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Sep 2017 · 289
If Only I had Known
Tyler Matthew Sep 2017
The sky behind the bare winter branches, blue and white, nearly reflective. I was almost an angel,
spread wide in the snow,
if only I had known about my wings.

If you were to ask my father,
he'd tell you I'd always been
a happy kid.

If you asked my mom,
she'd tell you something
different, but happy for the
most part.

You can't ask me such questions.
I hardly give thought to it now.

I was under the canopy for
what seemed like an eternity.
To a child, time is nothing, so
that's saying something.
It was cold, but that's what I'd needed, since warmth gives way to lies. I was looking for something true, and I didn't know where else
to search but the sky.
Were I to look anywhere else,
I'd just be retracing steps.

I was listening to a tape,
Iron Butterfly, wondering where
the name came from.
I fell asleep before turning
the tape over, and when I woke up,
I woke up to the sound of
my father calling my name and
an engine revving somewhere,
my brother driving 'round
looking for me.

When they found me lying there,
they thought I was hurt.
When I told them I wasn't they
asked what I'd been doing and I said
looking for some truth.
I was paddled and sent to my room
for the rest of the evening.

I stopped searching after that.
It always hurts to know for certain.
Sep 2017 · 247
Dumb Water
Tyler Matthew Sep 2017
There's something in the water
making everyone a fool,
reading doorsigns that say "push"
and yet, they still are trying to pull.
Quick write
Sep 2017 · 376
Vanity of the Soul
Tyler Matthew Sep 2017
Why trespass so long in a body?
Is the soul so vain that it
needs to fill a space,
never moving to be free
both in dreams and in joys,
hinged to this heart
like the shadow to my heels?
        Like the shadow to my heels,
why a spirit bound to anything,
not chasing distant stars,
not moving in eternity,
not looking for a vacant space
to spread itself unbound?
The first line is taken from Christine Gosnay's poem, "Desire."
Tyler Matthew Sep 2017
I wonder if, when the sun rises,
it brings a little something
back from the east.
Do its golden rays have stories
it wishes to tell, or lessons or gifts
to give us when it gets back?
I guess what I want
is to know that it remembers
and thinks of all of us
while it is gone.
Or does it shed all memory
of its time spent with me?
Does the sun come up
out of duty or love?
Quick write
Sep 2017 · 267
Away from Me
Tyler Matthew Sep 2017
When I wake up
to the moon shining in,
I've got to ask myself,
"Does this seem right,
To be here alone on this night,
waiting for you to
come crawling in?"

And if I wake up
and you're next to me,
I feel I've got to
shake myself from dreaming.
What's going on? what's all this meaning?
I should be waiting
for you like I always do.

When you're gone,
I want you here.
When you're here,
you wish you're gone.
If this is supposed
to be what I want,
then why does it
still feel so wrong?

And when you're there
in your crowd
of empty faces,
tell me, is that where you belong?
Tell me if you think I'm wrong
in wanting you
to just come home.

And when you're there
inside his eyes,
do you ever stop
to think of me?
Is this where you want to be?
so very far
away from me?

When you're gone
I'm lying here.
When you're here,
you're lying, too.
If you don't want this,
let me know
so I can get
away from you.
Sep 2017 · 1.2k
Tyler Matthew Sep 2017
She stuffs all the bad things
into a closet
and then hides the key
after she locks it.
Her face turns all red
when I ask what's inside.
She screams out her lungs
and yells "everything's fine!"
So I rattle the door as to
blow out the hinges.
And when I glimpse inside,
she thrashes and cringes,
"we don't need to talk
about our past no more.
Will you just go sit down,
will you please close the door?"
Quick write
Sep 2017 · 368
Letters from Blind America
Tyler Matthew Sep 2017
Dear Mr. Trump,
I know the Russians aren't the reason for your recent election. Putin slapped the democrats with a rock-hard misdirection. There's no need to conduct a voter poll inspection. In any case, I think America's made the right selection.

Dear Mr. Trump,
I can't believe that some are questioning your mental stability. Do subjects have the right to challenge nobility? To do so, I feel, would be a lesson in futility.  Those of us still in your cabinet think you're doing the job brilliantly.

Dear Mr. Trump,
I am writing to urge you to declare war in the east. Don't listen to the media, the democrats or Chinese. Don't listen to the South Koreans, those ***** only see half of what your great white eyes can see.

Dear Mr. Trump,
I think it's great what you've done
to our military. All those phoney genitals, generals, were starting to scare me. Guns are no use in the hands of a fairy. And besides, when they die, that's 10,000 less soldiers to bury.

Dear Mr. Trump,
When will construction on the wall begin? Those ******* are causing too many problems within. Besides, I think we can take it one step further and completely wall ourselves in. But keep up the good work - I know you'll make America great again.
This poem is sarcastic, and in no way do I support racism, prejudice, homophobia, isolationism, war, greed, or Donald Trump.
Sep 2017 · 1.8k
Tyler Matthew Sep 2017
I had a customer at work today
with a tattoo across her chest
that said "Royalty" with a little
jeweled crown hanging off the "R."
She wanted a pack of cigarettes.
She didn't ask, she demanded.
She didn't say "please."
I gave her the cigarettes.
She didn't say "thanks."
I asked how her day was going,
and she said "good."
She didn't ask how my day was.
At first I thought a girl like that
isn't royal at all.
But, the more I thought, the more
I realized that she was.
Because royalty doesn't ask,
it demands.
Royalty is above saying "thanks."
Royalty doesn't mingle with
gas station clerks.
Regardless, I muttered "*****"
under my breath as she walked away.
Sep 2017 · 417
The Archaeologist
Tyler Matthew Sep 2017
I used to want to be an
I thought digging things up
looked like fun.
I thought that I wanted to
touch history.
I don't get paid for it,
but I guess
I sort of am an archaeologist.
I dig things up.
I run my fingers through years
of history.
It just isn't as fun as I'd always
thought it'd be.
Sep 2017 · 362
Pump Station Clerk
Tyler Matthew Sep 2017
You meet a lot of people
working as a pump station clerk.
In fact, certain people begin
thinking you're their friend
and start telling you their business.
I know a friend of the mayor,
a city cop named Tim, who can't stand black people,
and I know a black man
who can't stand Tim.
There's a girl whose name I don't know that's pregnant and still drinks and says at least she doesn't smoke.
It's hard to not have an opinion
on these sorts of people,
but I do.
I just never express it.
I just take their money and they go,
and I sit here and think how I
hope I don't seem like them to
the other pump station clerks.
Maybe I seem rude to the other clerks, since I don't say much
and I don't try to be their friend.
I just give them my money and
pump my gas and don't say a word.
I hope they know that
I'm not being rude and I hope
they are silently thankful of me for it.
Sep 2017 · 252
If You Can Help It
Tyler Matthew Sep 2017
If you can help it,
don't fall in love with
a girl who always
gets what she wants.
She won't get
everything she wants
out of you and it'll
drive you both mad.
Sep 2017 · 347
More than Romance
Tyler Matthew Sep 2017
She's afraid that the romance is dead.
Wonders why there are no flowers in the vases, no cute notes on the headboard.
When she gets home from work and
isn't greeted at the door with boxed chocolates neatly rowed, she thinks I don't love her.
No, but I say let the romance be dead.
I'd rather have the freedom to ****
in bed, or to laugh at her farts just the same,
or gather what I need to know about her from just the expression on her face.
She regrets having laughed at that first ****, but that's how she stole my heart.
She let me be me and didn't let romantic duty get in the way.
Anyway, I still am going to get her flowers.
Sep 2017 · 217
Cross Your Heart
Tyler Matthew Sep 2017
Cross your heart and hope to die.
Tell me you will tell no lies.
Tell me, do you recognize
the honesty within these eyes?
Sep 2017 · 577
I Am Here
Tyler Matthew Sep 2017
I am the dog, collared and chained,
deemed useless and left alone.
I am the nail in the wall left unhammered, jutting to snag at your sleeve.
I am the hole in your line through which all of your energy will be filtered or lost.
I am heavy with meaning and weightless with meaning and grounded in someone else's reality.
I am that reality, while my own remains silent and hidden and threatening.
I am a threat to some, no one to someone, and everything to one.
I am the card in play, always, even
when you leave the table and
I will be there when you get back.
Also, I am the deck and few cards are missing.
I am the mirror in which you might one day see yourself and startle your eyes into misrecognition.
I am the cup that overfloweth,
and the child guilty for wanting.
I am the season which seems like it will never let up.
I am the sun casting rays of golden relief on the faces of many lonely strangers.
I am the forgotten sun, just as well.
I am the ruin of those who came here before me and the stain they left on the white fabric of time.
I am the fabric, loose and changing
in the winds of perpetuity.
I am a glass sphere in the midst of a landscape, puzzling and divine and uncanny alike.
I am a door left unopened.
I am a line with no end and a point with no beginning and I will let it be known that I am here seeking all.
Aug 2017 · 238
I Am Not Content
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
I am not content.
The president is a charade.
Hate parade's through the towns.
I fidget where I sit
as the bit of love that's left
is traded for dollars or
fame, and who's to blame?
Russia? Yeah Russia,
or those spics kicking dust
up at the border.
Take your pick.
I am not content
as I see hundreds of people
raising hell over hell.
The division line getting bolder.
Division bell ringing louder.
Myself getting older and still
yet unpublished.
And I am not content,
even with smoke in my lungs,
head still hung in silent surrender,
I have something to say!
To hell with it.
A world bent on nonsense
won't listen to a poet.
When I say "spics," it is out of poetic irony/sarcasm. Please do not be offended. Not racist.
Aug 2017 · 676
Wild, Pure, Perfect
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
I can't define poetry.
I don't want to define it.
Let it remain obscure,
like the forest sounds
you hear at night.
Let it terrify you.
Let it crawl in the dark
as you walk by it.
Does it watch me from
behind the tree?
Perched on limb,
does it sneer?
Poetry defies the cage.
Let it.
Let it get the best of you,
running in circles
around the page.
Poetry is a creature,
wild, pure,
perfect by design,
desired and revered.
Let it escape you,
and then follow
as you will.
Title is subject to change
Aug 2017 · 215
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
Look at your fathers.
            All dead men.
   And all you have in common
        is the blood.
      But, once that's spilled,
                      No truths.
  No lies.
                   Bury the thought.
Aug 2017 · 390
Back to School
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
Back to school tomorrow.
Back to the din of hallway talk
and chalk dust on my jeans.
Back to long walks from
parking lots to too-bright
classrooms chock-full of half-wits.
Back to the space where I contemplate
better men than I.
Back to stairwells crowded with
oblivious ****-type idiots.
Back to advisors
huffing and puffing when they hear
the phone ring.
Back-to-back weeks of solid hell.
Back to trying to fit my square brain into a round hole.
Back to gum stuck on my shoe.
Back to school.
Quick write
Aug 2017 · 779
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
I got me an all-night-girl,
keeps the door unlocked for me,
and even when my girl forgets,
she'll throw me down the key
"come on up, down waste your time,
you're wanted in this room."
"Well that's fine with me,
but I've got time
to take my shoes off I assume?"
Yes, she's the one, the only one,
whose face floats in my dreams.
And she ain't like nobody else
'cause she's always as she seems.

Yes, she can take the paint right off
my Chevrolet Bel Air
with just a sweet little kiss
or one electric stare,
then she'll jump right in the back
and down the road we go
with the windows down
and the music loud,
she doesn't like to take it slow.
She's somethin' else, she surely is,
and she never leaves me wantin'.
This all-night-girl really rocks me.
Yes, she sure is somethin'.
Aug 2017 · 361
Underneath the Eden Tree
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
All your false securities
will not protect you in any degree
when the Man descends from the sky to see
if he or she or them or we
will surrender to him finally
and gather all most nobly
beneath the sun, the Eden tree
and bid that man must bend the knee.
Will we cast aside our crowns, our pride
and recognize that what we idolize -
the dollar bill, the satyrized
faked-out phoney false franchise
that man has made as a disguise
to keep distracted the hungry eyes -
will not serve to get us by
but to keep us down and cold and empty?
A verse inspired by Bob Dylan's "It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)."
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
love and hate are both
good reasons to do anything.
out of love comes love,
and out of hate comes hate.
before you're done,
there's always this choice to be made.
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
If your spirit must one day clear,
and our lives at once must cease,
if that sweet smile must leave your face,
and time must claim its lease,
then, Allison, let's not a moment waste,
let's pick the fruit and savor the taste.

And if the hour should ever come
when the two of us must part,
or phantom fiends creep from the dark,
their daggers aimed at our hearts,
then, Allison, don't be afraid,
for our love's hand is always stayed.
After Thomas Carew's "Persuasions to Enjoy."
Aug 2017 · 269
Open, Mine too, Shall Be
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
I extend my gratitude
to the women in my life,
as their hands have always
been open to me.
And though, at times,
I have suffered on their account,
or have caused them to
suffer on mine,
open, mine too, shall be.
For theirs are the hands
which have built
or have broken,
and each had a purpose, yet.
And not soon their company
will I regret, or their influences
will I forget.
Aug 2017 · 334
The New Dream
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
Put down the book and draw the shades,
don't carry on and make me wait.
Tomorrow's coming might seal our fate.
Let's love and nothing else.

A cold wind from my future blew
across the room, you felt it too,
so let's just do what lovers do
and hope it lasts forever.

Put down the broom and draw the shades,
don't carry on and make me wait.
Tomorrow's coming might seal our fate.
Let's love while we've got time.

The television shows the news -
bombs and banks, conflicting views.
And hateful words are overused,
let's make new ones together.

Shut off the news and draw the shades,
don't carry on and make me wait.
Tomorrow's in a sad old state,
let's make it great with love.

The past is dead, just let it be.
Why bother it when you've got me?
I feel like I have been set free,
free to love you fully.

Put on a smile and shut the shades,
there's nothing standing in our way,
let's join the march, the Great Parade,
and flood the streets with love.
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
The poor are kept poor,
the rich, elevated
to positions of office,
pushing beliefs, outdated,
down Liberty's throat
while Justice, sedated,
sits in the corner
beneath a flag, now faded.
Aug 2017 · 248
Just as I
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
You have no idea
what it is that I need,
though you like to suppose
that you lie at the center
like a flame burning proud
in the winds of my judgment.
Yet, I may look one way
but walk another.
Do not follow me
only to persecute,
but walk beside me,
poised in transcience,
equivalently cradled
in the arms of error.
For you, too,
are a child in this life,
just as I.
Just as I.
Aug 2017 · 245
Most Poetry
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
It seems to me
most poetry
is nothing but
a clever title.
Most poems lack
that special knack
that readers
find so vital.

Recycling words
we all have heard
makes for a
dull affair,
so pay your dues
to the muse
and write
something rare.
Aug 2017 · 348
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
Some people are just
so normal they're weird.
Crisp suits and coffee
in the morning,
no gin and pajamas,
how freakish.
When they get mad,
they get productive
like insects,
rather than breaking
this or that.
Everything planned,
paid on time,
reminders posted
on the walls.
No kinks in their hoses,
no brown on their noses,
hair carefully parted
in just the right place.
They don't make art,
they buy it,
hang it on the walls
and then throw a party.
How lonely,
how strange their lives
must be.
My theory is
they've yet to find anything
worth going mad for.
Quick write
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
I'm too young to be thinking
the good days are gone,
to feel lost in a crowd
of people my age.
I'm too young to want nothing
but a moment alone,
or to skip through the book,
not minding each page.

I'm too old to ask help
from kind souls who offer,
to crawl on all fours,
or to cry in my sleep.
I'm too old to be dreaming
of peace in my mind.
But no matter our age,
dreams are all we can keep.
Quick write - after reading it about 6 times, I have deduced that this poem is ****. But I'm going to leave it here anyway.
Aug 2017 · 2.2k
What You Wore
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
I don't need no
chains and whips,
sparks fly from
my fingertips.
Magic, the way
you move your hips.
Magic, when you
part your lips.

I'm no sage,
but I can enlighten.
You crawl to me,
you are not frightened.
Sweat and blood,
muscles tighten.
Draw the shades,
don't let the light in.

You kneel before me,
I can't ignore.
You rake my skin,
I ask for more.
I part your legs
and kiss your core.
Falling from you,
what you wore.
Aug 2017 · 259
With Summer in Mind
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
Ah, summer,
come dancing up the mountain,
bringing near-naked lovers
and flowers and fountains.
Good summer,
and all in good fun,
with women in the shade
watching children that run.
Short summer,
you are all but too brief,
a daze dipped in sunlight,
warm dream of relief.
Dear summer,
time to gather your things
and wait out the winter
to return after spring.
Aug 2017 · 304
At Odds with the Muse
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
Not everything sad
is worth writing for,
nor funny nor happy nor good.
Yet still, I would write
everything in my life
if only, if only, I could.
Aug 2017 · 250
Missing the Mark
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
All the same eyes, same minds,
in all the same places -
day in, day out -
casting their sparks
of doubt or defiance,
never bothering to question
what either is aimed at.
Aug 2017 · 333
Big Inside
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
It is strange to see you now,
hiding behind your men
in line at the gas station,
stealing peripheral glances
at me with your hands in your pockets,
raging to get out the door
back into your car and drive.
You with your artificial red hair and
air of overwhelming significance.
You with your bent legs and
crooked neck.
You with your eyes of cold desire.
And to think I loved you and called
it "forever."
And to think I was once the fire
in your bleak hearth.
You didn't want to be warm,
only to have the option.
You didn't want to be loved,
only to possess a heart much
more tender than your own.
It is strange to see you now,
and how little you've grown.
As for me, I feel big now.
Big inside at last.
Big enough to be content with
being small.
Big enough to admit
what I've done wrong,
and to not speak of
what I've done right.
Big enough to look you in the eyes
and not dream of seeing myself in them tonight.
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
the metal silence
of an empty river town
still rings in my ears

boy dreams in big words,
looking out from the porch to the
pond growing algae

moon is alive with
vivid colors and pictures,
reflection of this

wake to the smell of
bacon frying up the hill,
grandma cracks an egg

this recurring dream:
rolling down the hill naked,
logs rolling behind

the trees are it all
and I might be part of it,
so I like to think

we built a treehouse
at the edge of the cornfield
and never used it

it was hot I remember
and I didn't like the sound of
the hammer on wood

I said it was a
cornfield, but it only used
to be a cornfield

now just mud and ruts
and a place to stand when we
feel introspective

when a good thought leaves
the mind and's not recovered
it ends up right here

rustbelt suburban
teenagers smoke and ride in
the dead of the night

when I close my eyes
riding in the backseat now,
I pray that we leave
Work in progress
Aug 2017 · 297
More and More
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
The American dream
is only a dream -
a dream in which
the dreamer is obsolete.
For those who
both sleep and dream
in her streets,
America is a reality
too real to deny,
like a ladder too high
to be climbed,
like a bar too hard
to be bent.
And after each dollar
is spent,
after each shining diamond
find its way to a pocket,
the dream becomes
more and more a dream
that we become
less and less likely
to wake up from.
Quick write
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
It is a wheel
rolling over you,
letting you feel
it all, leaving you
You'll be begging
it to stop,
dollars flying
from the top.
Those who turn the wheel
consider themselves holy.
Quick write
Aug 2017 · 418
Some Bleak Prophecy
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
When did our homes become
When did our truths become
When did our hearts become
When did our laughs turn to

When did our men become
When did our gods become
When did this world become
When, oh when, oh when?
Quick write
Aug 2017 · 472
Smooth Sailing Out of Here
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
Relax, relax,
you will be remembered.
No need to commit
thy image to stone.
Breathe, breathe,
let time do the talking.
No need to feel lonely,
you are not alone.
Rest, rest,
take heed of your moments.
Do what you love
and forsake the rest.
Live, live,
like no one is watching.
When your soul is gathered
love will manifest.
Aug 2017 · 193
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
Crescent moon hangs
like a dagger -
sharp, silver, gleaming.
Screaming at shadows,
it catches my eye
and I cry
and I cry
and I cry.
Quick write
Aug 2017 · 211
What is Mine
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
Inspiration, like a trickle
beginning at the skin,
moves hot beneath the surface
to flood the veins within.

The page is blank before me.
Pen lifeless as a board
until I pick it up again
and fill the page with words.

Ink gushing over paper,
pen and poet become one.
Veins burning with a purpose
with the heat of every sun.

And all the clocks hang silent,
and all the planets do align
when I raise the poem to the light
and read what's only mine.
Aug 2017 · 287
Fish in a Stream
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
We follow the current
around each rock and
up each straight.
Some break free
and are forgotten,
some break free
and are remembered,
but only those who
swam fast away.
The rest of us are waiting
for that one great leap,
up and out and over
the banks -
the leap that we know
will be our last,
but the one we know
will show the others
we got out,
tasted the air,
glubbed our last glub
and did something
Quick write
Tyler Matthew Jul 2017
I am a hole
that light cannot reach.
You all will fall in,
not suspecting a thing.
Looking up as you fall
is like a fading mirror -
you'll see all that you were
before it disappears.
This goes on for some time
before your back hits the dirt,
softly despite the distance.
When you feel the dark
and your imagination gets dull,
you will lie down and sleep.
And after you've slept
in me for the very first time,
you will not quite know it then,
but you will be nothing.
You'll be mine.
Jul 2017 · 384
Search for the Grail
Tyler Matthew Jul 2017
The pursuit of happiness,
search for the grail.
The endless sea
upon which we sail.

Drowning in time.
Burning with worry.
We're all tamed by death
but must live with a fury.
Jul 2017 · 1.1k
Bad Music
Tyler Matthew Jul 2017
I know what it's like,
standing with your back
against the storefront window,
to reach into your pocket for a dollar,
but pulling out only six pennies
and a ticket stub.
Or to return to work on a Sunday
and dread seeing the faces of
the lonely, toothless men in
oversized shirts that haunt your dreams.
I know what it's like
to drive home midweek,
midnight, head full of worries,
and to find your bed void  of warmth,
bad music the whole way there on
the radio.
If you care to listen
I can tell you what it's like
to have your fast food meal cut short
with father on the telephone,
"Grandfather's passed away today,"
or to realize that that poem you've
been writing is full of recycled verse,
words already written - and you knew it all along.
Jul 2017 · 355
Scenes from the Asylum
Tyler Matthew Jul 2017
With your parting,
the sun was pushed aside
by grey clouds and silver moon,
dropped down below the horizon
and didn't rise again for some time.
Summer ended and autumn began
too soon, with leaves coating the
rooftops and sidewalks and
everyone talked about the doom
riding wind, swift,through the town.
        Down and down, everything fell,
but the light did not touch a thing.
Darkness was the language,
darkness was the doctrine.
In the plazas and asylums,
I saw this shift in reason,
wisdom falling from the brain
like flesh from the bone,
driven hard down into dirt and
left alone. The madness swelling
outside like cold air in a lung.
Then came the snow with an angry
wind, hung in the halls and bedrooms, hospitals and cathedrals,
me asking, "why did you go?"
The radio crackled with static fear,
and everyone who hadn't gone mad
went mad and disappeared into
crumbling homes with ***** windows, their fates forever sealed,
like pointless letters into envelopes.
       I wrote you from the madhouse,
hand shaking with indecision,
words risen out of dread,
words you read but never reached you, telling you that,
with your parting, the whole world
has gone to hell.
Tyler Matthew Jul 2017
Take your time
getting home tonight.
For me, be in no hurry.
My love's the kind
that waits for you.
If you rush, I'll have to worry.

The light just
by the window's on.
The door is unlocked, too.
I'm in our bed,
now go ahead.
I'll wait here for you.
I think it's adorable
Tyler Matthew Jul 2017
My therapist acts like I'm normal,
like changing my clothes
four times a day,
or locking the car doors and
screaming at the top of my lungs
because people keep interrupting
my cigarette break at work is
what most people are doing
with their lives.
When she asked me if I ever
thought about hurting myself
and I said, "at least twice a week,"
she just nodded while smiling.
Hurting myself - it's always me
that hurts me, no one else.
I guess that's something
to smile about.
I guess that's normal.
Jul 2017 · 335
Better to Sink or Sail?
Tyler Matthew Jul 2017
If your love is but an ocean
and I a ship with without a crew,
will my vessel kiss the coastline
or sink deep into you?
Jul 2017 · 317
A Captain No More
Tyler Matthew Jul 2017
I give myself away to the sea.
My ship has been ruined
by reef and by rock
and I am a captain no more.

My flag is layed out on the shore.
The mast protrudes from
the bay, a grave,
and I am a sailor no more.
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