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Aa Harvey Jul 2018
A funky kind of love.

It’s been a year now since we first met,
And I still haven’t got you figured out yet.
There’s so much more about you that I want to know.
When you tell me you love me, I become such a mess!

Lost in your eyes and lost in your words;
I love the way you love me, you rattle all of my nerves!
From the tips of each finger, to the end of every toe.
I need your touch upon my body, so I can love you so! Oh!

I love the way you love me
And I love the way I love you.
My woman, you make me so happy.
I can’t imagine my life without, your love!

I get to call you, every day,
To lay compliment’s at your feet.
I get to look at your beautiful face
And I get to see all I want to see!
I’m always going to love you,
The way you have always loved me,
Because I want this love to reign forever,
So my heart and mind can be at peace.

My woman, my light, my lover, my life!
To me you are all of these things!
I try to put my feelings down in words,
Because you make my heart try to sing!

I want to give you all you desire
And I want to be able to give you so much more.
I want to be able to love you,
Like you have never been loved before!

I love the way you love me
And I love the way I love you.
My woman, you make me so happy.
I can’t imagine my life without, your love!

Now here we are walking on this beach
And I know for each other we are always going to reach.
We will love each other forever;
This kind of love, nobody can teach!

Roll with the good times and suffer the bad,
Because this kind of love, we have to make it last!
Imagine it’s our first love and live like it’s our last.
My woman, you’re my everything; my future, my present and past!
It all begins and ends with you now;
Because where your love ends, my love begins
And in turn where my love ends,
The beginning of your love shall always be!

I love the way you love me
And I love the way I love you.
My woman, you make me so happy.
I can’t imagine my life without, your love!

I’m gonna love you the way you should be loved.
I’m gonna be your lover every morning and every night.
I’m gonna do all I can to be your light;
I’m gonna be your lover!
I’m gonna be love!

The things you want I will fetch them for you.
The words you crave to hear I will speak those too.
The love you desire, I’m gonna give it to you,
Because you’re my woman, my love, my lover, my truth!

I love the way you love me
And I love the way I love you.
My woman, you make me so happy.
I can’t imagine my life without, your love!

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
I think this was written to the instrumental extended version of **** Dancer by Prince, but I can't find the extended instrumental version anymore so I am not sure it was **** Dancer.  I just know it was written to a Prince song.
Aa Harvey May 2019
A future without

In a dark future when the world is in flames;
Who will decide who will die and who will be saved?
In a future of uncertainty, we all have the inevitability of the grave.
What chances do we have to take, to make a change?

If all we have done before has lead us to where we are now;
Why can we not see the problem with a nuclear cloud?
Take your risks and wipe us all out.
The sun will be gone; we will be left without hope
And a new ice age will happen…I have no doubt.

As the countries disappear and we all become human;
We will have no need to go to war because of a few bad men.
Our fight will be against death, survival of the fittest; evolution.
Will we survive until the Earth is reborn
And the animals and plants come back again?

Species are dying and nobody is crying.
Last mankind standing…our future is dying.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Aim for almost

Aim for almost being in love,
If you need me to love you in all ways.
Aim for love like a heat-seeker arrow from above
And maybe you and I will find a way.

Aim for almost and you may be happy.
Take a part of me; the first piece I have to fix.
Share my love, become my remedy.
Love me in all ways and I will love you always, if…

If you aim for almost you will find your happiness;
If you want perfection then go through the door.
I have searched my entire life,
For just the tiniest piece of consequence!
Find something that matters, or find nothing at all.

Aim for happiness, but aim for almost.
Never search for the holy grail of love;
It does not exist.
Aim for my heart, or leave me your ghost.
All I am asking for is your kiss.

Aim for almost and you may find love.
Aim for almost with me…
I am aiming for us.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Ain’t that a kick in the head?

Ain’t got nobody to ‘love you lots.’
So what?
Ain’t got nobody to call.
That’s cool.
Ain’t got nobody to call me good.

Ain’t got enough time to tell you the truth.
Whether I am good or bad is not up to you.
I decide to be real or lie.
So what if I don’t care if you begin to cry.

As they set you a task;
It’s all a-tisket, a-tasket, a-yakety-yak.
It’s all the same to me; don’t play your game.
You have to work or laugh.

Complete the level;
Move onto another.
One courageous deed needed indeed,
To find a perfect lover.

Just you wait.
Set your head free of need,
Or bite me.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
A kiss.

It’s time to reminisce about a lovers kiss;
So soft were the lips, such a feeling of bliss.
Such ecstasy to be found in such loving lips;
The wetness of those lips covered in red lipstick.

With no need for a tongue, the tenderness of a beloved hug;
An embrace of love, a loving sense of warmth.
So soft to the touch, so full of love,
So full of joy; such a lovely feeling of mutual trust.

The holding of the hands and the needy longing;
The mutual understanding and plans for a future wedding.
With each other together, dreaming of lasting forever.
Such Heaven to be seen shining from two birds of a feather.

Lying next to each other, in bed eternally happy;
So quick to forgive and forget any quirks or misery.
Such peace to be found, such happiness;
Such blissful neglect of a busy life,
With too little time with each other to spend.

Life is too short, so live for love;
I live and breathe to love, because I need to love.
I need your love, I crave to be loved;
I need to love, because I love to love.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
A kiss goodbye

Death is creeping, while I am sleeping.
My final year, my final tear, my final verse, there is no more.
Death is here, I am full of fear.
I have no money to pay Death’s toll, for,
I am a mere mortal mind,
Who is lost in space and lost in time.
All I possess is an endless black sigh;
A half-hearted plea for a love-life without the lie.

Fix me once more, or permanently close the door,
For I am not yet ready to venture forth, into that long goodnight;
But forward I will march into the doom,
If I have to meet another version of the truth.
With all my might, I continue.
Let me pay what they say is due.
The work is not yet finished,
So before I am diminished,
And banished from this spherical giant we wander upon;
Let me see one more sun, let me raise a son,
Let me say all my final goodbyes,
Before all is said and done.

To any truth-sayer, please say “Have a nice day.”
I need the sentiment, more than the reality,
So at least before I meet my maker today,
I can say I broke the mold,
With every intention that lived inside of me.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
A lack of love

I have become what I have become,
Because of her and her lack of love.
I need some compassion, for satisfaction;
But all I get in return for love,
Is a lack of action and a lack of attraction.

You are my shame, my one to blame;
I one I cannot afford to save.
I wish I could have been the one to make you happy,
But that was someone else’s job, some other day.

Today is for goodbye’s and no longer hello’s;
Now all we have left to do is go through the motions.
You smile as you hurt me and tell me what I already know;
I can’t smile as I destroy love, but I can go.

I gave you my love and you threw it back at me;
I was never good enough for you to stay true.
I took your love and your well was empty;
Your lack of love has left me down, but I am better off without you.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

She was the one in whom I had found love at first sight.
In wonderland I gave a primal shout
And Alice came to rock out loud.
This head-banging beauty shone so bright;
I knew I had to make her mine this night.

In search of love, the boy of her dreams,
Stood in front of her at last to be seen.
She smiled because she knew her prayers had been answered;
She danced for me and she was my exotic dancer.

We spent the night together lost in each other’s eyes,
The stars above were the colour of disco lights.
Summer was gone but the heat was still here,
In her arms I felt something move me, so I let go of my fears.

In her is saw love shining back at me,
For in her beauty I could see she could give me all that I need.
Her smile was the smile of the Mona Lisa;
Such peace to be found in her, my panacea.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2019
A lie about a lie

A lie about a lie…
I will never have enough time, to read between the lines.
Good news everybody!  We are all out of time!
Say goodbye to your life and kiss your lovers goodbye.

Drowning in lies when you can’t help living;
The truth has caught up with you and the end is coming.
Don’t believe the truth, but continue sinning,
Because what cause can cause you to believe in anything?

She is so perfect, in my eyes;
She is so honest, she wouldn’t lie.
She is deceiving you, here comes your surprise!
Your love is one of many; her love is a lie.

John and Yoko sitting in bed made me think,
Of peace, love and empathy and then it was dead.
You and I walking in different directions made me sink;
The truth has been exposed and now I cannot escape from this head.

You're not what I had in mind; well not this time.
My hope for all that you could have been?  It has surely died.
In every one of your many lies, you took another piece of my pride;
In every word you spoke under a hand,
You stole away the last pieces of my broken mind.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
Alien Lady

The girl next door to me,
Is an alien I think.
She jumped across the border,
And landed in my street.

She came from Mexico,
And I don’t really know.
But I heard the tale around our way,
That the girl is good to go.

She sits there in the window, with her lamp light on,
Sat at her computer naked, waiting for a download.
The latest rock band and the latest song,
She dreams of them at night when she is all alone.

I love you Mary Jane,
The other guys may think you’re plain.
But I know what your ***** mind is like,
So you know I would never look away.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
A lifelong search for love

I have spent a lifetime searching for love;
The only thing I found was a love that was false.
I need another chance to show I am good enough;
I am tired of false love disguised as lust.

I will keep searching for her,
Because she is my destination.
The only one who can save me;
The only one who can take me to Heaven.

I love, love; I need her touch,
But if her love is temporary it will never be enough.
I have done all I could to be the one to give her love;
But she didn’t want it, she didn’t earn it, so she is now gone.

Onto the next search for the next lover in line.
Who knows?  Maybe this time I will find Ms. Right.
If I am lucky in love I could find what I am looking for;
But unfortunately I know this search is long and hard
And it will not happen overnight.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
A little more

With a little more love, or a little more pain,
All of these feelings might just go away.
With a little more hope and a little less hate,
Maybe these feelings will all start to change.

With a little more calm and a little less rage,
Maybe I can start to live again.
With a little more passion and a little less aggression,
Maybe she will understand what I am trying to say.

If I truly try my best, we could both share a kiss;
With a little more of this, we could both feel bliss.
With a little more convincing, she will take off her bodice;
In the end there is nothing left to do but to get undressed.

With a little more time I could make her mine.
Maybe with a little more wine, a new love we could find.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
A little respect

You and I, we have got a good thing going;
Don’t you think it’s time for you to be showing,
Me a little respect and changing your ways?
I have had enough of being the fool who you degrade.

Why do you stay with me and then do that?
Why do you feel the need to treat me so bad?
Just go, leave me alone, stop hurting me, get gone!
I’ve taken enough of your lies to write a thousand bitter love songs.

You don’t respect me enough to hate me,
So why do you have to treat me so shady?
Why do you have to do the things you do?
When all I ever tried to do was love you.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
All I ask

I saw you flinch, when I said her name;
Is this normal behaviour, from someone who is just a friend?
I hope not for I want us to be much more than just good friends.
I want you and I to be good until the end.

I honestly stand here offering you love for life.
All I ask is you stay faithful and tell me no lies.
Then you shall see, I mean what I say.
I’m older now and people change.

So let’s rearrange the past and the present
And make the future ours.
Let’s love each other for a lifetime
And maybe eternal happiness could be ours.

All I ask for is your endless love and
Complete devotion to only me and
Do not cheat…

That is all I ask.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
All I had to give.

I will break apart,
I will break apart;
I will break apart if I let you into my heart.

I have nothing left inside,
I have nothing left inside;
I have nothing left inside but hatred
And it is purified.

All I had to give away,
I gave it to you every day.
All I have to give away,
I let it go; I let it get away.

All I have to give to you;
I have nothing left to give to you.
All I had to give to you;
I wasted it all away on you.

Stains on the heart so deep, they can't be removed;
All I have to give to you.
All I ever do is lose;
All I had I gave to you.

Now I am lost and these feelings are not new;
All I had to give to you.
Same old day to fade away;
All I had I gave away.  

Ripped apart you rescued me,
Then you turned around and walked out on me.
Torn in two, I rot away;
All I have is empty in loves grave.

Sun is dead inside my heart;
All you do is tear apart.
Life is dead, covered in scars;
All I had has now turned dark.

Bitterness disguised as bliss;
All I had, I had to give.
Something lost inside, no longer a memory;
Bitten hard by nothingness.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
All I have to give.

If you need a reminder, I will donate my brain to you.
I will present my love all wrapped up nicely,
If you need to feel like you are loved.
If you need money, I will sell my soul for you;
Whatever fate brings down upon me, at least you will feel good.

I will reach through my rib cage to give you my heart.
If the sun gets in your eyes, I will blow it up to soothe your head.
If you need me to show you that I am passionate about you,
Then I will create a rocket ship and I will go fetch you a star.
The only thing I will not do is waste my last breath.
I will save it to give you the kiss of life,
Or use it to say “remember me”;
Because I will never forget you, even after I am deceased.

I will give you my mouth to bring a smile to your face;
I give you my life to lay in peace at your side.
I will become my own clone, when I am in need of being replaced.
I will let a vampire bite me, when I am just about to die.
I want to live forever, or until the day that you do not live.
I will sell my every possession,
Just to show I have nothing more to give.

You can win all the arguments,
Because I have already won your love.
You can always choose what we do,
If you can be bothered to
And you will decide when we have had enough.

We are going forward in time, beyond the end, hand in hand.
So let me hold you close to me, so I can take your pain away.
Let it become my pain, as I let you take all that which is not bad.
My devotion will never shake, or bend,
Because all I have to give,
I will allow you to have.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
All I needed

All that I needed, I just couldn’t get it from you;
I gave you all I had to give and you left me feeling used.
All the love that I gave wilted away and it was left to fall through.
It’s such a shame that we ever loved;
I wish our love had never bloomed.

You have rejected all I had to offer,
So who am I to complain?
I deserve someone so much better,
But still I think of yesterday.

Oh so true, that all I needed,
I needed to get from you.
But you have always known what I needed,
So you used me and left me in the distance,
Still searching for a love that is true.

All I needed to get from you,
Was never there in the first place.
So why do I still suffer inside my mind,
Every time I picture your face?

All I needed, I needed from you;
But you never felt the way that I do,
So now the two of us are through.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
All I want for Christmas is a Discworld.

**, **, **;
Discworld is filled with laughter;
But it has a dark side,
With Death on my mind.
It is what I would have written,
If only I could write…
Or find the time.

It may not be Christmas,
But the Discworld films are on my wish-list.
I will purchase them all,
I will watch them all
And I will love them all.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019
All or nothing

Love is pain.  Love is the cure.
Love hurts too much.  Give me more.
If you can love, then love me truly.
Anything less is useless to me.

If you like me, but do not know if you love me,
Then go away.  You are unworthy.
I only do all out love, or nothing.
If you do not love me, then we should keep on moving,
In separate directions, to find other loves;
Because if you feel that you have never been loved,
Then it is time to write a different book.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
All that I can give

The sky is falling and my future is always calling;
A voice in the wind screaming at me like a banshee.
Everything is ugly.
No beauty to be found in anything.

As I fall to my knees in shattered pieces,
I need just one love to make me become happy;
But depression strikes, engulfs my life, woe is me
And it drags me down to where I never want to be.

Too old to start again; so full of apathy.
I have no wife and I am all out of time.
They say cheer up;
I want to say shut up.
I will not listen, to your words of sunshine.
I have given up; I have had to take too much.
I have no need for any more of your pretty lies.

I’m so bitter sweet; no symphony.
I write another verse; I guess I’m too greedy.
I have a total lack of self-sufficiency,
But this poetry is mine, so I build my fences high.
Must keep everybody out, letting nobody in;
My place of misery is the only way I know how to exist.

So kept apart from all your love;
I have no heart, so have a heart, because I’ve never had any fun.
I can’t recall happiness; I can no longer try my best,
Because this is it.
This is all that I can give
And this…
This is nothing.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
All that we are

These are my thoughts;
Your interpretation is your own.
What am I but naught?
We are not alone.

Love is in ashes,
Too broken to fix.
Multiple cures have been attempted;
This is all there is.

Beauty without,
Darkness inside.
I have no doubt,
You took my pride.

Burn it all away;
Tear it apart.
Today is not just another day
And this is not the start.

Now and forever,
Lost in the dark.
Thoughts sent to never;
All that we are.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
All that you are

You are my burning energy.
You set fire to me.
The passion you spark with all that you are,
Burn’s inside of me.

I hope you understand the effect that you have,
When you speak those words to me.
You are the flame; I am full of gas.
You can destroy or build…
Nobody else can make me laugh,
The way you do with all your bad jokes.
Some of them go up in smoke,
But some explode on my giggle map,
Leaving your mark upon my heart.
I love all that you are.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
All those love songs.

What is the point?  
Get to the point of all of this.
This love that I have to give, I cannot give,
Because nobody wants it.
It holds me back like a world on my back;
At last I think I can just relax
And then it all comes crashing down…
I am flattened into the ground,
Forever falling,
Forever falling,
Forever falling further now.

Now I see a light shining up from beneath,
But it is just a place to be.
Just to exist.
Just to be left waiting, in purgatory,
Leaves me contemplating, forwards or backwards,
There is no difference.
I am inclined to never try again,
But then my stupid heart kicks in with its two cents,
For what it’s worth…

I feel so worthless and helpless, when I think about her.
Her beautiful mind is what I hoped to find,
But all I ever get in this life is lie after lie
And I am denied, so I lie down to cry or sing,
Those sweet songs of misery.

Those love songs that go on and on,
About how she will be loved…
But I have cottoned on;
They are just plain wrong!
All those love songs,
She will never hear me sing…
All those songs.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2019

There are many doors we all walk through every day;
Be it claw, or snore, or war, or any other reason,
The door is unavoidable and it is always the season.
A never ending end,
Never been a friend;
Never known what to expect next.

All things they continue, but nothing ever lasts.
Newborns are born and one day they will grow up to wear black.
If there was a way to never see Death again,
Would we want to live forever?  Or would we need an end?

There is meaning to life, even if we do not know what it is.
Some say it is to raise kids;
Some say it is to accomplish dreams.
My reasons are the same as many other opinions;
Opinions are ten a penny.
People think they know, but nobody is ever ready.

I agree with you, good guess;
But you cannot know until it is the end,
Of the bitter sweet symphony show.
The show must go on!
Surely this is not the last song?
We need an encore for life;
We need to have hope before we are gone.

(Knock, knock, knock.)

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
All women are beautiful to somebody.

All women have something beautiful about them;
They all have a beauty spot.
A reason why they will be wanted by men;
A unique style of hot.

Be it beauty, or intellect, or empathy, or whatever.
Any woman can be seen as beautiful; some like dumb, I want clever.
When the stars align and you see them in the right light;
You know they are the one you want, so you set them in your sights.

One man may say that she is ugly;
Another man might disagree.
The attractive quality they see as beautiful,
Could possibly, not interest me.

I see passion as very attractive; I see adultery as very ugly.
Some men would disagree.
Another man may want a meek woman;
Another man might want a woman who is willing to cheat.

Some say beauty is without; some say beauty is within.
It is without an undeniable, definite explanation.
Some women are more beautiful,
Depending on their nation.

Hispanic or Latino women to me are simply phenomenal;
Some other men may prefer blondes from Sweden;
To me that’s not desirable.

Some men prefer a different type;
But at the end of the day,
We all need somebody to become our wife.

I know what I want from the woman I desire;
I want the passion within her to burn hot like a raging fire.
Some prefer thin; I want voluptuous!
I want her to have any kind of long hair; except blonde.
I want her to be ***** whenever I am with her
And I want to be the only one who she wakes up to in the morning sun.

I want to see her love for me in her eyes and in her smile.
I want her lustful towards only me; I want her shorter than I.
Then I can put my arm around her shoulder,
When we walk under moonlight.
I want her to be a nymphomaniac; I used to want her to be high.

Now I want her on top.
She can have any kind of job;
Though she cannot be a stripper.
Only I can see her ****.
I want her mind to be *****;
I want her to desire to be true.

I would like her to be an artist,
But that is not high on my list.
It would just be nice if she was creative
And liked to read my poetry…and understood it.

I see beauty in her,
When she allows me to let myself go.
I want her personality to shine love;
I want her to be worthy of my soul.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

There are only so many times you can go to a dry well,
Begging for water when you are dying of thirst.
I have exchanged my last token, so no words will be spoken;
No thoughts can be shared, my empathy hurts.
All I need is one, but for me love is gone.
Something I used to do, but now? None.

I cannot pray for what I cannot ask for.
I cannot beg or implore for a new love to adore,
Because I have either closed every open door,
Or they have been slammed in my face, no questions asked,
No more.

No more love for me; my heart a disease.
Take it with ease.
I have already given it to a thousand lost souls
And there is no more gold to be earnt from a piece of me,
That does not work to find a thing that does not exist,
When God knows I have tried!

All I need is a simple kiss, yet no lips exist for my benefit.
They are for others, who already have lovers
And are also cheating love with former lovers.
And me?
Oh brother!
Do not even bother to ask about my love life,
Because you have endless names in your black book of abundance.
It does not make me useful when I am redundant,
To all who need love, because I am a closed book.
My story already written; read and done.

I have had enough of love to last me a lifetime…
I did not think so before, but now I am sure.
I exist therefore I am alone.
My epitaph scrawled across a cardboard home
And I am alone,
I am alone,
I am alone,

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Alone / not alone.

I saw red roses today.
I saw a tear drop too.
I cannot decide which moved me more…


I heard the news of the victory;
I heard the world had been lost.
I heard they spoke of peace,
As they worked out what it was.

If a man has a battle plan,
Then you can be sure that he is lost;
The plan will never work.

If a man has a tank,
You will forever be counting the cost,
Against the decision’s worth.

If a man is a man, he would not need to fight,
But I am a man and I am never right where I belong.

I pick up a telephone.
The line is busy,
E.T. is phoning home.
Where he intends to go,
He would not tell us;
I just, don’t, know.

All I know is, I am alone,
When I am not alone.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
A Loner

Some people just have to be alone,
Not all of us get to find love.
Not all of us can be happy,
Most of us will spend our lives miserable.

But I shall save you from my misery,
I won’t let you end up like me.
For I only bring peace, love and empathy;
Disguised as my love (inside is a disease).

A ball of confusion,
A web woven by the fallen;
The women of past, present and future;
All gang up to tell me I’m a loser.

So **** me please,
I beg for death.
I can’t have love,
So I would rather be dead.
Than live one more second
On this putrid Earth.

It disgusts me,
It sickens me,
I despise having to live in this world.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
A Long Day In Hell!

It will be a   L  O  N  G   day in Hell !
Before I get to my feet, to go toe to toe with The Devil.
A   L  O  N  G   day in Hell !
Before I ever allow myself, to do The Truffle Shuffle.

It will be a   L  O  N  G   day in Hell !
Before the clothes you are wearing, ever become fashionable.
A   L  O  N  G   day in Hell !
Before I ever feel comfortable,
With Her I’m just feel agreeable.

It will be a   L  O  N  G   day in Hell !
Before your sentence is served
And you shall get what you deserve.
A   L  O  N  G   day in Hell!
It will be a   L  O  N  G   day in H   E   L   L !!!!

It will be a   L  O  N  G   day in Hell !
Before someone like me could ever look adorable.

A   L   O   N   G   day in Hell !
Before a publisher takes notice and changes the world for…

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Always I will love you.

Something inside me makes me remember you;
All that I thought I knew, I never knew.
Without you in my arms I’m still lost and blue.
I think I love you…no, I know I do.

Always I will love you, now and forever;
Always I will wish we could be together.
But if forever is too long for our love to last,
Know you were something special to me…more than just lust.

I’ve been dreaming about, you dreaming about me
And in our dreams I see us smiling because our love is real.
Love is a dream that comes true for some, if it is their destiny;
But all the love I have to give you,
Is not enough to show you how I truly feel.

You are everything I wanted and the only woman I can see myself with;
If your love is as true as mine, then we can always be happy.
Always I will love you because you are all that I need.
If you feel the same way about me, then tell me
And I will give you my heart gladly.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Feb 2020
A matter of life and death

Life; the infinite circle of dreams written in the stars.
Death; is on the back of a turtle waiting for the far.
The time stretching sand, dripping destiny into jars.
Life is a destination; what will be your car?
Choose your vehicle; which will carry you on?
Death is unspoken; a funeral of songs.
If all you wished for was all suddenly gone,
What would you desire first in front of the new sun?

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

Don’t say that word!  
That filthy curse!
It breaks my heart to hear it.

Such finality, to the thousands of lives touched.
No sacrifice should ever cost so much.

For they are no longer here to live happily beside us.
So I beg you please, do not speak that word of dust.
For this is not the end of love, for her, or for me!
So there shall be no Amen at the end of this soliloquy!

You are simply there to make us smile.
You are forever in my heart.
When this world becomes too dark,
You creep out of the blue inside of me
And once more I can raise a smile.

For I see you watching over us,
At your funeral of love.
I see your love in each of us.
Now the tears have been replaced, with memories of love.

So God, you take good care of her!
Or she will put the world to rights.
Just you make sure she’s there to meet me,
As I walk through those pearly gates...alright?

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
A million more chances

Some people they get to live forever;
Some people do not have the same luck.
I want to go on until the other end of the never,
But fate has decided my time is up.

If only I had a million more chances.
A million more attempts to live life to the full.
Maybe I could find the antidote;
If only I could read every single book.

If only I could; if only.
Maybe I would not have to feel so lonely,
Because nobody understands the pain that is my life!
I am not and never will be ready to walk into the light.

My hope is in Pandora’s box;
I wish I could just pick that lock,
But I cannot, for the fear is too strong.
I guess this is my lot.

Exhausted from the thought of it all;
No key to be found to walk through a sliding door.
In a life so short, why was it all such a chore?
A battle for life; a love I never saw.
I only glimpsed at what could have been,
But now that desire has gone; I have lost everything.

I could never try, without somebody at my side.
I cry all the time, because all I want is a life
And a love life too; is that too much to ask?
Please do not take this all from me.
Please do not take it all back.

As the depression kicks in,
I sink into the abyss.
The loneliness of me, the pity, the lost wishes;
Let me live.
If this is what must be, then why must it be me?
I want to live, I want to live;
I want to be set free.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
A moment of bliss

I had a moment of bliss, in the middle of the pain;
All the hurt just floated away.
A light shone around me and the world disappeared;
The dentist causing me pain, no longer caused me any fear.

Everything was ok, for a moment in time.
I was ok, the pain was gone; for just a moment in the light.
Then the rest of the pain that was coming my way,
Could no longer hurt me; with a smile on my face.

I had ascended from my body into a moment of bliss;
I was alive, I was happy…
I was infinite.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

Life isn’t all bunny’s and sunbeams.
Sometimes at night ice cream.
Life isn’t what you thought it would be.
Connect the dots to see what you have lost.

Put two and two together to make five.
Nobody can rule your mind.
Electronic super massive black hole,
Has a hold of my soul.

I need a muse, just like you,
Who is nothing like you; I want to be with you.
In the dead of night, fireflies take flight,
To wrap their arms around my being.
I am so used to being soulless,
So less than I ever could be at my best.

Regret nothing,
But every regret.
Take it deep inside, lest you forget, to catch your breath.
Slowly speak in tongues, come undone, detonate the sun.
For eternal darkness, let Heaven rain down on me.
We all need to be blessed.

Smoke machines are blowing bubbles,
Splash in puddles.
Rip the ghost from inside of me.

**** is rude, how about you?
Do you think in rhymes to pass the time?
Do you riddle a line, or tell only lies?
Or do you lie “I tell the truth.”

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
An angel appeared before me tonight.

An angel appeared before me tonight,
She sat on my bed and handed me back my life.
Her crystal blue eyes, lit up my life,
Her comforting words filled my aching heart with pride.

Without her I would surely have died,
But with her love I am truly alive.
Free to be myself, with no need for wealth,
With a hope in my heart that my body retains it’s good health.

For I couldn’t die anymore,
For I couldn’t leave her to mourn.
I need to be the one to hold her hand,
I need to show her I understand.
I need to tell her that I will always be her man,
I need to tell you I love you *******!

So wash away those salty tears
And I shall open my little ears,
So I can truly hear.
If your soul is aching and you want me near,
Then have no fear my dear,
For I will always be here, for you.

If you’re feeling blue, or tickled pink,
Or green with envy, or anything,
Then stop to think, just once about me,
Because my love for you, goes on endlessly.

Until the end of time and with each line of this rhyme,
I hope I let my love light shine.
To guide you away from the things that could sink us,
The jealousy, the fear, the lack of trust…

Us.  You and me.  Matrimony.
2.4 children and an ounce of ****.
Love life.  My wife.
7 months in the blink of an eye.

Your love is the best
And if you ask about ***…
Mmm.  My woman you are the best.

My love for you is undying
And we shall make it through the bad times.
For no love this pure and righteous,
Should ever be allowed to die.

Fight the fight of your life, for our love life.
For we are truly worth it.
My (…).  My Angel.
For me you’re simply perfect.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
An empty soul

I have seen insane and I have found the route back to sanity;
The only thing that could ever hold me down,
Was my own apathy and gravity.
But as I rise above, as I rise once more,
I see my future in my own hands as I am every possibility.
I can have it all.

I can move the stars when I have a guide to lead me;
I can change a heart in the middle of a scream.
I can intake a thought and show it to you like a movie,
Because I have found my higher purpose;
I have awoken from the dream.

I am Neo and Peter Pan; a monster mind aplenty.
I have seen the ghosts of love walking throughout every cemetery.
I have cast out my demons into the books I have written
And all my intentions are turning into actions; it is elementary.

Fix a thought on a diamond and you will see through eagle eyes,
That the wisp of me that roams at night can no longer be despised;
For I am simply a mortal in disguise, hidden away inside a locket.
I am a warrior mind on the inside, but all you see of me is my shadow.
All you can do is view me with scorn
And every feeling I have you will mock it.

That image of me you have is but a figment of your minds creation;
As you stumble through life intoxicated,
Your soul is permanently on vacation.
I live here in the surreal world observing you and all you do
And I am secure inside my own station.

Consider a change as my words begin to fade from all memory;
Your yesterday is still today, your tomorrow to you is unseen
And unknown, but I am all seeing, so I am alone.
I am so happy in misery,
Because who would want you to tell them how to live?

I am my own nightmare.  I am haunted by my twist of fate,
But at the end of this life, my ideas will remain.
Peace, love and empathy is a simple wish,
But it will be all I have left, in the end, to give.
When I have stolen a heart and I am a Prince among thieves;
I will be watching, waiting and writing your future inside the tea leaves.

I have foretold you and I have already predicted your future;
I have said it, I have read it; I am your messenger.
The voice of reason in a place without lines;
The tired and the heart broken have been forsaken by time.
We are without a destiny,
Because we never created it in the first place.
In the end all we are is empty of ideals,
Ideas and a way to find our own way.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
A new dawn.

When we all have virtual reality;
The next step in our technological evolution,
Will be to attain a sort of telepathy,
Where our mind is connected directly into the web
And then who knows what comes next?

Our brains will seek information along the information highway
And our thoughts will be uploaded directly into the internet.
We will create our own type of diary, the thoughts of us all;
Then the final connections will be made
And completely change our planet.

A new way of thinking and seeing things differently;
The olden days will fade away to become our history.
The robots will be born and humanity will grow lazy;
Spending more time in this new reality.
Our second lives will become our actuality.

We are just about to take one step forward for mankind
And our movements will be controlled, by the thoughts within our mind.
Our subconscious will be more prevalent than it ever has before
And upon us will be ****** a new dawn.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
A new low.

Depression is in session in the black hole of my head;
It drags the misery deep inside me and I wish I was dead.
I no longer want to live in a world so cold;
I shiver.
I never forget the emptiness within my heart
And the solitary of my soul.

Love no longer lives here, for I now live alone;
Oh my God how I do detest the silence of my phone.
No more calls of happiness are made;
A new low to be found.

Just sadness and hurt are all I can see,
In the mirror reflecting my face,
Because you are no longer around.

It’s a new kind of low I’m experiencing now,
But it’s a low I like living in, for it can no longer bring me down.
I have hit rock bottom and I live here alone;
But I am happy in the darkness, it has become my home.

A life without love is hard but it is manageable;
I no longer need the light of loves burning candle,
To keep me alive; I find solace in solitude.
My only desire is to see her ****.

But when you look up at every one, who you think you are below,
You find comfort in your misery, because you have hit a new low.
It’s a new low to cherish because it’s a new low I have
And this new low is mine to manage, so I will struggle on with the show.

Another human being stands in front of me smiling
And all I can think about is how I am still dying.
Their happiness makes me laugh because soon they will fall
And I shall have to feel absolutely nothing at all.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

Your eyes have become a mirror for me,
I look into your eyes and you allow me to be;
The man I thought I would always become.
The happy, loving, man who can be loved.

The blue of your eyes; stays still like the lake,
We stare at each other with nothing to hide.
Yet somehow we both know there is more to be discovered,
About our new lover; about our new life.

You see my beauty, you have my heart,
I always think of you, whenever we are apart.
For I adore the kindness of your soul,
You open your love to me, so I can let myself go.

You let me have no fear of being hurt,
I can think of a future with you at my side.
Some of the words I say will be lost if not heard
But my love for you will never be hidden from your eyes.

To hug you and to hold you; is Heavenly to me,
To kiss your soft lips allows me to be free.
From any pain or hurt causing feeling,
You make my mind wander as I begin to daydream.

My eyes awaken and there you stand before me,
A vision of lust who lets me be,
Open to show you my true desires,
Who allows my passion to burn like a raging fire.

Nothing must come between us,
All I need is us to be in lust,
In love and hand in hand together,
My love you have my love from now until never.

Simply put, you drive me nuts,
All I think is: all that really matters is us.
If we are happy and madly in love,
Then nothing but nothing can do damage to us.

Other people we are able to aid,
Our love for each other does not need to be saved.
When I am alone I feel the severed limb syndrome,
Part of me is missing, until you come home.

And home has now been shifted,
My heart has now been lifted.
My mood has changed from despair to here,
In love with you, needing you near.
Holding you, kissing you,
Loving you, missing you.
Doing nothing by your side,
I thank you for pleasure and changing my life.

All I have is all I need,
Well maybe another jay or two of ****.
But you make my heart complete,
You make my nightmare life a dream.

I love you, I love you,
I love you, I do.
I only wish for you to truly love me,
As much as I love you.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Angels guide me

Sat in a hospital waiting for God;
I need some help, to pick me up.
I’m going crazy, I’ve lost the plot;
I’ve lost my way, without your love.

Stood before me are a cleaner and his twin brother;
A serene presence glows around them both.
They speak peaceful words, within the mundane
And I immediately feel comforted by the holy ghost.

They talk to each other and I listen intensely,
To every word looking for an answer.
There is no-one else in the waiting room
And in them I see Him or Her.

The God up above gave them religious names
And I believe they are here when I needed to be saved.
They mop up the floor like Morgan Freeman in Bruce Almighty
And I see in them both, something Heavenly.

When I am at my lowest and in need of some help,
They appeared before me and eased all my problems.
They showed me Heavens gates, when I was living in Hell,
Now I am sane once more, but angels should not be forgotten.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Angels in a nightclub

There are angels in my heart and angels in sight;
There are angels everywhere I look tonight.
This is surely Heaven, for there is magic in the air.
The finest, most beautiful, angels are here.

There are not enough words, to express the way that I feel;
There are not enough ways to say you are beautiful.
There is not enough time for me to show you my feelings are real.
There is just enough time for me to change your world.

To catch your eye, to make you smile;
An automatic response, you cannot deny.
Admit you love me, or at least don’t hate me,
Then my heart can be set free.

One day angel tears may fall from our eyes,
But right now we could be something, so raise a smile.
You can’t be sad, when I look so silly,
When I am simply, being me.
Trying hard to make you laugh;
Exchanging vanity for looking daft.

Darkness lets you dance freely,
So you can let go and fall in love with me.
We are two people; we both know one is not enough.
Let us become Romeo and Juliet; let us each find love.

Kiss me goodnight and hold me tight.
My angel in the nightclub…
You changed my life.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
An illusion of happiness

If no love is faithful, then love does not truly exist.
If we are not of one consciousness, then we are simply nothing.
If we are heading in opposite directions,
Then we are no longer together;
So can I make a simple suggestion?

You go your own way and I will stand still.
Go climb your mountain tops, as I sit at the bottom of the hill.
You can reach for the moon; I will dig myself a grave.
You can go on without me, because you and I are not the same.

My idea of love is a castle, now in ruins.
Your perfect palace still shines,
So what are we doing?
You are so full of hope, whilst I am only ever helpless,
So I think it is for the best that we split up;
So we break up
And I will just leave love to the rest.

You can continue searching when I am gone,
Because I know you have already begun to look for love.
You must travel your own journey,
Because to me love is not real
And it is no fun.
It is an illusion of happiness,
So take it all with you,
With love;
I am done.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
An illusion of perfect.

Have you ever met someone so **** cool,
That she makes you feel like such a tool?
You can aim for her heart,
But she is flying through stars
And she would never notice you.

Still you dream of what might have been,
If you learned to speak her language and knew what she means,
When she says she likes you.
You know she is nothing like you,
But hot ****! If I ain’t one mixed up dude.
She is a dudess, maybe the best you have ever met
And if she only took a chance on you,
Your love you would confess.

You know there is none better suited,
So when you see her you are all suited and booted,
Because this is pure bliss, love exists,
Inside a dream of her kiss.

But those words she never says,
Because there is no way she could ever be into someone so lame.
So you mosey on to the next love rendezvous.
You find a woman that you love
And she truly loves you too.
All the while the ******* discovers more.

Then late one night she comes a knocking on your door,
But there is no answer to a one time dancer,
Because your heart has passed those wishes to romance her
And no matter what she may say,
You ain’t no two-time chancer.
So she never gets to be with the one who would always have loved her.

Beauty comes and beauty goes;
I fall in love with the big-**** yo-yo’s,
Whose idea of love goes up and down,
Just like the bed springs that are broken now.

When love is good, up it will stay,
But when love is up to no good, I am left broken down
And my name remains the same…
Hers was never truly going to change.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
A no answer machine

Our basic instincts are to find love and run through the woods.
From the tree’s we climb down to walk like a man;
No longer on all fours.
Now we do not need to give thanks, for the food we have;
We deserve to be full.
All beautiful art fades eventually,
As we all become too dull.

No more to say…
I let it all just slide away.
Nothing will be relevant on the final day.
Keeping up with the Joneses;
Mobile phones are diseases;
Conversation is dead;
Only speak if it pleases.

Couple’s councilor; I could not manage to go.
So come or go, or let me go, if you think that I would care.
Love is not amazing anymore,
I would say it is just so, so.
Why would I bother speaking to you, when you are no longer there?

Phone on silent;
She is a no answer machine.
No reply necessary;
The end of the dream.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
Another One About Depression.

Put on your happy face,
They don’t want to see the real you.
Stop looking so depressed,
We’re tired of hearing that you’re so blue.

Get over it, stop being so sad!
Look at the loser in the mirror and force yourself to laugh.
Oh poor little me, they took my self-esteem;
Isn’t life a funny old thing?

Stop pitying yourself, we don’t want to hear it;
For it’s getting rather old now, change the subject.
God?  Why the **** did you make him such a loser?
He’s so ******* depressing, wallowing in his self-pity filled ego.

We don’t need to hear what he has to say;
We’ve heard it all before.
Tell him to just get over it!
And stop being such a bore.
So his girl was a *****,
But he’s not even with her anymore.
**** him!  He can sit there and cry all he wants;
What the **** is he always so sad for?

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Another time
(The death of love, not me.)

I hope you find your peace within;
I hope you find yourself a perfect being.
Because you gave me such a blissful life
And now I just want to sing to you down the mike.

I love your eyes and the fire inside,
I love your mouth and your words of desire.
I love you; yeah I love you.

I love your hands upon my skin,
I love your ears as you’re listening in.
I love you; yeah I love you.

I want you to be happy with someone;
I wasn’t meant to be your shining sun.
You lit up my smile and offered a lifelong love of fun,
But I wasn’t enough for you to be happy with someone.

I love your eyes and the fire inside,
I love your mouth and your words of desire.
I love you; yeah I love you.

I love your hands upon my skin,
I love your ears as you’re listening in.
I love you; yeah I love you.

So kiss me goodbye with no tears in your eyes.
I’ll see you again in the next life; go find your own paradise.
Because I love you,
Yeah I love you…I’ll be with you another time.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

Lost without you, **** this love thing is hard.
I miss you, I need you; I want you to be here.
I’m so used to having you around to give a warm feeling to my heart.
Without you I am bored and lonely; why can’t you be near?

Every second you are gone feels like a lifetime today;
Every time I think of you I forget all other things.
You are always on my mind and I have so much I need to say.
When you return I will be so happy,
Because I will have what I have sought.

Still checking my phone for a text or a missed call.
The time ticks by so slowly; when will you arrive?
You have already told me your work schedule,
But I am impatient; I can’t wait to see you, my future bride.

We have the rest of our lives to feel this happiness,
But right now I am without you and patience is not a virtue I possess.
Soon you will be home, back in my arms at last;
So I am writing to you to tell you, you are my beautiful temptress.

Our love is continuous until the end of time;
It was written in the script that we should find one another.
I am under your spell, you are beauty personified;
Forever I wish to be your only lover.

And then suddenly, I hear you arrive;
You are back and we are together once more.
Oh joyous celebrations as you fill up my heart and my eyes.
I can see you, I can say I love you; I can feel your love…
You are the woman that I adore.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

An old stone built tower stands above all on the skyline;
The curves of its body twisting spiral’s in the air.
The moon shines around its peak, which reaches up so very high.
It is surrounded by a castle keep,
That is an image of a burnt out nightmare.

The castle walls are in pieces, like its people,
Cannon fodder their game.
The drawbridge has fallen, but the iron gate still remains.
The shadows in the night speak of a desire to be the enemy within.
The voices of the fallen spit out their final endless scream’s.

The sound of war is upon the castle door.
No more escape for its inhabitants,
Apart from those who are fleeing through the century old tunnel.
The secret passage to a way away from all the savage.
The army continues to do battle, at the top of ladders and ramparts.
All have been affected by this battle’s damage.

The sorcerer of this cursed land,
Stands in the furthest, most high room,
Shooting lightning at the wall tops as the chaos reigns below,
Where all is doom
And in a final decisive action,
The sorcerer reads from his ******* book;
The ground shakes, the fire falls and all enemy are shook
And thrown from their steeds in front of the castle gate.
In pieces they bleed and from the tops of the castle walls,
Those who are falling will never be saved.
They crash to the floor and become no more.
The sorcerer falls to his knees, exhausted of power,
But he has put an end to this midnight war.

No protection was given by the enemies armour.
Their swords and shields crashed loudly as they hit the ground.
The enemy is no longer the invading warrior;
They are all running in fear and their last sounds are all dying out.

As the sorcerer takes the final step down from his twisted tower,
He pushes open the thick oak wooden door.
As he walks out into the open air courtyard his face is a glower;
No living enemy can be seen, because the enemy are no more.

His men are all cheering and shouting his name,
But the sorcerer is not laughing with them, for he has a plan.
He tells them this morrow they will all fight again,
So they must all prepare to once more stand.

Some voices of discontent whisper within the ranks;
Some of them openly criticize his view.
As he creates a ball of flame that hovers above the palm of his hand,
They all realize he has been their antihero
And he could be their demise too…if he chooses to.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Anti-this and Anti-that.

She’s got a smile like a nuclear bomb.
I’m blown away by a never-be blonde.
She likes the dark life and so do I.
I never, never, ever want to see her cry.

She needs to be loved,
Like I need an intravenous-nicotine-drip.
She doesn’t care, about any of this!
Nothing matters!  She doesn’t want to be loved
And all because…
LIFE *****!!

She’s anti-this!
And anti-that!
The love she needs, she has never had.
She’s got a family who love her so much,
But this anti-life girl needs somebody to love.

If you say “Hi.” She puts her headphones on.
If she has to buy you a present, then she will send you a bomb!
If she only knew, that she was oh so wrong;
She is not so far gone that she has to remain on her own.

She needs to be loved, like a fish needs water.
She needs someone, to kiss and to hold her.
She needs all the things that only love can bring.
She says she doesn’t need a God-**** thing!!

She’s anti-me and anti-you.
She’s anti-man and anti-hu.
She’s anti-love,
When she needs it the most.
She needs love…

(Love is all I that know…)

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
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