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10.6k · Feb 2016
in the early days
crystallaiz Feb 2016
Seasons passed us by
I grew, and so did you
In chorus we made the universe spark
At crossroads you kissed my insecurities away
And somewhere along the way
You gave me your heart
I told you I wasn’t good at reciprocating
But you just smiled and said it’s okay
I loved you so much then, for choosing me
again, it's part of something longer. anyone wants to take a guess which other short poem already posted is linked to this?

man, this was early on in the good old days... where everything was much simpler, less complicated, less tiring
3.9k · May 2017
stars and flowers
crystallaiz May 2017
kiss me
until i can no longer
feel the pull of gravity
until i am among the stars
then i would pick the stars for you
lay them out in the shape of you
hold me
until i feel your warmth
more than the burn of the sun
i would collect sunshine for you
then you could always stand in the light
i would take your hand from here
and we could walk down a flowery path
ah my new obsession. ong seongwoo! let's debut and hope you walk on a smooth path from now on. ♡
3.3k · Jul 2016
the horizon
crystallaiz Jul 2016
I am addicted to the green
curls of the ocean
you to the leaking sunrise
they crash to form the horizon
and when you climb
a sweet burn in the sky
the waves of the water
will come alive
to you
the horizon is where the ocean and the skyline meet. I want to go see the sunrise at the beach some day.
3.3k · Jun 2017
hi or bye
crystallaiz Jun 2017
when the time comes
i can't be brave for you
in front of you
i turn into a loser
because of you
i lose sleep at night
i dream about you
and i **** awake
was it a nightmare?
was it a sweet dream?
with you i can't be sure
at the end
can i still smile for you
can i still hold your hand
without fear
at the start
i was sure
but now my courage is fleeting
this love
the intensity is daunting
i really hope it's hi. please debut. i don't know what else to say. i'm so sorry i'm helpless.
crystallaiz Oct 2021
i'd rather get drunk
to the sound of your voice
but here i am
listening to music
on the midnight train home
all the good nights
and sleep tights
can't mask the ending
that began when we met
it's been so long. i know the things that need to be done, but i just can't bring myself to do them
3.1k · Jun 2017
everytime, everywhere
crystallaiz Jun 2017
you were so very pretty
the first time i saw you
it was spring
and you were a dream
soft and longing
every smile
blossomed with fragile hope

then the chill in the air gave way to
warm summer breezes in june
and you became more real  
no longer shifting in and out of existence
more solid
more beautiful
i wanted to plant flowers
along the paths you took
so you could only walk on
a lovely road from now on

when june turns to july
and july melts into august
when the leaves fall in september
i'll still want to clear a way for you
you won't be a dream anymore
you won't be a hazy existence
with every step you take
you'll leave your footsteps
singing in the autumn leaves
it will be less painful, then

\ \
you've been running for a long time, now there's only a bit left to go, you will hang on for a while more right? ah i can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel, you'll see it soon too i promise
3.0k · Jun 2017
tonight the star is you
crystallaiz Jun 2017
what did i do so right in my life
that i got to meet someone like you

thank you
this summer
i met you
and i learned to believe
in miracles
ong seongwoo thank you for debuting TT i wish for only good things to happen to you from now on
3.0k · Jan 2016
The Little Prince
crystallaiz Jan 2016
he sings each note
so sharp and clear
in a field of lavender
a fire crackles  
an hourglass shatters
everyone!! I promise this 40s teaser is prettier than the poem~ Anticipate please~
2.7k · Jun 2017
take my hand
crystallaiz Jun 2017
i think about you
and i wonder
how long this can last

i'd like for you to take my hand
whenever i need you
like you did the last time
i'd like to take your hand
and walk down this road  

i don't like to think about us

for you
at 11:11 i'll make a wish
that we'll be together
our fingers laced
even at the very end
what a crap. ongniel has ******* me over. ongniel ongniel ongniel i don't suppose anyone knows what I'm going on about? will i meet an ongniel stan here??????
2.6k · Mar 2016
crystallaiz Mar 2016
the 3pm sun is streaming through
the window with
glued-on paper flakes
illuminating the furniture
casting dark shadows
against light wood
and i'm tasting snow
on my tongue
and thinking that this
feels like freedom
Last time everything felt surreal, but now I feel real. It feels great to be real.
2.6k · Jun 2017
wait with me, for me
crystallaiz Jun 2017
the seconds drag themselves out
it was three months
then five minutes
two days now;
i'm always waiting
if i asked
would you wait with me?

(don't look at me with those eyes
i'm afraid i'll never be able to stop smiling)

you bloomed like a flower
but i'm always one step behind
and the words tumble down again
this time, i may fall with my words
the words i could never say to you
if i ask,
will you wait for me?
ongniel again. what joy. if ong seongwoo doesn't debut this friday i'm going to cry so hard. Please debut.
2.4k · Nov 2014
Weekender Boy
crystallaiz Nov 2014
He was the Weekender Boy
with lips that tasted like salty sea caramel
on lovely Saturday mornings
and caresses that felt like soft warm sunbeams
on lazy Sunday afternoons

Mondays she sat behind him in lecture halls
watching the back of his black-haired head
as he flirted in the front row seats

Tuesdays were him walking past her bench
pinning her in place with those glacier blue eyes
that always turned away to porcelain redheaded dates

Wednesdays it was his calls that came at 3:05AM without fail
and she'd listen patiently to his drunken rants and giggles
that sometimes ended in tears and incoherent apologies

Thursdays he exhaled alcohol breaths one-two-three-four
while laying her down across his green vintage car hood
gentle as she moved lithe and languorous beneath him

Fridays they broke dorm rules and shared a room at night
they stayed up over beer and banana milk
and at sunrise she'd wake up in his arms to his smiling eyes

He was the Weekender Boy,
and she was the only girl who ever owned him on weekends.
Wrote this while overseas in Seoul! I could have done more justice to the idea of a weekender boy, but I'm -somewhat- pleased with this~

credit to my cousin for inspiration that came from his whatsapp status; he'll never know this anyway ha
2.2k · Oct 2015
crystallaiz Oct 2015
the light, it seems to
shine right out from you
angling along your jawline
catching on your hair
You're a moon jewel.
For you though, it's already D-5.
1.9k · Jun 2016
crystallaiz Jun 2016
it used to be daisies
under shining droplets of sun
transparent sadness
trapped in spiderwebs
now he's left on the
bleak balcony
with only his snapdragons
shaped like flower skulls
living for a tomorrow
no one believes in
1.7k · Oct 2015
crystallaiz Oct 2015
your voice flows like
warm honey, smoothing
all the pain away
other times it has
lemon undertones,
an elusive something on
the tip of your tongue
warm honey with lemon. it's great for a sore throat
1.4k · May 2015
don't leave
crystallaiz May 2015
The one thing I want the most
is to un-love you
yet the one thing I'm terrified of
is that gingerly, in degrees
then all of a sudden

all of a sudden

everything will evanesce
like the slanting rain
the hearts i draw
on fogged-up glass
faint pencil lines
on whitewashed stairs
crushed paper stars
i used to fold, alone,
with you

and i will be left
with the frightful emptiness
and i will be left
to fight my dependency on you
and i will be left

(we're locking eyes today and I have something to tell you)

*Don't Leave Me
i can never express myself properly, but sometimes it just comes up to the front of my mind and then i become so afraid, of what will become of all of us
1.3k · Aug 2016
the tattoo artist
crystallaiz Aug 2016
his hair is made of midnight
dark and cold and soft like regret
like vivid dreams you
forget in the mornings
ink ignites his skin
lovely, unsettling drawings
traces up his body
everyone loves a living contrast
black on pale canvas
recently fascinated with pretty tattoos.
1.3k · Nov 2014
crystallaiz Nov 2014
You always talked about
how it wasn't fair
I burst into your life
and made you fall for me
without a safety suspension

The way I crashed your defences
simply with my mocha eyes
and disarming smile when you
never let anyone else in
wasn't very fair too

And the unfairest of them all
was when I lodged myself
in your heart without meaning to
and gave myself the power to
right your world, or destroy you

So now I suppose you'd say it's fair
because you trapped me the same way
and cut off my exit routes but
left yourself with one
which you took, eventually.
what's fair?
1.3k · Jan 2016
crystallaiz Jan 2016
see the scatter of tea grains
in the bottom of
plain white porcelain
hold your breath and tip the water
watch the steam rising
pale specks swimming
fold your legs and lift the cup
sink into the weightlessness
of this ancient beauty
can you almost taste the history?
1.2k · Jul 2016
crystallaiz Jul 2016
he used to be king of a kingdom
but now he is a wreck
ocean waves will stop his strides
then break his bones;
even so he is a colossal wreck
the kind that looms in the
inky-black depths
to tear away from him
is unthinkable
(he used to be unsinkable, too)
oh my. thought ***** again. this piece is for my current-favourite character in a short story i am writing for kicks. the first line is not mine, it's a lyric from Forest by TOP. accidental references to titanic? it was never in my mind when i wrote this.
1.2k · Nov 2014
(10w piece)
crystallaiz Nov 2014
I'm sorry for being me
when you needed someone else.
To many people, and to myself.
1.2k · Oct 2017
blue glass
crystallaiz Oct 2017
jack-frost blue on snow white
circles of grey around midnight black
against the velvet night sky
the silent constellations
i fell
and fell
and fell

i bathed in your irises
but my feet couldn't reach the bottom
and when i tried to surface
the air was frigid
slicing my consciousness into ribbons
i took a breath
the chill seeped in
first it was my toes
then my legs
my stomach
my fingers
my arms
my chest

then you blinked
the ice fractured
and i
i shattered from the inside
i don't know. i had one of my moods again. haven't had one in a long time. it was not a good feeling.
1.2k · Jan 2016
The Little Prince Pt. 2
crystallaiz Jan 2016
He dips his paint roller
into dark blue sadness
and splashes it across
the violet sunset
filling out the stars
that fall fall fall
onto great black umbrellas
the ones used on rainy days
except now the sky
is showering stars
so he tilts the cover up;
it's a world of white
unfilled diaries and
unspoken thoughts
slowly coloured by
translucent dream sequences
which disintegrate into
petals of deep burgundy
that used to be
pieces of him
Nope no justice done to the actual thing. So go watch this 4 and a half minutes of absolute perfection It is a really pretty MV~
1.1k · Feb 2016
crystallaiz Feb 2016
If you let go for a moment
The magic is lost
But we held on all the way
Maybe the point of together
became useless when we lost sight
of important things that were not us
So now we’re gripping too hard
We’re holding too loose
We’ve forgotten how it feels
to be in the middle
If you close your eyes for a moment
The equilibrium is lost
it feels disjointed because it's part of something much, much longer written a while back. with everything, balance is the key to keeping things in sight.

entertain me, guys. let me see that yellow lightning
1.1k · May 2017
what do you want from me
crystallaiz May 2017
i keep running but
the storm is closing in
the wind blows me around
like the fallen red flowers
that chase my footsteps
i'm burning from the inside out
but save me from the rain
i don't want these bloodstains
drying out in my death
i don't want anything from myself.
1.1k · Aug 2017
i really like you so much
crystallaiz Aug 2017
you turned
and smiled
so pure
like first snow
on a trail of autumn
crystallized breaths
woolen mittens

so devastating
like white lightning
streaking across the darkness
lone trees on empty fields
splintered branches
so. i. am. still. obsessed. over. ong. seongwoo.
1.0k · Feb 2017
crystallaiz Feb 2017
you squinted through
and took a picture
that yellow summer
we sat under green trees
blew bubbles
that popped on the brown bark
the ground was littered with the fallen
a graveyard of white flowers
the wind turned them into dancers
broken butterfly wings
pretty like the boy
with the beautiful dreams
there was wetness on your cheeks
i took your hand
and snapped a picture
for that person who takes photos and refuses to get out of my head
979 · Oct 2015
crystallaiz Oct 2015
it's spring
it's summer
it's autumn
it's going to be winter
and i'm still falling
in your
dark-brown eyes
When I look into your eyes I feel like I'm walking into the ocean.
crystallaiz Jan 2016
12am* and imagining
a play on the dark ceiling
1.30am and relieved
for the 5 hours before light
but slumber is a deceptive guy
who lingers just out of frame
3am and wondering
when the sun will rise
end this torture
of lying awake
wanting to sleep
but being disturbed by
slices of daytime memories
haunted by the
ghost of tomorrow
6am and fatigued
wary of sleep that
comes in loose scraps
the sunshine peeks through
and it's time to live out
last night's tomorrow
which will metamorphose
into tonight's insomnia
I've been having more of these nights recently, and it *****. Big time.
883 · Oct 2015
crystallaiz Oct 2015
when you close your eyes

(the aftermath of a heavy rain)

your lashes rest, quiet

(the stone path is freshly wet)

a slight crease in your lids

(raindrops shimmering in the sun)

when you open your eyes
the rain will have stopped
only the scent of it remains
filtering through a canopy
of late afternoon leaves
D-1. It's tomorrow! Go in well, and come back safely~ Waiting for you, always ♡
869 · Oct 2015
crystallaiz Oct 2015
tufts of light hair
fell into your eyes
swept over your years

now you're reaching up
feeling the short strands,
the bashful pride
Go well, eat well, sleep well... do everything well inside kk the 21 months will pass very quickly~
867 · Jul 2016
inside boy
crystallaiz Jul 2016
the sky is pink in its glory
the foam is deep-blue in the sea
it depends on what you're riding
insane with an addict high
or a dream in your motorbike
take a risk
will it be the sunrise or the sunset
anyway, they're all fall-fall and falling
like the bricks blocks in tetris
where victories line up to disappear
and failures just keep on piling

do not let those thoughts escape
because one day
you'll be riding those
above the clouds and
under the waves
over unconceivable hurdles
on the skyline that is purple
i realised it's fun if you read this aloud
841 · Dec 2014
you on my walkman
crystallaiz Dec 2014
I have your (our) CD on my walkman
It's playing
all our fears and regrets
all our promises and dreams
It's playing the past
before people left
before we left
before everything
started to change.
I just wish I were there at the start. Because now, I can't even cry to justify the memories.
crystallaiz May 2016
somehow, slowly
I fell out of it
maybe it was when
I opened my eyes to
prettier things, like
bicycles parked under
trees bearing red leaves,
like the way the willow branches
fell next to the lake, like
looking out of the window
at 6am and seeing the sky
light up, like
feeling the sun after the rain
the sweet humidity
maybe it was during all of those
moments, or maybe it was none
but I accidentally fell out of it
with you
I learned that promises made in vulnerability are like butterfly wings, pretty and fragile and do not last. I'd like to say I miss you, but the truth is, I really don't, and I'd like to say I'm sorry for that, but the truth is, I'm really not.
807 · Oct 2014
Boy Colours
crystallaiz Oct 2014
He brushes lips of chapped silver
against her eager waiting ears
words dipped in warm honey gold
weave through the still morning air into
pretty distractions and buttercup dreams

She’s falling falling f a l l i n g
into those alluring violet eyes
they make for the perfect Solemn and
Earnest when he wants them to be
spinning seductive stardusted half-promises

The gossamer sunlight glints off
his aquamarine hair, and it’s like
like winter’s breath crystallized on the ends
of those beautiful blue strands;
they snare her in their breathtaking tangles

She’s almost asking to be bound
so he complies with those
clever ivory fingers on smooth piano keys
as rich chocolate swirls of his music enfold,
intoxicating-saccharine like whisky truffles

As he reaches out to draw her close,
the world soars in a myriad of colours.
-amateur imagery usage-
for someone who paints the world vibrant with his brilliant charm
801 · Apr 2015
dream boy
crystallaiz Apr 2015
Angelic cheekbones
ripped knuckles
Ocean eyes
scuffed toes
Strawberry smile

He cups my face with
coffee-cup warm hands,
flips his tongue ring
against my lips that are
burning a thousand degrees.
are you real or is that my needy subconscious
794 · May 2015
crystallaiz May 2015
I don't want to own you
I just want to love you
The most important thing when learning to love rationally.
781 · Jul 2016
tea. words
crystallaiz Jul 2016
deliberated on a long black
to fit in with your latte
but i guess i can't change
washed down my words
with steaming earl grey
and later at the quaint bookshop
i filled up my head
with other writers, pretended to
admire the whimsical words
but actually i was more interested
in the resident cat
it sat there, flicking its tail
disdainful of every new customer
that walked through the door
met up with my friend the other day. thankful
780 · Jun 2015
Kim Heechul
crystallaiz Jun 2015
I write you in angsty lines
wild moments
untouched spaces
raucous instants

I try so hard to write you
out of that crack-ed box
out of perceived notions
out of you in real life
out of this universe

but the truth is

there was never any box
and you were the universe yourself
there were so many more edges to you
sides and shades and depths
that I could never grasp

you are insane and beautiful
and genius and narcissistic and
everything I could want to be
nothing I could hope to be

You once said no one on earth
was sane, and there were people
who weren't fully crazy,
but none that were not
and I saved your words
on my desktop, thinking you had
the world figured out

But as I read your social media
at midnight and on tired afternoons
I realize you are only just
learning life like the rest of us

and we all stumbled through
with scraped knees and tear stains
the only difference was
when the waves receded,
you emerged like a king
Does anyone know Heechul?
775 · Sep 2016
say bye before leaving
crystallaiz Sep 2016
sunny afternoons in the mall
strawberry ice-cream dripping
onto the manicured lawn
we'll laze in the shade of the big oak tree
you fall asleep while I try to speak

we make angels in the snow
your lines are sharp and defined
in the light mine falls in shadows
I store away the laughter
you leave around so carelessly

under the warm whites
steam is still rising
from your coffee mug
you left untouched
the wind chimes by the door
sound like your smile
sound like the ending of a day
i miss the days when you said bye before you left.
758 · Sep 2016
no ledge
crystallaiz Sep 2016
she stood under the awning
of her first-floor balcony
cherry lips
and vanilla skin
******* one of your smoke rings
she said

i hear there are subtle flavors
lawn grass and different woods
chocolate, maybe
i want the smoke in my lungs
and my heart to pump the
nicotine high through my bloodstream
i want the tingles and the buzz
they all talk about
i want to know
the taste of your mouth

he only laughed
then let her know about
broken time in the rain-dewed grass
and cigarette ash
on the white wood patio
unfiltered disappointment
from his cancer stick
lingering in her shiny new hair
no. just no.
757 · Dec 2014
crystallaiz Dec 2014
No matter how hard I try
or how much you show
it's undeniable truth
that in the end
we're just parallels
who happened to be rather close.
(it's not nice hearing almost
when someone else got their
forever with you)
It ***** when you feel? But it's tomorrow!! the 13th of December. Please be happy, and don't forget us TT
crystallaiz Apr 2017
i miss you all the time
in between meal times
in the day
in the night
in my dreams
if we were not meant
to walk together to the end
i would rather we never met
because the pain is acute
and the loneliness is addictive
before i regret, i want to stop being a loser
665 · Oct 2015
crystallaiz Oct 2015
when I stand in
the late-morning sun
I wonder if you're also
soaking up the sunshine
where you are
650 · Jun 2016
crystallaiz Jun 2016
the way your fingers cooled
against my forehead
the shape of your laugh
crystallized into
chrysanthemum breaths
i forgot myself
my heart is spud-sputtering
down the freeway to your house
over again
now stop and rewind
644 · Dec 2016
if there is an afterlife
crystallaiz Dec 2016
she's standing on a platform
as the train chugs on a pebbled railroad
away to April harvests
and scattered hay bales
where the sun dips low
over rolling hills
and the wind whistles
to scarecrows in the golden wheat fields

he sits by a window framing
the dancing scenery
the evening is orange
and it falls in studious rectangles
across the compartment floor
he sleeps,
and the city steals away from him

by the time he gets off that train
he will have replaced his baseball hat
with a straw one
and her pack of pink bubblegum
will have fallen onto the tracks
when he stumbles on the platform

                                                       ­                      they will grow apart
                                                           ­                  she'll write to him
                                                             ­                he won't write back
                                                                ­             and they'll let it be
90% of this is largely inspired by a chinese song, which is the title of this poem.
641 · Aug 2016
crystallaiz Aug 2016
a fever breaks over another night
and you're wrapped in the heat of dawn
the orange sun is overpowering
in its iridescent sheen
12am slowly slips away
like when you
hide from the daylight
and slink into the 2AMs
how do i tell you
your eyes are electric
only in the morning
and the gold in your gaze
is singing to me
you are so golden.
636 · Jul 2017
marbled perfection
crystallaiz Jul 2017
in that moment
we were glacier
you loved languidly
like we had all the time in the world
i sighed and
my breath fanned out
enough to cover the cracks
i should really stop sleeping at 2am.
623 · Apr 2017
peanut butter souls
crystallaiz Apr 2017
lights in our northern souls
we chew peanut butter sandwiches
and contemplate our existences
the future is sticky
and the past is honey-brown
that glues our teeth together
we swallow our words
and drown in the light
618 · Mar 2019
crystallaiz Mar 2019
when you walk away
i'm still head over heels for you
still feel my heart skip a beat
still feel my stomach dropping out
like that time we went on the roller coaster
and i saw the skyscrapers upside down with you
i still feel the butterflies
still think about the what-ifs
still wonder what i did wrong
still think about you
but you're walking away
and i don't know how to go after you
it hurts. like really really really hurts and i don't know why it hurts so much. i can't do anything because i'm just thinking about you all the time and i want this to stop
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