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1.2k · Dec 2014
The same old way
M Eastman Dec 2014
We sat on the floor
Of the antique shop
Thumbing through a large box
Of old postcards
Some of them have writing
and were mailed a long time ago
You buy only one
It's a faded love letter
With a line
"I love you in the same old way"
M Eastman Dec 2014
We are here to remember a woman. For indeed. She was one of those. A woman so vile. So repulsive. We remember her today because we are glad she is dead; for certainly, she may have become the next Idi Amin; for she wore a similar countenance, a hideous sneer permanently grimacing upon her wicked face. Also her love of torture. I recall the other day, when her black steps still cursed our earth, her slapping a cup of change from a homeless man’s hands while a nerve grating cackle escaped from her lips. She screamed into his face, him very frightened, her quite drunk, “Get a job you worthless Jew!”

On top of being a wicked ice queen who was a fan of Aaron Carter, this rotten corpse;  who will more than likely sour the soil here and create a pet cemetery effect on the other corpses, was an insatiable ****. She was the female Wilt Chamberlain. She will add one more to her long list after this service, when the gravedigger defiles her body for the last time, but really, he is the one who will be defiled and I feel sorry for the poor corpse ****** autistic mute who shall soon insert his semi-flaccid member into our not-so dearly departed. His **** will probably fall off.

How unlovable this creature. Quickly now. Help me grab her legs and heave-** her into the woods to be torn apart by the beasts she resembled, body and soul. If indeed she possessed a soul. Who can say? If she did, console yourselves in the fact she is gargling on gallons demon ***** at this very moment.  Her suffering will be legendary, as was assured to me by the Hell raiser himself in a dream I had.

Her death was a brutal one. And ******. Good riddance. Thank you to mortuary affairs for providing a closed casket. The smell was overwhelming. Especially when she was alive.

She leaves behind not just a cheering crowd of happy people, but a child, who now an orphan, will be put to the workshops immediately. Sewing Nike swooshes onto LeBron James limited edition pumps in the triangle shirtwaist factory. Which our society has deemed appropriate for soot covered orphans and their small hands.

Of course. None of these terrible things are true. The deep love I feel for this woman is only matched by the loss I feel at her passing. She was beautiful in life, generous and giving, she expected nothing in return for her many kindnesses. She loved to experience life, and I loved experiencing it with her. I enjoyed every minute I was lucky enough to spend with her.
Certainly, she was a magical girl. Colors will dim, Sounds will be muted, and the world itself is lessened. Goodbye my love for the last time. Rest easy draped in your silken clothing, forever underneath the shades of mountain wildflowers.

Robert E. Howard — 'All fled—all done, so lift me on the pyre—The Feast is over, and the lamps expire.'

William Butler Yeats’ epitaph:
Cast a cold eye
On life, On death
Horseman, pass by!
Some Explanation: The love of my life told me once that if she died, she didn't want anyone to say anything nice about her, mostly about how she stinks, at her funeral. (no one cares when she was alive why should i have anyone pretend they cared now) I promised her i wouldn't say anything nice and we agreed to write each other super mean eulogy's about how we both ****. this is mine for her.  Along with a few of my favorite quotes regarding death
989 · Dec 2014
sleep assault
M Eastman Dec 2014
Blurry eyed **** of paper
and memory
pull it open
I love it
Bring me more
980 · Jan 2015
M Eastman Jan 2015
Being awake at 3 am
Cracked red eyes
shaking with anxiety
is such a contrast
to a warm arm wrapped peacefully
around you asleep
968 · Aug 2015
its been too long
M Eastman Aug 2015
Dusty you pick it up
but it's been too long
and the chords feel strange
and the sounds not right
so you
fuddle with
pegs a bit
and is
still not quote right
so twist them harder
until they
Snap and piercing
note vibration worth it's
Snapping blessed bleeding
fingers to play
cracking oak in
oiled frame ashamed
shamed smashed against
the doorways of discordant sea
that's better
956 · Jan 2015
15w what I'm doing
M Eastman Jan 2015
I don't know what I'm doing anymore
but I know I'm doing it all wrong
948 · Mar 2015
M Eastman Mar 2015
Crowd rushes forward
and back
blaring horns to battle
and gasping doom
swarthed blades
screaming metal
thunderous applause
raucous madmen
best concert ever
919 · Aug 2015
Memory tree
M Eastman Aug 2015
Weeping bleeding memory tree
Who branches are heavy
When amber globes hang
And pop with sudden death
Smashed on
Gravitational wombs
Careen into cayenne powdered loam
They'll unfold Irises in the dawns morning
sputtering sparking electric dreams
where it grows beside the Styx
905 · Jan 2015
10w soothe
M Eastman Jan 2015
Writing a thousand
angst filled lines
isn't soothing
my ache
890 · Dec 2014
my last good day
M Eastman Dec 2014
Today is my last good day
and although you normally don't know
that is coming
I do
and If I could have pushed back the dawn
of this day I would have
for more time with you
889 · Mar 2015
M Eastman Mar 2015
Layed on the floor
breathing was shallow
too weak to have more
and flustrated about it
883 · Jan 2015
M Eastman Jan 2015
my feelings overflow
with nowhere to go
waves smashing against the breakwater
spraying sea foam
a cacophony no one can hear but me
because it's roaring
inside my head
862 · Aug 2015
eyelids are the worst
M Eastman Aug 2015
Eyelids are worse with
gravity when you're
breaking a door
******* it's been shut too long so
I want to river this until the
whole town glows
and goes under and you can see
its reflection from the surface
Of glass
stay awake just a little longer with me
840 · Nov 2014
Your eyes
M Eastman Nov 2014
Bottled stars
And extinguished constellations
Melting heat
Warming welcome
Dangerous sparks
Bottomless pain
Hidden behind
Blue shifting tundras
struggling for purchase
So blue
They'll pierce you to the core
Of your being
820 · Jan 2015
no reply
M Eastman Jan 2015
You haven't replied to
The letters I've written
I haven't sent them
M Eastman Nov 2014
I want to build
an epic blanket fort
so deep and tall
you'd think the
vietcong dug it
warm walls to sink into
until you can barely
like drowning in comfort
I would never come out
791 · Apr 2015
Die with Regretful
M Eastman Apr 2015
What difference does it make
die wth regrets or
I choose
the former
     I poisoned the ground
painted the walls offun colors
and broke bottles in streetcars
checking your bank account .  
    you're so far away
From your own
              Too risky you say
I'll smash my own body acadian
at one hundred percent increase
   It doesn't matter
779 · Nov 2014
M Eastman Nov 2014
I'm falling backwards
And the air is rushing by
The light flickers
Like it's coming through treebranches
And I'm still falling
I'll twist my body
To see the ground
But there is none
It's a void
Of perfect blackness
M Eastman Mar 2015
When a passing cloud
might meet another
and together unleash
On thirsting ground
our significant spark
Bone-brittle tinder
buoyed by the quiet
breeze, an ember
                                             smolders until
Evening wind blows,
carries, smoking wisps
upon its wings into
                                            the forest
Sighs into crackling
summer leaves until
the canopy
So take note of every
passing cloud, because
you never know
773 · Dec 2014
M Eastman Dec 2014
follow skinny white legs up
that slipshod hill
of cascading pebbles

sun filtering down on your hair
i wish i could run my fingers through it
and smell its flowers

my chest tightens when i peek over the edge
but you aren't afraid at all
balancing when you lean over an edge dropped rock

Ah! to see the flash of your eyes again
in our youth
when i close my own
745 · Apr 2015
M Eastman Apr 2015
archaic pottery
stolen Spanish gold
tiny figurines with
their hearts being carved
on display
and around corners
is the ****** god
In his new old death cult form
adorned on the walls
bringing his light
to new old worlds
saints and skulls venerate
his feet
patrons shuffle their own slowly
and whisper
look at this treasure
M Eastman May 2015
is love
is it kindness patience understanding
is it bred from desire and lust
   just a word
something else
compassion and giving
a part of yourself to another
is it rough
between these extremes of
elation, joy
a 3 am phonecall
makes your chest burst open
and shatter you like a mirror
you'll see your tear stained face in
      day after day
become this jumbled jigsaw
of a human
be so attached to one person
   then one day
and eventually love
someone else
or is it possible
to love two
and not let go
keep that clenched into your fist
           locked in a box
   guard it jealously
all those pieces
that can't be love
      .......can it?
734 · Nov 2014
M Eastman Nov 2014
I should be sadder
Bawling great big tears
To drown my cheeks
But I'm just sitting here
Am I a robot
I feel blunt
What's wrong with me
696 · Mar 2015
the border
M Eastman Mar 2015
I'm kinda on that boarder
between tipsy
and really drunk
maybe a couple more
to obliterated
it's not making me feel better
693 · Aug 2015
so many letters
M Eastman Aug 2015
thought of writing so
many letters they fill to bursts
of rain worn
Peeling painted
faces so adored
you'll see no other and
ache forever with the
thought of writing so
many letters
688 · Nov 2014
gait gene experiment
M Eastman Nov 2014
myocardial infarction Eldrich power/ed
Chosen brisk perpetuity motion machines
Pumping nodes to arterioles backwards
stenographer tap rapping webs to dull the
Stoking sin flanged might gate cell shape
An experiment
675 · Nov 2014
M Eastman Nov 2014
Crimson Scintilla and
Acrid steaming
Pick up speed
Down the *****.
The cottages
Without warning
M Eastman Dec 2014
I followed you over arbitrary timbers
Crossing rushing torrents
For intense love
Secret nights
And permanent kisses
Riotous sunset smothered mountains
In fields of wrought iron autumn
Meandering monument moss covered lichens
And beautifully broken stones
Our names are carved in promise
Clasped hands spun gold
Close to you is moments of peace
Heartbeats unforgotten
Every breath adored
Past a worn marker of this
World so dark until resurrection
Dark dispersed
By the only light I know
Blue orbs extinguished constellations
Tell me your secrets
They are our secrets
Your stories
Are our stories
654 · Nov 2014
O' Birds of Paradise
M Eastman Nov 2014
O' Birds of Paradise;
ne'er stricken my eye
with colour,
Lest I be blinded.
Indifferent to all
but Lithe grace.
O' Birds of Paradise
628 · Aug 2018
The Multiverse
M Eastman Aug 2018
All the rules of the universe, its light, heat, gravity, electromagnetism, its math, its history, its civilizations and people; all that was, is, and will ever be; exist within the pages of a book.

The book sits on a shelf next to other books. Some of the books on the shelf look like our book, except maybe one letter is different. Others tell stories, or are written in Chinese and Greek. Most of the books are complete chaos, letters mashed together by insane typewriters that spout nothing but gibberish at best and at worst are just a jumble of letters. Pages and pages are blank or contain only one character. Notes of music and vibration spring forth from others.

Rows of shelves go on and on into the distance, in a building with floor after floor of library space. Elevators and Stairs take you to new floors, some of them are underwater or on fire or upside down. Everything ever written or yet to be written or imagined or unimagined is contained within.

This is the Multiverse.
624 · Nov 2014
no moar legs
M Eastman Nov 2014
I want to chop off my legs
with rusty razors
I'm going to need some help
with my arms
621 · Mar 2015
terribly quiet in here
M Eastman Mar 2015
What the hell is normal
everyone's running around
with these terrible secrets
so devastating
keeping it in
making them alone and
that phone off the hook noise
619 · Jan 2015
M Eastman Jan 2015
I listen to your music
it makes me feel closer to you
and calms me down
since you've gone
I'll do it until I'm dead
god knows when the ****
that will be
615 · Nov 2014
Sharpening Silence
M Eastman Nov 2014
Silver Forest
Glinting Steel
Pierces Me
From Every Angle
Walls of Razor
And Floors of Blade
610 · Dec 2014
M Eastman Dec 2014
Sometimes when I'm driving
and I'm alone
I say out loud
"I wish I was dead"
without thinking about it
604 · Apr 2015
ballast arachnids
M Eastman Apr 2015
Encrusted ballasts flicker
over processed lines
and those predatory octogons
Follow you
with its clicking clicking clicking
mandible clocks
count is rhythm
M Eastman Aug 2018
I want to edge my foot closer
Over that
Of cliff
And feel no
Purchase there
Only air
And have my stomach
In my throat
With a
Sudden pull
And a rushing
Flapping garments
And suddenly
My body
To pieces
On your body
Ive been rolling this around in my mind for weeks now and it feels strange to see it in writing
561 · Dec 2014
5 o'clock won't stop
M Eastman Dec 2014
My thoughts won't stop
like the 5 o'clock rail
that's running behind
look at my pocket watch
I want off
560 · Aug 2015
anxiety jams
M Eastman Aug 2015
Starts in the stomach
works is way up
Enveloping shroud
eloping off with
gripping onto
wringing anxiety jams
for sale
just shake it all off
and stop worrying so much
554 · Jan 2015
When the night is clear
M Eastman Jan 2015
When the night is clear and cold
and the stars poke through
the pine branches
hold yourself closer and block out the wind
and grip my hand tighter in the dark
I'll keep you safe
from a startled deer
In evenings shade
551 · Dec 2014
Stones of Lambs
M Eastman Dec 2014
The stones of lambs – and folded hands
grass as green as Seafoam
summer sky – this place we lie
The flowers grow as brushes
to paint our fates
- in heartbeats
M Eastman Dec 2014
Midnight and it's a pitch black
I'm staring at
feeling alone
and hating myself
for every little thing
all the muscles
with stress and regret
How unlovable and pathetic
is wretched me
537 · Nov 2014
unexpectedly reciprocal
M Eastman Nov 2014
I awoke
from the blackest bird suicidal coma
I wasn't ready to uplift my soul
Clasped hands like you were the new              church
take me with you to nowhere
on dirt covered highways
M Eastman May 2015
I always see in my dreams this theme of
long stretches
flat sand colored plains
baked ground with scraggly roots
dried or wet salt lakes
a punishing angry yellow sun
that's the foreground and behind
oil painted and smeared mesa
or mountainous distant horizons
I'm always traveling
it's important where I'm going
but I go nowhere in particular
by foot or car
sometimes horseback
what am I looking for
unconscious what are you telling me
The other day I remember more
I was wearing my armor
and wading through a field
hip high reeds with water or a river
to my left and as I walked
I saw a gap in the foliage
across the river
was a figure, a person, wearing black
they just stood there
didn't move
stared back and did
nothing else
but there was clearly
and it ended
520 · Nov 2014
ruined rare earth
M Eastman Nov 2014
Ruined rare earth
elementary discovery channel
gates open door
way through the
keyhole black soul
molecular mole dug
tunnels to ultraviolet
magnetic pole dancing
free in chaos
sea scrape knee
begging plead don't
go to the
deep snow man
shaking hands with
devil bands in
foreign land fall
down stairways to
heaven sent letter
male to female
ratio, weights and
measures too desperate
to imagine dragon
fire my desire
we can get
higher value from
our lives so cheapened
and flayed never
get saved by
an apathetic jesus
sign of our
time flies buzzing
alarm blinking a
red warning doom
song of my
people magazine scene
Is dead and
buried beneath the
bed room walls
to keep out
invading barbarian hordes
dressed in business
suit yourself with
your three wishes
and no there's
no bottom to
this rabbit foot
if you're lucky
enough but I
didn't choose to
exist weave this
fist pink mist
signaling the end
of all good
514 · Nov 2014
in the lobos
M Eastman Nov 2014
I can see that double blue horizon
where the sea and sky meet
through the trees in the parking lot
There's a little gravel trail
leading through the ground cover
called Pacific Mist on both sides of the trail
that leads down
to that sea salt smell
and the loud echos
of water striking cliffs
and large jagged half - islands
farther out into the bay
the longer you stay
the more you belong here
510 · Dec 2014
Spark Grind
M Eastman Dec 2014
Force my chest
deep on the grinding wheel
firing sparks
into my heart
ill burn myself out here
so the razors of yesterday
won't sting
495 · Nov 2014
M Eastman Nov 2014
Pour the killing
Upon our raucous invaders heads
from the murderholes
we rain their
until they run aflame
from the iron gates
472 · Aug 2015
They're back those
M Eastman Aug 2015
Oh god I haven't had nightmares
Like that in
crouching in that basement
from my childhood
the theme was clearly fearful
Someone had come
and I was hiding
making myself small
taking little breaths
so they couldn't hear my terror
my heartbeats
but I could hear
their heavy foot steps
on the carpet
crunching it
maybe the door will hide me
when they open it and I make
sure the lights are off but
there's more than one now
they're coming
451 · Nov 2014
its not circumstance
M Eastman Nov 2014
I swallowed this coal
in the pit of myself
it's just there
weighing me down
making me slow
curse you circumstance
you're never in my favor
I think I'll drown you
in liquor and pour decisions
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