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29.5k · Jun 2014
Ellie Geneve Jun 2014
Your love was like a slice of pizza;

delicious, yet temporary.
19.1k · Oct 2014
You ARE Beautiful
Ellie Geneve Oct 2014
Do not let
overshadow your beauty

Everyone is beautiful,
believe me-
I know.
Notes (optional)
14.2k · Dec 2014
Ocean Deep
Ellie Geneve Dec 2014
I could write a billion poems
expressing how I feel
but not a single word
could make you truly
14.2k · Aug 2014
Annoying Sister
Ellie Geneve Aug 2014
My sister,
an annoying blister.
In the depth of my relaxation,
she bombards me with such nonsense and retardation.
Like she's designed to disrupt every source of silence,
while I'm diving in the ****** of my imagination.

My sister,
full of spirit and laughter.
Her jolly heart is something I feel obligated to look after.
My sister,
Although having her endless branches of imagination,
says that I'm her inspiration.
8.3k · Jul 2015
Ellie Geneve Jul 2015
Take yourself out on a date
(I like pizza too!)
Hold your own hand
(Smooth! is that scented lotion I smell?)
Complement yourself while looking in the mirror
(Where do I begin)
Pat your own back
(I've always believed in you)
And instead of waiting for someone to come along and sweep you off your feet, take pole dancing lessons.
(Woah! You're so  ....... Strong!)

No one can truly love you, if you can't learn to love yourself.
(I love you)
me and myself have so much in common!
7.3k · Oct 2014
Real Math
Ellie Geneve Oct 2014
But Lose

Subtraction is addition

More is less
Love is hate

Forever is never
6.4k · Jul 2014
Greed 8w
Ellie Geneve Jul 2014
The more we have,
the more we want.
4.2k · Aug 2014
Don't Read This Poem
Ellie Geneve Aug 2014
Oh that poem!
A plain masterpiece!
An eye for the blind!
Beyond what my limited words can describe!
Glory be to he who wrote this breathtaking beauty!
But I am left speechless and confused
Once I see the simple number of its likes and views
I guess that's what makes it so special
A diamond unseen
A hidden potential.
And he continues to write...
As if poetry was his only friend.
I guess he already accepted the fact that
*we cannot always trend
the beauty of the unseen
Ellie Geneve Jan 2015
When you were interested in me,
I didn't know how to react
Was I gonna allow you to deeply see?
Or just pass through the facts?

I didn't know it then,
but both choices had their consequences.

I chose what I thought was the best for me,
but was it really?
Check the tag bookpoemchallenge for more info. The book I picked was 'The Woman in White' by Wilkie Collins.
4.1k · Jan 2015
You Know Who's Awesome?
4.0k · May 2015
Numb (6w)
Ellie Geneve May 2015
My numbness came from intolerable pain
Some people choose to feel numb to shut away the pain, others feel numb because the pain shut them down. I apologize to my nociceptors, and my neurons. I never meant for things to get this way, I never meant to hurt you.
3.9k · Jun 2014
Ellie Geneve Jun 2014
I admired things no one understood.
Ellie Geneve Aug 2014
Owen:* Hey. You're awake.
Cristina: You didn't come home.
Owen: Yeah, there was a--
Cristina: A bus crash or a train crash or a patient crashed? Yeah. Right. Why are you staring at me?
Owen: Well, I'm weighing how upset you are and if I want to get into this.
Cristina: You do. You want to get into this...
Owen: I'm tired and it's late.
Cristina: ... with me. You know what? That's the point. It's always late, and it shouldn't be. And you should want to get into it with me but you don't. I mean, where are you?
Owen: I am-- I am here. For God sake. I'm right freakin' here. I'm home.
Cristina: No, you're not. ... You have to be honest with me because I am going crazy here. Do you, um, do you love me anymore?
Owen: It's not about if I--
Cristina: Owen, please answer the question.
Owen: I love you so much that it hurts.
Cristina: Okay. Well, okay, then. Then we can-- We can work on this. We can talk. You know, we-- We have to talk, because I cannot be like this anymore. (voice breaking) And I Mean it when I say that I'm going crazy, 'cause... (sighs) 'Cause that nurse Emily-- I mean, I-I accused her of sleeping with you.
Owen: You what?
Cristina: I'm-- I'm sorry. I just-- I mean, I feel like... My whole body feels like... Like you were cheating on me. And then you come home and you tell me that you love me, and I'm... I'm-- I'm relieved. I mean, I'm so relieved because--
Owen: Stop. Stop. I said I love you so much that it hurts.
Cristina: Okay.
Owen: I said... it hurts... to love you.
Cristina: Just say it.
Owen: I'm not cheating on you with Emily.
Cristina: Okay.
Owen: But I did cheat on you.

­He said he loved her so much it hurts.
He said it hurts to love her.
3.8k · May 2015
Ellie Geneve May 2015
Its hard for them to admit
that their hate
is actually fear
of the light that you emit
3.8k · Feb 2015
Ellie Geneve Feb 2015
Stabilizing sentiments
try to control me,
but little do they know;
this too shall pass
3.4k · Jul 2015
Ellie Geneve Jul 2015
It was a love like no other

until he saw her feet.

That's when he turned and walked away.
She didn't cry, cut, or even ask him to stay
because that's when she knew
*that it wasn't love at all
love vs. lust
3.3k · Dec 2014
Your Butt
Ellie Geneve Dec 2014
Well of course  I love you sweetie
but I  just love  my friends more, that's all

And lets face it
we both know who's gonna kick your sorry ****

when **this relationship ends
read the bold words alone, and the italic words alone.
3.0k · Jan 2015
Book Poem challenge!
Ellie Geneve Jan 2015
Hey everyone,

I'd like to propose a challenge.

Grab a book, any book, and open to page 49.
6th line.
5th word.
Make a poem, and use that word as its title.
Be sure to make sense, and relate the topic to title!

Tag your poems as bookpoemchallenge so I can check them out. I'll be sure to like, comment, add to collection, share the poems which I enjoyed reading.
Best of luck.
Please like and share this so it will trend and more and more people join on this lovely challenge!
3.0k · Sep 2015
The Constant
Ellie Geneve Sep 2015
I told you I love winter,
and you thought that will change
when the cold numbs my feet
but it didn't

I told you I love vacations
and you thought that will change
when long vacations leave me unproductive
but it didn't

I told you I love you
and you thought that will change
when you break my heart
but it didn't

Loving you was like loving winter
a constant in my equation

and although I was never really great at math
I learned how to make a system of two equations

you are not a constant in my life's equation

**but you are a constant in my heart's equation
2.8k · Dec 2015
Ellie Geneve Dec 2015
Yellow is what I am
happy is what I make you feel.

Use me, then throw me
and you'll trip by my peel.

I'm healthy, I'm sweet,
If in a hurry, I take seconds to eat.

All on my own, I'm a dish
but with peanut butter, I'm delic.

I'm good for your brain
I'm good for your heart

*There's a reason why monkeys are smart.
2.6k · Feb 2016
Be Kind
Ellie Geneve Feb 2016
Feeling constantly misunderstood
should awaken you to a high sense of understanding towards others.
2.5k · May 2014
Ellie Geneve May 2014
You've always loved bruises

and now I know why,

you loved them because they were just like you
purple and green
yellow and blue

they hurt,
just like you.
and they remind a person to feel
just like you always reminded me to.
2.2k · Jul 2015
Forgetting to Change
Ellie Geneve Jul 2015
You've always been forgetful

You'd forget to turn the lights off
You'd forget to close the toothpaste
You'd forget your clothes in the drier
You'd forget to charge your phone
You'd forget to feed the fish

So I did all these things for you

You see, I was convinced that showing you was better than telling you
But you never saw it, now did you?

- Sometimes I'd forget to do all these things on purpose,
so I would remember how it felt like to be with you -

I secretly hope that you can't find your clothes
and your fish die
and your electric bill reaches a 100 billion dollars

Just so you could see
that I was good for you

You know what? No.  __

I do secretly hope that your phone dies
and your clothes get lost
and your fish die
and your toothpaste gets dried up

But only so you could learn the importance of what I used to do
to recognize your faults
and to try and improve, not for me
but for you.

... and I'm not talking about the toothpaste here

You can't demonstrate the change you want to see in someone
if they don't even understand the error in their ways

and so,

I don't want to be the person
who struggles to forgive and forget

I want to be the person
who lives with no regret

knowing that us, ending,
was for the best.

and the best
of each of us
I don't want you to miss me as much as I want you to change, for the better. It was wrong of me to do all the things that you were supposed to do, and to overlook your faults. I think it made you feel like you were so complete that you didn't need me in your life. I see that now. I don't want an apology nor a report of progress. I just want you to do what is best for you, to find the best version of yourself, maybe then you'd be capable of a deeper, more soulful connection.
2.2k · May 2014
Ellie Geneve May 2014
Maybe if you wipe the tears
From your eyes
You'll see the beauty of years
unravel and arise.

And maybe,
If you wipe the tears from your eyes
You'll come to realize
Why you never wanted to visualize
The agony that underlies--
2.2k · Aug 2016
Dear Tear
Ellie Geneve Aug 2016
Tear oh tear
please stay near
you are here
when I'm in fear

tear oh tear
please don't move
keep sitting in that groove

tear oh tear
you taste good
like comfort food

tear oh tear
you are my friend
I'll have you till
the very end

tear oh tear
please don't smear
my make up
please oh dear

tear oh tear
thank you for
the future and the before

tear oh tear
water the pillow
under this weeping willow
2.1k · May 2017
Ellie Geneve May 2017
I lit a candle in midday
and watched how quickly
I'd forget about it

When your gaze shifts
and our eyes meet
I feel like a cookie crumble

He told me the palm of my hand
smells like cookie dough;
I was baked for you

I bet if animals could speak,
we wouldn't get along as much

How many times do I need to say
"there are some things better left unsaid"
before you finally understand?
2.1k · Feb 2016
Reality Check
Ellie Geneve Feb 2016
Having a good day doesn't make us happy.
Our Happiness is what makes a day good.
We are *the day
2.1k · Mar 2016
On the Edge of Submission
Ellie Geneve Mar 2016
"To prosper", I whispered to myself
every time I felt
just a little closer to mind absence.
Just a reminder of my reason being.
2.1k · Dec 2016
A Snowflake, I will become
Ellie Geneve Dec 2016
Drop me like a beat
Stomp me underneath your feet
like you're happy and you know it.
Empty yourself from me
Throw me like I'm the rain to your cloud
weighing you down
And I will fall like the fast and heavy rain.
But I will not come down crashing
I will come down splashing.
I will be the soothing mist that covers windows
I will travel with rivers as the wind blows
In winter, like a snowflake, I'll freeze
Children will play with me
And I will take any form I please.
2.0k · Oct 2015
We Are What We Perceive
Ellie Geneve Oct 2015
Only people with potential
find potential in others.
For it takes a lot of potential
to admit in other people's competence.
1.9k · May 2014
Ellie Geneve May 2014
If you ever feel rejected by perfection,
know that perfection isn't even an invention.

Perfection only exists in the eyes of critics,
in the imagination of teenage girls,

in the harsh judgements of your surrounding,
and in the person you someday wish to become.
1.9k · Aug 2014
Those Eyes
Ellie Geneve Aug 2014
Your eyes.
Ooh those eyes!
The gates to my soul
They melt my tough disguise
They reveal my lies
For I cannot lie to those eyes.
Those eyes.
They hypnotise
leave me paralysed
and small in size
Those eyes.
Oh when I look into those eyes
I am instantly stripped from my disguise
And my ego dies.
Ooh those eyes.
They **** me.
1.9k · Dec 2016
Dear Orphan,
Ellie Geneve Dec 2016
I cannot replace your mother's essence
I cannot fill the void
nor deny it's presence.
I cannot expect myself to abolish your desolation
nor can I pretend to comprehend your situation.
All I can do is
pray that you find
the love you lack
within your own disposition.
1.7k · May 2014
Ellie Geneve May 2014

I've filled your hunger once before,

But no
Not any more


Till your heart runs dry
Out of *love

Out of glee

Out of me...
1.7k · May 2014
Ellie Geneve May 2014

A friend I can always count on
Doesn't ask for commitment,
Yet I'm committed

Oh my delightful treat!
My hunger you delete
to you no one can compare
people come and go but you're always there

because of you my pain is eased
all my craving's deceased

Forget those foolish humans
Together we rule!

And yes! because of you,
Weight I will gain
But never will I hide with disdain.


The only thing you bring more than joy,
Is all the sadness you destroy.
1.6k · Jul 2014
Ellie Geneve Jul 2014
she said,
                                 before she
Notice the "right" and "left" are to the right and to the left.
1.6k · Feb 2017
Dancing on Clouds
Ellie Geneve Feb 2017
And you stroked my hair,
rested your head on my shoulder
and said:
"you make me feel
like I'm dancing on clouds,
and somehow,
I'm not falling.
But I'm afraid to,
God am I afraid to."
1.5k · Jul 2017
Ellie Geneve Jul 2017
in love,
I was never
afraid of falling

I was only afraid
of the moment
when my body
hits the ground
inspired by Rudy Francisco
1.5k · Oct 2014
Forgetful Bliss
Ellie Geneve Oct 2014
Close your eyes

Breathe in

This isn't the worst you've been in

Breathe out

Stop wandering about

Let go

I know

It's hard

God chooses the best

forget the rest
forget, and rest
1.5k · Apr 2015
The Friend Zone
Ellie Geneve Apr 2015
Hey you, poor little fella
trapped in the "friend zone"

I'll tell you something I bet you didn't know
Don't think for a second that she's clueless about your hidden love for her

she knows
girls always know

they're just good at not letting it show
And don't take it as an offense

the only reason she locked you in the zone
is because deep down she knows that boyfriends come and go

And she wants you to *stay
1.4k · Mar 2016
Neglected Soul
Ellie Geneve Mar 2016
I'm a girl who needs warmth
but still chooses to wear short sleeves on a snowy day
1.4k · Jan 2016
Keen Wind
Ellie Geneve Jan 2016
There was something...
in the way the curtains moved
behind the closed window

like the glass
could not bear the wind
it just had to
let it in
1.4k · Nov 2014
I Am Stupid
Ellie Geneve Nov 2014
A year ago, I was stupid.
I remember the butterflies I used to feel in my tummy when you texted.
Oh what a fool I was.
Trying to fit in a world where I did not belong in.

Today, I am stupid.
Because next year,
I would probably look back on a mistake I am currently involved in.
Oh well, maybe one day I'll run out of mistakes,
or I might just start calling them lessons.

Until then, I am stupid.
1.4k · Sep 2015
Ellie Geneve Sep 2015
What they call you, when you refuse to conform to society.
be rebellious
1.4k · Oct 2014
A Prayer
Ellie Geneve Oct 2014
Oh God,  
Cleanse our souls the same way you cleanse an entire nation
simply by the miraculous causes of evaporation.
Rain <3
1.4k · Aug 2014
Shallow Reflection
Ellie Geneve Aug 2014
Yes, your beauty is beyond compare
Your face ,without a doubt, is a work of art.
But all means nothing.....
If you have an ugly
Maybe if you eat make up, you'll be beautiful on the inside. Or maybe you'll get sick and die lol
1.4k · Jun 2016
You're the Feet to my Socks
Ellie Geneve Jun 2016
I'll be an empty canvas
as long as you're the paint
adding color to my madness.

I'll be the midnight sky
as long as you're the fireworks
and it's the fourth of July.

I'll be an empty stomach
as long as you're the butterflies.
I'll be the void
If you'll be the cries.
The ketchup to your fries.

Can't you see?
You fill me up so perfectly.
Like you were made for me
like you and I were meant to be.

You are...

The feet to my socks
The juice to my box
The tic tok to my broken clocks

You are...

My reason being.
1.4k · Oct 2014
Digital Insanity
Ellie Geneve Oct 2014
Call me crazy
but I imagine
a world where we smile when we have low battery
because that will mean
we'll be one bar closer
to **humanity
once said by a wise man.
1.3k · May 2014
Power of the Tongue.
Ellie Geneve May 2014
Guns, Rifles, Bombs, and Knives
Have taken away countless lives,

but all those mighty weapons cannot compete
with the one weapon, the true hurtful defeat.


Sharper than any knife.
So hurtful, that they may cause one to intentionally end their life

Because the worst kind of death is not that within the grave,
the worst kind of death is dying while still being alive

When you pray during every suicide attempt that you wont survive.

That, is when you know that you are already dead.

And that....

is the worst kind of death.
1.3k · Sep 2014
God Is Greater
Ellie Geneve Sep 2014
Your presence lays within the smell of rain
all its transparent beauty.
God is closer to you than your jugular vein
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