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248 · May 2020
Night Of The Dog
Max Neumann May 2020
faithful eyes are restlessly observing the luminous night
an angeldog is sitting on the debris of a former court house
its silky fur is glowing while it is singing a song of the ancient
long mother tongues are licking up all of the words, greedily

the dog's night is a creature and it is alive, serious and cheerful
nobody will be able to spot it with the glimpse of humans
dogs can easily scent its traces, like foul fruits, grasping
animals can not talk but they sense way more than any human

science, arts, music are simply distractions from our inabilities
we have to assure us daily that we have a selective soul
that we observe and recognize the existing to recreate it
goosebumps are a replacement for our lack of scent

poems come, artists go, dogs are better off in silence
a dog's barking is nothing else but a distraction for us
we think we control pets, they know us better than we do
the dog's night is dark by now, asleep with one eye opened
Today is a good day.
Max Neumann Jan 2020
we "know" about newborns that they are not able to express any emotions except crying


look into a newborn's face for at least half an hour

recognize a very deepness in its glance: a pool of emotions

discover the souls of ancient beings

see them swimming through the newborn's eyes

find ****** expressions of ancestors in the cheeks of the newborn

feel creatures who were once alive..
YouTube: "Marius Müller-Westernhagen wieder hier"

("Wieder hier" is German and in this song it means "back home".)

This poem here is about the returns of souls after death. I wrote it yesterday. And today, "Wieder hier" was playing on the radio.

This tells me that there is a fate. And God.

Sure: People might call my connection drawn between this English poem and a German pop song "random" or even "superstitious".

Fine, I appreciate such ideas. Let me just ask you: Is "superstition" a word and is it part of the English language?

OK. And have people been creating languages?

If so, who created the creators of language?

"Chemistry" might be the most appropriate explanation. I do agree on that.

Just one question left: Who created chemistry?

Today is a good day.
Max Neumann Dec 2019
pure so
pure purely pure

heavily addicted couldn't
stop even for an hour or
so i became a lie living a life
of lies;

me the lie gave birth to following
lies which caused a clash:
i against i

soon the addict within me wanted to
die he longed for the excellent

made me jump on the outer window-sill fourth
floor toying with ideas
enjoying ideas

didn't wanna live anymore
longin' for the excellent

yet here i am

i will remain
i will be remaining
i will have remained surviving each form of
the excellent death

cause you know what???
******* death!
god already planned everything.

it's logical and more than anything else it's

i see you god daily in my children's
and every day we look at each other for a

you're my reason to smile you're the reason to
laugh although i could

Today is a good day.

have never looked for god. he's always been part of me.
245 · May 2020
Picture Of The Soul
Max Neumann May 2020
writers can have a writer's block
they may end up as a skeleton
sitting at a desktop, holding a pen
take a picture of the soul, survive

looking at it kills every distraction
listen to the indecisive winds; they float
in each nutshell is another nutshell, right?
a letter will cause more letters, won't it?

the picture of the soul: take it
walk through the ruins of the night
watch stars rolling over heavens
don't think about your inner, don't think

the horizon of fear swallows poems
poems that have never existed
the horizon of fear is a writer in disguise
poets will never be able to spot this creature

sometimes, we want to write a lot
sometimes, we want to write less
take a picture of the soul and go on
come on: take this picture, my friend

the ruins of the night are made of letters
skinny letters will grow into heavy words
words become verses and they transform
come on: take this picture, my friend

a picture of the soul kills all the ghosts
write about it and let go, heaven and hell yeah!
vampires and writers adore the ruins of the night
a blank desk, now covered with words and muse

this poem doesn't have an end but a final
i am sending you these letters, here they are
chaos quietly rages in rivers of newness
take a picture of the soul, take these letters, friend
Tonight is a good night.

Inspired to write this poem by:
242 · Feb 2020
The Hidden Man
Max Neumann Feb 2020
there's a hidden man
he a fan of mirrors
his first name be terror

see this hidden man be
like writer's block and white paper
like planes in skyscrapers

there's a hidden man
skin made of cobweb: an-other
no friend sis or brother

there's a hidden man
wenn er dich packt: renn!
there is a hidden man

he a cheerleader who
became the grim reaper
242 · Dec 2019
Max Neumann Dec 2019
are built by

human beings
Repost this poem to spread the word.
Thank you.

God appreciates, accepts and loves ALL human beings.
237 · Jul 2021
The Movement
Max Neumann Jul 2021
mighty children of wondaland:

blessed be metropolis, blessed be you
we are witnessing a day of change
sunrays shine on addicts and pushers
dawn dissolves into dust and trance

the streets are flooded by disciples
in packs, they are chasing rainbows
moon man, thco, fabienne male dog
ghosts of the past glow in their eyes

none of 'em will you find, they find you
mob of shadow faces, untraceable
the scent of humans betrays them
round corners, pink hoes, fat **** frank

just call da man who knows his uncle
relate to tizz, all best to his family
but don't watch him carefully, kin
isn't always what ya expect, tho'

i burned holes in my skin to taste god
meanwhile, rotten kids killed rich kids
the income gap matters, my old friend
may the esteemed reader decide at night

24/7 trance and insomnia, you feel me?
regardless of your background & race
regardless of your ****** identity & age
the movement is booming and global
Max Neumann Dec 2019
between mind and soul
there is a strength-giving rock.
that rock protects all of us...


Xavier Naidoo - Der Fels
// Allein Mit Flügel -
Live aus dem Mannheimer Schloss
"Alles, was ich sagen will, ist: Ich glaub' an dich".

"I just want to say that I believe in you".
237 · Dec 2019
In a Dark Basement
Max Neumann Dec 2019
there is a cage
inside this cage
there is a man
inside this man
there is his soul
inside his soul

ghosts are debatting
about the pros and cons
of darkness and light
under olivegreen water; under a lightblue sun
you can see and hear and smell and taste
a ghostly girl


"A change of speed, a change of style.
A change of scene, with no regrets,
A chance to watch, admire the distance,
Still occupied, though you forget."

YouTube: "Joy Division New Dawn Fades"
236 · May 2020
The Animal Rights Activists
Max Neumann May 2020
some birds recently died of a smog overdose
this is not a big deal but activists are raging
last night they destroyed the lion's cage in the zoo
the lions ate all of them but they died with a certainty:

"we stood against the psychological torture of animals"
when the activists took their last breath, fulfilled
as their arms and legs were bitten off, they sobbed,
deeply concerned if the lions could digest human flesh

unselfish souls, good-hearted people; their families miss them
now they are waiting in front of netherworld's entrance
memories are rolling over their retinals, they are scared
fear is flickering, the activists are looking at gigantic doors

did they really do the right thing? dying as early?
when things have become unchangeable, doubt is arising
doubting is one of the cruelest acts of thinking and feeling
doubting leads to an idealization of the self; mirror-addiction

to kiss a shark is dangerous but some doubts will **** you
we may think that we control them – they dominate us
the mobiles of the activists are switched off
relatives and partners are trying to reach them

zoo visitors hear a ringtone coming from the lions
later on, the zookeeper finds an iphone in their feces
but the activists are fine, they died for a purpose
their funerals will be events of glorification

nobody will speak badly about them; nobody will criticize anything
they left babies, toddlers, wives, husbands and relatives behind
but they died for a purpose; they really did and that's what counts
it's over: stars are vomiting, the cemetery god is reading epitaphs
Today is a good day.
234 · Aug 2020
Max Neumann Aug 2020
memories, when i was eight years old
neighbourhood filled with rich people
except us, parking lots packed with lambos
on tv, they showed rambo, my fatherfigure

cause i ain't never had one, he abandoned
the family early and found himself a new one
never did he show remorse, faith was a strange word
and when i visited my father, i felt strange there

like this strange word, believe me friend, i did fight
banging innerly, bloodpressure 180, kids gangs and spray cans
until i caught a psychosis, without even realizing
songs of my shadows, and i grew myself a plumage, like birds

when i flew out of the window, and didn't notice the danger
third floor, big shock, well ---
but not one broken bone, yeah: tizzop's angel had spoken;
and i fell in love with a girl, summer holiday *** and some ****

soon, i was looking for god, and prayed without hands, in my head,
in my dreams and the soul, i was spraying on walls, didn't know boundaries
so the cuffs were clicking, so my luck had to line up

and i scratched lyrics into the walls of this dump they call joint
finally became a tree with branches, wrote new raps every night
working out like crazy, punched my hands into walls
just like oldboy, then i became steel, endlessly tough

as my lucky number, this eight
tizzops became more popular, but never an other
For My Frippin' Memories
232 · Jan 2020
Max Neumann Jan 2020
don't care about jealousy
don't care about envy
don't scare if they attack you
don't attack others without a reason

listen to your inner voice
listen to your needs:
follow your longing
(don't) think about gender
sweetie / my man:

get what you need

that's the true spirit of a fighter:

to accept yourself
to fulfill your wants
THEY are going to help every addict:

God loves every-body. This higher power is there for all of us. Not against us.

Today is a good day.
232 · Nov 2019
Max Neumann Nov 2019
do you know toni?
he a serb

do you know serbs?
you don't have to

do you wanna be
somebody else?
youtube: "kommenzi kuckenzi"
232 · May 2020
Stages Of A Dream
Max Neumann May 2020
mirrors are used to tell you the truth within dreams
their memory goes further back than a day's length
you, the human, are dreaming of eden, an undiscovered maze
the night restlessly sells off her estranged gaze

shadows are flowing through your spinning mind
you see a child, contemplatively engaged in a game
not willing to follow any caring orders; you are glowing
as you are trying to hide yourself under a blanket of knowing

future has decayed, you have to blink, you have to smile
a century's crippled hands are grabbing at your truncated tongue
not even words, terms, speech and language remain
while rain is dripping from leaves, leaving its stain

asleep, you taste the bitter broth of your dream
the gods of the woods are coming for you, in amusement
the dog of voices is barking at his shadow; you are burping
while you hear the muzzle of your dream delightfully slurping
Today is a good day.
229 · Feb 2020
Max Neumann Feb 2020
you're spotting me
in a bubble made of

poke me to love you
Today is a good day.
224 · Dec 2019
Max Neumann Dec 2019
i just wrote a letter to a good-hearted man.

it is night where i am right now.
while writing, i heard my father's steps.

he slowly approached me; mistrust in
his face.

he thought i would have done something
bad. i had not done so.

five minutes i spoke to him; i needed him to
believe me since i will travel to another city
later today.

i do not want to say "farewell" in disharmony.

yet, i am not disappointed or angry.
everyone acts weakly from time to time.
i forgive my father.

before going to bed i will talk to somebody

somebody who is everywhere and always with me.

nothing to add.
218 · Feb 2020
Existence III
Max Neumann Feb 2020
being (you eat you buy you die)

eating seconds 1 2 3 4 5
swallowing minutes 57 58 59 60
gobbling hours 9 10 11 12
drinking days monday to friday
fighting months for all four seasons
killing years: five decades

being (you eat you buy you die)
Today is a good day.
218 · Feb 2020
The Language Fiend
Max Neumann Feb 2020
come on
hand me a poem will ya

or at least a stanza i
be willing to do everything

what? then gimme a
verse i'm sweating like

not even a verse? cmon!

a word baby!
please just one ****** word

or i mean frankly ahem argh
gimme letters

at least one single meaningful
Invitation to a fiendship.

YouTube: Feinkost Paranoia So oder So
217 · May 3
Mental Fission
Max Neumann May 3
I hate your giggle
It's made of love
That's why I despise you
You don't belong to me

I love your giggle
It turns me on
That's why I desire you
You are mine

I hate and I love your giggle
It turns me on and disgusts me
I'm spitting at you out of longing
You belong to me: Back off!
Mental Fission
215 · Dec 2019
Max Neumann Dec 2019
did you really believe
that time would stop?

did you really believe
we could get away with

did you really believe that
mom couldn't express the
word "sin"?

did you really believe that?

we were invisible
we were invincible

we were dreamers
we were sinners
we were brothers
who had forgotten
how to write
their own names

do you really believe
that our past would
forget about us?

you can forget our past
our past won't forget about us

do you believe in
anything my brother
my sister?
Psalm 119:11
I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.
215 · Dec 2019
Log In
Max Neumann Dec 2019
log me in
i need... be logged in
for everybody who logs in
214 · Dec 2019
A Dog's Poem
Max Neumann Dec 2019
wfff grr

wf wf wf wf
wau grrrr wooph
gr grr grrr wau

you grrr me?
214 · Aug 2023
The Scarf
Max Neumann Aug 2023
Within the gap it's whistling
The whistling wanders through me
Sing to me the song of love
It comes and goes and comes

How silvery your lips are twinkling
A name stands on them
I forgot it long ago
Looking for you

I'm not trying anymore
Tie a scarf over your eyes
Follow! Follow me blindly
Because I became a shepherd

In the valley of memories
Between soil and rainbows
There I could remove the scarf
Vanish in the covert with you

Is this day gonna come?
It passed and you know that
Lies consist of dust
Grab the scarf
The Scarf
212 · May 2020
The End Of The Dream
Max Neumann May 2020
in your first life, you are a human, and express yourself
in your second life, you are a dog, only able to bark
in your third life, you are a tree, existing in silence
the nirvana will be your salvation: god-approved nothingness

humans can not imagine such a state, we only imagine the netherworld:
heaven and hell are places of gates, fire, lights, gardens and trees
so, does the afterlife take place on earth? what is the case?
do the dead, invisibly, populate the earth like in "the sixth sense"?

a famous playwright once stated that the dead dwell behind curtains
but they don't do so, in reality, they flow through our souls
like rivers through a channel, our souls are tools for ancestors
we do not feel them but they sense us strongly, they scent us

souls governed all human acts that were ever commited
souls govern all human acts that are being commited right now
souls govern all human acts that will be commited
a soul's texture is invisible, yet it weighs precisely 21 grams

everything i wrote about the afterlife and the soul may be wrong
i am as human as you, reflecting and presuming; my hands are tied
i would like to be a tv-preacher but i am not addicted to the dollar
god-channels are flodded by donation banners; humans buy certainty

this certainty, though, only lasts until our final breath: then we will know
then we will really know but we can't tell anyone; and that's our torture
i appreciate life but there are things we will never figure out while living
ludicrous uncertainty is drifting through my mind: the end of the dream
Today is a good day.
211 · Jun 2020
The Ocean Inside
Max Neumann Jun 2020
The Ocean Inside


a place made of cosmic dust and water is
inside of me, birthplace of poetry
red voices are echoing through the ocean
in order to create words of vignettes
the lines are floating above the water's surface


how can they escape from the dullness
of my mind? my thoughts are not a poem yet
i have to lure them with music, with adagios
the strings are playing and they are dancing
green layers of feelings transcend me


my hand is not writing on the keyboard
the keyboard is writing on my hands
i can not dictate my muse, she is shy
she only comes out when i rest


the muse wakes me up and overtakes
rivers of oblivion, streams of consciousness
no thinking about the reader or the trophy


a place made of muses and flow is
inside of me, birthplace of poems
pink voices are echoing through the vignette
in order to create words of a special form
the verses are drifting through clear water
Today is a good day.
210 · Feb 2020
Max Neumann Feb 2020
i don't know it's a show
i'm a **** and a macho
most liquid form of a nacho

and if you don't read that poem
it blackstreetly remains poem
no articles necessary
look: my curses vary ms. berry

ain't no curses necessary
but my necessities vary:
peeing loving being feeling
i'm a breed of dog and buddy
when you see me on the street; ermh

i can't beat the street it's nothing

indifference is requirement
i get never tired man
writing these poems:
20 a day
140 a week

come over stay and read
i just stopped to feed
writer's block
but it's cool dial

this stuff ain't fun
cause it's just a pun
this stuff ain't a pun
it's like purple in a raindrop

my first name is mainshock
last name will be morlock

have a good one baby
say hello to tizzop
208 · Sep 2023
The Quest
Max Neumann Sep 2023
Look for me in the siren
Cause I was, I am, I stay
Look for me in the mazes
Where I use to write and sleep

You will never find me
I swear to you in a burning oath
Cause I always walk behind you
Grey jacket and murky glimpse

Look for me in the great storm
Between the shreds of screams
Look for me in the debris
I will be a shadow

You will never find me
Cause I watch you walking
A dad watching his little child
You will never find me
The Quest
208 · Sep 2020
The Silver Olive Tree
Max Neumann Sep 2020
the spaciousness of iceblue daylight
you're praying under a frozen olive tree
doubts overpower you: are you good enough?
proving, you scarify your skin with a shard

bourdeaux-red blood mirrors moon fields
the cold drink was frothing like sea spray
you're licking your lips, the sanatorium
snowwhite building, melting windows

if you should go there after prayer
not a question, you're walking right and left
the cold drinks were frothing, you remember?
you forgot it and you remember everything

the silver olive tree includes words
all whispered sticks to it, like dust
if you listen to that tree, you'll hear
hidden is its place among black rocks
204 · Oct 2020
Problems & Love
Max Neumann Oct 2020
no love without problems
no problems without love
our truth sets us free
our truth encourages us

land of shattered memories
listen to the stories of the old ones
accounts of experience and wisdom
after that, we can leave for good

i don't know if you feel me
i hope that you feel me
our journey has just begun
trust is encoded in you and me

digits and letters of warm blood
warm skin, warm tongues
glowin' souls, shinin' eyes
earlier, i was sure of everything

you know, certain of it all, fo' sure
dreams, fear and people taught me:
the very only protection is god, you know?
the lord is our savior in the cold light of day

in the warm light of the night, oh yeah
our bodies become the same, oh yeah
scent of greed, let's take a breath, let's leave
let's go babe, into the warm light of the night
For Milly.
203 · Dec 2019
The Waters Of Oblivion
Max Neumann Dec 2019
long ago
the dead would drink
from a certain river to forget
their mortal lives

shades and silent voices
populated blank shores
as the dead patiently
waited to forget

their memories vanished into
thin air
yellow heavens
sparkling bits of color
would lighten up
the dark lights of day

shadows scurried from place
to placelessness
voices sighed and you couldn't
tell if it was the sound of last breaths
R.I.P. Gökhan Tatchouop
R.I.P. May Ayim
R.I.P. Ama

God bless your everlasting dreams.
202 · Jul 28
The Fire and the Cloth
Max Neumann Jul 28
A cat was raging in the fire
Spitting blaze
Turkish hatred

Someone hid a cloth
By the Tigris
Ahead of the goat farmers

Two parallel events
Burnt by oblivion
The Fire and the Cloth
201 · May 2020
The Absent Father
Max Neumann May 2020
i just have to deal with something
i just have to deal with something
my father would tell me as a child
then he was gone for hours

like sun in the night he had vanished
he used to go away every evening
while years were melting
and he always did the same:

my father would play the piano
my father would play the guitar
my father would sing and drink
my father would meet a woman

years were melting and i grew up
an hour here, two hours there
peng, now you're eighteen
a delinquent without a role-model

zoom, how fast time had passed by
rivers of oblivion in my father's eyes
he looked at me like looking into a mirror
he talked to me and only talked about himself

my father never really raised me
i am a lion you know, i have to be strong
feel me or not; go away or stay; be hetero or gay
nothing of it matters: i am my own daddy

fatherhood is a matter of interpretation
each father is flawless and full of flaws
my father was absent and never tried to stay
now i am a father, struggling with my demons
Today is a good day.
200 · May 2020
Love & Pleasure
Max Neumann May 2020
your heart is banging
against your chest
the end of your quest...

you've found the best
Today is a good day.
Max Neumann Mar 2020

a cute and blackhaired
boy gentleman homeboy
buddy companion dude and son

his name is nicholas
"victory of the people" meaning:
precisely this


my daughter's glowing eyes
full of heavens and oceans
yet trees, apples and snakes

"eden" is her name:
name of a divine place
land of sins and land of all of us

is there anything else to say?
they are my my kids and i love them
is there anything else to say?
they are my my kids and i love them

between three oceans silver rocks
and the desert is our place
land of loopholes in a box made of clay

finding our faces in neon-green shores
it's all icy and open for fire
wide fields illuminating twinkling

faces of future shining bright
in a loop black and white
in eden's iris of multicolor

in rainbows of our laughter
our lifes, forever us guys
in a loop black and white

is there anything else to say?
you are my my kids and i love you
is there anything else to say?
you are my my kids and i love you

between three oceans silver rocks
and the desert is our place
land of the multicolored iris
land of the people's victory
Today is a good day.
199 · Feb 2020
Self Acceptance
Max Neumann Feb 2020
if i accept myself it won't be dangerous
for others to like me
Today is a good day.
Max Neumann Jan 2021
in the land of golem, shades reign
identities spread all over the ground
they consist of ice-covered letters
names, written in the font of memories

in the land of golem, glimmering reigns
names spread all over the ground
sparkling fireflies hover over words
written in the font of forgiveness

golemland consists of shadows
golemland is a place of lights
guarded by a ward who is on high alert
his name is golem, a wise, weary creature

golem owns a diary with a bluewhite binder
each era is a time of reflection for him
golem walks up a steep mountain track
precisely at 8 o'clock, it's the year 1945

the mountaintop lined with shades, lights
they are transcending into each other
golem takes breath, 76 years passed by
since he started from the bottom

golem is sitting down among creation
it's the moment of a long awaited return
glimmering turns into a glare, relaxation
shades become shadows, tension

golem is looking at a blackwhite sky
his attachments whirring in the clouds
the sounds of the sea blowing upwards
golem closes his eyes, awaiting to die

then, golem is falling asleep and rests
196 · Mar 2020
Poetry On Your Skin
Max Neumann Mar 2020
writing poetry on your skin
your fantasies are our ink
Today is a good day.
195 · Jul 2021
Wondaland Verses
Max Neumann Jul 2021
wondaland verses, 3 am, sliding thru fog
don't judge me, us, dem goons, eazy legs
mikey, coba cobrahead, **** 13.8, trisha
young are our martyrs, hyped my moves

burning shoes, raging thoughts, mad luv
veni, vidi, vici, viciously beatin em down
brothas and sistas, thank you all for coming
dusk creates nights of lambos and revenge

hihaho, the drumset drowns in dark water
monica matadora, deal, trance disciple
as glossywhite as onyxblack are the rocks
and gems in the voltgreen bottega bag

wondaland verses from the gp heritage
roots and boost of gangsta poetry, yeeeah
195 · Dec 2019
Time Pressure
Max Neumann Dec 2019
don't push my desire to
write regardless
if i am about to write a
short story

hand me a shovel
will you?

i need to dig now
i need to dig deeply

no stress my dear
baby-faced sweetie

imma eat you
i need you
appetite tightness tizight tizzop
Max Neumann Feb 2020
i opened my eyes
i open my eyes
i will open my eyes:

i realized
i realize
i will realize:

* nothing is worth more than family *


fan of dragons, buburacker, properer schelm, the best that happened to me. you are becoming me and yourself
i have been changing through you
indescribable love is in me for you my son.

this verse is about the delight in your cheeks when you're smiling baby
one day i looked into your eyes for a long while this was our closest moment so far
indescribable love is in me for you my daughter

i truly apologize for all the bad things you had to deal with during my active dependency
you're a good mother: god bless you. i love you.

MOM and DAD:
i am made of you and i've been given a lot by you, my parents


maria and barbara (believers like us)

christoph z. (the man with a great taste in music)

CHRISTOPH R. (wise and pervaded with love) & sandra

ELIAS (try to quit the gaming, young brüderle)

alin & valerie (the twins)

uncle günther (try to reduce your pod smoking much love)

aunt susanne (meet me on christmas much love)

andreas (all best to your mother, may she rest in peace)

cousin tina & lance (blessings by god and shem; an inspiration)

aunt marlies & uncle teddy & and their dog billy (empathy is the best medicine to live a good life)

aunt lotte (have never met you but would like to)

if i have forgotten anyone, please forgive me
God bless all of you
you are my family


MAX a.k.a. MIKEY
Today is a good day.
190 · Dec 2019
Max Neumann Dec 2019
please understand my
behaviour as a sign of

no one no
one no one
no no one

is entitled to judge

really: no one

(except my family and
god feel me)
+ ultrasound
189 · Dec 2019
Making Love (For KIKO)
Max Neumann Dec 2019
kiko i'm breathing
your lust's air
storms of our lifes
and our pasts

we share childhood memories
we sleep together
we feel each other

we are one body now
a body made of
two halves

we are one person now
no need to hide anything

playful lights
warm winds open windows
the ocean inside our body

we are coming together
189 · Aug 27
Max Neumann Aug 27
In the heat of the sun of the words
Infinitely deep traces
That once would dry up all flesh
So an ice bear was digging through
Traces of skin to find words

The ice bear smacked while scrunching
The traces of the heat and the sun;
The taste of the traces was akin to its
Earlier life as an hyena's child in the
Jungle of a ruined country.

The ice bear was sighing, his head lifted
To the polar light, emerging from the
Shining of black space —
Traces from colorful, dry fog.

At once the ice bear fell asleep
In the traces of light and memories.
Max Neumann Feb 2020
within the realm of
trust and mistrust

rivers of dust
real storys
and fiction

don't get me wrong
i won't be talking long
it's just something else
this world of codes

weak words are spread
it's like butter on bread
it's like longing for fat

don't get me wrong
i won't be talking long
daddy told me: stay strong

but i'm trapped in the land of

get me some rest
get me some rest
get me get me get me
some rest
Today is a good day.

Yotube: Sunshine (Adagio in D Minor)
187 · Sep 15
Suit of Fear
Max Neumann Sep 15
The child escaped the
suit of fear.
Its friends are close to the
Child, yet it feels lonely.

And remorseful when watching its face.

For the first time the child perceives
Itself not wearing the suit of fear; in an
Empty pool filled with sunlight.
The eyes of the child are twitching; it's cold.
Suit of Fear
187 · Sep 2023
Max Neumann Sep 2023
How clear that very moment was
I save it in my memories
To preserve it forever
I forgave myself by the fields

Writing a list at my desk
Unplanned my name was emerging
Put it on paper with quiet courage
How clear that very moment was

I forgave myself in a house by the fields
Where a man used to mumble at night
Another man would yell all day long
How clear the salt of tears tasted

Leaving a trace on the paper
This day was just a day
In my memories I keep it
The clear moment of forgiveness
187 · Apr 2020
Final Occasion
Max Neumann Apr 2020
we been through a lot together...

nobody says it's forever
Today is a good day.
182 · Feb 2020
Remake America
Max Neumann Feb 2020
let's make a deal:
and return him
Today is a good day.
180 · Feb 2020
Max Neumann Feb 2020
my job is swallowing


is not what i've been experiencing

don't end your life my man

you're here
to stay
Today is a good day.

(This phrase is my trademark. I have to tell it to myself continously. Would like to spread a more positive vibe, but my poetry has to be honest. Don't wanna lie to myself.)

YouTube: Mogwai Guns Down
179 · May 4
The Wounded Ones
Max Neumann May 4
Once upon a time...

Door to door with the wounded ones
House of bashed in walls
DOA rammed his head into doors
Yelling out loud, painting the streets
Legendary years loaded with faith
Happy Birthday! A spanking
Rage doesn't know foreign lingo
I loved that!

Dudes whimpering like dogs
Dogs fighting like dudes
A pitbull's jaw was smacking
Tons, gangs, sounds in a dream
Love only existed in movies
We didn't see them
We burned cinema seats
For the love of the wounded ones
The Wounded Ones
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