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Skylar Keith Nov 2017
Darkness clouds around me
I sit alone
Trying to focus

Too many sounds and thoughts
It's different this time
I'm smiling today

Even when the snow touched the ground
I thought of you
I still miss you but I'm happy you live on

In my heart and mind
It's been around 10 years, I still cry but sometimes I can smile at the thought of you
Skylar Keith Oct 2018
This all may be cliche
Yet it is nothing but the truth
So hear me out

I'm the lucky one
No matter how many times she says she loves me more
She is beautiful

It would only take me a sliver of time
To see her in a crowd of a thousand others
My music is her voice

Her eyes
They're a whole other story
Mesmerizing like nothing else

With all this
How could I not see
That I can't help falling in love with you
Skylar Keith Sep 2018
Are you there?
It was a rhetorical question
I know you're there
You can't exactly hide from me in my own body

Sometimes I can't see if you're foe or friend
You have my back no matter what
Yet your claws and fangs are always stabbing me in the back

I've faced you many times
Tie after time it was a war fought with bare hands
Other times it was a delicate touch to the cheek with a smile
You may be within me but you don't define me

I could thank you
You've helped me make friends
You've shaped me to who I am

I could curse you
I shall not
You are still parts of me

I cannot simply abandon you
Skylar Keith Feb 2019
The looming reality
Time is running out
I'm fighting alone now

Best friend
It couldn't last forever
I didn't want it to end this way though

Ride or die
Was your lie
Say it one last time

The lies that might surface
I hope they won't cage me in
Otherwise I'll have to run

Then I truly will be alone
Skylar Keith Jan 2021
For the first time since it started I felt at peace
My birthday came and went, I'll be honest I saw it coming
Yet for a moment it was silent, no sadness or pain
Just acceptance

Sadly that moment came and went
It stung even though I saw it coming from miles away
I still miss you and would accept you in an instant

You always call me loyal
Seems I am loyal to a fault when it comes to you
I'll always be here for you, no matter how much you move on
I'd catch you in every fall if you'd let me

You probably want to forget all about you, do you despise me?
I made a promise to you, I'd care for you for life
I will not break that promise, I can't even though I'm trying

Family for life
That's what you are
My long lost best friend
You're always welcome home
Half a day after writing this I'm here again, surprised that that one moment of peace is growing to be bigger. I think a part of me was glad to not receive anything; our friendship isnt being dangled above my head anymore, as if it was something that I could have back in the full extend of what it was. The other part of me was crushed because I was still holding on; not in the forgiving way but in the desperate and dependant way. I think I can now start recovering; I will still always miss and love you. You are just that unforgettable and incredible. No matter how much time passes and no matter what happens you'll always be welcome in my life. You are still my family for life. If you ever need something I'll be there for you.
Skylar Keith Oct 2018
Such a simple word
Seemingly obvious
Although many keep it away from prying eyes

An asset if used well
You failed
I harbor it too
Yet you and I are not the same
Self-reflection is something you seem incapable of

Through that
So alike
Yet worlds apart
I am not you

However I am like you in a way or two
Not an insult to me
I can use it well
I will never be you
No matter how many times we overlap

I am me
You are you
Skylar Keith Jan 2018
Day in day out I ask myself
The same question again and again
I have an answer but don't speak out

How am I feeling?
Why am I holding on?
Why do I want to listen but not talk?

People tell me I'm optimistic
How can I not be?
When I have to use every smile as a stepping stone

A stepping stone that I have to preserve
I need to be like that
To see another tomorrow
Skylar Keith Dec 2017
I said I didn't want to talk
so I ignored you
Too long

I said sorry
You said it's fine

Ups and downs is what we had
The fifteen days with you were nice
We are over it now

You give me balance
Yet your surroundings are in chaos
I am my own chaos

I think of you at times
Hoping that you are safe
In the turmoil of Catalonia
worry for a friend
Skylar Keith Nov 2017
Words, Phrases, Quotes
Come together as one as I sit in front of the plasma screen
Wondering what this is for
It'll end right?

Look up and then look down
How much pain and anguish
Have we caused this world?


Every war
Every building
Every breath

The path of destruction no matter how much we try to stop
Severe strain on this planet
Dark skies and burnt land

The whisper of the wind
Begging to stop
Begging us to stop

In the search for beauty and eternity
What have we done
What have we become?
01:14 thoughts while writing an essay
Skylar Keith Dec 2017
Looking back there are many mistakes
Should I have looked away?
Should I have shut up?

Should I have faked it
Should I have tried harder
Now I sit here
No purpose

Rain hits the glass
The glass casing of my soul
As it begs for me to stop
To turn off the light

Maybe I'll turn it off soon
Skylar Keith Oct 2017
What does it mean
to be better
First I smiled
then I sighed
Back then I asked myself
Does better feel like what I feel now?


The answer is no
I fell back into old ways
Wanting to get better
I had nothing to aim for
Still as clueless as before about what is meant

I look in the mirror
and laugh
Still clueless

Have I gotten better?
I've gotten worse

I'm more clueless
Do I want to get better?

Good question
Skylar Keith Nov 2020
I read your letter today
For the tenth time I'd guess
The one from my last birthday

Did you write it because you wanted to?
Maybe because you actually mean all of it?
Or did you only write it because he told you I was upset?

I wonder what my birthday this time will present
Will you tell me again that I am a good friend and you're sorry?
Or will it just be silence this time, a sign that our friendship is no more

It's a sad thought but this year I am genuinely curious
If you don't write, will I write you one for your birthday?
I really do not know
Skylar Keith Oct 2017
The smoke rises
Inside this cage of glass
Is it snow or paper
You will never know

Your breath fogs up the glass as you stare out
As you stare at me

I can't see you
Tilting my head I smile
How pretty it is
My thoughts

I shake the globe
Watching it snow down
As I cry

Are you crying?
We can cry together
As the snow falls

You're just a figure of my imagination
Yet I cry
As I stare through the glass
Snow globes

That's what they're called
My thoughts
As my breath fogs up the glass
I stare outside
As we watch the snow fall
Written while listening to "Breathe" by Lee Hi
Skylar Keith Jan 2018
I never know what's happening
When this happens
I lose control

All I can see is opportunities
All I want to feel is pain
All I want to do is cry without crying

That's what I need sometimes
Feeling the pain

Seeing the bruises in my face
Feeling the throb of my head
Thinking those thoughts

I'm always alone because I can't control it
A memory that came to me after I slipped and fell
Skylar Keith Oct 2017
I try
I'm busy I'm sorry
You are ahead of me yet you seem to have nothing to do
I try to be there
Work, Sadness, Anger
I told you
I'm busy
You text
and again
Complain about me
I've told you I'm busy
I never complain when you are not there
I respect you
Your work, your anger, your sadness
Why can't you do the same?
It makes me feel
Sadness and Anger
I don't know what to do
I've told you I'm busy
You ask if I'm sure I want to stay
I have it
Yet you tell me to go work
Make the choice
It makes me feel
I've told you
I'm busy
Skylar Keith Nov 2017
It's easy
You should get this
but I don't
I haven't
I won't

Let me help you!
More like let me laugh at you while I fail
Everybody else gets it, why don't I?

I'm not
I am

I guess that's it
Nothing less
Nothing more

There's a quiz
"Until you guys do your job"
Sorry that I don't get it
Sorry that I'm stupid
Is that what I should say when you look me in the eye
Tell me that I make mistakes that should only happen in lower school

Thanks I guess?
He says I must hate math
I say I don't
I just hate him

I hate you too
I kept my mouth  shut
I don't need to say that
I shouldn't say that
I don't

Him and him are so similar
I hate it
I hate them
Skylar Keith May 2018
Tears can be shed
Cries of anguish and hate
All from one thought that causes it
Chain Reaction
A never ending spiral of thoughs
Skylar Keith Jan 2019
Who knew that I would be feeling this pain
I swore that I would never do this to someone
Let alone live it through

Yet here I am
Doing what he did
I could not be anymore ashamed than I am
Trying to cope is not really working out
It feels as if the world is casting me out

Holding on leaves burns and scars
I do not know what to do
My words are leaving me

If there is anybody out there
Please hug me and say it will be okay
Stop me from curling in on myself

I hope you find the button to stop the self destruction
Otherwise I will pull the plugs
Force a complete shutdown and never reboot

That is the fate that I have saved into my system
Maybe someone can change my coding
Say your goodbyes as my eyes fade out

I will remember the good times
Just like the bad times
One last chance

That is all I have left for myself
Skylar Keith Nov 2017
Pink, purple, blue
I wonder why it is like this
I wonder when it got like this
Pouncing onto every chance I can get

Running away
From what am I running
Far away is all that I want
Running is what I think I want to do

I want nothing to do with anyone
Yet I want to be close to them
Yearning to hug them when they feel sad
I can't because I'm here, only a few can I reach

So close, yet so far
Seems to be a pattern
For a lot of things
Fire is what should surround me to warm the others while I burn
Nothing changes it seems
Everything is different
Inspired by all the friend I can't reach
Skylar Keith Jan 2018
They say loyalty is the most important
I beg to differ


If you can't give me that
Then you have nothing to give me
Skylar Keith Oct 2018
You say it's not what it used to be
I want to disagree
But how can it be the same when so much has changed?
Our days have changed yet again

I've grown still
As still and cold as the bottom of the sea
A place I myself cannot explore
It's impossible to breath

You've grown distant
As if disappearing behind a wall of mist
I long for you yet know that I cannot move
You asked for time and that I give
To what price do we play on the surface
Ignoring to depths of both our thoughts

The doubt claws at the door to my mind
Leaving scars that I can hear and feel
I want to ask if you feel the same
Yet I cannot seem to find your name

There's one thing that drags me to my knees
I'm scared to ask for what I may find
Do you love me the same?
Skylar Keith Oct 2017
Come to the Edge
Don't be scared
That's what they said

Edge of what?
The Edge changed

Don't go!
It's dangerous
It's different now

Come closer
Step away
Which one is it?

Turn away!
What edge are you on?

Some Edges are made to jump from
Some Edges you look over
Some Edges you leave

The same way you came
Jump if you can fly
Can you fly?

Find your wings
To the Edge I say
The Edge you stand on is the one you chose or found

Jump if you can fly
Walk if you can't

Find the Edge that belongs to you and lifts you high above
You'll find your place
Skylar Keith Oct 2017
Years of Lost Memory
You tell me stories
I can't recall
You laugh at moments
That I don't remember
I don't think I want to either
I see no value in you
Your words
Your stories

I don't care

I nod and smile
I'm not listening
I look right through you
Imagining times of other people
I don't think of you
You smile at me
I'm smiling as I remember a joke
It wasn't yours

Empty Memories
You ask if I remember
I laugh and say that I do
I don't
I laugh at how easily you fall for what I say
Your eyes try to find mine
I don't see you
I see the times that I do remember

Times I wished didn't exist

I look in the mirror
Asking myself how much I am like you
Hoping that I am me and not parts of you
Yet I know
You run through my veins
No matter how much I do against it
Doesn't mean I like it

I've told you
I don't see you as what blood and papers may say
Skylar Keith Sep 2018
Sometimes I feel like the messenger
To bring others happiness
Without pursuing my own
Seeing them change
Seeing them smile
It feels good

Sometimes I wonder why I can't be part of their happy times
Then I remind myself
I'm merely a stepping stone to better times
That's what I've decided to be
I shouldn't regret when I can make them smile once more

Sometimes I wish I could have stayed their friends
Through bad and good times
Instead of fighting through the bad and falling back at the good
I miss them
Skylar Keith Dec 2017
I spread my wings
Looking left before turning the other way
This time I can make it

Jumping from the spot I perch on
Soaring across the ranges
Watching my shadow fly over the fields

Almost made it
Looking left and sighing
Once again I didn't make it

One last glance is thrown at the place I yearn for
My wings failing me as I plummet to the ground
My eyes opening only to see the familiar scenery of my room

One more failed attempt to get what I want
Dreams can leave us wondering what we want in life
Can make us ask ourselves what it is that we want
What we want to do
Skylar Keith Nov 2017
Across the water
The rock glides above

Beyond the depths lie
Waiting for us to fall in

Reflecting the light
Shadows grow
Feeling low and high
Skylar Keith Nov 2017
Everything is okay
Green fills my vision
Wind threads her fingers through my hair

Talking about Friday
As she smiles at me and reaches out
I smile back before turning to the window

Everything is not okay
White flakes brush across the blades of green
He soothes my heart with a smile
Lunch time toughts
Skylar Keith Sep 2018
What do you see
Do you see a friend or a foe
Do you think of my love
Do you think about the hurt

If I could go back in time
I'd rethink my actions
Many say that
The difference is that I mean it

I want to show you
The world that you deserve
Will you take my hand
Can I lead you through the crowd

Your eyes, will they stay on me
Will they stray
Our hands, will they stay intertwined
Will you let go

If I asked you, would you be honest?
Skylar Keith Nov 2018
I jump back and forth
Between motivation and desire to
Sorrow and self-loathing

Life is what you make of it
Something I want to live by
Yet I fail things before even trying

Everything is stagnant
I'm frozen in time by myself
Yet I'm running as my lungs scream

Why do I give myself false hope all the time
I'm my biggest enemy
I'm waging warfare with my hopes and dreams
Skylar Keith Dec 2017
"You're very reserved lately"
"Did you have an argument?"
"This time of year I was studying for my finals the most"
'Congratulations' ...
"What's your plan?"
"Won't the trip, if it happens, pressure you?"
"Your mood..."
"Are you having trouble getting out of bed in the morning?"
"I have choir tonight"
"I'm tired"
I can see that
"Really? I'll rest before dinner then"

I want to cry
Skylar Keith Mar 2018
I thought I found a reason to stay

Things come and go

Just like people

One day I feel that I will turn around and see nothing

Only the retreating silhouettes of past times

I let go

Maybe it was you

Who knows.
Skylar Keith Nov 2018
Every step has two consequences as it seems
Acceptance and understanding was one
The opposite was less than pleasant

Why I don't hate her?
Hating my life line would be pretty ironic
We all were hurt, not just you and I
Hurt can cause many misunderstandings
Something you and I should know very well by now

Neither want to say goodbye
Yet I don't want to walk on eggshells around my friends
I don't work that way and I hope that we can agree
Friends aren't there for that or creating hurt

I should not be your friend
Fingers get burned when playing with fire
We've learned this
Scars cover my hands, how are yours?

There's nothing left to say
Tears will run down my face when I give you the hand
Bringing you into the arms of someone who can make you happy
I wish it could have been me but it simply is not

I'm sorry for what I have done
I hope that one day you can accept my apologies
Why forgive me yet ignore her hurt?
I know I cannot change what happened

Turning back time
I would change this
Less tears for you and her
Less tears for me for sure
Therefore I must go

I can't stand in your way forever
The love seems too deep
I was walking blindfolded but I see now
I cannot provide what you want or need

I am sorry and I love you
One day I hope for you to see too
Just how beautiful you are

The day we say goodbye
Won't be a happy day
I'll cling onto the hope to see you smile one last time
Skylar Keith Mar 2018
I'll laugh off the bad ones
Grin at the good
Pretend that I don't care

Sometimes I can push it away like an annoying bug
Sometimes I can't

I'll feel the tears
I'll feel the shame
I'll feel jealousy

To tell you the truth, I don't think I can do it
Thoughts for the two upcoming months
Skylar Keith Mar 2018
Will I have to retake the exams?
Will I pass math?
Will I do better than 30/45?

I regret not taking myself far away
When I was seven
The first time I tried to go

Looking back
A variety of thoughts
A smile and a tear

I don't have the intelligence others have
I don't have the courage others have
I don't have a lot of things

What I do have is the love of pain
The love of seeing myself fall
I'd like to leave if it doesn't go well

To never stop falling is what I have brought myself to
Skylar Keith Apr 2018
Mama, Mama
Sweet smiles and laughter
A slow change in time and distance

Papa, Papa
Recurring absences
Assumptions that you've forced onto me

Sometimes I want to have a functional family
Sometimes I am glad it is this way
Otherwise I may have not met the people I know and love today

Thank you
Skylar Keith Jun 2019
I think I just remembered something
I left the usually locked door wide open
The stairs are calling me
The dark eyes stare right back
I know it's my 'guardian angel' with smokey wings

Protecting me yet dragging me down into the basement
Smiling, the time isn't right yet
My patience lasts
If it snaps I'll be closing that door behind me
Black baby wings sprouting since age 12
Carrying me and shielding me from the cold

Thank you for keeping me safe
Keeping me guarded from things I didn't know
Here I am in Life's mystery, confused at times
Other times I am shot down, my baby wings protecting my face but not my heart

As my wings grow many choices come
In the end I know that self-love should always come first
Skylar Keith May 2018
I'm where I want to be
The happy place
I've returned after two years
Much has changed
Many things have not

The sights of skyscrapers
The scent of green tea and fumes
All seems like home to me as I walk through the city

Yet I cry
Smiling comes from time to time
Fake it until you make it comes into play as I'm asked how I am
Silent screams of loneliness
Tears of yearning
For things just beyond my reach

I'm falling into the darkness while in my happy place
When I return 'home' it will be worse


All this fills my mind as I wave goodbye to Tokyo
Kyoto is to come
A spark of joy and excitement

Yet why am I dying when I'm in my happy place

Tokyo & Kyoto
Thoughts while on the Shikansen from Tokyo to Kyoto
Skylar Keith Dec 2017
What is it?
Who is it?
Where is it?

Those are things only you can answer
The individual decides what home is to them
Comfort and safety
Skylar Keith Oct 2017

This is what we all deserve
The path is long
Worth it

You think you've given me that
Your peacemaking
Is for yourself
To think that you've done nothing wrong
That I'm not sitting here in Tears because of you

I'm not at peace
Not with you

They respect me
They show me kindess
They give me warmth
It goes both ways

Your warmth is nothingness
Your kindness is fake
Your respect is to yourself
When will you learn?

Their embrace give me hope
Yours makes me cry
Not because of what happened
but how I let myself down again
How much I hate your arms wrapped around me
Get off
You make me hate everything that is you
I'd blame it on you
I do
Not fully
You blame others
You do
When will you learn?
You're not in control
They have their own way to go
As I have mine
You lost my permission to run alongside with me
In the World that is my Home

It should go both ways

Your ignorance isn't bliss
Continuation of Empty Memories and Loud  Silence
Skylar Keith Oct 2017
Alarms ring in my head
When I see you act
I know it's fake so don't bother

I can see through you
We are playing each other
It's a game
That Iv'e come to enjoy

It's my favorite when you break character
I can see your thoughts and emotions
You think I don't
Those moments are getting more and more
Have you gotten bored?

No joy anymore when you see my break down in tears
That's not weakness
It's all a game remember
You think I don't know how much I lean on you in those times
I do

No effort

That's what you've made this into
Such a shame
I was having loads of fun

I guess that I didn't see
You didn't
Skylar Keith Oct 2018
I hate the ambiguity between you and me

Are we friends?
I thought no yet you still talk to me
Act as if it was all a dream

You know I'm not about that
Skylar Keith Nov 2017
A dark field that stretches in front of me
Seeming to have no end
I sigh, turning my head to look back

The black mist seeps through the crack of the wall
I built it
Safety or precaution
I don't know which
I can't remember

Both things are dark
Seem to be a danger
I must face
As I can't go anywhere else

Left - Right
I don't want to go there

I sigh, looking back
It's grinning at me
It's laughing at me
They come closer

I smirk
Not at the path
Not at the mist

They close around me
Trapping me
All I can do is smirk
They sky went from gray to black in a matter of seconds
Skylar Keith Oct 2020
For years you meant everything to me
You were my best friend and my sister
Now I don't exist for you

It makes my wince and cry
Yet smile to the sky
Please don't go away

I wish you'd be as honest as you used to be
We used to tell each other everything
Now I can't ask you how you are

I think you are just waiting for me to forget
I don't think I can

I'm sorry if you hate me
I want to hate you too

Yet here I am
I still miss you
I'll always love you

We're only strangers now
Skylar Keith Nov 2017
"Here, we're very supportive"
I call *******
That's what everybody says

"We have an assessment calendar"
Then why is it like this?
Do you even use it or is it just decoration?

"It'll get better"
Day by day I've heard lies
Now I even lie to myself

What joy do I feel when I wake up?
Skylar Keith Mar 2018
Is not loneliness
It is not that I have no opinions, I just don't want to talk to you

Is not something I tolerate a lot
It is my past but not my present or future

Is not what I aspire to have
It is not what I require to thrive

Is not what weakness is
It is what bathes me

Is not what I look for
It is not the same thing as what trust holds for me
Skylar Keith Oct 2017
Darkness descends
Lights rise
What have we come to?

Strangers scream
It rips through the silence
That the Night promised

It flickers
It's weak and broken

This one is stronger
It cuts through the curtains of layered black

Brighter than the others
But it won't be enough

Get me out of here
Who am I talking to?
Myself I'd hope
That I take the first steps to find my way

Follow the lights you say?
What lights?
Those before right?

That's only three steps
How will I feel better through that?

I call *******
That's what we all do right?
We want to get better yet we think others need to reach out

Reach out to what?
They cannot see you from where you are
Even if you just try
It'll create a splash and people will reach out

Take the first steps
You're not alone anymore

Reach out to them and they'll extend their hands
Pulling you up
Into the world that you've been missing out on

Don't give up
No matter what comes
You're stronger than you think
Alone or together
You can smile again
Never stop pushing for what you want and for a smile that is yours to claim
We all have our shadows but don't let them define you
Skylar Keith Nov 2020
I'm walking all alone
Through a dense and dark forest
Whispering surrounds me yet there's no one there

"I miss you."

The air is thick with regrets
As the fog builds up so does the guilt
Was it something I did?
I won't ever know at this rate

I reach out to grab ahold of something
Anything that could help me
I stumble through the trees
Heading nowhere yet searching

When did it come to this point?
I can't even text you to ask how you are
Will I ever get to see you again, let alone hug you?

"I'm so sorry for the way I've been treating you. You were always there for me."

Yet there was no change
I still know nothing
I'm still without any answers
I just miss you, you were my best friends, my family. Now I can't even say hi

Quotes are form texting, coming from her
Skylar Keith Oct 2017
You speak
You yell
You slam

These are the things I remember

The times of fear
The trembling of my hands
The streams of tears

These are the things I remember

The times of hatred
The fire burning
Yet I hid it
In fear
You slam
That's what I remember

Do you remember?
I don't believe you
The hugs you gave
That drove me insane
You said it was fine
You never asked me
You asked yourself
Is it okay?
That's not what I said

I hope I left a stain
I recall all that

The times when you raised the hand
I don't recall if I felt it
The time I stared at the number on the screen
I took to long
The door opened and you were there
I never made that call
That day is when my Fear burned bright
My instincts told me to run
I was frozen
Had I run
What would you have done?
Raised your voice or your hand
Or something else
I hope I'll never know

I want to know

Are my fears justified
I can only know if I break out of my silence
Silence that screams

Forgetting is what I've done so far
Forget the times
I forget the times that would lessen my fear
Do those times even exist
I don't know
I don't care

I have to break free
A cage I've built for protection
You used it against me
To keep me where you want me

Silence is screaming
All the times
I curled up
I don't want to feel that way
Yet here I am
Staying put in fear
I can't speak
Tongue tied
Screaming Inside
Caught up in my own words
That you will never hear

Shut up
I don't care
Continuation of Empty Memories
Skylar Keith Oct 2017
Drip drip
The rain hits the window as the screen lights up again
Unread and ignored messages
Why don't you answer?
Because you're doing what you should have done all those nights before this one
Eyes closed as the rain becomes the rhythm of your dreams
Drip drip
Here we go again
The same dream
Your mind may seem dark
It may scare and fright
But it is home
They say your mind is killing you
but your dreams are what keep you here
Your eyes hurt at the light
Smiling as you shut out the light
Asleep once again as you dream away
Drip Drip
The rain hits the window as the screen stays black
Messages that say goodnight
You don't answer
Deep deep sleep
As your dreams takes you away
To dance to the rhythm of the rain
Skylar Keith Sep 2018
We've hit the border again
Do it all again
I would
Not without changing

Decisions and words
They follow me everywhere
You tell me I'm wrong
I can't believe you

I've had it happen before
I won't let the cycle swallow you too
I'd lose you
That I can't bear

I want to hide you
Keep you safe
Why are you running the other way?
Into my depths of despair

Just let me keep you to myself
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