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1.4k · Aug 2019
YusufKudsi Aug 2019
She was different than the rest,  A Sunflower facing the moon.
Trying to grow taller than the rest, to have a voice in a windless field, to be what she is meant to be, when everyone is just the same.
Her roots were the strongest but she was the weakest
How can you blame her when she is just a sunflower facing the moon.
A wild wind took her off, now she is lonley like never before.
All she wanted was to be heard but she was just a sunflower facing the moon.
965 · Oct 2019
Him & Her
YusufKudsi Oct 2019
She dances with her best dress on even when everyone is standing still,
She speaks her mind even when everyone tells her to be quite,
She has a dream even when everyone is looking for a man,
And that doesn’t make her less of a woman.
He cries when he is broken,
He shows his feelings even when everyone is acting tough,
He has a dream even when everyone is looking for a woman,
And that doesn’t make him less of a man.
They sing even when they don’t know the words,
They laugh even when life gets hard,
They love even when the world is full of hate,
Because that doesn’t make them less of a human.
818 · Jan 2019
YusufKudsi Jan 2019
He sits by the window
Talks to the stars
He is a dreamer
Who waits for his dreams to be reality
He lights a candle hoping someone would see him
But the candle was just a notch in the city of lights
He sits by the window hoping for the stars to talk to him
But maybe silence was all he needed..
709 · Apr 2020
Sahara Desert
YusufKudsi Apr 2020
All I wanted was to build a sandcastle,
Deep in the Sahara desert,
But the sandstorm took everything away,
Now I am on my own in the Sahara desert.
I lost my way in this endless desert,
And I can’t get back to my town.
Is my loved one worried about me?
Or did she already find someone else.
Yesterday I was in the middle of the soft desert,
Happy and excited,
Today I am somewhere deep in the desert,
Lost and broken,
Does she still care?
Or did the sandstorm change her heart.
Yesterday I was sane,
Today I am talking to the stars in the Sahara desert.
622 · Nov 2019
Before I Die
YusufKudsi Nov 2019
I want to live before I die,
I want to feel before I get broken and turn into pieces,
I want to know what love means before I learn to hate,
I want to be me before society changes me
into something I don’t want to be.
603 · Jul 2019
He Vol. 2
YusufKudsi Jul 2019
He sits by the window
Talks to the stars
He is a dreamer
Who waits for his dreams to be reality
He lights a candle hoping someone would see him
But the candle was just a notch in the city of lights
He wanted to shine like a north start
But he was just another dot in the middle of thousands.
He sits by the window hoping for the stars to talk to him.
But the room was quite like a windless ocean

He opened the window,
Shouted as loud as he ever could do
But the wind took his words and left him speechless
Despite his loud head the room was silent yet again
He looked up, hoping for the stars to talk to him.
548 · Nov 2019
YusufKudsi Nov 2019
Words betrayed me when I looked into your eyes,
They were in my mind but didn’t reach my tongue,
They were in my heart but couldn’t get out,
They are on the tip of my pen and now they are in my poems.
520 · Sep 2019
Lost Boy
YusufKudsi Sep 2019
My heart skipped a beat just by looking at you,
It would have stopped if you looked back at me.
Time froze when you smiled like a shining star, we were in the same room but million miles away.
I tried to speak but fear took my words away.
How can I be brave when I am just a lost boy from Neverland.
471 · Jul 2019
Lady of The Ocean
YusufKudsi Jul 2019
Sailing through the waves of depression
“Oh, Lady of the ocean help me before I sink”
How calm does the ocean look while the storms raging inside his mind
“Oh, Lady of the ocean help me before I sink”
The unknown drives him crazy while the hope in his heart keeps him sane
“Oh, Lady of the ocean help me before I sink”

A captain with only prayers on his mouth and music in his soul.
455 · Oct 2019
Rose Garden
YusufKudsi Oct 2019
I picked up a rose because I couldn’t speak my mind.
The most beautiful rose from the rose garden.

Oh, pinky rose go tell her that she is more beautiful than the roses in the rose garden.
Oh, lovely rose go tell her that her smile makes me forget that the words exists.
Oh, shiny rose go tell her that her eyes shine brighter than the sun, melting the ice covering my heart.

I gave her the rose to tell her the truth, that she is the only rose that I need in my rose garden.
400 · May 2019
YusufKudsi May 2019
A ghost under the moonlight
A fairytale in a world of reality
She passed through me and took my soul
Left me with an empty heart and wondering mind
A cloudless sky in a shining day
A starry night in a dark day
Waiting for the moonlight to fill me again.
398 · Nov 2019
Colors of Loving You
YusufKudsi Nov 2019
Black and white was my life before I met you,
Now flowers blossom in my heart.
Black is the days I don’t see you,
White is the nights I dream of you,
Blue is the teardrop on your cheek,
Yellow is your sparkling eyes,
Green is my life when you are by my side,
And red is my love for you.
396 · Jan 2019
YusufKudsi Jan 2019
I was lost until I found me in you
But now I am lost again
I still look at you with the eyes that wants you
But your eyes are cold like the storm
I asked you if everything could go to the way it was
But you were already in someone else’s arms
394 · Oct 2019
Wasn’t Looking
YusufKudsi Oct 2019
I wasn’t looking for love but it found me.
This was the place where I first saw you,
Now places turning into memories, and memories filling my mind.
Was the nights this long or am I going crazy.
Am I in your head or am I alone, on my own with your smile in front my eyes.
I wasn’t looking for you but you found me.
386 · Jun 2019
North Star
YusufKudsi Jun 2019
In the middle of the desert lost and hopeless
I found my North star at my darkest moment
It gave me hope and showed me the way
I fell in love with a shining star
She was bright but faraway
381 · Dec 2019
Sound of the Nature
YusufKudsi Dec 2019
Leaves pass by me singing the song of the nature,
The wind echoing the sound of the Hummingbirds,
They all sing in language that I don’t understand,
But the music was never about the words,
Your voice is sweeter than the nature’s orchestra.
You are not the melody to my ears,
You are the symphony to my soul.
362 · Jan 2019
World of hate
YusufKudsi Jan 2019
I wonder if I will ever find love in this world of hate.
357 · Apr 2019
YusufKudsi Apr 2019
He was surrounded by many yet felt lonely
He was lost in the mornings a stranger to the light and people
He found a reflection of himself when he looked at the stars
The Night was his home and the stars his friend.
356 · Jun 2019
YusufKudsi Jun 2019
All I see is wasted time
Wasted feelings and missed opportunities
Life passing infront of my eyes
Getting old when yesterday I was just a kid
Walking on a long road along the city lights
Wondering why I am here when there is so much more to life.
347 · Jan 2019
Daughter's Eyes
YusufKudsi Jan 2019
Her eyes were like the shining stars
Gave him joy and pain  
Her eyes reminded him of the one once was here
He felt Happiness and sadness every time he looked at them
Because Her eyes were liker her mother’s
281 · Oct 2019
YusufKudsi Oct 2019
There is a riot inside my body
My heart against my brain
Fighting over you.
Don’t promise me something you won’t keep
My body can’t take another civil war.
Surrounded by broken promises when all you had to do was to stay
Purple, blue, orange and red these colors of feelings that I won’t be feeling anymore
Because my heart is in flames and my mind is in control.
There is a riot inside my body
A war that no one can win.
280 · Aug 2019
The City of Souls
YusufKudsi Aug 2019
Walking through the city of souls
A city where it doesn’t matter how you look, because only beautiful souls shine
A city where people don’t care about the way they will look when they are older, they just try to be a better person than they were yesterday.
280 · Nov 2019
A self reflection
YusufKudsi Nov 2019
Drowning in my own self reflection,
How can someone be a stranger to himself,
Am I me or am I what society turned me into.
Looking at the one in the mirror,
Wondering how life changed him when he was supposed to be the one who changes it.
Voices filling up my head telling me how to act and who to be,
Are those my own or someone else’s.
He screamed asking for silence, but the voices got louder and louder till it turned his screams into whispers.
All he ever wanted was to be who he is, but now he is the one in the mirror.
276 · Jun 2019
Who I am
YusufKudsi Jun 2019
Drifting through the time
Trying to find who I am
Am I the sun or am I the moon
Maybe I am the darkness between the two
Dark thoughts and bright heart
Like a black sky and shining stars
Am I the future or Am I the past
Maybe I am the space between the two
257 · Apr 2020
YusufKudsi Apr 2020
Many faces in a subway train,
Non that I know,
Non that I recognize.
The train passed by me and my eyes searched for a familiar face,
Still non that I know.
I came eye to eye with strangers,
But non of them saw me,
Non of them noticed me.
I got on the train and my eyes kept on searching while my heart kept on hoping,
Just to see your face.
248 · Jan 2020
YusufKudsi Jan 2020
A riot started in my kingdom once I laid my eyes on your beautiful face.
I built the strongest walls around my heart,
Titanium and chromium walls,
Yet you found a way to get into my castle.
How many empires did you burn with that smile?
Will you turn mine into ashes or will you treat it as yours.
238 · Jan 2020
YusufKudsi Jan 2020
I am a sailor, sailing on the seven seas,
Praying to god for guidance
Destiny is my compass,
And hope is my ship’s wind.
I don’t know where I am going,
But I will,
Once I am there.
I am just a sailor lost in the ocean,
Trying to reach the shore.
236 · Sep 2019
Lonely Star
YusufKudsi Sep 2019
Night comes and million stars lights up the sky, They sing songs that no one heard before.
Night leaves and takes all the stars with him,
leaving the sun all by itself, a lonely star in a strange land.
I looked at the lonely star and saw a reflection of myself.
My mouth started moving but my soul was talking.
“Oh Sun don’t be afraid I will be your friend when the day comes
We will sing and light up the world like no other star can.
Oh lonley Star don’t be afraid, everything will be just fine with me by your side and you by mine.”
230 · Oct 2019
YusufKudsi Oct 2019
I am in a place where I don’t belong
I tried to get out but couldn’t break the cage
Am I too weak or is the cage too strong
Why can’t I be free like the birds in the sky.

I am in a place where I don’t belong
I tried to swim for my freedom but couldn’t break the glass.
Am I too weak or is the glass too strong
Why can’t I be free like the fishes in the ocean.
205 · Dec 2019
YusufKudsi Dec 2019
Maybe your love was meant to burn my heart and turn me into ashes,
So it can rise like a phoenix stronger than before.
Maybe I was meant to be tore apart like puzzle pieces
To become a master piece when I am whole again.
Maybe I was meant to be broken, to be happy again.
200 · Dec 2019
Three Monkeys
YusufKudsi Dec 2019
A mother without a son,
A son without a father,
And a family without a mother.
A smoke cloud raised and the universe cried,
While the rest of the world was holding an umbrella.

A sister without a brother,
A brother without a sister,
And a child without a childhood.
Towns drowned in the rivers of blood,
While the rest of the world was sailing on a boat.

People without a home,
Home without the people,
Is just a sand without a purpose.
Cultures got wiped from the books of history,
While the rest of the world was looking at the screens.

Humanity died and the world is left to the three monkeys.
194 · Mar 2020
A Year Older
YusufKudsi Mar 2020
I am a year older now,
Yesterday feels like history,
And tomorrow is too far away.

I am a year older now,
All this knowledge but still know nothing,
Seen too much but still saw nothing.

I am a year older now,
Don’t know where I am heading but I know where I came from,
Don’t know who will stay but I know who was with me,
Don’t know who will I become but I know who I am now,
Don’t know about the future but I know about now.

I am a year older now,
A year closer to my death,
A year away from my birth.
Today is my birthday ^_^
189 · Feb 2020
YusufKudsi Feb 2020
We can’t be friends anymore,
When you are in my mind,
All the time.
When I keep thinking about,
Your eyes and smile.
Thinking about,
The home we will never have,
And the kids we will never raise,
Do you think of me when,
The darkness closes in,
And the stars shine out.
Just give me a sign before my heart dies like the sun at night.
187 · Nov 2019
YusufKudsi Nov 2019
Love grew like a cancer in my chest,
It is killing me slowly while holding me alive.
How can something this sweet hurt so bad,
Is it love to blame or our choices.
It is reaching my brain,
Leading to sleepless nights.
Life was sweet before I met you,
Now it is bittersweet.
183 · Jan 2020
YusufKudsi Jan 2020
Darling, you kissed my soul with your eyes,
And locked it up in your heart.
My soul made a home out of your heart
And it found peace in there.
One glimpse was enough to make me your prisoner,
And another one to make me addicted.
Our eyes met under the moonlight, changing my nights forever.
177 · Apr 2020
All I need
YusufKudsi Apr 2020
All I need is,
The stars,
The moon,
The sea,
The night,
All I need is,
176 · Feb 2020
Reaching The End
YusufKudsi Feb 2020
Oceans full of tears,
Skies full of pain,
Nothing feels real anymore.
Am I really alive or am I just bones and meat.
We are walking on the same path,
And we are almost reaching the end,
Maybe I am just a dreamer,
But why do they teach us how to dream?
If they all turn to dust.
175 · Dec 2019
YusufKudsi Dec 2019
Night comes fixing on the day,
And the sun is gone again.
He sit by his phone waiting,
He lays down waiting,
He looks at the ceiling waiting,
A light covers his room and his heart skips a beat,
He rushes to his phone faster than his heart beat,
A word from his loved one wakes up the butterflies inside him.
152 · Dec 2019
Move On
YusufKudsi Dec 2019
You are long gone, but your memory is still here.
I should move on, but how can I do it
The night is you,
The moon is you.
Every breath I take reminds me of you,
Every place I go resembles you,
My heart is your home,
My brain speaks your name.
How can I move on, when you are every piece of me.
149 · Feb 2020
YusufKudsi Feb 2020
I opened my mouth to talk about the universe,
But my tongue only spelled your name.
I cut off my tongue to get rid of your curse,
Still it only whispered your name.
145 · Jan 2020
YusufKudsi Jan 2020
You are my every wish with every shooting star.
You are what I call a dream and everything else is just a nightmare.
I saw the universe in your eyes and I can’t stop staring,
I saw butterflies dancing in your smile and I can’t take the foolish smile off my face.
I wonder if our paths will cross and become one,
Or will we be just two strangers in parallel universes.
144 · Dec 2019
The City
YusufKudsi Dec 2019
Smell of roses used to surround the city,
Now the city hides under the smoke clouds.
Sound of the laughing kids used to be heard around the city, now painful screams echoing in every corner.
We closed our eyes while the city was dying, but their soul raised to heaven while ours died inside our body.
We were sleeping while it was turning into a graveyard,
And now the city of culture became city of ghosts.
140 · Mar 2020
YusufKudsi Mar 2020
When a woman walks,
Flowers blooms under her footsteps,
When a woman smiles,
A star explodes out of jealousy.
Wherever a woman goes,
Colors follow her.

They are soldiers born ready to fight,
Against the injustices,
Against the inequality,
Against the world that tells them how to act and who to be.
138 · Mar 2020
YusufKudsi Mar 2020
The kids in the village asked me, if I have ever met a hero.
I told them about the cape-less hero.
The one who sacrificed all his time to make mine better,
The one who who gave all his energy to boost mine,
The one who didn’t sleep at night so I can sleep peacefully.
The one who left his world to save mine.
The kids listened to my story with a shine in their eyes,
The more I talked about him the more excited they got.
Now he is far away and the world is more cruel.
129 · Jan 2020
With and Without You
YusufKudsi Jan 2020
Who was I before I met you?
Darkness and imperfection.
Who am I without you?
Sadness and depression.
Who am I with you?
Sunshine and perfection.
129 · Mar 2020
YusufKudsi Mar 2020
Stars, oh stars,
Teach me,
Teach me how to shine even when I am surrounded by darkness.
Teach me, how to be strong just like you.

Sun, oh sun,
Why are you here?
When you can be singing with your friends.

Sky, oh skies,
What make you so beautiful?
Is it the stars or the darkness?

I stare at the sky full of stars,
with a sparkle in my eyes,
And suddenly God’s words started echoing in my head,
“And We have certainly beautified the nearest heaven with stars.”
118 · Feb 2020
Are you real?
YusufKudsi Feb 2020
We live in a small world,
Yet I only see you in my dreams,
We stare at the same stars,
Yet we are far away.
We have never met,
Yet I miss you more and more everyday.
Lonely nights made me question myself,
Are you real or are you just in my mind?
116 · Dec 2019
YusufKudsi Dec 2019
A teardrop from her eyes taught me what pain means,
A smile on her face taught me what joy really means,
Her presence gave me peace,
Her absence showed me how loneliness feels,
Time made me appreciate all her efforts,
Life made me see how cruel it can be, without her by my side.
I sailed the whole universe to realize that, home is wherever she is.
108 · Feb 2020
YusufKudsi Feb 2020
Are we visitors or invaders?
I can see the sadness in the leafless trees and grey sky.
Did we come in peace or did we come in rage?
She shakes in pain,
She drowns cities with her tears.
All she wanted was to be a home,
But we became it’s pollution.
Her forests burn like a burning heart,
Is it her pain that I am seeing or is it mine?

— The End —