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333 · Aug 2019
my heart
Anastasia Aug 2019
you have my heart
you don't need to ask
you keep my tears
inside of your flask
i plant kisses
on your cheek
so long as i
dont feel weak
but i never do
whenever i'm
with you
333 · Jul 2019
Anastasia Jul 2019
you make my bones ache


                        ­       head


you make me ache
I ache for you
331 · Nov 2020
Towards The Sky
Anastasia Nov 2020
She had the breath of a raging storm
Quick, forceful, and cloudy
Running through frosted fields
Icy grass, sparkling and trampled
Running from her fears, worries, and responsibilities
The red canvas of her shoes bled darker with melting ice
Her bare skin was on fire, covered in burning needles
Running towards the breath of dawn
Only to meet the silence of the moon
Placed in an open, endless sky
329 · May 2019
seeing you
Anastasia May 2019
i saw you
and i felt
so very happy
and smiles
and almost-but-not-quite tears
i saw you
and my dreams
got so much prettier.
326 · Jul 2019
Home ~ Lyrics
Anastasia Jul 2019
Call me home
Don't leave me alone
I want to be were your heart is
Call me home

Run around with me
Wake up the fireflies
My doubt slowly dies
Call me home

Lift me up
Inside your arms
Dance with me
In the rain

In my eyes
You tell me
I'm alright
Tell me not to cry
I'll be
You'll love me
Every day

Look at that smile
The smell of your skin
Love me any day
I'll let you in

Crushing violets
You're where my heart is
You're my home
Unfinished ❤ Ideas are welcomed ❤ Recommendations in the comments are lovely
326 · Jun 2019
Anastasia Jun 2019
I open my eyes.
I’m drowning.
Dark water surrounds me,
I can feel them.
I see nothing but water but I can feel them watching me.
Laughing at me.
I can’t breathe.
My lungs burn.
I can feel their gaze on my skin.
I can’t do it.
I have to breathe.
It goes dark as the water fills my lungs.
326 · Oct 2019
Escape From You
Anastasia Oct 2019
I can't escape from you
You're keeping me
Hidden away
Not letting me love
Anyone else
Your smile is paralyzing
Your eyes are heart-stopping
Everything you do
Brings me back farther
I can't escape from you
So why should I try
Can't run away
From the way you look at me
From the way you glance down
From the way you smirk
You're deadly
But somehow
You're keeping me alive
I'm bound
To your soul
Whether you want it
Or not
You can try to push me away
But absence makes the heart grow fonder
You're the definition
Of angelic
I can't help
But think of you
Every time
I breathe
Every step
Is meant to get closer to you
To touch your skin
Feel your lips on mine
Revel in the friction
I can't escape from you
But then again
I don't want to
326 · Jun 2019
Smoking Smurfs
Anastasia Jun 2019
My lungs are blue
My eyes are red
I've been smoking Smurfs
Every night before bed
Idk what this is. Wrote it randomly with a friend lol
325 · Jul 2019
Anastasia Jul 2019
Do it
Cut the string
And it
Ruin me
Sever your ties
**** it
Slice at my heartstrings
Destroy my dreams
Massacre the thread
So that you can't put it back together
Make me cry
Want to d i e
That's what you want, isn't it
To ruin me
324 · Jun 2019
Anastasia Jun 2019
Colored lights, spiraling in the sky
Dots of bright star-like colors
sprinkled across the heavens
I could see the fireworks in your eyes,
like a jeweled galaxy
I wish I could feel
those fireworks in my heart again.
inspired from a short story i wrote (i write a lot of those lol)
324 · Jul 2019
Anastasia Jul 2019
Echoes of life in the sand.
A thousand grains shifted from the weight of a child.
Forever there, until the tide pulls in.
A footprint, fully intact is a memory.
A memory of a second in time.
an old poem i feel others may like ~ i hope so
323 · Jul 2019
Stop Crying
Anastasia Jul 2019
You're old enough now
You should know better
Don't even
Don't you dare
Don't you cry
It's spilling
S  p
i    l    l
i      n      g
You ******* crybaby
Now everyone's worried
Well not everyone
He's not worried
He hasn't even noticed
He just walked by
Crying even harder?
You wimp
S H U T  U P
I don't know why I'm crying okay?
Yes, you do
I don't
He's leaving
And he didn't even notice you
That's right
You're too old for this
It's not like you're special
Nearly every one has that black hole inside of them now
Fill it with food
Or material things
Or strangers
But it won't work
You think that there's someone out there for you?
Someone who will fill you?
Make you better
Stupid *****
No one will do that for you
So ******* grow up
and stop crying

Stop crying
Inner thoughts

10:51 p.m.
322 · Aug 2019
window kisses
Anastasia Aug 2019
talking to you
through your window
while you face me
on your bed
visions of sweet kisses
dance around in my head
lips so soft like velvet
gently touching mine
tell me why it is
i think about you all the time
322 · Aug 2019
Anastasia Aug 2019
Let me go

It hurts

To be in your rose bush

The thorns

Are drawing blood into my throat

And it bubbles out of my mouth

But I can't see it

Because your beautiful roses

Are blinding me
322 · Oct 2019
[She was running]
Anastasia Oct 2019
She was running
The mist hid her face
The only thing visible
Was her pink hair
Bouncing with every step
She cursed herself for making that decision
Dying her hair the night before
She heard footsteps all around her
But she knew which ones were real
There was a man
Chasing after
His knife dripping
After slaughtering others
She was determined
To keep her blood off of that blade
Her boots were easy to run in
But the cold air ripped at her lungs
Her breath leaving clouds
She tripped
And fell
Into a rosebush
Pricking her bare flesh
Red beaded as she ran
She made her way
Out of the wood
And never saw the man
320 · Jun 2019
Anastasia Jun 2019
forever waiting I shall be.
for my love to come to me.
there is a pain in my soul.
the time collects in a crystal bowl.
waiting forever, shall I be.
i shall wait until the end of the sea.
till the sky fades away.
till the flowers turn to gray.
for my love, forever, I shall wait.
318 · Jun 2019
shadow blossoms
Anastasia Jun 2019
shadow blossoms
forming on my flesh
bruises on my ankles
blooming on my neck
blue green purple
yellow and black
a painful rainbow
all over my back
i can't help but hurt myself
with out you here to love me
i hurt myself
because you aren't here to touch me
i just climbed a tree
i took a bad fall
i'm tired of feeling too much
and feeling nothing at all
shadow blossoms
bloom on my arms
drawing blood
under the stars
it hurts but u being gone hurts worse
318 · Jun 2019
Fireflies Alone
Anastasia Jun 2019
I caught fireflies
Alone last night
Even though
You were right across the street
When the streetlights
Turned on
You were still gone
And I caught
I hate this feeling
313 · Jun 2019
Anastasia Jun 2019
i like
peach: the color
peach: the flavor
peach: the scent
313 · Oct 2019
Anastasia Oct 2019
There was an angel who fell from the sky
And I mended his broken wings
But it pained me so
When he had to leave
He blessed me goodbye
And kissed me on the cheek
And promised that
He’d come back for me
a late-night written poem
312 · Sep 2019
promises of old
Anastasia Sep 2019
petals of glass
roses of gold
do you remember
your promises of old?
once was said "i'll love you forever"
that promise was what was holding me together
312 · Aug 2019
another poem about you
Anastasia Aug 2019
walking with you beside me
my heart can't help but smile
i just wanna lay with you
and talk for a while
arms around me
you just astound me
angelic is the word for you
i wanna mean the world to you
darling your smile
makes it's own light
there's something about you
that makes it all alright
maybe someday you'll remember
my touch, light like a feather
drawing hearts all over your skin
darling won't you let me in
311 · Aug 2019
Forgive Me
Anastasia Aug 2019
Forgive me
Lovely boy
For leaving you
All alone
For letting you cry
And crushing your roses
I promise
I will stay with you
And let you lie on me
While got tears paint your cheeks
And I will plant roses
With you
311 · Aug 2019
Anastasia Aug 2019
i dropped the candle
the flame didn't go out
i guess i'll watch
your pretty art burn down
i guess i could call it revenge
let's have a moment of silence because we know we're gonna end
darling it's inevitable
there goes the cherry wood table
burn it down
you said to me
trust me i'll keep it burning
for eternity
your world is in flames
not my fault
that you've never felt ashamed
of anything but me
go climb a tree
and trust me when i tell you
i'll burn that down too
310 · Aug 2019
Anastasia Aug 2019
Should I open my eyes?
Should I face reality?
The reality that I'll always have this feeling?
This unstoppable, overwhelming, consuming, sickening feeling of being alone?

Maybe I should just
Accept it.
I know
I know I'm gonna be alone.
That no one's gonna love me.
That I'm never gonna be good enough for anyone.
310 · Aug 2019
marry you
Anastasia Aug 2019
it sounds
rather bold
but i'd like to marry you
he's quite lovely, if you'd like to know
307 · Jul 2019
Are You
Anastasia Jul 2019
It hurts
All of it
An ache
What an insatiable hunger
I'm hurting
Are you?
306 · May 2019
Anastasia May 2019
even wilted roses have thorns
i've had this phrase in my head for a while now. i used it as a caption for one of my drawings, as i often do.
306 · Nov 2020
Damn It All
Anastasia Nov 2020
The things I’d tell you
If I had the courage
I’d look you in the eyes
“**** you,” I’d say
“**** it all”
I **** the day
That I said I loved you
**** the day
That you pressed your lips to my skin
**** the day you put your arms around me
**** that look in your eyes
Sparkling and beaming
**** that smile
**** the words you told me
When you told me I was beautiful
**** the day
You fell asleep beside me
And I told you all the truths I could never say
**** the touches we shared
Soft and fearful
**** your lips
That pretty mouth of yours
Spewing lies that tasted like cherry
**** the cold days
That I wore your clothes
**** those warm days
Of summers by the creek
**** the day your fingers traced my wrist
And you spoke to me softly
**** those days you made me smile
Just so I’d miss you when you leave
**** the day you said goodbye
And you wished me the best
**** the final day I cried
And **** all the rest
305 · Jun 2019
Anastasia Jun 2019
i suppose
that supposing
is assuming
to presume
an estimation.
304 · Aug 2019
Anastasia Aug 2019
i want to leave this place with you
leave our past
leave our pain
go someplace
and dance in the rain
i would run away with you
again and again
302 · Aug 2019
Love Me Harder
Anastasia Aug 2019
Take my heart
Rip it to shreds
Tell me lies
Make my cheeks go red
Taste me and spit me out
Voices are so loud
They say
Love me
Love me
Love me
Throw me against the wall
And love me
Give me your fake love
I promise that it'll be enough
Your mouth on mine
Let's not waste time
Love me harder
Love please
Love me more
You sweet little tease
I want more
So close the door
Show me what you can do
Take my heart
Rip it to shreds
Love me harder
Till I'm dead
300 · May 2019
Anastasia May 2019
Water rushes down from the fall, cool and clear.
I drink my fill, hoping to forget.
Hoping to forget you.
I don’t want to, but I have to.
If I want to make it.
If I want to survive.
I sit down under the water, letting it rush over my skin.
The water pools down and flows across the stream.
My memories of you are already fading,
Your smile. Your laugh. Your eyes.
They simply fade.
I calm down as my mind get clearer and clearer.
I have to do this.
The water pounds against my skull, but the sound is soothing.
It fades more quickly.
From when I first met you, when you spoke to me for the first time.
When I left for a long time, and when I found you there, waiting for me.
“I have to do this.” I told myself.
But the tears running down my face told my brain otherwise.
They blended with the water and surrounded me.
Then, you were gone.
Just like that.
You were gone.
like a fountain of youth, but itstead of extending your mortality, it simply soothes it.
298 · Apr 2020
Anastasia Apr 2020
if we had five minutes left
i'd spend them with you
staring into the eyes
of a pretty soul who flew
into the soon to be dead skies
we can't escape our demise
if we had to run away
from things we couldn't comprehend
i would stay with you
forever, until the end
i would never leave you. and i'm sorry for that.
298 · Sep 2019
just tired
Anastasia Sep 2019
do these tired eyes lie to you
with their dulled shine
and plain blueish eyes
don't you understand
im just
of course you're a good person
you didn't make me feel bad
i swear
im just tired
i mean
thats probably it
you didnt do anything
im just...
298 · Jul 2019
Sea of Sorrow
Anastasia Jul 2019
Her tears fell to the ground
Splashing gently as they fell
Her dress pooled around her
Drowning in her tears
Held down by her fears
Her hair floating in the water
She sits there quietly
In her own
Of sorrow
An old poem that I'm awfully fond of
297 · Jun 2019
i think too much
Anastasia Jun 2019
i think i kinda love you
i think it's kind of real
i think i can't accept it
i think i don't know what i feel
i think i don't think enough
i think i think too much
i think i've forgotten how live
i think i need to feel your touch
296 · Jun 2019
Promises To Keep
Anastasia Jun 2019
My eyes are tired
And I should sleep
But I've got too many
Promises to keep
Stay up with you
And write for the night
Out the window
Float fireflies
Like fairy lights
A heartburn need
I live to protect
An afraid little boy
Guard til death
Stay up with you
Cause you can't sleep
My eyes are tired
And I have promises to keep
You've grown so much
So many years
But you still have
Shimmery tears
I'll hold you while
You cry and sleep
Cause I have promises
I need to keep
I'll make sure you're okay, forms long as I can. I love you, and you mean the world to me.
295 · Sep 2021
Anastasia Sep 2021
set it on fire
the way i feel
burst into flames
so i dont feel anymore
set me on fire
i want to feel
something other than this
blisters and charred skin
this is what i want
294 · Jul 2019
Anastasia Jul 2019
How I yearn
To feel something different
Something less painful
Death, perhaps
293 · Aug 2019
Dirt Kingdom
Anastasia Aug 2019
We stood
In our kingdom
Atop of it's roof
Our palace of dirt
Simply me and you
You grab my hand
"Do you trust me?"
I started to think
That maybe you love me
You said
At first I was scared
But seeing you there
Standing in the sun
Holding my hand
I thought you might be the one
I let myself fall
But you held on
So I thought I would, too
Anastasia Jun 2019
There was a little boy who lived in the clouds.
He would come to me and say “Please don’t be so loud.”
But at night he would come to me,
And tell me a story or two.
About his adventures in the sky.
And about the clouds when he flew.
About when he dipped his hands in the ocean blue.
And about when he got into trouble, too.
He would tell them to me, until I would sleep.
And in my heart, forever I will keep.
One day the little boy said farewell to me.
And waiting forever, I shall be.
my old poems remind me how lonely i was. and am.
288 · Sep 2019
let me cry
Anastasia Sep 2019
i can't even cry anymore
my eyes are so dry
they water throughout the day
but when i need to let my heart spill
they dry up
the world is forcing me to be strong
but i can't
i don't want to
im not strong enough
i just want to be weak for a while
let me cry
285 · Aug 2019
Anastasia Aug 2019
I want
To feel nothing

But I want to FEEL something
285 · May 2019
Anastasia May 2019
i think i kinda miss you
and you're missing from my life.
you're not missing from my mind
but you're missing from my nights.
i wish i could tell
the things i need to say
but i don't think i will
because i'm locked away.
i think you kinda miss me
i'm sad cause you're missing
i hope i get see you
and get to breath you
i really miss him. i'm in a mental institution at the moment. i won't get to see him for a while. but i will.
283 · Sep 2019
Heart of Ice
Anastasia Sep 2019
She had a heart of ice
Holding his, she squeezed
He stumbled back, and she looked him in the eyes
She told herself he deserved it
Tears pooled in his eyes as he clutched his chest
“What you did,” She said
“It hurt,”
“You said you’d never hurt me,”
She said, her heart melting
She squeezed again
Blood dripping down her hands
He fell to his knees
She got closer
“We were supposed to be happy,”
She sobbed
He leaned in
And whispered his last words
“I never meant to”
And thats when it shattered
282 · Jul 2019
The Same
Anastasia Jul 2019
I used to be happy
Laughing next to you
I was smiling
Just thinking about you
But now
I can't breath
My eyes
are dull
You've changed
Or it's just me
But I can tell
that there's something
You don't care anymore
Have I done something wrong?
You were gone
And you didn't come back the same
I just... don't understand. What did I do?
281 · Jun 2019
Best At Night
Anastasia Jun 2019
I seem to write
My best at night
When I can't sleep
And I've turned out the light
When I've said goodnight
To the darkness under my bed
Twixt my pillows
And neath my head
Once I've said goodnight
To the the bits of light
That has bled
From my window
And the streetlamps
I'm kinda-sorta-not really tired
281 · Jul 2019
Anastasia Jul 2019
It's late
And I'm thinking of you
I hope you dream of me
And realize you love me
281 · Oct 2019
Anastasia Oct 2019
i want
to see
some people rot in hell
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