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 4d Man
 4d Man
claws tore my heart apart
and it's aching, it's bleeding out

were they my own claws,
a lioness awoke? finally again
learning how to crawl?
or was it you,
who ripped it apart
guided by misty eyes,
blurred to the edges of the Earth?

how do i go on,
or do i drop dead on the floor?
how does such a gaping wound
ever live to be safely cocooned again?

my chest is burning,
and every step hurts
yet you ask me to put this
blade, right through my heart
what the hell did i ever do to you?

will i ever be enough?
We were pen pals
Exchanging poems
Back and forth
Back and forth
Sharing bits of our lives
Within each line
Spilling secrets
Sharing tales
Opening our hearts
Just to finally
Tear each other apart
Spring you total ****
what goes with you
you promise much
teasing us with summer’s waiting arms
yet still you flirt with winter
and make us wait to sample all your green and airy charms
it just won’t wash, the rest of us have had about enough
I know you think it’s funny
now come on out and do your proper stuff
 Apr 15 Man
Persephone sits under a leafless

tree, sprouting infantile green.

her back against the trunk, her

knees square against her *******.

her dress adjusts like an eye, to fading

hues seen after change.

she's surgically bisected a pomegranate--

with the intimate caress of her right

pointer finger.

counting the gory plumps of its seeds.

her legs start to rattle as if in ******--

she crushes the pomegranate between

the palms of her hands.

having tallied those freshly admitted below.
 Apr 8 Man
Bea Rae
Have you asked yourself

If you are running towards your fears

Or away from them
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