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Styles 1d
Fingers trace the
curves of his bare chest,
Every touch, a deliberate exploration.
In the quiet moment, I find my desire,
Styles 1d
In shadows cast,
fingers roam,
Tracing lines on skin and bone.
Sheets part like sacred tides,
Reverence felt in love's confines.

A surge,
a gasp,
a whispered plea,
In the dark, desire set free.
To touch, to feel, in passion's blaze,
Lost in the fervor of love's embrace.
Styles 7d
Last night,
When I touched you,
I felt something I yearned for,
But never knew existed.
Tonight, I crave it,
Like a missing piece of my soul.
Styles 7d
earning for your touch,
Your taste,
Your tease.

Desire ignites,
I crave you.

Yet here I sit,
Penning this verse.

Why are our worlds
So near,
Yet so distant?
Styles 7d
Wonder, what sparks this surge,
Fingers twist within, desires emerge.
A gush of pleasure, a gentle urge,
To be loved, admired, in passion's dirge.
A Squirt, still, how it works, I ponder and verge.
Styles Jul 9
Her body's speaking in tongues,
and I'm captivated by love.
Her vibes
fit me perfectly,
In my mind,
we've already made love,
my size,
fits her like a glove.
Styles Jul 9
A deep need arises
a desire to be filled
leaving you
in ecstasy
as my essence
pours out
Styles Jul 1
In our secret haven, where fantasies entwine,
I craft my words for you, in moments so divine.
A tantalizing dance, where pleasure meets tease,
In the dim glow of our sanctuary, we find our ease.

With my fingers tracing, you start to explore,
A touch so precise, craving always more.
**** music in the air, setting the night,
Watching ****'s soft flicker, igniting your delight.

The rush of desire swells, an unending wave,
In the realm of edging, where you’re bold and brave.
Your body, a symphony, responding to the tune,
Every teasing touch, making your senses swoon.

The build-up is exquisite, dizzying and sweet,
Heightened sensitivity, making your heart beat.
You're constantly turned on, a wet, eager flame,
As I guide you slowly, whispering your name.

Hours drift by, lost in the sheets,
Craving my touch, where ecstasy meets.
Each touch a jolt, electrifying and pure,
In the dance of edging, patience is the lure.

You writhe in bed, under my command,
Craving the moment, where pleasure will expand.
Every touch, a shockwave, intense and grand,
Your body yearning for the strength of my hand.

When the crescendo hits, an explosion of delight,
You let go, surrendering to the night.
Satisfaction washes over, leaving you empowered,
In our shared ecstasy, where desire is devoured.

In this dance of self-love, a bond we tightly keep,
Our bodies in harmony, in desires deep.
Trust in the journey, the thrill of the ride,
In the playful pleasure, where our worlds collide.
Styles Jul 1
Want me fiercely, hold me tight,
In your submission, I find my light.
Inside of you, our desires ignite,
In this symphony of control and delight.
Styles Jul 1
Deep inside of you, my favorite place to be,
Wrapped in the warmth of your intimacy.
Touch me softly, gentle breeze,
Tease me with your whispered pleas.

Please me with your tender touch,
Need me, crave me, oh, so much.
Feel the heat of your body, so near,
Taste your essence, truth or dare.  

Wanting me in the way the dark desire the light,
Be greedy for my love, hold me tight.
In this dance of passion, let us be, oh so right.
A symphony of desire, wild and free.

The warmth of your mouth, your tender embrace,
In your arms, I find my place.
So want me fiercely, without delay,
Be greedy for my touch, come what may.

Inside of you, my favorite place to be,
In this embrace, let our souls ignite,
For in your heat, I find my light.
between your thighs, love at first sight.
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