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mjad Sep 2017
You may know you are better,
But that can mean nothing,
When everyone thinks you are not.
mjad Nov 2024
Argue argue argue
But do you ever win?
I see you so different
Than who you think you are
But I know I have you figured out
And when I told you how
Your jaw hit the floor and your eyes got wide
A child
A deer in headlights
That someone has let themself inside
Your mind
And knows
Exactly what your next thought is
When you try and win
Think again
And I'll be there in your head
mjad Feb 2020
The clock ticking cuts through my soul
You are only seventeen
Am I really too old?
mjad Feb 2018
heart is pumping
you grab my waist
a tickle fight begins
and "just friends" end
as you tickle my lips
with your kisses
mjad Mar 2019
Tigers are dope
I want two tattooed on my back
Oh snap...
I want one on my thigh
**** that's wack
Copying me
No no it's not for you it's for me
Right just like my so called stupid heart emojis
Why are you mad I just like the idea
You like that idea and a million more
Such a ******* ******* *****
Don't snap on me for something so small
So I send heart emojis, you're lucky I text you at all
It's an argument
mjad Jan 2018
I'd rather stay in
than pass out drunk with a guy you refer to as "him"
because you were too tipsy to ask his name,
and now are sleeping in his puke with a migraine.
mjad Feb 2020
He said he loved me

I said I liked him too
mjad May 2017
the touch of someone's skin on another's
has been written about plenty already
but I swear to you
his touch is like no other
so innocent and fragile
but commanding and strong
yet gentle and caring
while he bites me all along
the sting and the numbness
the tickle of his tongue
his touch is like no other
so right though so wrong
all my softness in his clutch
his being needs no guide
he knows where and how to touch
as his eager mouth finds mine
his tracing fingertips bring chills
up my chilly and bare spine
his touch is one that nearly kills
but I am on cloud nine
mjad Jan 2024
After all these years
We start again
We know one another like the back of our hands
Slipping in and out of each other's lives
As if they aren't completely intertwined
No one else understands
Saying we're toxic and bad
But conversations are all that's being had
mjad Mar 2018
I bring my shirt closer to my face
His aroma engulfs me in the most damning embrace
I sweep my room for any further trace
But he remains all over the place
mjad Aug 2018
Until our names have traveled the world
Your name will jump off of my tongue,
Roll onto your back
Crawl over your shoulders
Walk right into your ears
Then off your tongue will jump mine
It will roll onto my chest
Slither up my neck
Stumble right into my ears
Until our names have traveled the world
mjad Jun 2020
I feel compelled to post and speak
But my education feels too bleak
Yet blacks and whites and others too
See the harm the policemen do

I am white
But I'm not dumb
I see an action so blatantly wrong
The harm that the policemen have done

The people are out and the streets are loud
They will not rest until justice is found
One name fires up the nation
Yet the harm continues, little hesitation

There are good, but there are bad
People on every side of the issue are mad
But it's hard to deny the facts
Unlawfully taken lives can't be given back

Speak up for what is true and what is right
Even if you're scared since you are white
I know you aren't dumb
Help be the change that needs to come
mjad Nov 2019
Once his memory is hidden within my words on this website
I know it's too late
I can't unwrite
mjad Jan 2020
I put the keys into ignition and slide my hand over the wheel
I feel the leather under my fingers and rev the engines ready steel
I drive and park you where I know that you'll be safe

I know you go home with someone else
All I am is the valet
sometimes we care for people that are not ours, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't want the best for them
mjad Dec 2017
Thanks, but no thanks
I'm looking for words, not action.
I want my mind to drool over you,
I want my heart to jump at what you say,
Not how you handle me,
Not the foreplay,
But if you can verbally make my day
mjad Feb 2019
This is a soul that cares more about itself than the expectations for the vessel that hosts it
do __ understand ?
mjad Mar 2018
Elbows bounce up and down
Smiles all around
Speakers shake our ribcages
Grab my hand
Pull me right around
Live in our youth
Turn the song way up
Overthrow the unheard truth
Like we have it, **** the time
Spin me till I can't feel my mind
Tryna feel these good vibes,
All the way until I die
mjad Feb 2019
It's been a month and a half
Since my eyes laid on you last
At first you're nothing much
No hard abs or glowy tan
But you grow on my vision
The more I stare
I wonder how you would look
Standing not as far as over there
mjad Apr 2017
When we walk I just  
Stare at you looking ahead
Like your eyes are trying to escape your head
And your feet are not moving
Swiftly enough for them
Your mind holds the future
And your mouth tries to say it
But your lips fail to move
Fast enough to explain it
My eyes are trying to
See into you and understand
Your arm that’s swinging pulling
Me along quicker with you
When we walk
mjad Nov 2019
his face against mine
i sigh
he opens his eyes
he tells me what he wants
not a question
so i open mine
and turn to my side
i have to deny
what he wants
because on my mind
is another guy
mjad Nov 2024
your heartbeat echoes in my ear as your chest is pressed to my face
warmth radiates between us as if we have all the time in the world to waste
i would trade a lifetime for another second in your embrace
mjad Apr 2017
whenever I say it
your name feels
like what I imagine
the drop of water would taste like
to the rich man in hell asking Abraham
to just dip his tongue in
to ease the burning
mjad Mar 2019
We eat and talk, you check your phone
I eat some more
I check my own

We talk and eat and get up to go
You grab your bike
I walk alone

We walk and bike across the street
I wait and you stop
You kiss me

We kiss and talk and go home
I open my phone
You text me

We text and call and text once more
I read the last text
You love me

We go around and around for months
I miss you
You come back

You leave and come back some more
I never leave a text ignored
You use me

We go and kiss and cuddle and chill
I love your energy
And you still

We never ever end we go on and on
I never will forget you swear to god
You have me
mjad Jan 2018
....What are we?

His head tilts slightly
Feet stop where they are
I ask again lightly

What are we?....

He lets out no confession
To the floor his eyes drop
Once again I question

..What are we?..

His response comes slow
Eyes meet mine
"I don't know."
he was actually smiling and grabbing my hand but it felt like this when he said it
mjad Sep 2017
What is happiness?
It is merely the name of an old friend...


What is sadness?
Sadness is more than a friend;
It is tangled with me like a lover in sheets.
It drowns out all laughter.
It drains all energy.
It shatters hope.
It devours joy.
It is not a what,
But a who.
mjad Jan 2018
so toned and fine
drowning in your blue eyes
ive been waiting quite some time
finally a wild boy for me
i can call you mine
mjad Sep 2020
So much love within
Fingertips glide over my skin
Hands on my sides
While meeting my insides
Entire body shivers
With the way you deliver
Eyes roll back again
Over the way you have me bend
One night is never enough with you
I want an entire lifetime, or two
mjad Nov 2024
The girl I used to be
Could never live without
The boy I thought you were

But now the woman I am
Can live without
The man I know you have become
mjad Aug 2020
I wonder
Would you?
Would she?
Would anyone tell me?
mjad Jan 2024
Sometimes I wonder what I would do
If I walked into a room
And all I saw was you
mjad Apr 2017
my words fade
faster than  
footprints on sand
or snow on a hand
mjad Apr 2017
I complain about your silence
but I do not know the truth,
at least the full essence.
You won't tell me why,
what secrets do you have?
What do they have to hide?
Even from your friend?
I feel like the world knows already.
You make me worry.
mjad Apr 2018
He dropped the Hotwheel car as if it had suddenly become a bomb
Because over the store's speakers came his favorite song
He grabbed my hands and held my eyes with his stare
The second he started singing I knew I began to truly care
In my heart I knew we weren't just friends anymore
He sang the birth of feelings that I hadn't felt for him before
He went from a desire to a need in just one verse of Coldplay's Yellow
My heartbeat went from uninterested to the opposite of mellow
An announcement interrupted my personal Pick'n Save serenade
But I'll never forget that moment that felt like fireworks after a parade
I melted a little inside tbh

— The End —