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Let the flow of wealth surround me
Fill my heart with love and peace
Let the energy more freely
Flow through me and never cease

Flow with vibrant love and wisdom
Flow with all I ever need
Flow with harmony and friendship
Flow til I feel ever free

Let the sounds of wealth keep ringing
Let my words run clean and strong
Let my cells rejoice in singing
With this happy wealthy song

Flow with vibrant love and wisdom
Flow with all I ever need
Flow with harmony and friendship
Flow til I feel ever free

Let the streams of wealth flow to me
Let me share this flow with you
Let my mind see ever clearly
All the tasks which I can do

Flow with vibrant love and wisdom
Flow with all I ever need
Flow with harmony and friendship
Flow til I feel ever free

Let the feel of wealth stay near me
Give me confidence to dream
Let me resonate so dearly
With God's never ending stream

Flow with vibrant love and wisdom
Flow with all I ever need
Flow with harmony and friendship
Flow til I feel ever free

Let the truth of wealth fulfill me
As I seek the higher way
Sharing love with friends and family
Counting blessings every day

Flow with vibrant love and wisdom
Flow with all I ever need
Flow with harmony and friendship
Flow til I feel ever free
This is Prosperity Poem 25 at and you can see it displayed on a background here
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

I sing this one every day, and knew I wanted to improve some lines.  So I made some changes and added a new stanza.

So it's one of my longest poems, and dear to my heart. The part in the middle about my cells singing - always gives me a boost.  I really believe it's contributed to my health as well as my wealth.
2.8k · May 2019
Wisdom (Prosperity Poem 32)
Wisdom is better than rubies
Its harvest is better than gold
I’ll obtain and use this wisdom
Like the greatest people of old

Wisdom is deep and eternal
And guides me in meaningful ways
Its sense and witty inventions
Add wealth to my life and my days

Wisdom says, “Hearken unto me
And riches and honor will flow
Follow my ways purposefully
And your riches will surely grow”

Wisdom will fill me with treasure
Rejoicing in daily delight
Bringing me love and contentment
I’ll keep wisdom first in my sight
This is Prosperity Poem 32 at  and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background here
Allow the rhythm
Relax in rest
Breathe in renewal
To stay at your best

Release the weight
Just let it go
Waves of renewal
Come as you slow

Your life is not
A speedy race
Renewal won’t come
At a frantic pace

There’s time for action
And a time to renew
Take time for renewal
In all that you do
This is Prosperity Poem 103 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

The time of the winter solstice is a time of renewal (in the northern hemisphere).  Worldwide, it's a time to pause and reflect, and take time to rest.  The winter and the new year are good times to choose what your priorities are.

There is a time for action and a time to renew, so take time for renewal in all that you do.  The rhythms of life will help you stay at your best.
First I am the architect
Using matter, pure and fine
I make the life that I intend
But in pattern, and design

Second, I am the builder
Taking steps to make it real
Shaping matter to my form
I create my life ideal

Then third, I am the owner
Using all I’ve built, with cheer
This is what I’ve labored for
I’ll enjoy life while I’m here

Then fourth, I am the teacher
Sharing truths that help and bless
Truth One: You are the architect
Of the pattern you express
This is prosperity poem 34 - you can see it on a background here -
Each day will blessings flow your way
From your sure and consistent pace
Like the story told of a speedy hare
And the tortoise who won the race

Your dreams need daily attention
Which draws them to your embrace
So trade your fitful stops and starts
For that steady, consistent pace

Yes, quick and powerful actions -
At times they may have their place
But more success is gained by far
From a stable consistent pace

So when you plan your daily life
Save some focused time and space
For the daily thoughts and actions
That keep your consistent pace
This is Prosperity Poem 106 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

I've been putting some classic (old) parables and some new parables on my Mom's website for her.  As I built the page about the tortoise and the hare, I thought how effective (and prosperous) we can be when we act with consistent pace.

We all have different personalities, and some lean toward a consistent pace naturally.  My Dad and I can easily take a huge project and work a bit a day on it for 100 days.  Some others in my family...  don't naturally do that.
However, there is magic and power in a consistent pace!
While bitcoin users daily grow
And uses accelerate
Should you wait to buy your bitcoin
Or buy bitcoin, then wait?

As you learn about hard money
And want to accumulate
Should you wait to buy your bitcoin
Or buy bitcoin, then wait?

When you want to plan ahead
And your needs anticipate
Should you wait to buy your bitcoin
Or buy bitcoin, then wait?

If you want to store your wealth
And value appreciate
Should you wait to buy your bitcoin
Or buy bitcoin, then wait?

Highly secure to send or save
And quick to authenticate
Should you wait to buy your bitcoin
Or buy bitcoin, then wait?

Only you can choose your path
Your future and your fate
But I’ll not wait to buy bitcoin
I’ll buy bitcoin, then wait
This is Bitcoin Poem 024 at and you can see it displayed on a background when you (copy and paste the link below).
As sands flow through
The glass this hour
My will
Stays free
And filled with power

Now is
the time
To act and choose
To plant and sow
No sand -
to lose

Creation comes
As no surprise
For all my
Get crystallized
This is Prosperity Poem 102 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

The Hourglass background was an option for another poem, but wasn't chosen as the winner.  Yet, The Hourglass had such striking symbolism and clarity that I decided to write a poem just for that picture.

We live in an expanding universe.  Seeds grow.  Thoughts grow.  If we plant the right seeds and act in the NOW, then we can manifest more of what we truly desire in life.
We possess a hidden bucket
And we thrive when it is full
We hurt when others reach inside
Our bucket to dip and pull

We soar with loving energy
When our bucket’s overflowing
It just takes a little kindness
To keep our spirit growing

We possess a hidden dipper
Which we use to fill or take
From the buckets of each other
It’s a choice we daily make

And it’s how we use our dipper
That defines our path in life
So let’s choose to fill each other
And spread joy instead of strife

Notice when your bucket’s full
You feel prosperous and strong
But if your bucket’s low or drained
Despair comes speeding along

You’ll find that when you fill a friend
Your bucket gets filled up too
So keep your bucket ever full
Filling others always fill you
This is Prosperity Poem 100 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

Each of us has an invisible bucket. It is constantly emptied or filled, depending on what others say or do to us. When our bucket is full, we feel great. When it's empty, we feel awful.

Each of us also has an invisible dipper. When we use that dipper to fill other people's buckets -- by saying or doing things to increase their positive emotions -- we also fill our own bucket. But when we use that dipper to dip from others' buckets -- by saying or doing things that decrease their positive emotions -- we diminish ourselves.

Like the cup that runneth over, a full bucket gives us a positive outlook and renewed energy. Every drop in that bucket makes us stronger and more optimistic.

But an empty bucket poisons our outlook, saps our energy, and undermines our will. That's why every time someone dips from our bucket, it hurts us.

So we face a choice every moment of every day: We can fill one another's buckets, or we can dip from them. It's an important choice -- one that profoundly influences our relationships, productivity, health, and happiness.
Together we prosper
Alone we survive
Together we triumph
Together we thrive

So let’s work together
Each day we’re alive
And follow the adage
Together we thrive

Rejoice in the bounty
That seems to arrive
When we stand united
Together we thrive

Our planet we’ll care for
Our soil we’ll revive
Let’s focus our purpose
Together we’ll thrive
This is Prosperity Poem 135 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

This poem was inspired by President Nelson's talk about what we have learned from the pandemic.

At about 7 minutes is when he talks about how we need each other!

We can accomplish SO much more together than we can alone.  This is true - let's work together.

Like wind that buffets lofty trees
And breaks what’s loose and dry
The trials that bring us to our knees
Will cleanse us by and by

And like the winter snows that fall
To grant the earth a rest
The colder times that come for all
Will help renew our best

Like dusky eve and dawn so bright
Give cycles to our sphere
So let your dark give way to light
Let hope oppose your fear

Let rhythms flow and guide your way
In yielding - you will find
Both strength and joy in every day
Both wealth and peace of mind
This is Prosperity Poem 132 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

This poem is about following the natural rhythms and cycles of life, and thus allowing more flow into each day.

Our planet has cycles of dark and light, and seasons that come and go.  We can learn from these patterns.
1.8k · Nov 2021
Grace (Prosperity Poem 134)
Earth and sea
Time and space
Truth for truth
Grace for grace

Worlds were formed
Light embrace
Filled with beauty
Saved by grace

Open heart
Doubt replace
With the love
Giv’n by grace

One day soon
Face to face
We will know
Whence our grace
This is Prosperity Poem 134 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
This poem was written for a particular image.

This background was one of the options for the poem "Like Wind" but another background was chosen.

However, I liked the picture so well that I created a poem tailored just for that image.

Grace has multiple meanings, and I play with that idea in the poem.
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When crypto fans approach us
And say “We’re on the same team”
Invite them to grasp our vision
And see if they share our dream

Say, “Great, now you’re joining us to…

Adopt seizure resistant money?
Boost personal power and accountability?
Separate money from state control and abuse?
Restore proper capital allocation through hard money?
Forsake the fiat fraud and cancel the Cantillon privilege?
Allow people to simply save and store value through time?
Cultivate new freedom for billions of people under tyranny?
Abolish the theft of our time and wealth through debasement?
Increase long-term work and vision in all areas due to stable money?
Abandon foolish agendas and wars made possible only by printing money for free?”

Then they can humbly join us
Bitcoin’s purpose in their mind
Or see they are “not on our team”
And sadly - get left behind
You can see this poem on a background here -
Incremental actions
bring monumental
With every fundamental step
your future rearranges
You may not know
what tiny task
could be quite instrumental
in moving your successes
to new and higher ranges
This is Prosperity Poem 36 at  You can see it on a background at
Maybe you joined for the money
To save your wealth from dilution
Bitcoin is money, strong and sound
But stay for the revolution

Maybe you came for clever tech
And Bitcoin’s designed solution
The coding and cryptography
Please stay for the revolution

Maybe it’s your first property
Due to worldwide distribution
Truly free and open to all
Now join in the revolution

We all want to save and to spend
Without fear of retribution
Bitcoin thwarts the controlling minds
Who are scared by the revolution

Take this step towards living free
From control and persecution
The Bitcoin Standard - hold it high
Stand firm for the revolution

Let’s keep it peaceful, free, and fun
While making our contribution
And helping our world financially
With the Bitcoin Revolution
This is Bitcoin Poem 013 at and you can see it displayed on a background when you (copy and paste the link below).
Bitcoin is Revolutionary
As power structures rearrange

Bitcoin is Immutable
A pristine record we can’t change

Bitcoin is totally Public
It’s for all to use (and see)

Bitcoin is Collaborative
Community run - by you and me

Bitcoin is fully Open
No permission required for use

Bitcoin is Resistant
To censorship and abuse

Bitcoin is Decentralized
Making the ledger strong
Bitcoin is a RIPCORD
Join the team and come along
This is Bitcoin Poem 015 at and you can see it displayed on a background when you (copy and paste the link below).
1.6k · Aug 2020
Synergy (Prosperity Poem 87)
You and I together
Make more than one plus one
As our efforts meld and join
The synergy grows fun

When we focus on a goal
Our purposes entwine
And lead to increased life
In both your world and mine

The synergy works magic
Spreading blessings all around
More smiles flash on faces
Where synergy abounds

So always act with synergy
As you go about your day
Yes, synergize with pleasure
In the most effective way
This is Prosperity Poem 87 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

I do use the word Synergize in the poem, and I give credit to Stephen Covey for first coining that word in his amazing book, "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People". I recommend the book.

You can use Synergy in your life in so many ways!

When you have sixteen things to do, see how you can combine two or three. Also, synergize with people in creative ways. Two are better than one.
1.5k · Oct 2021
Be Fit (Prosperity Poem 133)
Be fit to be useful
Be fit to be free
Be strong as you’re able
And you will then see

That fitness is serving
Each day that you live
On good days and hard days
Find something to give

Stay fit - and stay focused
With purpose to serve
No need to be perfect
Just simply observe

Stay fit to be useful
And let others know
That you’ll do what you can
To help blessings flow
This is Prosperity Poem 133 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)
Rock collecting
Bug inspecting
Dance and music
Voice inflecting

In our wide space
Carve out your place
Let your heart sing
Do your own thing

Mountain running
Backyard sunning
Choose what you love
Make it stunning

In our wide space
Carve out your place
Let your heart sing
Do your own thing

Hatchet throwing
Garden growing
Keep on thriving
Never slowing

In our wide space
Carve out your place
Let your heart sing
Do your own thing
This is Prosperity Poem 128 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

We live in a big world, and there is lots to do!  I find it fascinating when I discover some new sport or hobby that I've never heard of - and then find there are thousands or even millions of people involved.  It may not be my particular thing, yet there are groups, newsletters, meet ups, and a whole world that revolves around that activity.
I enjoy mountain running and rock collecting and family history, but not everybody does.  The variety in the world makes it fun.  So do your own thing!
God grant me the serenity
To stack all the Bitcoin I can,
The courage to create more memes
That expose the thieving fiat system,
And the wisdom to know
That Bitcoin fixes this;

Living one day at a time
Enjoying one moment at a time
Accepting criticism and adversity
As the pathway to orange pilling
All people, trusting that every
Last person will get Bitcoin
At the price they deserve;

Trusting the equations of Satoshi
That my value will increase
Due to truly scarce money
And aligned incentives;
With responsibility
And freedom for all
You can see this poem on a background here -
Parody of The Serenity Prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr
In My Mind’s Eye
The images pass by

I can let them simply fly
If my will I don’t apply


With purpose that I claim
I can imagine with an aim

Create my new designs
And break from life’s confines

For mind’s pattern - freshly made
Is with matter overlaid

Use the eye within your mind
And prosperity you’ll find
This is Prosperity Poem 118 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

One of the single most powerful skills YOU can learn is how to create with your inner vision.  Use your Mind's Eye consciously and with focus!

We all use our Mind's Eye, but many do so "lazily" and guided by fear or anxiety in the images and feelings they imagine and "see".

It's true that we imagine differently and some "SEE" more clearly in images and color and sound than others, but we all have been blessed with a Mind's Eye because we are human.  This is a KEY to prosperity in your life.
Hope in life for all of us
Comes full of expectation
Looking forward in our minds
With fervent aspiration

We expect some better things
To flow in our direction
And expectation sets intent
And shapes our world connection

Thus we see our daily hope
And happy expectation
Helps to bring our hopes to pass
And mold them to creation

So claim your daily power
And all the liberation
That follows optimistic hope
And mindful expectation
This is Prosperity Poem 145 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)
Do we choose Bitcoin, or a CBDC?
One will control - one will make free
Bitcoin works through value and wealth
A CBDC works by cunning and stealth

Bitcoin is open - for everyone
The first and best - can’t be outdone
A CBDC is permission based
Your every action known and traced

Bitcoin is widely decentralized
Stable code - we won’t be surprised
A CBDC is CENTRAL by name
And code will change to suit their game

Bitcoin’s NOT able to discriminate
Freeze your funds - or control your fate
Yet all these can happen with a CBDC
And likely will, just wait and see

Which one has the money that’s sound?
Bitcoin’s issuance is known and bound
While a CBDC has no limit at all
With inflation causing the value to fall

So which do you really think is best?
Do your research, then mentally test
Which is controlling and which is free
When choosing Bitcoin, or a CBDC?
This is Bitcoin Poem 012 at and you can see it displayed on a background when you (copy and paste the link below).
Joy in your life
Does not follow wealth
Or fame
Or even ambition

Joy in your life
Follows purpose and meaning
Friends and family
Incremental progress

When you feel disconnected
From Joy in your life
Reach out to another
And connect again

Connect with laughter
Connect with play
Connect with gratitude
Connect with focus
Connect with service
Connect with forgiveness

These will light the fire
For joy in your life
And joy will remain
Your constant companion
This is Prosperity Poem 114 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

my Mom has a website, and I help her keep it up and create and link new content.  I was working on her "Joy" page and pondering about what creates joy in our life.

Check it out and see if you agree.  This poem is actually prose, since it's one of the very few that doesn't rhyme at all.  

For me, the things that bring joy into my life are so simple, and you can choose to act today to bring more joy into your life.  Amazingly, these choices and actions will also bring joy to others.  So share this poem freely and let's impact the world for good!
1.3k · Jul 2020
Ripples (Prosperity Poem 85)
Ripples of fervent gratitude
Flow out from my thankful mind
I feel the ripples cycle back
They are never far behind

Ripples from my loving actions
Though tiny - can help you smile
And when you smile, you pass it on
The ripples flow for a while

Ripples from my forgiving choice
When feelings get hurt a tad
Help both of us to let it go
And make our hearts feel glad

Ripples from our prosperity
Build increased life for all
Our sharing makes a difference
Whether it’s big or small
This is Prosperity Poem 85 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

You are important. You are here for a reason. Your actions influence more people than you might imagine. Energy follows thought - so even the simplest blessing visualized for another will help them out.

In this "Ripples" poem I've described some specific ways these ripples might flow, from specific actions. You and I can do better in our actions and our thoughts when we understand the ripple principle.

Start a ripple today.
1.3k · Sep 2021
Nice (Prosperity Poem 131)
Wealth is not just money
Tis only a small slice
The prosperity pie
I won’t deny
Is flavored by being nice

Of all the traits you show
I can be quite concise
The quality
That matters to me
Is simply that you’re nice

We can build prosperity
At quite a tiny price
If we all chip in
And from within
React by being nice

Share your life with others
And never think twice
About your choice
Of a loving voice
And choosing to be nice
This is Prosperity Poem 131 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

Just be nice.  It's easy to do.  Being nice can build wealth and prosperity in your life and in the world.  

You've felt the impact when someone is not nice to you, and you've experienced the uplift when someone does show kindness and care about you personally.

It's a big world, and we have different habits, hobbies, politics, nationalities, religions, views, and beliefs, but we can still be nice!
A Beginner's Guide
To manifesting your dreams
And achieving prosperity

Clarify your end result
Visualize with inner eyes
Take incremental actions
Watch angelic forces rise

Trust in powerful beings
Embrace their loving aid
Shape intelligent matter
Forge reality - unafraid

Give thanks for all you use
Enjoy each glorious day
Accept, forgive, rejoice
Reach out to help, and pray
This is Prosperity Poem 105 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

Everyone has talents and strengths.  I've always enjoyed working with words and I'm so grateful for the gift and inspiration that allows these thoughts to flow through me.  

I keep a huge list of possible words and ideas for future poems, but most often the most recent poem is sparked by something I see or hear that day.  Lately I've been studying Geology and one of my books is "A Beginner's Guide to Minerals", and that was the spark.

Wouldn't it be helpful if we had a beginner's guide to prosperity?  So, I wrote one.
1.3k · May 2021
You (Prosperity Poem 120)
You can decide. You can create
You are the weaver of spirit
You conquer over whim and fate
Embrace creation - don’t fear it

You are the reason earth is here
Rejoice in your will and power
Share this message for all to hear
And remind yourself every hour

You are the actor of your “play”
So play up an excellent part
Rise up with hope this very day
Each creation a brand new start
This is Prosperity Poem 120 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

More of your life is in YOUR power than you ever dreamed.  If we aren't consciously creating, then we resort to habit and expectations to form our life.

This poem is about YOU and the ability to shape your life.  Play up an excellent part!
I lift up my thoughts
I lift up my voice
I see so much
That makes me rejoice

The sky - the trees
The food on my plate
The freedom I know
To choose my fate

The air I breathe
My mind - my choice
I see every day
As cause to rejoice
This is Prosperity Poem 130 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

Rejoice!  Wake up each day with the attitude of rejoicing!  Your skin will glow, your mind will feel sharper, and your smile will come more naturally.

I chose very simple reasons to rejoice in the poem - simple pleasures that we can all enjoy.  

This is a short poem - so take a look below and then Share so others can Rejoice also!  Thanks again to Lucinda and to all my patrons and subscribers.
I’ll use my mind with focus today
Pick all my thoughts, and not let them stray
My life is worth this - I have a will
My purpose I’ll fulfill

See the vision - act with pure intent
I decide on how my time is spent
Using my strengths - it’s easy to see
I have the victory

I’ll keep my eyes intent on my aim
Building with spirit, my wealth I’ll claim
Happily working - my mind expands
Serving with heart and hands

See the vision - act with pure intent
I decide on how my time is spent
Using my strengths - it’s easy to see
I have the victory
This is Prosperity Poem 33 - you can see it on a background at
By small and simple acts and ways
Our futures come to pass
And so we ought to choose today
The ways that bless at last

For time speeds by and races on
And seeds we’ve planted grow
Then let’s arise each waking dawn
And act on what we know

Small and simple will often lead
To great and glorious things
So set good habits with all speed
And watch the wealth this brings

Dream big indeed, and make a start
Small steps will do just fine
Leverage time - it’s just plain smart
And works with laws divine

Let “small and simple” work in you
Develop heart and mind
Then confidently follow through
And live what you’ve designed
This is Prosperity Poem 115 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

By small and simple things, great things are often brought to pass.  Dream big.  Dream very big.  Then take concrete (and sometimes small) steps toward your dreams.

This is Prosperity Poem 115 - and I simply do one poem per week.  Time takes care of the rest.  Commit to positive habits, and time will take care of your future!
Battle not for red and blue
They’re both the same machine
The real choice that’s coming up
Is orange versus green

Bitcoin holds your value well
Come join the Bitcoin scene
Skip inflation’s stealthy theft
Choose orange versus green

From Iceland to Australia
And countries in between
People are awakening
To orange versus green

Money made by central banks
With printing that’s obscene
You can pick another way
Choose orange versus green

Break free from your assumptions
And question your routine
For everyone can benefit
From orange over green
You can see this poem on a background here -
“Fiat” in Latin means “let it be done”
Yes, a “binding edict” for everyone
So “fiat money” means “by decree”
THE approved money for you and me

“Fiat lux” means “Let there be light”
God said the words, God has the right
But fiat money by leaders decreed
Abuses that role - if inflating by greed

Dollars are printing by trillions, it’s true
And all decreed money is inflating too
If “by decree” - debased money we use
Much of its value we can and do lose

Now you can use a “money” that’s new
Not “by decree”, so it’s freeing for you
Bitcoin is money that plays by the rules
Safe and predictable - no one it fools

The money printing, controlled by a few
Takes from the rest - not much we can do
You can use Bitcoin, by choice - not decree
Let’s make the choice - so we can be free
This is Bitcoin Poem 008 at and you can see it displayed on a background when you (copy and paste the link below).
Master the moment
Give all to the now
Live with awareness
Let go and allow

Each moment contains
All “time” wrapped in one
So master the moment
In beauty and fun

Your moments are here
So live each one best
When one moment passes
With more you’ll be blessed

Master each moment
With practice comes skill
So thrive in each moment
With focus and will
This is Prosperity Poem 129 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).

I wrote this poem while on vacation to California.  Claim your prosperity now - in each moment..!  Start living each moment fully.
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)
“We are the US government”
We can print out of thin air
Mister Sherman says aloud
Which should be quite a scare

But yet he says of Bitcoin
(Amazing that he can dare)
That bitcoin isn’t valuable
But created from thin air

Bitcoin has a cost to make
A cost that can’t compare
To fiat’s cheap and easy flow
Debasing the saver’s share

Thank you Mister Sherman
For making us all aware
Of your Cantillon privilege
Printing money from thin air

Study what a bitcoin costs
To make one - with work & care
And you’ll see Bitcoin’s value
Come join and get a share

Thank you Mister Sherman
For helping us to prepare
As our dollars get debased
Since they’re printed from thin air
You can see this poem on a background here -
Look up Representative Brad Sherman Out of Thin Air
What is the bridge between the worlds
Of matter and the mind?
That bridge is made with spoken words
Which contour and define

So if the wealth which I create
Depends on what I say
I will choose to enunciate
The strongest words today

With words I form and crystallize
And shape my world anew
With words I freshly realize
The work which I must do

Words are the bridge between the worlds
Of matter, thought, and will
I'm eager now to learn which words
Will all my dreams fulfill…!
This is Prosperity Poem 21 at  and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background here
Bitcoin’s growing every day
With fiat inflation on display
Own your money - come what may
As Bitcoin keeps on thriving

Officials saying “all is fine”
Printing money by design
Cutting down our bottom line
As Bitcoin keeps on thriving

You can learn it, take some time
Bitcoin’s young and in its prime
Yet every cycle it will climb
As Bitcoin keeps on thriving

Worth and value it retains
Unlike fiat money drains
The choice is very clear & plain
As Bitcoin keeps on thriving
You can see this poem on a background here -
1.2k · Jan 2021
Earth (Prosperity Poem 108)
Our Mother
With our care - we now cover

Rebuilding your soil
With intention and toil

We are sorry
To make you cry
And drain your rivers dry

Our Mother
We now strive
To help you to revive
That all can prosper
And survive

Thank you
For teaching us
That every drop of water
Every blade and leaf
Every creature
Makes a difference
This is Prosperity Poem 108 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

I've been studying Geology lately so I've been learning a lot about Mother Earth and her intricate workings.
Prosperity is a silent snowfall
On a winter night
Building slowly flake by flake
And the whole world
In the morning
Is a white carpeted wonderland

Prosperity is patient growth

Prosperity is a mighty glacier
Moving imperceptibly
Year by year
Carving through solid rock
And easily clearing
Any obstacles in its path

Prosperity is power

Prosperity is a mountain range
Packed with winter snow
Delivering water week by week
To the valleys below
With vibrant rivers and streams
Bringing nourishment
Month by month

Prosperity is giving
Last week I was driving home from my parent's house in the evening, and enjoying the evening glow on the snowy Utah mountains. Snow can be so beautiful and soft, and yet it can be powerful and strong under some circumstances also. The snow here in the mountains of Utah nourish the valleys all summer long, so snow can be giving also.

I thought of how prosperity can be soft and incremental, and strong, and giving! The whole poem was in my head by the time I got home.

This is Prosperity Poem 68 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)
Bitcoin doesn’t really care
The color of your skin or hair
If you’re short or if you’re tall
Bitcoin does not care at all.

And therefore can’t discriminate
By who you love, or who you hate
Save it, spend it - large or small.
Bitcoin does not care at all.

You can save for years and years.
It will be there - calm your fears
Or spend it soon - go have a ball.
Bitcoin does not care at all.

No restrictions, no money games
If you own it (no paper claims)
Keep it safe, for if you fall
Bitcoin does not care at all

Bitcoin CAN’T discriminate
Steal your funds - or seal your fate
If you miss this - if you stall
Bitcoin does not care at all

Bitcoin’s free for all to use
Very soon I hope you’ll choose
If not, one day you will recall
That Bitcoin does not care at all
You can see this poem on a background here -
Far away, some years ago
A man sowed corn in his field
Confident, and hopeful too
Of the hearty crop he’d yield

Then birds flew in at sunset
And gobbled up many seeds
The farmer acted quickly
To provide his family’s needs

A woven net - to trap the birds
His precious seeds to preserve
He caught five geese and a stork
To get what they deserve

The stork said, “I am innocent
I’ve eaten none of your corn
Free me - I’ve done goodly deeds
Since the day that I was born”

The farmer said, “that may be so
But in this group you were caught
You receive the punishment
Of the company you’ve sought”

The same holds true for all of us
The rewards you choose to reap
Will likely be those given out
To the company you keep
This is Prosperity Poem 107 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

This poem was inspired by a parable on my Mom's website.  I found out while writing the poem that the story is actually an Aesop's Fable.
Deep in the realms of time and space
Opposition takes its place
By helping us to stretch our wings
We reach up toward higher things

In the beginning - Dark and Light
Swirling - sparking day and night
The yin & yang both show their face
In this realm of time and space

With opposites - come choices too
Choose the things we think and do
These opposites in time and place
See not as curse, but healing grace

Thus darkness can define the light
Dusk precedes the dawning bright
Flow with rhythm - accept the pace
Of opposites in time and space
This is Prosperity Poem 119 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).

In this realm of time and space we experience opposites.  We experience yin and yang, darkness and light, day and night, happiness and misery.

One of the lines in this poem is "See not as curse, but healing grace".  Our life and our prosperity will flow better when we open and accept the opposites in the world, rather than chafe that we experience bad days, misunderstandings, and illness sometimes.

You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)
Prosperity for everyone
For every race and creed
This earth with its abundance
Has everything we need

So let us treat earth lovingly
And every person too
Let’s think about the ripples
That flow from what we do

Our views - they may be different
But still we share this place
On the surface of our planet
Amidst light-years of space

Prosperity for everyone
Please heed this clarion call
With work and love
We can create
Prosperity for All
This is Prosperity Poem 80 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).

Even though this poem may be sparked by the current world situation, "Increased Life for All" has been my motto for life and business since 2004..!

So I've morphed this idea into Prosperity for Everyone and made it into this poem - I hope you enjoy it. This earth truly has an abundance - let's create prosperity together.

You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)
1.0k · Sep 2022
Value (Bitcoin Poem 025)
Beauty’s in the eye
Of the person who beholds
And value’s in the mind
Of the person craving gold

Or a puppy, or a painting
Or a Bitcoin, or a tree
Value’s NOT intrinsic
Value comes from you and me

A thing has value only
When desired by me or you
And people value differently
Just look - you’ll see it’s true

That value comes from valuing
And not “intrinsic” worth
And values vary widely
Across people of our earth

Bitcoin’s proven valuable
To people the world around
Maybe you should get some
As it’s quickly gaining ground

The value keeps increasing
As adoption grows demand
But supply is known and stable
It grows scarce in every land
This is Bitcoin Poem 025 at and you can see it displayed on a background when you (copy and paste the link below).
While you strive toward lofty goals
And work on them each day
Don’t ignore another’s need
But help along the way

While you journey on your path
Don’t be afraid to stray
Or tarry when a friend could use
Some help along the way

As you focus on your dreams
And try to shun delay
Stay open - with a loving heart
To needs along the way

Achievement and ambition
Are noble - yet I say
It may yet help another more
To serve along the way

So in our life of “end results”
Let’s not forget to pray
That we might see with open eyes
And help along the way
This is Prosperity Poem 124 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

A few days ago, Kim I were driving back from a trip to Colorado, and I asked her for poem ideas.  She said something about taking joy in the journey.  
She said the journey is part of life, and sometimes we hurry so much to get to our destination, that we miss the opportunities along the way.  We love our little hiking trips, and we always try to find new places to explore on the way to our destination.

In your life, look for the people who need your help along the way to where you are going (literally and figuratively).
Fiat money is unsound money
   Because governments can print
      More of this money at low or no cost
         The printing of more money is so easy
            That those in power can never resist the
               Urge to create new money for their use
                   The fiat supply remains unpredictable
                    Let’s use a money with known supply
               The solution is to create a limited money
            That has a cost to the creation of units
         This money would be sound if no group
      Or person has the option to issue new
   Money beyond what was programmed
You can see this poem on a background here  This is the ninth poem in the problems and solutions series.
Timechain - Bitcoin’s implications
Bringing better motivations
Planning now on firm foundations
Verifying confirmations

Helping us to shun temptations
Longer views - no reservations
Skipping short term complications
Better people - better nations

Starting useful conversations
Raising people’s expectations
Making needed preparations
A higher way for generations
This is Bitcoin Poem 034 at
I asked about a man named Wealth
Who lives nearby - just up the street
I asked his nearest neighbors
About Wealth, and when I could meet

The neighbor on the left replied
That Wealth was not a friendly guy
And since this was the certain case
To help us meet - he wouldn’t try

And then the neighbor on the right
Said “Wealth’s a super friendly man”
“Easy to talk to - fun to see”
Could we meet?  “We surely can”

Both neighbors quick to answer
But with such different views
It left me puzzled right at first
But soon I knew which view I’d use

So Wealth and I remain good friends
I’m happy that I know him well
Get to know this man called Wealth
Enjoy his home and with him dwell
This is Prosperity Poem 73 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

This poem was not the easiest to write.  I really did inquire of a person who lives near me, and I received different views from both of his nearest neighbors.  So I started out telling about that experience, and then linking to prosperity.  Then I decided it worked much better to have the man actually be a man named wealth.  Are you friends with Wealth?
Honest people say what is true
The iron law - true things prevail
And not the lies that often spew
From diktats which our rights curtail

Opinions and ideas abound
What are the signs of truth telltale?
Follow incentives - search around
What ideas will our freedoms derail?

Follow ideas to where they lead
Think of the results - in detail
Talk and discuss - think and read
Stand for freedom. Let truth prevail

Does an idea centralize power?
Central powers will always fail
Though dictators may gain the hour
In the end - true things prevail

Bitcoin keeps the ledger true
Decentralized - on worldwide scale
Better money for me and you
Come join and let the truth prevail
You can see this poem on a background here
When you’re down and out of sorts
With your shoulders knotted tight
Just loosen up - let feelings flow
And your burdens will feel light

When you’re “up” and feeling joy
When you feel your freedom rise
Accept and let the feelings flow
Flow with lows and flow with highs

Don’t call feelings “bad” or “good”
Flow with those that come your way
Question if your thoughts ring true
And change as needed day by day

Feelings flow most naturally
So keep emotions moving free
Feel them deep and then let go
Renew your hope, and fear will flee
This is Prosperity Poem 127 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

Your life will be better when you LET them flow.  Emotions are supposed to be in motions, not blocked up and resisted.
Time flies on wings of lightning
When you love the things you do
So when you give to others
Give what is uniquely “YOU”

Your tasks will flow more sweetly
When you’re working from your heart
When following your passions
And you’re eager just to start

Each day do what is needed
But try to spend more time
Each day on using talents
And your wealth will start to climb

Increase your skills and learning
Every day learn something new
And let your path be guided
By what is uniquely “YOU”
This is Prosperity Poem 46 at  and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background here at
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