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38.5k · Nov 2014
Aria of Midnight Nov 2014
Vulnerability is trust
Trust is vulnerability
Carefully tread these dark waters;
do not lose yourself.
13.5k · May 2015
Self Love
Aria of Midnight May 2015
Maybe it's time
to realise that
I do not have
to search for love
not when it's etched
into my being--
my identity.

Maybe it's time
to not salvage
that love for anyone,
but embracing it
for me.
11.9k · Dec 2014
Painting Us
Aria of Midnight Dec 2014
Paint the night sky with twinkling stars, distant from one another but collectively emitting a spectacular glow;
Paint the spun ivory clouds across the interminable blue, watching the softness suffocate sunlight streaming below;
Paint your frayed chocolate braids beside curved, smiling full lips in the middle of a vivid, adorned cottage;
Paint the passionate red of blood that stains our hands as they clasp together like imperfect puzzle pieces, and the jagged breathing that fogs the dusk;
Paint yourself where you are loved--
Paint yourself with me.
9.0k · Dec 2014
Aria of Midnight Dec 2014
warm, sweet,
and comforting
flows through red lips
and rosy cheeks
and a mind shining
like the first rays of dawn.
8.1k · Sep 2014
Aria of Midnight Sep 2014
when you focus, idolise and fixate upon
the one reason it will work--
ignoring the million others
that dictate otherwise

It is unreasonable
logic screams; reason shatters
yet so heartbreakingly human
7.2k · Sep 2014
The Quirky Lemon Tree
Aria of Midnight Sep 2014
On a comfortable breezy evening,
my mum converses with her sister via Skype
exchanging quirky tales

They broach the subject of her lemon tree.

"It's the most peculiar case;
it was growing so divinely
until, suddenly, it stopped."

Silence. Then the punchline:

"Reminded me of your daughter."

They exchange hoots of laughter
Meanwhile, I sit in the corner
arms folded, eyebrows knitted
An actual true story. "How rude," I remembered thinking, but ended up smiling anyway. Family --I forgive them so easily. But still, it was a pretty heavy burn; I grew at an exceptional rate in fifth grade and then just... stopped.
7.2k · Dec 2014
I Am A Painting
Aria of Midnight Dec 2014
I am a humble painting
hung upon a common wall,
composed of grey tears;
striking, yellow laughter;
trampling fear; undisciplined love,
of other human beings.
6.0k · Dec 2014
A Bad Writer (10w)
Aria of Midnight Dec 2014
A judgemental, prideful and arrogant writer confines within his mind.
I never quite realised how important humility is in a writer; in order to express yourself, you need to stop judgement --of yourself through other eyes-- from clouding your expression.
5.1k · Nov 2014
Aria of Midnight Nov 2014
white fluff
but crunchy
plain taste that
is somehow
5.0k · Jan 2015
Do you miss me?
Aria of Midnight Jan 2015
Do you miss me?

An absent voice, a faded smile,
two red-rimmed eyes
that avoid your own;

A heart that once opened,
a beautiful, elegant vulnerability,
now solidified into stone.

Or maybe
you haven't noticed
anything wrong.
This one semi-rhymes with the last verse of each stanza. Not going to lie, I'm quite proud of that. ;)
4.9k · Dec 2014
Understanding Humans (10w)
4.9k · Nov 2014
Aria of Midnight Nov 2014
A fatal flaw
of selflessness
that is humbling
on paper
but self-destructive.
4.0k · Oct 2014
Aria of Midnight Oct 2014
I've always pondered
the emotions behind delivering
a confession of love.

A friendship ruined;
interminable pain
rejection suffered

Somehow, my heart is lighter
Rays of sunshine linger
instead of fading
into the night.

*I don't regret it.
3.7k · Dec 2014
Aria of Midnight Dec 2014
corrupt me--
through judgement
slicing through my
naked flesh,
and expensive
around my neck;

remind me--
of every insecurity
until it engraves into
my conscience
and scars blur hope
the future brings.

defeat me--
for I am small;
vulnerable and a prisoner
to those words
stamped onto my arched neck
with your shoe.
A confrontation of society and the power of words --when used to dominate over another.
3.4k · Sep 2014
Aria of Midnight Sep 2014
dreamers light the sky
as precious untold stories
glow among darkness
3.3k · Nov 2014
bittersweet unsent letter
Aria of Midnight Nov 2014
on your birthday
I wrote a letter comprised
of all that I adored;
words articulated in strikethroughs
and barrelled with smiley faces
to disguise my evident
addiction to your smile
--to your happiness.

and although I value your happiness
the letter remains at the bottom
of my computer
untouched, unsent
because my heart is already
shred to pieces, and the thought
of you dismissing
the words I poured myself in
is unbearable.

they never articulated properly
although I pride myself a writer;
I addressed situations I overanalysed
over countless nights of lost sleep,
where your mouth dropped,
your eyes lowered
your breath grew heavier after
another brutal attack from my unaffectionate

I noted little things;
conflicts within yourself
and wrote about them,
my remedy a simple melody
contrasting the bitter tunes
spat at you, through widened eyes
and curled lips.

That letter is unsent
because it exposes too much
about how often I think
about you.

while I say very little
3.2k · Sep 2014
Aria of Midnight Sep 2014
The prospect of reaching happiness--
this intrinsic desire can never be attained
unless we change our definition

Happiness is me;
everything I am
everything I have
right now

I am happy.
3.2k · Sep 2014
Aria of Midnight Sep 2014
lonely fact of life
people go, memories stay;
wishing vice versa
3.1k · Apr 2015
Aria of Midnight Apr 2015
You; a distraction
a blissful escape-- help me
escape this nightmare
3.0k · Dec 2014
Me; Hidden in Your Backyard
Aria of Midnight Dec 2014
I replay
the uproarious sound of your kidneys
at 4 AM; you tucked in a comfortable quilted bed,
and the curve of your glistening elbow
resembling the crescent moon
that my eyes averted from
because they fixated on you
For Deshy <3
(Actually, I was watching a YouTube video on how to compliment people, and the number one advice was to "not appreciate the sound of their kidneys, because you may creep them out." Naturally, I did just that in a Facebook conversation.)
2.8k · Oct 2014
Aria of Midnight Oct 2014
Heartbreaking silence
stabs deeper, majestic wounds
than unfulfilled love
2.4k · Feb 2015
Aria of Midnight Feb 2015
what if my cage
is out of sight;
inside my mind?

these shackles
cling to my wrists
can you see them?

you envy my freedom--
one you perceive me

one I never
ever had.
2.2k · Feb 2015
Scorpio Eyes
Aria of Midnight Feb 2015
my eyes blaze
with intensity,
emotions, and feelings
I can never suppress;

a labyrinthine
of your deepest emotions
intertwined in a single spark
reflected in my eye
2.2k · Jan 2015
Aria of Midnight Jan 2015
today I breathe--
without you
but instead of pain
there lingers serenity
calming butterflies
at my core;
palms faced upwards,
I heal.
2.0k · May 2015
hopeless romantic
Aria of Midnight May 2015
They wrap their arms
tightly around the other's
veined neck
clawing maniacally with
exposed teeth
and wild eyes.

a certificate;
their names as one,
ripped to shreds
but apparently
still valid.

and somehow,
when it's my turn,
I fantasise my arms
would lay limp
and his will, too.

But maybe
it's a glimmer of hope
of a candle in
interminable night--
wishful thinking.

Silly girl--
there is no romance
without menace.
2.0k · Jun 2016
theory of relativity
Aria of Midnight Jun 2016
i. no absolute rest
"yes, time
never did stop
for anyone."

but I add...

ii. no absolute motion*
"even time itself
is an

yours and mine

iii. backwards
maybe yesterday,
we could still
work things out.

than lightly (3.0 x 10^8 m/s)

iv. implausibility
our foreheads wear
the cracks of our heart.

you lost your zeal,
I lost my saviour,
we lost each other,

but left
with osmium-clad
and collapsed

E = mc^2.

v. our end

is inevitable.

screeching alarms
and lopsided bed-hair,
and chugging caramel lattes,
with precisely two tablespoons
of raw sugar--

forget among the clamour,
the shadow of your figure--

you are an
unearthed blackhole,
under the facade
of a supernova.

(your mass = 2.5(+) x greater than the sun)
a late night poem, inspired by Einstein's theory of relativity according to this video: I have worked out that my love for physics doesn't step from solving problems, but thinking, contemplating, the concepts....

the romanticisation of such a theory, though, was not an original idea. I recently watched (and absolutely fell in love with) Steins;Gate, the science-fiction anime.
2.0k · May 2015
Aria of Midnight May 2015
Is there a barrier
between myself and
the world?

Why do you
conceal your heart
from me?

Loneliness is
watching animation,
laugher, voices, chatter,
and feeling suspended
in time.

Maybe that's why
loneliness is easier to bear
when you're alone,
than around others.
1.9k · Nov 2014
Aria of Midnight Nov 2014
sabotaging, manipulating,
controlling, demeaning, angering,
underestimating, avenging,
stops when you
learn to respect
that person.
1.9k · Sep 2014
Springtime Creativity (10w)
Aria of Midnight Sep 2014
Lilacs bloom; birds sing
sunlight falls--
enlightening these
blank pages
I seem to like the word "sunlight" a lot --it's a beautiful word. Such heavy symbolism --light, optimism, brightness-- in a 8 letters.
1.9k · Nov 2014
You [but no longer]
Aria of Midnight Nov 2014
Better than you;
always considered myself superior
--a delusion I nurtured
with vicious remarks
and cold sniggers;
within the remotest of land,
full of dust,
you learned to bloom
with your youthful flowers
growing larger
than me
and yourself.
1.8k · Nov 2014
Aria of Midnight Nov 2014
Do you watch the night skies
your mouth agape in awe
watching light sparkle; radiate?
the stars gaze
at your warm heart
self-assured posture
intelligent eyes
and wise soul
with ceaseless fascination.
Aria of Midnight May 2015
I wore my heart
on my sleeve last year
with a touch of agony
and the depth of despair
in hopes that you would
somehow love me.

But desperation,
I hear,
has a strong scent;
and when mixed
with fear--
and you could sense it
clinging onto my every
spluttered word,
every painted red lips
I hope you'd gaze upon;
the shadow of my eyelashes
imprinted in my cheeks
and the sweet delirium
of your voice;
a echo in the morning,
a whisper at night.

Today I remember
a year ago
how dearly I loved you
and loathed myself.
1.6k · May 2015
Dear Mother,
Aria of Midnight May 2015
disappeared yesterday
with a basket of lemons
and an empty flask
of wine.

promised it would
never happen again;
and filled my hands.

faltered under my gun--
their large ears,
mouth twitched;
I saw red.

my scarlet

is gone,
but I remain.
A rough-draft of my English Extension complex transformation poem. :D
1.6k · Sep 2016
You called me exotic.
Aria of Midnight Sep 2016
caramel skin
like the sweet scent
of toffee & warm sugar
during a summer festival.

you called me exotic,
with black eyelashes
******* my even darker
raven eyes.

no other woman
could ever compare
with my soft voice,
strong principles,
and thoughtful nature.

you called me exotic.
but I wonder if you know,
I am a stranger within my skin,
within my community.

I am exotic
in an unsettling way--
halves and quarters,
of thoughts and ideas,
and never whole enough
for anyone.

my parents
are whole people
with a fragmented daughter;
to them,
I am a stranger--
I am exotic.

I am both
sickened and liberated
by my difference.

but mostly,
1.5k · Oct 2014
Humble Beginning
Aria of Midnight Oct 2014
Instead of fawning over stars--
distant and twinkling--
feel the small blades of grass
pressing between fingers,
that remind you
of your humbling beginning.

No matter how badly you fall,
somebody working harder
will suffer an even greater wound.
This is solace
for navigating through high school
and its constant academic pressure.
Never, ever forget; be happy with your progress.
1.5k · Nov 2014
Aria of Midnight Nov 2014
Maybe it was never love,
but envy,
because your carefree nature
didn't come from battling hardships;
your scars exist only outside;
and your life falls perfectly
according to plan
while mine keeps falling apart.

Perhaps this bitter
resentment I hold
is because you never
quite appreciate
how whole you are--
while I am cracked edges
pasted together.
1.4k · May 2015
Human (10w)
Aria of Midnight May 2015
I am not creative; but I am emotional and human.
1.4k · Sep 2015
Crestfallen Summer Nights
Aria of Midnight Sep 2015
Most of my creativity emerges
from crestfallen summer nights,
where I tear the seams of the scars

that have reopened
after a thoughtless word
after a tasteless comment
after an inconsiderate finger,

jabbing into the insecurities
I imagined myself to bury,
but in reality,
I have not.

crestfallen summer nights
encapsulate me,
until the pain numbs
1.3k · Nov 2014
Together in Me
Aria of Midnight Nov 2014
I have my father's mind:
logical, quick-witted, carefree,
always searching for sublime meaning
in words and people
over a third cup of tea.

and my mother's heart;
soft, selfless to a fault, empathetic
searching for ways to attain happiness
for everyone but themselves;
ultimately alone.

Within me,
*they are still together.
1.3k · Jan 2015
A Secret, Between You and I
Aria of Midnight Jan 2015
I relapse with a smile
and contemplate suicide
with a giggle;
because our society dictates
happiness, extroversion, ambition
should be carried even to
a grave dictated by
1.3k · Dec 2014
Newfound Meanings
Aria of Midnight Dec 2014
Listening to a song you heard a million times before,
in a past not distant from your present,
but finding a spiritual connection with the lyrics,
the instruments, the singer's voice--
you find newfound meaning.

Then you realise, it is not the song,
which has changed,
but you.
1.3k · Sep 2014
Aria of Midnight Sep 2014
we count the raindrops
sipping from warm mugs, laughing
it’s all so simple
1.2k · Feb 2015
Of Rarity & Beauty
Aria of Midnight Feb 2015
Abundant galaxies,
in a world of close proximity;
remember our eyes,
shining brighter
than the stars above.

*how rare
and beautiful
it truly is
that we exist
Inspired by "Saturn" by Sleeping At Last. A beautiful song.
1.2k · Dec 2014
Aria of Midnight Dec 2014
Twirling on moonlit streets
where their shadows entwine
simple as falling water,
in a world without time.

The scent of lilacs arise
a true epitome of spring left
on their fragile fingertips.
Another older poem, but one that took quite a long time to construct. The language I used is possibly my favourite... it was very deliberate. Long process, but infinitely delightful. :)
1.2k · Nov 2014
falling deeply
Aria of Midnight Nov 2014
My father said the other day
with a sad smile
his calloused fingers ran through my hair,

"You feel too deeply:
it is both a blessing
and a curse."

"Blessing?" I inquired.

He had no answer.
His hand gently provided more weight
and suddenly I knew.

It is not a blessing
to be different from the majority
from pragmatic individuals
who superficially skim over events
--that hurt, injure, sadden-- me.

it is a curse.
Listening to this song:
I adore instrumental music. They are so relaxing and wonderful to listen to.
1.2k · Dec 2014
but we could have.
Aria of Midnight Dec 2014
We didn't last forever;
the word attaches shackles
and chains that restrain,
and is better left unspoken--
never uttered, always locked
in the bars of my ribcage
where it restlessly remains
in utmost agony.

it stops.

The silence haunts me,
and my ribcage is imbalanced.
With laughter filled with tears,
and nonchalance juxtapose passion,
I whisper:

"Nothing lasts forever.
We fell apart like rose petals
amongst heavy storms."

The mask slips;
I avert my
red-rimmed eyes.

"But we could have--
oh darling,
we could have."
I read something similar on Tumblr; really inspired me with my poetry. Great place for inspiration, really.
1.1k · Nov 2014
Beauty Is
Aria of Midnight Nov 2014
Beauty is
Flowers, rain, the night skies, city lights,
benevolence and compassion.

For I see humans everywhere,
but no humanity.
1.0k · Sep 2014
Aria of Midnight Sep 2014
together we stroll
misty foothpaths reflecting
our empty, sad smiles
946 · Dec 2014
Judgement (10w)
Aria of Midnight Dec 2014
I judge people
for being judgemental.

Oh, the sweet irony.
946 · Dec 2014
A Definition: Writer
Aria of Midnight Dec 2014

someone who cultivates raw dirt to produce a single flower, blooming from the depths of their soul;
but grows addicted to its presence --beauty amongst darkness.
and in attempt to conceal the muddy reality, develops a garden with lavish, beautiful flowers--
of assorted variety, with unique traits of every flower and indistinguishable as stars in the night sky;
but harsh winter tramples with intricate footsteps, the petals tragically withered and torn as the writer's heart
their watery eyes acknowledging the dirt once more.
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