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24.3k · Nov 2015
Mouth Piece
Rhianecdote Nov 2015
Seems like
Words are failing
Maybe We should use our mouths
For other things

How about kissing?
Right there
On that part of my naval
As I brush your hair

Maybe I'll let out a little sigh
As you linger there for a while
Look up and smile
Pretty eyes got me gazing

Words may be failing but
There's other ways to speak
Your hands gently trailing
got my body feeling Weak

Self control startin to slip
Better watch my mouth
As I bite your lip
It stings
But not the way words do
No need for censorship

This mouths being used for other things

Maybe to let out a laugh,a little grin
As you make your move
To help me relax and
Leave your mark on my skin

Raising the heat
Got me craving!
Tongues may be wagging
In the morning
But ours are for tasting

So what do you say?

Mmm don't speak.
My hearts racing
Legs shaking
As you play your mouth piece


And I
Might just have to pull you in tight
Might just have to have you all night
But don't worry
It's our lil secret, I won't say a thing

Words may have failed us
But mouths don't need words
To do wonderous things

Inspired by spice! Uh huh hunny!
18.3k · Feb 2015
On Reflection
Rhianecdote Feb 2015
A friend once said to me
That rejection is a time for reflection
And I tend to agree
So tell me
As I stare into the face of rejection
Why is it that I see my own reflection?
Am I cursed to take this personally?
10.7k · Apr 2015
Love Shy
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
The moment I felt embarrassed

After sayin those three words

I knew

You wasn't the one

I should be sayin them to
... and it's funny cause
The moment I felt embarrassed
When I saw you
Was also the moment I knew
I liked you

I guess things come full circle eh
Hey **, quite a sobering moment. You've gotta laugh. Sometimes I wonder if I even meant it
10.2k · Jan 2015
Imperfectly Acceptable
Rhianecdote Jan 2015
They say that we can't accept in others

              what we can't accept in ourselves....


                   I must be a **** then!

Was aiming for something profound but sod it!
8.3k · Jun 2015
ForGive a lil more
Rhianecdote Jun 2015
I need to forgive you

And I need to forgive myself

For finding that such a hard thing to do
I have to forgive because I cannot forget
8.2k · Mar 2015
Response Ability
Rhianecdote Mar 2015
It takes a brave person
to honestly say
that they have no regrets
when they're in a bad place
I have the up most respect and admiration for anyone who can do this, I haven't met many but the ones I have have inspired me immensely.
7.3k · Nov 2014
Rejection Seat
Rhianecdote Nov 2014
Walk onto a stage called life
and take a look around.
There's much to be found in such a small space,
more to give and much to take
as the curtains called and you're pulled into this performance.
Stare into the audience and pray for applause
but what if you're met with silence?
Spotlight on you as your hopes are ejected
and you my friend have just been rejected
and that is a hard thing to take.
So take a seat, a rejection seat.

Front row to your failures as they come In-ter-view.
Call it the Dragons Den the Lions Pit
and yet they ask me what kind of animal i'll be
as i sit and daydream about Spiderman in a suit
listing qualities of make believe
as he's forced to fill in a CV just like me;
not that i'm a superhero,
i'm just saving face you see,
it's just an amusing thought to ease the anxiety.

And the voluntears they come in turn.
Call em that cause they come momentarily
to remind me involuntarily
that sometimes i do need help and not all things are easy,
not all things are meant to be.
So i take a seat, will you take one with me?

As you watch that relationship sail
and wonder how did it fail?
Bon voyAge is irrelevant.
Whether it be school crush folly to divorcee
it's a learning curve right?
Hard when it seems the only thing you taught me
is what it means to feel lonely.
It's cold in that place called the one way street,
so take a seat. Pull up a chair to something that's no longer there
and share in despair as you stare at your feet.

But you will raise your head eventually.
Adopt the thinkers pose, indulge in some feelosophy.
Cause a friend once said to me that rejection is a time for reflection
and i tend to agree.
So tell me, as i stare into the face of rejection
why is it that i see my own reflection?
Am i cursed to take this personally?
It's always the shoulda, woulda, couldas that get to me.
Do they get to you?
If so take a seat.

And are you sitting uncomfortably?
Cause you shouldn't be.
Take comfort as you stare along row upon row of chairs
that stretch along beyond you and me.
Side to side, across from and diagonally.
Filling the Feartre.
There's many to be found in such a small space,
more that give and much that take
and though this may be the closing scene
there's another show tomorrow
and you and I will receive our standing ovation,
just take my hand and stand with me.
Cause this seat was only ever meant to be temporary.
6.6k · Jun 2015
Lie! nice to meet ya!
Rhianecdote Jun 2015
When they ask how you are





Some more
It's sad how I think this way of dealing with life is encouraged. People don't really open up to each other and I think it's cause they don't believe others will listen or help but I hope we will all keep the faith and tell people how we really feel if we need to
Rhianecdote Feb 2015
I don't hate you.

          I just hate the hurt
                         you contributed to.
6.1k · Apr 2015
Diet Diction (Cheat Day)
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
I'm the Krispy kreme De la creme,
a  diabeaTease,
you can't handle this!
Cause you dieting?!
***** please!
Piece by piece of cake
you found your obese!
And yes the truth does hurt
but no worries
if you want something
sugar Coated I'll order you dessert...
**Go ahead and cheat
*snaps fingers*
Was a bit of banter in a rap back and fourth with my bestie Dre, but it actually works alright as a metaphor for a cheating partner being found out...I could be reaching with that one though. Oh well
6.0k · Jan 2015
Boy on a Bench/ Bench Warmer
Rhianecdote Jan 2015
Spotted you from that afro hair as I waited for you at the bottom of the stairs thinking we'd have a good chill today cause you avoided me yesterday but from the look on your face, that staring into space I knew what was coming, even thought about making a joke about it as we shuffled our way to the park, but this was no game, no pack of cards, hands in your pocket waiting to sit on this bench.

" I don't feel like I'm in a Relationship"
Took the words right out of my mouth so there was no need for me to speak, even in the silence my heart beat weak, till it was broken by this guy sat next to us acting commentator and referee, giving name to these strangers as they played a basketball match behind you and me. You took note and stared up, half laughed and smiled at me and I did too cause it was funny. A moment back to being care free, when we were at our best, making jokes and being silly. Return to silence pulled us from the reverie as you averted eyes again, thinking this wasn't a time for jokes but seriously I wish we were waiting to play in that match instead of sitting on this bench about to become unattached.

This too was a no contact sport , me on one side you on the other as we wrestled with what to say to each other. Eye contact replaced with sigh contact as you fought your thoughts that longed to form words out of fear you couldn't retract or take them back once spoken.

But I needed to know! So you see those hench guys playing basketball? I'd get them to come pin you down until you told me, thump you as you dump me, threats empty. But in the end you told me
" I still don't know If this is the right thing to, I don't wanna confuse you"
But it was too late for that. It could be so frustrating, indecision was your play thing, used to be endearing now you choose to be decisive end nearing.
"You're amazing" a statement that just added to the labyrinth as I realised this was inescapable I would have ran away if I was able, but I remained stable.
"Don't feel you have to spare my feelings" And I really meant it, but i also knew without hesitation you always would. Said you wished you'd met me later, funny thing time. When we met you said you'd wish you'd met me sooner but better late than never. On my birthday said my 22 years had led us to this cross roads together, but now we cross paths like we never met,  some days I wonder if we ever did.

Even though a big part of me was breaking inside, it's sad that even now I don't know if it was heart or pride as I stayed sitting by your side. Swore I could see the ghosts of us walking past the park, Sat there and zoned out recalling the first day we walked this way in the dark. You'd stayed late after college with my friends and me. Remember feeling happy that you got on with them so effortlessly, each of you teasing me. Think you stayed just to see me. Stole your hat and ran down this street, gave it to my friend to hide, had a mini water fight, got to the station and gave you a hug that I didn't think would end when we said goodbye; but not this time.

Delayed the walk away because I knew it would be the last time we'd freeze time and see each other; said this aloud ,asked if there was somebody else cause that's what all girls do right?  Stared me straight in the eye and said
"There's nobody. Are you asking cause everyone asks that?"
"No, I asked for me" said somewhat aggressively the most honest I'd been with you for weeks. Shook your head and looked down despairingly "I made you think there were other girls, I can't believe..."

I don't know if they were tears forming in your eyes or why they were there, I only ever thought I saw you cry once, heard the sobs in your bathroom and when you came out I didn't know how to comfort you just like now, said this out loud. Cause there were no tears to be found in my eyes, not yet anyway, cut off by pride. But as I got up and walked away, half hoping for that cliche "come back I've made a mistake!"
These eyes gave way to sobs I wish you'd seen so you would know that I wasn't cold or mean , that this had meant something to me beyond words...

There was a time yours meant a lot to me, but now they run over and over in my mind on repeat, haunting me. like a hit and run driver, tax disk empty. Is that what all those deep words filling up my glass were? Empty. Cruel how words last centuries.

We used to speak a lot, everyday. I wish I could say it was my receptions fault, look into the air and blame sky and satellites that I couldn't lay in bed and wish you goodnight but that's a lie. Truth is we'd drifted and I don't know if any form of communication could have fixed it.

Cause that girl you told me you think you should stop speaking to well you never did, saw her photo pop up on your messages, though I wasn't looking for it. The day I came to ask you if you were happy in this relationship. Do you know how hard that was for me? Potentially putting us in jeopardy by getting too deep. Held my hand as you ran through all possibility such was your constant diplomacy as reassurance was steadily being replaced with insecurity. But I guess jealous is what jealous With all that constant unease this Gut couldnt be interrupted, cause I knew that this was coming for weeks. But I guess jealous is what jealous did...nothing. Brushed it under the carpet, until it took me apart bit by bit, left a bitter taste in my mouth that's why I spit.

Like that day i made a joke about faking it relentlessly tore into you till you saw right through it, said it didn't sound like a joke any more and if that's how I was gonna be you didn't wanna see me
"cause that's stress"
"do you think I'm stress?"
" not usually"
That really got to me. That made me angry that you had the cheek to say that to me, when all I wanted to do was see you that week. Cause we didn't speak like we used to, message you one day be lucky to get a reply in the next two, you know by the end I didn't even feel that I could ring you. Such was my complex about being clingy, exasperated by your distance and that gutsy unease but mainly because I'd replaced honesty with words spoken passive aggressively, turned into that girl I never wanted to be.

But it stemmed from care. I didn't think you could handle it without care. Remember how I used to trace lines across your back and brush your hair?  I didn't wanna upset you, so instead I upset me kept it inside until it did seep out, cause I didn't trust you and you could see I wasn't happy. Even now it cuts me deep to think you might have lied to me. But don't think that I don't see it stemmed from care. I don't think you thought I could handle it without care. Remember how you used to hold me in your arms and stroke my hair? Cause I do. That's what makes it hard to accept that that something was no longer there. Missing in action, loving look replaced with a blank stare. And now I'm left to fill in the spaces.

Did our relationship remind you of another? Make you miss somebody else? Did it not live up to your ideals? Got you caught up in a moment and then you couldn't back track cause you felt trapped by the kinda girl I am, the one that's down for you, the one that was down so now finds it hard to get back up.
"I love your company"
I think I made you happy briefly but now I wonder why you were with me? For comfort, a rebound, a *** thing? I don't know if the attraction was just distraction or the real thing. Was it cause you were lonely, escapism "a moment of imperturbability" when you caught a glimpse of me sleeping? Cause I didn't know what you wanted, and neither did you but it turned out to be that it wasn't me.

And that's why breaking up was the right thing to do. I wasn't ready either. You know I started getting paranoid about things that never used to bother me, like how I didn't have that black gyal *****. And slowly about other girls as I wondered if they were part of an ego trip, or the next best thing, thought about how we first got talking, how we were getting close and I wasn't aware you was with someone till you were having problems. Was you now having the same conversation about me with someone ?

I just think of all those conversations about our end and all the dodgy moments where it seemed you didn't want it to be known we were together, almost play pretend
"didn't know you were doing a thing?!"
"ahh its just a fling"
Those sly digs at me that I stopped finding  funny and started taking personally cause they sounded more like truths than jokes to me. Pushing me away indirectly but deliberately, your arm not resting on me when we last watched a movie, calling me by my first name instead of "***" All indications that we were done. All indications so I feel dumb. All those alarm bells, those preparations back to "friend" marking our end. But in the end all of that is just part of the bigger pic as you got to know me better than most and ended it, preferred me as a stranger so estranged is where I sit. Bench Warmer the perfect fit. Was I bench warmer till you found your perfect fit?

But maybe I don't give you enough credit, maybe in upset I misinterpret a lot of it. I don't know and though it kills me to say it I think we both liked the idea of a relationship but in the end our actuality stopped living up to it. But the promise we held in some of the moments we shared are hard to forget.

Late night gallavants, me backing out of pranks, singing in the street, you attempting to teach me how to cook and eat healthily, making first date brownies, chin ups in the car park, quoting me back word for word on something I'd said, it showed you listened, you could be so sweet and considerate, watching all those movies, the deep conversations, you looking after me when I was sick, snuggling up to you, biting your lip, taking your dog for a walk, that cute face he'd pull so we'd fuss over him, (I swear I love that dog) all the playfighting, me showing off and falling in a water fountain, all the banter and laughing, stealing a Boris bike and riding through the city streets at night I swear a lot of those were the best days of my life.

What was to follow, not so much.
You know when we ended I found myself in a counsellors room again, cause I never really did well with ends. It's why ellipsis is my favourite punctuation mark, I remember when you used to say
"I see through those dots"
Well I hope I do and this doesn't hold up indefinitely, now I actually hope for an ending, ironically.

Last thing I said to you was sorry an unwritten apology in a hug. Ask me why I did it I shrug. Cause I'm not sure what I was apologising for in that moment. I was a bit tipsy, at our friends get together when I shouldn't be , had only been a few weeks since our bench press talk but surely Someone who cared woulda made sure that I got back alright, but you didn't that night. I suppose I had just told you that I didn't want any contact with you and I needed space. Maybe you didn't feel it was your place. Maybe the message I sent to our mutual friend got through , you saw it and you didnt feel you needed too. See how I still explain things away for you? Like when you never came to my friends BBQ, left me alone in a group of couples asking after you. And a lot of the times after I have these thoughts about you I feel guilty, cause they don't match up with the person I see you to be, hence my apology.

I'm sorry if my sense of humour proved too crude for you at times , how I'd misjudge it and get too loud in a crowd, calling you a ***** in front of your boys for not asking me out. Telling people about us, not gaining your trust, losing my innocence to you too soon smothering our spark in lust. Sorry for how I'd stay in silence when I wanted to shout, stopped giving you an open account of how i was feeling so you couldn't figure me out. For not having the strength to remain your friend, nor the courage to bring the end to us sooner, for catching you unaware at this shindig now. Sorry I didn't live up to your first love or help heal your heartbreak and that I couldn't be that happy girl you first met at lunch break all the time, the insecurity that constantly chimed. That I proved too much for you.
Not accepting that you wasn't feelin it sooner and that you felt trapped.
I'm sorry that I couldn't be there for you like I wanted to and now I'm jealous that somebody else is the one to look after you.
That I didn't show the qualities that meant that you would let me in, joking I was a lesbian. Sorry I expected too much, you were young just turned 19, sorry if that sounds patronising. I'm sorry if you're ever feeling alone or down, if you felt I didn't understand. But most of all I'm sorry that I compromised my honesty, honestly for that I'm truly sorry.

And as I'm being honest I might as well say the 4th of May was our anniversary when I said I wouldn't remember I lied. Just like on that day when I said we'll just see how it goes, I lied. Of course I hoped it'd go steady, but in the end you were just a Boy on a bench I walked away from cause he wasn't ready...
you were just a Boy on a bench I walked away from cause he couldn't love me.

But in truth you weren't just a Boy on a bench at all.
**You were my best friend.
Dang! It's a long one, in the words of my year 7 English teacher Mr Winter's " I didn't ask for your life story!" Well I guess this is sorta. If this seems all over the place it's because it is. Its been an ever evolving piece in my search for peace over the past few months since my first break up. It's proven to be quite cathartic to be honest.
There's many story's of us depending on the day and this serves to include them all. Truth is in my search for understanding and acceptance many emotions have been felt. And I've come to realise that the pair aren't mutually exclusive.
5.9k · May 2015
Not Accept-Able
Rhianecdote May 2015
I'm asking you to accept
something that I cannot

Me at my best
Me at my worst

To be honest you just can't win

But I spose Hearts aren't to be Won

Hearts are to be Given

I'm not good at taking compliments nor criticism... good luck! XD I kid, hopefully I'll learn how to be more gracious in time, it's a working progress...which is more than can be said for many in this economy
5.4k · Dec 2014
It's Understandable
Rhianecdote Dec 2014
Hello again,
Insomnia my old friend,
Keeping me awake with thoughts
I can't        s
Like how I increasingly don't understand

                 Cause maybe I'm not able,

5.1k · Jul 2015
Insecurity Guard
Rhianecdote Jul 2015
It's high time some people realise
That putting others down
Doesn't elevate you in any way,
shape or form

So before you take issue with me
How about you take issue
with your own insecurity?

Cause it's not a justification
for being ******
We all ***** from time to time but some people take it to another level. I've never quite understood the need for the hate or ****** comments some make about others, particularly those they don't know or even worse they're own supposed friends! I don't like being around that bad vibe, I don't like how you can be dragged into it. To say it makes me feel uncomfortable would be an understatement. For a long time I have learnt to extend patience and consideration when I understand that others "bad vibes" are coming from a place of either hurt or a low in themselves but I don't think it's always good to pander to people's low self esteem especially if they're in the wrong. In fact being blunt can do them some favours
4.7k · Feb 2015
Small Boy (Norman MacCaig)
Rhianecdote Feb 2015
He picked up a pebble
and threw it into the sea.

And another, and another.
He couldn't stop.

He wasn't trying to fill the sea.
He wasn't trying to empty the beach.

He was just throwing away,
nothing else but.

Like a kitten playing
he was practicing for the future

when there'll be so many things
he'll want to throw away

if only his fingers will unclench
and let them go.

-Norman MacCaig
As this is one of my favourite pieces of poetry and I couldn't find a page for MacCaig I felt the need to share it. It struck a chord with me the very first time I read it and every time since. So earnest, so simple.
4.5k · Dec 2014
Scar Stories
Rhianecdote Dec 2014


                                                      be        ­                      .                                          ­   ashamed
                                                             or afraid
                                                          ­      of scars.
3.6k · Dec 2014
Jesus Walks, Money Talks
Rhianecdote Dec 2014
Religion hasn't changed.

Different day, same ****

Still follow a profit ...
3.5k · Jul 2015
In Kind be Well
Rhianecdote Jul 2015
One should never lose their kind nature

But one should also be sure to extend it to themselves
3.5k · Apr 2015
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
Haven't slept
****** mess
Up all night
Gettin vex
In excess
Need you tonight
I fess up!
Fed up
Made it up
The half pipe
Inhaled the High
For my time
And the sight
Now I'm blind
In decline
Spose to fly

*Yo I'm slippin, I'm fallin...
3.3k · Apr 2015
The Gamble
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
Time to hand the deck back
Before Alice in Wonderland
Becomes Malice in Blunderland
The looking glass cracks
And there's no passage back.

Sat at Life's table
Night after Night goes aRound
And you're Unable to leave.
Coulda drawn the Ace
But got sidetracked by the Joker
With your Inability
to pass up possibility
And it Leaves you looking in the mirror
At this fool that you see
The fool that you are
As you fall so easily
For this game
Who's only aim
Is to breed
losers to please
Those who have already won
With ease
Been Established for centuries
And now you're indebted
to this Society.

It Leaves you
Staring At the innocent face
You strive to disgrace
Even though it hurts you
And The sincerity
aids in your
Despair at he
That puts Gold before Good
Though it makes sense
He who wages happiness
On the back of money
Will eventually sight
Looking glass Or not
*That the price is not right.
I look at our Society and how it just encourages and perpetuates the wrong type of gambling and risk taking in life and it makes me sick.
3.3k · Jan 2015
Over Romanced
Rhianecdote Jan 2015
Isn't it ironic?
The purest love
I've ever found
is platonic.
Honestly the best relationships I've seen all year have been Bromances XD
3.2k · Dec 2014
Mixed Signals: PRESS SEND
Rhianecdote Dec 2014
You my friend
                Mistake stubbornness

                                            For *Strength
pride and stubbornness can often be mistaken for strength when infact the true strength lies in letting such things go.
*yodas voice*
*insert relevant Chinese proverb here*
(Doesn't even need to be relevant to be honest)
3.2k · Jun 2015
Forgive and Forget me Nots
Rhianecdote Jun 2015
What is forgiveness?

Is forgiveness some absolute
Like once you've given it
That's it?

I don't think that it is.
I think it's a constant 
choice and battle against emotion.

Or maybe I just haven't truly forgiven yet

Is forgiveness the same as letting go?

I don't know
I just know that I'm not very good at that
Especially if it involves upset

Maybe it's not a matter of forgiveness but of forgetting

Maybe that would make it easy.

But it seems I'm cursed with a long and detailed memory
But memories fade surely?
Time heals and all
Yet I'm afraid
Cause attach an emotion to them
And when you feel that emotion again
They all come flying back up to the surface

Why is that?

It makes me feel like I've never truly let anything go
Or maybe when I'm in a compromised state
It just becomes more of a weight
And by God it weighs heavy!

So I wonder what is forgiveness to me?

*Forgiveness is a way to be free
3.2k · Nov 2015
No Wait Gains
Rhianecdote Nov 2015
Forget the What, How, When and Who?

I don't work in silver service

I ain't waiting on you
you can clock up a lot of wasted hours waiting on others, so get started yourself and I'm sure that those destined to collaborate with you in life will make themselves known and follow suit
3.2k · Jan 2015
Know Thy-Selfie
Rhianecdote Jan 2015
Taking endless photographs of yourself.


So you'll know who you are?


So they never will.
The selfie life is a weird phenomenon. I think it's less a matter of vanity  and more one of identity. I love photography, but photographs can be such false memories especially when they shout "say cheese"
3.1k · Nov 2014
UndieTakers are no FUNeral
Rhianecdote Nov 2014
Someone stole your ****** and now you're feeling under.
Debriefed but not on how to deal with this outfit.
What to do? go out? fit in? Irked but no shoes or shirt.
Took it off of your back and replaced it
with a lack of faith in what this place is all about.

So you hung up your ***** laundry for all to see and they took it.
No mystery just misery. To the wanderer who said "if home is where the heart is, than I'm cynically homeless" unaware that if home is where the heart is YOU are always home.

They may have taken the shirt off his back but he would have given it gladly, cause that's not the sort of belonging he longs for. Wasn't quite his idea of clothing the homeless, but its done nonetheless.

But you got your head, shoulders, knees and toes so who needs clothes? When you're transparent. To the one who feels alone, take comfort in the fact that someone's now literally walking in your shoes...  and socks ...  and shirt.

Solitary days still leaving him contemplating underwhere? And underwhy? But what's garment to be will be and he'll be alright because his light shines bright, even if he doesn't see it in the glare. There's something fresh in the air. It's a mean feat, but once he learns to stand on his own two, in the space of a haunted Manor will stand a Man. One that can, will and do.
Dedicated to my fellow pundamentalist (I don't need a Dr) Dre, humble host of the hostel on the loss of his laundry...
2.9k · Dec 2014
Reality Talk
Rhianecdote Dec 2014
"You need to step into the real world. You're living a fantasy"

Sorry Ma but that life's not for me.  

                                          So I'll just sit slack

                       And kick back to

My own zone of **reality
Cause it's all relative any way right? All a matter of perspective
2.9k · Dec 2014
Rhianecdote Dec 2014
The little Prince of Persia
Who's purpose is to depurse ya,
Dispersing suits, clock off time city worker,
Mark your card, inertia.
He's no mathematician or  magician
But give him a dynamoment to take you to the cleaners,
cause this one's mean a!
Hellbent on humiliation he'll reverend run you to the station.
He's counting cards, counting on ya till your seeing stars, K.O, ringside seat whilst you get parred, po, poker face he'll drive you gaga!
So Loay and behold he might not be honourable, but he's willing and able to bring the last supper to this table.
He's not called Jack but he's a joker, in guise he tries to choke ya, draw the ace but it won't help ya,
cause you're a disgraced King
and you've just been usurped sir,
by that little Prince of Persia.
I've met some characters this year and this is in homage to one of those. Loay the little Iranian hustler who couldn't be without a deck of cards in his hand despite being under constant threat of expulsion for gambling in college. But like every true poker player he took that risk, alas his luck did run out. After failing his exams and his semi devout Dad finding out about said gambling he got sent back to the "homeland" and nobody's seen him all summer or since. Either way, this kid had a gift and despite that economics qualification not going to plan I'm sure that we'll all be seeing him in a world poker tournament or heading some pyramid scheme in the near future. :) I'm sure he'll do well...well he better! cause the little ****  still owes me 3 quid!
2.9k · Apr 2015
These Bros aint Loyal
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
I've been considered as one of the "guys"

But sometimes I just can't get over their guise

Heard one openly admit to sleeping with his best friends chick

The one he was utterly devoted  to even when they split

A bro lost my vote when to that he did admit

But then again, these are young guys...

It could all just be *******!

**Especially when it comes to ***
I got love for my boys but dang I need some men in my life! XD
2.8k · Jun 2015
In Wants, In Needs
Rhianecdote Jun 2015
They say that what you want
might not be what you need

But is it really greed

To want to love and be loved?
2.8k · Jul 2015
Meri Chandney
Rhianecdote Jul 2015
Her name is Chandney
In Punjabi it means the Moon
The thing about the moon is
It's not always appreciated
as much as it should be

The Sun steals all the glory
The Moon merely awaits its time
To come and reflect on the days
the Sun has left behind

The Moon picks up the pieces.

Chandney is my best friend
for a time she was my only friend
The only person I would call a friend
Not because I'd known her for so long
But because of all the things she'd done

Like coming to my door everyday
after school when I'd dropped out
and wasn't leaving the house,
tellin me about her day through the
intercom when she was young
and had the time to do that

The Moon kept me in touch
with the world of the Sun,
gave me a little bit of light left over
in the days when I saw none

And that's something that I will never forget

Like the first time I saw the moon cry
This moon is strong, this moon has pride
That hurt me inside
And every time since when I've seen
a sad face etched on your surface

I've cried with you, side by side
As you were Beside yourself
Day I realised that love comes
In many different forms
Cause I'd go above and beyond
anything I could ever do for myself
To reach out to you, lift you up
make you Smile, offer help

As long as I'm around
I want you to know
That the Moon is never truly alone
You have a sky full of stars
to keep you company
Consider the closest one to You as Me

We've shared some memorable nights
You and I
From first sleep overs
To gettin waved for the first time

Unlike so many The Moon
doesn't change with the tides
Loyal friend to this lunatic
The Moon changes the tides

When I was left alone
Crying night after night
The Moon watched over me
The Moon kept me company
Even in silence when
I didn't want to speak

The Moon was there

The constant silver lining
Reminding me that a new
day was gonna come
And I'd see the dark times through
Moon by my side goin through
the dark times too

We met as kids
And together we grew
I believe life for me is like
Those late night car journies
I'm Lucky, It's True

That No matter where you go
When you look out the window
The Moon is always with you
I've come to realise that a lot of my poetry falls on the sad end of the spectrum particularly when its to do with my own dilemmas. When I write about the people who I care for in life I do notice a difference. It's definitely more upbeat. It's good to show appreciation to those we care for in life, all too often these people are taken forgranted. If I've written about you it definitely means that you've made an impression on me in life and if I haven't there's a good chance I just haven't got around to it yet :P
2.8k · Feb 2015
Rhianecdote Feb 2015
Let it never be said that I don't care
                     In this cynical state I float
                           But look a bit closer and sea
                                   I'm holding onto *Hope
2.7k · Jul 2015
Embrace Yourself
Rhianecdote Jul 2015
You don't need comfort nor distraction 
what you need is a plan of action
A helpin hand,
make it your own
Don't go under,
see how much you've grown

I believe in you
But don't take my word for it
Look at all you've shown
Promise cannot be broken
It's hope
Hope will lead you home

The place where you belong
Where you are meant to be
You will see it through eventually
Realise what you've always known

Reality isn't something to escape
It's something to make
Make the most of it
Creationists in our midsts

You have gifts, talent, ability
So much to give
Take control, take responsibility
There's nothing to fear, not really

Cause You have love
And You will always
be able to make it

Embrace life
Do not forsake it

You're not alone
But if you ever feel like you are
Embrace yourself
Hug out the doubt
Love is the ultimate wealth
Start with yourself

You are not a mere reflection
Of what you see
You are not a mirror
Reflecting what they think you should be
You are you
Who you hope to be

I see you
I see your hopes
I see your dreams

I love you
I love your hopes
I love your dreams

Hold onto them
Embrace yourself
For they are you
You are the key

Love yourself
Love your hopes
Love your dreams

Truly believe
Make it real
And it will be
your Reality
I've indulged in my fair share of escapism in life, we all do from time to time.
I kinda wish we would realise Life isn't something to escape but rather something to embrace
2.7k · Jan 2015
Scooby Doo Me a Favour...
Rhianecdote Jan 2015
Thinking you've got hidden depths
When really you've got about as much mystery surrounding you
as an average episode of ****** Doo.

Creepy Janitor, we all know it's you!
Prententious pretenders never fail to amuse me XD
2.7k · Apr 2015
Smile and Get Waved Boys!
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
OG Rhi Rhi
Up in this party
Gettin wavey off JD
Sippin on Bacardi

Sportin sunnies inside
The Matrix
No look in
Neo na see!
So sick
Keanu Reeves
Got nuttin on me!
Wrote this last night whilst semi waved. Just a bit of fun, finding yourself at a house party, having a good time, sportin some random guys shades in the dark, feelin the buzz thinkin you've got more (over)flow than Biggie when he gets in the bath!

  You must be having a bubble bath! (Laugh)

Intoxication for the Nation!

More Bars than ***** Wonka!
2.6k · Dec 2015
The Sea and He
Rhianecdote Dec 2015
There is something so timeless about the sea. He stood witness to its all encompassing beauty, watchin the ebb and flow of time and life. Captured and captivated but free from all thought and all worry. 
Just standin on a rock, in the bay. A plynth the sands of time had been left in a settlement between earth and ocean long ago, a viewing platform to satisfy the Seas only plea "See Me" 

He stood by its shores as all others before him had and in a moment he shared in all the collected memories of humanity. Of those first souls that made it to its shores from the desert, across the sands of time to dip a foot of weary and worn down soles into its abyss yet stand still as he does, captured and captivated, to watch it wave all the hellos and goodbyes ever given in an eternity.

None knew how long they stood there for, for there was no need. Though a part of them will probably remain there always. There is something so timeless about the sea...
2.6k · Jan 2015
Misery: You can Bank on it
Rhianecdote Jan 2015
Do you know what sums up the dark side of capitalism perfectly?
A Banks steps on a cold night occupied by a homeless lady.
That's what I saw tonight and it hit me.
The sheer juxtaposition pushed home the level of inequality
we see daily and walk past...
Thought of Marx
" There's something rotten at the core of a society that increases its wealth without diminishing its misery"
and believe me I'm no ******,
but it was eerie.
To put it simply
I worry for and care about *humanity.
“The True Measure of Any Society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members” – Ghandi
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
Me cheat?!*


I couldn't even cheat on an exam!
(And I hate them)

I don't believe that I ever could

Out of Guilt, Love, Respect and disservice not only to you

But to my own character
(And that means everything to me)
This is inspired by something my ex said to me when I went to go have a long overdue talk with him. He bought up the subject of cheating and how he thought that's what I was gonna ask or tell him about and this proved to be a massive revelation to me. I was like "Hot Dang! Hold the bus for a minute, what did you say?!" *sigh*

I'm like the Mafia mate, it's all about loyalty!

*plays*  The Blue Notes - If you don't know me by now
2.6k · Apr 2015
Be Sincere
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
Though it cannot
Be argued that there's
No sins here

Do good, be kind
And above all else
**Be sincere
2.6k · Feb 2015
Frustration Game
Rhianecdote Feb 2015
Playing a solo game of frustration, I embrace cowardice as I constantly back away from confrontation, rage simmering in the alienation, mars attacks, scars attach and no manipulation can stop their  compression of my circulation,
Heart stops and my brains on a feeding frenzy from starvation, out of blood so I'm out for blood, count on assassination no resuscitation
Try to reassess the situtuation but the deliberate deliberation just seems like procrastination, open to stipulation , stitch it up and look at my creation, a Frank-enstein abomination and there's no time for negotiation 
I'm on trial and the tribulation
Leaves me heading to an unknown destination...

**A Destination Unknown
Though this Hate was Home grown
Undercover rapper aspirations. Cause one would love to spit bars on the Mic like Tyson especially when one is ****** the *******! But where does all this pent up anger lead... Hopefully a successful rapping career!
Rhianecdote Feb 2015
I didn't ask if you got over your first love

I asked if you got over your first heartbreak

**They're two different things.
Love doesn't have exclusive rights to heartbreak, or maybe it does, just not always in a romantic form. Just a thought...
2.5k · Dec 2014
This Pairing Despairing
Rhianecdote Dec 2014
Oh dear dance partner in despair*

must you weep now that the song is over?
2.5k · Nov 2014
This Affection
Rhianecdote Nov 2014
For so long I have held it to heart
that to be affected is to be infected,
so much so that it has become a disease;
my heart disease.

Not bought on by an over consumption of calories
but a product of being ill at ease with those around me
and that within me,
so better bin me. Better? Bin me.
I'm done being me.
2.4k · Dec 2014
Haunted Down
Rhianecdote Dec 2014
Ever feel haunted
by your future?
Cause I do.
Haunted by something
that has no right to a ghost
as it's not been given
LIFE or DEATH yet.
2.4k · Jun 2015
Rhianecdote Jun 2015
Will the silence prove deadly

Or will it be golden?
2.3k · Apr 2015
Dumb Waiter
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
You wait only to find Disappointment

So perhaps the key

*Is to not Wait at all
2.2k · Apr 2015
The Right Consistency
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
It's not that I can't do it
Its just that I can't KEEP ON doin it
Whatever "it" may be
I'm consistently inconsistent you see
Maybe cause I was born to be free
But that choice always seems
to wind up in apathy
I just can't keep it up
If I was a man then surely
I'd be suffering from impotency
This has been my struggle in life for quite some time, I'm at a loss at how to change it tbh, maybe I should take a leaf out of the book of Nike and "just do it"
Rhianecdote Mar 2015
So he lay awake praying to stay in the state that Peter Pan could
all in avoidance of his pending manhood
Foolishly thinking he can outrun this hood?
Ha! Even if he could fly a gun would shoot him down before he could
Get a few inches off the ground
Where he stood

Cause this Ain't no Fairytale
no Red Riding Hood,
Big Bad Wolf's after you,  
won't make it out this wood.
Ghetto you're conditioned for
from the get go
let it be understood
There's one hood you ain't escaping...
Peter pan was a coward in many ways anyhu, how you gonna leave Wendy like that bruh?!
2.1k · Apr 2015
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
But you're a Joker
Why so serious?!

*Cause the conversation
And the company
Are getting oh so tedious
Cause life's like Waiting on that slow cashier for that Well overdue change
2.1k · Jun 2015
Do you Feel Me?
Rhianecdote Jun 2015
I feel at home* when you hold me
Head resting on your chest
Hear your heart beat
Your arms around me
Wrapped up in each other completely
Hear you breathe deeply
Feel you breathe me
I feel at home when you hold me

I feel alive when you touch me
Fingers linked in mine
Legs intertwined
Feel your Breath on the back of my neck
Feel your grip
As you slip into me
Defeat me, complete me
I'm yours, you're mine completely
I feel alive when you touch me

I lose all memory when you kiss me
Lose my breath
Lose all sense
All inhibition
All weakness, all strength
I Have no past, no future
All time is present
I lose all memory when you kiss me

I lost myself being with you
When you left
I had no home
I was dead
*There's only memories
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