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279 · Aug 2019
Anastasia Aug 2019
i will bathe you
in my starlight
like the stars
bathe the soil
278 · Jul 2019
Anastasia Jul 2019
I trusted someone with all my heart.
But now it feels like we’re falling apart.
He threatens to tell my secrets to all,
but that's not why I’m sad, why I’m about to fall.
I’m being ripped to pieces but he doesn't care.
Labels me ‘different’ and lets me tear.
I can cry and I can scream,
I can wish and I can dream,
But there is no more trust,
Now only rust
And I will cry,
As the days pass by.
I found this, in my old things. It's about when my best friend and I got in a fight. He and I have made up, but I still think it's a sad poem.
277 · Jul 2019
Anastasia Jul 2019
I often dream
Of your arms
Rocking me to sleep
Soft eyes
Like blankets
Warming over me
My heart
Beats fast
But I
Breathe slow
Your body
next to me
Tender kisses
On my skin
Is my reason
For living

276 · Jun 2019
Anastasia Jun 2019
i crave a taste of you
i crave a taste of love
the things i would do for you
i hope it's all enough
you're really so sweet
nothing much can beat
i crave a taste of your touch
i just want a taste of your love
276 · Aug 2019
tasteless existence
Anastasia Aug 2019
i hide
in this tasteless existence
i am hushed
when i try
to speak
my words
get caught
in my throat
and i choke
on my tears
it hurts
to breathe
it hurts
to speak
this life
isn't living
273 · May 2019
Anastasia May 2019
A whirlpool of thoughts spins around my head.
Thinking of words that have never been said.
Playing with children that never been fed.
With the food of wonder, the food of dreams.
While I myself, have it bursting at the seams.
These poor children, they suffer.
And every single day, their lives get tougher.
They starve, every single child.
Their imaginations so mild.
I weep for them, the children.
In their eyes, I see something grim.
A light is there, but it’s growing dim.
Then it fades away, away into the night .
And the children, oh the children the don’t even fight.
whenever i asked my friends to read they stopped at "children that have never been fed." people get confused sometimes, so if u finished, good job! you're not afriad of realistic and dark topics.
272 · Aug 2019
I Want This
Anastasia Aug 2019
You hold me
No words necessary
A kiss
On the ear
A hand
Holding mine
How simple
It would be
To finally
Be happy
If only
You loved me
270 · Jul 2019
Anastasia Jul 2019
Sometimes I feel like the world is shutting me out.
270 · May 2022
Dreaming on the Shore
Anastasia May 2022
The sun kisses your shoulders
As I yearn to do
We'll hide under rock
Sand beneath our bare feet
Footsteps revealing our thought
Saltwater cascades from the upper lip of our sanctuary
Our arms will hug our knees
While we act like children again
We'll close our eyes
And listen to the sound of ocean spray
Then I'll feel your lips against my ear
"I'm glad to be by your side"
269 · Aug 2020
write it again
Anastasia Aug 2020
he said our story was over
and that it had to end
i said i wanted us to have a sequel
he said we already did
i keep reading it over again
tears smearing the ink
as i feel his presence fade
my heart begins to shrink
i started out running out of black
so i decided to use red
no more fluid midnight
i used my blood instead
my pen is sharp
right at the tip
liquid ruby
pooling at my wrists
looping letter
fancy scrawl
sobs escaping my throat
as salty tears fall
i wrote in cursive
i wrote it every day
but even the brilliant crimson
couldn't make him stay
268 · Jun 2020
your pride
Anastasia Jun 2020
i want to taste it
i want to taste your pride
i want to feel it
firm in my mouth
i want to feel it against my tongue
to taste it's fruit
smooth like cream
i want to feel it my hands
to caress it gently
hard against my fingertips
to feel your pride
soft against my lips
would be undeniably
267 · Mar 2020
Anastasia Mar 2020
his eyes
perhaps like the creek
greyish-blue with bits of moss
reflections from the sky
lips like roses
pink and soft
wanting them to press into my skin
once again
like it used to be
elegant hands
one in mine
hair soft
hands running through it
caramel and gold
shining in the sun
a smile
like the sun
lighting up my life
the prettiest boy i've ever seen
inside and out
265 · Jul 2019
Anastasia Jul 2019
Hot tears
Roll down my face
With shimmering eyes
"How could you?!"
I scream,
Hugging myself
Butterflies fly out of my throat as I cry
"You promised!"
"You promised me!"
I can't stop the heaving
Sobs escape out of my stomach
Heat takes over
Quietly I say
"You promised forever..."
I cry myself to sleep
And salty cheeks
265 · Nov 2021
A Glance
Anastasia Nov 2021
A glance across the room
Reveals more secrets than one would think
If I may elaborate
It says that my heart still has hope
Of being repaired
It says that I miss you
And I’m too scared to let you know
It says that I’m still wishing
For another chance
264 · May 2019
Anastasia May 2019
im tired
from a lack of sleep
im tired
from a lack of love
im tired
from missing you
im tired
from not eating
im tired
from being so tired
im just so ******* tired
263 · Sep 2019
it really hurts
Anastasia Sep 2019
you have no idea
how badly
i want to watch my blood flow
into the water
how bad
i want to paint the ground red
how intensely
i am hurting right now
to where
i want rip off my skin
and watch the blood
im trying so hard not to do anything to myself.
260 · Jun 2019
Anastasia Jun 2019
We sat on the railing, high above the building, like we were on the edge of the world.
The moon breathed our names, and they soaked into the purple sea.
Raindrops land on my hands, softly pattering against my palms.
The candles, fizzle out, bathing the world in darkness.
But the raindrops on my hands turn into stars, and suddenly, I realized that you were the brightest thing I could ever see.
I wanted to show you, but you were gone. I looked down, to see you fall.
I close my eyes when you hit the ground, but that doesn’t stop me from crying.
I get to the ground as soon as I can.
The neon violet light shines against your skin, making you shine more than I had ever seen you.
You’re right there, blinding me, yet no one sees you.
They’re so sharp, the shards of your broken heart.
They surround you, glinting and sparkling as the starlight rain falls on your face.
I pick up a piece and draw one last picture for you.
a short story i wrote a long time ago. i thought it was soft of poetic, so i decided to post it. hope you like it <3
257 · Jun 2019
Bad Dream
Anastasia Jun 2019
Your words are crushing
My face is flushing
As you say
You never loved me
257 · Jun 2019
Anastasia Jun 2019
in waking nightmare
she screams while awake

the color
of her eyes
bleeds out
with her tears
short poem for an assignment in school
255 · Jul 2020
Anastasia Jul 2020
hands on my waist
listen to our favorite song
lips pressed together
smile against yours all night long
fireflies on your car
wishing on every star
that this could last forever
holding on to this
a special kind of bliss
i'll be there whenever
lie beside you in the morning
golden light on your face
all these things about you
i'd never erase
the taste of you
i never knew
that'd we get this far
there are things that i still chase
i hate the look on your face
when i show you my scars
you're so gorgeous
i could never say it enough
you know i'm weak without you
but i'll try to stay tough
255 · Jul 2019
Night Dancing
Anastasia Jul 2019
Dance with me
Beneath the stars
Each one
A piece of stardust
That will always be ours
Arms around me
Lightning bugs take flight
With each step
Love so bright
Lips on my skin
Pillow soft touch
I know this is real
This is love
9:35 p.m.  I'm tired.
252 · Jan 2020
midnight lights
Anastasia Jan 2020
little lights
inside your eyes
pretty stars
in a midnight sky
holding hands
fingers entwined
i've got you
nothing else i need to find
running in the dark
away from it all
the sky is vast
with a love so tall
it held on tight to the pretty lights
the ones called stars
i want you to hold me close
in a world that's ours
dark as twilight
black velvet kiss
you're made of shooting stars
but you're my only wish
252 · Sep 2019
stick a needle
Anastasia Sep 2019
you crossed my heart
now i hope to die
252 · Jul 2019
What You Want
Anastasia Jul 2019
What is it you want
Despite what I try to think
I know it's not me
249 · Aug 2019
This Sort
Anastasia Aug 2019
This sort of dream
Is classified with an interpretation of heaven
The one with you
Holding my hands
And looking me in the eyes
Lips close enough to touch
I wish I could have your love
This kind of night
Could be classified with where true love begins
With fireflies
And moon reflections in your eyes
Skin soaking in the moonlight
Dancing until sunrise
Dandelions dreams
And unstitching seams
I wish I could breathe you in
This sort of magic
Could be classified with
The way you look at me
The sun lighting the clouds
Speaking out loud
Hands around my waist
Obsessed with the way you taste
I really wish this was real
247 · Aug 2019
Fragile Chaos
Anastasia Aug 2019
This chaos is fragile
Inside my brain
Made up of you
And this heartbreaking pain
I need you to tell me
I'll be okay
Three simple words
I need you to say
A day
Feel empty
Without you in it
Is a game
And I want to finish
"I love you"
Would be so sweet
I'm so cold
And I need your best
Lonely hearts
Don't do well alone
My heart is made of glass
And you're throwing stones
244 · Sep 2019
Anastasia Sep 2019
lay with me
while i fall asleep
you can have
my soul to keep
im so tired
dream with me
arms around you
we have things to see
keep me warm
and close you eyes
body against yours
starry night skies
244 · Aug 2019
unspoken promises
Anastasia Aug 2019
you keep breaking
your unspoken promises
the ones you make with your eyes
every time you smile
243 · Jun 2019
The Wind
Anastasia Jun 2019
The wind is lonely.
Every day he searches for someone to love, or to just talk to.
He searches high and low, with no progress.
He writes poems to the sky, but she is too beautiful and vain, while he is invisible and nothing,
He sings to the ground, but she is too harsh and cold.
The wind is lonely, In a way that no one understands.
But I do.
And when I die, my soul will go to be with the wind.
I will comfort the wind until neither of us is alone.
And I will help him bring warm breezes to the earth, so no one is lonely.
im pretty sure i wrote this when i was twelve or thirteen. i still like it tho. maybe one of my favorites <3
243 · Sep 2019
Anastasia Sep 2019
all the sugar in the world
couldn't make you sweeter
243 · Feb 2020
Anastasia Feb 2020
i'm sorry for loving you

i should have known it was a mistake
237 · Jun 2019
i want you to be happy
Anastasia Jun 2019
it hurts to watch you stand alone
in a world turned into silent stone
i wanted you to be happy
i wanted you to be okay
but now you're on your own
every single day
i can't really stand it
this misery of mine
circulation cutting off
with a single piece of twine
it doesn't have to be me
as long as you're happy
you're too far away
and i've missed you all day
you don't have to toy with me
you're the only boy for me
i know there's someone out there
who will make you
just to see your velvety smile
235 · Jun 2019
The Trigger
Anastasia Jun 2019
You pulled the trigger
I held the gun
Watching then fall
Is so much fun
Bodies dropping
One by one
You pulled the trigger
I held the gun
Darling can't you
Taste the blood
All these bullets
Just one is enough
235 · Dec 2019
Anastasia Dec 2019
i hope you know i'm bleeding for you
234 · Mar 2020
Anastasia Mar 2020
you tease me
with those sweet words
i never know
if they mean something
or if they're just there
to keep me distracted
you look at me
with this strange look in your eyes
is it love
or disgust
or curiosity
found this in my drafts. now i know what it was. boredom.
232 · Jun 2019
Anastasia Jun 2019
She's like me.
But prettier.
With real cat ears
Instead of a headband.
Without acne
Or stretch marks
She gets close to people,
And she's not afraid to.

But she doesn't smile.
Or laugh.
She's silent.

But she also doesn't cry
or fall apart.

Which do I want to be?
232 · Jun 2019
Night Thoughts
Anastasia Jun 2019
It's late at night
And I hope you're okay
I wanna see you
Don't want to wait another day
I'm sorry you don't think that you look okay
Wish I could tell you I could look at you all day
Wish I could take you somewhere far away
And maybe there we would stay
Hold me close
And don't let go
And that's how I'll know
That you love me so
Arms round my sides
Pull me in
Softness as
You place your lips on my skin
The world to me
I hope you know
Darling never
Will I let go
10:05 p.m.
229 · Jun 2019
The Eyes Of Time
Anastasia Jun 2019
The eyes of time
Stare at my heart
And ripping
And over
The song let me mend
Lies like
"Love is just around the bend"
And it's only a lie I tell myself
The eyes of time
And rip
The stitches from my heart
Inspired from a drawing on my hand and the people I used to love
222 · Dec 2019
Anastasia Dec 2019
he whispered
lips close to hers
his arms
round her waist
she listened to his words
bodies moving
under the sunrise
lips touching
shining blue eyes
he whispered
her hands in his hair
taste of love
floating in the air
breath in
each other's essence
each other's presence
he whispered
hands on her
her body shivered
no space between each other
bodies moving against the other
hands clasped
hearts beating
hoping it lasts
faces heating
"my love"
she said.
he told her.
my love
222 · Jun 2019
Love Is
Anastasia Jun 2019
Love is beauty, and Love is pain.
Love is loving, even when you know you’ll get hurt again.
Love is life, but Love is death.
Love is fighting for someone, until your last breath.
Love is starving, to feed someone else.
Love is letting someone shine, even if you have to stay on the shelf
some of my older poems are really sweet.
221 · Aug 2019
Night Feelings
Anastasia Aug 2019
When night  comes
And my common sense goes
I start to think
Unusual things
I start to feel
Strange feeling
I begin to love you
A little bit more
And it's awfully strange
But it happens every night
And I can't really tight
I hope that you
Will be in my dreams
Yes, these strange night emotions
Bursting at the seams
220 · Sep 2019
Anastasia Sep 2019
you're so pretty it hurts
or maybe its the fact that i'll never be yours
218 · Feb 2020
airplane tears
Anastasia Feb 2020
crystals flooding her eyes
she blinks, breaking the dam
they stream down her face, sparkling
the lights are a blur and the plane rises above them
she doesn't want to leave
"goodbye," she whispers
to their apartment
"goodbye," she whispers
to their favorite spot by the lake
"goodbye," she whispers
to the person who made her feel like she was worth it
she doesn't want to leave him
but he does
218 · Dec 2019
dear santa
Anastasia Dec 2019
dear santa
i want one thing
love for me
i would like you to bring
many don't know,
i'm lonely you see,
and i just want
some one to hold me
santa, i would like to meet
a pretty boy who's very sweet
a boy who likes to make me laugh
and has lot's of questions to ask
i would like someone with a poetic side
someone who has an affinity for the night
i just want someone to love me
thank you santa,
i can't wait to see.
just a christmas wish
217 · May 2019
The Sun
Anastasia May 2019
As crystal clear tears rolled down her cheeks,
The stars glimmered and shined in her presence.
The flowers bloomed for she was their sunlight.
She lay silent, waiting for the sun to rise, so the warmth would dry her tears.
But it never came.
For she was the sun of the wilderness around her.
So it was forever nightfall.
The girl continued to cry.
Her tears made more stars.
Her quiet sobs were the essence of the flowers and trees.
The animals tried to comfort her, but she wouldn’t let them, for when she did, the animals would burn, for she was the sun.
The girl was a girl, but she was also a caretaker, a mother, and a sun to the woods.
And she cried and cried.
For she was the sun.
An old poem I'm fond of.
215 · Aug 2019
Anastasia Aug 2019
Is dark
My breath
Is shallow
I should sleep
But I'm not ready
Ready to face my dreams
The truth in my nightmares
To be honest,
I'm scared
Scared of my own mind
Of what's inside my head
215 · Aug 2019
Anastasia Aug 2019
and i saw
an angel
with a smile like
a heart attack
laced with love
with eyes like
the heavens
and hands
like magic
and a laugh
like everything
i ever needed
Anastasia Jul 2019
In the shadow of the sun
I will wait for you
To come to your senses
Say to love me too
Darling looking at you
You give my body heat
Show me the truth
Say that you want me
In the shadow of the sun
You touch me softly
You're what I'm wanting
My dreams are taunting
So softly

Hold me
Don't let go of me
Darling you know me
Baby won't you show me
The things you can do
Show me you
Show me the things
You keep for yourself
Keep for yourself

In the shadow of the sun
Show me you're the one
Who'll make me feel inside
Show me you're the one
Who'll keep me up at night
*Unfinished. Recommendations and ideas would be lovely ❤
211 · Jul 2019
Anastasia Jul 2019
I'm burning up
It hurts too bad
Too much love
It's really sad
Cool me off
With your frozen heart
Too much emotion
is tearing me apart
I can't take it
My poor old heart
So much heat
I'm about to pass out
Rescue me
And pull me out
I know I can thaw it
That beautiful block of ice
You need some help
I can see it your eyes
Icy blue
I've got too much heat
Darling, you can take some from me
I guess heat is a metaphor for love. It's hurting, and it's burning me up.
211 · Jun 2019
Poetic Thoughts ~ Day 2
Anastasia Jun 2019
Monday, 9:36 p.m.

Cast the stars
Upon an ocean of ink
And fizzling out
Or lighting on fire
Like memories
Of mistakes
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