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Oct 2024 · 211
Dustin Dean Oct 2024
Sanguine in the meadows,
he basks in memories
of good company,
resolved to reveal
a nature he knew not.

Riddled in a tale of trauma
that brings irony:
that something so simple
could unwind the tapestry
leading to his heart.
Oct 2024 · 481
Dustin Dean Oct 2024
Elusive idealization—
I yearn for it,
beguiled by its seminal scope.

I dig my fingers into its flesh
as my past pulls me back in
with cold, frayed hands,
seeking to drown me
in a chamber of oblivion—
until the end of time.

Or so it seems;
as every mirage has its day,
and reality is no exception—
the construct of constructs
we all imagine at once.

Regardless of the outcome,
I will see you all again
under the ground.
Oct 2024 · 195
Visage of Many
Dustin Dean Oct 2024
The fields of gold—
Looking grave
as past faces
caught up quickly,
smothering any presence
with smoldering reminders.

Alas, the echelons of memories
stood tall, like soldiers
steadfast, unwavering
to the imminent fall.

They remind him of his reflection,
belabored by reality’s labor.
Lines buried in sand,
etched onto his head—
burning coals of souls
that throttle his legs into motion.

He runs, and runs,
coerced to send the sun
his kinetic aspirations,
to deflect and reflect,
to dissolve prophecies beleaguered.

For it is he
who devises the Devil
of his own doing.
Mar 2019 · 428
Dustin Dean Mar 2019
Dead, I sit in the midst of dread
Dreary, amongst a precocious star
Oh, look at how it flies by
Light years from where I start

As stagnant desires dance in limbo
Enslaved to a vicarious libido
I’ve done this rain dance before
Deduced to a pointless chore

It’s true I may never know
How to crawl out of the row
A legacy of confusion
I’ve inherited from my fight
And if time is a mere illusion
Then there is no end in sight
Mar 2019 · 348
Dustin Dean Mar 2019
A palette of every hue, tells a tale
Visions of terrestrial views, we shall fail
As a community, burdened by lust
For green, in paper, until dust

Vehicles in bloom, make the distance
No question to intentions, incentives
For a reality, structured in somethings
A mere reflection, for greater summits

In days such as this, in my mind
Shrouded in willow green, I find
Must I question, a beckoning call
Before the season’s quilt, shall fall

I am blinded, in peripheral vision
To carry on, toward no provision
For anyone, or anything in my way
Until the white light graces me
In my wake
Feb 2019 · 253
Oh, Mother
Dustin Dean Feb 2019
Thy midnight blue sky
Of mine
She beckons me
With gleaming stars
And dreams afar

I reach for the tune
That suits me best
As choirs of angels
Watch Heaven at her crest

She gently brings me down
To Mother's slumber
Her caressing is nigh
As I relieve my sigh
To enriched thoughts
Beyond the medium
Of which we are wrought
Feb 2019 · 526
Moon in Scorpio
Dustin Dean Feb 2019
I can feel you in me
Ravaging my mind
Or so you think

I've lived this a million times over
Yet I can't seem to find a better way
To acquire leisure and pleasure

All I can say is
When this is all said and done
I'll settle the score to my tune
For eons to come
Feb 2019 · 284
crawl blind
Dustin Dean Feb 2019
this sickle is eager
to find the sick
better finish that unlaid track
before it finishes you
front to back

dirt that lays beneath my feet
cold and callous underneath
as fertile as a boy without a home
tongue in tact

where's the wash i've wished
would shroud over houses
i've deserted in their wake
end dispatch
Feb 2019 · 238
Trek of Ages
Dustin Dean Feb 2019
Harmonious visions pry and ****
False promises never deliver a nod
Should I keep walking ahead?
Cause time and space sure won't say
Jan 2019 · 406
Dustin Dean Jan 2019
There was no struggle
Just rounds of true death
Inside a jungle
With mutual breath

Killers in armor
Had come to take us
To **** Mi Amor

And thus and thus

Our families were told
With the rest of the world
Another killer had siphoned
Ill and infamy
From an ideal
Lasting an entire day
That we will never
Get to see
Jan 2019 · 595
Viridian Blues
Dustin Dean Jan 2019
To run into another temple
In hopes of a swift escape
Is desperation at best

Circular atrophy it is
Deforming and decaying
Albeit forever persistent

Mankind may always ask
Forgetting to listen
It is then, when
The circle will reform
Dec 2018 · 544
The Gnome
Dustin Dean Dec 2018
Is it to age like a fine wine
If alone, you need to dine?
I find as I get older so
That friends sink me low
So I sit alone in my room
Surrounded with doom
Waiting and wondering
Wishing and wanting
As I float on by
Passing through colors
Some bright, others awry

And all the while
The river, it stops
For no one
It just gently goes
Tunnel through tunnel
Thought through thought
As we carelessly
And recklessly
Float on by
Sep 2018 · 360
Dustin Dean Sep 2018
As she took my hand
We split down the stream
As choruses of angels had sung
Above our heads, we hung
Looking down at the dream
For our dalliance was marked
Each second shorter than the last

For every sunrise, another had set
And with the birth of a child
A man had passed
Each second shorter than the last

And just like that
Our future had become the past
Dustin Dean Aug 2018
Have you ever given your friend a bad potato?
Because they ate your cheese quesadilla a year ago?
And have you ever shouted at the rain
Just to get it all out of your system?
Maybe you secretly hoped
That cute guy you liked
Would hear you a world away
As you listened to the rain
Drop at supersonic speed

Have you ever thrown a helpless object
At the wall just because you could?
And did you subsequently take a trip
Down that dismal, wistful memory lane?
Maybe it reminded of you
Of that sing along
You and Major Tom did a lifetime ago
That made you a couple drinks
Too late to turn back
To your college assignment
That was due the next day

Maybe life is just a game
Strange and imperious
To our flawed design

Just maybe
I am you
And you are them
We are the world
Dustin Dean Jul 2018
What follows is not a tracing of steps
But an illumination of what we let
Become in an ambiguous reality
A hallucinating fine tuned fallacy
Each vastly different than the former
Merely, we are a stream of transformers
That will be everywhere at the end of time
Jul 2018 · 408
Glass Goose
Dustin Dean Jul 2018
One with the swans and the wind
Is pushed over the levee, my friend
Until we meet again, faster than soon
For a spot of tea, high in the noon
As rivers cry at the dash of a dime
Indeed, we shall continue to survive
Through shared stories
Down by the riverside
Untold to those unwell
In heart, mind, and spirit
For they have catching up to do
Before they get to pet the glass goose
Jun 2018 · 277
Task Manager
Dustin Dean Jun 2018
Incinerate the world around
Never knowing when you'll be found
And just when you think your time is due
Alas, another task is given to you
Jun 2018 · 430
The Fight Of Your Life
Dustin Dean Jun 2018
Deserted hopes left to dry in despair
Marching on, they stomp on any remains
To quell the spell of which you've longed for
Before they rip your one outlook apart

Night smothers any remaining time left
Do you feel the cruciality of the moment?
Authoritative ones do not worry your plight
These beasts perish only after you lose
Against their sorcery within the final fight

Do you wish to die?

Beware the finish that looms to you
A reward for servants is nonexistent
Sudden death will eviscerate contentment
Then I will reign on your final day of life

Now I know you're mine!
Lyrics written for my band
Jun 2018 · 347
Dustin Dean Jun 2018
Let the nile blue winds envelope you in repose
As you drift in and out within tranquil shows
They play in your mind ever so slightly
As nostalgic memories that reappear nightly
From one beautiful scenery to another
This limitless path is truly a wonder!
So if you will be so kind to excuse me
I must find the woman I’ve conjured up to be
Before I awaken from this blue starry dream
Jun 2018 · 309
Hell and Back
Dustin Dean Jun 2018
The tender girl had qualms with none
Detatched, there was nothing for the son
Forced to backtrack whilist rolling downhill
Flashing images remain
Of that private, idealistic mill
So I called her name
In the Nether Realm, she screamed
Yes, she is a hard one to please
Especially when she sees
One going through the motions
Rotations into false vocations

So tell me
What was your question again?
one of a bunch of poems i found from years ago
Jun 2018 · 357
Dustin Dean Jun 2018
Two serpents
Across the nile, swim across
Their sinful, hedonistic seed
Defame the cross
With delicious realities
Of an inevitable purpose
It just makes me wonder
If soon will come a hearse
Of everyday's escapes
If so, I'd rather not pass out
Before the end of this parade
What have I gotten myself into?
A dying cycle
Never anew
Jun 2018 · 381
deoxyribonucleic acid
Dustin Dean Jun 2018
an orange peel
that cannot feel
or a human body
that is rotting

we are nothing
but variables of nature
expended some
and then we're done
Jun 2018 · 671
Dustin Dean Jun 2018
It was stepping into the Afterlife
With extraterrestrial angels
Singing the chorus of My Sweet Lord
In otherworldly harmonic unison
As George Harrison embraced me
Open arms, his face transforming
Between his and Jesus Christ's
And mind you, not the one you know
But the true Middle Easterner
Most Christians tend to forget

It was a segue into a golden palace
Where Krishna showered me
With korma flavored karma
For all deeds gone unnoticed
In a life of ego and suffering
It was a most revealing of times

It was a feeling of fearful dread
When Muhammad appeared
Before he gently let me know
Misrepresentation by extremism
Had plagued his holy message
And to just live for your neighbor

It was inside a bamboo house
That was set on a tropical land
I went in to simply find peace
And saw a golden glowing man
Meditate a couple feet in the air
With one eye open, he said
"I could **** you with one thought
Conversely, you could too
However, we sit in peace
And there is great power in that"

It was all the same
Jun 2018 · 294
So Long, Old Flame
Dustin Dean Jun 2018
Sometimes, somedays, I wonder
Just what you have been up to
Even though it's been so long

Our love was like an orange flame
Beautiful and incandescent
But through the winds of time
Slowly put out

I type a fair weathered greeting
But can't get myself to send it
My hand starts to shake
And my heart starts to pound

What if
You respond with indifference?
What if
You don't respond at all?

So I close out the message
And just wonder to myself
What you have been up to
Because it's been so long
Jun 2018 · 580
Lone Star
Dustin Dean Jun 2018
Days of Heat Hazes trail behind me
On a path I've chosen to walk alone
To reside by the wild tumbleweeds
Too hostile for mankind's brittle, cold bones

Often, I think of the days gone by
Laced in a bittersweet requiem
That hums ever so softly in my mind
Hidden by a face that's machiavellian
Made by those I came here to forget

Through the incessant thunderstorm
That dominates this part of the land
I've found a way to become reborn
At the end of a long winded Texan tunnel
Made by those I came here to inspect
And transform into an invaluable asset
May 2018 · 354
All Hallows Evening
Dustin Dean May 2018
The night was crisp as it can be in Autumn
A young boy I was, reaping candies around
For it was the night of the dead, a spooky sound
That buzzed in the air, an unearthly festive scare!

Full of youthful vigor and an energy unmatched
I ran into the darkness, in my hand, treats latched
In an alley unbeknownst to few in this town
A hazy figure stood, giving way to a stare down
It became clear that this was a fellow classmate
Who was well known for his wild, exuberant ways

Whoosh! We both see the reckless verve in our eyes
Whoosh! We run towards each other within great speed
In perfect synchronization, we tackled each other
Down the ground, like wolf pups we howled
Wrestling each other in true celebration
For this was truly an intense night of elation
About a halloween experience I had as a kid
May 2018 · 368
pipe dream
Dustin Dean May 2018
igloos of burning reveries
we hid in to save ourselves
it was a simpler time, indeed
but for a greater cost, to bleed
our emotions for a fast high
it was a lasting paradise
but for a hastened goodbye
to send off our love, again
into the wild blue yonder

no, i won't pretend to know
just how it all seems
i only hope we'll meet again
in another dream
May 2018 · 448
Dustin Dean May 2018
my poor mortal kin
takes these pills just to live thin
with cancer's sly grin
May 2018 · 348
Love Potion of Death
Dustin Dean May 2018
Fairest lady is mine own poison
A brume of sweet pear and Irish fragrance
Yet, I can not throw her hence
For she ravages the mind and soul
That was graced to me upon birth

Her departure still haunts me so
The unexpected nature of it
Visions of her wispy hair lights
And tangles over her sweet face
Rosy it was, during amorous rites

Now I'm hath left with thoughts
Of another man in all of the spots
That we beautifully existed in
So curse this love potion of death!
Until the very day that I die!
May 2018 · 221
Dustin Dean May 2018
There is no use in idle play
For the draconian way will fill
A void unheeded by Mother's milk
Sustaining those serpents born to bilk
Before they **** you and your soul dry
To climb up that misty mountain high
With three cheers and a soluble dream
An awareness that pulsates in seams
Shows currency can not be eaten
When everything else has been beaten
May 2018 · 223
no shame in my veins
Dustin Dean May 2018
in this climb
you were blind
so i held out
in high hopes

we fought hard
we sold well
but you fell
the way down
to low death
May 2018 · 207
Dustin Dean May 2018
Some nights I see the moon
And wonder if you see it, too
Perhaps, you do
In another universe
That hums along to another tune
Where the rich are poor
And the naughty are nice
Traverse I shall
Even if it’s only
In my mind
May 2018 · 633
The Vacant Title
Dustin Dean May 2018
Karmic omissions saturate the spell
Of which was deserted eons ago
Left overtaken by virulent vines
Seething from how the Almighty's sun shines
They seek to confront everything they can
Within the rhythms of algorithms
In a most preposterous way in day
For the absolute lack of its match
To their steely visions of humdrum
So now, it is finally up to us
To play the now vacant, coveted ***
Our dear God was, before He took the bus
May 2018 · 389
Within You
Dustin Dean May 2018
Found in a rather balmy condition
It was inside such an ornate structure
Where she lived, washed her spirits
Down basins of verity

The glare of mimosa shined
Onto decorative butterflies
And their spirits did flutter
In her rather delicate frame
For there was uncertainty
On where to go?
And what to do?

T'was out of the wash
And into the sun
Sounds of a piano beckoned
From the saratoga valleys
Into darkening mikados
She had found salvation
At a quaint destination
Through communal melodies
From a young collective
Though not all in body
But rather in spirit
They held each others hands
In hopes that their souls
Would find a release
May 2018 · 404
Mon ami
Dustin Dean May 2018
On that mulberry night
We had whirled around
The marigold light

Oh, how it found
Your porcelain face
Beyond formality
Adorning the guests
In evening clothes

So we cheered to enrichment
Of good times
And good ideas
For there was nothing we feared
Entrenched in acclaim
As all the others
Danced to forget their shame
Apr 2018 · 309
What If?
Dustin Dean Apr 2018
If you could live your life perfectly
Would you win the love of your dreams?
Or perhaps would you acquire
Drifting dollars stacked by the sea?

Would you float by the moon
In hopes of experiencing
Something new?
Or maybe a time machine
To the past or the future
Would do

You could go back very far
To the birth of a star
Experiencing it
Again and again
Until your mind split

So, what if I told you
Life would lose its meaning
With accurate perfection
And there would be nothing
To live for
In days full of bore

So, enjoy your life
While you can
For the only thing perfect
Is imperfection
Apr 2018 · 277
Dustin Dean Apr 2018
A damaged hymn broke the spell
And soon opened eyes were abound
Coursing through the luring maze
Which led to a bright light
Of which hopefully
Would not burn their sight

"No one asked to be here"
Bellowed out the red one
As he picked up the pieces
To the blue one's mind

As the rest of the colors waited
The light engulfed them
A bright white light
Containing every color

All of their hopes
And dreams
All of their feelings
And thoughts
Were married
And destroyed

And such was life
Apr 2018 · 412
Hide and Seek
Dustin Dean Apr 2018
It’s nice to seek
In low spaces
Unbothered by others
And hide in high places

What do you think?
It does not matter
For I’m happy right here
Away from today

Crossing chasms
Into fields once resided
I could hear the giggling
From our childhood

I let go of her hand
Against the brisk wind
It was then she said
"You will never leave"
Apr 2018 · 279
Man Against Man
Dustin Dean Apr 2018
Vile streams saturate into the air
Filling the void with an impeccable strain
It’s them against them, all for all
Violating the law in the jaw of the world
So tell me what you think is the answer
And I’ll hammer my fist down and say
Total annihilation is the only salvation
For humanity

Strenuous symbolism goes unnoticed
Meanwhile, there goes another head unturned
Living under the reigns of a bastille
You too will serve its subservience
Through a will for the ******
Egocentrism dissolution
The reigns of our destiny
Speak through me
Arrested development
For the world’s government
Multiverses all around
Mourn during the last sound
Total annihilation is the only salvation
For humanity
Apr 2018 · 280
Holy Vortex
Dustin Dean Apr 2018
Holy vortex
Which rests under our knees
Bring us closer
To the final disease
In which we realize
Life is nothing
But a sweet, sad dream
Apr 2018 · 539
Cold and Dry
Dustin Dean Apr 2018
Seemed like we stood a chance
But then you turned to stone

Your hand still extended out
And when it began to crumble
I couldn't look away
Apr 2018 · 233
No More
Dustin Dean Apr 2018
You say that you care
Yet, you always disappear
No more hide and seek
Apr 2018 · 425
Future Givings
Dustin Dean Apr 2018
Time to trade in
Old Father Tyme
For a concept
Of consistence

Ultimate resolutions begin
In desolate institutions
They rest in their pods
Comfortably numb
With contentment
For their mission
Is now accomplished
Voluntarily, they line up
Into echelons of space
Giving themselves back
To an entrance
That coughed them out

The curtain has closed
And a chapter has ended
Yet their presence
Still echoes on
Apr 2018 · 233
World's Finest Chocolate
Dustin Dean Apr 2018
Are your knickers in a knot
Or is your head full of snot?
Then by golly, eat this chocolate
For it'll rid you of yer troubles

Do let me know when it works
Like I said, it'll rid the troubles
... Into runny brown puddles
April Fools
Apr 2018 · 332
Dustin Dean Apr 2018
It seems I’m lost in what I’ve found
But too tired to get myself through
This tunnel known as time
Even against my will
Go through, I must
Mar 2018 · 1.1k
Onward To The Estuary
Dustin Dean Mar 2018
No need for dark cemeteries
In that hardened mind of yours
For I’ll meet you on the estuary
Very soon, bright and blue

So be still, like the river ahead
But run deep from troubles
When they call your name
With fervent enthusiasm
Like the burning sunset
Which we all yearn to meet

So be free, like a bee to be
And fly high from sorrow
When they curse your name
Until we meet on the estuary
Very soon, bright and blue
Mar 2018 · 517
Twilight Sedation
Dustin Dean Mar 2018
We exchange pleasantries
Beneath a heaven above us
Each word, softer than before
Laying underneath sheets
Made of stars and dreams
As eyes fade to dust
Into dreams of sage
With ideas that connect
A feeling once forgotten
Gratitude imbued
With hands held
Remembering lives
We’ve lived together
Before the twilight
That surrounds us
last night with my girlfriend
Mar 2018 · 339
Dustin Dean Mar 2018
Are you still there?
Moonlight colored sheets adorn
The fuzzy state I reside
Between lines and prospects
Tunnel vision takes us down
As we loom through doom
But fear not!
My darling
For there is light
At the end of our tunnel
A matrimony of harmony
And a will of steel
Our vows raise from poppies
Reflecting beams in our eyes
Though, I may not be there
But hand in hand
I shall say
Our love is destined
To never die

We will see to it
We will
Mar 2018 · 311
Dustin Dean Mar 2018
All the words
And all the worlds
Add up to you

All the lies
And rock-a-byes
Rock a world
Then rule the world

I won't let you this time
I will let you down
To the grave
For your own sake
Mar 2018 · 297
End of Days
Dustin Dean Mar 2018
As you wonder how
Man's stones start to crumble down
To infinity
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