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18.1k · Mar 2013
Whispered Words
Breanna Stockham Mar 2013
She lives a quiet life,
she tiptoes around,
she whispers when she speaks,
she hardly ever makes a sound.

Although her words are quiet,
her mind is very loud.
She has so much to say,
but no one listens for soft sounds.

She's an invisible girl,
who doesn't want to stand out,
she just wants to be heard,
without having to shout.

Sometimes the loudest people,
aren't saying much at all.
Empty words and promises,
just leave their mouths and fall.

But whispered words fly high,
and catch peoples attention,
they're intriguing, so amazing,
but only when they listen.

So look outside the spotlight,
because often the real star,
isn't anyone on stage,
but the mind behind it all.
12.3k · Sep 2014
Breanna Stockham Sep 2014
Autumn falls down
Every year,
She wants to be caught
But no one is near.

She becomes cold,
Dresses in snow,
With winter ice
down to her soul.

But then she blooms
And springs back up,
She defrosts and
picks her own self up.

She's warm and smiling
On a summer high,
Her worries, now birds
floating up in the sky.

But summer ends, fall begins,
And autumn falls down once again.
Notice what the seasons are doing,
So when you fall, just keep on blooming.
6.1k · Jan 2018
Breanna Stockham Jan 2018
Maybe the one talked over and hushed
Grew up to be quiet, reserved
Trying to develop a voice of their own
But it was never heard

Maybe the one seeking attention
Spent their life being ignored
Experiences shape perceptions
And perceptions shape our world

But this is where we start, not end
After all, we're not cement
We change and bend and learn and grow
We can end above and start below
Beliefs can change and so can we
What we were, we don't have to be
4.7k · Aug 2013
Chase Myself
Breanna Stockham Aug 2013
Where'd you go, self?
Where are you?
Are you hiding away,
or afraid to shine through?

Why don't you come
around anymore?
Did you get swept
up in the world?

Did you change who you are?
Did you buy a disguise?
Are you the one hiding,
or did I close my eyes?

Do you just have
too much to do?
Or am I the one
who's too busy for you?

Are you too ashamed
to show your face?
Why are you running?
Unlike others, I'll chase.

I'll be back
In a few days.
I've got to find myself,
Before I'm too far away.
4.5k · Mar 2015
Into the Deep End
Breanna Stockham Mar 2015
You know my interests,
My hobbies and passions,
You know what I look like,
And you think I'm attractive.

You know my routines,
You can call my bluff,
You know all the facts,
And you think that's enough.

But knowing about me
Isn't knowing me at all,
If you're afraid to go deep,
How far could you fall?

There's no satisfaction,
In facts or rapport,
Or scripted conversation,
I'm yearning for more.

I want to be known
To the depths of my soul
I'm so tired of surface,
So tired of shallow.

I'm ready to risk it,
So come grab my hand,
And we'll jump together,
Into the deep end.
4.0k · Jan 2015
Talk is Cheap
Breanna Stockham Jan 2015
You said the right things
You flattered and charmed
Convinced and promised
Until I was disarmed

Your words were golden
They sparkled and shined
They shined so brightly
I must have gone blind

I invested myself
In the words you sold
But all that glitters
Is not gold

I've always heard
That talk is cheap
Well my words are diamonds
And yours are free

You don't mean what you say
You don't do what you mean
Your words are free
But they're costing me
3.8k · Jan 2011
Breanna Stockham Jan 2011
Wishing for
a perfect guy
is like wishing for
a dusty drought
when it's pouring rain
and nothing's dry;
the smallest flaw
will make you doubt.

Everybody has
their flaws;
love doesn't
need perfection.
So let down the
guarding walls
and search for
a connection.
3.5k · May 2015
The Puddle
Breanna Stockham May 2015
You quickly approach
A puddle of mud
Small enough to step over
But you thought it'd be fun
To splish and splash
And make a mess
But it's dirtied your face
And ruined your dress

You stomp out of the puddle
It has ruined your day
You look back in anger
And head on your way

But what is to blame here,
The action or trouble?
The mud or the splashes?
The person or puddle?

Don't walk into mud
Then complain of the mess
If you want to stay clean
Just watch where you step

Not all, but many outcomes
Are up to us
So be careful that your actions
Will lead to what you want
3.3k · Oct 2014
Stained Glass
Breanna Stockham Oct 2014
Your path has been covered
With broken glass,
And they're wondering why
You've been running so fast.

You're calloused but strong,
You're tough but in pain,
You're unstoppable,
But your glass is blood stained.

Your whole life has been danger,
You can handle anything,
But even the strongest,
Need a safe place to stay.

So come walk with me,
And we'll find a new path,
I will bandage your wounds,
And lead you to soft grass.

Let me be your safety,
We can turn your shattered past,
Into a stained glass window,
Lighting up our new path.
3.3k · Nov 2013
Dear Future Self
Breanna Stockham Nov 2013
Dear future self
How are you?
Are you happy and healthy?
Do you love what you do?

Who did you marry,
if anyone at all?
How did you meet?
Who made the first call?

I hope that you haven't
lost all my friends.
And I hope you haven't
forgotten my plans.

Not plans of what to do
or where to live,
but how to be
and how to live.

I'm not too worried
about your career
or the money in your bank
But I hope your mind's clear.

I hope you still see
that who you have
is far more important
than what you have.

I hope you still see
that who you are
is far more important
than what you are.

I hope that you haven't
forgotten how to smile
and I hope you still see
that everyone is worthwhile.

I hope that your life
doesn't revolve around work
whether you're a counselor
or a grocery clerk.

I hope that your value
isn't in money from your job.
It should be placed in the things
that can't be stolen if robbed.

I hope that you're still
very good at realaxing
and I hope that your words
haven't turned into acting.

I hope you don't hurry
and rush through each day.
I hope your mind's colorful
and never just gray.

But most of all
I just hope that you
love how you're living
and love all that you do.
2.8k · Nov 2013
Sycamore Tree
Breanna Stockham Nov 2013
Have you ever
noticed when you
look at the trees
in the winter
they're all brown
once they've lost all their leaves?

Except one,
the Sycamore.
It stands proud and white,
It shines bright
like a star
on the darkest of nights.

But the Sycamore isn't
white on its own.
Like the rest, it is brown,
Then it sheds
its rough bark
and is the brightest around.

So when you're lost
and you're wondering
just how you should be,
shed your bark
and shine bright
like a Sycamore tree.
2.6k · Nov 2015
Pennies and Dollars
Breanna Stockham Nov 2015
Since when is good enough,
Good enough?
Minimum, easiest,
Thoughtless and rushed.

We're giving pennies
Wanting dollars in return
We expect the gold medal
Without effort, it's not earned

Giving enough
to get by, and no more
Yet expecting the best
From the rest of the world

Too focused on taking
To ever give
But a one-sided life
Is no way to live

Good enough is not good enough
Half effort won't yield a full life.
If you feel like you deserve all the best
You've got to give what you'd like.
2.5k · Sep 2018
Hold it Together
Breanna Stockham Sep 2018
C - o - n - t - r - o - l,
What would happen
If your walls just fell?
If you lessen your grip
And loosen the reins?
I know you love leadership,
But do you love the chains
That bind you to what you control?
It's good for production,
But is it good for your soul?

Sometimes the current,
The wind, are enough.
A subtle guide,
A gentle touch.
Your life's like a glass
You cling to so tightly
Trying to hold it together
But cracking it slightly.
2.3k · Jan 2011
Breanna Stockham Jan 2011
Your insecurities change,
all that you hear,
who you are inside,
and how you appear.

It decides what you do,
and what you see,
it lessens what you want,
and who you'll be.

It won't let your dreams,
go as high as the sky,
you stay on the ground,
though you're able to fly.

Won't put your foot forward,
so you go with the flow,
too scared of goodbye,
to think of hello.

You're less than your best,
and a little too late,
your shoulders now carry,
a little more weight.

Slow your mind down,
and stop holding back,
'cause you are what you are,
and not what you lack.
2.3k · Jan 2011
Breanna Stockham Jan 2011
Taken somewhere unknown,
blindfold over your eyes,
it feels simply beautiful,
your negativity dies.

Continuing your walk,
hear the birds and the trees,
they sound simply beautiful,
there's a soothing breeze.

One step after another,
you smell flowers and smile,
they smell simply beautiful,
you want to stay there a while.

Although you can't see,
here you feel at rest,
here you feel peaceful,
and here you feel your best.

Not persuaded through your eyes,
only knowing what is real,
not able to judge by what you see,
but only what you feel.

The blindfold is removed,
you're extremely caught off-guard,
when you realized you were walking,
around your own back yard.
2.3k · Jun 2011
Breanna Stockham Jun 2011
I like sunsets,
You like sunrise,
You like to plan,
I like to surprise.

You're on stage,
I have stage fright,
You like to speak,
I like to write.

You want to run,
I want to fly,
You like to win,
I like to try.

I am cotton,
You are steel,
You like to think,
I like to feel.

Puzzle pieces shaped the same,
can't properly align.
We fit together perfectly,
When our differences combine.
2.1k · Nov 2014
Handle with Care
Breanna Stockham Nov 2014
Pressure, deadlines,
Trauma and stress,
Give me the weight of the world,
And I will carry it.

But as strong as I am,
I'm even more weak.
My strength is all surface,
But my weakness runs deep.

Inside I'm so fragile,
So please be aware,
Like glass, I break easily,
So handle with care.

Give me impossible jobs,
And I will fight through them all,
But if you throw a sharp word,
I will crumble and fall.

I'm strong but so weak,
I'm fragile, hard to reach,
My strength is thin, my weakness deep,
So please break in, but don't break me.
1.9k · Mar 2016
Fly On
Breanna Stockham Mar 2016
Don’t float around
Saying “Look at me!”
Or hope to be found.
They don’t ask for attention
Or to be admired
They won’t seek recognition
Or beg for your desire.

Their patterns stand out
Their colors shine bright
And without even trying
Their wings catch our eyes.
But it doesn’t matter
If we’re here or gone
Or if their beauty is noticed,
They’ll fly on.

I won’t ask
Won’t beg, won’t seek
Anyone to
Admire me.
My colors will shine
Even if they’re not awed
So despite recognition
I’ll fly on.
1.9k · Jan 2011
Pie Chart
Breanna Stockham Jan 2011
Inside once was your heart,
it's been replaced with a pie chart,
it shows the groups and has their size,
it helps you choose your next disguise.

Changing and becoming cold,
so you can fit into the mold,
you hold your nose up in the air,
as you pretend that you don't care.

You're not completely true,
you're not one hundred percent you,
because you're now less of yourself,
and more like everybody else.
1.8k · Aug 2016
Steel Window
Breanna Stockham Aug 2016
You think you're steel,
I know,
But you're as clear as my window,
And just as fragile,
Just as thin,
But it's okay
To let me see in.

There's no danger here,
No hammers here,
No rocks or stones,
No shatters here.

So wear your armor
For the rest of the world,
But with me you're free
To leave it at the door.
1.7k · Sep 2015
Disposable World
Breanna Stockham Sep 2015
If it's old, or if it breaks,
Don't think twice, throw it away.
Bigger, better, nicer, newer,
Tablets, phones, and computers.
Houses, cars, husbands and wives,
Nothing's good enough
in our disposable lives.

We're taught to hate imperfect things,
Taught to replace and throw away,
Taught to wish for better,
Never settle for less,
Our disposable world
Accepts only the best.

And we wonder why
We're ashamed of our flaws
And why we're insecure
But it might be because
Our disposable world
Says we're not good enough
So what should be pride
Turns into disgust.

We are worth so much more
Than all items combined
We were born good enough
But we fall for these lies.

We aren't mass produced,
We are one of a kind.
So the disposable world rules
Do not apply.
1.7k · Jun 2011
My Flaws
Breanna Stockham Jun 2011
I talk too much,
I'm gaining weight,
I bite my nails,
I'm always late.

I wear too much makeup,
No hourglass shape,
Don't have a tan,
and I procrastinate.

I have no money,
To my name,
Some say to change,
But I'll stay the same.

Although I turn things,
Upside down,
At least I smile,
More than frown.
1.6k · Jul 2013
Delicate Soul
Breanna Stockham Jul 2013
I'm a dandelion
In a world of bees
I'm a piece of ice
In a world of heat

I'm a feather floating
In a world of storms
I'm a rose living
In a world of thorns

I'm a delicate soul
And the world is rough
But I won't be afraid
I'll just soften it up
1.6k · Mar 2017
It Might Believe You
Breanna Stockham Mar 2017
If you tell gold it's worthless,
It might believe you.
But does saying that
Make it true?

Is worth defined
By what's verbalized?
If you criticize
Does worth minimize?

Words are words,
Not always true.
But gold is gold!
And you are you.
Don't weigh your worth
On what you're told.
Despite it's value
Even some dislike gold.
1.6k · Jul 2013
Breanna Stockham Jul 2013
I don't fit in
And I don't stand out
I just blend in
And get lost in the crowds

I'm just another person
On just another street
I don't know anybody
And nobody knows me

But things worth exploring
Aren't always explored
And things worth adoring
Aren't always adored

I'm just another face
Just another girl
But if you don't explore the oyster
You'll never find the pearl
1.5k · Jan 2016
Smile and Nod
Breanna Stockham Jan 2016
Everyone speaks
A million miles an hour
Each word
Growing more empowered

They think saying more,
Competing, interrupting
Proves that they know more
And won't be thought of as nothing

Well I'm the bird
That tries to tweet
When thunder crashes
And lightning streaks

Won't take the time
To hear my thoughts
So all I do
Is smile and nod

But that's okay,
No worries here,
Won't seek validation
From a strangers ear

Your hot air fills the room
While you seek your applause
I know my worth, applaud myself
So I just smile and nod
1.5k · Sep 2014
Humans Should Too
Breanna Stockham Sep 2014
Age, race, gender, height
Curly, straight, dark, light,
Tall, short, thin, wide,
Nobody's the same outside.

Chinese, Asian, Indian,
Portuguese or American,
We're born into
Our environments.

But if one plus one is two,
Nobody tries to argue,
Because numbers have
unchanging values,
and humans

Skin and bones,
Heart and soul,
And that alone,
Makes us valuable.

We are skin and bones,
We are heart and soul,
We are all the same,
And our values don't change.

Age, race, gender, height,
We are one,
And we're all alright.
Skin and bones,
Heart and soul,
We're all the same,
And our values don't change.
1.5k · Sep 2015
Still as Ever
Breanna Stockham Sep 2015
Thoughts race inside
My unstoppable mind
As I lie, still as ever
In this bed of mine

Not moving, won't stop,
Can't grab them or drop
them on the floor under my feet
where they belong, I can't compete

I'd love to think of rivers
Or calming peaceful streams
Oh what I'd give to think of flowers
Or the buzzing sound of bees

Inside is a hurricane
Outside is a drizzle
I can't control my hurried mind
But at least it's working well

Oh I shouldn't complain,
Yes my thoughts run all day
Each one deeper than the last
And although I'm led astray
My thoughts tell me more
Than your words ever could
Because I've had a hundred
More thoughts than I should

Oh the thoughts race inside
My unstoppable mind
As I lie, still as ever
In this bed of mine
1.5k · Jan 2011
If I Close My Eyes
Breanna Stockham Jan 2011
If I close my eyes,
limits fade away,
what I want to do,
I will do today.

If I close my eyes,
winter grass is green,
I can create,
a brand new scene.

If I close my eyes,
all will be okay,
I'll turn dead flowers,
into a pretty bouquet.

If I close my eyes,
I can fly today,
when I hear the tunes,
I'll let my body sway.

If I close my eyes,
this will be my day,
'cause when I close my eyes,
I can see the way.
Breanna Stockham Jan 2011
I'm a butterfly with a broken wing,
there are more ways that I can rise.
I'm a midnight sky with dimming stars,
bright lights have always hurt my eyes.

I'm a weeping willow with a broken branch,
it is no longer in my way.
I'm a messenger bird that lost it's path,
I've always wanted to get away.

I'm a rose with one too many thorns,
less reason to be scared.
I'm a flawed diamond down in the dirt,
I'd rather be hidden than shared.

I sing a tune that's all my own,
some say it cannot be a song,
but many things become so right,
the second they seem wrong.
1.5k · Feb 2016
Breaking Ladders
Breanna Stockham Feb 2016
If it wasn't
Race or religion
It would be something else
It's one big competition

We're living in the Darwin days
Survival of the fittest
As if we don't all deserve
To have equal chances

We're breaking ladders
Instead of building them taller
Instead of working toward growth
We make others smaller

Can't get anywhere
If we're tripping each other
But how far we could go
If we worked together

Start building, not breaking
We'll get so much further
One mile alone
One hundred miles together
1.5k · Oct 2016
One Color
Breanna Stockham Oct 2016
Gemini, Scorpio, Libra, Aries
Jet black, brunette, bleach blonde, redhead
Introvert, extrovert, whisper, yell
Hide and seek, show and tell

Scientist, janitor, actor, cashier
Celebrating first or ninety-fifth year
Sixty hours, forty, ten
Luscious, average, thick or thin

Disposable income or income disposed
Hair covered up or shoulders exposed
Skin of all colors, some dark and light
Haven't we created such a versatile life?

It seems we've replaced different with bad
Condemning differences we're lucky to have
How boring if we had one season, one flower
How boring, a rainbow with only one color
1.5k · Feb 2015
Divide and Fall
Breanna Stockham Feb 2015
Some are bathing in money
Some can't bathe at all.
Some are given a head start
Some are forced to crawl.

Some have their own maids
Some live on the street.
Some have personal chefs
and some can't eat.

Some sleep in their beds
Some sleep in the snow.
Some are rising to the top
Some are stuck below.

Some work hard and make millions
Some work hard and make none.
Some have so many options
and some wish for just one.

Divide and conquer?
No, divide and fall.
Try giving, not taking
There's enough for us all.
1.5k · Apr 2015
The Chase
Breanna Stockham Apr 2015
Well I hope you’re good
at jumping fences
and running quickly
and lowering defenses

And I hope you’re good
at catching what’s running
and I hope you don’t think
that ice is numbing

I’ll turn and I’ll run
I’ll look away
I’m uncatchable
But I want you to stay

I’ll be drawn to you
You’ll be drawn to me
And just before we collide
I’ll run for safety

Well I hope that you
Don’t mind the chase
Because I can’t slow down
Until I know it’s safe

So I'll run my fastest
I'll build my fences
I'll slow down when you show me
It's safe - from a distance
1.5k · Dec 2015
Just Passing Through
Breanna Stockham Dec 2015
It seems that I'm
The revolving door
Standing between you
And your favorite store

It's not me you came to see
And yet here I am
Spinning 'round and 'round all day
Each time, at your every command

But you never stay
You're just passing through
You look right through me
At the treasure, loved by you

But I'm a person
I am not a door
Here for your convenience
While you find what you look for

Spinning and spinning
Has led me nowhere
I'm done being your door
I'll be treasure elsewhere
1.4k · Feb 2015
Be the Good
Breanna Stockham Feb 2015
Replace yelling with laughter
And judgment with understanding
Replace hatred with kindness
And falling with standing

Replace hurting with helping
Lift up, don't push down
Replace insults with compliments
We can turn this around.

Replace bad with good
Replace fire with water
The world's hard enough
So why make it harder?

And before you say
You would if you could,
That there's just no hope..
No excuses; be the good.
1.4k · Aug 2015
Problem People
Breanna Stockham Aug 2015
We seem to believe
That someone's problems
Are dark drops in clear water
Can't see through, too solid

We can’t separate
The drops from the water
The dark from the clear
The people from their problems

Like they’re one in the same
And all they’ll ever be
We’ve let problems become
Someones identity

But a rose is not a thorn
And a cactus, not a needle

They are people with problems

and not problem people.
1.4k · Nov 2015
The Shore
Breanna Stockham Nov 2015
I’ve mastered independence strength and might
I’ve mastered pushing everyone away
With standards high, I’ve mastered loneliness
No tears are shed when someone goes astray

I’ll admit, it’s working out quite nicely
Heartbreak in my future, I don’t see
Heartbreak comes from closeness turned to distance
But distance comes so naturally to me

Flooded with feelings when they are close by
Flooded with feelings when they’re far away
They drown in feelings, I’m completely dry
Won’t dip my toe, scared I’ll get swept away

I’ve mastered this dry land, my own safety
Mastered feeling content walking on land
But one thing I cannot seem to master
Is my strange desire to go and swim

Flooded with feelings or choking on air
I simply can’t decide which one is worse
At least the water makes you feel something
My dry land leaves me numb with quite a thirst

Staying on the surface can’t satisfy
My deep desire for something much more
Better to feel too much than not at all
Goodbye safety, it’s time to leave the shore
1.4k · Mar 2016
Breanna Stockham Mar 2016
She said:

“I really wish things were different
I’m so tired of living like this
Too many things wrong in the world
All of them in the way of my bliss.

If only things were better
If only things were fair
Then I could find my happiness
And finally lose my despair.

Won’t someone take charge?
Won’t someone help me out?
You’d think someone would be willing
But someone keeps letting me down.

I said:

“Go stand in front of a mirror,
Look closely at what you see,
I’d like to introduce you to
The someone you’ve been waiting to meet.

Someone who can do all that you asked
And then a little more
Change is something that you do,
Not something you wait for.”
1.3k · Nov 2016
A Split Nation
Breanna Stockham Nov 2016
Police killings,
Guns in classrooms,
Black lives matter,
Gendered bathrooms.
Terrorism, marriage law,
Protests, riots,
Presidential election,
American crisis.

Red, white and blue
We’re kneeling, burning.
Children watching,
Hearing, learning.

Moving backward
But seeking change,
Demanding love
But spreading hate.
Tearing down,
Demanding growth,
To have both.

We scream so we’re heard
But do we seek change,
Or do we seek volume?
Is it passion or rage?

There's quite a difference
Between taking a stand
And demanding peace
With knives in our hands.

We are the power,
And we are the knowledge.

But we are the battle,
And we are the challenge.
1.3k · Apr 2015
Breanna Stockham Apr 2015
You don't have to be a tornado
To change the world wherever you go.

You don't have to be a thunderstorm
To be heard in this noisy world.  

You don't have to be a lightning bolt
To light the world and make it glow.  

Power doesn't have to be extreme,
And being gentle isn't being weak.
The Grand Canyon wasn't formed
By an explosion, but by a stream.
1.3k · Apr 2015
It's Okay, It's Alright
Breanna Stockham Apr 2015
The winds are increasing,
Black clouds are forming,
Thunder crashes,
And the rain starts pouring.

Surrounded by darkness,
Can't find your way out,
It seems never-ending,
And your hope dwindles down.

But you're stronger than your problems,
You're brighter than your storms,
You're higher than your downfall,
And you're better than your harm.

It's okay, it's alright,
No matter what you do,
Don't give up your fight.

The winds are increasing,
Black clouds are forming,
Thunder crashes,
And again, it's storming.

But it's okay, it's alright,
No matter what you do,
Don't give up your fight.

You're stronger, brighter, higher, better.
No matter what you do, don't you give up - ever.
1.3k · Jan 2016
Breanna Stockham Jan 2016
I was hoping
To get a few words in
But it's okay, I'll keep them.
It is what it is,
And it was what it was,
But I guess we can keep pretending.  

We'll keep living our lives,
We'll keep locking our eyes,
Too different and yet the same.
The reality's clear,
There's nothing happening here,
So why am I still wearing these chains?

I was hoping
To get a few words in
But it's okay, I'll keep them.
I won't rock the boat,
I'll try to let go of hope,
I'll find some water to make this flame dim.

I was hoping you'd always be mine,
But on second thought, nevermind.
I was hoping it would be you and I,
But on second thought, nevermind.

I was hoping
To get a few words in
But it's okay, I'll keep them.
1.3k · Apr 2017
Cannot Give
Breanna Stockham Apr 2017
Some value money,
Some value time,
Some value success,
Some just want to feel fine.

Some give their all,
Some give only half,
Some give none,
Some give more than they have.

Always on the run, we aim and strive,
Running on empty, yet we never arrive.

But what is our goal?
What leads to fulfillment?
Giving the world
One hundred percent?

We lose ourselves trying to gain,
And then we're lost, but who's to blame?
Giving our all in search of bliss,
Is success found in emptiness?

You deserve balance,
It's your life to live.
So oh, please remember,
Emptiness cannot give.
1.3k · Jan 2011
Breanna Stockham Jan 2011
Things once were right on track and so sincere,
escaped our path, we ended up right here,
should I let go or should I hold you near?
What happened to our perfect love, my dear?

We used to be connected at the heart,
and every single move we made was smart,
our conversations were a piece of art,
but now we're only drifting far apart.

I miss feeling like I was in the air,
floating around without a single care,
I fell down but you seem so unaware,
not here to hold my hand or stroke my hair.

I gave you all I had to give and more,
it's time for me to spread my wings and soar.
1.3k · Nov 2013
Rubik's Cube
Breanna Stockham Nov 2013
Each day is like a Rubik's Cube
Complex, confused, without a plan
I try to align it perfectly
But it seems I never can.

All day I'm trying hard to solve
the exhausting, tiresome and endless fight
Trying to figure out the perfect way
to have the same colors on every side.

No matter my efforts, I'm always left with
One orange in the yellow, two blues in the red,
three greens in the white,
forty thoughts in my head.

I could cheat and switch the stickers
I could call and ask a friend
I'm not good at solving problems
But at least I can pretend

But when push turns into shove
I can't solve it by aimlessly shifting
I can't learn it by aimlessly watching
And I can't live by aimlessly drifting

So no longer will I sit back and watch
other people figure out my life for me
I'll take my time and color my sides
Because no one can live life for me.
1.2k · Jul 2014
Unprepared Mind
Breanna Stockham Jul 2014
How nice would it be
If we were always prepared
For all situations
And from surprises, were spared?

But rain doesn't wait
Till the shelter is raised,
And sun doesn't wait
Till you're wearing your shades.

Mud doesn't wait
Till you're wearing old shoes,
We can't always be ready,
And I'm not ready for you.

No shelter, no shades,
No shoes and no time;
Here you come, taking over
My unprepared mind.
1.2k · Jul 2014
It's not up to the wind
Breanna Stockham Jul 2014
Are you broken, or are you whole?
Are you falling, or standing tall?
Are you sinking, or floating along?
And who decides this, after all?

Do you fly with the wind,
Wherever it blows?
In thunder or lightning,
Sunshine or snow?

Are you a victim of circumstance?
Do you soak in the rain, freeze in the snow,
Wherever the wind
Just so happens to blow?

But since when does the wind decide,
Whether we are wet or dry?
Or happy or sad? Or broken or whole?
We've lost control of what we own.

It's not up to the wind,
Or your boss or soul mate.
It's not up to your friend,
Or your terrible date.

It up to you, and you alone,
To create a foundation so strong,
You can remain grounded
When the wind comes along.

So are you broken, or are you whole?
Are you falling, or standing tall?
Are you sinking, or floating along?
The decision is yours, after all.
1.2k · Mar 2014
Watch Them Fall
Breanna Stockham Mar 2014
It's you against the world
And you think you're too far gone.
Lost to the point of no return,
You're barely hanging on.

There's too much pain to handle
And you'll do anything
To keep from hurting anymore
So your fighting fists keep swinging.

But there's no such thing as hopeless
You're never too lost to be found.
You don't always have to start running
As soon as your feet hit the ground.

Not everyone's out to hurt you
So let down those guarding walls.
Brick by brick, just drop them
Throw them, crush them, watch them fall.

But things cannot get better
If your feet stay on the path
That's leading you to nowhere
Except a pit of endless wrath.

So turn around right now
And give your best in all you do
Turn on the light, start doing right,
And the best will find you too.
1.2k · Jun 2015
Heavier than Stone
Breanna Stockham Jun 2015
How much weight can you carry
Before you collapse
Or sink to the bottom
Or crumble down fast?

It’s raining boulders
And you’re catching them all
With worries heavier than stone
It won’t take much to fall

You’re at your breaking point
But don’t let yourself break
See it as a turning point
And refuse to hold the weight

Just let it go
Put it down
Watch it fall
Pour it out

Do what you can
And then worry no more
Catch what you can
Let the rest hit the floor

Find your limit
And end it there
Drop your pile of boulders
You deserve the fresh air
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