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Aa Harvey Apr 2018

I’m picking liars from in front of my eyes
And taking them as friends.
I know my fate is to suffer in silence,
But I know not to what end
And maybe I will never know, but I still have hope,
That one day things will work out well tomorrow.
We’ll have to wait and see what happens.  God only knows;
But I will face life head on, hiding behind my pillow.

There is a pit of deceit, full of lines you speak
And if I try to escape you drag me back in,
With unbroken promises, at the present time;
But history shall repeat itself once more, as shall the fact you lie.

Everyone is a liar and they can’t handle the truth;
If I showed you how I really feel,
I wonder…would I still be with you?
Or would my truth expose your lies
And make us both face the facts?
That I love you, but you don’t love me;
I guess you could never tell me that.

Some people in love dream of loving another;
The deceitful people always flock together.
I am a mentally weak human being;
You hurt me inside and you killed all my dreams.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2019

I am a truth-teller; I truly don’t know what you are.
I came here in search of peace and you are only seeking war.
We are very different; you and I are so far apart.
You are leading a different life to me;
You are failing to write under a dying light bulb, whilst I am a star.

You have to shout at me because your words are empty;
I whisper a reply that deafens your voice.
Why are you so angry that you are so far beneath me?
You know you are losing and it is not my fault.  You made that choice.

Fame and fortune by any means necessary;
If that is your only wish, then do as you will.
I will continue to be right and live free and properly,
As you trap yourself under your counterfeit popularity.
You can keep it;
I have no desire to be left with you at the bottom of that hill.

You are reaching for the stars, but your reputation is not big enough.
Just another name to forget; an optimist without a prayer.
I will become simply amazing without the shrill touch,
Whilst you will remain the same…
A long forgotten nobody, going nowhere.

Friends of the foolish speak no truth;
Take it to heart you arrogant loser.
In the end we will be left asking, who are you?
I will not be asked that question,
Because I will be known as the end of your time in the spotlight;
The moment you fall you will realise,
That I am your defuser.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

A man walks into a bar, with his face covered in scars.
His eyes full of death, with horns on his head,
He is going to decide who to ****; his eyes are blood red.

The blood pours down from his fangs;
The blood pours down from his hands.
The demon is here to scare you all to tears.
The Devil is walking through the room taking your years.

Hold on, I’ve been waiting to say,
To the girl in flames who is now fading away.
You set me on fire with your loving desire.

Sitting here with Mr. Madness;
He is watching me express my sadness.
You cannot take her from me;
She gave me her soul to hold and to keep.

Her sins are not for sale, to you inside this bar;
She is good, she is pure, she is more than you could imagine.
She is going to become a shooting star;
You cannot turn this romance into a tragedy.

I will fight for her heart and you cannot take her body;
You are pure evil and I will go in her place.

“You are not the one I came here for,
But I do like the look of fear, upon your face.
It is here that I stand and I stand here a man;
I’m crossing bridges and burning them behind me.
The fire within burns inside of me and I need my release…
So she must become deceased.”

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Demons of the written word.

**** draws out my Demons

And gives them a physical form.

They take over my body,

So I can write some more.

But they leave a ***** residue,

Long after they have come and gone.

I think I would prefer it if I was permanently ******.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Desert Dog

Lying in the sun like a desert dog;
I have a glass in one hand and my lover in the other.
Hand in hand we lie here, telling truths under the sun.
So peaceful here, like it has been for years;
How things change with time, but never my lover.

She remains at the very centre of my gargantuan heart;
She has always been here and I hope here she stays.
Her words are like flames that caress my soul in the dark.
We have no need for words in this moment,
Because we are happy here, at a quarter to midday.
Summer is still my favourite time;
I hate the cold, I love this love life!

Broken into pieces are the daydreams of peace that I had;
I said what I said, there ain’t no turning back.
Live a life so full of regrets;
Never do a single thing that I have ever said.
Procrastinate, every single day;
Everything I say is only ever said in jest.

“Less is more”; her smile has disappeared from her face.
We are no longer laughing together because of our liquid state.
I will have to sell my soul to her, to pave the way,
To healing her mood and seeing her smile once again.

Burning in the sun over there is a memory,
I lost a vital piece of my empathy.
Love could die, given enough time;
Lest we forget that it is all on the line.

So passionate about her, but so drunk on stupidity.
She is the one who I love; now she will not speak to me.
No melody can exist inside this mind,
Without her to assemble,
These jagged edged pieces of a damaged rhyme.
Put us back together with a happier time…

I spilt her wine…
And Everything…
Is not…

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018

All my wishes and all that could have been,
Became a dream I never could reach.
I crave for things I cannot attain.
My brain won’t allow me to make those same mistakes again.

So alone I stay and alone I lay.
I still dream of better days,
But that future seems like it is a long way away.

The rain pours down inside my heart;
It’s cold in this part of my body of scars.
Wounds will not heal, when I can no longer feel,
The warmth of her love,
In this nightmare which has become real.

Dark days are upon us.
Without the opportunity of love, I can be no star.
Love is needed to bring some kind of happiness to my memoir.
I want to have a life where I am allowed to just write,
But that life is unattainable, without a wife.

I need motivation, to change my situation,
But being single makes me,
Apathetic to being all I can be.

Words speaking of sorrow leave me wanting to be more positive,
But I can never forgive and I don’t know how to live,
This never ending story of searching for glory;
Or just acceptance, that my lines are worthy.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Devil’s night

Let’s all dream epiphanies.
Salt the ash or let it be.
Never seen reality.
Everyone is make-believe.

Live a life of tragedy.
There are no more sweet sixteen’s.
The party died with innocence.
Roll of the dice; head on a six pence.

In a dream reality,
Nothing is ever quite as it seems.
Take a life of fantasy.
We are all down to some degree.

Love is buried six feet deep.
Gone is the hope of sapling to tree.
Youth in a blender publicity.
Create your monsters on TV.

Black as night and twice as cold.
The Devil’s here to reap your souls.
Another night’s apocalypse.
The end is all that is on their lips.

In death we learn to let them go.
They’re buried deep in their hollow.
The risen haunt the streets once more.
The darkness has come to cleanse the pure.

A bitter taste of lovely love.
There is no place for a God above.
They took it with the lies they sold.
The blackest night to take a soul.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Diamond eyes

It’s all in the eyes; that is where your secrets hide.
The passion you possess, that wishes for you to be caressed,
Is the reason I am stood here before you, waiting…

I want you in my life; I want to be with you.
I think between us a fire burns.
I will remain sad until this one becomes two.
It is only for you that my heart yearns.

The two of us could build a future;
The heat between us could keep us together,
From now until the end, we could illuminate each other.
You are so desirable, that our love will shine as a guide to all lovers,
To seize the day and find the one they should be with.
You are my on switch; let us begin with a kiss.

We will last a thousand years
And the news of our love will always steer,
Those who are unsure, into the arms of those they love.
When the two of us unite, the world will stay in touch.

Hand in hand, sealed with a kiss; love me deeply.
We are linked together in harmony.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Different streets

The world is full of angry people;
Why can’t we all just live in peace?
Everywhere you go, you see the same old behaviour;
Different faces on different streets.

But still the same old negative creeps,
Creeping up on me.
Just leave me be and you will hear nothing of me;
Different people on different streets.

Still they want to fight, so they stomp their feet,
They wave their fist, they scream and yell.  Where is the empathy?
Think only of yourself!  Who raised these kids?
No-one it seems, for they cause nothing but grief.

They want to fight, because they are never right;
They are a war on polite society; the follower at night.
All I offer is peace, love and empathy;
All they give in return is misery.

So pity me as I walk along the same old streets,
Seeing the same angry faces, hearing the same old voice of defeat.
I wish these horrible people were seeking peace, just like me;
But they are different people on different streets.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Different strokes.

You live in a world full of beautiful people,
While I walk alone in search of my true love.
I am a person you have to put up with.
The poor, the feeble; but inside I am good.

You cannot see the heart I hide;
It is truly pure and I guess it will remain only mine.
I am an angel from above with a non-existent outer beauty,
So all you get to see is a part of me.
I wear my beauty on the inside;
You shine so bright that I have to lie
And say I could never love someone as beautiful as you.
But the truth is I could;
The truth could become, I do.

You are surely already taken
And I am surely completely mistaken;
But if you are single and I am what you want,
Then I will give you all of my love.
It is all I have; this is my lot.

I am stunned by an exquisite babe;
I would be yours always, if you wish, just say
And as I see you silently walking away,
I have my answer;
But still it was a pleasure to see your face.
I hope you continue to be a happy dancer.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Diggin’ on you

You're keeping me up at night;
I need to turn out the light.  
I need to put you out of my mind;
I need to find a reason why.  

Why it would never work;
Why we could never connect.  
Why I keep thinking about your words;
I need a reason to forget.  

Was it just a word or was it said with deeper meaning?  
Was it misremembered or misheard?  
Whatever the truth, it is keeping me from sleeping…
All I want to do is dream about you,
But my thoughts keep me awake.  Summer is in bloom,
I am under a blue moon, left confused, by no truth;  
Yet I am diggin’ on you.  

Been void so long, no names or faces to recall;
Then you came along and rocked my comfortable little world.  
You leave me wondering what is she thinking?  
Is she really diggin’ on me?  
Ok Babe, let's talk this straight,
I need an answer; are we just gonna be mates?  
Or are we going to make a connection that lasts?  
Will you join me and swear a love pact?

If I arrive before your eyes this summertime,
What will I find if I ask you to be mine?  
Great minds?  Or fantastical lies?  
A fantasy of what could be; tell me please,
Are you diggin’ on me?  

You have ignited a passion I had given up on
And the only things holding me back are your choices in songs,
Or your marital status.
Are you single, or does none of this even matter!?
As there will never be a chance to grow a tree for us.  

I have a seed inside my head, that wants to get out,
But I must simply forget,
Because you are wrong for me; the pessimist is so sure.  
Riddle me this; will I ever be yours?  

A true liar speaks of rejection.
An honesty line is I want your affection.  
If one plus one equals our future,
Then which thought must I utter?  
What gift must I bestow?  
Which key must I hold?
To get my message through to ya?

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

As she walked through my life, she simply kissed me goodbye.
She was only with me for a moment; a moment in time.
But then she was gone from me and all I could do is cry.
I guess we never get the chance, to love for life.

As the years all rushed passed me and experiences made me grow;
I thought about her all my life and where she is, I just don’t know.
But each night I send a firework, flying high into the sky.
Maybe one day she will see my signal flare and she will send me a sign.

As my eyes begin to fade and all my hair has now turned grey;
I guess she just isn’t coming back to me; I guess alone I have to stay.
I sure did have a good life and I married my beautiful wife;
But she has passed away, three years now
And I still can’t get her off my mind.

I wish I could have been with her, for the rest of my life,
But some things they just ain’t meant to be;
I never said it would all turn out alright.
I lost you in my youth and now I’ve lost my second love too.
I know I should be grateful, but all my thoughts return to you.

So many years without you near, I would just like to understand.
I know you had to find yourself, but did you ever find your man?
Or was I the one you think about, the one you could come back too?
I hope you think of me from time to time;
I hope to see you soon.

You had to leave to find yourself;
Well, did you find your way?
Have you discovered what you needed to find?
I can only remember the day you walked away.
Have you completely lost yourself in love and did you raise a family?
Our time stopped, the day I watched you slowly walking out on me.

I guess you carry your own memories;
I wish they had been mine,
But fate decided we would part
And follow our own paths.  
Have your discovered, how to just, leave it all behind?
I never did;
I never did stop loving you,
But now I know…
You’re never coming back.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018

Knowledge is power, know your history;
Study his story or her story.
Whichever you favour, to choose your reaction;
For illumination, learn about the history of your nation.
For history repeats itself,
So make a change, to help yourself.

Learn what made you, the person you are.
Know your roots, before planting your seed,
Don't let your mistakes, line your history.
Affirmative action will set you free, to ignore the bigotry.

The Afro-American struggle has similarities with your own;
Surely you too, have been persecuted by someone.
Sure maybe on a different scale,
But still persecuted, like the feminist females.

Still treated differently
Because of their thoughts of you.  
Their opinion of how you look,
Or what they see you do.
Surely they've closed the door to you too?
And sent you away,
Before hearing your words?

Simply because of the way,
You are perceived to be.
It may have even lead you,
To question the person they see.
They judge you with their power,
Without even knowing you;
But even Einstein looked stupid,
With his mad scientist hairdo.

So follow what you believe, you can really do,
Don't quit because they say,
You can't do the things you wish to.
Prove them wrong, prove yourself right.
Never let them overcome your struggle,
Because nothing good comes easy,
There is always a price.
So is it worth the fight?

The hardest fight you'll have
Is with the demons inside you,
But when you've conquered your inner demons,
Nothing in this world will be able to stop you.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Feb 2020

I'm feeling disillusioned, all because of you.
I'm lacking all my desire for love, because of your truth.

You sit there on your throne of thorns,
Not caring about the lives that you have torn.
The lives that you simply ignore.
Your world is you and you are all.

Banish me to anywhere that I can’t become King.
I never wanted to be a fallen Prince.
I hate royalty to the ‘nth degree.
I don’t believe in Peace, Love or Empathy.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

I may be blind to the subtle movements of your all-seeing eyes,
But I am able to see that inside of you, you hold a beautiful soul.
I may not be able to lip read the thousand pages of your thoughts,
That aspire to escape from your heart and into my mind,
But as I hang on your every word, I truly am a good listener
And my ears are always open to your hearts true secrets,
If you are willing to show me yours.

So if you wish to confess your desires to me,
Before I leave,
Before I must go,
Then I will tell you over and over again that you are true beauty,
You amaze me,

The light to my rain; the best part of my day;
The crystal clear keeper of untold secrets to be near.
The fire in my veins;
My Moon, My Sun, My Earth…
My worth the thousand years wait.

If there is a way for you to ever love me,
Then let the Heaven’s speak!
Let the angels raise their voices!
Let their thunderous cry allow you and I to find a place,
Where I can tell you we should be!

If I cannot,
I will remain delayed…
I will remain in pain…
I will remain in my own dismay.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Don’t believe in love

Don’t believe the truth,
It is just what they tell you.
You already know your version of their truth,
So show them that the two of you are through.

I don’t believe in love anymore;
I’ll never be with someone beautiful.
I will never find a love that is pure;
So tell me, what is there left to fight for?

Forgive me my apathy and my heart of steel,
But this is all I have left to feel.
I used to have you and your love,
But that has disappeared, like the sun.

The rain ruined your hair
And I no longer cared.
You talked and talked about nothing at all
And I was gone to a place of despair.

The earthquake you caused when you ended us,
Had no effect at all, because I have had enough.
Enough of you, enough of love,
Enough of this world;
I have had enough.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Don’t look back.

It's been a long time since I saw you last,
But here you are again, my blast from the past.
Nothing to regret about the way that you left;
I was glad to see you go, because with you went all the stress.

We exchange pleasantries and maybe reminisce,
But all I can think is, oh my God!  When will you leave?
I have already moved on and you are just holding me back.
Eventually we say goodbye and I can finally relax.

Old memories are best forgotten;
Taking steps backwards will always end up rotten.
Repeated mistakes will only leave you to break;
So never go back to what you know or it will end up the same.

Nothing ever changes, history is resolute.
Don’t believe the truth; this is my truth.
Feelings come and go, so let them just go,
Because at the end of the day…everybody goes…

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

I only open future doors,
And any door I pass through,
I close it and lock it behind me.
Once I have passed through,
The key is destroyed,
So no matter how loud you knock on the door,
It will forever remain shut;
And you will be left alone and annoyed.

You can shout obscenities and question my motives or my person,
But I am no longer the great listener that I once was,
For I am too busy flirting,
With a new romance; you missed your chance.
I have found a new person with whom I want to naked slow-dance.
All that which you have lost will never be repeated,
So repeat after me “I did not cheat.”

The door behind me is becoming the door to a mouse house.
So small in its importance; for I have left purgatory behind me.
I am awaiting what is out there to be seen.
Love is on the way and you are way behind me;
Are your pastures green?

Remember what you will never again have.
You had a chance; you took your chance for granted.
You missed your chance for a first dance.
I have a key in my hand; this door locks from the inside.
I hope the weather stays nice outside.
I am closed to the past;
You shall become nothing as soon as,
A new door looks quite appealing;
Maybe it is her time that I should attempt to be stealing.
Wasting away with me in my twilight years,
Will be my one love; after years and years.
She will only speak beautiful words of truth…
And you?...

The door behind me is left to rust.
Bottomless pits for the ashes.
This truth,
This trust,
This love…
Is dust.
I hope this makes you happy.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Do’s and Don’ts

Do not judge me, lest thee be judged by somebody not worthy;
Don’t shoot the messenger…Don’t stand on ceremony.
Do not think we are equals, we will never be;
Don’t kneel before me, get up, you are better than me.

Do smoke **** with me, for you have shown me true empathy;
Do fall in love with me because I believe I need you to live.
Do become my girlfriend, do become Wife; my honey.
Because without you, do you really think that I can be happy?

I don’t think without you I can ever be truly satisfied;
I don’t think I can ever be enough to convince you to be my Wife.
I don’t think I am good enough, but I will still strive to be,
Good enough to earn your love;
Even though I don’t think I will ever be worthy.

Do believe my truths when I tell you I love you.
If you do believe in me, then all I ask is that you say “I do.”
Do become my Wife and I will drown you in roses and wine.
If you do become the love of my life,
I do believe everything will be alright.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Dot, dot, dot.

I am nothing in a world obsessed with beauty.
I am all things, only when it suits me.
I am falling, come pick me up.
I am flying high on the wings of a lovedove.

I am peace in a chaotic space.
I am serenity.  I am grace.
I am all those things you hate to waste.
I am in need of independence;
I am sent towards a new precedence,
By thoughts inside my empty head,
That blossom daily, or is it hourly?  I forget.

I am picturing you drawing me in a studio.
I am oblivious to all you keep on telling me. I know; I know.
I try to remember but the cells don’t work.
I try to speak out but I don’t have the nerve.
I try to be intelligent without sounding like a nerd,
But I remain the same, I remain the same,
I remain the same; unheard.

I am without love, I am only with loss.
I am making the best of what it is I have got,
But I am nothing, I remain with nothing,
I am …

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

Grab me quickly before we fall,
I want to take you down with me.
I hate you and your version of love,
So you must share my agony.

I am on the ground because this is where you have put me;
Six feet under is where I am going soon.
You have burst open my rib-cage and driven me to insanity;
My heart is in your teeth now, you feast and I live in the gloom.

Kurt is talking, I am falling,
She is crawling and the angels are calling.
I am an eruption of feelings and a dead man walking;
You bring me down and my melancholy is my everything.

Pick me up out of the mud honey,
I am wasting away without you to care.
I am crying in my puddle of shame and you think this is funny?
I need you; I can’t live without you.  Why so much despair!?

Hang me out to dry with the corpses,
I have nothing left to fear.
I have apathy for love and apathy for horses;
I hate everything you love, including me and why are you still here?

The rain continues to pour from every cloud
And hides the sunshine from this clown.
I look up at you from this downer I am under
And you can no longer stand to pick me up when I am down.

Tears don’t heal you; they only leave you feeling blue.
We used to have everything we could ever have needed
And now we are through?
The sun has exploded in front of my eyes
And I didn’t notice because I was crying.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Down in it.

This world is full of lying people.
Money rules their lives; their minds are so feeble.
Everyone cannot be trusted;
So called helpers leave you down in it.

If you remain positive, they will only steal everything
And leave you to resent your life.
I hope you like being down in it,
Because people are not nice.

If you attain anything, then everyone will demand their piece
And leave you down and out, left hating the thieves.
All your efforts they destroy.
Trust no man, woman, girl, or boy,
Because in the end they will no longer be a friend;
They are a taker.
They are taking away your money so they can spend.

Bit by bit, they are taking it
And in the end you will have not one thing.
You work hard so they don’t have to;
I hope you see a better view.

Maybe we could be like them?
Then again, let’s pretend,
That you are better morally.
Let’s pretend you can hear me,
Without needing to shout,
I disagree!

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018

Here I am, the one it’s easy to detest;
Here I am, I’m simply trying to do my best.
Here I am, so give your flapping mouth a rest;
Here I am, in my pure, unforgiving, mosh pit.

So get the **** up!
Get the **** up!
Get the **** up and rock your big ******* *** off!

Get the **** up!
Get the **** up!
Get the **** up and rock your big ******* *** off!

Get the **** up!
Get the **** up!
Get the **** up and rock your big ******* *** off!

Because were only here, to sing a song to fat chicks;
We’re only here, to embrace the outcasts.
We’re only here, to annoy the beautiful people;
We only care about, the none vain first class,
Truly beautiful within, kids with no Dads;
Without a silver spoon childhood, to give you a helping hand.
The kids with no money, who appreciate it the most;
The kids who pick up guitars and write the songs that you love.

So get the **** up!
Get the **** up!
Get the **** up and rock your big ******* *** off!

Get the **** up!
Get the **** up!
Get the **** up and rock your big ******* *** off!

Get the **** up!
Get the **** up!
Get the **** up and rock your big ******* *** off!

Because we don’t care and neither should you.
We don’t care, that were not cool.
We don’t care, what they think about us;
Because we simply do not give a ****!

Head bang, heavy metal, be seen as pure evil;
Don’t care what they say, we’re always gonna be cool.
Flip your *******, at those who say that you’re a fool;
For they’re only scared of our primal rage gene pool!

So get the **** up!
Get the **** up!
Get the **** up and rock your big ******* *** off!

Get the **** up!
Get the **** up!
Get the **** up and rock your big ******* *** off!

Get the **** up!
Get the **** up!
Get the **** up and rock your big ******* *** off!

So I wave goodbye,
To all of my fans.
So I wave goodbye,
To all those who danced.
So I wave goodbye,
To the chosen outcasts;
The one’s who simply, are first class.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

Dragon is my future cat.  I haven’t got her yet.
She is an idea, a hope and a dream,
But that which is written has now been said,
And I am not one to break my word.
My words are my bond, bound truth, without which I am nothing.
One day, I promise, I will find her.
One day I will no longer be missing.

A dragon with a tortoise shell,
Like her predecessor and her son.
Those which were, have never been forgotten,
But I have lost the son and the mom,
To a former love; once upon a time she was mine.
It is time to walk a different line.

Dragon shall be the beginning of a dynasty in the making;
This is no place for fakers to be faking.
Step 1 is Dragon;
Step 2 is a cat called Dog.
Step 3 is a small dog called Cat,
And with that, the trinity shall be done.
These are my wishes,
They contain no fishes,
I may only keep pieces,
But these are my wishes.
Cats are better than dogs or fishes.

If dragons do exist,
Then place one beside me
And I will be something I have never been.
My dream is simple and I need these three,
To become the person you should see.
My wife will present one,
I shall discover the rest,
And one day our children’s names,
Will be added to the list.

My tale began a long time ago,
Where a pet was lost to sorrow.
Another one disappeared,
For she was no longer in our home.
The third began her family,
As did the first,
And a giant was born,
With thunder paws.

I hope they all know,
I will love them ‘til the end.
I hope they are all still at home,
And only I have been condemned.
I hope she still takes care of her,
Though she no longer cares for me.
I hope they multiply.
I love my animal family.

I will care for Dragon, like I cared for the others.
Mother, daughter, mother, son;
Dragon will need a brother.
A panther was lost,
It’s mother long gone.
A monkey stole my heart,
So now I am impatiently waiting for a dragon to become.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Dreaming of going to sleep

I have to empty my mind of thoughts to get to sleep.
I wish I could be like everyone else and sort out my head in my dreams.
But this is not the chosen path for me.
Insomnia sets in, so I write poetry
And dream of going to sleep.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

People pass on by my mind’s eye,
And then they are gone forever.
I remember friends and lovers, so high!
They took my wings with every smile.
I never want to leave this land,
So now I exist in the never.

Perfectly imperfect describes me.
Although more accurately would be, incomplete.
Situations arise and I am at one with the sky
And Mother Nature guides my every footstep forward.
I travel blind.
I feel as if life is being lived in reverse.
I have no need for curse words.
There is no need to shout, I can hear.
I can even feel, but I cannot cheer.

Déjà vu times two or three.
It’s all the same to me.
Witches brew, potion of healing,
There is no remedy,
For my broken heart.
Leave me to my dreaming.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018

Rapid Eye Movement, after the darkness;
At last you have finally got to sleep.
Your own private show, with no popcorn eating fool sat beside us.
It’s time for a film…they call it a dream.

A bright white light shines over in the distance;
Maybe this will be a premonition,
Or maybe a long distant memory, that you have forgotten;
Or maybe a nightmare, that you have tried in vain to keep hidden.

So wish me away, to a far-away place;
A land of hopeful stories, with a sunshine landscape.
A place where magical animals roam free
And you are free to be at peace.
A place full of wishes; a place full of dreams.

I dream of a world, full of beautiful people,
Who are righteous and interesting and there is no evil.
I have no need, for a nightmare tonight;
I need sunshine and to dream, of a happy life.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
Dream Woman

You have the face of an angel,
The hands of a nurse.
Eyes that sparkle like diamonds
And lips I’d love to caress.

The body of a **** star,
The mind of a newly found romantic.
Whose idea of love,
Is based solely on Romeo and Juliet.

Your hair is soft to the touch
And I haven’t yet told you enough,
My darling you shall forever,
Have my love.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Drive forward.

Before I leave, I must plant a tree,
Because a rainforest is what you need.
A missing piece of our destiny,
Can be found beneath the leaves.

Write a note on a cut down oak.
Make a promise to them all.
Change your ways before you go
And never hide behind an opinion that will fall.

I have a key to what I keep, feeling on the inside.
I will let you clone me, if you like.
The mind is never free from the noise;
A sound so loud it will make you cry.
Tranquility is just a dream,
We wish for as the days go rushing on by.
So soon to be gone; on a one way track.
The time has come for us to try.

Break apart every wish you have
And spread the luck around.
Give their cheek a kiss and lend a hand,
When the lost need to be found.

Gasoline on a one way street;
No fire station on the way.
Use sun screen to protect you from disease.
No cell can ever save you from the pain.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Dumb and numb.

Gone is the future that they promised to us;
I have come undone and fallen apart…all because of love.
In a world of shadow stalkers I am lost in the dark
And all the love in the world could never be enough.

I stand here defiant at your claim that love matters.
It doesn't, I've had it;
All your heart has left to do is break and shatter.
In a life without hope, I stumble and fall right into your arms.
And so it begins, prepare for war;
I have become lost inside your alluring charms.
Another story of a love that became the enemy.
Why did you do your best to turn me into a man without empathy?

Too old to care now I live in a box for the dead;
I keep my heart locked away from you all so you cannot see.
I have no regrets apart from the things I never said;
I have nothing left to say to you so just leave me be.

I can no longer take it, so break it into pieces;
This life is so needless with a first degree in mistrust.
Three sixty degrees of sadness all around;
I am your disease and you are contagious.
All because I chose to follow my broken heart and fall into love.

So no more of this love thing, I reject all your advances;
I can no longer take a leap of faith without a faith of my own.
I have done all I could and given them a million second chances
And still the song remains the same; my heart has turned to stone.

A dagger through love, a betrayal by a lover;
A death of a true heart which will forever remain undiscovered.
I am but a cog in your torturous love system of sinning,
So ignore me, do not call me anything; I am no longer forgiving.
And please, oh please, for the love of all the love songs,
When it comes to expressing your love for me or anyone!
Be like me and remain dumb,
For I have become too numb.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Dust ‘n’ bones

I’m a creaking; rattle my bones.
I fall down deep into my hole.
I have no other place that I can go,
So down I sink, when I get home.

Falling down never felt so good;
But my head is empty of love and my body has given up.
I’m too tired to try and earn your love,
Because I am now an old man, who is as stiff as wood.

Legs ache from trying to find my way.
Head ache is back again.
So heavy is my ball and chain;
Memories drag me around in circles and there is no escape.

No sun; eternal night.
I do not have enough strength to put up a fight.
I have accepted my final demise.
The undertaker has me in his sights.

Burial plot I bought a long time ago.
It never shines, it’s covered in mould; it is my hollow.
I’m too far gone to be heading back home
And where I will end up, nobody knows.

Broken thoughts and the trust is gone;
I have no wife I can depend upon.
Never raised a daughter, too old to ever raise a son.
Mind is being blown by my own extinction.

Grave robbers only find dust ‘n’ bones;
There is nothing left to steal from me.
All is gone…now they have taken my soul.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Dying Star

A falling star; a dying heart.
A step too far for a shot in the dark.
A burnt out car; the ruins of a castle.
You cannot defibrillate love inside a hospital without a chapel.

A smile without fidelity;
Two eyes of glass.
A poison without a remedy.
Never take them back.

Clouds of clarity;
Give to charity.
Peace love and empathy…
Embrace the misery.

Let the sunlight shine,
Or find a place to hide.
We are all ugly on the inside.
Every day becomes a night.

Try to find your Feng shui,
Or find your own path.
Who can say,
When it is your time to begin again or to turn back?

Plant a foot;
Plant a seed.
Plant a thought…

Just make sure you succeed.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Dying to live.

Dying to live; first to leave.
Dead to love; the heart must grieve.
All I know is I’m not sure.
All I know is there’s no cure, I think.

I could live again, I think.
I could live again, I think.
I could live again, I think.
I could love again, I think.

I could love you girl, but I’m not sure.
I could love you girl, but I’m not sure.
I could love you girl, but I’m not sure.
I’m sure for my indecision, there must be a cure.

All I need is a little clarity.
All I can afford to refuse is your offer of charity;
Because all I have left, since the day love died,
Is my beating heart and an ounce of pride.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

Art is yours to interpret.
Poetry is yours to hear.
A diary is yours and yours alone to write.
Music is always near.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2019
Echoes, silence, peace and violence

All we need is peace, love and empathy.
All we have is war.
All we ever wanted was to be set free;
Still they keep us trapped inside these four walls.

Have a food fight with a butter knife;
The sound of bullet’s ricochet through streets with no name.
Life for today and sing with rage;
The super star is filled with hate.

Look at me up in the sky;
It’s so high up here now I have died.
Beautiful bullets in butterflies.
A soldier can never wear a peace symbol,
Because that would not be right?

Down in the dumps, I decided to give up;
All they told us was lies, so we had to confront.
Burst your bubble with a lighting strike above my head;
If I end up dead and my remains remain silent, then do not forget.

Echoes and silence;
Peace and violence.
All I hear you saying,
Reverberates around a room with no sound,
So we cannot remain silent.

Stop the war; what do we need it for?
Stop the violence; all you need is love.
Same old faces out on tour;
Coming back in caskets, without their guns.

Governments lie as soldiers die;
This is our time to change their minds.
Peacefully protest against their war;
Power to the people, we can’t take it anymore.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

Be gone!  Be gone!  Foul evil beast;
This is not my place of reckoning.
The guardians of light stand at my side
And death is not yet beckoning.

In foulest stench, I see you drenched,
In blood; I see you dripping.
But I am not for the taking yet;
I am still for the living.

Come back in time, of a dying future.
The time is not now; we are alive in this state.
In time you can take me to meet your master;
But now is my time to live, so leave this place!

Do not hover nearby hoping for easy pickings;
This body still stands and is not for the giving.
You are misguided, mistimed and mislead;
Off with your head, if you expect to take me away from this blessing.

The darkness does not haunt me, as you would wish;
So be gone foul beast!  Back to your bottomless pit.
My soul is still mine and you are out of your mind,
If you think I will stop suddenly;
Sooner than my time.

You are not my eclipse.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

Electric dreams of better feelings,
Running through my veins.
Electric feelings you cause in me
And these feelings will drive me insane.
I’m crazy in love with you
And love is driving me crazy for true.

Electric lady blew my mind,
When she didn’t kiss me goodbye.
She kicked my backside out of the door
And our love was no more.

She broke me, so I can no longer find love.
She broke me; I am in need of a hug.
I loved her like I loved my drug,
But she broke me and left me for dead in the mud.

I loved her more than life itself
And she hurt me more than anyone else.
I wanted her love more than I feared going to Hell,
But she broke me and I am in need of some medical help.

Alone with my misery,
Alone with my thoughts.
Feeling fragility,
There is a fight to be fought.
I must beat this anger out of my mind,
Because a loss of direction is all I am able to find.

I need to fix myself or get some help,
Or fail to crave love and lose a piece of myself.
Here is my heart; it is pointless to me,
When all it does is pump blood through my body
And allow me to be.

Love is dead on this cold hard floor,
So I am heading through a different door.
Electric love was amazing, but she was never pure,
So love is no more and living life is now just a chore.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Emotions in motion

Emotions in motion,
Changing from frozen to broken,
To joyful and delirious!
There are words to be spoken.

I’ve been up and down and messed around,
But now I am found in the dirt with her.
Her love gives me wings and lets me fly in the clouds;
Her love brings me crashing down into the dirt.

I say to you on this cold dark night,
The pain inside your heart will be gone by morning light.
I don’t believe you, myself; I have already seen you lie.
You told me I’d be happier; you said it would be alright.
That was only spoken in anger; take my words with a pinch of salt.
I just need you to believe in something;
If it goes wrong, that’s not my fault.

Oh my God she is beautiful!
She is a Goddess I must impress.
Her wings have fallen off now;
Now I see her for what she truly is and it leaves me depressed.

I was afraid this would happen;
She is a memory now, soon to be forgotten.
Love is a wrecking ball to the heart
And all that was beautiful shall become rotten.

Jealousy makes you fear your lover;
Afraid they will go off in search of another.
Shame and pride shall never be on the same side;
One body has one, her body has the other.

And oh my God her body; let me be bold with my thoughts!
The touch of her upon my body; her face to my touch.
She made me smile, so I shall make her smile too,
Because when all is said and done, she is loved.

Is she good or is she dangerous,
I just can’t decide.
I wish I was a robot, without feeling,
Then I would no longer feel the need to smile.

I am sad because love has always been without care.
I am a coward; no surprise there,
But I want to be courageous and feel love again.
I am confused and only feel weariness;
But I am happy she is my ball and chain.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2019
Empty being

I only exist inside a hole of depression.
There is no light here, so there is no will or feelings to mention.
I am not getting enough sun to make me smile.
Love is invisible; I have no number on speed dial.
No-one to call on, to hold me close,
No partner in life, no hope for my soul,
Only endless nights.
No love in sight, nothing is right,
Keep your polite encouragement and positive words,
I am no longer listening…

I cannot speak to her.
The grand-father clock melts into a puddle of oil.
The plans of adventure continually foiled.
All hope has disappeared, gone with the wind.
I am clock not-working, no key,
No turning, only ever heading down,
Into my self-portrait image;
The tears of a clown.

Some would say it is misfortune;
I would say let’s give it a miss.
Some would say it will get better soon;
I quietly reply, not without her kiss.

This life is a journey into the unknown,
But I already know how my story goes.
If happiness appears, it is immediately gone.
I see a white swan…
The love bug bites me and breaks my arm.
I see a beautiful flower so I reach out to hold it,
The prickles of roses only leave my heart to bleed,
So I quit.
Keep your love, it will never want me.
I will remain the empty being.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Empty inside.

Pick at the words; pick at the holes.
Pick me apart; you are cruel and cold.
I know your kind, you have no soul;
Let go, let go!  Be gone and leave me alone!

The darkness you hide under is merely the sound of thunder;
My words will become like lightning and rip you apart.
Accuse me, abuse me, but do not try to dilute me;
I am here to feed the need of those, who you have left starved.

You offer no remedy, to any thought ailment they may have.
Give back what you have taken,
You are unworthy of love;
You are unworthy as you attack.

Blissfully unaware of the light you cannot hold.
Inside your mind, nothing shines; there is no love
And every second you decay as you are now growing old.

Soon they will leave you to rot inside your hole.
Behold!  All the love is gone!
And so is your soul.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Empty voice

Inspire me to write a poem that you would enjoy;
Tell me what you want to read about and tell me a story.
Ask me a question, decline to use profanity;
Be you man, woman, girl or boy.
A thought, a wish, an image or a memory.

What is your motif? I desire to know of your desire.
Tell me something you think so I can create a line,
As I listen to them, as they play the lyre.
Let me become a better writer; be the fuel to my fire.
Ignite my passion for being passionate;
I am so scared of fading away, to once more become a cursing liar.

I don’t want to become an empty voice without enlightenment;
I don’t want to disappear from the pages you read.
I don’t want to be forgotten,
As someone who used to bring you enjoyment;
But my soul is dying, my spirit fading and my subconscious is in need.

I need your advice, be it criticism or nice;
I need to know how I can improve upon the words that I write.
I need to entice you back into my life,
Because without you to guide me, I will become a shadow in the night,
Who writes without originality…
Try as I might, to write something you will like.

Save me from obscurity;
Help my chaotic mind find a place of serenity.
Rate me good or bad or offer me a thought;
I will take all your words to heart and view them with awe.

If I can write no more, then so be it, let that be that;
But if there is a way to improve upon those silly things that I do,
Then give me a piece of your mind so that I have a chance.
I strive to improve as I reach out for wisdom;
I am waiting on a light bulb moment and I am feeling so numb.

Give me advice, be it fire or ice;
Just give me something to think about…

So that I can once again, try to write.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018

Come hold me tight, never let me go;
It’s not my time to end the show.
Surely one encore, do I have left?
Surely one dream do I have, with you to share?
Surely there’s time, for me and you,
To conquer the world and fly to the moon.

Let’s wish away, our last hopes and dreams,
To help us erase our bad memories.
To start a new life, with joy and pain,
To feel the sunshine, once again.
To once more splash, in puddles of acid rain;
To find a new faith and our memories of love regain.

Do not give up; your heart is still beating.
The time has not yet come, for you to be leaving.
You are still alive, you can keep on dreaming;
You can find the power, to breathe again.

So pick yourself up, it’s only a flesh wound.
Fight for your life, before you become consumed;
By guilt and fear and a lack of hope.
I wish for another wish, to still be here tomorrow.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019
Enemy of being great

The Gods are clearly angry at the way we live our lives;
They have warned us, they have threatened us
And still we pay them no mind.

Alcohol is the Devil’s gift to the world;
It stops my brain from being able to think.
I shouldn’t complain about alcohol,
Because I have decided to no longer drink.

You are handed a book telling you how to lead your life,
But there is no time left to complete the story.
I have my independence, my own thoughts and I cannot fall in line;
Enemy of being great…my old friend apathy.

The bigger you are the harder you will fall;
I will rise so far above the norm
And still I shall remain nothing at all.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
England Made Me Proud

Black Box Recorder bring my world into order.
Such sorrowful tales of a brain melting disorder.
Girls crying tears of pure love broken;
Pure love snatched from beneath the truth that was spoken.

Promises of death upon exit from this;
This relationship, this world naturally exists.
A natural instinct for survival,
Disposed of like a clam of lust, lead to suicidal.

Cover songs sing of stardom,
Taken from the foolish, naïve generation.
Pop star T.V. is pure pop trite to me,
So give me death inside of my misery.

Hang our souls out to dry on the line,
There is nothing to risk, in this little light of mine.
This life of mine shall shine upon her,
Heavenly words of pain, death, love and being reborn.

Someone out there spoke of love;
Black Box Recorder speak of death.
I shall only tell her, I love you like I love my drugs
And Heaven can be heard in your dying words…your last breath.

You spit out your soul and give it your all,
In such serenely spoken words for the condemned.
With a soul like hers, I could build a star with these *****,
For she is just like me, destroyed, by everything.

Life is unfair!  **** yourself or get over it.
You have blonde hair, but I still love you.
Life is unfair!  **** yourself or get over it.
You have the look of love too.

So I killed myself, oh ****…
Or did I just get over it?
I think I shall **** us all,
Because I just don’t give a ****!

You don’t mean a thing to a Prince like me,
For my vocabulary shall give me the freedom I seek.
Bring me death, buried deep in a time capsule.
Let me be buried later in life, for I am no fool.

I must stay alive to discover my lover,
My destiny chosen singer of death, my other;
Half of this star is a bright flash of brilliance.
My half is as black as your soul, it is simply magnificent.

Love will **** you again and again,
But resurrection will save the day.
Suffer more pain, again and again,
Just so we can once more meet and find our way.

Let us journey together forever, but separately,
Let me show you how much this angel means to me.
Let Black Box Recorder remember everything I speak,
For my soul belongs to you, for you set my words free.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
English Cowboy

I see a Cowboy walking down the street…
He looks like he’s a stranger here, from a place I have never been.
He tips his hat at the ladies and they are all smiling back at him.
If I bought myself a cowboy hat, they still would never smile at me.
Because I’m an English man in England,
I cannot stand out from the crowd;
But the Cowboy walking down this London street,
He ain’t looking like no clown.

He owns his style and he walks so proud;
That is something I could never do.
In this place I am always lost, somehow.
Maybe if I went to his land, I could find myself in tune.

He’s heading for his hometown;
I’m walking out on mine.
I see him at the airport,
Waving all those smiling ladies goodbye.
When we land over in his land,
He just becomes the same as all the rest.
I walk into the nearest bar and order myself a drink…
Oh my God!  I love your accent!

I’m a stranger in a stranger town
And I feel as if I’m right at home.
I’m so glad I left those London streets;
Maybe I could have stayed, but sometimes you just have to go…

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
English Weather

The rain drizzles down on another bare winter’s landscape;

Whatever happened to all the snow?

Our winter nights are the same as any other day;

No white Christmas, since before I know.

The seasons they are a changing,

But the English weather rarely does.

Constant rain throughout the year, no room for snow or sun.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018

You must find what cannot be shown.
(Find your own way.)
You must open up and ignore your inner turmoil.
(Lose your doubts.)
Loosen up your hidden heart.
(Have faith in love.)
Close your eyes and see through the dark.

Listen to silence and hear the answer.
(Find peace.)
Come with me to a higher plateau.
(Find Enlightenment.)
Stand as giants and fly as bees.
(Feel like God.)
Dare to imagine and ignore reality.
(Have a dream.)

Open up your inner-self.
(Be yourself.)
Have faith and go to spiritualist church.
(Find what you need.)
Open up you unconscious mind.
Banish the demons that hide inside.
(Let go of bad memories.)

Confess your sins without speaking.
(Show your true self.)
Replace bad thoughts with good intentions.
(Change your ways.)
Dream a daydream see a shrink.
(Think about change.)
Learn to think and set your mind free.
(Knowledge is power.)

Make a fist then open your hand,
(Trust Me.)
And you will find your nirvana.
(Your future is in your hands.)
You must learn what cannot be taught.
(Experience life.)
Become free of feeling or emotion.
(Have no regrets.)

Meditate. *******.
Let go and cleanse your soul.
(Find inner peace and make yourself happy.)
Demons cannot cause harm.
(Have no fear.)
My love gives you the strength of ten thousand armies,
(I am here for you.)
Stand up and fight for what you believe.
(Show you’re with me.)
I am just a human being.
(I am all I could be…I am simply me.)

Welcome to my world, your heart is hiding,
(Hello Soul.)
Too scared of getting hurt.
(We all have bad/painful memories.)
Be honest with yourself.
(Go and get what you want.)
Unlock the door to a different kind of wealth.
(Find love is the greatest of all things.)
Sacrifice a slice of life.
(Give time to someone.)
Destroy your pride before you die.
(Vanity is worthless.)

Everything you have, is worthless to you,
When seen from afar.
(Don’t let other people tell you what to think.)
Realize you can’t be satisfied,
(You can never have enough.)
A guiding star lead you into my heart.
(Find love.)

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Enough already

I’ve taken enough of your patience in me,
To build a hospital bed and oh how I nearly lost my mind;
But concentration lingers beside me in time and nudges me in the side.
So once more I must get my act together,
So I can try to stand up tall, with pride.
Easy *******’s, losing everything,
Silent thoughts are all you leave me with;
Disappear and leave me with my grief.
Who are you to think you know just what I need?
Pity me for claiming to be free.
In my head you don't belong,
Let me be and move yourself along.
Without you I can become someone,
But with you on my mind I will forever remain lost.
Get to being gone, we are done.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018

How do you grieve the loss of a loved one?
How can you possibly be expected to carry on?
How do you cope when a loved one is hurting?
How do you cope with the loss of your Mom?

You remember the good times you spent together;
You remember the times you laughed and cried.
You remember your loved one always, forever;
You forget the fact your loved one has died.

They wouldn’t want to see you sad;
They would want to see you laugh.
They wouldn’t want you to suffer in silence;
Remember their love, for it is the best you will ever have.

So goodbye Nan,
Goodbye Mom,
Goodbye Friend,
Goodbye my loved one.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
****** Vampire

You hide behind the darkened skies;
In pale moonlight, I see your eyes.
You hypnotize me with just one glance;
Then I am forever more, your man.

My Dark Angel of Death has come,
To give me immortality.
My Beauty of the Dark has come,
To truly love and save me.

My Queen of All and Everlasting Love,
I kneel before you and beg for your touch.
One stroke of pleasure, in one finger tip,
Before my death from your vampire kiss.

I give you my life, My Gothic Wife,
For you gave me our child and made me cry with a smile;
But still, we love the blackened skies.
The memories of giving life to our child.

That one night of love, that lasted forever.
The Child, our pride, shall never be severed,
From the umbilical cord which binds our family.
You give me life after death.  I give you my love eternally.

For never again, will I meet such a vision of beauty.
Forever more, I shall see you with piety.
Devoted to you, my Goddess of Love.
I offer you my soul and beg for your endless hug.

Entrapped together, I wish us to become.
I see in your eyes, you too, are in search of love.
So I swear to you, my Dark Angel of the Night,
I shall always love you, in the afterlife.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
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