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Haylin Oct 2018
I rip myself apart,
Piece by piece.
I place bits of my heart,
Into your hands.

I tear my soul,
Little by little,
And gift a morsel:
But when will I realize,
You never asked for me,
Or my vulnerability?

Remaining transfixed.
You step on my soul,
***** it,
Bury it,
Beneath soil,
Without a second glance.
No mercy,
Or pity,
In your eyes.
Simply and only,
A slight surprise.
You never asked for my care,
And were never aware,
Of all I invested,
All that manifested,
Beneath my shell,
Deep within my heart.
So why would you mind,
Tearing it apart?
Oct 2018 · 186
I Wish I Was a Normal Girl
Haylin Oct 2018
I wish I was a normal girl.
The kind that smiles while she dances around in circles,
Having the wind laughing along whipping her dress around.
The kind that has happy thoughts swirling around in her head,
as she looks up at the stars in the sky.
Instead I cry.
I wish I was a normal girl.
The kind that giggles after every funny sounding word,
Or spends hours on end laughing with her girls.
Instead I cry.
I wish I was a normal girl.
I mourn the loss of my beautiful self.
I used to laugh.
I used to play.
I used to run.
All I had to do was simply wish the bad thoughts away,
but now they taunt me for they're here to stay.
I wish I was a normal girl.
But I'm plagued with depression,
A depression that ***** all my beautiful life away.
Before I pray the lord my soul to take,
I hope I can be a normal girl.
Just to feel alive once more,
And enjoy the beauty of life again,
Much like I did when I was four.
Oct 2018 · 211
Haylin Oct 2018
My life *****..
Im emotionally out of control
And thats the worst..
I ruin things ..
I hurt people..
I hurt myself..
I cant do anything right..
Everythings wrong..
I need time..
Away from here...
Maybe a new surrounding
Something different
Not the same routine
Its wearing me out
Tearing me down
Im struggling to stay strong
Hold my head high
Love inst enough
Sometimes life inst enough
The fight isnt enough
Oct 2018 · 326
The Road Less Traveled
Haylin Oct 2018
Robert Frost once talked of taking the ‘road less travelled’.
Well, I didn’t.
When the time came, I blindly went and took the safest road.
A very long path where the pitfalls were plenty.
I stumbled in the bracken. Stymied by the darkness that fell quickly as I ambled along.
The soul bruised, battered and exhausted at every infrequent stop.
It was not apparent then that in this venture there was a bleak dead end ahead.
I plowed on even though something inside was telling me again and again to turn back.
But, slowly, a gleaming light of hope crossed my vista beckoning me home.
I crawled. My strength regained as the light intensified.
Then the end was in sight - the portal was within grasp.
And so, yes, I now take that road less travelled.
Standing tall and proud as I gleefully stride down its glowing thoroughfare.  
Smiling at the diverse and playful changes that cross my pathway.
All told, it’s never too late to trust your instincts and make a difference.
Just ask me.
And Robert Frost.
Oct 2018 · 322
The Only Math I Know
Haylin Oct 2018
In math they tell us that there are infinite numbers already between 1 and 2. There’s 0.1 0.2 0.3 and so on. Don’t you get it? You and I will never collide if you’re number 1 and I’m 2, because in those gaps the numbers just continue to go in between us.
Oct 2018 · 578
Haylin Oct 2018
We all have flaws,it just takes a while to realize them.
Some people will hate your flaws,
I know how that feels.

But if you’re lucky like me,
that’s the reason they love you.
You could have all these flaws,
but they will still love you
because our flaws make us who we are.
Oct 2018 · 136
The Forgotten
Haylin Oct 2018
Never forget bout the little people.
The people who make your life so easy.
Maybe we should appreciate them more.
Or not ask so much of our parents.

They work all day but then they come home and take care of us.
Cook, clean the house, do our laundry.
Maybe we should help.
Oct 2018 · 230
Crazy Hat
Haylin Oct 2018
It’s better to do something for the sake of humanity,
than to do it for a profit.
Can’t you just do something to be nice for once
and not be a greedy *******.
Oct 2018 · 94
Haylin Oct 2018
here you can flash,
here you may fall,
I'm ready to hug,
keep your cry,
... in your downfall.
Oct 2018 · 430
Haylin Oct 2018
Beauty is only skin deep.

You could be the most attractive person in the world,
but still be a complete *****.

Some people at school they are so pretty,
but they are the ones who bully you.
Oct 2018 · 187
You can be better
Haylin Oct 2018
Never be ashamed of where you come from.
But if you come from a family of criminals, you can be better.
They say “You can only be as good as your parents were.”
You can be better.
Oct 2018 · 229
Haylin Oct 2018
I’m keeping this short and sweet.
Don’t change who you are to make other people like you.
You are you, and you don’t need to change that.

I learn the hard way.
But my best friend put me on the right track, whether she knew it or not.
Oct 2018 · 323
Sneak Attack
Haylin Oct 2018
When you see someone you like get asked out, you might be upset.
You would probably do whatever you can to keep them apart.
But if you stop to observe, they might realize that they would rather with their friends than some person.

You just gotta learn to trust your friends.
And cherish the moments you have with your friends.
That part of your life will be gone before you know it.
Don’t grow up quicker than you need to.
Oct 2018 · 224
Our Generation
Haylin Oct 2018
My generation was born in the age of technology.
We don’t know how to communicate without our phones or computers.
"You have to disconnect in order to connect with one another. Put down the technology and connect with the soul."
I have learned that if you just sit down with someone, you can learn so much.

“A friend talks to you. A good friend listens.” I am a good friend.
Before phones friends would sit under a tree and talk for hours.
That’s what this world needs.
Proper communication.

When I’m with Dakota, we put our phones in our bags.
We sit there and talk or enjoy each others company.
We stopped ourselves from becoming these internet addicted zombies.
We have learned to become human.
Sep 2018 · 388
Dear Future Self 9/28/18
Haylin Sep 2018

Dear Future Self in 2024;

Hey. You still alive? Well if you’re reading this then you’re alive. So congrats on making it this far. I know you have been going through alot over the past 6 years. I just wanted to see how you were doing.

As I’m writing this, I’m a 15 year old sophomore at Dowagiac, in choir, art and in honors. I’m about to join color guard. But I have some questions. You still dating Dakota? Possibly engaged? If you are planning our wedding, it must be in a barn. No exceptions. But are you graduated from Central Michigan for meteorology? Do we work at The Weather Channel or NWS? Got our stuff back from our dad? Martha still our best friend? Did you hurt yourself more? But please tell me we went to prom.

Well I hope you are doing well. And Dakota, if you are reading this with me, I’m glad we made it this far. I love you.
But don’t let others bring you down like I did before. Graduate, get married, have kids. But most of all, have a good and fun filled life. I wish you the most of luck.

You from 2018
Sep 2018 · 224
Haylin Sep 2018
Recently I have learned that I need to let go of the toxic.
He is toxic.
You know what I did, I didn’t respond and I deleted the message.
If I want to get anywhere in life and be a better, happier person;
I need to drop the toxic.
Sep 2018 · 255
Girl Meets World
Haylin Sep 2018
The world is big. Some of us will never see most of it.
I’m only 15 and I’m not ready for the world.
If I could, I would stay here.
But I don’t think any of are ready. It’s a big place, it’s scary.
But this is our world, we choose what we do with it.
Sep 2018 · 300
Life Is A Lesson
Haylin Sep 2018
Life is a lesson
full of adventures to ride
it is a product of achievement and joy,
suffer and pain
but there are a lot of test
that you will take
some challenges
to test your patience
and perseverance
hardwork that you should try
but after all, you’ll still
get through all of these zigzag lines
to the path that you will never know
what consesus would it bring into you.
Whether you labor it in
each continental parts
of living the success in life.
your choice is your destiny,
your will is what makes you.
& so you create what you become
and you become what you think
simple, but people always
choose the easy route
rather than the hard route
that will only makes them
overwhelmed and uncomfortable.
though uncomfortable things
will only let you G-R-O-W
once you give it a G-O-
To C-H-A-N-G-E
is a M-U-S-T
and so is to be a better self.
because to be a better person
means to suffer
to be a better person
means to change
and to be a better person
means to be kind and to be grateful for.

quotational marks that you carried in you
all along the way,
it will guide you
to reach your dreams and goals
in life.

this is the presentation
to make an impact to the world.
Haylin Sep 2018
Step 1:
Realize that winning at life does not mean that you beat others, but rather that you beat life itself. Realize that the only thing holding you back is life's grip on you that convinces you that you can't beat it. Break free of it. You're not seized by death, but by life.

Step 2:
Take care of yourself. Self-care is the most important, specifically the hard stuff. Clean your house, one room at a time. Shower, brush your hair and teeth, go for a walk outside, exercise, cook proper meals. You're not helping yourself at all by doing things you already do and enjoy. If you don't change yourself then the world won't change around you. Better yourself and everything else will follow closely in your wake.

Step 3:
Accept that happiness is a reward and not a gift. Accept that happiness is fleeting and you will have to continue to work for it if you want to keep getting it.

Step 4:
Listen to music you enjoy. Listen to music that matches your mood. Listen to music that inspires you. Trust me, it's important and you'll even enjoy it.

Step 5:
Be mature, but never grow up. Remember how to be a kid, but keep in mind that you have to be an adult sometimes. If you can decipher when each are appropriate then life will be significantly easier.

Step 6:
Get over it. It's harsh, but it's true. If you keep dwelling on things that happened in the past and are irreversible then how will you find the time to make sure the future turns out better?

Step 7:
Remember that you have plenty of time left, but that you have much control over how plenty. Remember you were born with enough time to do everything you want, but if you waste it then you'll lose it and can never get it back. Remember that if you enjoyed wasting the time then the time wasn't wasted and that you will die eventually.

Step 8:
Acknowledge that forgiveness is not a requirement. You do not have to forgive anyone who has hurt you, but people say it's nice.

Step 9:
Remind yourself that your health is more important than others' comfort. If someone feels better at your expense then they need to stop. Take care of yourself first, other people have their own coping mechanisms and they will get over it. You are your priority, no matter what.

Step 10:
Never forget that all problems have solutions. If you feel stuck, think. You'll eventually realize you know how to solve all of your problems. Never forget that solutions might not solve every problem at once, and you need to pick what's most important and what can be saved for later.

Step 11:
Accept that the future might be worse. Especially if you're in an environment you don't have full control over, things out of your hands could change for the worse. Accept that you can change most things however, and you can decide when things get better.

Step 12:
Know that there will come a time when you'll be forgotten forever and that will be so freeing. After you die, someone will think about you for the very last time and you'll be truly free. Nothing you do in life will last forever and soon everyone will have forgotten you ever existed, and it will be good.

Step 13:
Don't be superstitious. You'll worry more than you already do.

Step 14:
Realize that you won't ever get a positive answer unless you ask. No one will tell you yes unless you express that that's what you want to hear.

Step 15:
Listen to your doctors. Take your medications. Do your exercises. They studies for many years to tell you how to not die, listen to them. I promise they know more about how to help you than a random article online with no sources of sustenance.

Step 16:
Trust your gut. If you even stop to seriously consider something, it's probably at least a little bit true. If something is wrong, you will know it. You also know when that opinion is yours, or the one you've been tricked into believing is yours.

Step 17:
Think about the past. In moderation. Realize that the past is only as good as you remember it, and if you think it's better than the present then you will grow to despise the present. Realize that even if the past was better, you cannot go back and it passed for a reason.

Step 18:
Don't get back together with an ex. You broke up for a reason. Unless everything was a misunderstanding, in which case maybe. Even if you look back on your break up and think the reasons were foolish, remember that they hurt someone enough for you to break up. That will permanently damage your relationship, even if you try your hardest to fix everything.

Step 19:
Realize that you don't need to take advise from a random sixteen year old over the internet. Realize you can and should disregard any previous steps if you disagree.

Step 20:
Die knowing you lived.
Sep 2018 · 465
Save Me
Haylin Sep 2018
Who’s going to save me
When I’m saving everyone else?
Who’s going to save me
When I cry myself to sleep at night?
Who’s going to save me
When I have a blade to my wrist?
Who’s going to save me
When the voices are screaming in my head?
The answer is nobody
While I’m out saving others,
Nobody is helping me.
I’m drowning
In the dark thoughts
Full of despair and darkness.
And with no one to help me,
I might as well succumb
To Death's sweet song.
Sep 2018 · 250
The Bestfriend
Haylin Sep 2018
He is my bestfriend.

You are out of this world,
you are too good to be true,
but you are genuine, sincere and real.
You are a beautiful human,
i wouldn't get by without you.
I never want there to be a time where
you aren't in my life.
I fear that, i dread that.
You get me through everything,
my confidence used to be underground,
but you've built it so high its sailing above the clouds.
Not to throw myself a pity party,
but i have had a very rocky life at times.
although wonderful at times,
It now feels all okay.
You give me hope and make me see the bright side to things.
You have created this monster of a laugh inside me,
which only came out when i met you.
You have taught me how to be fun and be myself,
You have given me a different perspective on life,
because anything seems possible when you're around.
You appreciate me, respect me, listen to me and boost my ego.
I love every thing about you.
I wouldn't change your flaws even if i could.
There is no one like you.
Being away from you hurts,
because in my head i know i'm around people that are nothing compared to you.
I will choose you.
I sincerely have your best interest at heart.
I care for you more than i do myself.
I don't want to sound cliche,
but you really are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
You are honestly so incredible.
I would be nowhere near where i am today if i hadn't met you.
We have dedicated huge portions of our lives towards helping each others.
I knew from the moment i saw you in 6th grade,
that i wanted to get to know you.
I remember it like it was yesterday.
And that day was just the beginning for our friendship.

He is my bestfriend.
Sep 2018 · 231
No Name
Haylin Sep 2018
you showed me
the kind of love
and kindness
I didn't know at the time
came from above
you were nothing less
than a gift from God
you were
and I wonder
how heart grew so big
he sent you to touch many
especially me
you gave your who life's time
to helping others
I watched you
go so out of your way
to give all you could
to so many strangers
you did it with joy
it wasn't a chore for you
how did your hear get so big
and looking back now
I don't think your heart problems
were caused by your diet
or genetics
it was because you gave
and gave and gave
and gave all that was in it
as much as a human heart
would possibly allow
and I know you didn't regret it
you were sincere
you were genuinely interested
in the lives of others
never considering what you
looked like to them
you just loved to give
when you called me your favorite
I know that you meant it
the bond that we shared
was truly one of a kind
the love you showered on me
was not of this world
how did your heart get so big
Sep 2018 · 430
Bathroom Poetry
Haylin Sep 2018
Here I sit broken-hearted
tried to ****, but only farted
Then one day I took a chance
tried to **** and **** my pants.
Saw it on pinterest
Aug 2018 · 180
Haylin Aug 2018
There are feeling
and I don't know what to do with them.
Please help me
Aug 2018 · 239
Is It Ok?
Haylin Aug 2018
Is It okay to think for myself?
Is it okay to be who i want?
Is it okay to choose my own book of the shelf?
But i'm guessing that i can't
Because you've taught me how to think
Not for myself but for you
You've taught me who i am
Not me but you
You've told me creativity is good
But then showed me what i did wrong
You've told me to think for myself
Then gave me a topic to follow
You told me to think outside the box
Then gave me a rubric so hollow
Aug 2018 · 259
Haylin Aug 2018
You're our second house,
Education is what you offered.
But we can't call you home;
For depression is a part of that offer.
Aug 2018 · 395
11:11 part 2
Haylin Aug 2018
There's a comforting feeling,
seeing that number on my phone,
feeling that panic,
closing my eyes quickly
and making a wish,
that I know won't come true.
Aug 2018 · 342
Haylin Aug 2018
it’s crazy how superstition works
any belief, sometimes even religion
can make you go completely bezerk

it’s 23.10hrs in the night
i’m lying here and thinking
it’s really, nearly time
ironic how I write this
for my mother always told me
it'll only come true
if you keep it a secret

I just have to write this
and pray that you see it

It’s 23.11 in the depths of the night
I wish you were here.
Aug 2018 · 279
Haylin Aug 2018
I do not know the feeling of popularity,
nor the feeling of being hated by all.
I'm just in the middle.
I'm me
Aug 2018 · 464
Haylin Aug 2018
A teenagers dream. Something few deserve, something most don't get. The word that you think can change your image, looks, and life.

And then you graduate,
and then you realize,
is just a title
and means nothing,
In the real world
Aug 2018 · 896
Educating the Youth
Haylin Aug 2018
Don't tell me
what you learned in school
was useless

every day

the number of likes
you got on your selfie
to figure out the value
of your beauty,

perfectly formed tweets
to exude creativity and wit
you wish you
actually possessed,

status updates
from former friends
who always seem
to be doing something

become curious
about the lives
of people
you've never met,

why you waste
your time
comparing yourself
to carefully crafted personalities
that exist only
for Internet audiences
they would otherwise
be too afraid
to address.

Don't tell me
what you learned in school
was useless.
Aug 2018 · 2.1k
I would rather be
Haylin Aug 2018
I would rather be
for all the right reasons
than popular
for all the wrong ones.
Kurt Cobain "I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not"
Aug 2018 · 278
Haylin Aug 2018
I care about popularity
I care about my looks
I care about the boy in the back of the class
I don't care about who I surround myself with
I don't care about my health, why eat more than 1 meal a day
I only care if the boy in the back of class likes me
I don't care about myself
I care about you. The one reading, it's You.
It's me,
Caring too much
Acting stupid for you
Starving for you
Just to look perfect enough so you know,
I'm here for you.

It's is such a selfless act of anxiety so discriminated.
This may be confusing so here's a summary!:  it's me saying that I change every aspect of myself,...for myself. But I don't do it for self-acceptance, it's so I can accept YOU accepting me. If I went to school with no makeup, I would think every word you tell me is a lie or that you only talk to me because you HAVE to. Because not even I can look at myself as normal human being when I'm makeupless without breaking down eternally.
Aug 2018 · 270
Of Popularity & Loneliness
Haylin Aug 2018
What she shows the world:

She is always the center of attention
Where she goes others follow
When she smiles they feel affection
When she leaves all feels hollow

She can dance the night away
And party till the dawn
She’ll never walk alone by day
Or wake lonesome in the morn

Whatever she wants she gets
And she does not seem to try
She lives life with no regrets
Simply watching the world fly by

The globe is in her hands
So many at her beck and call
All play into her demands
For they’ll catch her, should she fall

What she feels inside:

She is all alone in this world
Though crowds do often pass her by
Her life seems to have come unfurled
In a shambled mess she does lie

With no one to pick up the scraps
She lays broken and destitute
Fighting for air her lungs collapse
And her weak cries for help fall mute

Now pondering her life thus far
She realizes it was a waste
All that’s left is an ugly scar
Her deep shame, and a bitter taste

She often lays awake at night
Waiting for loneliness to end
As darkness parts for morning's light
Sleep, her only friend
Can one be both popular and alone?
Aug 2018 · 179
Haylin Aug 2018
They described her as
Popular. But she wanted
To be her real self.
You, Just be you. Don't change for others, Trust me, I learned the hard way
Aug 2018 · 260
high school hierarchy
Haylin Aug 2018
I used to think there were types of people I just couldn't be.

I can't wear makeup because that's what all the popular girls on Instagram do

I can't dye my hair freaky colours because then people will think I listen to rock music when I really like jazz

I can't wear a pink dress today because I wore all black yesterday and people will think I spent too much time organising my looks, which I did, but they can't know that!

But you know what?

There are no types of people.

There is no "popular" and "unpopular".

Because the girl you think is popular goes home to her house and you don't know what happens there.

You don't know her life is good.

Maybe they only brag about the expensive clothes they wear because they're scared and have nothing to say too.

Maybe they spent ages trying to find themselves but got torn down by everyone around them too.

Maybe they hate being friends with the friends they have but don't have the confidence you have to make it alone or find people they actually like, because they will be judged and it's just hard.

But they're just people.

When you talk to them you might see that everything is a social construct.

Literally everything.

Popularity, expectations, grades, groups.

So break the rules. Wear what you like, do the makeup you want, talk to the people you want to talk to.

Does it really matter what people might think, if we will never truly know anyways?
Aug 2018 · 429
Haylin Aug 2018
Millennial is what called in this generation,
Everywhere here and there,
There are always youths who really never care,
And never been worried about their future.

In Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Messenger,
Are contents of follower, liker, reader and including seener,
Loitering and using fake accounts just to gain a wholesome money,
Even though that it is notorious, they still embark their blunt journey.

Most millennial are undisputedly addicted to social media,
Their lives depends on likes they are going to gain,
They don't care if their faces might be inside of multi-media,
And they don't even care if it will give them a pain.

Some truly go beyond their limits just to have a lot of likes,
Perhaps they are fame *****, but they don't care if someone strikes,
Strikes every part of their body including their faces and such,
Yet they don't care if it will hurt them too much.

However, seeking attention in the cyber world isn't a good thing,
Instead they should focus on things that are essentially free like a king,
Because in this generation, too many people are unaware and careless,
And some they didn't even noticed that our environment is already full of fraud either hypocrite and genuine people are less.
Aug 2018 · 234
Tell Me I'm Pretty, World
Haylin Aug 2018
It's a thousand tiny cuts that you receive
From the moment you're born
Waiting for someone to tell you that you are beautiful.
You yearn to stay youthful
You've learned the indisputable fact.
Your inherent value as a person
Reduced to your physical appearance
And given a numerical value online
For what is a selfie without it likes?

This is enough to make anyone cynical
Because everyone is the enemy
Like buskers on a busy street
All are competing for the attention
Of the passing indifferent crowds
All singing to be seen, to be known
Even just for one fleeting moment

It is a strange but primary emotion of the human condition
Decreed at birth to need validation
And this foundation is firmly instilled in us.
We never learn to fuss about it, as society reminds us
That there is nothing to discuss.
Sign up and accept the terms and conditions.
Show yourself to the world.
Nothing beats the sensation of adoration.
Even now, right now, I am showing myself to you.

So tell me I'm pretty, world.
Tell me I matter.
Tell me I exist.
Haylin Aug 2018
I despise social media.
It's ugly, to state the obvious
Our lives are posted, re-tweeted, altered, re-blogged, perfected, and photo shopped to exactly how we want to be perceived
We have the freedom to be exactly what they want us to be.

It starts with a few edits doesn't it,
pigmented our skin to seem smooth and sun kissed,
that would seem most acceptable right?
Maybe an extra like for the skinnier waist.
More reassurance for brighter colors.
Some more filters will hid the emptiness you feel with your friends
   Another like
Flashier clothing, phones, shoes, cars, other simple words our eyes have latched on to
     Another like
We urge ourselves to portray the life of leisure and effortless beauty, happiness, success,
       Another like
But what are we enjoying?
         Another like
Views of our changing world through a 3 by 8 view.
           Another like
Events pass by swipe
             Another like
and swipe
               Another like

And when we managed to unlock ourselves from this grasp
We always come back
Like flies to light, more like scratches to a scab
Festering we find ourselves getting ****** back in
To an imaginary world, that if destroyed, would have no physical effects on their fictional beings
For without this world, maybe eyes will open
We will step past the boundaries,
and start to love our beings
Aug 2018 · 275
All Facts
Haylin Aug 2018
I'll save the poems of deepest despair
for when you are dead or gone.
You are my only friend and someday
I might be your wife if you survive.
I'm committed to you for the long term.
Today I have logged out of all my
Social media accounts I won't return.
I don't want to see my nieces and
nephews grow up on Facebook
knowing I'll never see them in real life.
I don't want to deal with my Aunts
bouts of jealousy because she is being
mentally abused by her husband.
I don't want to feel a hacker looking
over my shoulder when I like a post.
I don't want to be reminded of all the
people who won't talk to me because
I don't have a job and think I'm the blame.
Facebook calls them friends.
Instagram calls them followers.
To me it's all the same they are fake.
I'm most likely fake to them too.
Honestly people it isn't an insult.
The hacker has won because I'm back
inside of my cave once again.
It's amazing how isolating social media is.
God won't answer my prayers for peace
but I don't believe he is mean at all.
Someday there won't be anymore
humans in my life that is a fact.
I doubt that I'll survive but then
again everyone has to die someday.
The feeling of wanting to die is
like crashing through a glass door.
Maybe I am more emotional
because I am going down to a
Lower dose of prednisone but
this doesn't make all that I wrote
any less true.
Aug 2018 · 380
Haylin Aug 2018
the greatest gift anyone can give you is time
in a world where attention is the new currency

- what i have learned from social media
Aug 2018 · 415
The Old Landline
Haylin Aug 2018
not so long ago
they made you feel
not so alone

the compulsive criteria
of social media

and the claustrophobia
that comes
when you can understand people
but not love them

It sits in a blind corner
like a forgotten foreigner
mentioned in sentences
that start with
"remember back when..."

The lesson of technology is to go with the flow

The lesson of time is in old and fading photos
where you are holding
a landline phone and
pretending to
Aug 2018 · 490
Haylin Aug 2018
Hashtag my soul away, so many can see it
I’m waving my hands saying hey look at me
Posting pics, statuses and videos
Can’t do it quietly
I want them all to See
Envy me and make me their fantasy
A few likes on this post is not enough
I deserve to get liked like I’m roylaty
adore me while you stare at the pictures
I spent hours cropping, adding more filters to guard my insecurities
Before I hashtag it, I dress it with perfection
Cut out any ugliness, clean up the mess
Show the world purity
because if they see the negative
their words will expose my insecurities
Behind this screen I found a secured me
That is the side I only want them to see
So I hashtag popular tags so they can all see
The better side of me
Aug 2018 · 692
Social Media
Haylin Aug 2018
Almost asleep when my phone ticked;
'A notification,' it says.
Your name was there, you liked my photo.
And my stomach drowned in butterflies--
Scratch that--moths, surely they're moths.
Stronger, buzzier, like your power
To occupy and stay in my brain
With that single heart emoji beside your name.
Thinking that the double tap
Is as if you love me just the same.
Aug 2018 · 1.5k
Haylin Aug 2018
I walk through my room
touch each book on my shelf
thinking of you in the shower
touching yourself

With an open book, I wish
these pages were your skin
I'd caress each one until
our narrative could begin

with your hand on my knee
and your lips on my wrist
I'll beg for you to take me
in our sweet summer tryst

your fingers trail lines
up and down my thigh
until I can bear it no longer
my lips produce a shaky sigh

a hitch in my breath
as I become wet and ready
and you'll push into me
keeping me steady

and whisper the filth
of all you'd like to do
tell me I'm beautiful
watch my pages unfold

and all my bindings break
and all the books shatter
leaflets fly through the room
you always knew how to flatter

and when my daydream cracks
alone, hour after hour
wondering if you think of me
when you're in the shower...
Aug 2018 · 371
New Way of Life
Haylin Aug 2018
I'm leaving / my home
Without a word of goodbye
I'm sorry / if I hurt you
I've gotta find a new way of life

I'm sorry / if I'm dumber
Than my age says I should be
But I'm tired / of losing
To the way things should be

I promise / to remember
All you've given me
If you promise / to surrender
To the fact that I had to leave

Wherever I go, I'll keep you in my heart
If I'm a thousand miles away or down the road
Everyone needs a few brand new starts
Everyone needs some time alone

I'm riding / through the heartland
Waiting for peace to come
I'm hiding / in the mountains
Singing to the morning sun

I'm riding / through the valley
Breathing in mountain air
I'm smiling / I am happy
I feel like I belong somewhere
Haylin Aug 2018
So it all fell apart again
My search history is full of numbers to overdose on
Maybe now it's the end
After all, I'm the irrational one
The world "revolves around me"
I think this time I'm done
The shattered pieces of my life slice deep
No one cares anymore how I feel
Every night recently I've cried myself to sleep
There is no point in trying to "prove them [everyone] wrong"
My heart has grown heavy and I see nothing to smile about
Regardless they'll still play my Funeral March song
And as they carry me away and into the ground
There will be music and my voice will ring in their minds
I will hear the cries screaming so loud
Mom, dad, brother, sister, boyfriend, mon ami, did I ever make you proud?
The beauty of Chopin and Beethoven in their minor keys is that the chords on the piano or the harmonics of the violin soothe my sorrowful soul with singing symphonic melodies that capture my sadness in a sometimes simple tune
To those who see this, will you tell them I never left a note?
I couldn't devote the time or bring myself to write to them a final goodbye
I want them to hang on to what ever words I last spoke to them
I want tears shed over my cheap gravestone that my parents didn't want to spend good money on
Especially for someone who was dead
Because they knew I couldn't complain if I never saw it
I want the "annoying" songs I used to play for them on the piano to fill their hearts with pain every time they hear them
I want the nostalgia and longing for me to linger in every lucid dream
I want my straight A report cards to receive a mere "good job" even if posthumously
There is pain in the most beautiful things in life
My eyes sparkle the most when I cry the hardest
The vibrant green becomes even more vivid with each swelling crystal drop
Tell them I was finally able to do something correctly
That I was finally able to succeed and go through with it
Tell them to wipe their tears with my lavender scented t-shirts
Tell them my love of pink and black was the weirdest thing about me
Although we know that wasn't quite the weirdest
Tell them whenever they see a butterfly or a flower or an animal crossing the street, that I would've shed a tear for its natural beauty
Tell them I tried my hardest to keep up with the rigor of life
Tell them that eventually every car runs out of gas
Tell them that the song, even if on repeat, will always end the same
Tell them to read my favourite books and try to understand why I loved the literature so much
Tell them not everyone is cut out for life and that sometimes people break and can't do it anymore
Towards the end my heart only struck dissonant chords
My fingers bled trying to pull the piano wire back into its proper position
I just wanted to be happy but the major chords and the consonance were out of reach
With my stick straight back I tried to fix the broken keys but nothing seemed to stay in place
I wonder what will happen now when I close my eyes and enter a deep sleep
Will I meet God or the Devil himself?
Or will it be just that... sleep
So many thoughts and so little time for me to complete them
The hourglass pours the sands of time too quickly now
The blurring ceiling sways in patterns, then up and down
I reach my hand to the sky as I lay on the ground
My tears cascade into the watery red pool around me
I don't want to bring this to an end
You who read this are my only friend
I said I'm tired and I should sleep
But you didn't know I meant I'd forever be done counting sheep
The moment I slip into an unconscious state
Saving me will already be too late
Play on repeat Chopin
Tell me how the song makes you feel now versus then
And only silence remained
As her tears still rained
And her last fleeting breath was drained
No, I dont want to **** myself
Jul 2018 · 275
You Are My Light
Haylin Jul 2018
In a tunnel of dark
You are my light
In the shadows of evil
You are so bright
You guide me away
From pain and suffering
And lead me to a place
Of hope and loving
You made me feel special
When i gave up on hope
You tied me down
With your special rope
You cleansed me
Of all the hate
And turned me into
A clean slate
You are special
In every way
And not a week goes by
Where i dont think of you every day
My boyfriend wrote this
Jun 2018 · 942
School is out
Haylin Jun 2018
I survived my freshman year
I'm now a sophomore
But I want the school year to be here
I miss school
I have 82 days left of hell

Haylin Jun 2018
If you want to find me,
You know I am easily found.
Watching sunsets,
Sitting at the hideaway,
With the ocean breeze.
Under turquoise skies,
Exploring Lanikai,
Kaena on North Side.
Out here by the sea,
And in forests,
Running along wild things,
Along mountain edges,
Roaming free.
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