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Dec 2014 · 454
I Do Not Have Any
Àŧùl Dec 2014
When I was in school then I used to have some,
But school is gone, so is college and now I have none.

I never had many,
I feel like an alien,
Everywhere, anywhere I go,
I am boycotted by all for some unknown reason,
So I don't have any.

Some cite my attitude being the reason,
Some have differences with my preferences,
Others are too busy for this poet-singer,
The world is friendly only to money.
And now...

For me,
It has also been impossible to get my book published,
Because my parents turned down my request to hire a literary agent,
Publishing companies in India are so hostile and unfriendly that they won't publish my work without the security fee which they receive indirectly through a literary agent in India.

It's as good as self-publishing.

The Indian publishing industry is fake and full of corrupt people.

I've published my story as an eBook on Amazon's Kindle eStore which has been turned into a reality inspired fiction. If someone would like to buy my poetic story, then they may logon to the Amazon Kindle web page:

My HP Poem #714
©Atul Kaushal
Dec 2014 · 6.3k
Vibes Of Someday
Àŧùl Dec 2014
I just got some vibes of time,
Some jolly good vibes of time,
That tomorrow will be a good day,
That tomorrow is every next day,
So I should rejoice & not be morose,
Because 'morrow's gonna be good,
Yes, tomorrow is every next day.

But it's never today,
It's always tomorrow,
Tomorrow it'll be the day after,
Happiness comes after it's too late,
But yes,
I got vibes & I'll be happy someday.

Till the sun shines high above,
And I'm alive,
That hope remains,
I'll be happy emotionally,
I wasn't yesterday,
I'm not today,
I'll definitely be happy someday,
I'll be happy someday.
Yes, someday..
My HP Poem #713
©Atul Kaushal
Dec 2014 · 760
Code Of The True Lover
Àŧùl Dec 2014
I am a lover - sincere and true,
Romancing my love is my creed.
I am a lover - sometimes rude,
But never am I *****-mouthed,
I am a lover - never I'm crude,
Truly guiding my love is my right.
You will be happy and that is my assurance.

I have moved away from you,
For the time being as of need.
I will wait till your war is over,
Supplying you with proxy help,
I am not backing off from my end,
Standing guard will be me - your lover.
You will be free to tackle it your own way.
Have your space, none could ****** it from you.
Come back on or before 7th of May, 2015 and you'll find my doors open for you.

My HP Poem #712
©Atul Kaushal
Dec 2014 · 1.3k
Oh, My Password
Àŧùl Dec 2014
Her name was my password...

Now I surely have changed my password,
But my hand still moves in that fashion...
The thing is that I truly loved her,
Where she saw negative attitude in me,
It's incomprehensible for many that know me...
She ditches me for her own comfort,
'It's okay,' I say, 'Come back after your exams,'
'I'll be waiting for you.'

But what she says is, *'You will waste your time,'
'Don't wait for me.'
As I gather,
She is busy cursing me...

Oh, please don't curse me, dear,
I have already paid the price of one curse..

Trust me or not, I'll wait till my next Re-birthday on May 7, 2015 and only then I will move on practically.

You ruined my birthday mood.

My HP Poem #711
©Atul Kaushal
Dec 2014 · 1.8k
Birthday Blues
Àŧùl Dec 2014
I grow even older,
Every wretched birthday,
I am not contented,
Even I wanted to be Peter,
I want to be Peter Pan,
Never wanting to grow older,
I want to die young,
Not in the decay of old age.

Happy Birthday Atul!

But I have no aim in life,
Have completed 24 years of age,
But not a single person for me,
Who loves my originality,
My real self - the real me.

At first they come,
And then they leave,
They leave behind a scar.
I've completed 24 years of my life today on 23rd of December, 2014.

My time of birth was 8:50 pm IST.

IST or Indian Standard Time is +5:30 hours GMT.

My HP Poem #710
©Atul Kaushal
Dec 2014 · 4.1k
The Curse
Àŧùl Dec 2014
My great-great-great-grandfather,
The father of my grandfather's great-grandfather,
He was a teacher by creed and by deed,
Once he sat with his eyes closed in great concentration...

A beautiful lady saw him sitting graciously in Padmasana pose,
That cunning nymph she wanted his penance undone for herself,
But he was a little short-tempered and couldn't take it when she tried it,
His patience was very short when it came to being disturbed during his penance.

Disturbed, he saw the beautiful nymph trying to break his temper,
He got enraged and picked up his trident to quickly ****** it through her *****.

She had fear in her eyes,
Remorse on her face,
Pain in her contorted brows,
And despair in her dying voice,
As she uttered the curse,
"O you so-called holy man,
You would never get love,
Your generations to come would die thirsty of love,
You're killing me because you can't make love to me,
So lost in your penance,
And so possessive about it,
Let your generations suffer for your actions..."

She dropped dead there itself but her curse continues to be carried from one generation to the next.

I have been paying the price too,
Just like my father and grandfather,
No girl I knew has understood it,
No I won't just follow my forefathers,
I'll have it my way, I'll keep searching.
This poem is a work of fiction and a product of my creative imagination.
My HP Poem #710
©Atul Kaushal
Dec 2014 · 2.1k
A V.I.P.
Àŧùl Dec 2014
While referring to me
She previously used it to mean a
Very Important Person.

But now I've realized
My mistakes & worth in her life as a
Very Idiotic Person.

I used to care so much for her
I was protective for her future
My directions were my misgivings
This is what she thought of my advice.

She grew sick of my advice
She used to not follow it and suffer
She wasted eons stuck in the bog
All that after eating Punjabi junk food
And guess what, she prefers suffering health problems
And wasting her precious time in pain
She ditched me instead of abandoning junk food.

But to tell my young girlfriend
To follow a discipline in her life,
Is it such a grievous crime by me?

Whatever you might say,
She ditched me for it,
Like she did 2 years back.

She will think, 'Atul is a true lover,
He'll wait for me to repent,'

I am neither that ever forgiving God,
Nor I'm an idiot to again forgive,
I have moved on bearing at helm the self-respect I managed to preserve,
But she's surely not the one for me,
And I no longer care who's mine,
I'll live with that apparently egotistic persona.

Because I have kissed death once,
I realize what my standing in life means,
To me, I am the most important person now,
I'll live my life on my own terms,
Alone if I must.
Repeated mistakes will neither be forgiven,
Nor will they be forgotten.
Even I am a human being.

My HP Poem #709
©Atul Kaushal
Dec 2014 · 958
Àŧùl Dec 2014
I'm not a choice to be made,
I'm not a tissue to be used,
I'm not a joke to be cracked,
I'm not a toy to be played,
I'm not a ploy to be placed.

Then, you'd wonder who I am.

I am a poem you'd never forget,
I am a lesson you'd keep in mind,
I am a provision you'd miss in life,
I am that person you'd pull back,
I am that person perfect for you.


I am not that ever-forgiving God.

I am that unlucky person who'd get lucky soon.

I won't come again.
My HP Poem #708
©Atul Kaushal
Dec 2014 · 336
I Seek Refuge
Àŧùl Dec 2014
In a place devoid of love,
In a palace devoid of feelings,
In a house where my tears drop,
In a home where my infancy is lost,
In a land that the guard watches,
In a box that she trashes not,
In a space not reserved,
Not reserved for the lucky,
But friendly for the unlucky,
Not interested in walk the ways,
Where they deserted me in middle.
My HP Poem #707
©Atul Kaushal
Dec 2014 · 2.8k
I Make Choices Very Wrong
Àŧùl Dec 2014
I was that kid who used to get confused in an ice cream shop,
And repented for not choosing other flavours & colours after choosing a favorite flavour.

I was that kid who used to get confused choosing his birthday cake,
And repented for not choosing other attractive flavours & shapes after choosing one flavour.

I am that guy who got confused choosing his career,
And repents for not having chosen some other appealing & prospective streams.


I am that man who knows only how to repent,
After making choices very wrong in my not-so-personal life anymore.

I gifted her a personal visit on her birthday three months back,
She gifted me a breakup for my birthday.
Was being with me so difficult even from a distance?
Could you not wait until our careers had completely set in place?
Could you not wait even until my birthday on 23rd of December had passed peacefully?

You always do that, I would neither forget nor forgive you for the selfish and self-centered way you have chosen.

Moreover, you refuse that you're a kid, but only kids breakup.

I am that old man who has only got disappointment and pain in his life that have made him tired of his life.

My HP Poem #706
©Atul Kaushal
Dec 2014 · 502
I Offer
Àŧùl Dec 2014
An apology that things were,
It was my fault that I proposed,
Such a young girl she's...

An effort for inspiring her,
I hoped to guide her to success,
Such a grave mistake..

An obvious step it was but,
Inch by inch it dug the grave,
Such a sorry end to relationship.

As I was the more experienced,
If not more intellectual part,
Upkeep of the relationship supposedly was my responsibility..

She ditching me is okay,
I'll meet my match someday,
May be soon someday when I polish my career...
So sorry, but I will prove you wrong when you had said that I am not 'made' for a relationship.

And I promise that I won't turn back.

I won't eat my words back and walk over the same repetitively rotten path.

My HP Poem #705
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Dec 2014
Tratando de independencia
Nuestra fuerza se dañó
Pero no vamos a renunciar.

Der Versuch, die Unabhängigkeit
Unsere Kraft beschädigt wurde
Aber wir werden nicht aufgeben.

Essayer pour l'indépendance
Notre vigueur a été endommagé
Mais nous ne allons pas abandonner.

Trying for independence
Our force got damaged
But we won't give up.
I am not a speaker of any of the three other languages, this is just another random product of my creative imagination.

My HP Poem #704
©Atul Kaushal
Dec 2014 · 780
Greying Greens
Àŧùl Dec 2014
Yes, I have seen a garden in my dreams...
Initially, it was completely in the greens...
But now the decay has started setting in...

Darkness engulfs the garden even in broad daylight...
Bleakness of my replies deepens as the garden erodes away...
The stench of decay and death overcomes the scent that was...

I have lived multiple lives in a go...
Have lived that of a miracle man...
Have lived that of an iron man...

She accused me that I have a negative ego...
But no, I just have a diamond heart...
And I have my own principles...

Calling whom a ****** rascal?
Me? No way you can do that.
You have your exams, go prepare for them, don't abuse me in panic.

It suggests me that even my hair should turn grey now...
I have lived more than many that life chooses to ditch sooner...
But the fear of death doesn't scare me since long...

Trust me when I say,
I am used to losing,
And I react only when I sing...
My HP Poem #703
©Atul Kaushal
Dec 2014 · 2.0k
Unluckily Blessed
Àŧùl Dec 2014
They call me blessed,
But then I wonder;
Is being unlucky called being blessed?

Then they call me lucky,
Just because I survived;
Do they compare me with someone who died?

They want me to rejoice,
But what they call life,
Is always being in a mood to celebrate called life?

It's called lies.
Incapacity to face the real truth.

I will rise,
To give a surprise..

When the Sun rises at dawn,
When the darkness falls off,
When the memory fades away...

As the story goes on,
New leaflets are turned,
The suspense can only deepen!
A faint hope remains alive.

My HP Poem #702
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Dec 2014
When I tried taming a snake,
I used it for harming others,
And I got addicted to snakes.
So I got myself more snakes,
Day came when I lost count,
Innumerable they grew,
Filling up my home.

Intending to use them for no good,
I set them up on my half-brother,
The brother cried and I rejoiced,
He lost his countless children,
I lost the count of my snakes,
There was no stopping me,
I enjoyed my half-brother's loss.

A really dark day came forth,
They turned hostile on the host,
They stung my own children,
I now repent & seek to blame,
As I feel embarrassed to confess,
So I blame it on my half-brother.
Etched out of India after post-independence partition by the Britishers, Pakistan is now known to train terrorists that it uses for carnage against India.

Peshawar was the place where the militants shamelessly attacked the Army school in broad day light and massacred near about 150 students.

But now the parallel government in Pakistan run unofficially by Hafiz Saeed is shamelessly blaming its own sins on India.

This poem marks the starting of a new era of my poems.

My HP Poem #701
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Dec 2014
Some lessons come the bitter way,
I hope there was some better way,
Some way of learning these things,
I do not want to hurt again my wings,
Taking this as my incompetence sign,
I prepare with a heavy heart to resign,
Burying the broken promises that hurt me.

Some hopes that had been on a high,
I regret that they were not as high,
Some heights which had been dizzying,
I regret that they were sickening,
False promises were made to me again,
I feel the assurances to be false now,
Burying the broken promises that hurt me.

Some words in darkness now languish,
I wish that moonlight now descends,
Some paths that lead to the cliffs be lit in red,
I wish that I may identify the dangers,
Stuck in the purgatory I feel closer to hell,
I wished to be saved and I wished to be heard,
But nobody can now hear me yelp,
I should now be doing myself a favor,
I'll bury the broken promises that hurt me.

Some glasses to be filled again with wine,
I must empty them down my throat,
Some more wine of morose poetry is there,
I must empty it and become sober,
My mind must become calmer and safer,
I shouldn't feel guilty because I didn't forget,
I'll just bury the broken promises once more.

No I don't feel as weak to take to alcoholism as yet,
I have a heart of diamond which can't be broken,
Not that stupid girl can't manage to break my heart,
But I have promises to keep before forever I sleep,
Promise to keep a smile at least once a day on my lips.
A promise to keep I made to myself after my rebirth,
I'll just move on burying the broken promises that hurt me.
My HP Poem #700
©Atul Kaushal
Dec 2014 · 725
The Cold Creeps Into Me
Àŧùl Dec 2014
And it makes me sneeze,
'Cause it's no sea breeze,
So frigid it makes me freeze,
The cold gives me a crease,
It makes me yearn for cheese,
Makes me long for her please,
But I must not be a ******.

I will bake some cookies,
'Cause I have all the keys,
I will have to eat 'em alone,
'Cause now she is gone,
Yeah now she is gone,
Will I enjoy eating my cookies,
I doubt it now and I feel dumb.

Now gone with the wind,
She came like a whiff of fresh air,
Removing away all the smiles,
So distant by the miles,
Will I wait for her now?
I will wait for her till I age more,
The more I age the more mature.

Call me mad or ******,
Or maybe just a flower,
But I'll stay a lover,
All my life I stay for her,
And I won't call her back,
I don't need her back,
I have the memories.

Over the crescendo in calm,
My ears ring with blood flow,
I won't let my face droop low,
There will only be much pain,
Not will there be any gain,
I was born to lose it all,
My dreams get scattered like pearls.

Happiness dies in diminuendo,
But still failing to pour as tears,
Time is among the best teachers,
Surely among the worst cheaters,
Maybe it's a cycle most ridiculous,
As well as the one most obvious,
Sorrow is born again in my life.

If only I could write it all away,
It would have been much easy,
To prevent my head from the sway,
I feel my fingers trembling,
My joints too have started paining,
Much more to be lost is my sight,
But still would stay alive my vision.
My HP Poem #699
©Atul Kaushal
Dec 2014 · 3.5k
Chilly December Showers
Àŧùl Dec 2014
The clouds above are rumbling,
As if sleeping giants are snoring.
Rain drops are tinkling on the tin,
Just winking amidst all of the din.
The early December chill is sweet,
Soon there will not be a thing to eat.
All will freeze in the chilly breeze,
Ice age just has so much to please,
Recall it all what I told if you can.
Juxtaposed by mother nature is it,
Her most wicked chilly plan it is.
A back to the basics poem.

My HP Poem #698
©Atul Kaushal
Dec 2014 · 490
Call It Poetry Whenever
Àŧùl Dec 2014
I would call it poetry whenever
You write it with a positive attitude,
Otherwise I'll just call it a drunk rant,
I ask you to rather kept it private.

I would call it poetry whenever
You write it with a theme in mind,
Else I'll call it an attention monger's attempts of desperation,
Do good to the world, save electricity, invest your calories to somewhere purposeful.

I would call it poetry whenever
You try to give it a definitive form,
Or I'll only be irked by such unworthy posts filling up my screen,
Do us a favour, quit posting it to Hello Poetry and start maintaining a personal diary.
Malign it instead, spare Hello Poetry.
Not exactly my type of poem,
But all such absurd obsolete posts must cease by anyone and everyone.
Dec 2014 · 922
Àŧùl Dec 2014
They have constituted police for the maintenance of our societal masks,
They have further institutionalized education for our apparent welfare,
They have set up laws & language not exactly meant to be abused.
But how much meaning can it justify?

After all, in the end we still need to brush our teeth after the toothpick.
Me and she live in a difficult society,
We know the calculated risks & dangers,
Yes we do give each other ample space and we have our lessons - all past, present and future lessons.

We will succeed and be united in the end surpassing all the dangers.

Our names will be remembered by the world, 'Drona' & Kripi.

My HP Poem #697
©Atul Kaushal
Nov 2014 · 1.2k
Àŧùl Nov 2014
It was time till now indifferently writing my destiny,
But now it's me who determines all of it as its owner,
Yes I am the draftsman in-charge of my destiny now.

Yes I am the boss of my own destiny from now on,
I realize that this is my life and I will draft it now,
Dear time accept my apologies for belittling you.

Also, I have a beautiful objective in my life now,
But she's not just an objective - she's the co-owner,
We shall both sail peacefully in this armada of love.
My HP Poem #696
©Atul Kaushal
Nov 2014 · 2.4k
Your Wintery Portrayal
Àŧùl Nov 2014
I love the winters,
And the snowy hills too.
I love the mountains,
And the chocolaty peaks too.
Let me snap your portrait,
Yes you will pose elegant for me.
And it's your thought on my heart.
My HP Poem #695
©Atul Kaushal
Nov 2014 · 356
In Life & In Death
Àŧùl Nov 2014
I will always be there,
In your thoughts as a reality,
In your dreams as a virtuality.
That's a promise of love for my love by your love.

My HP Poem #694
©Atul Kaushal
Nov 2014 · 13.2k
Be Strong Babe
Àŧùl Nov 2014
Yes I have been through it,
Our situations are similar,
They're different just a bit.

Tides of time are testing us,
We do not ever bow down,
Yes we will be strong babe.

We're together & we'll be so forever.
Words tried to strengthen our relationship but it all failed in the end.

My HP Poem #693
©Atul Kaushal
Nov 2014 · 1.8k
Àŧùl Nov 2014
After discarding the remains,
Of a troubled past mangled with lies,
All that remains is happiness.
My eye-water bereaved me long ago,
Since she came to me at a go,
I turned bereft going crazy after her.
Her breath scents up my life,
Sweet flavour of the first kiss worthy,
Of being as tasteful as elixir.
Love you forever.

My HP Poem #692
©Atul Kaushal
Nov 2014 · 1.6k
My Heart
Àŧùl Nov 2014
My heart was a solitary hawk,
Brave but lonely it used to stay,
It flew high in sunny sky of May,
Hopeful it'd only have hovered,
Dream was damaged but alive.
The company it got was voiceless.
But yes, it was still alive.

Then I met you,
Together we flew,
Love then grew.

I met the truth,
When I met you,
Yes, I love you.
The hawk's solitary nature was then overcome with solidarity.
My HP Poem #691
©Atul Kaushal
Nov 2014 · 831
That Warm Brew Called Love
Àŧùl Nov 2014
A chunk of intimacy,
Another part of closeness.
Sweet traces of disagreement,
In the warmth of our arms.
Yes, together with these,
We brew the drink of love.
It being largely uncontrolled,
We let most of things happen.

And trust my words about love,
Things are being pretty perfect.
My HP Poem #690
©Atul Kaushal
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
Long Poems
Àŧùl Nov 2014
A long poem is

A longer poem is
You and me..

The longest poem is
We both together.

Under the stark starry night
Listening to winds fight..

Our eyes staring into each other
Together we are lost in poetry...
My HP Poem #689
©Atul Kaushal
Nov 2014 · 1.9k
I Miss You
Àŧùl Nov 2014
I see the raindrops fall,
They drench everything...
I remember you in rainfall,
You are the only one for me..
I miss you, you are my missus,
Rest of the world is incomplete.
My HP Poem #688
©Atul Kaushal
Nov 2014 · 810
The Creator
Àŧùl Nov 2014
The creator had created this world,
Not specifically but only randomly.
There're just so many of loopholes,
Negatives're so many in this world.
All creators leave some holes agape,
Even Eliot was unable to cover it all.
He can't be blamed for it - perhaps the world is like this,
Maybe things go on depreciating along with the clock.
Eliot York must give enough attention to this subject.

I am getting to know stuff about some jerks spamming about some immoral websites promoting ****.

Eliot York, if you are reading this, then we need a new moderator who can be contacted and emailed screenshots of such spam messages and then the morality moderator can get such antisocial ****** users banned from Hello Poetry for good.

My HP Poem #687
©Atul Kaushal
Nov 2014 · 1.3k
Àŧùl Nov 2014
I shall build a castle in the clouds
Just for my true lover & my child

Strengthened it will be by feelings
Feelings of love, care and warmth

Cementing the castle will be trust
I shall make my life count for her

I shall fight the monsters within
Slay them with sincerity & love

Taking away the sorrows of life
Will be our tears of happiness

Coming later from hardwork
Will be satisfaction replete

This is my annunciation
For everyone in the world

They may try & challenge us but we are in love sans any fear or regret.
My HP Poem #686
©Atul Kaushal
Oct 2014 · 832
Àŧùl Oct 2014
We love each other,
We are the best friends,
We have our plans.

We hold each other,
We take care of our grip,
We do not choke or strangle,
We give each other space,
We have a bold outlook.

We are unlike anyone else,
We both are very much unique,
We both are really similar.
My HP Poem #684
©Atul Kaushal
Oct 2014 · 1.8k
The Siphoning
Àŧùl Oct 2014
Galloping through the apparently calm meadows,
My springbok hoofs were touching the grass softly.

How I rejoice hopping in the air above the cool moisty grass,
Hopping feels so ecstatic after a cool shower on the rainy season.

Maybe it's in the rain now that I feel so addicted to, but then I stop,
And probably it's the Anaconda's coil that siphons up on me now.
My HP Poem #683
©Atul Kaushal
Oct 2014 · 1.6k
I Gladly Complied
Àŧùl Oct 2014
I reached home to be greeted by her brilliant Punjabi smile,
Her smile wasn't made up or forced, but it was a spontaneous one,
She was genuinely surprised to see me in reality and so was I.

She guided me to her room where I rested my bag after the journey,
Her face also carried a childish pure mischievous look in her brown eyes,
I then gladly complied when she came close to me for a lip lock.
My HP Poem #682
©Atul Kaushal
Oct 2014 · 869
Sensual Therapy
Àŧùl Oct 2014
"I am subjected to nightmares each night,"* she said from the other end of the line, "I am afraid to go to sleep every single night."

Her sobs echoed through my cellphone over the phone call as she continued, "I feel really tired of it all," and added after a small pause, "Death would be a more pleasant sight than this fright."

I spontaneously said, "Don't you get worried dear," I let her regain her breath before adding, *"It's only few more years that I make it big and we get married. Your nightmares will cease in my embrace each night."
My HP Poem #681
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Oct 2014
I'll tell you Minaz's story.

1. I know a girl from Kolkata,
But lo! She is a stock for laughing.
She is such a big klutz,
She messes up everything.

2. Once she wants to be a singer,
But lo! She can't actually sing.
She tries her best to be melodic,
But is far away from melody.

3. Again she hopes to be a painter,
But lo! She can't actually paint.
She tries her best to be artistic,
But what she draws is far from art.

4. She now takes up cookery classes,
But lo! She can't actually cook.
She tries her best to bake a cake,
But blows apart the oven for the bake.

5. Then she hopes to be a dancer,
But lo! She can't actually dance.
She tries her best to be elegant,
But what she does is more of a prance.

6. Fed up, she tries to be a gardener,
But lo! She can't actually tend to any.
She tries her best to sculpt the hedge,
But what becomes of hedge is only shorter.

7. She goes to a monk in Darjeeling,
Seeking some advice & tells him all.
The monk is a smart one and says,
"Get married to a martial artist and tend to your child."

Now Minaz is happy and is no longer 'The Ultimate Klutz From Kolkata'.
The martial artist husband helped her attain control over herself.
Coming of a child into her world was life transforming for her.
Just a bit of love can work wonders for the life of anyone & everybody.
I had read a poem called The Muddlehead From Petushkee by Ogden Nash in school. That poem is the inspiration for this particular.

My HP Poem #680
©Atul Kaushal
Oct 2014 · 13.3k
Dream & Desires
Àŧùl Oct 2014
I have a dream & some desires,
Let there be contentment for me,
And no one should have for me, ire.

My list of desires isn't endless,
I actually require, not just need, her,
And for meeting her family's, particularly her father's, expectations.

When I'll have her in the delivery room,
Then I will just be praying to time,
And wishing our combined life to be peacefully happy and content extremely.
My HP Poem #679
©Atul Kaushal
Oct 2014 · 1.2k
Loving You
Àŧùl Oct 2014
Is not my hobby,
It is my creed,
I am your lover.

It is not a fashion,
I love you,
It is my passion.

I am not a phase,
I am the air,
I reside all around you.

I do not restrict you,
I am freedom,
I am the spirit of love.

I feel for you my dear,
I am crazy for you,
I am lucky to have you.

I find solace in you,
I am your devotee,
I am content with you.

I see you everywhere,
I am blinded in love,
I want to be successful for us.
Loving you is not a child's play,
It's my smartest foray,
I remember you while I breathe.

I love you so much.

My HP Poem #678
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Oct 2014
I love you.

Please don't ever feel bad on me telling you to concentrate on your studies.

After having lived a life full of challenging and trying circumstances I now know what's important in life.

While studies and career are two interrelated entities that finally yield worldly pleasure for a person, being worldly happy is also important for a human being to be happy spiritually.

I would again say that I love you.

I see in you my own image, and I don't want you to make the same mistakes as I did.

I was just like you when I was your age; I hope that I don't sound like a real parent while I try to give you directions putting your best foot forward in your professional life. I was just like you and I don't want you to make the same mistakes as I made.

Focus on your career first while it is not too late already.
Your Full-time Lover

My HP Poem #677
©Atul Kaushal
Oct 2014 · 453
Àŧùl Oct 2014
I am born in a middle-class family,
But I am super-affluent personally.
I sleep on a humble coir mattress,
But then, I dream of you my dear.
I indulge in love with you then on,
But I wake up before I reach ******.
I love my life as you are here now,
But do tell me if you feel discomfort.
I take care presently to make sure,
But forgive me if I grow on your nerves.
I am rich and affluent because I've your love,
But don't ever let the light of love fade away.
My HP Poem #676
©Atul Kaushal
Oct 2014 · 10.8k
Paradise Lost
Àŧùl Oct 2014
The border at Jammu & Kashmir,
One of the highest battlegrounds.
Though that scenery is beautiful,
The soil there is stained in blood.

The blood of terrorists & soldiers,
Sadly defiles the heaven in there.
White peaks often don a red hue,
Those serene valleys face hellfire.

They do not realize that it is vain,
They war in the name of religion.
Disrupting peace and calm there,
They often desecrate the paradise.

Christ is said to have gone there,
After his resurrection of course.
Hindu deities are also fabled so,
The land of Gods and their messengers has been desecrated time and again.
I fear some weirdos might bombard this work with their negativity.
But I am unfazed.
My HP Poem #675
©Atul Kaushal
Oct 2014 · 2.7k
That Surprise Kiss
Àŧùl Oct 2014
That surprise kiss was so surreal,
That I fail to believe it was real.

The time we kissed was so unreal,
The reminiscences of it is each day.

I had heard of a sleeping beauty,
Not of sleeping beast who got kissed.

I know someone inside has changed,
Now I shyly look into the mirror.

I am the lucky beast that was kissed,
You the kind Angel who did the favour.
My HP Poem #674
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Oct 2014
That day is eagerly awaited,
When you & me are united,
After marital knots are tied,
And I've got you by my side,
May not be bumpy our ride,
Let it be sensuous and wild,
That's how we make love with pride.
My HP Poem #673
©Atul Kaushal
Oct 2014 · 1.3k
I Promise You
Àŧùl Oct 2014
I won't let you fall,
I won't let you fail.

If challenges come to your tail,
I'll make them know that you're not frail.

Slow it might come but success will be tall,
Don't be disheartened because it's slow as snail.
My HP Poem #672
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2014 · 366
Gratitous Promise
Àŧùl Sep 2014

There's a lot passing between,
You & me...


Though we are separate now,
But we've walked along...
Holding hands.


The last morning there was sweet,
Sweeter it was...


Waking up to a kiss on my lips by the morning dew,
I didn't expect it...


How can I ever thank you enough,
For coming to my life...


You're the Angel that I imagined would come to me,
And yes you have come...


Now we just need to have some patience dear,
Soon I'll be making it big...
My HP Poem #671
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2014 · 1.4k
Felt Like Home
Àŧùl Sep 2014
I went to Amritsar,
Her birthday it was,
And it was so good.

I felt at home there,
Hospitality so cordial,
And it was so good..

I presented her with a birthday gift,
She gave me mine & a return gift too,
Waking up in the morning to the kiss of the dew was so good...
My HP Poem #670
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2014 · 2.1k
Amritsar Awaits Me
Àŧùl Sep 2014
Finally, today I'll get to meet an old friend for the first time ever.
She lives in Amritsar.
I have never met her.
I'm gifting myself a tete-â-tete because *it's her birthday today.
My HP Poem #669
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Sep 2014
Please read till the end please or do not **** your time reading this.

The online poetry community is invited to read the eBook which also has some English poems apart from few Hindi poems (translated in brackets to English too).

I had had met with a really serious accident on the 7th of May in the year 2010. It had put me into a 23-day long comatose state. Of that I couldn't breathe by myself for around 17 days because of which I had to be put on artificial respiratory system. I came out of the comatose state after 23 days only for waking up to the real pain of physiotherapy.

I was prescribed rest at home, break from college for one complete year. Lonely afternoons started to get the better of me. My mother suggested me to recount sincerely whatever wrongs, or rights I was ashamed of, or proud of in my life.

Paying heed to my mother's suggestion and to keep myself occupied, I started writing (typing on my laptop) a self-account of whatever I had had experienced in my life as an Indian teenager with a global outlook. I then transformed it into a fiction titled '7 Seconds: Typical Guy, Not So Typical Life'.

First 10 copies of my novel's eBook have been sold in India and the United States put together.

You never actually grow up, and there is a youthful cringe always hidden inside you.
This story prods on the same youthful cringe in your mind which never actually died out even if you are no longer a young adult.

This novel contains poetry both in English & Hindi (in Roman script). It also has decorative inputs in languages other than English, namely Hindi (again in Roman Script), German, French, Punjabi (the language of Punjab in India again in Roman Script), Kannada (a South Indian language, also put in Roman script) with English translations of all such non-English inputs mentioned in the following dialogues.

The story follows Akshant in first person for most of the part as a mysterious female narrator named Satyaa recounts most of it all just as he had told her on e-mails.

The story takes him to the Old Fort at Delhi where he encounters a Franco-German tourist party and acts as a friendly guide for them.

Later, he is involved in a fight against the terrorist hijackers in a flight to Hamburg where he is off to a biodiesel convention by the fictional Deutsch Biodiesel.

This eBook is available on Amazon and is up for the taking on the internet.

It's absolute reading pleasure at an economical price.

The links from where you can buy this eBook from are given below:













A request: Don't just heart this poem. Get the ebook from relevant link and write a review as well please.
Please forgive me that I am not posting many poems lately.
I've been busy in promoting my novel's eBook available on Amazon.
I hope that this story gets many readers.

Please spread the message far and wide even if you are not intending to buy it for it might be helpful to me.

A promotional post.
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2014 · 1.6k
If Inside My Heart
Àŧùl Sep 2014
If inside my heart you reside,
Then I have all happiness in life,
Don’t ever ever leave me alone,
Do never never break my heart…

My morale is from you,
From you is each of my decisions,
Without you my life is, stranger…
Without you my life is, emptier…

I have known love after knowing you,
Knowing you only I have a new life,
Without you my life is, stranger…
Without you my life is, emptier…

If inside my heart you reside,
Then I have all happiness in life,
If you aren’t here, what my life is,
If you aren’t here, what my life is…
English translation of my first-ever composed Hindi language song.

<3 Dedicated to my sole-love, my soul-love Kripi. :-)

My HP Poem #668
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2014 · 744
Seeing You
Àŧùl Sep 2014
Seeing you it starts singing,
My heart, my heart.
I just want you,
Along me, each birth…

You are in my dreams,
You are among my loved ones.
Seeing you it starts singing,
My heart, my heart.
I just want you,
Along me, each birth…

I’m in all your memories,
I’m in all your promises.
Recall those moments and dreams,
Just remember those which we spent and decorated together!
When you came, why I felt like…
You are housed in my heart, oh dear – you’re mine!
Seeing you it starts singing,
My heart, my heart.
English translation of my Hindi song.

My HP Poem #667
©Atul Kaushal
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