new path
All for your glory
For this is all your story
Praise to the maker of men
Dez Mar 2020
Let me expound upon
The words that happened before the dawn
It was between two poets
The one who was a fretful poet
The other was a friend a brother
Who now did encourage the other.

I read my poems                                                            ­                                    
And truth be told                                                             ­                               
I think them lame                                                             ­                                   
And there is no excuse                                                           ­                             
For me to use                                                              ­                                          
Any more time                                                             ­                                         
To write one more line.                                                            ­                          

                                     ­                                                  My dearest comrade
                                                                ­                          You’re not that bad
                                                             ­                         I’ve read your poetry
                                                          ­                                And it inspired me
                                                              ­                             Don’t stop writing
                                                         ­      Because it seems no fish are biting
                                                 I don’t know why you changed your view
                                              You once were as shiny as the morning dew
                                                             ­     But do not fear for you can come
                                                            ­                     And once again become
                                                          ­    Like the person, you now do shun.

But so much work and effort come                                                             ­   
If to poetry I run                                                              ­                                
To rhyme every day                                                              ­                          
In different ways just to say                                                              ­              
How I am feeling about the day.                                                             ­     
I love the language for it is to me                                                               ­   
A form of art that I can see                                                              ­              
And form some shapes with my words                                                      
However absurd!                                                          ­                                  
To paint a picture in the mind                                                             ­           
Oh, how divine!                                                          ­                                      
But alas, it is too sad                                                              ­                          
For I feel as though I am bad                                                              ­            
And I am tired of the same words                                                            ­    
Though many escape like the birds                                                            ­  
And fly away to by and by….                                                                 ­ 

                                                              ­                                 Oh dear brother
                                                                ­    Did you not hear your mother?
                                                         ­                         She did give her speech
                                                                ­    That we are to be like the beach
                                                           ­        Standing strong against the tide
                                                            ­   No matter how our hands are tied
                                                            ­                       And now comes doubt
                                                                ­ To crush thee and knock thee out
                                                        So stand strong and remember the joy
                                                   That you had with poetry like it were toy
                                                             ­                      Now pick up your pen
                                                             ­                            And go to your den
                                                             ­                   And write what you will
                                                            ­     No one could ever keep you still

And so the conversation ended
But this is for those who needed mended
A word of encouragement
For those who are in discouragement.
309 · Apr 2020
My dear
Dez Apr 2020
We’ve been friends for so long
It was on you I learned my first song
And when things go wrong
It is for you I long
For you’ve been there for me
No mater where I am
you are always there
So thank you guitar
For traveling with me this far
I could never had made it
Stay with me a little longer
I don’t think a relationship could be stronger
301 · Apr 2020
Dez Apr 2020
Reach but you shall not attain
The glory of a great writer
Never will I gain
For I write but I am not a writer
So I only feign
And now I weep for I can not be a writer
All my work is mundane
But I desire to be a writer
And will continue to go through the pain
Though I will never reach the hight’s of a writer
I will go until I wane though all call me insane
All to be a writer
All to be a writer
I write but I am not a writer
297 · Jan 2021
have been
Dez Jan 2021
They met in the dark
Not sure what it was when they felt the spark
Wild eyed and young
It was a love song they sung
Cupids arrow made its mark
On heir harts he put his lock
That was till he forgot his promise
He had a moment of weakness
She had so much to say but couldn’t talk
The other simply stood to mock
Their love seemed to have been
296 · Mar 2020
Beginning or Ending
Dez Mar 2020
Death is the end of this life
But it is the door
To another life
so in truth
Death is a beginning
To which do you agree?
296 · Apr 2020
Routine Morining
Dez Apr 2020
Woke before the dawn
Think back to when we first met
Get ready then we part
295 · Apr 2020
His Will Not Mine
Dez Apr 2020
I made a friend
Or rather I was made a friend
For indeed it was not my will
But it was his
And should I resist the call
From the one who made us all?

Nah my listener
That would be utterly wrong
Besides there is no way I could resist if i tried
For I was dead before
But when he made me heir
He gave me life
Again not of my will
But it was of his

Now a son by price
I shall do my best to know my father
Who bought me and brought me to life
This is rather hard for me to do I confess
For I am used to the ways of the flesh
And it would be impossible to know God
For his ways and thoughts are ever above mine
But praise to the Spirit
I will learn of the Father and his will for me
For that was his will not mine

I dare not say I would not face troubles
For the place he created
Has wholly revolted
And it is the place I now live
But I am just passing through
On my way home
seeking to share the story
Of how he bought me
And how it was all his will
And none of my own

And as I sail this ocean vast
On him, shall all my troubles shall I cast
For it is through storms that one draws nearer
To the things that cast out fear
And it is through fires that my soul is tried
But it is all to purify his bride
All for his glory
For indeed it is all his story
Not one line is my own
For it was his will and not my own

Oh sing praises for evermore
For he saved the chief of sinners
And has made me a son
Now I shall do my best to live like one
Oh praise to his grace when I fall
For flesh is what makes us
And it is corrupt as I once was
But now I have new robe
And with the Lord’s help
I will keep it clean
Though through this muddy world does my path lay
And I shall never hesitate to obey
For it is not my will I say
It is all his will that I obey

Praise forever be
To the one who set me free
To the one who made me heir
To the one who made me friend
To his will I say amen
293 · Mar 2020
Dez Mar 2020
With death I did sup
'Twas I who did drink his cup
But it was the door
Death is the end of this life
But it is the door
To another life
so in truth
Death is a beginning
292 · May 2020
keep the light on
Dez May 2020
Dear mother dear father
I’m sorry to bother
I said my goodbyes
But I don’t want to say bye to you

My memories grows fonder
Each time I ponder
My memories with you

So I’m writing this song
To ask you to keep the light on
Just while I’m gone
Its so hard to say
But they say it’s this way
The bird leaves the nest
To face all his tests...        alone

Dear brother dear sister
You’re both but a youngster
Everyone cries
You’ll grow up faster than you know

The fights I remember
And how in December
We howled at the moon

I’m writing this song
To ask you to keep the light on
Just while I’m gone... Okay
Its so hard to say
But they say it’s this way
The bird leaves the nest
To face all his tests...        alone

Dearest family
Gather round me
Though I’m leaving today
I’ll be back one day
So keep the light on
And sing this sweet song
To remember... oh remember!

to keep the light on
Just while I’m gone

Its so hard to say
But they say it’s this way
The bird leaves the nest
To face all his tests...        alone
291 · Apr 2020
To Be Motivated
Dez Apr 2020
If you always wait to be motivated
At least you have the motivation to wait
For if motivation is often found
Not finding

But pay no minding
What do I know
I am not a poet
I am not a painter
I am not a sculptor
I am not a artist and I know it

But I have a little common sense
That has brought me this far
And one bit is that you should stop waiting
For fish are not caught with out bait
Neither do ideas come to mind
When you clear your mind

So stop your waiting to be motivated
Search for ideas
And soon you will write
Some thing far better
Then this tad bit
Of insight
Random thought #126
290 · Mar 2020
Hell's best kept secret
Dez Mar 2020
Hell's best kept secret
Is that you'll make it
To heaven above
Because you've never hurt  a dove
But the truth is, on your own, you will never make it
Take up and read
Romans one through five
It has saved lives
289 · Apr 2020
Consider Another
Dez Apr 2020
If you desire to be great
Then when you create
Think about those who read
And in considering them you’ll be great indeed
For to consider another is the best of traits
284 · Apr 2020
Nothing Gold Can Stay
Dez Apr 2020
It is the way of life
For even my beautiful wife
Shall one day grow old
So do not be so bold
Nothing will stay as it was set
All empires were crushed out like a cigaret
So why do you think that you should last?
Or that the glorious morn should hold fast?
The flower of the field will fade
And as Frost once said
“Nothing gold can stay”
All will eventually fade away.
What sad reminder that we are feeble and out of control.
278 · Mar 2020
Why read
Dez Mar 2020
Your language is dreamy
And your thoughts are gleamy
But why should I read them
Might my eyes fall upon some more desirable emblem?
No I read another poem
For they are all handsome
And I might get a crumb
From those who know how to write a poem.
Wonderful to read what ya'll write!
277 · Apr 2020
Five Senses.... Night
Dez Apr 2020
Can you hear the night creeping over the land?
Can you see the darkness eating up the day?
Can you smell the warm fire consuming the wood?
Can you drink the cold wind flowing past you?
Can you hold the nights starry sky?
267 · Mar 2020
Birthday Poem
Dez Mar 2020
Sparkle like the gold you are
Do your best and you will go far
Love you more then you will know
But today is the day to show
To all the world how great you are
Happy birthday to any who read
249 · Apr 2020
Then I Tried
Dez Apr 2020
I am not
I am not
I am not
I am not
I am not
I am not
I am not
                         OR SO THEY THOUGHT
They nearly had me convinced
But then I tried
And found a different side
So from now on I'll always try
Even if I don't know why.
248 · Apr 2020
Dez Apr 2020
Write about your feelings
Write about your dealings
Write about your emotions
Write about your notions
Write about anything you want
Write about what does haunt
Write about your life
Write about your strife
Write about your happy times
Write about it all in rhymes
243 · Apr 2020
Dez Apr 2020
The bigger they are the harder they fall
'Twas Rome that experienced this call
For mighty they were
But they were doomed for sure
For they thought themselves the greatest of all

They were very great though they started small
But pride comes before a fall
And as history shows
And as we all know
Rome was an example for all
Dez Apr 2020
If I had a heart I could love you
But the one before you cut it out
Sew me up but you’ll find no pulse
That poor girl didn’t know
When she said, “its time for me to go”
She tore out the one heart that loved her
Now all the memories are just a blur
And when these new lovers come
I can’t help but be numb
For the life that was once there
Is now cold and bare
I’m sorry new lover
I just can’t discover
A way to replace the old heart
For it was ripped apart
By a girl who never new
That she killed me when away she away flew.
235 · Mar 2020
Dez Mar 2020
Words words words
All I have is words
they flow
and go
to no one knows where
Oh how I fear
Oh how I tremble
Then of a sudden
a new sensation does **** in
Maybe love
Maybe just the thought of a dove
It is troubling to be in a state of flux
Where you are lost, it truly *****!
Lost in a world of words
And endless imagination
Have you been in such a state
Passion does over come
Have you been called dumb?
But for what
For stuttering over words like “but”
Twisted in mind
I see many kinds
I insert them in wrong places
And take others out when they are right on the pages
What, you do ask, am I describing?
Or have you already considered me disturbing
For you can not track the motion of this rhyming?      
Well if I can let me explain what you’ve read
my head.

Now tell me where this has lead?
Didn't really know where this one would lead just started writing and five minutes go by and this is what I am reading.
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