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Mar 4 · 124
Phrygians & Tricornes
Man Mar 4
I feel that the light is shining on all of us,
Here today,
That are of this generation.
Without thought for creed or nation,
Dispensation or convictions.
I feel in the air
A breeze of change
From the winds of truth.
I hear the chimes
Of a pur of gust on chords
From a pale vision given color.

I see concern in the face of my brothers,
I discern the scent staining my sisters.
That they are not treated as fathers,
That they are not treated as mothers;
That they are less person & more chattel.

Whatever your chosen identity.

And even so, despite conjecture
The majority feel as such,
That line of a nation
Is one without factions.
And yet, by the party system,
That lie of a nation
Is one where we are equals.
Because in being separate
We are not different,
Not in this way.
For we are conjoined
And yet disjointed;
Debating becomes like arguing,
Disagreeing becomes like fighting.

My friends, what are we doing?
Is it not yet evident
That without the cooperation,
And participation
By the majority of the populace
That it is impossible for us to attain real order?
Outside of seditious and nefarious plans
For power grabs of total control,
Which will all reliably fail,
There are solutions.
Nothing so final
As the extremist comics,
Often pessimists or nihilists,
So salivate and dream over.
And nothing so care-free
As some sadists or hedonists,
Often pessimists or nihilists,
So swoon and fall for.
Yet nor too meek or rigid
As some fanatics or magicians,
Often pessimists or nihilists,
So worship and practice ritual.
No. We will be democratic
With a government
Who hears of all
That plagues & plights;
By little & tall,
Small & large.
We will have a middle,
Common ground
Where we may all be impartial.
That place we shall call,
Mar 4 · 1.1k
A Seal Eating Sand
Man Mar 4
Ah - ick coats the tongue.
Agh, let me just lick this up.
Gotta get it off.
Mineral deficient?
Mar 1 · 166
Behind The Fraizes
Man Mar 1
If evidence is incrimination,
Then fleeting art is an exoneration.
Like pictures drawn in the sand,
Like lightning turning sand to glass;
As though a constellation were made from a man,
As though a mule became a golden ***.
Man Mar 1
It was the glen of jabberwocky,
Deep within the twaddle mire.
The gobbledygook was being spewed
By the grand codswallop,
The tripe was drivel
And all manner of blethered haver
Did most piffle & bosh.
The great imperial hooey of guff-phooey
Visited with bunk,
There was to be a festivity of the tommyrot;
On the morrow we would dribble bull
Till the cobblers called tosh, ****, cod,
And said their applesauce.
No malarkey here crosses their fingers,
For all the liars have bellywash
And work the flapdoodle with bunkum & bushwa.
All the poppycocks we laid out
For the celebration of the gibberish,
When mumbo jumbo hung a more,
Low & long.
On the fens of the balderdash,
At the mouth of the babble,
We sang the song of argle-bargle
By our native tongue jargon.

It was first rate flummery
By the standards of the order of palaver,
The prime wheedlers of gab & fanster.
Seussian, boggy-swamp, anthropological
Feb 25 · 151
Spins Around The Pole
Man Feb 25
I see her in smiles of the living room fens,
When sunlight hits wet on the mire.
Between the waves that lick the bights,
On the steeps of the fjords as sound.
In the vibrations of breezes on stamens,
Like a gentle resonance of pollen on pistils.
In the currents of a universe as a celestial,
Through these fluctuations as mysteries.
Deep out like some starry cosmos,
Far out like some alien culture.
On proverbial outskirts as hypothetical fringes,
As like waterfalls after rains have swelled.
By the puddles stirred together as unison,
In the droplets as ink splatters join paper.
Moon sets as like blues jazz records end,
On mornings mist full as classical pieces.
Like indescribable ideas as beautiful emotions,
When pebbles fall as sand by the ocean.
As worlds collide like harp concertos,
Through chords of movement as cell division.
For like den to hare as ribs to hearts,
Like mind to matter as sight for hawk.

Music of life,
How I long to sing with you
Into eternity & for perpetuity.
What is the song,
For but us as one?
Man Feb 24
So the freaks who have more alienated themselves,
And as consequence us all,
As though they are royalty
Slander the name of all of Europe;
It's nobility & law,
It's cultures & histories?
Asia and the Africas,
Even those of this same continent?

Where do you hope to go, creatures?

For when, not now if,
You craft for yourself a throne,
We shall pin you to it
And make ourselves a new monument.
There, on the banks of reflection,
You will hear our rally call;
Then you shall fall.

Ad tyrannos calcamus!
I would advise against trying it,
Lest you are hanged like traitors.
Man Feb 24
Bow to the aspirant? Be defiant!

Quite the to-do of the ado hoo-ha.
Shan't you have forgot,
The place you have come up
Is and forever will be democratic.

If Kings are making a comeback,
Give me the crown
Or I will pick it out of the gutters:
I will pick it off your corpse.

If there's pitch to be made,
Prepare for the tar & feathers.
Prepare for the pikes & pitchforks,
For the oil & torch.

Blockade your birdges, flood your moats,
Ready the given defenses!

If Kings are making a comeback,
I will **** you with pen
And put you to death by the sword.

We will march your head around
After we've torn it off.
We will parade your silly decrees about
After we've ripped them apart.
We will drag your body through town
After we've murdered you.

There we'll leave you
In some famous roundabout,
For the crows to feast;
For the animals to pick you clean.

They will say of you,
"Now he's only skull & crossbones!
I had thought him a royal
But he burned & boiled -
Screamed & soiled,
Just the same as I would!"

Sins of the father, eh?
I only hope you didn't ***** your family
With your crimes & repulsiveness.

Submit to the giant? Slay the tyrant!
Serapis - Carte Blanche in Psíthyros,
Psíthyros of Carte Blanche
Feb 15 · 205
Arthur & Adelin
Man Feb 15
O' since it hath been beforehand with our griefs,
Let us pay the time but needful woe.

This England never did and never shall
But when it first did help to wound itself.

Lie at the proud foot of a conqueror.

Now these her princes are come home again,
And we shall shock them.

Come the three corners of the world in arms;
If England to itself do rest but true,
Nought shall make us rue.

Like you were before,
Slaves ye shall be again.
You shall pay forever in restless labor.

The country will be nothing but a vassalage,
You who stood on the cliff line side-to-side
As our ships sailed by.

Now it is you who are beneath us.

Wait for your gentry men & ladies to return,
We shall be upon them as a tempest.

And our allies will strengthen & back us.
If you simply lay down & submit,

Nothing like us shall bring you ruin.

We took your royalty
And told you we killed him.
Then we killed more of your children.

It's a different kind of life,
A more cruel death.
Horrible wardens,
By both our definitions & theirs;
A sailor who saw land,
A boy scrambled up over a marked wall.
Feb 15 · 231
Houston, Lift Off!
Man Feb 15
Fail safes, like preventive measures;
What percentile are you willing to lose?
You will lose them all.
Don't arrest you family
To the error of your decisions,
Take my advice
And don't take anyone with you.
But you should go. Try.
Feb 15 · 129
It's Punched
Man Feb 15
You slipped up,
You ****** up,
Creating that trap
Made for our attention;
The inter-net.
You can't help but gloat
That the cards are stacked,
But I've got your ticket.
Man Feb 15
No matter how you view it-
It's all lookings, each perspective.
You grow & you grow & you grow,
But you refuse to germinate.
Don't you know?
You must release your seedlings
If you hope for a root
To be planted.
Can't have too fragile of a barrier,
But neither too hard the shell.
Spread your wings
And do your thing,
Flaunt your laurels.
How about a little openness?
Man Feb 15
I was a ****** hopping trains,
Strung out on morphine
When they hired me at the mine.

That same story
Is much like mine,
Only there were other guys.

No, in mine too.
They orchestrated and I played instrument,
They used me as a patsy for their wasteful deeds.

Did they have you use an explosive device?

Did they have you use a pistol?

Did you shoot with a rifle?

Did they give you poison?

I sailed the rivers in a basket,
And my sight was not obscured by the reeds.
Overhead, the clouds cleared
And in my heart was a compass
Which lent to me direction
Under these starry skies.

I sampled all the miseries & delights,
I encompassed all of life:
I was a clap & echo in time.
Bradford? Ramsey? Taylor? Balcony? Garfield? Roosevelt? Repository? X? King? Hotel? Lowenstein? Milk? Davis? Roll? Baloney?
Man Feb 15
It's intelligence that's speaking,
But is logic responding
And has emotion been consulted?
But no, you;
You're all three.
Sure, surely; clearly,
That's why everything
Seems so confusing,
Or have they left?
Feb 15 · 115
What Is It?
Man Feb 15
Some things get past death,
But not what's right
And yet neither what's left.

It's like a portal as obelisk,
It's like an orb of light that's electric.

No matter how you view it-
It's all lookings, each perspective.

It's a thin bridge,
A causeway that's been setup for you
If you just find your way
And choose to walk it.

If you're not careful,
And you're not a wanderer nor sailor,
You'll slip and fall into the marsh.
And that's like a nefarious ocean.

If next time around
You want to remember;
Walk the steep mountain passes,
Down through the valleys,
Past the swamps & wetlands,
Through the deserts & oasis,
In the towering forests & clearings,
The fields of caverns & caves.

You just have to figure it out
Before you die.

Have you been learning?
Feb 15 · 338
Laughter Like Wailing
Man Feb 15
From the minute you blast off,
You get blasted off
From this plane of existence.
Try to run,
We've already fixed the coordinates
And we're coming for the restoration.
Try to hide,
You will find no refugee
Under any rock or in any log.
The lock's come off,
Here comes Pandora!
Feb 15 · 97
Benjamin Rush As Lay
Man Feb 15
And so should the strongest
Make love to the link worn delicate?
In that communion,
As one to another companion,
We seal the cracks & breaks
That have started to leak.
We bind what made us weak.
We champion truth
And honor accuracy;
Don your hood,
But don't go robbing.
Love passionately, but love gently.
Do so with forthright honesty,
Do not play at it or fake it
Lest you forsake it.
From what seems as less than
We shall reveal the hidden,
As a marvelous miracle unwinding.
It's all perspective,
For though I think them no greater
They are more than certainly my equals.
I would live for them as I would die for them,
One & all.
Couldn't get past heavy water,
Here's one for the feudal fascists.
I probably need to spell it out for you,
Feb 15 · 129
That They Might Know
Man Feb 15
I cut the wheel out in gravel,
I shaped a navel for the tadpoles.
Firmly, but gentle;
I dug out the furrows,
I made lush the fields,
I caused the showers.
And in that safe place, I deposited them.
So that they might grow.
But now they're adults!

Will they burn out all life
In their self-contained terrarium?
That is of their own making,
Their own doing.

For how high they have climbed up
Yet, how little they have grown!
Like Babel, like beanstalk,
Like Galileo's experiment at Pisa!

All things that go up must come down,
Id, cognism, ego
Man Feb 15
You're talking to yourself
And you get away with it
Because thoughts are silent,
Or so you think.

But it's all just electric,
Systems like these are prone to acring.

You're not as quiet as you should be,
For I hear the fears & the worries.

Walk through all the hopes & dreams.

It's like riding the waves;
Liquid, frequency, chemical.

It's just like reading!
Maybe! Or maybe I'm just crazy! :P

Borgli's Dream Scenario
Feb 15 · 195
Another Ecosystem
Man Feb 15
Id, cognism, ego.

Mind & thoughts, the vault, the passions & ambitions.

The springs, the streams, the rivers.
The atmosphere, the clouds, the rain.
The ocean, the lakes, the puddles.

Feeding into itself, again & again.

It's difficult to explain,
But easy to conceive of,
If you can imagine.
Feb 15 · 132
One Squawking Parrot
Man Feb 15
When you express yourself,
The minute the thoughts come out,
That's when the guns come out;



A humble, level-headed person.
But it is the brass which is what lacks luster
Feb 15 · 152
If You Believe It
Man Feb 15
"I hear the old man had a son."

"No, truly? Surely not."

"I can attest to it, I played witnessed
As part of their caerimonia."

"I'm moving him to Rome,
He'll live as my slave
And I'll make him a gladiator."

"Oh-**, that's rich! He died like an insect,
Sipping poison."

"How are we going to get away with this?
The walls are starting to close in."

"Relax, just change the dates. Make some edits."

"Nobody will notice?"

"I highly doubt it. Plus, they'd have to prove it. And we're sat on top of the evidence."

"How many times has this happened?"

More than once.
The Listened Confession
Feb 15 · 108
I Think Not & Judge Less
Man Feb 15
I don't know what you were doing,
But you look like a dog
That just stole the roast
From right off the table!
Actually, I know it,
I'm just giving it a better face.

In that mercy, is it grace?
Is it blessing? Are you saved?

Anchors like weights,
Writs from writers acting
Behind the curtains.
I fear they don't even know it's a play,
But they're aware there's stakes.
Whatever press representative
That today flirt nationally
Are riddled with stains.
Very few apart from the alternative,
Though they have well suffered
By those who are dependents.

Who is guilty? Who is judging?
About the news or the common mentality of the day?
Man Feb 15
She was full of such grace
That she radiated utter splendor!
Lilacs in her hair,
Violets, paeonias, and roses.
Adorn simple fabric,
The smells citrus & floral.
I loose my sextant,
My rubric,
My laurels.
In her fair sight, near eye,
Her ear offers to listen
On the thoughts that pass by.
What more could I ask for?
Feb 15 · 180
As Odin, As Thor
Man Feb 15
You think I speak of blood lineage,
Clearly I hold the whetstone,
But that's because you're dull.

I am.

From my shine, shimmer-
I'll stay solid as file;
Whether if needed firm or gentle,
Soft or abrasive.

In address to the west,
The rising sun.

At least, that's from our perspective.

From the hammer
Who shaped the stone.
Feb 15 · 115
Man Feb 15
Dabble in travel duel citizen?
Come from the land of elims?
Most are not from Rome or Turin,
Berlin or Bavaria-
Most don't speak Italian or German.
Likewise with Russian, Mandarin,
Arabic, the King's English, Hebrew.
No winding Rhine,
No rushing Niagara,
No swelling Yellow River.
All the ponds & gulfs left behind
Like Aden, Bothnia, Carpentaria.
No more Urals, no more Himalayas,
No Alps, no Andes,
No Atlas, no Pyrenees.
No more blackcurrants,
Going without papaya.
Put back that whiskey,
Send back that bourbon.
No more Jarlsberg cheese,
No more bottles of champagne.
Cut out the list of avocado,
No more palm or olive oils extra virign.

No more fancy foreign fruits,
No more spoiled rotten vegetables.

This is nationalism
As it's being directed,
You'll get to watch the film.

I'm sure it'll be inaccurate,
But I doubt it.
Man Feb 15
You guys really messed up that message-
Do you have the postage? Addresses?

The records & reports
For what you purport?
Are all the passages
Just rewritten, or
Pages overwritten?
Perhaps overlooked?

No longer properly understood?

Is the truth lurking out there,
Buried under heaps of rubble,
Covered by mud & dirt.

Wipe the muck off.

Through the weeds & brush,
Thorn & thrush,
Slash the vine & burn the bush;
Get looking.
Feb 15 · 154
The Weekends
Man Feb 15
If it comes out the tap,
I'm drinking it.
Whatever is public.

If we can't at least guarantee clean water,
Who are we?

If you think I'm only talking about one thing,
I'm sorry.

If it shouldn't bother you,
Does it?
Why do different?
Why worry?
Like a fly buzzing,
Best just to ignore it.
Swat it!
Stamp it!
Crush it!
But you just can't catch it!
Man Feb 14
"Jesus, son of Stada, is the Jesus, son of Pandira?"

Rav Hisda said, "The husband was Stadia and the lover was Pandora. His name was Spartacus & her name was Pythia."

"But was not the husband Nicodemus, son of Socrates and the mother Juno?"

"No. His mother was Raet-Tawy, who let her hair grow long and was called Maccabees." Maacah says about her: "She was unfaithful to her husband."

"But what of the roots of his tree?"

"The fruit that you see be not enough?"

"What of that which still eludes me?"

Do you still wonder?
Not satisfied enough?
Feb 14 · 235
Lupus Like Lybica
Man Feb 14
The first time I met them,
I was met with silence;
These who did not speak.
They were unfamiliar with communication.
They were silent, but pondering beasts.
They looked up to me
With eyes full of fear.
Such beautiful innocence
When you lashed out at me,
For you were only trying to protect yourself
At what you perceived as dangerous.
But I placed my hand on your shoulder,
I rested my head against yours.
In your confusion,
I embraced you.
Come sit beside the fire
Man Feb 13
Beware the ides of March,
April shall weep with us,
And May might even;
Beware the hanging mist,
Avoid the creeping fog,
And move out from the shadows.

Stand before everybody,
Let them hear the truth of your love
And explain that, that love is of the people
Which are of knowledge.

The children of reason,
The kids of virtue;
The lineage of Logic & Wisdom,
Of Innocence & Emotion.

Be wary of the pats on the back,
But less of those open in their criticisms.

Watch the blade which does not reflect,
Whoever hesitant to display their genuine feelings.

Keep your family closest,
But merely watch their wandering affections.

Keep your friends closer,
For at a distance you seem as enemies.
Mind the weather, they're calling for hard rain.
Man Feb 13
Are you a good person?
Are you good men?
Are you good women?

Are you a mature adult?

Because only a child
Believes bedtime stories & fairytales.
Go to sleep!

I get it,
You'd rather a fantasy
Outside of reality.
Get to work!

Things still haven't fallen in place,
You feel out-of-step;
You're crawling
And you feel you should at least
Be walking.
Wake back up!

It's *******, I know,
I hear you.
But, here among us,
This is our daily regiment
And the butter of our sustenance.
Eat your oats!

I hear you, I get it,
It's a lot to swallow.
Get it down or choke!
Bedtime stories like the glories of battle & the honor in war.
Feb 13 · 167
Running Out Of Storage
Man Feb 13
Body of a long night in the suns,
Existence as we know it.
Ocean of absence & matter,
Of gas & solid
In equal coexistence
Within these systems upon systems.

Time & motion,
The yin & yang.
The delicate balance
They maintain
Allows for each to live.

Without one,
The other ceases to exist.

Without motion,
Velocity & acceleration,
There would be nowhere
For which time to go.

Without time,
Duration & interval,
There would be nothing
For motion to travel.
Man Feb 13
To the Earth, we mourn!

Goddess Mother & Father Cosmos,
How far we have fallen;
How much we have let you down
Though you've nurtured us
And helped us to grow.

We were specks
On the backs of giants
And we thought ourselves special!

How ignorant we are,
How arrogant we have become;
How confusing have we shaped our existence.

The shades of black made white,
But the way the light shines
Shows there is no difference
When we are open & transparent.

The shades of white made black,
But the echo of the song
Reminds us there's more than the wailing
Of crimes against humanity being normalized again.
Feb 13 · 116
The Still Spinning Globe
Man Feb 13
Am I even religious? I ask myself.
Am I spiritual? I ponder.
Feudal, socialist, capitalist, fascist?
Am I more over here,
Or more over there?
What's my hereditary, what specific mix;
Where exactly am I from?
From where did my family come,
Where have we been?
What did we take part in?

It's interesting,
But where are we going?
What's the heading?
Feb 13 · 150
God(s) Against
Man Feb 13
There is not one
Which I have not rewarded,
One I have not punished.
From Cyrus To Moses
And each of their children,
That is their nations.
From Rome to Germany
And their siblings,
That is their family.
You stand with your tribe
And you stand against the species.
You believe in nothing, and you'll fall for anything
Feb 13 · 161
Tin-Metal Men
Man Feb 13
It's more than simply what you typed,
What you spoke over the phone;
It's how you've done it
Down to every detail,
From the face you made
To each little keystroke.
The trends, the habits, & routines
By which you live your life by;
Tagged with geolocation & time.
Nowadays, there's even more devices
Like the phone or speaker or television;
Like satellite, transmitter, receiver.
There's a tag on your ear
By which you're known by-
It's just not what you go by, chattel.
Feb 13 · 193
The Coming Persecutions
Man Feb 13
Well, I guess we need
To send out the hounds.
For the crafty sheepdogs
To go pick out the bad actors
Hiding among the crowds.
Look over your shoulder,
There's that chill again,
The heat is rising
And you can feel something creeping.
Let it take you on,
Lest it take you over.
We've been
Building momentum,
Silently growing
Like a beautiful lotus
Or festering fungus.
It's just a matter of perspective,
It's only a matter of time.
Give in, or give up.
Fly if you will,
Fight if you think you must,
But listen to your neighbors.
Are you honest?
Are you trusting?
Are you nurturing?
Don't worry, don't stress out;
We're gonna figure each angle,
Lay out all the motives.
It's all there
On the internet,
And freely given!
You had a choice, you made a choice-
You dressed up the bed, now rest in it.
Man Feb 13
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth,
No man ought to look up
But down on which he is given.

Heywood, ever hear of the Trojans?
Or is that thye pun
On the stupidity of the common person?

But, then nobility repeats it?

Hey, look at me!
I know my history!
I'm so educated that I know better!

That a coward correctly surmised
That a cat may look on a king
Is certainly no surprise.

The more haste, the less speed;
Rush-in over your head,
And regret you did not faster think.

Wedding is destiny,
And hanging likewise.
To be married to such ideals,
I would rather swing.

For when I gave you an inch,
You took an ell.
I gave you a slighting
And you reached for arms.

Now, you tell me;
Did I say these things?

One man's interpretation
Is another man's insulting.
The more haste, the less speed.

Haste speaking more
To the mental state of the individual
Leading to rushed or hectic actions,
Whereas speed speaks of velocity
And the duration of the time taken
To complete or finish any one task fast,
At greater than the average

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Self-referential, in that
It is never the recipient saying it.
Be grateful for what you are given,
But do not look too closely at it
Lest something jump out at you.
A reference to the Trojans & the Greeks.

A cat may look on a king

People who are self-serving animals
Still have a place to sit,
So long as they bend the knee.
So long as they are good pets
And don't bite at the hand which feeds.
No barking!

Wedding is destiny,
And hanging likewise.

Often, our marriages to life
Are arranged
By those around us
And by such things as fate & chance.
For every gallow the crowns build,
There is a hangman.

For when I gave you an inch,
You took an ell.

Very little is given out
Compared to how much is taken.
It is an insult
Warranting attention and reflection.
If it is not rectified, acquire arms;
For an insurrection is required.

In each,
The default option among most
Is one where there is a sacrifice made.
A contrasting element or trade
Inherent in the concept
By such statements conveyed,
And likewise because of it
The statement itself.
Feb 13 · 195
Who Knew?!
Man Feb 13
I like to sprinkle my likeness within my work,
Sometimes it's elusive or hidden.
Sometimes it is plainly written out
If you just read it from the right perspective.
A bird's eye view,
The lense of the cartographer,
The fun of the stenographer:
A wider & broader picture.
Feb 13 · 123
The Titular Default
Man Feb 13
If you harbor spite
For the perception of it in others
But lack the strength to investigate,
It's better to refrain from assumptions.
Perhaps you're picking up
On something that isn't real,
But a fiction of your imagination.
Perhaps they weren't serious.
Unless you have concrete evidence,
Something that confirms your suspicions.
But then, without cross-examination,
That's just another assumption.
Feb 13 · 270
Static Electric!
Man Feb 13
In between the lines
There's the hint at some opinion
And not just pictures you hang crooked
On flimsy nails you drive.
I'd rather keep the vocabulary
Short & simple,
If there's more from it
Who might be reached
Or that might be derived.

I know you think you're something
Just as much as I,
I know I think you're something
Just as much as I.

If you can't see, you can have mine;
I've already given up on one eye.
If you can't sense it,
I can go on deprived.
To me it makes no difference,
I'm only trying to help.
Come what may, I'll survive.
Feb 13 · 69
No Bird In Migration
Man Feb 13
He belongs to it
As a citizen of the nation:
Another voice among the crowd,
A plebian shotuing outside the assembly.
Raise up your hands, my compatriots,
And let them hear your opinions!
Is the conduct quiet? Loud?
Have you dampened all other noise out?
Do you have an ear to listen?
It's a re-run made parody
Having been so shoddily done
From being so poorly conceived
By a lack of understanding.
Feb 13 · 233
Ball cap, Flat cap
Man Feb 13
Despite the hardships we endure,
And of the misfortune visited upon us,
There is much opportunity for joy
If we are brave enough to discover it
And venture to uncover it.
Friendship like romanticism
Giving us momentum,
And belief like passion
Giving us objective.
But will you make the journey
Or settle where you have started?
Will you call home wherever you landed?
Feb 13 · 1.2k
Man Feb 13
In the "loneliness",
I find connection.
In the "boredom",
I find fulfillment.
In the "silence",
I find serenity.

Why aren't you at peace?
Man Feb 13
Six-shooters are holstered, swords are scabbard, arrows are un-nocked, blades are sheathed.
Not in the course
Of one petty conflict,
But comparatively throughout history.
There is more intergovernmental cooperation,
More trade and tourism,
More declarations and treaties.
The common person
Has greater breadth of movement
In travel of classes & region.
The ignition of all these dormant conflicts
Will not lead to any new or better resolution
But, more likely than not,
More conflagration & revolution.
To win or to lose
In a game of confusion
With the strategy of lies & ambiguity.
Better than to limply concede
And forfeit all claim to belief
In what you fought to seat.

And in fifty years from now
Some blasted fool shall say:
The ignition of all these dormant conflicts
Will not lead to any new or better resolution
But, more likely than not,
More conflagration & revolution.
Feb 13 · 135
A Toga & Tablet
Man Feb 13
I walk alone
I rest afar
From home.

These aching bones,
Debride me of such woes
And deliver restitution
Of with what I was born.

Painless, happiness,
Life without sorrow
Free from fortune.

To live as I was young
But with the benefits of growing old.

Bless me with that gift of insight
And provide me with good experience,
That I might grow & blossom.

Into the butterfly & not the buzzard,
Into the dove & not the eagle.

From the deserts & the mountains,
From mediterranean to peninsula.

Let me walk away
From the affairs of the needy,
Who have their fill
And are even fat because of it.

Let me walk away
From the affairs of the greedy,
Who can't stomach more
But make room by vomiting.

Let me walk away
From the affairs of the seedy,
Who have good families
But can't keep to themselves.

Let me walk away
From the affairs of the piety,
Who possess nice quarter
But must room in others'.

Let me walk away
From the affairs of the ******,
Who know what is wrong
But still freely engage in it.

I walk alone
Afar from home,
I rest purposefully.

Painless, happiness,
Life without sorrow
Free from fortune.

For the sake of wisdom, virtuously.
For the sake of virtue, wisdomously.

Modest & humble.
Man Feb 13
There's talk of rules in a capitol,
Whispers around Moscow
Of how to act clandestinly.

On how to move in the shadows,
Of acting without notice & silently.
On how to avoid & evade,
Of how to deflect & debate.
On how to turn people over,
Of how to churn up info.
On how to survive the living
Of an actor of a foreign agency.

There's talk of rules in a capitol,
Whispers around Washington
Of how to get away with things.
Feb 13 · 122
In Stitches
Man Feb 13
Take me at my word,
Or don't.
To me, it's nearly the same.
But don't expect
Should you neglect
To accept me being forthright,
That the same expression
Should cross my face.
You mistook honesty for lie,
Biography for farce,
Stand-up not discussion-
It is yet tragedy but comedy.
Feb 13 · 103
Man Feb 13
For any head beneath the crown,
Any hair which the scalp has graced,
Was placed upon there by the Almighty
To give right & honor their divinity
As our King of England, His Majesty.

Long may He reign.

For health & in praise,
We honor our royalty & nobility
And recognize their sovereignty
With zeal & in haste,
We bend the knee happily.

For the success of our kingdom & country,
Who else may we thank?

For our rights & our liberties,
Who else guarantees?

Grateful are we, who share in this hymn,
To have been blessed by the Lord above
For such righteous leadership
And clear-headed soberness.
In the face of our adversaries,
Your strength has never wavered
And your acumen has never wandered.
You have remained ever stalwart,
Always earnest & virtuous.

God-chosen & proven self-evident;
May the sun never set
On you who are worthy.

Long may He reign.
In praise & sincerity.
Feb 13 · 176
On Tha Linë
Man Feb 13
Fall on your own sword;
If you must die
Do it on a hill
On which you shall be revived.
From where at its summit & base
A well should spring
Of water which you may both wade,
Clean enough to be drank.

By both, either side,

Whether Abrahamic or Pagan
Both religious & spiritual.
By whatever side walked
Around the waterhole,
No matter the kind of animal.
Any coast situated near the ocean,
Any forest covered with trees,
Any open & vacant clearing.
Lazarus & Alban
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