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44.0k · Oct 2017
still hard
joel jokonia Oct 2017
.................................................................­.......and it rained
the day my ****** girlfriend was to give up her cherry
the city got WET
joel jokonia Oct 2017
plainly described by her name
chi tai tai
a light in thick darkness

if i love you would you change
pamwe nhai
maybe you not tasted love yet
i fear your desires
fearless desires
will and shall get you hurt
scared for an eternity, let
me love you

i know all your shananigans
but i still bother myself with you
i do, its a plainly true
that love is blind

but even now a century has died
i still wait
after your shine has been ******, out
i wait
can you not see
     'ndokunetsa nokuti ndokuda'
Netsai a shona name for girls mostly
Netsa(means) - bother
Netsai - bothering
'ndokunetsa nokuti ndokuda' means -i bother you because i love you
pamwe nhai- maybe
chi tai tai - fire fly
a light in thick darkness"
1.5k · Jun 2020
joel jokonia Jun 2020
Tite tichitambidza ivavo sando dzavo
Ivavo vatinavo
vek'kukanga kek'tanga
Kukusonera ganda
Ukak a mbaira uka k ama
Vakakuridzira ukamira..
Pawasasvikira vaikutambidza
Vaikunakidza ka
Ivavo usafe
Wavasvimise misodzi
1.4k · Aug 2020
Dear wise old Joe
joel jokonia Aug 2020
I know you play a lot, work a lot and proly can't tell it apart.
So after working games and playing work
you sat down wrote **** while smoking poetry.
Not aging with every hour that went by.
But by and by you grew high,
oh my 70years high as the **** withers old and is cremated white ash scattered in the sea of dust.
Wisdom is a ****
1.0k · Aug 2018
joel jokonia Aug 2018
I could tell you what is on my mind
That I'm worried and scared and anxious
That i really wish i was alone right now
But then I'd be naked.

I could tell you all my strengths and weaknesses
I could tell you that I'm afraid of the dark when i sleep so i turn on the lights
But i could tell you that I'm also afraid of the shadows and what lurks behind the curtains.
But that would make me naked.

I could tell you that i hate photographs
and photoshoots.
And that it hurts to pose.
For a picture
To be analysed by a glass lens
Only to have the best parts of my life
erased by an editing app
Because nobody wants to see scars on Instagram
I could tell you that it makes me sick
And that i wish people loved the real thing
But then I'd be naked

I could tell you that I'm living my dream at the expense of my mother's love
Her smile has become an eclipse
Rare and blinding.
Not mine to see, anymore
I miss her though she misses me too i know but I chose the devil in my head
But that would make me naked

You could tell me about that time last year
You couldn't get out of bed
When you wouldn't get out of bed
Because your heart felt like lead
When only your bed could hold you back
And your sheets could hug you better
And I'd understand because I've been there before
Because then you'd be naked

Without the clothes and baggage
That shame us into silence
The shoes of depression
that lead us into violence
suicidal thoughts just cause
We can't be honest
And don't have the courage to simply be naked.

Prefer the flimsy armor
Of "how are you's" and "i am fines"
Fearing to expose what lies under these
Genuine interactions and intimate confessions

I am tired ...i am tired
Of these clothes
I want to be naked
Not behind closed doors
But right here
So should i start removing
909 · Mar 2018
Spoiled for choice
joel jokonia Mar 2018
Um spoiled for choice
As i look at all these beautiful african girls
I like  i like oMampofu
So. Filled with life
They sparkle with untired enthusiasm
Waiting to explore. To kno more, knowledge seekers
Leaning on life's edges....they excite me
But then i really do fear the power
oMaSibanda , abangehlulwa thambo strong women
They stand tall to life's demons
Ever open claws defending her family
I bite my lips as i ponder over
OmaKhumalo.,, the royal blood of amandebele
Enadla umuntu limyenga ngendaba
Uphelele lomfazi as she walks kudikiza umhlaba
Their skin so smooth dreams glide through it
And they know it
so they leave trails of pride when they pass by

I am spoiled of choice
Really the african girls are beautiful
I sometimes lose myself in the fine tuned voices
Of oMaNcube
OMpangazitha   bluberring sweet nothings
With a thousand stars held in her eyes
She suprises me sometimes
how she paints dark hours
Into abstract art with no care at all
Bending the rules to capture a smile

OmaMoyo power in speech
Their tongue builds a nation
For Her lips even with such authority stills spill lustful imaginations
Um spoilt for choice
Africa is beautiful such beautiful daisies
The humble sweet Mandlovu, ogatsheni, ontaba engabhodwa ngale kwayo
Big heart and such understanding
Silently holding up cries within
Soundproofing the screams of pain
With a smile that melts my soul
And oooh
OMaNyathi with natural yellow skin
Light beings colouring our dark covers
Uyapenda isizwe,
Obuhle obungakhuzeki
Confidently Conqouring man's heart
Um spoiled for choice
These sons of africa have made pillars of daughters
Each tribe holds omama, oauntie, ogogo, odadewethu,
Black African ladies
Forged in the wilds of africa
Taught to respect and love
I crown all african ladies
With fresh picked daises of my appreciation
For you..... You ladies of Africa you are
Cause of every imperfection
With every stumble,
Every struggle
You dont let trouble cling on
You walk on
high in your red stiletos
Tight brown pumps,
Black polished sandals
And dust off yesterday's thoughts
Cause u kno today is another day
Another chance to conquor
But if you dnt today u still wake up ivin. More equiped
Cause u an African woman

I am spoiled for choice my heart
Can not decide
My heart can not decide..
joel jokonia Mar 2018
He fingerprints my melanin skin
I bleed lust, i trust
Alien tongue playing a seductive touch on my **** lips,
Dropping my guard, gulping every ******..
Hard pacing in and out of me, i let him an inch closer to my heart,
As i pick a scent of city life on his chest,
His skin so smooth it mends my dents and cracks, my perfect match,
My soul dances in the light with the freedom of a mad man,
Dead brain this sweet pain, whispers pleasure......
I chose him and left all behind
The lights of the city held a pride
Which i would bask in beside him

See..... I lost me
Imbeko packed and left me lonely,
Getting high in dark spaces of the street lights,
Yelling die, this was not living was just trying to survive
Gutter life, suffer i, had to sell my body away,
Stained my soul, my conscience couldn't stay,
Mr urban see had hit the cherry got his share of merry and walked away,
Finally unmasking the veil of deceit, i saw the true colours,
But i couldnt go back to ravaged community of round mud houses,
Pride was the bouncer that kept me inside,
Had to die here and i did

But no i am not that young woman
Didn't let go of this culture
Content with these village ethics, nature's majestics,
Completely free from these misguided pledges
I would rather fetch water on earth's edges,
Why try mold into world classes, african being is rare,
And i am that her, who brushes my black hair with pride,
You.. yes you, your african hair is nice,
I rap myself in colours of native love,
Catching the cries of early *****,
Not waking up with a bunch of different strangers in my bed,
You might think i am misguided, i am not driven by philosophers of english communities
In which the music is within us.... In the untamed soils of mother africa

So i keep his fingerprints away from my beautiful skin
Cause i never wanna be where she has been
Telling a story of a girl who forsees the dangers of city life
746 · Jan 2022
Creation and creator.
joel jokonia Jan 2022
On and on, I go, following the flow to wherever it settles me. There I wait for yet another wave to carry me, someplace else, another awaiting adventure destined for the blank pages of my scripts. Gradually, it becomes rather sane to be teleported in-between worlds, and never quite ending stories, tasteless poems, and on good days, hit songs.

Most times, unfortunately, it's the ever-there pain of the past that make it to these pages. And no matter  how much I have tried, seemingly all that is meant to be forgotten and buried, finds a way to live on As words on pages. Without hesitation, it's a skewed opinion to take away, the heaviness and beauty of such creations, disregarding an amount of agony carried within.

On better days, we find ways, to paint the happiness, so It could be shared to those in need of comfort and a little bit of love, which is mostly us. Apparently, it only lasts a breath, then away it goes, to be sighted once again. When it's good it's going great, air is fresh and alive. Words dance then, sometimes calmly, step by step as if waltzing to a classic lady in red jam.
738 · Apr 2020
"Coronation of Corpses"
joel jokonia Apr 2020
The air is murky and infested,
Could we run far, fast enough
Before we explode our lungs under the weight of the crown of death
Could we pray now, hard enough
Before we cough out life
And be carried away to the mass graves
To be dimly remembered among the many
Lost in history of and age
That witnessed the Coronation of corpses
While wearing burial masks
To keep away the smiles of death

Which is now more familiar to us
Than in yester times,
'tis no longer a favour
Reserved for those bent over
By the weight of years
We're all at risk
No signs of redemption
Only symptoms of contradiction
They say technology has no power
To banish the misery it has brought to us

So we run and lock ourselves inside
Only to find Sir Poverty and Lady Hunger
Waiting for us with a menu that reads;
Rules of staying indoors and eating and eating little
In idle feeble brittle fickle minds,
Conspiracy begins to breed.
Credits to Madpoet. #RandomPoets
732 · Oct 2017
joel jokonia Oct 2017
Candles lit, music is right
I ve got plans to ****** you tonight
I’m in charge today, the fear of yesterday has passed away

So I hold your thoughts strong and push them against the wall
With such physic, no technique at all
Physic, when I am so skinny u laugh
But yes this mind does penetrate through souls
Today I am here for yours

So I gently place my finger on your **** lips
I whisper love me I insist
You sit
There with your eyes on me but um on this stage lonely
And um checking you out

Hopefully when um done
I would ultimately pleasured you in your head
So since its my time now
I pound you as I please
And your Please
Stop I ignore
Cause today um in control
That sweet wet hole of yours I explore
Slowly while you on fours

I pause for you to catch a breath
Your knees are weak
These phrases I speak
Your eyes are daring
Pacing faster now
Scream, as our body tears rub
Scream its okay
I have reached ******
Poetry such a sensation
I have come
um done
We shall meet another day
715 · Nov 2017
joel jokonia Nov 2017
me and my sub-conscience fight over weird things
i wrote this poem with a vision of making this the longest poem if possible
i poem by poets around the world in one topic
any poet can add at least one phrase keeping the topic at hand, a twist could do to but keeping the head on

i would appreciate to write with you all
it would the greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatest of all

i am going tag all words cause you never know what it will become.

you can start from
'me and my sub-conscience fight over weird things.....
694 · Jan 2022
Heal love
joel jokonia Jan 2022
Dark as night,
her eyes.
Where did the glow,
Cold as ice,
her heart.
Where did the warmth,

Pale as death,
her lips.
Where did the delicacy,

Gone along with
Perishables treasures?
Instant pleasures?

Don't you worry,
Magestic as an angel
You heal! You heal!

Fresh as a rose,
her aura.
where did the pain,
free as thought,
her mind.
where did the worry,
679 · Nov 2017
art of an Artist
joel jokonia Nov 2017
a smooth going has no challenges
you will forever be in the un-knowing without these bandages

a little death brings a strength and a purpose
       more will to try                                                    

it is in heartbreaks good music is made
the best of poetry crafted in sorrow shade

bleeding hearts paint the brightest portrait
so i guess tears and screams in art are more vividly said
poets suffer more emotionaly and they can only write about it and evry emotional write is the greatest
673 · Sep 2020
Is this the faith?
joel jokonia Sep 2020
Inquiring sons of daughters,
Of a day, one day,
The unmalleable grounds
Of Untanga gardens
Will beget,
By far Richer.
Than today

Down to their own sons
Of a day, one day
Our land,
Agleam in lights of progress.
Surging nights
Bedeviled by the buzz of utopian youth

They, then also
Down to their sons
Of a day, one day
So on
And on...
670 · Apr 2020
breeze of green
joel jokonia Apr 2020
How she smiles
Melts my pain away
Takes me to a place
A glimpse of peace
Once a while
Like gentle breeze of green
And a happy sun
And pure air
Sanitised by nature herself
Touching the hairs of my skin
Lasting only a while
Not too long

I only catch a breath

Then back to regrets
Everyday spaces
Familiar places
Orchestrated in
Reverberated agonies of souls
Haunted by sin
Eating away inside our skin
A bit by beat
Pasts that will still lay
Before my eyes
With an uningnorable scent
Stubborn on my nose
On Statuses.
On WhatsApp.
On Posts
On Facebook
Wherever, my eyes look
Wherever, my life breeds
Wherever, my nostril finds air

Hanging strong
With such unignorable scent
Like freshly painted walls in cheap paint
One that defeats love

Then she smiles again
With a little squeaky sound of laughter
Her little tongue
A shot at my soul

And I swear
Its only just
For a while
And again I am lost
In the gentle breeze of green
And yet again

I only catch a breath

NB) to my little darling Nealah
Heavens blessing.

📌 ~Nea-ism~

Poet : Joel Jokonia
Edited : Khana Moyo
Dated : 14April2020
Title : Breeze of green
~Number 11419~
639 · Oct 2017
a mic and the stage
joel jokonia Oct 2017
when i am on stage i tremble
um not able
to recite words slip
as you stare at me you strip
me naked
but at least i made it, here
i lost my confidence along the way
if someone saw it, i bet he wouldnt say
its okay
i will do without it today
629 · Oct 2017
OUT of my mind
joel jokonia Oct 2017
they say um a kid,
i am out of control
i say yes
i am OUT of it all

this OUTfit i wear
is the OUTcome of the places i been
and its OUTstanding
as i OUTburst every emotion into words
i am OUT of my mind

but dont mind me
my OUTrage got me here
OUTsourcing life right out of earth

so you OUTdated if you ever think i am coming in
i am staying OUT
623 · Jan 2022
Who do you love
joel jokonia Jan 2022
Who quells a mimsy breed,
Only He, concedes a tree from seed.

Google, god of today
Only He, Beings bow to, every day.

Who hangs stars dressing a night,
Only He, tags waters of creatures small & mighty

Technology, tyranny of ****
Only He, treats his slaves as kings

Who knows heaven's ends
Only He, who possesing divine hands

Ignorance, father of today
Only He, leading us in paths astray

Who quells a mimsy breed
Only He, concedes tree from seed
557 · Mar 2018
I knew a poet
joel jokonia Mar 2018
I know one day she will say "I knew a poet"
I knew a poet once who had an abstract imagination
Who told stories in jingled verses
Who built empires with his paper and pen
Again and again spilling the beans right in the streams of my emotions
A poet who stood shy in his own corner with a couple of unattended emotions
In his bag
Dressed in baggy sags torn pieces of the world
He had tales even his pen wouldn't tell

I know one day he will say "I knew a poet"
I knew a poet who moved mountains for a girl
But never was his efforts appreciated
Who never took life seriously
Found humor in heartbreaks and bleeding souls
Who was mad dead in the expressions of the edges of the world
You knew well how he fished spirits in the deep oceans of life
Sliding his pen lazily on his paper and making a thought
A poet who let his pains disguise in his convincing smile
Breathing life into tired thoughts
But still he had tales his pen wouldn't dare tell
For his pen feared what he would tell
And never got the ink to.................
543 · Jan 2018
Daily drama
joel jokonia Jan 2018
When the day starts
You got all your plans lined up
When days ends
None have been achieved
521 · Oct 2017
a way young lover
joel jokonia Oct 2017
i couldnt kiss her
her lips have not known sin yet
her eyes spell innocence
young and unspoiled
but her diagram
stills the very thoughts in me
i stare at her with lust boiling in me
as i debate within
whether i should
if i dont someone else will
............. i will
that moment you have a tight *** girl but she way too young for your *** for old people romance
518 · Mar 2018
New fool-der
joel jokonia Mar 2018
I Let you right click my heart
And i gave you all the  options
You could have saved me
But you hit the "send to" button
And sent me away in a flash
We are all fools of love sometimes
504 · Oct 2017
my mum is just african
joel jokonia Oct 2017
i guess i do like the pain
cause i laugh after its done
how crazy it was
that my mum actually bit me
no like true story my mum bit me

you might think she is abusive
but i like her character art is impressive
she turns totally off reason
keeps her senses imprisoned

i tried to explain
but the rage rain rained upon me
all she wanted was to stroke me
i swear i lose my mum in that moment
cause i try look in her eyes and she nowhere near

she strokes me and unknowingly i hold her shambok in my hand
i stare at her to understand
but all it does it highs her temper
now she is pulling her shambok a little stronger
i try to talk but she is trying to pull
she cant listen
and she plays victim

the struggle continues
i watch her anger elevate and it fascinates me, weirdly
so i resist a little more
she starts pulling me to the kitchen
now the scene has more attention

pulling out drawers
trying to put hand on anything pain inflicting
and still i am resisting

made it to the door and out
her voice a bit loud
realising that whatever i try will not demotivate her
so i gave up and let her, as usual
let her stroke me to her satisfaction
and goes on and on
about me being stubborn because i am older
how i think i am stronger cause i am a man
man, whats wrong with mum

she strokes me with her shambok still
as i stood still
amused by her accusations
but am patient and let her

after she done she is angry still but satisfied though
now her eyes glow
she tries to conceal it by playing anger
i smile
it took me a while to understand, while
she was in her act
i had travelled mindlessly in my mind
thinking how a silly situation
of her calling me and me not responding
had become a series of chaos

little packages do become dynamites
this is what bothers me though
i do have a thrill everytime we have a misunderstanding
i dont understand this
i guess i am just my mother's child
my mum sometimes
495 · Oct 2018
yours to title
joel jokonia Oct 2018
Feeling alone
The sound is too loud
It's a good day
I peruse my head to find the least of poetry
To give life
Create- love, hate, suspicion, melody, memories

She is beautiful
When she takes you to places
In reality
You wouldn't dare go alone

This is her
In all her ******
For your satisfaction

You shall admire her
Love her
Enjoy her
Re-read her
Leave her
For another piece

But she always be for you
And she
Will tell you about me
478 · Oct 2017
things we do (pt 1)
joel jokonia Oct 2017
i guess when we laugh sometimes at our anxieties
we just trying to find a reason to laugh  
we think we might heal

maybe we do



human tendencies
451 · Oct 2017
joel jokonia Oct 2017
why hesitate
ask the cat he knows
his eyes has seen the night in broad day light
but the night as broad day light, right
so he knows

nine lives has seen more
in beelzbub’s time he explores
on fours, he stares at those after your soul
You have to ask the cat he knows
in africa we believe cats are the devil's tools
444 · Feb 2018
joel jokonia Feb 2018
You little wise words jotted on scrambled paper
A moment's thought
Captured with sentences
Phrases perfected in rhyme n rythm
Telling emotions and pains

The ball runs on the field
Leaving prints of emotions to yield
Love, hate, anger, happieness on print they are sealed
Layer by layer feelings are reviled
Like onion each layer is pealed
In the strength of the ball stories are told.
In the resistance of the field feeling are shared
On the paper emotions are inked

This ink
Yes this ink keeps spewing what's in my heart and mind
This ink keeps bringing the past from behind
In narrow lines of sentences
The universe judges what the sentence is
Rhythm and pain
Rhyme and reason
What began as a grain
Has grown in its season

I give honor to this journal for it knows all my pains more than anyone else
I jot down every single event that took place when life kicked me down
All thanks to the ink and paper I picked myself up and dusted it off
It's now that I can say
This ink and paper is my bestfriend
For it has been with me through thick and thin
Written by three different poets. Ink 2 Paper poets
442 · Oct 2017
KEY bored
joel jokonia Oct 2017

CTRL                     ALT

these three we need
441 · Oct 2017
joel jokonia Oct 2017
I puff,
I pass

i learn a life lesson
share with people it pays if it doesnt it satisfies
432 · Sep 2018
price of love
joel jokonia Sep 2018
How best do you say LOVE IS BLIND
How best do you express it?

Is it to you part of the puzzle that completes the picture
Dull, Bright colors that makes you appreciate
the pain
the hurt
the love
the smiles.....

How best do you say LOVE IS BLIND
How best do you express it?

Do you break into a brief giggle


How does one accept your imperfections and love you
How does one oversee your humiliating form and call you a MASTERPIECE.
His universe.

What price would you have to pay to be loved, if it wasn't?

How best do you say LOVE IS BLIND
How best do you express it?

I fell into your arms and chose to ignore the brewing storm
I had nothing to hold onto
You broke me. Once. Twice.
I love you.

So should i leave because you torture me
Should i stay because you chose to accept me
inverse conspiracy. an idea that bad may be for a good reason. love is blind has been a phrase to refer only to the pain it comes with choosing to oversee our loved one's flaws.
423 · Jul 2020
An empire
joel jokonia Jul 2020
Great Zimbabwe
With no mortar it stood
Stone over stone.
Let's what we have . Be creative . It's lockdown but so much more can be achieved
422 · Mar 2018
Visual poetry
joel jokonia Mar 2018
i                                       f i could
               shape poetry                  what shape
                     would                           purely be-
                         fit it                             and tell
                              my                     intentions
                              well                enou­gh
                                  shape      these
           ­                        like how i feel
                                                     i am in                               complete
                           i have a                            hole
somewhere                   in my soul  


                                     emo tions

a       r                    e

all                         O                     V
                                                         E                           R

how can i then shape poetry when i cant keep myself in shape
419 · Oct 2017
joel jokonia Oct 2017
I see you,
I see you and me,
I see,
I see what we could be
But I do see you don’t like me

I feel,
I feel a bit neglected,
I really do feel broken,
It is you who lead me on, kept me going

Now am mad I do not want to understand,
I am mad you don’t see this good looking man,
Mad, you with that guy I saw you with last weekend,
So mad I have plotted revenge..

I want to call at the peek of the night just to disturb your sleep,
Make fun of you in public till your eyes waters drip
Slip something in your drink get you wasted and let you embarrass yourself
While I giggle in some corner somewhere

I want to spit on you
Poison you
Watch you die, while I relate to you,
How things could have been,
Till your last breath…..

But I couldn’t even if I wanted to
I lose myself at the sight of you,
And when you smile,
I love you again
Tolerate the pain

Guess I am content,
With me loving you,
At least I get to………..
i wish i could express the feeling men feel when neglected the pain, the love , hurt
418 · Dec 2021
Our doing
joel jokonia Dec 2021
Was it us, perhaps, and our stubborn ways,
         leading a familiar inharmonious song
in hopes one day
will maybe learn to appreciate the              
if the tune played on too long.
418 · Jan 2018
bAd choices
joel jokonia Jan 2018
I choose to have a choice
Let my voice be heard
Me no mind not if their ears dead
As long as I let free my thoughts

Choosing to have a choice
Not a ticket to wisdom just free will
Willingness to take the blame when miseries fly in
Reaping from choices we making

Still when crowded with evils
Our fingers will find one to point
As the point of what we reaping
Forgetting our choices

A choice may be small today
But results will come in due time
U may choose to sleep with her today
Kiss him tomorrow
Be friend them this week
Sow all these choices
And let time decide your reap

Don’t blame me
Nor her
Or them
You chose these to be part of your life
You chose your friends
You chose
It’s a pity you chose bad
Cause Good choices exist
415 · Nov 2017
joel jokonia Nov 2017
What if your friend is texting me
While i am texting you
And you ignoring me
Like um ignoring her
402 · Jan 2018
rap Music
joel jokonia Jan 2018
Rap is hard
You have to nail the ascent
As it ascends keep the rythm
Ryme but with meaning
Spitting splitting their minds
Into thinking wat you seeing
Wear your eyes for a second
Not forgeting reason
Not **** about the ******* u spent the season kissing
Dissing a disease in every verse
In each case
An issue of whose ggetting more paper
Famous feature, who gives a **** who was witchya
I like to believe rap is art
Poetry, painting a picture of your perspective
Respective enough Ts you who holds the bigger share
In music I hope u use it to dare
These kids who believe in you to make a change
Not messages of disorder and rage
Flip that page forget it
Skip, cut , merge into a better clean version of bars
Educate relate heal scars
Cries of sorrow are wiped through you
Dies and a little turn of mood
As I plug in these phones in my ears
Fears should race
Trace back myself to belief
Pace back to relief, relive
Hope in me
See I nid to be told um gonna make it
That's rap music
402 · Oct 2017
better that way
joel jokonia Oct 2017
i'd rather be a disappointment
so when you disappoint
people wont be disappointed

if you succeed
still they wont be disappointed
397 · Nov 2017
joel jokonia Nov 2017
i tell my story in two phrases

        "rebel son,
         caring father"
395 · Jan 2018
joel jokonia Jan 2018
someone's president was not  born today

i caught him
393 · Oct 2017
to a girl i know
joel jokonia Oct 2017
how strong you are
to wear such beauty with such a scar
drew your childhood picture in cries and screams
but it was you who sort out the colour in it
i adore you
i love you.......
392 · Mar 2018
Who Is Jesus Christ?
joel jokonia Mar 2018
I don't know
But I will tell her what I heard
You determine do I. Believe in jesus
379 · Jun 2018
joel jokonia Jun 2018
one day I looked at people 
I saw anger 
expressions of frustration 
as he pondered over the deeds of his son
how he had given his all 
but he still turned out rebellious

one day I looked at people
I saw pain 
she couldn't hide it away
memories of her little daughter 
how she vanished into the cruelity of the world
how the world had used her, 
abused her 
mama's little girl

one day I looked at people 
I saw guilt 
people were guilty of oppressing 
other people 
people needed guidance 
to be guided away from greed, hate  
he needed his father's guidance
if he were to be a better man

one day I looked at people 
I saw deception 
lies, people telling other people 
fabricating, conneiving convinicing 
dragging them away from the truth
Ruth, couldn't stop 
she believed every story they told her 
men's promises 

one day I looked at people 
I saw hope 
I saw him fall in love 
it scared me
it didn't stop him 
he lost his soul in her eyes 
he didn't care about her past
he scrapped her rust 
forgot all the stories of harsh conditions 
she had been through 

one day I looked at people
I saw confusion 
fear of the unknown 
fear to take a leap of faith 
cause she wasn't sure he would understand her 
so she told herself 
she couldn't let another soul into her heart 
not again

One day i looked at people
I saw a system
A brokken system
A paralysed proper people
Pride driven
Pius leaded
By bias leaders who are as bróken as the system
Because they are people too
For he chose politics probably because
With love he had failed
He had failed to listen to hiss father too
So father hated him
He gathered

One day i looked at people
I saw a fight
Not for whats right
But to survive
Cause that's all she knew
Ruth had lived from one bed to another
Looking to fill the gap of the man who bedded her mum n left
But the Father figures made her a minute's satisfaction
She thought thats life
Even when he presented love
She thought itwas just a way to restrain her life
Love life n romance wás a thing for childs books
She gathered

One day i looked at people
I saw me
I saw how each of us are all the same
**** sapien
Same emotions
Same reactions
Same intentions
Same tortures
Same pains
Same same same

Cause if u grew with no father like ruth did and a mum who believed in love n had been broken hearted
And you witnesed her pain everday
Killing herself everday for you to live
Watched Man devour her
You would too would be just another Ruth
If you grew up with a father and no mother's touch
Father would wanna mold u to be him strictly
Stoping you from being you
Because he knows wat the world is like
Cause he also has met gals like ruth
Who are heartless
But is ******* you ...punishes you for the mistakes he has done
For with no woman's touch the discipline is too harsh
So when you break out of the shackles u live
You live you leave all his warnings cause all this time he kept you locked in his world
Because you think it was all for his best not yours
Nqobani...thinking you would conquer his world for him nc uyabheda

one day i looked at people
I saw ruth
I saw nqobani
I saw you
I saw me
I saw all we needed was people to admit
That we all just people.the same
Stop judging but relate
Stop assuming
Stop discriminating
Cause him her could hv been you ......

Look at people
We are the people .....
It's a pity we treat each other like animals.. Like some are unworthy to be treated fairly
369 · Oct 2017
joel jokonia Oct 2017
i may not be as intelligent as you think i might be
or maybe i might be as intelligent as you think i might be
but if you as intelligent as i think you might be
then you understand i am as intelligent as you might be...
368 · Oct 2017
high to u too
joel jokonia Oct 2017
high, this chair
hie whose there
must be my shadows cause their not here
i fear
i lost my mind
these lights too bright
they shade light inside
um high....
367 · Dec 2017
free w i l l
joel jokonia Dec 2017
God gave us the liberty to choose
But because we have choice
We choose to choose wrong

Silly us
362 · Feb 2018
Am dead
joel jokonia Feb 2018
Do not mind my decisions
These deceased emotions
River my thoughts
Ts rot claws on them
And feed them
This disgusting way of thinking
360 · Jan 2018
br oke n
joel jokonia Jan 2018
Deception and lies, lies
amongst us, within us
causing cracks from disappointments
breaking our souls, holes created
we, you and me
have seen the devils
the evils as different as they
we have seen
within we carry them
piled pieces of hearts and emotion
noted is we all
are broken some broke and
feel left out
we all do
broken, didnt start with you
we thy all broken souls
357 · Nov 2017
joel jokonia Nov 2017
a toddler's lips
have tasted a thousand stories
without judging
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