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Sep 2018 · 4.3k
Druzzayne Rika Sep 2018
Hard winds
keeps on coming
hitting on my face.

Sun shines
all the same time
blinding my eyes.

Waves coming
very much so inviting
becoming my only solace.
Aug 2018 · 3.5k
Life boat
Druzzayne Rika Aug 2018
What day it is
what place is this
Answer is there
I can see
but cannot see
the book is open

the seamless
more I know less
up to the point
I know what I want
till nothing to
wait for
the sour feeling
keeps coming

driving slow
not missing sun's glow
it is bright
like always
beating on its own
the little heart
from its start

many branches
of the root
all stretches
to find a better place
participating in
every race

further apart
from where I had started
no closer to the end
it is no better than
if I just stop

it is not money
not for this journey
all I do
is do it more
candle is melting
all the wax
how can I reform

The structure
all that matters
is that it stands
no fall, no toll
it is not as simple
to make the life boat sail
Aug 2018 · 445
Seeping in
Druzzayne Rika Aug 2018
on dawn


another one

each beat
no winning
Aug 2018 · 5.1k
Lost again
Druzzayne Rika Aug 2018
Can't it just
not this harsh
not mush, but
not this hard
why this rush
can't it must
stop the gush
like but not
when it rusts
no more trust
ends to gust
it just got
lost again, tough.
Jul 2018 · 4.8k
New Material
Druzzayne Rika Jul 2018
Colours mixing with each other
there is a new colour born
a new shade
taking the new shape
blinding the landscape

spiralling out of control
not in hold
spilling its content
without intent
ripping over
and under
emptying till it disappears
it is gone now.
Jul 2018 · 300
Mind Prison
Druzzayne Rika Jul 2018
Still inside the prison
which doesn't exist
stuck in this place
which has no exit.

confined to me
no one is visiting me
there is no skies above
no different scenery.

I look for ways to escape
but I keep getting myself
more entangled
my sentence is getting larger.
Jun 2018 · 847
not you
Druzzayne Rika Jun 2018
I breathe every second to stay alive
fill my lungs with air
not you.
Jun 2018 · 236
Raising no different
Druzzayne Rika Jun 2018
If we raise all the boys right,
we won't need to raise the girls any different.
May 2018 · 9.3k
too late
Druzzayne Rika May 2018
Is it too late for it not to be too late now?
May 2018 · 582
D i s t a n c e
Druzzayne Rika May 2018
When people are talking
conflicts are erupting
even when everyone appear calm
some feelings are harmed

Using the most cutting weapon
we do not know how to control
The tongue has the most victims
no one considers at all

careless whispers
and the screaming match
hurting all those who matter
deeper than mere scratches

Resentment stays
as the words replays
and the distance grows
even if it does not show.
May 2018 · 986
Different Perspective
Druzzayne Rika May 2018
If you end up becoming a hero;  
You are automatically a villain.
May 2018 · 1.8k
Dream Boy
Druzzayne Rika May 2018
He thought he found his dream girl
but he is actually living in her dream.
May 2018 · 5.2k
White and Black
Druzzayne Rika May 2018
White was it in the end
no colour, no
the pale skin
an uneasy peace
frightened with shadows
what in the end it came as white
a stream of light
in the night.

Changed what could not be
disturbed yet still
alive to see the shine
the sun, this morning
cheerful to come with all the might
the end of darkness
but then the life left.

White moon flowers in the garden
wilted after fighting the night
all remains was
the feeling of the defeat
prominent after the victory
all the black dressed gathered
speaking kind words
of how she won the night
and died despite.
May 2018 · 4.6k
Druzzayne Rika May 2018
Her eyes filled with love
her hand filled with magic
she knows everything
and would do anything for me
letting her dreams go
to make my dreams come true
and will rescue me
from the sea of problems
There's nothing she cannot do
She's my superhero.
May 2018 · 16.6k
Druzzayne Rika May 2018
meaningless things are more meaningful in life.
and some meaningful things don't hold much meaning for you.
May 2018 · 11.3k
I see red
Druzzayne Rika May 2018
Cherries and poppies
raspberries and strawberries
and fallen red leaves,
a burning memory.
May 2018 · 8.4k
sweet dream
Druzzayne Rika May 2018
Dreams end
when eyes open
to watch streams of light
coming through the window
               and the heat is only starting.

through the midday
we forget what dream it was
that kept the smile in deep sleep
the rising temperature gets to head
             and we realise we are too hopeful.

Simply by night
exhausted our thoughts
fighting sleep to have nutrition
to get back on the bed, have a sweet dream
            wishing not to wake up, dream to no end.
Druzzayne Rika May 2018
sweet words,
they all disrupt
what facade,
just for show
kind reminders,
not kind at all
it is bitter,
so am I.

sweetened the truth
it is just half lies
and hidden facts.

not trusting
even the ones
who have perfect alibi
never doubting their bad intentions
whatever that could be
it is the smiles
the one most doubted feature
innocent evilness comes through.

Fall now
in the traps
or later
the bruises will
make their presence known
give me the worse pain
when on ground.
May 2018 · 2.3k
National News
Druzzayne Rika May 2018
The chances are never perfect
I am disappointed
because the world has never stood up to
what is ideal
what is right is hidden behind the veil
Innocents are tested each time
and the fight goes on.

Bending the rule,
using people as tool
dead and alive
making every fool
and the normalcy
spreading this sickness
over what is going on
so wrong.

Moving on
getting over it
forgetting every little bit,
we stick to our lives
protecting us
what possibly how
we can also be duped
and save ourselves
from becoming the national news.
May 2018 · 10.9k
Druzzayne Rika May 2018
No one is willing to listen
and so I write
Apr 2018 · 485
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2018
As the mercury rises,
I fall down.
Apr 2018 · 586
Deal with it.
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2018
I deal with the nervous excitement differently,
                           I freak out completely.
Apr 2018 · 485
Let Life live
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2018
We do not own the earth
     no one does
          it gives shelter to many lives
              lets the mother nature rule the way.

The consequence of humans breaking the rule
countless times
the balance is disrupted
It is killing the earth slowly
affecting flora and fauna.

Humans may try to find another planet to disrupt
try to pollute other spaces with their selfishness
Taking advantage of Earth's kindness,
leaving behind the unrecyclable waste
The disaster is set to come
And the destruction will be worse.

Save the Earth now
let the life grow.
Apr 2018 · 623
living death
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2018
Death comes alive                                
               when someone is going to die      
to take them away from life.
Apr 2018 · 447
Emotion of the day
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2018
The constant emotion
  sticking through the day
is raw disappointment.
Apr 2018 · 408
daily battles
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2018
I am not on war
but am constantly
Apr 2018 · 6.6k
Finally something good
Apr 2018 · 535
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2018
What is it about food
that I am eating life
killing their existence
and feel nothing.
Apr 2018 · 414
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2018
Your intentions spark in your eyes,
I'm smiling listening to your lies.
Apr 2018 · 368
partial truth
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2018
What a human knows
is just half the truth.
Apr 2018 · 381
incorrect notion
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2018
Nobody is correct in the end,
is always proved to be correct.
Apr 2018 · 395
All Alone
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2018
With or Without them,
I am alone.
Apr 2018 · 7.6k
in the web
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2018
I'm all over the internet,
but you won't see me.
Apr 2018 · 414
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2018
Where am I going to stay, if I go away.
Apr 2018 · 417
about everything
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2018
I'll say much about everything
except what I really want to say.
Apr 2018 · 561
Bigger Picture
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2018
flames and ice
the river flows
still picture
highlighted features
all the arrangement
all on its places
but in the end
rich stains
is all that remains
ruining the perfection
Apr 2018 · 545
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2018
Inside the cages
The freedom
is the heaven

In the chains
any change
is welcome

The outside prison
is calling out to you
the invisible chains
binding everyone on earth
who go up, are falling down
it is just like what is in this home

Still the ravens are up
true to their wing
and we are in a place
to go nowhere

Yearning to feel
to breathe the fresh air
get an experience
to be unbound
get the heartbeats
to beat back to the music

The time when all
the shackles are broken
The time spins
and we have nowhere to go
but we run
towards the sun
But we can't fly
Apr 2018 · 408
this person
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2018
Only the human can become inhuman,
every day you meet this person.
Apr 2018 · 288
True monsters
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2018
Do our true selves come out
     when we are angry and screaming so loud,
we look no different than a monster
      to everyone walking by?
Are we really this ugly in reality?
Apr 2018 · 392
Follow my journey
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2018
When will my soul take the call
do what I don't
do how I feel
for those few powerful seconds.

tempted to it
really want it
simply difficult
to follow through
enough, enough.

so slow
the heart beats,
so slow
my mind works.
There is risk,
I know.
I am so,
so hopeless.
Follow my journey
to get bored.
Mar 2018 · 234
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2018
Going through the phone
in everyone's home
checking what they're doing
because I have nothing to do.
Mar 2018 · 101
the end of lies
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2018
Coming soon
the remaining truth
its knocking doors
Spot them
They're right in front
Mar 2018 · 646
Daily state
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2018
The compassion I keep
is lost
when I find the need,
it is so low
during the day
that it crawls back in the night
all at once,
feeling ruthless in my mess state
of what I felt
the whole day.

My heart is so cold
in the warm sun.
I flip internally
as the moon comes by.
to every device,
my tiny heart increases in size.
Feelings swarm around,
I feel them all
and by the morning,
I am empty
Mar 2018 · 560
serene isolation
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2018
alone, bringing my story two steps ahead
not bothered with what others have to say
moving away from things I like and dislike
not thinking anymore about wrong and right
becoming at once distant
knowing nothing will remain constant
not for a longer stretch

Staying away from all the noise
trying to hear my inner voice
tapping into my inner conscience
listening to the beats and melodies
of a huge universe without us

There is a place still somewhere
where no one cares
a peaceful shaded shed
where no thoughts take over
the fake happiness soon comes clear
and so do the inane sadness
they do not matter, much.

The equal forces
tied at the both ends of our soul
untying all the strings
breathing the beats of bliss
the end of the life as we cease to be
from what we had to be
Mar 2018 · 277
Just for show
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2018
Just for show
it was just it,
nothing more.
clear skies,
while clouded eyes
and more spoken lies.

Just for show
yet again,
blame on me
what am I to be?
I cannot be free,
I still care.

Just for show
lets pretend
cry inside,
smile outside,
picture perfect
with no defect.

Just a little more left to show
and then I will go
Mar 2018 · 146
I'll wait
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2018
Till it becomes too late  
                           I'll wait....
Mar 2018 · 452
Fair World
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2018
the restless peace cries inside
calm but there is pain
who cares what is underneath
she is sipping on her tea
picture of normalcy
there is hidden trauma
it was missing the usual sugar
tasting the bitter
as her vision of the truth
her morning of clearing dust
touching the rust
and all what was hidden
beneath the carpet
came clear.
The false sense of security
vanished away
foolish to the fault
good awakening
to welcome the new resident misery
for expecting a good fantasy
in this fair world.
Mar 2018 · 358
Unreal beauty
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2018
the sound of chimes
early in the morning
with the bird's music
a magic of its own
in a trance,
the green scene
quite a vision
with clear skies
nothing could destroy

true beauty
of this time of sunrise.

but as the day proceeds
cars and humans
bring along the chaos

the glum atmosphere
gloomy weather
lost is the cheer
and the nature
which shined through early

there is what is left of
something that was
   rather too unreal
Feb 2018 · 526
Celebrate it together
Druzzayne Rika Feb 2018
We can travel far away
in our own world
leave all the baggages away
just you and me

Leave the past behind
we'll move forward
nothing to look behind
you'll be the only shining

From the heights and down
through the dusk and dawn
while we'll be laying down
we'll feel right at home

Feel the delight, the heart
all that to divide
mending the broken heart
without the missing parts

Those memories with them
the beautifully ugly ones
time will forget them
but heart remains adamant

Despite me and you knew
but we'll pretend
all the same old and new
celebrate our solitude together.
Feb 2018 · 3.5k
Counting Blessings
Druzzayne Rika Feb 2018
many days I feel it isn't worth it
it is better I end it
I just do not fit

Small disappointments
unfilled expectations
make my daily lessons
I am no longer surprised

gifted with so many unused liberties
armed with many facilities
having all basic amenities
why still unsatisfied?

my thirst for what?

but compare it to so many of them
where do my problems stand
should my opinions even matter

God still has to hear my many complaints
every other day
No wonder he doesn't listen,
I wouldn't too.

Blessed with so much
wasted it all
on being this bitter self I hate
my present state draws the ugly future
and the only cure
is to feel gratitude
on the things I still have
on my conscience who still cares
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